A Summer's Odyssey IV Chapter 1

A Summer’s Odyssey IV

by Jennifer Sue

Chapter 1

Although Kylie and Larry had departed for their honeymoon the wedding reception continued until 10:00pm. Some of the guests came and went as they switched off seeing to the farm animals. Despite being so ill Susan Warren managed to sit through the remaining festivities. Seeing her grandchildren, twins Sonny and Rayne, being cuddled and loved by the adults, teens and children of the Clan Wells Point made her heart swell. She knew her decision to ask Larry and Kylie to adopt the pair was the best thing she could have done to insure the three week old infants had a loving family. The entire Clan agreed the twins were the best wedding present the dynamic couple could have received.

Evelyn and her sister in law Rachel helped Susan settle into a guest room in the main farmhouse. Doctors Wanda Sykes and Grace Olsen made sure the terminally ill woman would be as comfortable as possible before they headed home. Heather Reese took the twins home with her knowing Jasmine, Holly and Ivy were more than willing to assist in caring for the babies.

Heather arrived at the farmhouse with the twins a bit after 8:00am. Jasmine, Holly, and Ivy went with Evelyn Masters as she drove Susan to her home. Robert with Tony followed in the big F-350 pickup. While Tony assisted the females Robert checked out the house securing all windows and doors, turning off the heat and hot water, before shutting off the water. They packed up everything that Susan had accumulated for the twins, clothing for Susan as well as all the documentation for the house, herself, and the twins. They returned to the farmhouse about 11:30am. Susan took a quick nap as the things they brought were put in the appropriate rooms.

Twenty minutes before they arrived back at the main farmhouse a jaunty procession left the O’Brien homestead to walk down Wells Point Lane headed for the tip of Wells Point and the Wells-O’Brien Cemetery. Krista was between her sisters Lyndi and Teri holding their hands as she led the rest of her immediate family. Jane and Kevin with Sandi between them followed. Pat with Peter and LJ were next while Leroy brought up the rear towing the dented but still serviceable red American Flyer wagon with the old green metal Coleman Cooler inside. Bungee corded atop the cooler was a large wicker picnic basket and an eighteen inch long boombox. It took them twenty five minutes to cover the 7/8 mile. They sang along with the recorded music as they walked.
The Climb by Miley Cyrus Miley
Krista’s personal theme song El Toro De Goro by Sam the Sham Sam
Joy To The World by the Three Dog Night Dog
Firework by Katy Perry Katie
Everything is Beautiful by Ray Stevens Ray
The Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog Kermit
Make Your Own Kind of Music by Mama Cass Cass

For the first third of their jaunt a gentle salt tinged breeze caused the growing green wheat in the fields beside Wells Point Lane to ripple in the sunlight as they walked and sang. The second third was through the forest. They barely felt wind on the lane since the woodland filtered and slowed the onslaught. From both sides the majestic trees arched cathedral like over the lane often touching. Up high the upper branches swayed in the breeze allowing glimpses of the blue sky as the ever shifting sunbeams poked through the leafy boughs dappling the lane. Upon emerging from the trees the last third was through fields of rippling oats and rye.

When they reached the cemetery they walked through the gate in the low stone wall making their way past the nearly two dozen weathered tombstones to the far corner and the two latest burials. The first was James O’Brien, Jane’s first husband and Krista’s grandfather. Next was the final resting place for the physical body of Carol O’Brien, Jane’s daughter and the mother of Krista, Lyndi and Teri.

With arms about each other Jane, Krista, Lyndi and Teri stood at the foot of the grave and for the first time looked at the recently added tombstone. The bittersweet tears of loss trickled down their cheeks yet all were smiling while biting their lips. Made from a single piece of Indian Black Granite the monument was of a seated angel leaning over gently caressing a polished heart. The Angel with relaxed wings unfurled had an almost smile on her loving peaceful face. Long hair flowed across her shoulders. The inscription brought tears to everyone’s face.


Here lie the physical remains
of one whose spirit God ordains.
Despite life’s trials she gave love
and still protects us from above,
as our Guardian Angel she reigns!

As a spirit amongst us does she rove.
Caring and love in our hearts she has wove.
Always guided us to the righteous way,
continues to do so every day,
so love and caring is our treasure trove!

Beloved by all

Carol O’Brien

July 8, 1979 - June 14, 2007

“Mother, I know you can hear me,” Krista spoke clearly. “It was one year ago today that your earthly life ended. Gram, Lyndi, Teri, and myself love you and miss you and we understand you did what you needed to do so you could continue to help us. Since your death you’ve helped us in oh so many ways. You gave me the strength to guide Lyndi and Teri here to find our loving family. You saved Kylie’s life when she attempted to end it. You guided Jasmine from the darkness that trapped her in her own brain saving her life. I can feel you watching and guarding us every day. We thank God for allowing you watch over us.”

“Mother, I have a request,” Krista contritely continued. “Yesterday while we celebrated Kylie and Larry’s marriage we received an unexpected surprise that was simultaneously tragic and wonderful. Susan Warren joined us with her three week old grand-twins Sonny and Rayne. She asked that Kylie and Larry adopt the babies. Callie, the mother of the twins is in prison and gave her blessing to allow the children to be adopted. Susan clearly loves her grandchildren but she has terminal cancer with only a week or two to live. You know how frustrating it is to want to raise your offspring and to be prevented from doing so by cancer. What we’d like you to do is visit Susan to reassure her the Clan will take care of Sonny and Rayne and that death is not the end. The Clan is acting as a hospice so she can end her earthly life near her grandchildren. Please, if you can, ease her last days and guide her to heaven. Thank you mother, for all you’ve done and for everything you’ll do.”

