A Summer's Odyssey IV Chapter 11

A Summer's Odyssey IV

Chapter 11

With the economy tanking, a boat was found that would allow the teens to boat between the Wells Point docks and the dock in St. Michaels. It was a rebuilt 1980 Steiger Craft Skipjack with a completely enclosed cabin and pilot house that could seat nine teens. The boat was twenty three feet long with a beam of eight and a half feet with a draw of thirteen inches. The hull was fiberglass with an in-board 5.7 liter Volvo Penta engine. It also had a depth sensor, GPS, radar, a bow thruster, windlass spotlight, extended hardtop with enclosure. They named the boat ‘Teens Ahoy’. The six and a quarter mile trip would take twenty minutes at twenty MPH. By road the ten mile trip would also take twenty minutes. Both modes would require a licensed driver. The difference was the teens could get a valid boating certificate at twelve years old. To this end all the teens and any adults who wanted took an eight hour course after which they took a test to obtain a valid boating certificate.

By the end of January nearly half the adults and all the seventh grade and up kids had obtained boating certificates. The CWP Handcrafted Toys was also ready to open it’s store. Henry and Lester cut and shaped wood to make wooden cars and trucks and numerous other toys, games and puzzles. Abby Bracy, Bonnie Stanley, Nancy Dryer spouses of CWP Contracting and Construction took full time jobs with CWP Handcrafted Toys. Barry Bracy worked part-time. The teen sanded the pre-cut wood, assembled the object and stained the toys.

The people renting the first house on the former Jablonski farm gave notice they’d be vacating at the end of February. With the crashing economy the husband lost his job and they could no longer afford the rent. Steven Campbell offered to bring them into the clan but they refused. They didn’t like the LGBT friendliness. They weren’t vocal opponents of LGBT but didn’t want to condone it either which they knew the clan did. At least it would be an amicable parting.

Ferdy Hammond and Amy Beck, the geeky data duo who sniffed out the Apple Tree Quality Healthcare System scandal thus rescuing Jasmine from her death spiral coma were quite computer savy. They began working part time in the CWP LLC office assisting the clan, CWP Attorney at Law and CWP Accounting.

The first assignment of the data duo was to research and make a formal presentation to the clan directors on Howard Gantner’s finances. They already knew his wife had stripped their shared bank accounts and maxed out their credit cards. In addition since he’d lost his job in Alabama he’d been unable to make mortgage payments and he had received notice of foreclosure before fleeing the state. They needed numbers.

What they found wasn’t promising. The credit cards were in default and the house was being foreclosed. The mortgage was $180,000 in arears. $85,000 were owed on seven credit cards. On top of that the house had been trashed causing $90,000 worth of damage after they fled to the Clan Wells Point. The bank filed a civil suit to recover the damages. In total Howard owed $355,000 on a house that he never wanted to see again.

After Kevin reviewed the report he and the other clan directors sat down with Howard to discuss his options. Kevin was bluntly honest. “The best and easiest solution will be to file for total and absolute bankruptcy under the rules of Chapter 7. While it will ruin your credit rating for ten years, since you’re a member of the clan you no longer need personal credit. The only assets you have is your truck and tools. We can draw up legal documents showing you sold them to the clan leaving you with no assets. We may be able to avoid bankruptcy if the businesses realize you have zero assets. It’ll be cheaper for them to write off your debts instead of spending more money trying to pursue for repayment. I’ll present this report on your financial status along with a letter detailing how you fell so far behind to each of organizations you owe. Hopefully they’ll realize they’ll never get their money back and write you off. You’ll still get the mark against your credit score.”

“I don’t like having a mark against me,” Howard sighed as he shook his head in frustration. “But I really don’t have a choice. So okay, let’s do it.”

With that the wheels were set in motion. The detailed reports were sent to each of the businesses Howard owed. A bit of investigation on their parts showed the report was accurate. Realizing they couldn’t get blood out of a stone, they wrote off the debts and placed marks against Howards credit score. By April the debts would all be erased... at least Howard’s would be. His soon to be ex-wife had her name on the mortgage and credit cards. They went after her with a vengeance knowing it was her actions which started the cascade of events that led to Howard’s financial collapse.

