A Summer's Odyssey IV Chapter 13

A Summer's Odyssey IV
Chapter 13

The Santana family moved into the large former garage converted to three bedroom two bath home on the lot with the house where Howard, Devin & Allen Gantner lived. There were now one hundred sixty seven members in The Clan Wells Point.

With the management positions in the subdivisions of CWP Organic Farm filled by clan members the full time hourly positions were easy to fill with non-clan employees. All newly hired non clan people were placed on a three month probation to see if they would fit into the positions. The clan expected all employees to work to their potential without slacking off. All managers were expected to work side by side with the people under their responsibility. It was made clear that no employee was expected to do a job that a manager couldn’t or wouldn’t do. Weekly verbal evaluations were to be videoed between management and probationaries. Ratings were issued ranging from Unacceptable, Almost, Acceptable, Good and Exceptional for effort, attitude, cooperation, drive, and teamwork. The new hires knew they had to be at Acceptable or above by the end of probation in all categories. Anyone not working up to expectations would know it and what was expected.

They were paid a living wage at the start. Insurance would be available upon completion of probation. The clan was self insured for normal medical expenses and had purchased catastrophic coverage for major medical situations. At the end of probation all non clan employees were given the option of joining the clan.

M8t and K8t were busy. By the end of April the first steel framed poly covered greenhouses were being set up. There were two greenhouse sizes. The larger was ninety feet long by thirty feet wide. The smaller was forty five feet long by thirty feet wide. All had a side walls four feet high with the center ten feet high. They would be placed with ten feet between each greenhouse and fifteen feet between each row. They began setting them up in the field north of Wells Point Lane and west of the O’Brien homestead. One hundred sixty of the ninety feet long and twenty of the forty five feet long units would eventually be set up in the irregularly shaped field. When the field to the west of the first was filled with greenhouses it would have one hundred forty two of the ninety feet long and nineteen of the forty five feet long units for a total of three hundred two ninety feet long and thirty nine of the forty five feet long units. This would allow a year round growing season for tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower celery, carrots, peas, string beans and other veggies. In the two fields north of Wells Point Lane east of the O’Brien homestead they would plant vegetables in traditional garden style. The three fields south of Wells Point Lane would be stagger planted sweet corn, a new planting every two weeks so they’d have a good supply all summer long.

CWP Hairy Wish Now health & beauty spa opened May first. The remodeling of the former first floor warehouse of ‘Take Me Home’ was completed. The CWP Dairy, Produce & Poultry Store was ready to open it’s doors by mid-May. The bottled milk, butter cream cheese and ice cream from the start up of the CWP Dairy was put on sale as were the cartons of fresh eggs from the CWP Poultry. Fresh chicken meat was also available from CWP Butcher Shop with beef available by the end of May. The organic and free range products were well received by the public. The business at CWP Bakery was just across the narrow one way street nearly doubled as people were drawn in by the fresh produce and meats.

With the end of the school year on June 5th the clan kids completing sixth grade were promoted to seventh grade and were elevated to preteen status in the clan. For the Clan Wells Point that meant they were old enough and expected to begin working for the clan. It also meant they were allowed to pair up dating. Of course they understood the clan’s expected levels of behavior for dating. The six kids had been in the same classroom at Tilgham Elementary and rode the school bus together so they were well acquainted and had already gravitated together in pairings. Lyndi Scott and Allen Gantner, Teri Scott and Dominic Gleason, and Joyce Rich and Brett Orlando. Krista made sure Allen and Dominic knew their new girlfriends’ big sister would be keeping an eye on them. For work the six preteens decided to join the CWP Greenhouses. Most likely as time and the seasons progressed the teens would slip into and out of other CWP work divisions on temporary basis.

The first full weekend of June opened what could have been a nasty can of worms. A bit after noon on Saturday June 6th a car pulled up outside the main farmhouse. Two men and two women stepped out of the car and looked around. The men in particular were bewildered by what they saw. The lines of vertical wind turbines especially intrigued them.

“Christ, this ain’t like the old man,” James Dougherty grumbled as he surveyed the wind turbines and all the additions and renovations to the barn, outbuildings and house. “It looks fairly recent too.”