Jane, Leroy, Kevin and Pat were biting their lips as tears flowed freely down their cheeks. They were utterly moved by and proud of Krista’s simple yet elegant request that Carol help Susan. The teen was full of love, hope and confidence that Carol would help the dying woman.

After a few moments of silence Krista sighed. “We can start the picnic now.”

The twins spread the blankets atop the grass covered graves while Jane and Pat lifted the big wicker picnic basket off the wagon and began dispense sandwiches. Krista opened and set out the bags of chips and pretzels. LJ and Peter moved the boombox to the wall, pulled out the antennae and tuned in WPOC - 93.1 FM. Setting the volume to serve as background they could easily talk above the country music of the Baltimore station. Leroy and Kevin opened the cooler to hand out cans of Coke and Sprite. When the tasks were completed the family settled atop the blankets to enjoy their repast.

As planned they had their picnic packed up by 1:00pm when all Clan members who were available began to arrive. It may seem strange but The Clan Wells Point was not gathered to celebrate Carol’s death, they came together to CELEBRATE her graduation! The first to arrive were Ed and Lisa Nelson along with Benny Reese and Buffy Herr who lived about two hundred feet away. They brought snacks and beverages that had been prepared and kept at their place. Upon arrival, everyone headed to the cemetery to pay their respects to Carol and admire the appropriateness of the monument. While not everyone was able to make it, all sixty eight Clan Wells Point members knew it was Carol’s death that spurred Krista to begin her Odyssey that culminated in the forming of the loving and protective Clan. Badminton and volleyball nets were set up and well utilized. Frisbees flew, bubbles were blown, games of tag played and Father’s day was celebrated. BBQ grills were set in the late afternoon so burgers and hot dogs could be prepared.

Too weak to walk about, Susan relaxed in the warm sunshine upon a chaise lounge. The warmth eased some of the aches and pains of her cancer ravaged body. Seeing her precious grandchildren fawned over by their new extended family as well as the caring attention paid to her was nearly overwhelming. The all too real fears she’d felt about caring for the infants were relieved. No one was surprised when she dozed off for a bit. As she faded into slumber the sounds of the gathering faded into the background. Then Susan clearly heard a kind caring but weary voice.

“Hello Susan. You can rest assured that Sonny and Rayne are in good hands,” the soothing voice intoned. “Please take my hand and come with me for a moment.”

Susan opened her eyes to see a weary haggard woman wearing a worn and tattered nightgown that was soggy with water dripping off it. Bits of seaweed clung to the gown and her wet hair. But the loving smile upon her face instantly set her at ease. Then she noticed that while she could see that she was lying on the lounge and the picnic was going on around her, it seemed as if everyone but herself and the strange woman were muted inside a fog. “Wh... who are you?”

“You could say I’m an angel,” Carol explained. “A Guardian Angel, at least that’s how a lot of the Clan members think of me. My daughter Krista asked that I comfort and reassure you.”

“Krista... she’s a remarkable girl... th... that means you’re Carol O’Brien...” Susan’s head swam with the implications. The gathering had been held to celebrated the first anniversary of the woman’s death!!! er... graduation? “Ha... Ha... have I died?”

“No, and you won’t die. Like me you’ll soon graduate to the next life,” Carol smiled.

“How long before I... graduate?” Susan asked with trepidation.

“I don’t know exactly,” Carol answered. “But your suffering will end in a week or two. There is no need to be afraid.”

“I’m not really afraid for myself, a bit concerned, but not afraid,” Susan answered. “I’ve accepted my end is near and I’m ready to go despite being concerned about Callie. I don’t know where I went wrong raising her. It was only after she contacted me about taking care of her babies that I began to fret since I knew I wouldn’t last long enough to raise them.”

“Callie got involved with the wrong people in high school,” Carol replied. “She was upset by your divorce and then by her father’s death shortly thereafter. You were hurting too because you loved the man but the drinking and potential for abuse were too much to handle. You did the right thing with the divorce. You and Callie were simply unable to share your despair and grief. That was when the stoners snared her. During the few weeks it took you to pull yourself together, she’d gotten hooked on pot. When you tried to rein her in, she ran off. Satan is just as real as God and he’d been able to insinuate his way into Callie. It was not your fault.”

“But I failed her,” Susan sniffled. “If I hadn’t divorced him none of this would have happened,”

“Susan, you most certainly did not fail Callie,” Carol smiled. “Didn’t she ask you to take care of Sonny and Rayne? She KNEW you were a good mother and the fault was with her, not you. She knew she’d made bad decisions and had to pay the price. Besides, God uses adversity to help humanity. I was too weak to get my children here so I ended my life. I was rewarded by being able to watch over them and tweak things to help them. They made it because God used my earthly death for good. God is doing the same for you. If Callie hadn’t run away you wouldn’t have your grandchildren. Whenever Satan slams a door shut, God opens another.”

“So Callie was destined to runaway?” Susan asked with obvious puzzlement.