As the newest members melded into the clan they found they were welcomed with open arms. Amy and Ferdy were already a couple which made four eighth grade couples. As classmates for years ninth graders Barry Bracy and Barbie Poore were well acquainted. With the added closeness of being clan members and working together they quickly became a couple. Similar circumstances also drew seventh graders Holly Reese and Donovan Beck as well as Olivia Hammond and Marcus Olsen into becoming couples.

The clan met en masse in the Clan Barn, the first full meeting for the newer members, on Sunday February 1. A buffet was set up as they gathered to watch Super Bowl XLIII. The meeting itself was held before the game. The newest members were introduced and they took an hour to get acquainted. For those newcomers who weren’t aware of Krista’s many exploits tales of her multitudinous adventures and deeds were shared while Krista blushed acknowledging her actions but downplaying her heroics.

When she had enough of being embarrassed Krista asked to address the clan. “With the growth of the clan I think we should rearrange some of our businesses. I know Gram and her cohorts do an excellent job with feeding us here. Several times she and others have talked about setting up a catering service as an adjunct to CWP Bakery. The kitchens here in the barn are suitable for a catering service. We could also rent the barn itself as a banquet or party site, maybe even wedding receptions. If people want an outdoors wedding they could hold the ceremony at the tip of Wells Point then move her for the reception. We could either rename the CWP Bakery by adding ‘and Catering’ or we could simply start a new division, CWP Catering. The bakery itself is successful with a loyal clientele. Their main complaint of the customers is having to drive all the way out here. What I propose is we relocate the bakery to the vacant retail space we gained in St. Michaels. It has a storefront and enough space to relocate the ovens and prep area. That location would allow easier access for our current customers as well as inviting additional business. That’s not counting the walk-in business we’d pick up from the tourists. Think about Cinnabons, especially if we strategically vent the ovens onto the street. A lowball estimate... we would at least double the business. A property catty-corner across the street, on the corner of Fremont and Canton is for sale. It shares the parking lot with ‘Take Me Home’, ‘St. Michaels Candies & Gifts’, and ‘The Christmas Shop’. With a bit of remodeling we can use it to sell our fruit and vegetable produce as well as eggs, milk and cheese. That also brings up another business we could start, especially since we want to increase the dairy herd in the spring. The Clan Wells Point Dairy, Produce and Poultry would be a natural progression. They’d be responsible for preparing and or making products as well as selling them in the proposed store. Also, I know we’ve been discussing it but we should really look into setting up greenhouses to grow fresh produce year round. We could use the excess heat from the digester to heat them.”

The newer members were stunned that Krista’s suggestions were being taken seriously. The fact an eighth grader could have such an impact on the clan was difficult for them to wrap their minds around.

Leroy chuckled as he read their confused thoughts. “You need to remember that the Clan Wells Point was formed because of what my daughter has done. She has a quick sharp mind and can’t stop herself from helping when she sees someone in need. What she just proposed cuts through the haze that normally slows group dynamics and cuts directly to the salient points. I truly love her to bits but just be glad she’s my daughter and not yours!”

Everyone chuckled as Krista glared at her father with her hands on her hips. “Well, daddy, you’re the one who told me to be true to myself so it’s all YOUR fault!”

Leroy duffed an imaginary hat and bowed to her making everyone laugh.

What Krista proposed was discussed and actions taken to set them in motion. CWP Bakery would be relocated to the vacant storefront. The building across the street would be purchased and remodeled to sell the fruit, vegetables, dairy products and eggs. Once the dairy herd was increased in April the CWP Dairy, Produce and Poultry would begin processing cheese, milk, butter, and ice cream as well as selling. CWP Catering would begin advertizing. The go ahead was also given to build greenhouses near the manure digester to utilize the excess heat to warm them. The fields on the north side of Wells Point lane east of Johns Cove Lane and west of the forest by the O’Brien Homestead were designated for the greenhouses.