“It sure as hell isn’t something he’d do,” John Dougherty agreed. “Hell, there’s got to be four or five hundred chickens up in that run.”

Just then the farmhouse door opened and a well built bronzed young man stepped out onto the porch. “Are you lost? Can I help you with anything?”

“We’re not lost,” John answered as he looked at the young man sizing him up. “We grew up here.”

“Oh, you must be old Bills sons,” Larry smiled as he stepped down and extended his hand to James. “I’m Larry Scott. I live here with my wife, our twins, my mother-in-law, my wife’s aunt and my wife’s cousin.”

James said nothing and didn’t smile as he grasped the young man’s hand and squeezed hard. Based on what Larry had learned from Bill about his sons that was not unexpected. He kept his easy smile and returned the forceful handshake. James quickly realized he was outclassed and broke the handshake.

“So did the old man die? We tried calling but his phone is no longer in service and we couldn’t find a listing for him. We should have been called about the estate,” James almost growled.

“No, Bills doing fine,” Larry smiled. “We built him a new home with it’s own dock down on Dog Cove. He spends most of his time fishing when the weather’s good.”

“So he still owns the place then and you’re the hired help,” James sniffed.

“Oh no, he traded the farm for membership in the Clan Wells Point,” Larry smiled. “We built his new home for him and he still helps out on the farm when things get busy. We call him our farmer emeritus.”

“Larry, I called Steven, Kevin, Robert and Jane,” Kylie said as she stepped out onto the porch followed by Tony. “They’ll all be here in a few minutes. Would you like to step inside out of the heat for some lemonade?”

James frowned and looked at John.

“Will you two let it drop until we get more information,” Darlene scolded the two men.

“I’m Irene Dougherty,” the other woman smiled as she pointed to the others. “This jerk is my husband John. The other jerk is my brother-in-law James. That’s his wife Darlene.”

“I’m Kylie Scott,” Kylie smiled. “This is my cousin Tony. Now come on in. We’ve finished eating but we have a nice apple crumb pie for desert and you’re welcome to join us.”

The women didn’t hesitate climbing up onto the porch. The men grumbled but followed. Tony held the door open for them and Larry followed the men. Tony knew to wait for the others to get there.

Inside the guests were led into the dining room. Evelyn and Rachel were each seated by a high chair with a grinning infant inside. “This is my mother Evelyn, my aunt Rachel who is Tony’s mom, and our twins Sonny and Rayne. Please, have a seat. Oh, and this is my niece Krista.”

Krista emerged from the kitchen with a glass pitcher of home made iced lemonade which she poured into the glasses she’d already set at the table. Placing the pitcher on the table she returned to the kitchen only to quickly come back with a large pie that had been warming in the oven. The wafting scent made everyone’s mouth water. “I put a second pie in to warm,” the cute girl smiled.

The sound of vehicles pulling up to the farmhouse could be heard. Soon Steven, Robert, Kevin and Jane entered the dining room. Robert and Jane smiled with recognition.

“Long time no see, James, John,” Robert greeted as he shook the men’s hands. “You both remember Jane.”

The men returned the greetings. Robert and James had been classmates as had Jane and John.

Steven and Kevin were introduced as were Irene and Darlene. Everyone took a seat as Krista and Kylie served lemonade and apple pie. As they were digging in the door opened and Bill Dougherty entered followed by Tony.

All conversation stopped as the crusty old father glared at his sons. “Wat ya dewin hair?” Bill grumbled. [What are you doing here?]

“What makes you think you we want something,” James growled back as everyone’s hackles raised.

“Ah dint ask wat ya want. Ah ain’t heared ah peep out ah ya sens yar ma dun died,” Bill accused as he and his sons fiercely glared at each other. [“I didn’t ask what you want. I ain’t heard a peep out of you since your mom died.”]

“Bill, the main reason we’ve stayed out of touch was because of you,” Darlene spoke softly. “You never let us know she was sick. We would have come. We...”

