A Summer's Odyssey IV Chapter 10

A Summer's Odyssey IV
Chapter 10

After school on January 15 Krista and Tony checked the CWP Facebook site. Krista did so to make sure Tony didn’t hype her heroics. She had nothing against posting the truth, but Tony, proud to be her boyfriend, had a tendency to boast about her exploits. Ever since she’d saved his mother and he from his hostile dad, he’d understood that she was naturally cool and calm in times of crisis and felt honored to be her boyfriend. By building her up he was unconsciously building himself up, a strange but honest braggadociosity. That day they found an almost pleading private message from a distraught parent.

“Krista, you’re our last hope. No one in our area will lift a finger to help us. My sixth grade son was born female. His birth name is Ellen but he’s Allen now. That has caused no end of problems since our area is extremely homophobic. Things were bad when he was in grade school but for the most part the other kids left him alone. This year he’s in middle school and a bunch of so called Christians have made him a target. Now he’s been suspended pending expulsion for fighting in school while defending himself. Our home has been vandalized, Devin, my tenth grade son supports his younger brother but is feeling the heat. On top of that my employer fired me and my wife has thrown up her hands and walked out on us. We’ve been vandalized and have received death threats and I’m afraid things will continue to escalate. Please, help us. Thanks, Howard Gantner”

Krista and Tony felt the desperate plea was real promptly asking the the data duo, Ferdy and Amy, to verify the Alabama man’s story. It didn’t take the young couple, who lived half a block apart, to determine the family’s dilemma and plea were valid and the danger was real. With the verification in hand Krista sat with her paternal grandparents Jane and Kevin to see what could be done to assist the family. Kevin reviewed the information and checked a few of their sources. After what the data duo had done in uncovering the Apple Tree Quality Healthcare Systems scandal he trusted their findings.

Stewart called the man three times, the first two went to voicemail which was full. On the third attempt the phone was picked up but no words were spoken. It was a bit after 9pm. “This is Kevin Stewart from the Clan Wells Point. You sent a private message to us via Facebook, well, to my granddaughter Krista. We’ve verified your plight and would like to talk about your situation.”

The line was silent for a several seconds before a quivering voice spoke. “Is Krista really there?”

“Yes she is. I’ll put you on speaker,” Kevin answered. “Put your phone on speaker so your kids can listen in.”

“Hello Mr. Gantner, this is Krista Scott. The Clan Wells Point will help if we can. My grandfather is a lawyer. He’ll be able to do more for you than I can.”

“Thank you, Krista,” Howard Gantner said. “You’re my last hope. Allen is so upset I’m afraid to leave him alone. Anything you can do will be a blessing.”

“Mr. Gantner, I assume the police are aware of your situation,” Kevin answered. “Have they provided any type of protection or relief?”

“No, they’ve told us we’re getting what we deserve for allowing Satan into our lives,” Howard scowled.

“Yeah, it sounds like you’re up the creek,” Kevin sighed. “Are you in your house and is it safe for you to leave?”

“We’re in the house but there are people loitering outside on the street and they’re occasionally throwing stuff at the house,” Howard answered. “We’re afraid to go outside.”

“Okay,” Kevin said. “Krista’s father, Leroy, is a deputy sheriff for Talbot County, Maryland where we live. He’s right here listening. I’ll have him contact the Alabama Highway Patrol to get you protection ASAP. What kind of vehicle do you have? And is it inside?”

“It’s in the attached garage,” Howard replied. “I have a 2006 Ford Crew Cab F150.”

“Pack what you can into your truck and prepare to get the hell out of there when the highway patrol arrives,” Kevin explained. “Honestly, you’ll be abandoning whatever you can’t take with you.”

“But we have no where to go,” Howard sighed.

“Krista just did a MapQuest route search,” Kevin declared. “It’s a twelve hour trip from your place to us. Get out of Alabama and find a hotel for the night. Then come the rest of the way tomorrow. Do you have cash or credit to do that?”