By the time the pre-game show came on, the meeting was winding down. The newer members were delighted to be a part of the growing Clan Wells Point. The big game was somewhat anti climatic. The American Football Conference champion Pittsburgh Steelers and the National Football Conference champion Arizona Cardinals met to decide the National Football League champion for the 2008 season. The Steelers defeated the Cardinals by the score of 27–23.

Remodeling the storefront began as soon as the permits were granted. The property on the corner of Fremont and Canton Streets was quickly purchased. The remodeling there would be done when the workers had free time as they had two months to get the job done. The ovens and other baking equipment and shelves were moved and installed in one day to avoid downtime. The CWP Bakery opened in St. Michaels on Monday February 16. As Krista had predicted, venting the ovens onto the Talbot Street, the main road through town and the heart of the pedestrian ‘tourist’ shopping area, drew customers inside. The bakery business doubled the first week and because of numerous requests added coffee, tea and other beverages.

The spouses of CWP Excavation and Concrete signed up to work in the CWP Bakery. Stevie Poore was the manager with Janet Heaps and Shirley Hammond full time employees. Teens Eva and Donovan Beck, Ken and Barbie Poore and Olivia Hammond worked partime. Jane O’Brien Stewart and Lisa Nelson trained and guided the new bakery employees as they stepped back to run CWP Catering.

The upcoming increase in the dairy herd was prompting changes with the main farm. The barn needed to accommodate four hundred instead of the current one hundred fifty. After looking at their options they decided to relocate the poultry to the triangular field between Wells Point Lane, Dougherty Lane and Johns Cove Lane. The dimensions of the field were five hundred ten feet by four hundred eighty five feet by four hundred eighty five feet. The shed already in the pasture would be enlarged and heated to accommodate five hundred chickens, more than double the current two hundred. The entire field would be fenced in to a height of fifteen feet allowing the chickens to roam free in the pasture. That would allow the former chicken housing and their outside run to be converted into a cattle barn.

The clan held a buffet dinner and dance in the Clan Barn on Saturday the 14th for St. Valentines Day. The adults and the teens had a great time while the kids played in a side area that had become a defacto nursery even though the older kids wouldn’t call it that... it was simply a play area to them.

Krista received some good news during the dance and asked to make an announcement. “For those of you who weren’t with us this summer we had a visit from some people we met online. Like me, K8t is a male to female transsexual from Madison West Virginia. She and her boyfriend M8t, her mom Brenda, Grandmom Harriet and her husband Dinky were attacked by a motor cycle gang on June 12 last year in what became known as the Battle of the Transsexual Versus the Bikers. Thirty two bikers led by her hater dad attacked their farm to “teach the fag a lesson”, only eight survived and four of them were wounded. Fortunately they had a few hours warning and while the police didn’t want to get involved since the bikers hadn’t done anything wrong, they set up a strong defense. Dinky learned how to defend against attacks when he was at Khe Sanh in Vietnam. We all enjoyed the time they spent here and we invited them to join the clan. I just received a video from K8t. Please watch the screen.”

The screen flickered to life. It showed a nervous M8t wearing his home made green suede tuxedo standing beside a pool table as recording of the Wedding March began to play. The camera swept across the room to a door. Harriet entered followed by Brenda, both smiling broadly. Then Dinky stepped through to guide K8t inside. She was wearing a gorgeous homemade green suede gown that matched the tuxedo. Hooking arms he escorted her around the pool table to stand beside M8t. Brenda and Harriet served as bridesmaids while Dinky served as the groomsman. A woman minister performed their marriage ceremony. The duo signed the certificate atop the slate pool table. The person filming, naturally off camera, spoke as they signed. “I’m a docent for the Mark Twain House and Museum in Hartford, Connecticut. I’ve just recorded M8t and K8t Green marry at 14:14 o’clock on February 14, 2009 in the third floor Billiard Room. We wish them many years of wedded bliss.” The short film ended.