“No, destiny is over rated. God gave humanity free will,” Carol answered. “When Callie made a bad choice, God opened the door to save Sonny and Rayne by having Callie ask you to take them in. Fortunately, despite your cancer, you chose to step through the open door to get your grandchildren. Once you were back home, God opened another door using Kylie and Larry’s wedding. Yesterday you stepped through that door. Now Sonny and Rayne will have parents and The Clan Wells Point to love, nurture and protect them. Your heavy burden has been lifted and The Clan Wells Point will see to it your last days are as happy and peaceful as they can make them. I can also promise they’ll do all they can to help Callie. Krista has urged the Clan to get three people released from prison to the Clan. All three are now Clan members. One sentence was commuted to time served and the other two are here on work release parole. Those two lost their rights to parenthood for their children who are also Clan members but they’ve admitted their misdeeds justified the loss. They’ve been reaccepted by their offspring and the Clan as an uncle or aunt to their children. You can rest assured Krista will be relentless in pushing the Clan to bring Callie here. It may take a while but I’m confident it will happen. Hopefully it won’t be too long until Aunt Callie joins the Clan.”

“I knew the Clan has been active in social issues and self help,” Susan acknowledged. “But I had no idea they were so proactive. Just how important is Krista to the Clan?”

“She’s the heart and soul of the Clan,” Carole beamed. “If it wasn’t for her the Clan Wells Point would not exist.”

“I almost wish I could join the Clan but it’s too late for me,” Susan sighed.

“It was too late for me,” Carol smiled. “I consider myself to be a spirit member of the Clan. If I know Krista, you’ll be a full member of Clan Wells Point before your graduation. The Clan is getting a bit too large for me to oversee it by myself. If you’re willing, I have permission from higher up that when your time comes, if you like, you can join me. That way you can look out for Sonny, Rayne and Callie.”

“Could I do that?” Susan asked as hope soared. “I’d love to help you! But what if I’m buried somewhere else? Will I still be able to be here in spirit?”

“Of course,” Carol chuckled. “I was keeping an eye on Krista, Lyndi and Teri from the first day
I died. They didn’t find my body until a week after I’d died. Then it took a nearly two weeks to ship my body here and bury it. My spirit was with the kids the entire time. Once you die, your body is just an empty shell. Your soul is free from it’s prison of flesh. It doesn’t matter where your body is buried or if it’s cremated, once freed you have no need or use for it.”

“In that case, I look forward to joining you as a guardian angel,” Susan smiled.

“I’ve enjoyed our conversation and look forward to many more once you join me,” Carol smiled. “I think you’d better wake up now.”

Susan awoke to peer about the happy gathering. Her heart felt lighter than it had for well over a year. The future was now well in hand and she could stop fighting her earthly death. As Carol had said, a body was just a bag of flesh.

After they’d eaten, Krista with Sam and Gilligan Evans drove back to the barn where they broke out the DUKW. Krista was the pilot/driver as the behemoth trundled down the lane to the launch in Steves Cove. Once Krista maneuvered into open waters Gilligan took the helm. Although he was a licensed pilot, he had never operated the WWII ere amphibian. Krista had a junior license and knew how to handle the boat but could only do so with a licensed pilot aboard. The short cruise to the tip of Wells Point was the perfect time for Krista to show Gilligan how the big amphib operated. When they reached their destination Krista deftly maneuvered alongside the big rocks protecting the land from eroding to the small dock.

When the green and pink plaid boat appeared, nearly everyone headed to the dock. The DUKW was currently outfitted with seats and could accommodate twenty four passengers. A short gangplank with chain handrails was put in place. Five minutes after docking the seats were full and they set out on a short cruise. Everyone that wanted was able to enjoy a thirty minute trip in Broad Creek. The sun was setting as Krista guided the DUKW into it’s parking spot in the barn. They returned to the gathering with enough time for another hotdog before the party was brought to an end.

Just before the celebration wrapped up, Krista led everyone to Susan. Susan returned the smiles she received.

“Susan, we’d like you to offer you a chance to join the Clan Wells Point,” Kevin said.

“I’m flattered,” Susan replied as her weary heart soared. “What’s involved?”

“All you need to do is say yes,” Kevin smiled.

“If you’ll have me I’d love to join,” Susan answered. “But what is the normal procedure to join?”

“Normally when anyone joins the Clan they transfer all their possessions to the Clan in exchange for a percentage share of the Clan,” Kevin explained.

“I’ve never been one to ask for special privileges,” Susan declared. “Although my body is failing my mind is still functioning. I’ll sign all I have over to the Clan in exchange for an appropriate share in the Clan. When I graduate, I designate my share go to Callie with Sonny and Rayne as tertiary beneficiaries.”

Everyone applauded and hugs were shared. Susan became a member of the Clan Wells Point. The paperwork would be done at the same time as the adoption.


Monday June 16 the Clan once more returned to it’s multifaceted businesses. The chores that had been pushed back by the two days of celebration had to made up. Jamie announced her desire to join the staff of the CWP Fabric and Cloth Enterprises. Orders for screen printed t-shirts kept two people busy while orders for custom sails and awnings were growing rapidly so they decided to locally advertize for additional employees. But there were several events important to the Clan that day.