“No,” Howard sighed. “Gloria, my soon to be ex-wife, screwed us over. She stripped our bank accounts and maxed out our credit cards. Between the kids and I we’ve got twenty six dollars.”

“Okay, you can still leave,” Kevin said. “Write down these directions. Krista will also e-mail them to you. Take US 72 to Interstate 24 east around Chattanooga to I75 north, then get on I40 east. Get off just before Knoxville at exit 383 head south on Papermill Drive NW for about a block to the Travelodge Knoxville West. I’ll call and arrange a room with two beds. When you check out, the desk can give you directions to the United Community Bank nearby. I’ll arrange to for you to pick up three hundred dollars from them. There’s an Exxon station next to the bank. Top off and get back onto I40 east then to I81 north. Stay on that into Virginia then get off on I66 to I495 north around DC. Take US 50 east across the Chesapeake Bay. When you reach the bridge across the bay call us to let us know you’re close. Stay on US 50 to just before Easton. Take Maryland route 322 south for about a mile and a half to a Ruby Tuesdays Restaurant. We’ll meet you there for supper.”

“Not that I don’t appreciate what you’re doing,” Howard said clearly choking up, “but why?”

“You already know why,” Kevin answered. “You contacted Krista. This is what she does. The rest of the Clan Wells Point has volunteered to go along for the ride and help her. It’s what has brought us together.”

“The Alabama Highway Patrol is sending a cruiser to your address,” Leroy announced. “I’ve made them aware of your situation. A patrolman will come to your door. Ask them to escort you out of the state.”

“Allen, this is Krista. Can you and Devin hear me?”

“Yes we can,” Allen said. “And thanks for helping us.”

“You’re more than welcome,” Krista replied. “Like Kevin said, pack what you want to keep but don’t worry about clothes. Just take enough for two days. We can replace what you leave behind. The same goes for movies and music and even sports equipment. Pack what you can’t replace first.”

“Okay,” Allen said. “Ah... Krista, please don’t get upset. I know you’re a male to female transsexual. Are you sure you don’t mind I’m a female to male transsexual?”

“Not in the least,” Krista chuckled. “When we meet at Ruby Tuesday tomorrow I’ll be sure to bring Sam along with us. He’s my age but just like you, female to male TG.”

“Really?” Allen exclaimed. “I won’t be alone?”

“With the Clan Wells Point you’ll never be alone,” Krista declared.

They could hear Allen trying to stifle his tears.

“Give us a call when you leave,” Kevin said. “I’ll have the reservation for the Travelodge by then. Then call tomorrow morning when you get to the bank so we can make sure everything goes smoothly. We’ll let you go pack. Good luck, we’ll talk later.”

With Krista supplying the phone number, Kevin called the Travelodge Knoxville West to make the reservation for the Gantners using a CWP credit card.

It was a bit after 10pm when Kevin’s phone rang.

“Mr. Stewart, this is Howard Gantner.”

“Howard, we’ve been waiting for your call,” Kevin responded. “I hope the Highway Patrol is there?”

“Yes, thank God. Someone threw a brick through our front window with a death threat attached,” Howard explained. “When the state patrolman arrived he witnessed people jump in vehicles and drive off. The trooper is furious and has reported the inaction of the local police to his superiors. While I don’t think it’ll amount to anything, the presence of the state officer will keep people away for a few hours. We’ve packed the truck as full as we can and are ready to leave. The Highway Patrol officer will escort us to the state line. It should take us about two and a quarter hours to cover the one hundred fifty miles to Knoxville. We can’t thank you enough.”

“Once you settle in here you can thank us by paying it forward,” Kevin replied then gave him the hotel reservation info. “We told them to expect you between midnight and 2am so you’ll be in that window. We’ll talk again in the morning. Have a safe trip.”

“I hope so,” Howard answered. “Thanks again.”


