Wings Apart Chapter 02

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Wings Apart

Chapter 2

Highway Wind


It took us an hour to get out of town and we were watching for the seekers the whole time. My wings were itching to come out. I must be a response to stress. With me the Flight response was literal. I could not relax till we were out of town and on the highway. I closed my eyes to the wide open skies that called to me. I could not indulge myself and put my friends in any more danger. Look at me thinking about someone besides myself. Oh I must be growing up. I looked in the back seat and the three were asleep. The itching was keeping me from doing so myself.

Julie said "Why don't you try to get some sleep. It will be at least 3 hours till we hit the fist rest stop." She smiled at me.

I said "I wish I could my wings are itching to come out and those open skies are calling to me. My wings don't like to be kept in anymore." I tried to smile back at her. "I can drive if you want just tell me where."

She chuckled "No thanks I'm fine for awhile Driving keeps me from thinking about the house and all." Those Seekers have drove off or killed every independent mage in town. I was pretty much the last one. Lana don't count she has not passed the third level yet so is not considered a full mage yet. She is still a apprentice mage. She will be that till she passes level 5. She does show promise though."

"Thanks Mom" Came floating from the back seat. Lana sounded very sleepy. I looked back at her and smiled. over her shoulder I could see a Black SUV coming on fast. Something in me said that thing was bad and I need to get away from it.

"I said "Julie we got a tail coming up on us fast. I'll bet my wings their Seekers." That woke everyone up. I kept watch on the SUV and it fell in right behind us. I could see in the windshield and sure as the SUV was black there were Seekers in it. "I can see in their SUV it's them all right." Julie hit the gas and the Beast we were riding in lumbered forward a little faster. I looked at the front wheel on there drivers side I could just see it. I concentrated let out a thin stream of magic just so it did not focus till after it was outside the Beast. I hit the tire just right and it blew out. They went swerving off the road.

Lana looked at me "You did that with magic. You have more control than I thought."

Julie said "We are not out of this yet. Two more coming on fast. Can you do that again?"

I shrugged "I can try. Could you three scrunch down so I have a better line of sight." Well here goes nothing. I could not get a shot at the tires of #1 car But #2 moved so I could see the tires and I tried the rear tire. Big blow out. They swerved into #1 but only through them off for a moment. But enough to expose the tire and bang it went. Three up three down. I was totally drained. I had no more in me for now.

Julie asked "Are you ok? You look wiped out." She kept glancing at me then back at the road. "I don't know why they are chasing us, we are out of their territory?"

I gasped "I am wiped out. I have no more magic for now. At least my wings are not itching any more. I'm going to try and sleep now."

Julie said "you all should try to sleep we will be driving all night." That's was all I knew for awhile. Sleep took me strong and deep. If I dreamed I don't remember it. When I woke it was morning and we were pulling into a truck stop. "Gas and bathroom stop. We will grab something we can eat on the road. I want to be out of here in less than a half hour." I going to wipe my eyes but Lana stopped me.

She said "You will mess up your make up and we don't have time to fix it if we want to eat." She took my hand and dragged me into the ladies room. she pushed me to a stall. Go already then we will see about your make up." I could hear her take the next stall I pulled up my dress and down my panties and sat. This was different than peeing as a boy. it felt weird. I know girls wipe so I did and got everything straight and came out of the stall. Lana and Linda were waiting for me. They looked at my face then made a few changes to my make up and off we went to find food. Toby and Julie were waiting to go get food. we hit the convenience store and then filled the Beast up. We were back on the road in just under a half hour. We munched and talked all the way. I kept a eye out for Seekers and the other on the food. My magic was slowly returning so I was happy. I was still a bit tired so almost missed the feeling in my wings. I moved and the feeling moved to the other wing still pointing the way we came.

I said "I think the seekers are tracking us some how. Their back at the truck stop." The second I said it I knew it was true. """I can feel it in my wings. I know it sounds crazy but I can feel them coming they are still far away but they are coming."