About 10:00am a smoking rattletrap slowly turned onto Wells Point lane. The knocking of the engine heralded the approach of the dented and rusted 1952 Ford Panel truck. As it pulled up to the CWP bakery Jane exited the building. Seated behind the steering wheel was a weary old woman. Jane recognized the woman and the panel truck. “Rachel, it’s good to see you,” Jane began until she could see Rachel’s haggard appearance. “What’s wrong?”

Rachel wearily stepped from the vehicle and fell into Jane’s offered hug. “Ted... he’s in the hospital... a stroke... he may not survive...” she stuttered before breaking into tears.

South of Bozman on the Bay Hundred peninsula bordered by Broad Creek to the east and Harris Creek to the West there were three farms. The northern most farm, about two thirds the size of the CWP farm, was owned by Mr. And Mrs Wagner. The CWP farm was in between the other farms. The Jablonski farm, about one third the size of the CWP farm, was the southern most farm and west of Neavitt on Change Point.

The Jablonski’s owned and operated their farm. Born in Poland before WWII Theodore immigrated with his parents who purchased the farm he later inherited and with his wife still operated. He was seventy six while she was seventy two years old and it really wasn’t a surprise the hard working stubborn man had a stroke.

With compassion Jane led the shaking woman inside the bakery. Sitting down with the exhausted woman Jane called out to Lisa who was working in the back. “Lisa, could you please make us chamomile tea?”

Lisa could see Jane was comforting the distraught older woman and began to brew the tea. While they waited Jane and Rachel talked about what had happened.

“Yesterday Theo had been cutting hay in preparation for bailing when he began to feel weird,” Rachel slowly recounted. “Rather than finish the field he wisely headed for the farmhouse. By the time he got there his left side was useless. Hearing the tractor return so early I knew something had happened. Hearing it pull up to the house I knew whatever happened was bad. Upon seeing Theo slumped over the steering wheel I rushed to his side. The dangling left arm and leg as well as his melted face told me it was a stoke.”

“I told Theo to just stay put,” Rachel continued. “I climbed up beside him, giving him a tender kiss before I reached out and shut down the engine. I told him it looked like he’d suffered a stroke. I couldn’t begin to get him off the tractor so I told him to hang on while I called 911.”

She went on to explain how the ambulance and EMS van from the Tilghman Island Volunteer Fire Department came roaring down Change Point Road. The crew sprung into action. They lifted Theo from the tractor and placed him on the gurney. The crews worked rapidly and in five minutes everyone was heading for the Hospital at Easton, Shore Health System, University of Maryland Medical System.

The ensuing hours had been heart wrenching for Rachel. Theo was first stabilized then CAT and MRI scans revealed the clot. Blood thinners and other medications were administered. About 8:00pm they moved Theo into ICU. After making sure he was settled she called a taxi to take her home.

“This morning when I headed out to go to the hospital, I couldn’t get the pickup to start,” Rachel explained. “I sat and cried. Then I remembered the old panel truck Theo used to do chores. It took a bit but it started. By the time I reached the Bozman-Neavitt Road I realized the old beast wouldn’t make it to the hospital. I remembered your daughter-in-law, Kylie, is running a repair shop. Do you think she could get the pickup running so I can get to the hospital?”

“Let me make some quick calls,” Jane said as Lisa brought the tea. Lisa sat with Rachel while Jane headed into the back room to make the calls.

When she returned Jane asked, “Do you have the keys for the pick-up with you?”

“Yes,” Rachel said reaching into her purse.

“Leave them and the panel truck keys on the table. “Kylie will take both to the shop. My car is out back. I’ll run you in to the hospital. When you’re ready to come home just call and I’ll pick you up.”

“I can’t ask you to put yourself out like that,” Rachel tried to demure.

“You’re not asking, I offered,” Jane replied. “We have no idea how long it’ll take Kylie to get one running. Let me take you in and back today. By the time you’re ready to come home we’ll have an idea of how long it’ll take to get the vehicles running.”

Reluctantly Rachel agreed. Within minutes they were on their way. After parking Jane accompanied Rachel inside. Although still in ICU Theo was awake and lucid. After exchanging hugs and a kiss Rachel explained about the vehicular issues. The stroke effected Theo’s speech which was slurred and mumbled but Jane understood his thanks.

“I’ve spoken to Larry,” Jane stated. “If you approve, the CWP Organic Farm will tend to your fields until you recover.”

Theo attempted to reply but was unable to make himself understood.

Jane dug about in her purse pulling out a pad and pen. “If Rachel holds the pad, do you think you could write your reply?”

After an awkward nod Rachel held the pad as Theo wrote. {Can’t pay, barely able to pay bills.]

“Theo, no one asked you to pay,” Jane smiled. “In times of need neighbors help neighbors. That’s what the Clan Wells Point is all about. Hopefully you’ll regain the ability to speak. We can discuss things then. In the mean time, you can relax and concentrate on getting better. I’ve got to get back to the shop so I’ll leave you together.” After exchanging hugs Jane headed home.

After hearing that Theo was in the hospital Bill Dougherty wanted to help. Jane invited him to join her family for supper. Upon learning the seriousness of Theo’s condition he volunteered to be Rachel’s chauffeur. After the meal was finished, Bill headed to the hospital to see his old friends.