“They’ll be seventeen this spring but obviously they just married this afternoon,” Krista smiled. “K8t had previously written that when they returned to Madison after their visit with us they found the school and town still very intolerant. The school board was relieved when she and M8t asked to finish their schooling via home schooling. The finished their junior year curriculum by mid November and completed the senior year curriculum at the end of January and were given their diplomas. Attached to the clip you just saw was a formal request for the Green family to become a part of the Clan Wells Point. I’d like to make a motion to accept them as members.”

“We’ve had a motion to accept the Green family as members of the Clan Wells Point,” Steven called out. “Do we have a second?”

“Second,” called out Kylie. “I’d really like to have Dinky Dow join us in CWP Engine and Mechanical Repair.”

“All in favor raise your hands,” Steven said. “That looks like a majority. Any opposed raise your hands... no opposed. The ayes have it!”

“I videoed the motion and vote,” Tony said. “We can send it to K8t as a wedding gift.”

A few moments after the short video was sent Krista received a ‘Thank you’ from K8t.

The rest of the dance was enjoyed by everyone. The tots tried to mimic the adults with hilarious results and utter cuteness.


The new workers at the CWP Bakery in St. Michaels easily settled into a routine. While the women were allowed to experiment with the recipes, they used the tried and true recipes Jane and Lisa provided for the daily baking. Any experimental recipes the women thought had potential they made more to make sure the taste was the same. If consistent they then shared samples with the clan to get their opinions. If it met approval it was added to their list of approved recipes.

When the Greens arrived home from Connecticut they put both properties up for sale making arrangements with their lawyer to handle the West Virginia sales. Dinky placed a ‘Going out of Business, everything must go!” sign at the entrance to his garage and used car lot. Dinky specialized in buying wrecked vehicles and restoring them. People knew the quality of his work and flocked to the garage to get bargains. Even sold at much reduced prices Dinky still made a profit. As they were divesting in West Virginia the clan was preparing a place for them. The clan attacked the house they’d initially converted to house the bakery to now convert it back to a home. Dormers were added to the attic area creating three bedrooms and two baths. The first floor had two bedrooms and one and a half baths

The fourteen feet by six feet trailer M8t and K8t used for their Gr8t Green lawn and landscaping business was filled with their mowers, lawn tractors, rototillers, and other lawn and gardening care equipment then covered with a tarp. It would be towed behind the 1958 Mercury Turnpike Cruiser driven by K8t. Dinky had three restored trucks. First was his 1938 Dodge Power Wagon Wrecker. The garage air tools, compressors and other large service station accessories were packed around the towing deck and driven by Harriet.

The 1957 Ford F500 Dairy Delivery truck had been a home milk delivery vehicle. It’s refrigerated van area would be useful for CWP Dairy & Produce. For the move it would easily haul all their clothes and personal effects. M8t would drive it to the clan towing a dual wheeled car transport carrier with a mint 1957 Ford Thunderbird. The T-Bird was Dinky’s pride and joy. The unique convertible hardtop featured porthole style windows on the sides of the hardtop portion. The 312ci (5.1L) engine featured 2 four barrel Holley carburetors coupled with a Paxton Supercharger put out three hundred horsepower.

The monster vehicle was the big 1956 P350 Ford Parcel Delivery Step Van Truck. The dual rear wheels supported the twelve feet deep by seven feet wide by seven feet high cargo bay. They packed their furniture and linens inside. Dinky would drive the step van towing a transport box trailer seven feet wide by sixteen feet long and seven feet high which would be packed with his tools and their weapons. Harriet would drive her 2002 Ford Escape with whatever could be fitted inside.

The Greens left Madison, WV, at 7am on Saturday February 28. The four hundred eighty mile trip was eight hours of road time. Four of the five vehicles in their convoy were over fifty years old so they planed to drive in two hour stages with a half hour break. They arrived at their new home at 5pm. The CWP teens were waiting and they unloaded their furniture and belongings into the remodeled former bakery before heading up to the Clan Barn for a meal and hearty welcome during the end of month clan general meeting.

