Wings Apart Chapter 06

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Wings Apart

Chapter 6

Winds of War


Oh bloody Heck not again! These missions are taking me into war zones way too often. The Great Mother sure trust me a lot. In what to me has been the last two weeks I have met 4 of what she calls Watchers. They are what everyone else call Gods and Goddesses. Well it is the job. Now I was going to meet another and She is smack dab in the center of a war zone. To the locals she is known as the Shining Blade. A War Goddess if there ever was one. Pretty in a stern sort of way and very powerful in her area. I worked my way to the heart of the zone knowing that is where she would be. Zenith was edgy and so was I.

I came upon a school house that was in the path of the fighting. Dang it if there was not some kids there. Well I am a mother I can't leave kids in danger. The kids were gathered around a woman who was hurt. This was just getting better and better. I dismounted and led Zenith over to the kids. They were all looking at me afraid of who I was or what I might do. I smiled Just as a group of Seekers came around the corner. They had not seen me yet but they had seen the kids. They raised their weapons but I was faster. a blast from my staff took out 4 of the 5 Seekers. The #5 was slammed against the wall and I walked over an kicked his weapon away. He was barley more than a kid himself. I made a dumb choice I said "Leave don't go back to the Seekers, just get out of here." He slowly got up and reached for the weapon. I raised my staff and he stopped the move. I shook my head and he knew if he went for it he would loose. So he straighten up dropped the gun belt and walked away. After he was around the building I moved over to the woman. She was hurt bad but I was taking healer lessons when I was home. I felt I could save her. It might not be pretty but I did try. Soon she was able to walk even though she was weak.

She said "There is a Temple nearby we should be safe there. It belongs to the Shining Blade." She pointed west. "It is not far I will take the kids and you can move on."

I sighed "The Great Mother would scold me if I did that . I will see you all to the Temple." 3 Seeker patrols later we were at the temple. If I had not been with them they would not have made it.

I turned them over to the priestesses and turned to Leave when a Voice said "My Sister was right about you. You are remarkable. I turned and there She was The Shining Blade. Her Armor gleamed and the Blade in her hand was a bright silver. Pretty in a stern sort of way even when smiling like she was now. She strode over hand out and I put the letter in her hand. "Your Job is done here But I do have a request. There is someone who is not a fighter here in the temple who needs to be elsewhere He is very sweet a black smith. I can't spare anyone right now to take him out. I need all non fighters to be out of here and safe. Would you do this for me?"

I sighed "Where do you want me to take him? The war is everywhere. Dose he have an other self that he uses?"

She looked hard at me "I am told Haven is still free of the war. As to your question, yes he does." She looks away. "He makes the items. Then his other self Tracy takes over and does the fine work and Enchants the Items."

I smiled "Let me guess Tracy is female while Terry is male." She nodded. "Not a problem with me. Yes Haven is free for the moment. I will meet Terry or Tracy whoever they are at the moment." She called over a young girl and sent her to get the Back Smith / Enchanter. It was only a few moments when a young man came hurrying up. He bowed to Her and looked with curiosity at me.

She said "Terry I have asked Lady Angelica to take you out of here. It is no longer safe for a non fighter to be here. Will you do as I say and go with her?"

He looked sad "I will do as you say My Lady. Have you told Her of my oddity?"

She smiled at him "Yes she know and said it is Not a problem with her. Get your things together, you leave with in the hour. Take everything you will not be returning here." He bowed to Her then to me. Then went off to do what he was told with a sad look on his face.

It was a half hour later when he came up with a loaded down horse in tow. It looked like there was barley enough space for him to sit on the horse. He bowed to me. The Shining Blade said "Bless you both may you be safe!"

I curtsied to her and looked at him and said "Mount up this may be a strange trip." Zenith looked at me like That's right. He didn't freak any more when blinking. "Get a good hold on your horse. They tend to freak when I travel." He did And we went out into the yard. It was clear and I reached over and took his hand. "Here we go. Don't freak!" Then I blinked us out.

We came out at my spot around the bend from Havens gates. His and his horse had eyes as wide as dinner plates but did not freak. Well that is how it seemed. I gave them a moment or two to gather themselves. I sighed and led them to the gates. There was no problem going though as always. I headed to the house Terry had been quiet during the trip. He decided to speak up now. He said "May I ask a Question My Lady?" I nodded "What should I call you?"