Rachel and Theo were pleasantly surprised to see him. After exchanging pleasantries and learning Theo’s prognosis it was clear that while Theo would improve, his days as a farmer were over. Bill knew the Jablonski’s well enough to know they were cash poor. The idea of selling their farm to a developer upset them since they wanted to see the land remain a farm.

“Le me give ya the fix t’ yer p’oblems” Bill drawled. “Join da Clan Wells Point. As membas, dey’d see t’ it yal an da farm be takin care o’. Ah still advise ‘em an help out as Ah can. Ya’ll can do da same.”

The couple exchanged glances then Rachel spoke. “How would we join?”

“Sam’ way Ah dun,” Bill answered. “Ya trade yer farm ta de Clan Wells Point wit’ ‘stricti’ns dat it stay a fa’m. ‘N exchange dey giv ya a share o’ the Clan. Den dey’ll pavide whate’er nursin ya need as well as seeing ya’ll et well an’ hav’ a comfo’tible place ta live. Dat’s not ta menti’n ya’ll hav’ a carin’ fam’ly. Yer share ‘n da Clan will go to yer ‘airs. If ya ‘gree ya’ll can ‘spect Kevin, Robert an Jane ta stop by and draw up a contrak ta get ya inta de Clan.”

Rachel sighed. “Ted, there’s no way we can take care of the farm. If we have to sell it’ll get parceled out. We’ve seen how the Clan Wells Point has prospered. If we join we’ll be part of them. Besides, it’s the only way we’ll be able to stay on the farm. Otherwise we’ll have to sell it outright and move to a nursing home.”

Ted blinked back tears as he nodded his acquiescence.

Bill also informed them that since he was mostly retired he’d drive Rachel back and forth to the hospital. When Rachel attempted to protest Bill cut her off telling her she had enough to cope with and didn’t need the hassle of driving plus that was just what Clan members did for each other. That settled the matter.


That same morning Kevin Stewart set the wheels in motion to arrange the adoption of Sonny and Rayne. Arrangements were made to have Callie appear via web cam to formally give up all parental rights to the twins so they could be adopted by Kylie and Larry. Inquiries were also made about hiring a top notch Texas lawyer to review Callie’s conviction with eyes toward greatly shorten the sentence or have it commuted with her being placed on a work release program administered by the Clan or possibly overturning the conviction.

Since she was now living in the main farmhouse, Evelyn and Rachel took turns keeping Susan company during the day. Monday morning Krista set up a web cam for Susan so that she could record herself telling all she could recall about the Warren family so the twins would know their birth family history. She also spent time recording herself reading children’s stories. Tony set up a music stand to hold the books so Susan could turn the pages as she read. The love the dying woman had for her infant grandchildren was palpably present in the recordings as well as the toll doing so took from her ravaged body. The twins would have a lot of fine memories about the grandmother they’d otherwise have never known. Time would be spent each day recording the memories. This inspired the rest of the Clan to make similar blogs to pass on their knowledge and wisdom.


Just after lunch, Kevin took a call from Jason Lieberman who was Jennifer Sue’s Pennsylvania lawyer.

“The estate of her parents is finally out of probate,” Jason said. “All that remains to be done is to liquidate the house, furnishings, vehicles, tools and whatever else is in the property. Once that is done a cashiers check will be sent to you to establish a trust fund for Jenny. The auction is scheduled for Saturday July 12. If Jennifer wants anything she’ll need to get them before the auction. The sooner the better so the auctioneer knows will be sold.”

“I’ll have to check with Jenny to see if she wants anything,” Kevin said. “I think Jenny has a key. It was on the key ring of the Escort she drove here. I’ll call you whether or not she wants anything. Do we need to meet someone there?”

“I don’t think that’ll be necessary,” Jason replied. “If Jenny wants to get anything, let me know when and I’ll notify the Fleetwood Police who cover Richmond Township and Virginville. That way if anyone calls they know it’s not a home break in.”

“Please have the phone number for the Fleetwood Police available when I call,” Kevin asked. “That way whoever is going can call in about a half hour before they arrive to give the Police a heads up.”

With that they concluded the call.

Calling ahead Kevin stopped at the Ewell home to discuss Jennifer’s inheritance.

“There are a few things I’d like but I don’t know if it’s worth the long trip,” Jennifer sighed.

“You said Jennifer could take anything from the property,” Jamie said. “Does that mean she could take things that were her parents?”

“Yes it does,” Kevin replied.

“Jenny, you said your dad had a lot of tools and that there were a couple of ATVs,” Jamie said. “Maybe the clan could use some of those things.”

“I’ll call Robert,” Kevin said. “He’d know if those things might be usable.”

Twenty minutes later Robert arrived. Jenny and he spent half an hour going over what was available. In the end Robert agreed to drive using his Ford F-350 super duty Crew Cab with a seven feet wide by twenty feet long trailer with sides 3 feet high.


That evening Krista sat with the other teens in the music room at the main farm. The central location made it a good gathering point for the youth. As usual Krista was checking the CWP Facebook site to discover a curious note.

“Greetings to the Clan Wells Point! My name is K8t Green, I’m 16 and a MTF TS just like my heroine Krista. My boyfriend, M8t and I have been following Krista in the news and have been impressed and motivated by her grit and spunk. I’m reaching out in hopes of talking with Krista. This past week my family and I were attacked by a motorcycle gang led by my father who wanted to rape us then kill us because I’m TG. We found out they were coming and but the police couldn’t do anything until a law was broken. We knew by then it would be too late so we defended ourselves. It was horrible. It happened Thursday in Madison WV. The media labeled it the ‘Battle of the Transsexual versus the Bikers’. It’s messed me up and I really need a friend who has experienced the trauma of unwillingly killing someone and came through it. Krista, please contact me.