“Da reesin ah dint cull wus shae dint wun’ mi ta cull,” Bill sighed. “Shae wus pissd ya ne’er cum ta vizit. Shae wus pissd ya ne’er let us knuw wen ya had kieds. Shae wus pissd ya ne’er e’en boderd senin Chrismas ca’ds! Shae dint wun’ yur piti wen shae clea’ly dint ha’ yur lo’e!” [The reason I didn’t call was she didn’t want me to call. She was pissed you never came to visit. She was pissed you never let us know when you had kids. She was pissed ya never even bothered sending Christmas cards. She didn’t want your pity when she clearly didn’t have your love!”]

The sons and their wives bowed their heads in shame. The room fell into deathly silence.

“Mr. Dougherty, please sit down,” Krista said firmly yet gently. “As you can see we’re having warmed apple pie and fresh made icy lemonade. “I’ll bring you a slice of pie right out of the oven and I’ll put a big scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. Now please, sit down.”

Bill maintained his glare at his sons. When Krista tenderly grasped his wrist and guided him to an open seat he reluctantly didn’t resist. As she headed into the kitchen followed by Tony Bill’s eyes never left his wilting sons and daughters-in-law. The silence was deafening by the time Krista returned with the slice of warmed apple pie ala mode. Even though the others had a slice of pie the ice cream on top of the pie made their mouths water.

“I can add a scoop of ice cream to your pie,” Krista smiled thus quite literally breaking the ice in the room. Tony had followed his girlfriend with the ice cream and the scoop. Krista went from person to person adding a scoop of vanilla to their partially eaten apple pie including her’s and Tony’s. Tony took the ice cream and scoop back to the kitchen as Krista sat at her place. Tony quickly returned. The young couple exchanged a chaste kiss once he was seated. Silence prevailed until everyone finished their pie ala mode.

“Mr. Bill,” Krista said after she dabbed her mouth with a napkin. “I’m sorry your late wife and you were upset with the lack of interaction with your children. I don’t have any idea why that might have happened. While you were both deeply hurt remember it happened in the past. When I first met you, you were a hard headed, curt, and surly old man who intimidated most people he came in contact with. Since the Clan Wells Point came into your life you have changed. You’re caring and kind now. Please, listen closely to what I’m about to say. It won’t be nice and it’s not about you. But it might very well relate to your past.”

Bill sighed deeply but broke his hard glare at his sons to look at Krista. “Go ahed, speek wat ya gotta sae.” [Go ahead, say what you have to say.]

“Bill, think about Jenny,” Krista said. “You know how she came to join the clan. You know her parents physically and mentally beat her. You know they never praised her. Her self esteem was virtually non-existent. We still don’t know how she was able to drive herself here after having been beaten and thrown through a wall. You know the crap she took from her grandparents, how they literally tried to kill her. Since she’s been with the clan she’s come out of her shell and is a kind and caring and most importantly happy person. Now think about how you treated your sons growing up.”

No one said a word while Bill looked deeply at Krista. His sons and wives held hands, clearly thinking about how they were raised. Bill then sighed and looked at his sons, then looked back at Krista.

Damm it gurl,” he gruffly spoke. “‘ow in da hell’d ya git so damm sma’t?
[“Damn it, girl, How in the hell did you get so damn smart?”]

Krista blushed, smiled and placed a comforting hand atop Bill’s weathered paw.

“We dun da bes’ we culd razin ya,” Bill spoke softly to his sons. “We razed ya da saim wae we wus razed. We ne’er e’en taut we migh’ be doin it rong. Naw dat Krista’s opn’d ma damm blin’ eyz ah see we ne’er ugg’d ya ‘nough. We ne’er tol’ ya wen ya wus doin gud. It twernt ar wae. “Ell we dint no anuda wae. Workin da faum, keepin a ruf o’er ar heds, makin sur we a’ways ‘ad ‘nough ta eet, makin sur ya ‘ad desen clothz, dat takd all ar time. Dats ‘ow we livd all ar lives. Dats ‘ow I livd a’ter Edna pasd... ‘til Krista came ta liv wit ‘er gram Jane. Spunkist damm gal ‘n da hole damm wo’ld! Changd e’ryting ‘roun hea’... e’en changd me. Look, ya knoe ah’m a prud man an ah noe ya ne’er hear’ me ‘pologiz fer nuthin. Bu’ lik ah sade, Krista ‘as changd me. I e’en ‘cept an ‘elp dem transaxals lik ‘er. James, John, Darlene, Irene, ah’m sory fer da wae we razed ya an ast ‘f ya can fin it ‘n yur harz ta fergiv yur ma an me” [“We did the best we could raising you. We raised you the same way we were raised. We never even thought we might be doing it wrong. Now that Krista’s opened my damn blind eyes I see we never hugged you enough. We never told you when you were doing good. It wasn’t our way. Hell we didn’t know any other way. Working the farm, keeping a roof over our heads, making sure we always had enough to eat, making sure you had decent clothes, that took all our time. That’s how we lived all our lives. That’s how I lived after Edna passed... until Krista came to live with her gram Jane. Spunkiest damn girl in the whole damn world! Changed everything around here... even changed me. Look, you know I’m a proud man and I know you never heard me apologize for nothing. But like I said, Krista has changed me. I even accept and help them transsexuals like her. James, John, Darlene, Irene, I’m sorry for the way we raised you and ask if you can find it in your hearts to forgive your mom and I.”]