I smiled "If you want to be formal my name and Titles are Lady Angelica Annabelle Wells, High Priestess of the Great Mother. But most of the time just Angelica is fine."

His eye's were wide again. He said politely "I have heard stories of a Priestess who fights the war alone that is said to wield great powers. There is seldom a name to the Priestess but when there is they call her the avenging Angel. Would that be you?"

I laughed "Avenging Angel I like that. Though it is a bit inaccurate. I am sure these stories are quite blown out of proportion. I just run errands for the Great Mother. Seldom does it lead to fighting. More often than not I am running for my life. Unless there are others involved. Then I will fight and win. Well we are here. You will be staying around back. Would you mind looking after the horses when you are not working?"

He said "That's fine I am more at home with animals than people. Well this side of me is. Tracy is a bit more outgoing." He blushed a little. I showed him to the rooms off the stable. I stayed and chatted as he unloaded and brushed his horse down. Then He came towards Zenith with the brush then stopped. "May I bush down your horse?"

I smiled so polite "Don't ask me ask Zenith. I am sure he will let you but it is always good to ask. Don't look at me that way Zenith. You know you can be a bit touchy at times." The horse tried to pin me to the wall with his rump but I knew his tricks. "See" I was smiling I really liked Zenith. "I will have someone call you for dinner." /with that I headed into the back door. Slowly this time looking for fights. There was none. I smiled when I went into the living room and all my family was there. There was also three strangers. I walked in and said "I'm home. What's going on"

Lana said "These three have come to see you my love. Seem word has gotten around you are looking for a helper. This is the fifth batch since you've been gone. I did not know you were looking?"

I shrugged "That is because I am not as far as I know. Let me check." I sat in a chair and went to other where.

The great mother was sitting at a desk writing. I had seen her do this several times already. It meant more work for me. I said "Great Mother I have delivered the letter to the Shining Blade. There seems to be a disturbing rumor going around town that I am looking for a helper. My house keeps getting visitors looking for said job." Well that was a way to put it.

The Great Mother smiled "Did you bring back the Black Smith?" I nodded "No I did not have anything to do with the rumor. It takes too special of person to do your job. I will look into it. I have decided to give you a bit of a break. You have been working pretty hard and the war is winding down I think it will be over by the spring. So I have decided to have you see some old friends and get them back where they belong. That's why you need the Blacks Smith. It is all part of the plan. Take a rest for a few days and get to know the Black Smith. This is going to be fun. Go Back."

I said "Yes Great Mother." and I was back. The three was looking hopeful. I smiled "I am sorry no job openings at this time." I hurried them out the door. After the door was closed I sighed. "Looks like I will be home a few days this time. There is a plan in place and we need to wait till it is right to go with it." I got a Kiss from Lana, a hug from Mother and Grace and a hard stare from Cat. Julie just shook her head. I said "Oh we have a new person living here. His name is Terry and he is a Black Smith. He's Living in the rooms next to the stable. He's a little on the shy side. Very polite and sweet. He will be taking care of the horses when not working at being a Black Smith."

Lana said "All right what is the catch? What is different about him."

I sighed "Well that would be his other self Tracy. A Enchanter and female. It seems that Terry makes the item then Tracy does the fine work and enchants the item. I think both are quite good. Having his two sides different genders has made him sad. He does not know how to deal with it. This is where a lot of the shyness comes from. I would like to help him and her if I can." That went well no yelling yet.

Lana said "You always bring home the misfits. As long as they don't cause trouble like the last one I wont mind. There are some things that could be made to help out around here. We will see."

So that's how it went I liked relaxing for a few days. It turns out grace and terry hit it off. Then two days in Tracy made a appearance. It was wild because Grace and her really had a good time. Tracy taught Grace how to enchant small items. There was a real good friendship growing between them. Grace was so happy when she got a nail polish enchanted just right to change color with her moods. That was something different. I spent most of my time trying to make up to Lana how much I had been gone. I did get to know Terry and Tracy pretty good. Then I was called and Went to other where.