With the utmost respect,

K8t Green.”

With her curiosity piqued by the names and the reference to a battle she wondered if it was some sort of prank. Krista entered a Google search for ‘Battle of the Transsexual versus the Bikers’. What she found stunned her. Of the thirty two motorcycle gang members who attacked K8t, M8t, her mom Brenda, grandmom Harriet, and close family friend Dinky Dow, only eight survived the fierce battle. gr8
The story gave a brief back story of K8t’s MTF journey and M8t’s friendship, their unique name change and the business the pair created and ran, Gr8 Green Landscaping.

The other teens were stunned when Krista shared the tale of the committed duo and their horrific gun battle. All agreed they were interested in corresponding with K8t and M8t and possibly meeting. Krista contacted K8t and they discussed their mutual TG concerns as well as how they handled the violence they’d endured.


By Wednesday when Kylie and Larry returned from their short honeymoon, Susan was more than delighted to have herself and her grandchildren be a part of the Clan. The loving greeting the newly wed couple gave their soon to be adopted children brought tears of joy to her haggard weary face.


Thursday June 19 Ruth, Jamie, and Jennifer Sue Ewell were picked up at 7:00am by Robert in his F-350 pickup with trailer. When they were approaching Reading, Pa. Ruth called the Fleetwood Police to let them know they were about thirty minutes or so away from Virginville.

It was a few minutes past 10:00am when they pulled into the driveway. Jenny shivered as the bad memories flooded her mind. Jamie hugged her adopted sister to reassure her. After steeling herself they exited the pickup. Walking to the back door, Jenny unlocked it and stepped inside. Thankfully there was no evidence of the fight. The house had been cleaned for the auction.

Upon entering the rear door there was a mudroom with laundry to the right with a powder room on the left. Once in the kitchen there were two doors, towards the front was a dining room while to the right was a living room stretching from the front of the house to the back. At the front of the livingroom a door opened into the dining room creating a circular room to room route.

Jenny retrieved a key ring from the mudroom and gave it to Robert. “These are the keys for the garage and sheds where he kept most of his tools as well as the keys for his pickup. You can check them out while we handle the house.”

“Will do,” Robert smiled as he headed back outside.

The garage was filled with tools. An eighty gallon air compressor, hoses, and air powered tools Were against one wall. The table saw, jig saw, lathe, planer, sanding table as well as accessories for the stationary wood working tools were in excellent shape. There were three tall wheeled multi-drawer tool cabinets, one filled with mechanics tools, another with machinist tools and the last with hand carpentry tools. Pegboards were filled with larger hand tools. Two large wheeled cabinets had boxes of hardware, nails, screws, bolts, nuts, washers, clamps plus many other odds and ends.

In one shed were two ATVs that looked to be in good shape. A trailer big enough to haul the ATVs stood on it’s side leaning against the shed. Another shed had a John Deer garden tractor with a snowblower attachment mounted in front. To the sides were a plow attachment and a forty eight inch triple blade mower deck. Also inside was a twenty one inch self drive walk behind mower, a heavy duty string trimmer, a regular string trimmer, two eighteen inch chainsaws, and a power tree trimmer.

Ruth was going through the kitchen. Jenny’s mom had been a work at home seamstress. A spare second floor bedroom was her workroom. Jamie was exploring the room. Inside were three Brother sewing machines, a computerized sixty stitch unit, a computerized quilting/embroidery machine, and a surging machine as well as hundreds of patterns, cloth, and thread. Jenny was sitting at the table wiping tears as she looked through the photo albums and scrap books.

After checking Jenny’s dad’s 2002 Ford Explorer Sports Track to make sure it was useable. Robert closed the doors on the garage and sheds then headed into the house to take orders for lunch. The nearest place was a Subway six and a half miles away by the Kutztown University campus. Once he had everyone’s order he headed off in the Explorer. If it handled well and had no issues, He’d hook up the ATV trailer to it so they could drive it back to the CWP. Ruth headed upstairs to see if there were any linens worth taking.

One of the neighbors saw the people at the vacant house. Rather than call the police, they called the Raven’s to let them know there was a strange pickup with a trailer in the driveway as well as people in the house and going through the garage and sheds at their son’s home. Less than five minutes after Robert left a battered 1992 F150 pickup pulled into the driveway. Richard Raven noted his son’s Explorer was missing and saw the strange pickup with trailer parked in the driveway. Seeing Maryland plates on both Richard and Virginia exchanged looks of disgust. Their perverted grandson was here. With grim expressions etched upon their faces they knew they had a chance to eliminate their demon spawn. Virginia slid behind the steering wheel while Richard exited holding a 9mm Glock 7. Cautiously he headed for the back door to find it open. Stepping inside he could tell someone had been rifling the kitchen. Then he heard a sigh and a book closing. In the dining room he saw a teenager seated at the table looking through photo albums.

Keeping the pistol pointed in the girl’s direction he spoke. “At last the murderer has returned to the scene of his crime!”