The Clan Wells Point began with twenty eight members on September 27. 2007. It grew slowly but steadily to fifty nine members by March 1 and sixty eight members by July 1, 2008. Now at a hundred forty seven members the clan had more than doubled in size since July. The territory also more than doubled in that time. While the four directors were handling things they felt a tiny bit of guilt for simply forging ahead accepting new members and purchasing new property to add to the clan owned territory.

“I’d like to ask everyone for your input,” Jane began after the normal clan business was completed. “The four of us who serve as the directors, well usually we do things and then get your approval. Fortunately, so far no one has objected to what we’ve done. We were thinking about rotating the directors. Something like one every six months to bring fresh ideas in and to prevent us from getting too cocky. What do you think?”

“We all need to thank you for your unflinching service and direction,” Serena Moonflower spoke up. “I don’t think we need to replace you. You are the best people for the job. I doubt very much if you’ve ever disagreed with each other in your deliberations. We can appreciate your concerns about power corrupting, so what I propose is that we add a fifth member to the directors, one who changes out every six months. That will give you a new voice and at the same time involve us.”

“I’ll make that a motion,” Krista declared. “The four directors remain as permanent with a six month rotating fifth member. I’d also like to nominate Serena as the first rotating director.”

Steven stood smiling as he proudly looked at his granddaughter. “Thank you, Krista. Without you the Clan Wells Point wouldn’t exist. The fact three of the four current directors are your grandparents speaks to your positive influence. Now, the heart of the clan has made a motion. Do we have a second?”

“Second,” Tony shouted causing everyone to chuckle as they all knew he was Krista’s ever enamored boyfriend.

The vote unanimously carried.

The next day Dinky Dow headed down to CWP Engine and Mechanical Repair where he met Ed Nelson, Howard and Devin Gantner. After being shown around the building they unloaded his tools and equipment setting up in a vacant bay. It didn’t take Dinky long to convince the others to buy wrecked vehicles, restore, then give them to clan members as needed or sell them.

On Monday Harriet began working as the secretary for CWP LLC while Brenda joined CWP Youth Rehab Hostel as a nurse. M8t and K8t were assigned to CWP Dairy, Produce and Poultry heading up the new greenhouses. They began by checking out and measuring the fields designated for the greenhouses. That evening they sat down with the data duo to check out greenhouse designs, manufacturers and costs.

The Greens also turned their arsenal of weapons over to the clan. The most interesting was an antique Kentucky rifle handed down in the family since at least 1835. The most numerous were eight M1911 .45s with twenty four magazines and eight holsters. There were two 12 gauge five shot pump action shotguns and one double barreled 12 gauge shotgun. A 1913 Winchester Model 1894 lever action 30-30 with twenty six inch barrel yielding a capacity of eight rounds was in mint condition. A 7.92mm WWII era German Mauser Karabiner 98k sniper rifle equipped with the German Zeiss Zielvier 4x (ZF39) telescopic sight yielding an effective range up to 1000 meters matched the two Jenny had added to the clans growing arsenal. An AR-15 .223 caliber assault rifle with three thirty round magazines brought the count of these weapons to three. The most powerful and legendary weapon was the M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR), 30.06 rifle with five twenty round magazines. While the clan was well armed they sincerely hoped to never need to use them. The Clan Wells Point much preferred to follow Teddy Roosevelt’s maxim to ‘walk softly and carry a big stick’. An apropos modern proverb advising the tactic of caution and non-aggression, backed up by the ability to do violence if required.

The family that had been renting the house on the Jablonski farm vacated the house on February 28. They left the property in good shape and their security deposit was refunded. All the clan had to do was a bit of repainting.


California had fallen hard since the financial crisis struck with full fury in 2008. It took a bigger hit than almost any other part of the country and was in the worst shape since the Great Depression. California was at the epicenter of the housing bubble, and of the fallout. The state lost over one half million jobs from the peak of employment in July 2007 to the present, the largest absolute drop of any state. (It would lose a million jobs by the end of 2009.) Over half of those losses came from construction, real estate and mortgage finance-related firms. Employment in the much vaunted high-tech sectors was significantly down from its peak, as well. This effected the Clan Wells Point.