On Friday morning the 16th Robert picked Henry up. Together they went to the six current or future work sites Bailey Construction had committed to do jobs. At each they met with the people who had contracted with Bailey Construction. Two were upset the projects had been started and not completed. Henry apologized and explained the reason for the delay and that he personally could not complete the job. Robert then explained CWP Contracting and Construction had bought out Bailey Construction and would responsible for completing the contracted jobs at the prices previously agreed upon. A timetable was also given for each job with completion dates. They also offered to refund all monies paid to Bailey Construction if they decided they didn’t want CWP Contracting and Construction to complete the projects. The refund offer surprised them all and made them realize Henry’s explanation was true. In addition, they were all familiar with the Clan Wells Point, it’s honesty and integrity was evident in the refund offer. Each of the six customers accepted the changeover and renewed their contracts with CWP Contracting & Construction.


Kevin’s phone rang a bit after 9am. The Gantners were calling from the bank. It only took a few minutes to arrange for the $250.00 cash payment. The five hundred seventy mile trip would take nine hours on the road. With stops for fuel, restroom and lunch they figured it’d take ten hours. They agreed to call when they reached the bridge over the Chesapeake Bay.

The next call arrived at 6:45pm when Allen called to let Kevin know they’d just reached the US 50 bridge over the Chesapeake Bay. Kevin, Jane, Krista Tony, Sam and Jenny were waiting at the O’Brien homestead. They loaded into the Explorer and headed into Easton to meet the Gantners at the Ruby Tuesday just outside the Lowe’s along Maryland 322. The boys grabbed the sign they’d made. Constructed of sheets of cardboard duct taped together at two feet by eight feet mounted on two by four handles six feet long it read in letters twenty inches high ‘WELCOME GANTNERS’. Krista and Jenny had cheerleader pompoms. They headed to the grass strip on the south east corner of the intersection of Rt322 the Easton Parkway and Glebe Road. The girls placed a boombox and started their music. The boys held the sign high doing simultaneous knee bends to move it up and down in time to the music while the girls shook their pompoms and danced to their all time favorite cheering tune ‘Mickey’. Cheers Even though it was well after sunset there were streetlights that illuminated the area.

The Gantners were weary from their long drive. They were also anxious that their hopes for a new chance would fall apart unaware their harrowing ordeal would soon end. Knowing they’d soon reach their meeting point they saw the road widen to four lanes from two with the upcoming intersection and beyond being illuminated by street lights. As they slowed for the traffic signal they were stunned to see two girls dancing with pompoms and two boys holding a sign declaring WELCOME GANTNERS. They heard the tune ‘Mickey’ playing away accompanying the girls as they danced. Behind the girls in a shopping center parking lot was a Ruby Tuesday, their destination. All doubts as to the wisdom of their long flight from adversity instantly vanished.

Turning onto Glebe Road Howard honked his horn as Devin rolled down his window and happily waved. Krista and Jenny shook their pompoms above their heads and yelled “Welcome Gantners!”. Jenny scooped up the boombox as Krista skipped into the parking lot with the boys following. They stood by the Explorer as Howard pulled the truck into the space beside them.

Krista was smiling broadly as she skipped to the boy exiting giving him a hug. “You’re Devin, right?”

“Yep, you must be Krista?” He answered.

“Got it in one,” Krista giggled as she looked at the hopeful boy who exited behind Devin. “Allen! It’s wonderful to meet you,” she exclaimed as she hugged him. “Welcome to Maryland!”

By then Jenny had placed the boombox into the back of the Explorer after which the boys did the same with the sign. Jane welcomed Howard with a hug as he exited the truck with Kevin shaking his hand. By then Jenny and the boys joined Krista.

“Devin, Allen, this is one of my best friends Jenny, my boyfriend Tony, and Jenny’s boyfriend Sam.

“Sam...,” Allen looked at Sam as tears filled his eyes. “You... You’re like me?”