The startled girl jumped in her seat and looked up. “Pappy...,” Jenny gasped when she saw who it was.

“You murdering bastard!” Richard bellowed. “You God Damn pervert!” With that he aimed the Glock at his grandchild.

Fortunately Jenny was quicker. She rolled from her chair to the floor just as he pulled the trigger. The slug tore through the back of the wooden chair to lodge in the wall. If she hadn’t reacted so quickly, Jenny would have been killed. The sound echoed through the house startling Ruth and Jamie. Jenny kicked a chair from the opposite side of the table towards her grandfather before she scramble crawled into the living room. Richard was so incensed he tripped over the chair Jenny had kicked at him, another shot fired off when he hit the floor. Jenny ran into the kitchen and out the back door.

Upon hearing the first gunshot Virginia pulled the truck around to the back of the house. Shortly after the second shot a girl rushed out the back door to slam into the front fender of the truck.

Jenny bounced off the fender falling on her tush. Looking up she saw her glaring Granny behind the wheel. Scrambling to her feet Jenny ran to the hedgerow fifty feet behind the house just as Virginia recognized her perverted grandson. Just as the furious woman was pulling out to try to run down the escaping perv, Richard, cursing up a storm, charged out the back door diving into the truck bed.

Virginia slowed down enough to allow Richard to get to his feet behind the cab. By then Jenny reached the scraggly hedgerow then headed south along the tree line. Virginia rammed the pickup through the hedgerow spinning into a field of soybeans. The fishtailing truck bounced over the furrows and slipped on the green plants. She had to slow down to maintain control and to keep from tossing Richard out of the truck bed. By the time she regained enough to control the truck Jenny was half way down the six hundred forty feet long field.

As the bouncing slipping truck closed in on her Jenny heard the Glock firing. Pouring everything she had Jenny sprinted onward ignoring the lashing she was receiving from the stiff soybean plants. Fortunately the truck was bouncing and swaying so much Richard couldn’t get a clean shot. That didn’t stop him from trying as the closed the distance. Fortunately Jenny knew the area well. Upon reaching the end of the field she dove into that much wider tree line.

The tree line was ninety feet wide and dropped fifteen feet to a farm lane. The twenty five degree sparsely treed slope would make it almost impossible for the truck to follow at any speed but a crawl. Jenny began to scramble down the slope. Determined to kill their errant grandchild, Virginia barely slowed down as she reached the end of the field. The area where the plowed field met the grassy verge created a twelve inch deep furrow. The truck bounced severely causing Virginia to lose control. Richard was leaning over the roof attempting to get a bead on Jenny as she caromed down the slope when the truck bounced pitching Richard forward and over the cab. He landed on the hood and slid head first off the front passenger side just as the truck sideswiped a tree ten feet down the slope.

Richard’s head was crushed between the tree and the truck killing him instantly. Virginia screamed as she saw her husbands skull bloodily popped like a melon. The left front tire of the truck struck a downed tree ripping the wheel from her hands. The entire truck turned sideways and rolled down the slopes. Since they never used seatbelts and with Virginia already bouncing inside the cab, as the truck tipped over to it’s left side she was flung three quarters out the window. The top of the truck rolled over her torso as it made the first roll. On the second roll she was flung completely out and the truck rolled over her again.

Despite her headlong rush down the slope Jenny heard the crashes and screeching metal. Upon reaching the farm lane at the bottom she paused to catch a quick breath and check on her pursuers just as the twisted remains of the tumbling truck were stopped by a tree just five feet from her. Wide-eyed at the carnage she saw the battered truck was unoccupied. Looking up the slope she saw the unmoving bodies of her grandparents.

Back at the house Ruth and Jamie were standing helplessly just inside the back door. After the silence following the second shot they cautiously made their way down to the first floor seeing no sign of Jenny. They were just in time to sees the truck disappear through the hedgerow. Ruth called 911 to report the gunshots and the truck apparently chasing fleeing Jenny. The call was forwarded to the Fleetwood police who immediately dispatched two cars. Ruth then called Robert to let him know there was trouble. Just about at the Subway he immediately turned around and headed back.

After a moment to catch her breath the adrenalin pumped girl jogged up the farm lane to the main road intending to head down the road to the house. Jenny’s mind was swirling with horror and relief. As she neared the road she heard the sirens of the approaching police cars. Upon reaching the road she stopped facing the approaching sirens. As soon as the cruisers became visible she stepped into the middle of the road waving her arms to flag down the police.

The approaching police saw the disheveled girl waving them down. Both pulled over to the side as Jenny trotted to the first cruiser. “I... I’m Jennifer Ewell. My grandparents tried to kill me...”

“I’m Chief Kramer. We received a 911 call that someone was trying to kill you. Where are your grandparents?”

“Down there,” Jenny answered pointing down the farm lane. “I... I think they’re both dead. Pappy was standing in the back of the truck shooting at me while Gran tried to run me down as I fled through the field. I made it to the trees and scrambled down the slope. Gran tried to follow and crashed.”

Chief Kramer exited his cruiser. “Was it only your grandparents who attacked you?”

“Yes,” Jenny whispered.

“Okay,” the chief said as he waved the other officer to join him. “Can you show me where they crashed?”

