Thank You Sara

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Thank You Shara ! As Jennifer walked a cross the parking lot of her work she rifles through her peruse for a cigarette and keys. Her cell rings and she all ready knows its her best friend Sara. Checking to make sure she coming to the party her and her husband are having. Jennifer sits in her car as she answer her cell saying hello sweetness Sara answer back with a well babes your still coming right. Jennifer takes a deep draw from her smoke and says i don't no Sara i really not ready to meet any one. Come on Jennifer when the hell you going to be ready its been all most two years since you and James split up. Jennifer knew Sara was right in every thing she was saying to her. Sara tells Jennifer that this guy Dan really wants to meet you and that he knows that your a trans-woman. An that he prefers dating woman like you his last relationship ended three years ago and hasn't met any women like you since he moved hear. Sara says look Jen i love you and i want you to be happy i want you to have someone that cares for you loves you for who you are. Look Jen i would never fix you up with someone that i wasn't sure of please babes take the chance you won't be sorry. But you will be sorry if you don't and then find out later you could of had a chance but he with someone else. Jennifer says okay okay I'll be there but i am not staying long I'll meet this Dan guy then i am gone. Sara says okay babes but i really don't think you'll be leaving as soon as you think you are. They say there good byes and Jennifer starts her car and heads home to get ready for Sara and Alex's party. On the drive home Jenifer mined wonders over all the Fucked men she seem to attract wishing hoping this will be different. But she knows she's just fooling her self but for her best friend she'll meet this guy. Jennifer would do any thing for Sara they've been friends since the second grade even when Jennifer was made to be a boy. But not Sara Sara always treated Jennifer like what she was a girl and they did every thing together. Jennifer close's the door be hind and starts undressing as she walks to her bedroom now in just her panty's and bra she looks at her self in the mirror closet doors. She likes her body it looks pretty dam good better then most women half her age. Even with still having a dick attached to her cores it wasn't that big of one never was.She would of had it removed but now at the age of 42 its more of a risk. Jennifer walks to the bathroom turns on the water as the tub fills she stares at her naked body and smiles at the image looking back. She loves what she see's she loves the 5ft 4 in light brown haired 36A Perky tits great looking legs and a beautiful round tight little pussy-ass that's looking back at her. She decides that she's going to have fun tonight and feel pretty dam good about how she looks and wonders why she was so worried . The water feels so good as she enters her bath leaning back against the tub she savors the moment. Then reach's over to the drawer next to the tub and pull's her favorite life like dildo out her pussy-ass is screaming for attention her little 3 1/2 in clit is standing up and hard. She rub her hand over it as her other hand helps her dildo enter her soft moans began to escape her as it slides deep into her tight pussy. Sending waves of pleasure through her body as she slide it in and out of her. She removes it and sticks it on the side in side the tub she turns on her side lining the dido up to her opening. She push's her hips back an feels it slide easily into waiting pussy she began working her hips the dildo looked like a piston sliding in and out of her tight pussy. Jennifer was so close to cumming Jennifer would organism with out ever touching her clit. The water in the tub was really churning wildly as her organism rushed through body. Laying still in the water as she try's to catch her breath her pleasure sub side and rise's from the tub steps out and drys her self off raps the towel around her self and heads to her room an try's to decide what she's going to wear. She slides the closet doors open an it took but a second an she new just what she was going to wear. Her sexy cute little black dress short an just tight enough to show off her nice curves. She decides she'll wear cute 4 1/2 in. sling back black sandal's and black clutch for make up. Jennifer slides lace black panties up and then smokey color thigh highs pulling them from the package they came in. She takes her time sliding each one up her legs being careful not to put a run in them with her long nails. She pulls the strand of pale pink pearls from her jewelry box along with matching bracelet and anklet. she finish her hair an finish's her make up with a light pink lip stick she stands in front of her mirror closet doors giving her self a once over be for heading to Shara's an Alex's. She smiles and loves the way she looks an feels good and excited to see what the night will bring. Jennifer