Ed and Lisa Nelson’s divorced daughters lived together in California with their four children. With the cost of housing they had moved their families together three years ago. In January, two weeks apart, they lost their jobs in Silicon Valley. By the end of February they were running out of money and the luster of the promises of a bright California life had lost it’s allure. Unable to make the current mortgage payment on their already underwater home they had no where to turn but their parents. With hat in hand they called Ed and Lisa on March 1.

Delighted to hear from her daughters Lisa took the call. It had been over four years since they’d seen each other. They spoke every few weeks so the parents knew of the divorces and the job losses. There had been a bit of kerfuffle when Ed and Lisa had moved from New Jersey to Maryland. The girls simply couldn’t understand how a spunky twelve year old transgender kid had transformed their parent’s lives. They had no issue with LGBT, in fact the youngest grandchild was gender fluid. Their issue was the youth of Krista. As the months passed they had difficulty believing Krista was as dynamic as he parents reported. But the numerous news reports on Krista’s exploits let them verify their parent’s stories were true.

The girls were told to rent a U-Haul Truck to load their belongings and move their families to Maryland. At first they resisted, unable to admit California wasn’t really all they had made it out to be. But in their hearts they knew they couldn’t afford to try to stick it out. Reluctantly they agreed to move to Maryland... if their parents could rent the U-Haul and advance enough for over night lodging, food and fuel.

Naturally the clan directors approved the truck rental, hotel rentals and cash advance. The two thousand nine hundred mile trip would mean forty three hours of road time. The data duo calculate a trip route with motel reservations after each leg. Using an average of nine hours daily on the road they mapped out the route and stops including a lunch break it would take four overnight stops.

The clan had rented the biggest U-Haul truck, twenty six feet long in Easton arranging for it to be picked up Thursday in Palo Alto California by Ed & Lisa’s daughters. The size was intimidating for the two women but the salesman said driving it was similar to driving a car, just bigger. They took it home and began loading their furniture. The kids weren’t happy to be leaving their friends but understood the financial crunch they were in left no choice. If they didn’t leave they’d soon be homeless. They looked forward to seeing their grandparents and began packing their personal belongings. Arwen’s car was fairly new but still had a lot left on the car loan. She contacted the bank to tell them she couldn’t make the payments and the car was parked in front of the house ready to repossessed.

The school was notified Friday would be the kids last day. Thursday and Friday afternoon and evening they packed and loaded the truck, sleeping on the floor Friday night. Saturday morning their suitcases were loaded into the back of their SUV. One kid would ride in the truck with one sister driving. The four other kids would ride in the SUV with the other sister driving. At each stop the drivers would rotate as would the kids. It was 8am on March 7 when they left their home in the suburbs of Palo Alto.

As they drove the discussed their future. They were all unsure about the clan thing afraid it might be some sort of cult. Their financial situation left them with two choices, stay in California and be homeless or move to Maryland and the Clan Wells Point. They chose the clan.

It was late on the afternoon of March 12 when they drove through St. Michaels. As had become standard operating practice they called when the reached Annapolis and the bridge over the Chesapeake. They turned south on the Bozman-Neavitt Road driving about seven miles until they reached the cemetery on their left. About five hundred feet past that they were to turn into the second lane on the right. They were to look for a dozen vehicles parked in the grass beside the road.

The U-Haul truck slowed when it reached the cemetery. The driver and passenger could see quite a few vehicles parked just past the second lane. As they approached they noted a group of teens loitering amongst the cars and trucks. Eight of the teens ran onto the southbound lane and waved the truck to a halt.

A boy jumped onto the running board by the driver’s door. “Are you Ed and Lisa Nelson’s family?”

The driver nodded uncertainly.

“Great!” The boy enthused. “Pull in here. That’s your new home.” He said as he pointed to through the just budding trees and bushes. “Drive around the trees and back up the rear of the house.” With that he jumped down and joined the rest as they sprinted to the house. As they drew up to the house they Ed and Lisa stepped out of the back porch.