“If you mean do I have the sane birth defect as you, yep I do,” Sam smiled. “I’m on estrogen blockers and taking testosterone. Dr. Sykes will get you straightened out as soon as she can give you an official diagnosis. She’s a member of the Clan Wells Point and takes care of all the clan transsexuals.”

“There’s more transsexuals than you and Krista,” Allen stated with surprise. “How many are there?”

“There are five of us. You’ll make six and be the second F2M after me,” Sam answered with a smile. Jenny is M2F like Krista.”

“Really? Wow,” Allen smiled as he looked at Jenny. “It’s really cool you’re both TG.”

The nine were soon inside Ruby Tuesday seated around pushed together tables. Allen sat between Krista and Sam. Jenny sat beside Sam and Tony beside Krista and Devin. Howard sat beside Kevin and Jane who sat beside Devin and Jenny. Krista, Sam and Jenny spoke with Allen, Tony with Devin, and the adults with each other. A great deal of anxieties the Gantners had about abandoning their home in Alabama were relieved by the conversations. Jane explained how she’d gone from being a bigot about LGBT to one of the biggest supporters upon meeting her grandaughter. Kevin gave an overview of how other parents of transgender kids within the clan dealt with the issues as well as how the entire clan unflinchingly accepted people in the LGBT spectrum. The Gantners learned there were haters in the area but they were marginalized since the county and schools were LGBT supportive.

It was just a few minutes before 9pm when they left the restaurant. Tony and Allen swapped rides as they drove back to the clan. Sam would spend the night in a spare bedroom in the main farmhouse where Tony, Larry and Kylie lived. The Gantners chuckled as they turned off the Bozman-Neavitt Road onto ‘Almost Neavitt Road.’ At the start of the second ninety degree curve they pulled into a driveway leading to two houses. These were two of the four vacation rental houses next to CWO Grandview B&B. There were half a dozen vehicles and twenty people waiting at the first house. After introductions were made the Gantners were taken inside to be shown through the house. The three bedroom two and half bath home was fully furnished including pots, pans dishes utensils and linens. The many hands made short work of unloading the truck. By 10pm the Gantner family was left alone in their new home for the night. The tired family had no problem falling asleep.

The next morning Tony and Sam rode their bikes to the Gantners rental house. A few minutes later the Gantners followed the pedaling demons back to the first curve on Almost Neavitt Road, taking Bills Lane northeast it’s entire length to Dougherty Lane heading east for a short distance, then turning north on Johns Cove Lane then west on Wells Point Lane to the Clan Barn.

There they enjoyed a buffet brunch as various clan members arrived and left in a casual meet and greet to welcome the newest clan members. Howard was so relieved to meet and talk to Kylie and Larry. Knowing a transgender adult who was happily married and a mother was a load off his mind. His hopes for a happy life for Allen soared as Kylie compared her life pre Krista to life in the clan.

Kevin walked over as Howard and Kylie were talking. “So, Kylie, have you offered Howard a job?”

Howard frown with confusion.

“We’ve been talking about other things but I haven’t forgotten,” Kylie smiled at Kevin then at Howard. “May as wek=ll do it now. Howard, I understand you’re a mechanic. Did you bring your tools with you?”

“Of course,” Howard nodded trying to figure out what kind of job a twenty year old could offer him.

“My dad had his own service station business and I grew up helping him,” Kylie explained seeing his confusion. “People said he was the best mechanic in the Bay Hundred area and I learned from the best. Unfortunately he died before I was old enough to take over the business. During high school I worked on my classmates cars. When I graduated I started my own repair business. Now I’m the head of the Clan Wells Point Engine & Mechanical Repair. Ed Nelson and I are the only full time employees. Krista works part time with us but we have more business than we can handle. Truth be told we could use at least two full time mechanics. We just built a new shop with six car service bays and three truck service bays as well as a big parts warehouse. We’re the first building on the north side of Almost Neavitt Road. We’re one door away from CWP Collision Repair and Body Shop. So, would you be interested in joining us?”