Julie said "My you are useful. We are close now I can call in reinforcements." She took out a cell phone and hit a number. "Yes it is me. We are close. They are tracking us some how. The old road in ten. We will be there." She hung up. she glanced at me. "You keep watching that feeling of yours. I want to know if they get closer. Everyone hold on the old road is not good." She suddenly took a off ramp and a sharp turn."

I concentrated "You confounded one of them but the other two are following. They are defiantly tracking us some how. We need to change vehicles some how to find out if it is the Beast or us they are tracking."

Julie said "I am ahead of you a new car will be waiting for us at the old road and a driver to take the Beast and drive on. I they follow us we know it was not the Beast they were tracking." we rode on in silence for a few moments then she said "There he is get ready to pile out." We slid up to the old van and plied out a guy jumped into the Beast and roared off. We got in the van and headed down a side road. "Well? Are they following?" I waited till I was sure.

I said "They are following the Beast. One, two and three all are following the Beast. Time to go to ground so they don't find us. I hope this Ranch is out of the way."

Julie and our driver laughed. "We have an hour left so catch as much sleep as you can." The driver put in. Everyone but me got some sleep I just could not stop thinking. When we pulled into the ranch I could see why they laughed. It was hidden in a box canyon down a long river path. No one who wasn't looking for it would even see the path in the first place. The sky still called to me but I did not want to fly off right now.

We piled out and looked at the rambling ranch house. what caught my attention was the woman standing on the porch watching us. She was by no means happy. As we moved towards the house she stepped forward and said "Well Juliet do you bring trouble to my door? The same door you swore never to return to! Well what have you to say for yourself?"

Julie said "Hello Mother how have you been? The Seekers are chasing us outside their territory and we don't know why. I was a kid when I swore that. Are you going to turn us away Mother?" They stared at each other for a few moments.

Mother said "Well you might as well stay. What is so special about this group anyways?"

Julie grinned "Show her what makes you special, Angelica." So I took a deep breath and let it out at the same time as letting my wings out fully. It felt wonderful. I sighed with relief. The older ladies eyes grew quite large. Julie put in "She is a wild mage as well. from what I seen her do level 4 at least." Another woman came out of the house

She said "Are you giving my guest trouble Joann? I am Helena Drake I own the Silver Rose Ranch. Come in and have some iced tea with me. We will talk about what you have come here to learn Angelica and Lana. Angelica will you stop showing off your looks for the boys and come inside." I blushed and folded my wings then with a sigh and a lot of effort I pulled them in. Then I followed the others inside.

We sat in the sitting room and had iced tea. The rift between Julie and her Mother was plain to see. After a bit a man came in and nodded. Then Helena asked "What do you want to get out of your time here Angelica? How about you Lana?"

I looked at Lana an she smiled. "I was told I need to learn the rules of magic in this world. Other than that I would just like to learn more magic." Short and to the point.

Lana Said "I would like to learn all I can in the areas of control and use of magic." I smiled at her. She smiled back.

Helena said "And what do you offer in payment?"

I said "I will work at whatever you say as long as I can learn too for the summer."

Lana smiled "That goes for me too."

Helena looked at us for a long time then got up and left the room. She was back quickly she dropped a bag in each of our laps. Inside was a pleated skirt and white blouse and tie. She said "You will were this when working. You will be given three sets, One to wear, one to wash, and one for oops. You will work all morning and learn all after noon. You will not speak unless you are asking for clarification or answering a question. Do you understand?"

We both said "Yes Miss Drake" That must have been the right way to answer because she smiled.

She clapped her hands a young girl in a maids dress came in. She cocked her head waiting for orders.

Helena said "Ah Lyn show these two to the guest bathroom so they can change. The shoes you have on are fine. Be quick about it." We got up and followed the girl to a side room. Once in the bathroom I turned my back to Lana and the mirror and tried to get at the dresses zipper. After a moment Lana pushed my hands out of the way and unzipped my dress. I took it off and picked up the blouse.