The truck turned wide as it pulled up to the recently vacated house. The SUV pulled right up behind it. The people exited the vehicles to be greeted by thirty eager smiling faces.

Ed and Lisa hugged their daughters and grandchildren then began the introductions. “This is our oldest daughter Arwen Gleason. These are her children fifteen year old Breanne, eleven year old Dominic and nine year old Taylor. This is our youngest daughter Ruby Orlando. These are her children eleven year old Brett and ten year old Blair.” The introductions continued as the newest arrivals were introduced to the clan members present.

Krista was not what they expected. The girl was bouncy, smiling and gregarious but she didn’t look like someone who wrecked a car before wrestling and killing a murderer. Nor did she look like someone who would crawl into a burning car to save a man by severing his arm.

“Were you really born a boy,” Taylor softly asked with near awe in his voice.

“Taylor!” Arwen scolded. “That’s not a polite question! Krista, I apologize for my son’s rash question.”

“There’s no need to apologize,” Krista smiled. “I get that all the time. When people meet me in the flesh I don’t look like their expectations. I’ve found I’m particularly confusing to those who question their gender or who aren’t sure. We were told Taylor is genderfluid so any question from him needs an answer. To answer your question, Taylor, I was born a boy. Physically I still am but I’ve been on testosterone blockers to shut down my male genitals and I’m taking estrogen so I go through puberty just like every other girl. Now, look around at the rest of the teens. Can you tell which ones were not born as the gender they’re currently presenting as?”

Taylor was clearly surprised as he looked over the smiling teens. “You mean there’s more of you who are transgendered?”

“Yes, I’ll give you a bit of help,” Krista smiled. “There are two boys who were born girls and I’m one of four girls who were born boys. There is also one adult who was born a boy but she had surgery to correct birth defect. She’s married to my uncle and they adopted infant twins last June”

Taylor along with the rest of his family looked over the smiling teens. They were unsure of who the transgendered were and didn’t want to risk guessing wrong. When it was clear they couldn’t guess Krista had Allen, Sam, Jenny, Jamie and K8t step forward.

Most of the newly arrived family shook their heads in disbelief. Taylor however, began to shake. Dropping to his knees he began to cry.

Arwen quickly knelt by her son hugging him. “Tay, honey, what’s wrong?”

“Mommy, I can’t do it anymore,” he sobbed. “Inside me, I’m a girl! I lied about being genderfluid because I was scared. I really got hassled at school... coming out as a girl would have been worse. But here... here I can be who I really am! Please, I need to be a girl!”

Breanna dropped to her knees to add her hug to her mother’s. “Well sis, I for one have your back.”

“SISTER,” Dominic sneered causing Taylor to flinch and his mother and sister to visually throw daggers at him. “It’s about time you fessed up. Nobody understands genderfluid. Now instead of protecting my little what-ever-it-is, I can protect my little sister! Anyway, the way you switched back and forth was too confusing. The best thing is you don’t have to even change your name!” With that he affectionately ruffled Taylor’s hair.

When Taylor recovered enough to stand on her own, the rest of the family hugged her letting her know they supported her. When the clan members did the same her heart melted.

When everyone had recovered from the emotion wrought revelation the family was given a quick tour of the six bedroom three and a half bath house. They realized two of them would have to double up which was far better than their four bedroom house back in Palo Alto where six of them were doubled up. By the time they returned outside the truck was unloaded onto the lawn.

“Tay can share my bedroom,” Breanne announced as she placed an arm around her new sister. “That is if she agrees?”

“I love to!” Tay squealed with delight as she hugged her big sister. “Thanks sis!”

With that the Gleason and Orlando families settled into their new home with the help of the clan members present. Since it was a Thursday they called into St. Michaels for pizza after getting everyone’s request for toppings.