“Sure,” Howard answered rekieved to have found a job so quickly. “Please don’t take any offense but I’m surprised someone so young is heading the operation, not that I’m doubting your qualifications.”

“No offense taken,” Kylie smiled.

“Just as The Clan Wells Point is not prejudiced about LGBT issues we have no age prejudice,” Kevin smiled. “If a person is qualified or has valid ideas or suggestions, we listen and take them seriously. It was Krista’s idea that we create the clan. One of the best things we ever did.”

“Now I’m really impressed,” Howard replied. “I’ll be honored to work for you and be a member of the clan.”

“Welcome aboard,” Kylie smiled. “We also strongly encourage all Clan members seventh grade and above to work in some capacity for the clan. Does Devin have any interest in mechanics?”

“He does,” Howard nodded. “As long as he’s not working under me. I have a tendency to be a bit too critical with him.”

When asked Devin eagerly accepted the job offer.

The Gantners were amazed at the many businesses the clan operated. They also met Dolores Whalen, principal fo TIlgham Elementary School, Dr. Harris, principal of St. Michaels Middle/Middle School, and Dr. Mays, the superintendent of schools to ensure Allen and Devin would be able to start school on Tuesday morning. The fact the clan had enough pull to have the school officials come to them on a Saturday morning spoke volumes about the esteem the Clan Wells Point had earned.

Dr. Sykes introduce herself to Allan as Wanda Giles, her married name. She spent half an hour talking to the boy getting to know him.

Allen liked the friendly woman but wondered why all the kids had suddenly abandoned him. It really confused him that the kids were keeping a close on him. Things got strange for a moment when his dad joined them.

“I must apologize for misleading you, Allen,” Wanda smiled. “Wanda Giles is my married name. You and I are going to be spending time together each week for about two months. My professional name is Dr. Sykes. I’m a member of the clan as well as the Clan’s go to doc for transsexuals. I wanted to get to know you a bit before I formally introduced myself. I hope you’re not upset.”

“No, I understand,” Allen smiled. “If I had known you were the transsexual doctor I’d have been so nervous! But getting to know you this way stopped that from happening.

“Good,” Dr. Sykes returned the smile. “Have you had a professional diagnosis of gender dysphoria?”

“No, mom refused to recognize that I’m a boy,” Allen declared with a lot of anger. “I don’t know what I would have done if dad and Devin hadn’t supported me.

“Well, now the three of you have a lot of support,” Dr. Sykes smiled. “I want to give you some psychological tests to verify you’re mental gender is male. If it is we can start you on estrogen blockers to prevent female puberty. I’ll tell you now I Won’t start you on testosterone until you’re in seventh grade.”

“Okay,” Allen agreed. “Stopping me from getting girly will be enough... for now.”

After eating, the Leroy rode with Howard while Larry drove Tony, Sam, Allen and Devin as they headed into Easton to the Goodwill Superstore to flesh out the Gantners’ wardrobes. Then they headed through Easton to the other side of town to the local Walmart. There they bought healthcare products and basic food to stock their kitchen. When they had what they needed they returned home to put their purchases away. After they had the house set up they headed over to the CWP Engine & Mechanical Repair to check the place out and to drop off Howard’s tools.

Sunday was spent with the Gantners having guided tours of the clan territory as well as the St. Michaels and Easton area. By the end of the day they understood coming to the clan was the best thing they’d ever done.


By Monday Robert had two - two man crews out at the current job sites working to complete the tasks. Since Henry had been working alone both jobs would only take three or four days to complete.

With assistance from the construction crew, a lot of the supplies stored in the Bailey barn were transferred to the building used by CWP Contracting and Construction. In the barn itself a two man crew with Henry and Lester assisting as they were able began constructing the dividing wall between what would be the store and the wood working area as well as the mezzanine above the store. The entire building would be insulated, rewired, and a heat pump based HVAC system installed.

Helen and Wendy met with Henry, Carol and Lester to establish areas of responsibility and to determine what toys would be made. Computer searches turned up ideas and patterns. CWP Handcrafted Toys was on it’s way.

