Amber pt 14 **** A Kymmie verse story****

“Hi, Mom, Well I know you said to cool it but.” She pulls out a zip lock bag with what turns out to be a home pregnancy test. It shows positive.

Shocked I don't know what to say, “OH, my god. I'm going to be a grandma.” I smile ear to ear.

Composing myself. “Anymore these are pretty accurate” indicating the home test. I ask the normal questions, We figure the baby is due Aug 21st.

“Have you told Kelsey yet?”

“No, I am going to wait till Christmas.”

Smiling, “ She will be so excited. Let's see how the little one is doing.”

I stuck my head out the door, and called for the ultra sound machine.

One of the other nurses brought it in.

I laid Brook back and began. Moving it around. Small yet identifiable. Twins. I couldn't tell if they where boys, girls, or one of each.

“ Well, It is twins.” I told her.

“Wow,” Brook smiled and gave me a hug. “I can't wait to surprise Kelsey.”
“If you would like I can keep this a secret. Not telling anybody.” Grinning, “but please don't make me as I want to tell the world.”

“Mom, It's OK to tell the family. Until I officially tell Kelsey. I do plan on telling my parents too.”

“Ah, what about school?”

“Well, I've thought about that. Most of the school thinks I am a lesbian going out with Kelsey. Only the teachers know. It might be questioned about how I got this way. I'm going to hide it the best I can. Since they are due in Aug. I'll only be 6-7 months by the end of school.”

“Hope you can pull it off.” I added. “What about your senior year?”

“I'll go to school as normal. I'm sure Kelsey would have no problems watching the babies when I am in school.”

“Just remember, you will have more baby sitters than you know what to do with. At least 10 on our side alone.”

“Yeah, and 3 on my side.” Brook said. “hoping no one is the wiser about me being pregnant. If I tell Megan she won't blab.”

“Well,” Giving her a big hug again. “I'm going to be a grandma. Come see me in a month. Unless anything else happens. I Love you, Brook.”

“Love you too, Mom.” Brook said as she left. Stopping at the front desk to make an appointment in January.
The rest of the day drug by. I had a full load so I couldn't cut out early. My last patient was 4:45. Once I was done with him, I finished my daily paperwork. I finally got out of the office at 5:15. Of course traffic was a nightmare as usual. It took me 20 minutes to get home, and that is taking the shortcuts I learned. Once home, I parked my Aviator, kicked off my shoes. I changed out of my work cloths into a pair of sweats and a t shirt, I made myself a cup of tea. I curled up on the couch, relaxing from a day at work.

“Hi, Ma” I heard as Kennedy crossed from the stairs to the kitchen. Our house is built on a hill. The downstairs opens to the backyard.

“Hi, Kennedy. How was school?”

“The same nothing has changed. I noticed Brook was absent. Kelsey said she wasn't feeling good. Did she come and see you today?”

“Yeah, I saw Brook this morning. She's doing fine.” I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling her. I was waiting to tell everyone at dinner.

“That's good.” Kennedy said as she continued working on dinner. I was greeted with delicious smells about 15 minutes later.
Greg was greeted too, as he came in. He changed too then joined me on the couch.

“How was your day?” He asked me.

“Fantastic,” I said, trying my hardest to keep it in.

Kennedy called us to the table at 6:45. Everybody but of course Kelsey was there. The 5 Shelties lay in a row waiting for anything to hit the floor, then the mad scramble starts. Kennedy dished out a delicious dinner. About half way through dinner I couldn't hold it in anymore.

“Brook, came in to the office to see me, this morning.” Mostly talking to Greg but the girls could hear too.

“Oh, is she all right?” Greg asked.

“Just a little morning sickness, nothing serious. She is gaining weight, but it should be mostly gone in 8 or so months.” I continued eating waiting for either Greg or one of the girls to get my hint.

It was our bookworm, Karla who finally got it. She froze in the middle of taking a bite.
“Mom, do you mean Brook is pregnant?”
At that everybody stopped, and looked at me.

“MMMMM, morning sickness and weight gain that will be mostly gone in 8-9 months. Yeah, she is. I going to be a grandma.”

“I'm going to be a grandpa? Greg said.

“Uh huh, and these goofs are to be aunts.” indicating the girls. “Oh, and They are having twins”

“Did Brook say how Kelsey reacted?” Keira asked.

“She hasn't told her yet.”

“What do you mean?” Keely said. As everybody looked at me.

“Brook wants to make it a Christmas Surprise.”

“So can we start getting them baby stuff.” Kendra added, the others nodded.

“Christmas gifts should be fine. Just don't tell Kelsey. Let Brook do it her way. Everybody understand?”

I got a yes mom from each of my girls, and one from Greg too. We all finished out meal. It was Kalley and Karla's turn to clear the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher. I could hear them talking about becoming Aunt's. I think that will be the subject of conversation for the next few days if not weeks.

Greg started a fire in the fireplace. I cuddled next to him on the couch.

“Well, Grandpa. How do you feel?”
“I'm to young to be a grandpa.” Greg said.