decides she'll take her time driving to the party she hates arriving to early. At Alex and Shara's Alex looks at the clock and says she's not coming is she Shara tells Alex relax you know how Jennifer is she likes to make a grand internes she'll be here. Jennifer takes the long way to Shara's and Alex's she even stops and gets gas. She can't believe how nervous and excited she feels all most like its her very first date she's going on. She laughs to her self at how silly she's feeling. She finely arrives at Shara's and Alex's reaching the door she push's the button ringing the door bell Shara opens the door and give's her best friend a hug an takes her clutch and tells Jennifer how Alex's kept watching the clock an saying you weren't going to come they both laugh Shara tells Jennifer that Dan is out in the back yard with the rest and he can't wait to meet you. Jennifer smiles and says yeah yeah okay lets get a look at this great guy i just have to meet and they both began to laugh. Shara takes Jennifer's hand and lead's her to where the rest of the gust are. Shara walks straight to where Dan is sitting Jennifer eyes light up and smiles as she defiantly likes what she see. Dan stands to meet the two of them as Shara introduces Dan an Jennifer ! Jennifer holds her hand out Dan takes Jennifer's hand in his and firmly but gentle and says what pleasure to meet you Jennifer I've heard so much about you but no one had really said just how beautiful you were. Jennifer smiles an says you know that flattery with me just might get you where you want to go remember i did say might and they both laugh as they stair into each others eyes. Jennifer can feel a warm wave rush through her her mined is racing what a hansom good looking man Shara says I'll let you two talk an get to know each other Shara says hey Babes what you want to drink Jennifer says Vodka Collins okay you got Thanks Sweetness. Dan Jennifer sit in away that they are next to each other but yet facing each other to. Jennifer can't take her eyes from his she hangs on to ever word he says she sits with her legs crossed an she knows that sitting this way she is giving him a pleasurable view of most of her thigh and all most the top of the thigh highs. An she can see that he is most defiantly enjoying what he see. Making Jennifer become even more excited she didn't even think that that was possible. Dan asked Jennifer what she did and so on Jennifer would much rather hear about him. But she told him the thing he wanted to know like was she from hear an what kind of work she did you know all the small talk you do when you've first meet someone. Jennifer really fiend's her self really taken by this guy an wants so much to know him. Her mined began to over work she started worrying what if he really wasn't into her and was just being nice Jennifer starts saying to her self OH why do i do this why can't i just relax and stop worrying about stupid shit Dam i hate when i do this i am always doing this. Jennifer excuses her self to Dan saying she'll be right back she needs to go to the lady's room now don't you go no where Dan stands as Jennifer dose and says don't you worry lady I'm not going any where be here when you return Jennifer give Dan a sexy smile her eyes softly close and open as she turns to leave. Jennifer finds Shara and says OMG you were so right what a gorges man i keep worrying hes not really into me and just being nice. Shara says Jennifer you need to stop fucking thinking your not good enough hell Babes i haven't even been over there with you two. An Babes if you can't tell that he is very much into you then you need to have your head check. Because believe me everyone here has said and notice that you both are so much into each other that its like you guys don't notice that there are other gust here. They both begin to laugh and Jennifer says to Shara your right I'm just being silly. Jennifer returns to where her and Dan have been sitting Dan stands as Jennifer returns to him he smiles and says glad you made it back thought you might had changed your mind about me. Jennifer smiles and says not a chance your not getting rid of me that easy they both laugh. Dan moves in close an Jennifer's been waiting for this that first kiss Jennifer to move in to meet his kiss there lips touch and part letting there tongs dance together going from ones mouth to the other. It was a very passionate deep kiss that lasted for several min. When there lips parted from there kiss Jennifer says out loud WOW ! only the two of them heard it Jennifer looked around just to make sure. Dan says to Jennifer i hope that meant a good WOW and not a WOW of what the hell did i do. Jennifer looks into his eyes and says softly that that was a WOW i want to do that again hope he dose to. An they do both moving into each other an there lips meet once more lips part and tongs begin there dance as they in brace each other they can hear people yelling hey you two get a room. They brake from there kiss and laugh Dan ask Jennifer if shed