Howard and Devin spent the day adjusting to working in the CWP Engine and Mechanical Repair. They found the atmosphere cheerful but energetic and driven. Both were impressed by Krista’s mechanical aptitude. However it was Kylie’s skill that really amazed them. They knew they’d enjoy working together.

At the same time another business opportunity appeared. Walters Excavation and Concrete in St. Michaels had been struggling for almost a year. As the only excavation and concrete business in the Bay Hundred area and one of three in Talbot County, Robert had regularly subcontracted their services. A year before the business had bought new paving and excavation equipment, financing ninety percent of the cost with a one year payback. Unfortunately as the economy began to falter so did their work. Consequently the company’s ability to make the payments also faltered. As the months passed they fell further and further into the hole finally defaulting on their loan payments. By the end of 2008 the business was effectively bankrupt and forced to lay off most of their workers despite having work. They pushed the completion dates of scheduled jobs back hoping for a miracle.

As the financial situation of their business deteriorated, Mark Walters, the third generation owner began drinking which only made matters worse. No one could say for sure if it was suicide, especially since his blood alcohol level at autopsy was 0.24. The investigation showed he’d been working late in his office drowning his sorrows with Jack Daniels. Getting into his Hyundai Elantra for the short drive home he made a right turn instead of a left. Instead of driving out the lane through Waterfront Park he drove down the boat launch into San Domingo Creek. The partially submerged car was found the next morning with Mark drowned.

Mark’s wife Margaret was devastated. Even though the last year had stressed their marriage to the limits, she’d held on. As office manager for the company she was well aware of their financial straits. Their arguments about how to get out from under their burden had at times grown nasty. On January 12 she’d stormed out of the office after a particularly harsh verbal fight. When Mark didn’t come home that night she figured he’d passed out drunk in his office. She’d brought a change of clothes for him when she came in the next morning. That’s when she saw the roof of the car sticking out of the water.

The news of Mark’s death took everyone by surprise. Naturally Robert and Sheila attended the funeral offering their condolences to the childless widow and offering their assistance if needed.

“Sheila, this is Margaret Walters,” Margaret greeted Sheila on the phone a few days later on Martin Luther King Day. “I just heard you bought out Bailey Construction.”

“Not quite,” Sheila replied. “It’s more like the Clan Wells Point absorbed Bailey Construction. Basically Henry and Eve traded their home and business for shares in the clan. We’ve integrated them into the clan.”

“I see,” Eve said. “Do you think the clan would be interested in taking over Walters Excavating and Concrete?”

“We might,” Sheila answered. “We’d have to go over the books to determine the worth versus debt balance. I assume you want to retire?”

“If possible I’d like to keep working in the business,” Eve replied. “It’s the only thing I have left. We badly miscalculated the economy when we financed new equipment last year and we’re in default. The worry drove Mark to drink excessively.”

“Margaret, you have my sympathy,” Sheila responded. “Let me contact the clan’s directors. We’ll call you back to see when it’s convenient for them to look over your books. I’d guess they’ll call you today to set something up for tomorrow.”

“That would be wonderful,” Margaret sighed with relief. “I honestly don’t know how long I can take the pressure. Mark and I always leaned on each other... now... I just don’t know.”

“Margaret, try to relax,” Sheila soothed. “The cavalry is on the way.”

“Thank you,” Margaret sniffed.

Robert and Steven made arrangements to check out Walters Excavation & Concrete the next day. Arriving early Robert checked out the equipment and spoke to what remained of the worried crew while Steven went over the books. The crew felt a surge of hope. They knew Robert having worked for him during subcontracting. They hoped he’d buy the struggling business.

The debt to asset ratio was not good. If the bank foreclosed, they’d still lose because the assets wouldn’t come close to paying off the loans. Steven called the bank. With his connections and the fact the Clan Wells Point had their rather substantial accounts with the bank he was put through to the CEO and head loan officer. A brief discussion set up a meeting for that afternoon.