“Yeah, I know. Luckily we could have been a grandparent 5 years ago.”

“I would be looking at parole in another 5-15 years. After I murdered the boy who did it too.” Greg chuckled .

“Gregory Reid” I said.

Wrapping his arms around me. “Baby, I'm just kidding. I would just let one of the girls do it. Isn't that what they are trained to do.”
With a slight smirk I just nodded. “ Well at least it would have been consensual sex as I seriously doubt anyone would survive trying to rape any of our girls.”

“If they were lucky, that is.”
I just nodded.

Over the next two weeks till Christmas, I have been baby shopping. I know the girls have too. Me and Greg went to Kelsey and Brook's house the week before Christmas. We each had an arm load of presents. Mostly baby stuff. I could tell some of our girls and Brooks family have dropped off things. Under their tree was overflowing. Of Course the large items were from my parents. Mom absolutely flipped at the news. Being a Great Grandma.

On Christmas eve, we had the family Christmas party at Mom and Dads. Me, Greg and all the girls but Keira were there, Kelsey and Brook, Jeff, Carren and their kids, Heather, Mark and their three. I checked with Mom and Dad and they said that the girls could bring their boyfriends. So Kendra brought Casey, Keely brought Peter. Keira's boyfriend, James had a family Christmas party too, so she went.
I had to remind the girls and even Mom not to fuss over Brook.

I was able to have a little time alone with Brook. “So Momma how are you doing?” I asked Brook.

“Mom it has been hell the past month since I found out. I keep wanting to tell Kelsey so bad. I will be doing it tonight as soon as we get home. I wrapped the pregnancy test in a box. I'll have her open that tonight.” We both smiled as Kelsey came to join us.

“Did I miss something?” Kelsey asked.

“Not at all,” I said . “I was asking Brook how she was feeling since she saw me a couple weeks go.”

“OK, Just wondering.” Kelsey said. As Jeff's daughter, Ashley grabbed Cousin Kelsey to help with the tree. Brook tagged along.
Mom and Dad had gotten a tree just for the Grand kids to decorate, like they do every year.

As normal food and drinks were there. Mom and Dad had extra staff to help out. The girls were dressed in short red velvet dresses, with green and white stockings. Very festive.

The party started to break up around 8:30. Both Jeff and Heather had younger children to get to bed before Santa came. Kelsey and Brook left a little after 9. Kendra and Casey left about 9:15. Keely and Peter left shortly afterwords. Me, Greg, Kennedy, Karla, and Kalley piled back into the Excursion along with 5 shelties, headed home. Getting home around 10:30. Keely was already home, Kendra got home just after we did. The girls where tired from running around with their younger cousins. They went to bed. Greg and I waited some, then put out the Santa gifts. We watched the news then went to bed too.

What we didn't know until morning that Brook had Kelsey open her surprise Christmas Eve. She was ecstatic.

Since the girls have gotten older. They don't wake us up at 6 am on Christmas morning to open presents. This morning we were awoke by the phone, a little past 8.
I picked it up. “Merry Christmas,”“Mom, how could you keep this from me?” It was Kelsey.

“Huh, what do you mean?” I played the dumb blonde again.

“Mother, you know full well what I mean, You are our Doctor.”

“Oh, that little thing. Or should I say things.” I giggled.

“You couldn't tell me, I'm going to be a mom”

“Brook wanted to tell you. Plus I am bound by Doctor /patent confidentiality.”

“God, Mom. Keeping it from your own daughter. Who else knows?

“Like I said, Brook said not to tell you so that is what I did. Well your sisters know, so does your father, your Uncle and Aunt, and your grandparents”

“You told the whole world but couldn't tell me?”

“Not the whole world just family and who I was aloud to tell. You weren't on that list.” I giggled again.

“God, Mother. So now that I finally know we are going to be moms. What do you think?”

“How do you think I think of becoming a Grandma. I couldn't be happier.”

“What about daddy?” I could hear the happiness in her voice.

“You know your father, he says he's to young to be a grandpa.”

“SO he is happy as well.”

“Oh, yes. Well if he doesn't want to be a grandpa. Then he doesn't have to be around my grandbabies.” Being I was still in bed with Greg right next to me, I got a swat on the ass for that. Luckily It wasn't bare, as we wear Pjs on christmas.

“You had better know I am going to spoil my grand kids rotten then give them back to you and Brook.” Greg said as he leaned to the phone.

“And I'm not?” I said both to Greg and Kelsey.
Then 6 faces appeared at our bedroom door. The girls had gotten up.

“Well, Kels. We need to go, your sisters are at the door wanting something. Give the other mom a hug from me and Dad. I love you.”

“Love you too, Mom. Brook sends her love too. Bye.”

“Bye honey.” I hung up.
As soon as the girls got to our door you could hear them whispering.

“You tell them.”

“No you, I did it last year.”

“I'm not doing it, you do it.”

They where elbowing and poking each other.

“Uh, Girls do you have something to say to us?” Greg asked.