Lana said "Turn around." When I did she smiled and looked me over. I started to cover up but she stopped me. Took one more look then helped me to dress. After I was dressed she quickly changed. We looked each other over then we opened the door and Lyn was still there to lead us back. We had folded and put our clothes in the bags be fore leaving the bathroom.

When we got back we stood for inspection. Helena walked around each of us noting any little changes that needed to be made. I was so nervous that my wings popped right out through the folds in the cloth. it almost seemed to be designed that way. She looked at me "Hold your left wing out for inspection, good now your right." I did as I was told and my nerves went down. Soon she said to sit. an we did. My wings were still out. Lana took my hand an something strange happened My wings twitched an Lana grew some wings. All my energy went away and I passed out.

I woke slowly someone was cuddled up to me. I know that form. Lana was cuddled up to me. I had dreams like this of course I was not a winged girl in them. She woke when I started to move. She smiled and kissed me. Then she giggled and said "I have never kissed a girl before. I guess I will have to get used to it now. I love you Angelica.

I felt such a rush. I smiled and said "I love you Lana with all my heart." I noticed she still had wings. It was strange but right some how. We got up a little while later after some more kissing. We would have stayed in bed but our tummy's were rumbling. As soon as we opened the door Lyn was sitting in a chair she stood and waved us to follow. We were brought to a study. Lyn knocked and then entered. Julie and Helena were inside. They looked up when we cam in. Lyn curtsied and left. I noted that we were holding hands When did Lana take my hand or did I take hers? Oh well it was nice anyways.

Helena said "We got trouble" I felt the tingle in my wings.

I said "Seekers 5 miles out moving slowly. Coming this way for certain. More than before." After a moments concentration I said "5 no 6 ground vehicles one in the air."

Helena sighed "You can't stay here. we can't defend before so many seekers. I know where you could be safe but you two will have to leave tonight and alone. Just the two of you can make this journey. I'm afraid I need you two to go." She must of heard my stomach growl "Well we will give you a meal and provisions for the trip." She smiled and pointed to a table and "Sit you two we have a lot to talk about." Lyn brought in a meal and we ate while we talked. as soon as the meal was laid Lyn left and Helena went on. "Up in the hills there is a old tribal sight This time of year the old shaman take up residents for a few weeks. She is the one you need to find. She will be the best to hide you and teach you. Her name is Catherine Two Hawks. I know weird name." She handed me a map. "This should get you there. That's the only copy so don't loose it. Here is a compass don't loose that either. Hope you get there quickly." We had finished the meal and was getting ready to go. Off was the nice clothes on went the sturdy clothes. We were given packs we wore on our fronts and off into the night we went. Taking to the air as soon as we could. I had to show Lana how to fly.

We flew till we seen the first landmark then turned and flew farther into the darkness. I was waiting for the boom that meant the Ranch went the way of the house. It did not come. We flew till first light. Then we took cover to rest. after a three hour rest we walked a few hours. After a light meal we walked some more. We went on this way till dark. then we took to the sky. The seekers had made it ton the ranch and left it. We hoped the others were all right. We kept going as we could. on the third day the feeling of the seekers was gone. I found that the map had led us in a circle. We came back to the Ranch. There was signs of a fight. Old signs this happened the first night we were gone. We came up to the house. I was whole looking. There was no seekers in the area so we searched for our friends. There was no bodies so that was good. The door was gone and things were broken and spread around.

As we were looking around Lyn came in with a shotgun. Such a small girl with such a large gun. She smiled and waved us to follow. we did we went behind the house to the hills. There were sentries along the hills. we were watched but not stopped. soon we were in a camp. We were led to our friends. Helena smiled and said "So you followed the map like I told you. good they were here after you left we retreated to the hills but I wanted you in the wind till we could be sure it was not you they were following." It wasn't. I counted heads and one was missing.

I said "Where is Toby?" Julie took my hands and looked into my eyes.

She said "He was the reason they kept finding us. They made him swallow a tracker then set him to go with us. He ran off when the shooting started. We found him yesterday he had fell in the dark and broke his neck. It killed him. He is buried where he fell. We have scanned everyone else and no one else has a tracker in them." I broke down and cried. My best friend betrayed me and now is dead. I can't take this. I just cried and cried.