James, John, Darlene and Irene sat there with their mouth’s hanging open. None of them could believe that the crusty old man had actually apologized and clearly meant it. Krista sprung from her chair with a broad grin to stand behind Bill and wrap him in a warm hug kissing him on the cheek to which he responded with a smile reaching up to pat her clasped hands. If anything the four stunned onlookers were even more stunned.

“Cloz ya mauths,” Bill chuckled as he accepted a kiss on the cheek from Krista. “Ah tol’ ya sheas changd me.” [“Close your mouths. I told you she’s changed me.”]

James, Darlene, John and Irene were clearly amazed. They were also giving Krista a much closer inspection.

“I’ll say she has,” James finally managed to reply. “Not that I don’t appreciate the change but how’d you do it?”

“And did he say you’re a tranny?” John asked.

“Krista and I are both girls,” Kylie declared forcefully. “We simply had a birth defect in that we were born male.”

Their surprise ballooned as they looked at Kylie. “But you’re a woman and a wife and mother!”

“She sure is,” Larry smiled as he slipped a hand about Kylie’s waist. “She’s also a top notch mechanic and is the head of the Clan Wells Point Engine and Mechanical Repair.”

“I know where Wells Point is,” James said, “but what’s this Clan Wells Point thing?”

“That’s who we are,” Jane declared. “There are one hundred sixty seven of us now and we’re still growing. We’re a self made clan of like minded people who came together because of my granddaughter Krista. She and Kylie were the first two of the clan’s nine male to female transsexuals. We also have three female to male transsexuals, two lesbians and six gay members. We own the whole of this peninsula and all the land up to Cherry Cove as well as the Jablonski farm and over a dozen buildings in St. Michaels. Krista has personally saved over a dozen people. She crawled into a burning car last fall to save a family of four. To get the driver out she had to severe his arm.”

“Oh my God,” Darlene gasped. “That was you? Up in Pennsylvania, right?”

“Yeah, that was me,” Krista admitted with a blush. “There was no one else that could help. I knew if I didn’t get them out they’d burn to death before anyone else could get there to help. The kids were in car seats. I had to go inside to get them out. The driver’s arm was trapped and the flames were licking in the window. I had to cut off his arm to get him out. It was the only way to save his life.”

Irene shook her head. “Didn’t they say the car exploded seconds after you got out?”

“It did,” Robert agreed. “The roof liner was on fire as I pulled the man out after Krista severed his arm at the elbow. She was burned on the face and hands while she worked and her hair was smoldering. I’ll tell you I was terrified but she never hesitated. Honestly the only reason I went in to get him was I knew she couldn’t get him out before it went up and there was no way she would abandon him. Even so she was the last out before it exploded.”

“You were there,” James said. “I can’t see you letting her crawl into a burning car.”

“If I’d had a choice I wouldn’t have,” Robert chuckled. “But my granddaughter is a force to be reckoned with. She was crawling inside the smashed rear window before I’d even had a chance to evaluate the situation.”

John krinkled his brow. “So are you and Jane married?”

“I’m Jane’s husband,” Kevin smiled. “Robert is her father’s dad. Larry here is his youngest.”