The Great Mother was not happy. She said "We need the Silver Rose Ranch back up and running as soon as possible. Will you go talk to Helena. Take Silent Cat with you. Go check the sight first to be sure the fighting is over there. The Ranch will play a role in bringing magic back into the light. Take Grace along as well there is something there she needs to see. She will be safe enough. I think this will be good for both of you. Go Back"

I opened my eyes. There was Lana waiting. She said "I guess your time off is up. Where are you off to now?"

I smiled "She wants the Ranch up and running so Grace, Cat and I are going to see Helena. But first going to go to the ranch to find out how it has weathered the war.

Grace came into the study where I was sitting. "Mommy can I have some money to go shopping with Tracy?" She smiled a happy smile.

I said "I am sorry dear your shopping trip will have to be put off. You, me and Cat are going on a little trip. So go get your things together. I'll tell Cat." I got up and was heading out of the room when I turned "Sorry love it is my job."

She said "I know love, I am proud of you. Now get going you have a long way to go." So soon the Three of us were on our way out. I was happy to be on the move again. Come to think of it I am happiest when on the move. Having my daughter and a good friend along this time make me worried but happy. We went along to my spot and took hands I blinked but nothing happened. Some one could see us. I looked at Silent Cat then started to argue with Grace. She took the hint and argued back. This was to keep whoever eyes on us wile Cat slipped away to hunt them. This did not take long. Soon the panther was herding two kids out of the bushes. They looked about 13 maybe. They were dressed in clothes that were too small for them. It was quite clear they had been out here for some time. They looked hungry but strong. While I was looking them over Grace said "Who are you? What are you doing spying on us?" I had never heard her so sharp or harsh before. Well that's what I get for being away so much as she grew up.

The first girl Said "We weren't spying you came to were we were sleeping. Jess and I live out here free to be who we are!" From the way the were dressed I would say midtown Haven is where they come from. Middle class not a forgiving bunch. I got down and touched Grace on the shoulder. She backed off.

I said "Come sit with me Someone wishes to speak with you. They were hesitant but finally the cane and sat taking my hands. I took a deep breath then went.

I opened my eyes on other where. I said Oh Great mother I have found two strays in need of your care. Will you see them?" Of course I was playing it up big just for show.

The Great Mother came in looking like someone's grandmother. Totally bowing my play. She said "Hmm I think I told you strays are your department. I have the rest of the world to look after. Well as long as their here. Hmm what deplorable clothing. Well we will fix that." She pointed to them and they were dressed nicely for afternoon tea. "Ah now that's better. Lets see You must be Jessica and you are Ruby. We will have lunch and then you will go back." There was a table set with three chairs. They ate and I watched for the hints She gave. She was very skillful in bringing out the children. There was a lot of wining and even some crying but soon we had the story. They lived next door to one another for years and had played together every day. When Jess came out saying he wanted to be Jessica his parents through her out. When Ruby's parents refused to take her is the two kids took off. To live as they are and are never going back. The great Mother looked at both of them for a moment. "It seems you both are just coming into your magic. Jessica it looks like you are a earth type. I am not sure yet how your magic will go it is just forming. Ruby you are a earth type as well. It seems you are a finder of rare earths. A very useful skill. I think these two would go real well at the Ranch don't you think." The last was directed to me. I nodded. She went on "Those outfits are nice but hardly right for traveling." A wave of her hand and they were dressed for traveling with backpacks and all. "Oh don't worry those outfits are safely in the backpacks. Now it is time for you to go. I have many other people to look after. Go back!"

We were back. I smiled that was entertaining. I said "Shall we be going?"

Cat said "I thought they would be coming with us when this horse wandered up and waited. You really know how to complicate things. Oh well I guess that is part of your job. Where to Boss?"

I said "Sometimes I wonder about you Cat. We are going to the Ranch. I am told the fighting is over there and I need to see how bad the damage is." So we got the kids up on the new horse and took hands and blinked out.

The road to the Ranch was a little rougher but not bad. We moved quickly but we did not miss anything. The house was intact, a little burnt around the edges but whole. A quick search showed no one had been there for a bit. This took most of the day so we decided to stay for the night. It didn't take long to get the place livable. The kids were willing to work so I found I was getting to like them. After dinner I told stories of my travels of late to entertain everyone. Then we got some sleep.