like to take a drive its a nice warm night for a ride along the cost. Jennifer says I don't know can i trust you to caress my body to kiss my neck can i trust you to feel my ass cheeks as we walk along the shore. Dan smiles and says you can trust me I'll be nothing but a horn dog for you. Jennifer laughs an says you better be cause if your not I'll tell Shara an Alex an will have lost all faith in men. Dan pulls Jennifer to him she feels her body melt into his they kiss an then walk him with his arm around Jennifer's waist holding her tight into him.They Fined Shara and Alex and tell them Thank You for having them and that there going to take a drive along the cost. Shara pulls Jennifer from Dan saying just for a moment Dan. Shara pulls Jennifer into the bathroom and they hug and kiss each other Shara says to Jennifer what i tell you babes you worry to fucking much Jennifer your a beautiful woman in side and out when you get home call me i want to hear everything. They hug and kiss again an Jennifer says i love you Shara you have always believed in me even when i never did let Alex know to that i love and Thank You both for always caring and looking out for me. Shara says okay babes you better get going be for he thinks you ran out on him they both laugh an hug. Jennifer walks to where Dan is talking to Alex an she takes his arm sliding hers into his pressing her self into him. They both say there Thank Yous and leave. Dam opens the car door for Jennifer be for he help's her in he press's him self against her. Her back rest against the car as she feels there body's pressed tightly together she feels her self melt into him. She realizes its been some time since she's felt a man's body against hers. Oh how she wants that moment to go on for ever. They kiss an soon turns into a make out Jennifer feels like a teen again and can't help it and giggles Dan smiles and ask whats wrong she says nothing that he made her feel like she was a teenage girl again. He ask is that good or bad she tells him its the most beautiful thing that any one has ever made her feel and that she Thanks God that its him that made her feel that way. Dan helps her in to her set close the door and get's in the drivers side even though there bucket sets they sit very close together. Dan starts the car an heads to the cost as Dan drives Jennifer is leaning more torts Dan her dress has ridden up quit a bit Jennifer doesn't care she loves the way she feels the way he make her feel. As Dan drives he place's his right hand on the upper in side of her thigh a soft moan escapes her Dan relaxes now he take her moan as its her approval of his hand resting where it is. Jennifer hand she had resting on his leg but slowly began moving it searching for oh yes there it is. She could feel his excitement grow as they drove torts the cost. She rest her head on his shoulder all the why'll her hand was working to free his excitement from its confinement. Dan was finding it a little hard to keep his mined on his driving finely freeing it she loved the way he felt in her hand she love the way it felt so hard yet firm soft and velvety. She could feel it throb and the beat of his hart in her hand it made her very fidgety in her set she could hear her hart pounding in her head her mind raced at the thought of the pleasure this cock could make her feel. She had all ready made her mind up that she was going to feel his cock in her tight little pussy-ass be for the sun came up. An she didn't care where it happened just as long as it did. She felt light headed all most like she was drunk. An she was drunk drunk on the lust of his cock she couldn't think of any thing else that's all that played over and over in her mind. Was his big beautiful cock and his magnificent body oh how she wanted to feel it naked and pressed tight against hers. Jennifer couldn't take it any longer she had to have it in her mouth she wanted so bad to taste him. She just new he was going to taste just as good as he looked and smelt she just new it. Jennifer lowered her head over his crouch she pause's for a moment taking in the his manly fresh sent MMMM she parts her lips opening her mouth as she slides his beautiful cock into her warm wet mouth. Thank You Shara will be continued !

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Hi, please consider going

Hi, please consider going back into your story and breaking it up into paragraphs. That will make it a much easier to read for everyone. As it stands now, it is interesting, however very easy to lose which line/sentence you are on, if you happen to look away or get distracted.
Hugs, Janice

Thank You

sexyJenCdnFem's picture

Thank you Janice for your in put ! This is my very first store ever really have written and put out for people to read and again Thank You !


I plan to wait until you have done this.


Thank You

Good story and would like to see more, but it was hard to read without any breaks in the lines and chapters . My eyes crossed more than once LOL
Thank you new author