Allen had a smile on his face as he rode the bus home from his first day at Tilgham Elementary. It was a small school. Allen was the ninety fifth student in grades 1st through 6th. The classes averaged sixteen students which meant every student knew their classmates and the teachers had enough time to deal with any issues. There were three clan members in his class whom he had already met, Krista’s twin sisters Lyndi and Teri and Joyce Rich. One quarter of the class was from the Clan Wells Point. In all, twenty of the ninety five students were from the clan. But the best thing of all was that none of the non clan students suspected he wasn’t a cisgender boy. For the first time in his life he was accepted by his peers as the boy he’d always felt himself to be.

The meeting with the bank officers concerning the bankrupt Walters Excavation and Concrete was brief and to the point. Steven pointed out the bank had already began foreclosure proceedings against Walter’s Excavation and Concrete so they already knew, especially with Mark Walters’ death, the business could not repay the loans. On top of that the debt to asset ratio was 3 to 1. Selling the company intact with the present economy was nearly impossible. Selling off the assets would at best return fifty percent of the debt. However if Margaret actually filed for bankruptcy the banks costs would rise significantly and the settlement would stretch out for months possible years. The bankers were in a lose-lose situation. No mater what they did the bank would lose money. The question was how much and for how long. The bankers could not refute Steven’s assessmant since it matched their own.

“The Clan Wells Point is interested in acquiring the business,” Steven summarized. “But like everyone else we are being effected by the economy. We can wait until you foreclose and buy it at pennies on the dollar since, as you’re already aware, I doubt anyone else will bid. You’ll fare even worse if you try to sell off the assets plus all the employees will be out of work. The Clan Wells Point is prepared to offer fifty cents to the dollar to retire the debt and absorb the operation into the clan. You won’t get a better deal from anyone else and the business keeps contributing to the local economy.”

The bankers knew the offer was better than they would get if the foreclosed. Plus foreclosing or a formal bankruptcy would involve significant costs on the part of the bank. They put out a counter of seventy five cents to the dollar. They settled on sixty two and a half cents on the dollar.

On Wednesday January 21 Margaret joined the Clan Wells Point by signing over all her assets, private as well as business. With that paperwork in hand Steven settled the outstanding business loans of Walters Excavation and Concrete, thus ending it’s existence. CWP Excavation and Concrete came into existence. At the end of the day a meeting was held to inform the still working and laid off employees of the change in ownership as well as to formally recall the laid off employees.

All of them had worked with Robert and CWP Contracting and Construction so they knew they’d be honest and fair. Naturally they were also quite relieved to have their livelihood saved. They were offered the chance to join the clan. It was understood they’d have to discuss the matter with their families but by the next day all had accepted.

The business property was located in St. Michaels directly south of Susan’s Place B&B. The property was trapezoidal shaped. The boundary line adjacent to Susan’s Place B&B was five hundred feet, it then followed San Domingo Creek for five hundred fifty feet. From there it ran eight hundred feet along Boundary Lane. It ran 600 feet along the former railroad bed now St Michaels Nature Trail. The business did site leveling, lane grading, road grading, driveway paving, seal coating, parking lot paving, sports courts, tar-and-chip coating, retaining wall construction, lane striping, decorative and traditional concrete, masonry, fireplaces, outdoor living spaces, pool deckings, hardscapes, garage and basement floors, excavation and foundation work, agricultural barns, crawl spaces, walkways, lot clearing, snow removal and backhoe services. In addition to the former owners there were seven full time employees, most of whom lived in the rental homes and apartments owned separately from the business by the Walters.

The rental properties had been private homes bought by Mark’s grandfather and father over the last seventy years whenever they came on the market but had always been kept apart from the business. Mark inherited and owned a triangular parcel of land in St. Michaels measuring five hundred twenty five feet along the north eastern side of St. Michaels Nature Trail, three hundred feet along W. Chew Street and four hundred fifty feet along Division Street which changed into W. Maple Street southwest of W. Merengo Street. The eight houses inside the triangular parcel of land were now rental properties.