John cocked his head and looked at Kylie, Larry, Krista, and Tony. “So you have a granddaughter and a daughter-in-law who are transgender?”

“Sure do,” Robert chuckled. “I knew my life had changed the first day I met Krista. She saved Kylie’s life that day.”

“That was my fault,” Larry declared. “It was the day my best friend Kyle came out to me and I laughed. I didn’t understand why he ran off but it bothered me. That evening I met Krista for the first time and she confessed she was transsexual and how difficult it was coming to terms with her mental and soul gender. At that moment I realized what Kyle was trying to tell me and I took off to find her.”

“I was so upset I decided to take my own life,” Kylie continued. “Fortunately Kyle realized what he’d done and knew where to find me. I was dangling from the rope when he found me and he lifted me taking the pressure off. I was unconscious but still breathing.”

“My other sons, Leroy who is Krista’s father and David, followed Larry,” Robert picked up. “We cut her down and got her to the hospital.”

“We haven’t been apart since,” Kylie smiled as she snuggled against Larry.

“So na ya noe ah’v changd an dat ah’m a memba o’ da clan,” Bill drawled. “So why’d ya d’cied ta cum vizitn?” [“So now you know I’ve changed and that I’m a member of the clan. So why’d you decide to come visiting?”]

“We were concerned about you,” Darlene said. “We know things are hard right now and you are getting older. All our kids are struggling. The company Daniel worked for went belly up and their really struggling to get by on Betty’s wages. Harry had to take a pay cut and Jeanette lost her job.”

“Kevin and Linda have both lost their jobs,” Irene added. “Virginia lost her job and Howard is afraid he’ll soon be without a job. Karen and Mike are struggling. Their employers are floundering.”

“We thought if things really got bad maybe the kids could move out here to help you on the farm,” John said.

“But it looks like that isn’t an option,” James sighed.

“Of course it’s an option,” Steven declared. “Your dad is a clan member and we take care of our own. But we believe in that wise old saying ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.’ We much prefer to teach while we help. You and your children are more than welcome to come join us. I suggest we show you around the CWP and let you talk to the members and see what we do and how we live. Then you can go home, tell your kids, then all come back for a weekend and check us out. We can and will provide homes and jobs if you decide to join us.”

“Kylie,” Jane spoke up. If you can you spare Krista for the rest of the day she can take Bill and his family on a the grand tour.”

“We’ll manage,” Kylie replied. “Larry, can you let Tony accompany them?”

“Can do,” Larry smiled. “Why don’t you two fetch the DUKW?”

The pair took off out the door at a run. They hopped on the 4-wheeler and with Krista hugging Tony roared off.”

Darlene looked puzzled. “Fetch the duck?”

“Oh shit,” John exclaimed. “Jane, do you still have that old monster?”

“Sure do,” Jane chuckled. “Kylie here gave it a complete overhaul and rebuilt it last year. It’s been running fine ever since.”

“Damn girl you’ve got to be one hell of a mechanic,” James declared. “Wasn’t that monster parked since Hurricane Agnes back in ‘72?”

Yep, it was covered with a tarp and parked in our barn for a bit over thirty five years,” Jane replied. Wait until you see the paint job! Krista and her friends designed a tartan for the Clan Wells Point. Leo Kahn painted it for us. It’s a bright two tone green and pink plaid. We use it on most of the clan’s signs.”

“So those businesses we saw driving through St. Michaels with the plaid signs,” Irene spoke up. “I think they all began with CWP... for the Clan Wells Point... they’re part of your clan?”

“They certainly are,” Jane chuckled. “And we’re still growing.”

Just then they heard the solid rumble of a powerful engine pull up in front of the house. At Robert’s urging they stepped out onto the porch to see the WWII era DUKW painted in a flashy two tone green and pink plaid happily purring in the lane. They were surprised to see Krista driving.

“Don’t worry,” Jane assured them. “Krista is licensed and qualified to drive that monster. She drove it through St. Michaels with Kylie and Larry’s wedding party from St. Luke’s UMC to the launch. Then piloted it around the whole peninsula to the landing. She can drive it on the road as long as there’s a licensed adult driver on board.”