Next thing I knew I was waking up in a bed with Lana holding me. I looked at the day date clock and it was the day we left to run. Was the whole last three days a Dream? I opened the door and Lyn was sitting there. I said "I need to see Helena now!" Lana got up and gave me that What's the matter look. I followed Lyn to the study she knocked then entered. Helena looked up. "Do you have the ability to scan for tracking devices?" She nodded. "Get ready to do that. I looked at Lyn "Ask Toby to step in here please." She looked at Helena who nodded and Lyn went out.

Helena looked at me "Are you going to tell me why?"

I said "Hopefully a bad dream. If not I know how they have been tracking us." She opened a drawer and pulled out a hand held device. Lyn came back and Toby was with her.

Toby said "What's up?"

I said "Stand still Toby. Ok scan him." Helena did just that and found a signal right away.
"Damn it Tony, I was hoping it was just a dream. Why did you do it! Your leading them right to us. These hills are masking the signal a bit that is all the reason they are not here now!" I turned to Helena "Can you do anything about the signal?" She shook her head. "Damn it! what now?"

She sighed "He will have to leave. Some of my people will take him out to the main road then run for the border. That will give you and my people to do something else." She made a call and it was done. I shook my head as they took him away.

I said "How long dose that give us till they find out and backtrack?"

She said "Not long. We need a knew plan. You said it was a bad dream was that literal?"
I nodded "Well tell me what we did in the dream I see what we can do with that." I told her the dream. "Catherine Two Hawks, I have not thought of her for years. Yes she would be the one I would send you to but I wont be sending you two alone this time. Linda Julie and two of my tracker will go with you to make the trail disappear." So we worked out the details and then had a meal.

We decided to leave at first light. When alone I said something I really liked to hear. I said "Lana I love you with all my heart."

She said "Angelica, I love you too. I never kissed a girl before but here goes!" Then she and I kissed for a few moments or ten. It was very good if strange. We finally broke apart and tried to get some sleep.

I woke up just before the alarm and Lana was snuggled up to me and it was nice except she was on my wing. So I woke her with a kiss and a "roll over" she smiled and did. ouch. I got up and stretched as the room allowed. She followed suit and soon we were both getting ready. We just turned off the alarm and opened the main door when Julie walked up. I said "We have time to eat before we go?"

Julie said "Angelica you and my daughter behave yourselves last night? Yes there will be time to eat." we all giggled. Where did that come from being a girl is changing me more and more. At least Lana loves me! We walked into the dining hall and sat down.

Linda came in with Helena talking away. When they sat two lanky women came in looking our group over. Helena said "Ladies this is your guides for this trip, Sarina and Stella Marks. For your Information the world may have a problem with Same Sex marriage. Here we do not. The Marks were wed here, what was it two years ago?" They nodded. "So you see we are very progressive here. No hang ups about such things. Well lets get to eating I want you six on your way soon. The Marks joined the table then we chowed down. We were out the door 45 minuets later.

The next 4 days was a exercise in pushing ourselves to the limit. We ate little and walked a lot. we pushed as hard as we could push and the Marks still wanted more. Our rests were short and spaced out. I was a bit strung out when we got there. We all were.

Here was a large stone circle in the middle of nowhere. It was so 20 feet across and defiantly was man made. We set up a minimal camp a little ways away. I was watching an a great bear lumbered out of the woods and crossed to the circle. The bear put it's paws up on the circle and seemed to pray. There came a shimmering around the bear. when the shimmer dissipated a old woman was there. She looked around and caught sight of us and walked over.

Stella greeted her "Grate Mother Bear it is good to see you again. We come to see Two Hawks is she about." Always be polite to a bear no mater the form. "We come from Helena Drake."

Pray to the circle you may see her, she passed on last season. Her Daughter runs the forest now. Silent cat she goes by. She will be here tonight the full moon will bless the hopeful tonight." She looked at me then at Lana "You two are young to walk the skies. Who taught you young ones?"