Richard pulled into the driveway and joined the distraught Ruth and Jamie. As the girls stayed at the house he walked to the hedgerow noting the crushed soybeans marking the truck’s path. At that point they could hear the doppler sounds of the approaching police. Then the sound stabilized and stopped down the road. Heading too the front of the house they looked down the road. About six hundred feet away the police cars were stopped at the side of the road with their lights flashing. The officers were following a girl heading across the road.

“That’s Jenny,” Jamie exclaimed. Instantly they began to run down the road.

By the time Robert, Ruth and Jamie reached the farm lane Jenny was sitting on the grass verge with her knees drawn up and her head resting on her knees. They hurried the two hundred feet down the lane seeing that Jenny was shaking and crying. Looking up the slope they saw the wrecked truck near the lane and two bloody bodies further up the slope. Two policemen were examining the scene.
“Officers,” Robert called out while holding his opened hands at shoulder height to show he was unarmed. “I’m Robert Scott. This is Ruth and Jamie Ewell, Jenny’s adopted mother and sister.”

“I’m Chief Kramer of the Fleetwood Police,” the man declared as he began to walk down the slope. “That’s Officer Dobbins.” he indicated the other man. “Dobbins, keep examining the scene. Try to find the pistol. Take plenty of photos. I’m heading up to the house to check out that scene. I’ll call for the coroner.”

As Robert and the Chief were talking, Ruth and Jamie engulfed Jenny in a hug.

“That’s one tough kid,” Chief Kramer shook his head. “I handled the investigation of her parent’s death. We were notified Jenny would be at the house to take whatever she wanted before the auction. As I said, I need to examine the crime scene in the house. Would you like to ride to the house with me?”

“Sure,” Robert replied. “Ruth, Jamie, Jenny, Chief Kramer will give us a ride back to the house.”

Ruth and Jamie helped Jenny to her feet. Jenny was still sniffling as she shakily stood. Ruth and Jamie bracketed the distraught girl as they followed Chief Kramer and Robert up the lane to the police cruiser. Ruth, Jamie and Jenny slipped into the rear seat of the cruiser while Richard sat in the front passenger seat. As they settled in the chief made the call for the coroner. He also called Jason Lieberman, Jenny’s Berks County, Pa. lawyer to let him know what happened. With that done he drove to the house. By the time they arrived at the house Jenny had regained control.

As they headed to the back door Ruth pointed out the tire marks in the lawn leading to a hole in the hedgerow. Chief Kramer took photos of the scene then walked to the hedgerow. The four CWP members followed, the girls seeing the evidence for the first time. Stepping through the hole in the hedgerow they all saw the fishtailing path of the pickup as it chased Jenny into the trees six hundred forty feet away. Again the chief took photos. When he was satisfied they headed back to the house.

Robert spoke as they walked. “Chief, will we need to stay overnight?”

“As long as we can contact you in Maryland it shouldn’t be a problem heading home,” Chief Kramer answered. “Jenny did nothing wrong. She was fleeing for her life,. The Ravens actions caused their own deaths. I’ll still need to question everyone and take photos of the house.”

“I wasn’t here when it went down,” Robert said. “I was on my way to Subway to get lunch when Ruth called me back.”

“If you weren’t here when this went down you can make your lunch run,” Chief Kramer said.

After making sure the girls still wanted lunch Robert made the run to Subway.

Chief Kramer examined the first floor crime scene as Ruth had Jenny sit in the kitchen so she could wash her bruises and scratches. He took photos of the overturned chairs and the bullet holes in the walls. Once she was cleaned up and bandaged, Jenny recounted the attack with Chief Kramer as she explained what had happened in the house. The brave but frazzled girl realized the house was once again a crime scene.

Returning to his cruiser the chief brought a crime scene kit into the house. Using the kit he successfully dug the two slugs out of the walls. Once he’d finished collecting the evidence he packed up his equipment. “I’m going down to the crash site. I’ll come back to let you know what we find.”

It took most of the afternoon for the police to photograph the crash site and gather evidence. They found the Glock. It was a model 17, there was a bullet in the chamber and only one left in the seventeen round clip. If the clip had been full, that meant Richard had fired twice in the house and thirteen as they chased Jenny through the field. Debris from the crash and roll over was scattered over a wide area. The coroner arrived and verified that the Ravens were dead. The battered bodies clearly indicated they’d died of blunt force trauma. The coroner saw no need for autopsies.

Jason Lieberman pulled up behind the police cruisers. Leaving his suit jacket in his car he walked down the farm lane to the crash scene. After identifying himself to Chief Kramer he was walked through the death site. The bodies had been bagged and rested on the farm lane awaiting the funeral director who had handled Jenny’s parents. Jason made sure there would be no charges against Jenny. It was ironic that Jenny’s grandparents had killed themselves in their zeal to kill her. Even more ironic was that as their only surviving relative Jenny would now receive their estate.

As the investigation continued at the crash site Richard with Jamie’s assistance loaded the mower and other lawn equipment into the bed of his truck. The wood working equipment and nearly everything else in the garage went in the trailer. The rear seats were loaded with smaller items. They loaded the truck bed of the Explorer with household items. The sewing machines and related items were loaded onto the back seat. The trailer that had been leaning against the shed was hooked to the back of the Explorer and the two ATVs loaded.

As they were loading the vehicles Jason arrived. After making sure Jenny was okay he sat down with Ruth and Jenny as he reviewed what had happened.

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