In a few moments Bill and his family was aboard the DUKW. A case of bottled water was placed on board. As the slowly drove up Johns Cove Lane turning left onto Dougherty Lane by the chicken run. Tony explained the expanded main farm with the five hundred head dairy herd, an eighty head steer herd, the five hundred chicken flock. The vertical wind turbines, the manure digester and the CWP Green Power Initiative. The brothers, raised on the very traditional farm run by their dad, Bill, were astounded. Shortly after turning onto Dougherty Lane they turned left onto Bills Lane heading down to Bills new home on Dog Cove.

The teens stayed on the DUKW as Bill took his family on a quick tour of his new home and dock. They were impressed that the home was elevated above flood stage as well as the ADA compliant ramp to the living quarters. They could see Bill was quite happy with his living arrangements.

Once they reboarded, Krista continued down the lane to Almost Neavitt Road. They stopped at CWP Collision Repair & Body Shop so the visiting family could meet with old acquaintance Leo Kahn. They again reboarded and drove down to the eastern end of Almost Neavitt Road at CWP Grandview B&B while Bill explained the clan owned everything north of Balls Creek. Krista turned the DUKW around and drove back to the other end of Almost Neavitt Road. As they passed CWP Engine & Mechanical Repair Kylie stepped to the overhead door from beneath the truck raised up on a lift. Her grease covered hands gave clear evidence she’d been working on the vehicle. The visitors were surprised to see the large many bayed service station.

Turning south they only traveled a short distance on the Bozman-Neavitt Road before turning onto Jablonski Lane and stopping at the Jablonski home for a quick visit. When they left they drove down to Change point, the southern most point of the Clan Wells Point territory. Turning around they headed north. The kids were amazed as Krista pulled into the lane for CWP Daycare. The kids were happily playing in the fenced in playground with adequate adult supervision.

“The clan daycare accepts kids up through sixth grade,” Krista explained. “There is no charge for clan members and a reasonable charge for non clan members. Once clan kids complete sixth grade they’re considered preteens. It’s clan policy that all preteens and older have jobs in a clan business. I work in the service station with my aunt Kylie and Tony works with his cousin-in-law, my uncle Larry on CWP Organic Farm. When school is in session we work weekends and after classes, during holidays and summer we work full time.”

Irene was surprised that Krista was so casual about the “Isn’t that a bit harsh working so many hours?”

“Not really,” Tony spoke up. “If something comes up, like your arrival for instance, we can be cut free to handle it like Kylie and Larry did today. On veterans day weekend last year our school student council put on a fund raising concert to raise money to take local veterans to the DC War Memorials on Veterans Day Weekend. We were given time off to practice, rehearse and perform. In cooperation with the local VFW and American Legion we took a total of one thousand fifteen people on our trip. Three hundred twelve out of three hundred ninety students participated. Each of the two hundred seventy two vets had a student escort. We all had a good trip and believe me, we realized what those vets did and appreciate their sacrifices.”

“The adults guide us and instill a sense of responsibility for ourselves and others,” Krista added. “You won’t find one of us slacking off. You won’t find one of us complaining. We know what is expected of us and do it the best of our ability. We’re honestly happy and are all friends. The adults in the clan don’t expect us to do anymore or any less than they do. They lead us by example. Since we formed the Clan Wells Point in September of 2007 I have never heard an argument much less a fight. We do have disagreements but they’re handled politely and civilly. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere but with the clan.”

“That’s quite impressive,” Darlene said. “But it seems too amazing to believe.”

“It duz,” Bill smiled. “Bu’ ev’y word be tru. Dat’s why ah’v changd. It tuk da clans gudnez ta brake tr’ue da sheel’ ah’d ‘rected. Juz da evdenz ah changd shuld be ‘nouf ta sho’ ya da Clan Wells Poin’ be gud.” [“It does. But every word is true. That’s why I’ve changed. It took the clan’s goodness to break through the crusty shield I’d erected. Just the evidence I changed should be enough to show you the Clan Wells Point is good.”]

His sons and daughter-in-laws most certainly could not dispute Bill had certainly changed.