“Uh, Merry Christmas.” Keely finally said. They rushed into our room and all six of them crowded our bed. Of course all of the shelties where barking and carrying on. Smokes especially as he is used to being on our bed and was forced off. By the girls.

“So can we open presents?” Keira asked.

“IIIIII don't know.” Greg teased, faking a yawn. “ I'm still kind of tired. Maybe I'll just go back to sleep.”

I faked a yawn, too. “Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.”

Then all 6 of them said. “Come on, Mom and Dad. It's Christmas Morning.”

Still teasing Greg added, “Oh, It's just another day.”

“Daddy, come on.” Kendra said. “Please.” That got all her sisters going. “Please” too.

“OK, Merry Christmas,” Greg said. As that was the key to let the girls know we are getting up. My girls are still young at heart even though they are 17 and 16. They still play little girls at Christmas. I kind of do too.

Greg and I got up. Me and the girls waited in our room until Greg plugged in the tree lights. Then it was a mad dash to get a good spot for Greg to hand out the gifts. With 8 of us it took about an hour to get all the gifts handed out. All of us had a pile beside us. Then the frenzy started, wrapping paper and ribbon where flying everywhere. Their where cloths, games, make up, a handmade blanket for each of us from Greg's Mom. And of course books for Karla.

We cleaned up the mess and had a family breakfast. Greg made his famous pancakes. It however did feel weird that we where one short as this was Kelsey's first Christmas being married. With her and Brook having their own house.

The day went on like a normal Christmas for us. I did my usual phone calls, Mom and
Dad, Greg's Mom. Both Jeff and Heather called us. I even called the Brook's parents as they are family too. Sally also said it was strange not having Brook at home.

Later Brook and Kelsey came over for a visit as this year they where going to Brooks parents for Christmas dinner.

New years came and went. We had to watch the Rose parade and the Rose bowl since Michigan was playing. Hey we are alumni.

Brook came in for check up in Mid January. Twany showed them to a room. They didn't have to wait long until I came in. I gave them both hugs.

“How are my married girls doing?”I said.

“As good as can be expected.” Brook said. “starting to get some morning sickness.”

“I have to put up with her cravings. Now.” Kelsey added.

Turning to Kelsey. “Oh, you poor baby having to go out and get your wife something she wants.”

I just smiled and Brook giggled.

“OK, let's see what these two little ones are up to this afternoon.” Pulling out my stethoscope. Placing it at several places on Brooks belly. “They sound good and healthy.
Are they moving much?”

“Yeah, Mom they are. Sometimes I think they are fighting in there. As soon as I lay down to go to bed. I swear they both give me a good kick. Almost to say, hey Mom don't forget we are in here.”

“yeah, they can be little stinkers.” Kelsey said.

“Well let's see if we can see anything.” I said I pulled out the ultrasound machine. Putting the jelly stuff on Brooks belly. Kelsey watched the screen intently.
As soon as I got the image of the first I couldn't help but smiled, tears of happiness welled up.

“Well lets see if you are in the position to tell.”I said as she moved around the wand. I looked intently at the monitor. Taking measurements. Talking softly to myself. I switched to the other baby. This one was sucking her thumb.
Again I said “Lets see if you are too.”
Measurements where taken of this one, too.

“well Mom what are we going to have?”

“Two babies,”

“ Awwww, Mom. Stop. can you tell what sex they are?”

“Well I guess I will have to spoil my granddaughter and grandson rotten, one of each.”

“No Mom you will spoil your granddaughters rotten. We talked it over and want girls.”

“Are you sure?”

“Mom, we discussed this for more time than we know. And yes we want girls.”

“Well I brought more, so Brook can start taking them too. In addition to you.” Mom pulled out a pill bottle from her lab coat.

“Thanks Mom. We love you.” Brook said giving mom a hug. Kelsey joined in.

“I will tell Dad and your sisters and Gramma and Granpa our girls are having girls.”

Both Kelsey and Brook had tearful smiles of joy.
That night I told Greg that we are having Granddaughters with one being like Kelsey and the other being like Brook.

By the time school was out Brook was glad as she was starting to have trouble concealing her baby belly. The quads graduation what the last time she had to hide it. With all four of my girls graduating with Honors. Karla was elected senior class president for next year. Brook let one of her managers run Skateland West as she was a little to pregnant to be on skates. Her and Kelsey stayed home and prepared our grand daughters room.

August came as did the Rally. Brook had told Kelsey she could go. But my stubborn daughter. Wouldn't hear of it. Me and Greg, Mom and Dad and the other girls did. I did however make arrangements to fly back at a moments notice. If baby time came.
3 am on Aug 12, I got a call from Kelsey. They were heading to the hospital as Brooks water broke.

All of my stories are purely fictional, the some places are real, some are not. The names and personnel used in all my stories, are also fictional. They may be based on people I knew but, Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or un-dead are purely coincidental.

I write my stories as a fantasy. While based on this world. Things in my story could stretch reality. However I write my stories from my mind. I reserve all rights to my work. Any form of duplication without my permission is forbidden. Please enjoy reading them as I have in writing them.

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