The kids would start school on Monday giving everyone a chance to recuperate from their arduous cross country trip. Upon rising on Friday morning they dug into the coffee, tea, milk and cereals the clan had supplied. At 9am they jumped as an airhorn blared from their front yard. Running outside they were shocked to see a huge green and pink plaid DUKW. The convertible top was up so anyone inside could fight off the March chill. Ed and Lisa leaned out of an open side window.

“Bundle up and hop aboard,” Ed called out. “We’ll take you on a tour of the Clan Wells Point.”

After grabbing a jacket Dominic walked around the DUKW with his eyes brimming with humor. “Where did that come from?”

“Climb in,” Ed chuckled at his oldest grandson. “I’ll explain as we travel.”

Once everyone was on board Ed drove down Jablonski Lane to the tip of Change Point explaining how the clan took over the Jablonski farm and was now taking care of Theo. Looking out from Change Point they looked across the waters. To the south east was the Choptank River, to the west was Tilgham Island, and to the southwest was the Chesapeake Bay. After turning around they headed back the way they’d come. Ed explained the DUKW was a surplus vehicle that Krista’s great great grandfather had purchased after WWII. He used to rescue people when a nasty hurricane came through back in 1972. Spent three days getting supplies to those who were stranded and rescuing any who needed it. This beast was the only thing that could travel the bays and coves as well as the fields and swamps and washed out roads. The engine and transaxles were pretty well beat up by then so he parked it in his barn and trough a tarp over it. He never did get around to fixing it. When we first came down we discovered it in the barn. Kylie, Krista and I overhauled all the mechanicals and got it running last winter. We sanded the olive drab paint down and repainted it in the Clan Wells Point tartan.”

After that they traveled around the clan territory as Ed and Lisa pointed out paces of interest. When they got to the end of Wells Point Ed told everyone to sit and hold on. Slowly he trundled over the stone line shore breakwater into Broad Creek. They then sailed northeast into the San Domingo Creek. As they approached the public dock they steered to the right and rumbled up the public boat launch. Susan’s Place B&B as well as CWP Excavation and Concrete. They drove down the streets to the St. Luke’s UMC and the CWP Bakery where they stopped for drinks and sticky buns. From there they drove two blocks to the Acme where they did their grocery shopping before driving back to the house.

Saturday they spent settling into their new home. Sunday they attended their first clan get together at the clan barn. Everyone welcomed them into the Clan Wells Point. The Clan Wells Point had swelled to one hundred fifty four members.

Ben Reese asked to address the gathered clan. “I want to thank everyone for the chance to redeem myself. I want to apologize to my family for all the hurt I caused. I’m disgusted with myself for how conceited and selfish I was. My time with the clan has opened my eyes and I can honestly say I’m a changed man. I understand my ex wives have grown past me. I don’t blame them. Again I apologize for betraying them. I know I’m still on probation and have been working whatever grunt jobs have needed a warm body. I’d like to settle down with a steady job. If you’ll have me, I’d like to become the full time operator of the manure digester.”

“I think Ben would be a good fit for the position,” Larry declared. With the upcoming arrival of another two hundred fifty cows and another three hundred chickens the need for a full time operator at the digester is paramount. Ben has done every job without complaint and has earned my trust. If no one objects, I’m in favor of giving him the position.”

Steven stood to address the clan. “Does anyone object to assigning Ben to be our full time operator for the Manure Digester?” He waited a few moments but no one objected. “Hearing no objections, congratulations on your new position, Ben.”

“Thank you. I have another request,” Ben declared as he reached out for Buffy’s hand. “Buffy and I have been living in the Nelson home for over a year. We’ve grown quite fond of each other. We’ve discussed our mutual attraction and ask permission to marry and move into a apartment above CWP Daycare.”

Nearly everyone smiled and applauded until Jasmine stood, then they fell silent. Holly and Ivy stood and walked over to their half brothers Benny Jr and George picking the toddlers up. Jaz led her siblings to Ben and Buffy. As they approached Sandi Scott, the daughter she’d given up for adoption by Krista’s parents, joined them. Not a sound was heard as the six kids stood before the nervous duo. Jaz stared the duo down until they lowered their gaze in defeat.

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