Leaving the CWP Daycare onto the Bozman-Neavitt Road heading north they turned into the first driveway opposite Wells Point Lane. They noticed the plaid sign indicating ‘CWP Handcrafted Toys’. From the Bozman-Neavitt Road they could see large wooden swingsets with sliding boards, pirate ships, trucks, and playhouses. Pulling up to the store everyone climbed down to enter the store where they saw the small wooden and plushie toys. They then did a quick tour of the manufacturing, assembly, sewing, and painting rooms.

As they once more pulled out heading north on the Bozman-Neavitt Road they headed about three thousand feet where Krista turned left into a lane. “The fields on either side of the lane is as far north as the clan territory goes,” Krista said. “The Jablonski’s had bought every field from their farm up to here on this side of the Bozman-Neavitt Road. When they joined the clan it all became part of the clan territory.”

With that she turned around and pulled out heading south on the Bozman-Neavitt Road. Retracing her route until she reached Cheery Cove where she turned left onto Apple Lane.

“Dis arya shud luk familya, bouys,”Bill Chuckled as they drove into the fields. [This area should look familiar, boys,”]

“Yeah it does,” James sighed. “We spent a lot of time in these fields.”

“There were three plaid signs where we turned in,” Irene declared. “CWP Fabric and Cloth Enterprises, CWP Youth Rehab Hospital and CWP Dairy.”

“At CWP Fabric and Cloth Enterprises we make clothes, banners, tarps, sails, upholstery and just about anything else that’s made of fabric, Krista explained. “CWP Youth Rehab Hostel is a rehab center for kids and teens.”

Darlene was surprised. “Really? As in Physical Therapy?”

“Yup,” Tony nodded. Halloween a year and a half ago we had a school dance at the O’Brien barn. Four students who thought they were tough ass rednecks got drunk and high. They ran from the police check point but wrecked as they came off Wells Point Lane onto Bozman-Neavitt Road. Their truck rolled and everyone was ejected. One ended up losing both legs and another an arm. We set up the Youth Rehab Hostel for them and brought them here as soon as they were healed from the trauma. We set them up with artificial limbs. They both just graduated from high school and are enrolled at the University of Maryland in College Park in the Physical Therapist Program.”

“That sounds impressive,” John said. “I guess they learned their lesson and turned their lives around.”

“Da clan done dat,” Bill nodded. “Krista woo’nt let em ‘loan. Dragd em kikin ‘n scremin inta da clan. Convinsed da clan ta bild da rehab fer dem.” [The clan did that. Krista wouldn’t let em alone. Dragged them kicking and screaming into the clan. Convinced the clan to build the rehab for them.”]

Irene raised her eyebrows. “Krista did that?”

“Krista has her fingers in just about everything,” Tony chuckled. “When she gets an idea you can go along with her or get out of the way. None of us have ever gotten out of the way.”

They drove until they reached Wells Point Lane Krista then turned to head out to the point. Tony explained about the manure digester and wind farm as well as the greenhouses. Moments later they passed the O’Brien homestead then made their way down to Wells Point where Krista drove straight into the Broad Creek.

The DUKW cruised up Broad Creek into San Domingo Creek. When they neared the public dock in St. Michaels she drove the DUKW up the public launch between CWP Susan’s Place B&B and CWP Excavation and Concrete. They drove through Waterfront Park, past the eight rental houses, then proceeded out to Talbot Street. Their they turned west into St. Luke’s UMC parking lot, through the cemetery, then east on Canton Street to the parking lot at CWP Dairy, Produce & Poultry store. They took a brief tour of the store and CWP Bakery just across the street. After enjoying cinnamon rolls they left heading back to the public dock they’d arrived on.

Sailing back down San Domingo Creek to Broad Creek, past Wells Point and up Balls Creek then into Johns Cove where they exited the water up the launch at CWP Landing where they saw the kayaks and canoes as well as the horses. Soon they were back to the main farmhouse.

Bill joined his family for supper with Larry and Kylie and family. Afterward they sat on the porch and a general discussion of their family. The two couples stayed in spare rooms in the main farmhouse.

The next day James, Darlene, John and Irene went to church with Bill then returned to The Clan Barn for a robust brunch where they met the entire clan. By the time they headed home later that afternoon they knew they’d be bringing their kids and grandkids out for a tour.

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