There were five houses on the south side of W. Chew street. Starting beside St. Michaels Nature Trail. House one had four apartments, two per floor. Both floors had a three bedroom 2 bath apartment as well as a one bedroom one bath apartment. House two was a three bedroom two bath single rental with detached garage. House three had two apartments, the first floor had four bedrooms with two and a half baths, the second floor had three bedrooms and two baths. House four had two apartments, each floor had three bedrooms with two baths. A corner building, house five had two apartments, the first floor was four bedrooms with two and a half baths while the second floor had three bedrooms and two baths. House six was around the corner from W. Chew Street on Division Street was a two bedroom one and a half bath single rental. Next on Division street was house seven, also a single rental with a two car attached garage, four bedrooms and two and half baths. House eight was next door to house seven but despite being on the same street because of the town street layout the house was listed as being on W. Maple Street. It had three bedrooms with two baths.

Of the seven employees, five lived in the rentals. The two who didn’t lived with their parents. All accepted the offer to join the Clan Wells Point. Forty year old Randall Hammond, the most senior employee, served as site foreman. With his second wife thirty two year old Shirley and thirteen year old son Ferdy and twelve year old seventh grade daughter Olive, they lived in the three bedroom first floor apartment in the house closest to Susan’s Place B&B on W. Chew Street. Ferdy was in the eighth grade and friends with the CWP eighth graders. He was also half of the ‘data duo’ along with his girlfriend Amy Beck. Amy’s father was also an employee, thirty two year old Gerhard Beck, a backhoe artist. With his wife thirty one year old Eva and their children thirteen year old eighth grader Amy, twelve year old seventh grader Donovan, ten year old fifth grader Lydia and nine year old fourth grader Barry they lived in house seven.

One other worker, thirty eight year old William Poore, a site leader, had children attending St Michaels Middle/High School. With his wife thirty eight year old Stevie, son seventeen year old senior Ken who was president of the student council and daughter fourteen year old ninth grader Barbie they lived in the second house on W. Chew Street. Twenty four year old Jeffrey Heaps was an equipment operator. With his wife twenty four year old Janet and children three year old Colton and one year old Annabelle they lived in the first floor apartment in the fourth house on W. Chew Street. Twenty eight year old equipment operator Sterling Kozak was divorced and lived in sixth house on Division Street. Laborers twenty one year old Bruce Nolt and twenty year old Ray Gromis were the newest employees and each lived with their parents.

With an influx of capital CWP Excavation and Concrete was on firm footing and quickly regained it’s prominent position as the go to business for anyone in the area for excavation or concrete work. For the clan it meant an expansion of territory in St. Michaels itself as well as adding twenty one more clan members swelling the Clan Wells Point to one hundred forty two people.

Margaret and Mark had lived in a house they owned on the corner of S. Talbot and Canton Streets next door to St. Luke’s UMC. The first floor of the building was a vacant retail space with a glass storefront opening onto S. Talbot Street, the main thoroughfare of St. Michaels and the heart of the pedestrian friendly historic district. The second floor was divided into two apartments. An outside stair led to a balcony four feet wide that accessed both apartments. The front apartment had three bedrooms and one bath while the rear apartment was one bedroom with one bath. Mary now lived alone in the one bedroom apartment.

The new teen members already knew the other clan teens since they were schoolmates. Until the absorption of the Walters Excavation and Concrete only Sam and Cassie had reason to make daily trips between the clan’s St. Michaels holdings and the main property at wells Point. Now there were five new teen members who needed jobs. With the larger CWP teen population in St. Michaels, a means of getting them to teen clan activities was needed. Only Ken had a driver’s licence so by default he was the designated driver. Fortunately the school bus had enough room to allow them to ride to Wells Point if Ken wasn’t available. Another option was traveling by water.

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