In the morning we got ready to move. After Breakfast we road a little ways then Blinked out. We came out in a forest. I moved to the edge of the forest and there was a beautiful Victorian house. This is where we will find Helena. I changed into a pretty dress for this. The others changed as well. The kids looked at us. I said "Change into the outfits the Great Mother gave you please. We are going to visit an old friend of ours." I sighed when I looked at the house. Then I heard the yelling. The door banged open and Helena came bursting out. She was heading this way. I looked over everyone and they were all ready. Joann came out yelling at Helena. I never did like Joann much. I held everyone back to see if we could find out what the fight was about.

Joann was yelling "You can't go back now we are just getting set up here! There is fighting there! You will be killed!"

Helena Turned "I have to go back! I never could stand it here! I need MY place!"

Joann was about to yell some more when I decided to stick my two cents in. I motioned the others to stay then walked out till they could see me. I smiled "The fighting is over near the Ranch. The place is a little rough but fixable. I can have you there tonight?"

Joann Yelled "YOU! You are the whole problem! If you had never came to the Ranch everything would have been fine!"

I smiled at her "Stick your head in the sand much? The war was coming I was just a match. Now I think we should talk about this like adults. The Great Mother would like you to reopen the Ranch as soon as you can. She sent me here to talk to you Helena. But first I brought a few people to help. You remember Silent Cat." Cat came striding out to stand by me. "Next is my Daughter Grace." Out walked Grace. "Next are to foundlings looking for a home. Jessica and Ruby." They came out a little shyly. "So you see I had no problem when I was at the Ranch."

Joann Screamed "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" and stomped away.

Helena said "The fighting over I can go back? You seen the place it still stands? Hold it, since when do you have a daughter?"

I smiled at her "I'll tell you as you pack. I am sure a lot of people would like to see you back where you belong!" We went into the house. I sat down and I was called. I closed my eyes and went. Helena had her hand on my arm at the time.

I opened my eyes in other where. Helena was a bit surprised. The Great Mother said "Welcome Helena, I have a little something to talk to Angelica about. Angelica I was thinking that it would take too long to transfer everything that is needed. So we are going to do something different. We are going to move the whole house to the ranch. That should speed things up. Take these gems they are part of the spell. What you do is place 4 of the gems around the house then travel to the Ranch and set the second set up where you want the house then cast the spell. You will be drained for a bit but I will give you a few days off to recover. Here's the spell. Now Helena I was hoping to speak to you alone so lets go over here." So they did and I could not hear them. So I looked over the spell. It looked like a tough one. Well to move a house it must be. Then they were back. She said "Go Back!"

I open my eyes. Well that went well. I smiled at everyone to show I was fine. The pouch with the gems and the scroll with the spell was in my lap. I said "Let's get the show on the road. Helena get breakables stored correctly everyone help her. I'll be out side." I got up and walked out. I walked the circle around the house and then placed the gems. I walked into the house.

Helena said "Half hour and we will be ready. Are you ready?"

I said The gems are in place. Now we just need to finish here. Go there and I cast the spell. Should be a fun ride. Do you have a horse here? I seen the car was within the circle."

She said "I have an old bay horse I can ride. Joann could ride with me. If I can get her to see reason. What will happen if she stays in the house?"

I shook my head "She would have one wild ride as far as I know. I would not chance it. Talk to her. I need time to prepare. One half hour is all you have." She ran off to find Joann. I sat and centered myself. I gathered all the magic I had and was ready. I looked up it was time. Every one walked to where the horses were. We mounted and locked hands and blinked out.

We arrived and headed down the road. Soon we got there and looked for a spot to put the house. We found a good one and I placed the gems. I made sure everyone was plenty far away. I drew a deep breath and cast the spell. It took a moment then the weakness hit me and the house was there. I smile and fainted. I just moved a House over 8 states so yes I fainted.

It took me quite a while to recover from that one. I stayed at the ranch for a week to recover and help them get set up. Helena fell in love with the kids and said they could stay with her as long as they wanted. I felt good about that. Silent Cat took the time to visit her people. Grace found the Ranch lovely.

To be Continued

As always all life giving comments Welcome and loved

(This one is a little shorter than I wanted but that is how it goes sometines.)

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