Lana answered "My Mother teaches me Great one. Angelica is a wild mage. Our love gave me these wings. I just wish my magic was as strong as hers."

The old Woman looked at Lana and said "Tonight when the moon shows her bright face go to the circle ask the Great Mother to help you. If she is willing your prayers will be answered. I must be going now bingo night in grange hall in Far Away. must get there fast for a good seat." I shook my head and went back to watching the circle.

The Hopeful began to arrive just before sundown. The came in ones and twos and sometimes a family of three. They were all types but mostly they looked down or lost. A middle aged woman strode to the edge of the circle and spoke "Those that wish The great Mothers blessing come to then edge of the circle." Lana grabbed my hand and pulled me up to the circle with her. I looked over and there was Linda and Julie as well. "When I touch you. you will walk across the circle if the Great Mother thinks well of it you will be answered. I was the sixth one to walk across the circle Lana at my side. I felt my wings flutter just a bit and suddenly I was elsewhere.

I was standing on a stone circle but this one was smooth and I could not see beyond the edge. Lana was still holding my hand. and a woman was standing before us. She smiled "My children Both come before me with a wish in your heart not for yourself but for the other. I shall grant you your wishes in time but first I must know your love is true. So I will set a task for each of you if you can complete the tasks I will know your love is true.

Josh I set the task of giving into and becoming Angelica Heart and soul. Can you do this?"

I smiled "My name is Angelica Rose Wells I always have been and always will be."

she said "Lana can you let yourself lead someone you love into danger?"

Lana said "I led my love away from one danger into a bigger danger so the answer is yes."

The Woman smiled "Then go back my children your wishes await you."

Then We were at the other side of the circle. I felt better than I had ever before. I stepped down and helped Lana down. I was so in love. Then I felt it Helicopters and they were searching these hills. Damn it! I turned to Lana "I have to go, your flying is not up to this. Get the others and get away. I will find you! Count on that my love." Before She could stop me I was in the air. I was angry that they will not let us alone. They made one mistake they pissed me off!

They sighted me and the chase was on. I was flying my best and at three to one the odds were not good. For them maybe I was fine! I found a gravel pit an turned. Time to go down buggers. Three shots three strikes Three down you out. Hit them in the gearbox and down they go! I turned and flew back to the circle to find it being attacked by Seekers and their flunkies. Damn it 3 to 1 I can take but 20 to1 no way. I caught sight of Lana she was still there. Odds just changed they are going after my love their mistake! The battle of the circle was legendary! I wish I could recall what happened? I just know we won and I took a hit to the head and went down late in the fight. I woke up in a motel room in Far Away. I felt like I was hit with a dozen baseball bats. Lana was there and it could be seen that she had been crying. I squeezed her hand and she tuned to me "You fool, you great fool you. Don't you do that to me again!" She was gently hugging me. I felt like I had went through a meat grinder on slow maul. I found out that I had been out for 4 days. No wonder I was so hungry.

The door opened and in walked Silent Cat and a woman I did not know. Julie slowly pulled Lana off me saying "Let the healer get at her." the woman moved in and started to look me over.

After awhile she looked me in the eye and said "You will live. You will hurt for a few weeks but you will live. Skintight shields have the defect of letting kinetic energy get through. So you Bruise like a dickens but don't die. Just take it easy for a bit and you will heal." She got up and left.

Silent Cat said "I hear your looking for a teacher well you have one. I'll give you one week then meet me at the circle and we will begin. Rest while you can." She smiled and nodded to Julie and Lana and left.

Julie asked "Skintight shield who taught you that one? Let me guess more wild magic. You are going to give me gray hairs even before the wedding. I guess I just going to get used to it. Maybe I would look good gray haired."

Lana said "Mom would you give us a few moments alone. You too Linda I see you sulking back there. Both of you out please!" they both looked at each other then left. "Good now that we are alone I have a very important question to ask you. Angelica Rose Wells will you do me the honor of being my mate for life. Will you marry me?"

I smiled "YES! I will love to marry you. "

To be continued

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