The Man Down The Street

My name is Nikki but it wasn't always my name they used to call me Nicolas witch never really fit. See I've always been small for my age all through school everyone seem to be taller then me even a lot of the girls were to. By the time i was in the 11th grade i was only five foot one my wight was 100 pounds my hair was wavy long light brown light blue eyes i always wore bright colors an most of my friends were girls cause i really didn't fit in well with guys my age an i had nothing in common with them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Any ways you've herd it all be for i am sure yes i was very much on the feminine side my Mother told me that I'd be going to stay with my Aunt Kim for a while that she was going to be traveling for her new job an that she was unable to have me with her an i need to go to school . I was up set didn't want to stay at my Aunt Kim's at the time i didn't realize just how wonderful it was going to be. I never really fit in that well where we lived but i new the area an had some friends i thought i did tell it was time for me to go to my Aunt's you know only one girl came to say good by and was going to miss me . I remember both of us hugging an crying just be for i got into the car to go to my Aunt's Lesa kissed me good by we said we'd write each other then i was off to my Aunt's. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I arrived at my Aunt's she showed me my room and it was beautiful it was my Cousins she was living in another state with her boy friend she was going to get married soon. I've want a room just like this but new my mom would never let me. My Aunt told me that later in the week we could change the way the room was to something that i would be more comfortable having. My mined was racing i didn't want to change one thing i loved it but how was i going to keep it this way . I kept telling my self think Nikki think later that evening as my Aunt an i had our first dinner together . She said that if i want to go look at some thing tomorrow after work for my new room i didn't know what to say. My hart was pounding mine racing think Nikki an all of a sudden the words flew out of my mouth I DON"T WANT TO CHANGE ANY OF IT I LOVE THE ROOM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

JUST THE WAY IT IS ! I could hear the words yelling as they flew out and then it went silent nether one said a word i dropped my head an starred at my plate trying to think what to say. Then i hear well okay honey if you like the way it is then you can keep the way you like. I was shocked lost for words but i could feel my eyes swell up as tears started to run slowly down my cheeks. My Aunt came around the table an held me an said its all right you don't ever have to change its okay why are you so up set. I told her that i didn't know what to say and that i was wondering what she thought of me keeping the room the way it is.she told me that she didn't think any thing about me keeping the room an asked why what was she suppose to think ? I said nothing O i don't know i say that i don't want you thinking bad or what ever about me. She said Honey i could never think any thing bad of you i love you no matter what I'll always love you your my sister's son ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

But I'm not really an i stopped saying any thing an my Aunt said look its been a long day why don't you take a shower and then come in the living room an will watch a bit of TV be for bed said okay an i went to shower . After i was done drying my self off i looked out the bathroom door i put my clothes in the hamper an ran naked to my now room. I closed the door quickly an turned around an walked across the room to where the bed was i couldn't believe it i was all most ready to start crying all over again. On the bed set really pretty pajamas they were shorts and a top they were pink and with white lace trim they were made of satin an they felt an looked so beautiful i couldn't stop looking at my self in the closet mirror doors. Just then my Aunt walked in wearing the same PJ's as i was . I ran across the room to her an hugged her an thanked her for being a wonderful Aunt an that i loved her . She hugged me back an held my hand as she walked us to the living room she was saying that she thought that i would like wearing something more to the rooms liking an felt that i would sleep so much better. O i will i said i just know i will they look so beautiful on me on you on us i just love how i look in them an tears start to run down my cheeks. My Aunt say its a good thing i don't have mascara on it would be running down my cheeks an on to my pretty pink and white PJ's-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

--------I just looked at her and smiled an said i am really tired an was going to go to bed she took my hand and we walked to my room. She pulled back the covers i jumped in pulled them over me and i thanked my Aunt as she kissed me good night she says its okay sweetie i am so glad you like being here. I say to her like being here i Love being here Aunt Kim i really Love it i have never felt so real so a live so me ever as i do this very moment ! I woke the next morning the sun was coming through the window i notice i was still smiling i must of slept the whole night with a smile i could smell Bacon and hear--------------------------- my Aunt in the kitchen so i jumped out of bed and hurried down the hall i couldn't wait to see what the day will bring. I greeted my Aunt with a hug and she kissed me on my cheek. So how did you sleep last night my Aunt ask i said wonderful an that i must of slept all night with a smile cause i woke up and notice i was still smiling . Aw well that's great honey i am really glad that your happy and are going to enjoy your stay here . Oh i am Aunt Kim i am so glad i came here i have to tell you though i was quit up set when mom broke the news that i would be coming here to stay with you. Well that's good that your feeling good about being here okay i have somethings i need to do at my office for a couple of hours are you going to be all right by your self for a while i am gone. Sure Aunt Kim I'll be fine i thought I'd walk to the store and see the neighbor hood. Okay Honey I'll be back by 1:00 2:00 the latest if you need any thing my number is on the board by the phone okay here's the key to the house and I'll see ya in a while by honey we hugged and she kissed me on the forehead

I hurried and put the dishes in the sink an run to my room to get Dress an go cheek out the the neighbor hood. I went to UN-pack my bags an put my clothes away i pulled open one of the drawers an there were a few things of clothing in it things of my cousins there were several pairs of panties a skirt and a couple of pairs of shorts. I thought for a moment why not i looked and decided I'd wear the yellow panties i found and the cute little denim shorts an a t-shirt there were a pair of flip flops in the closet so i put them on. I checked my self out in the mirror an couldn't believe how cute i actually looked. Everything fit me so well like they were made just for me my boy clothes didn't make me look this cute or did they fit me as well as these did i couldn't of been happier. I grabbed the house key an the $ 20.00 dollars my Aunt left me an out the door i went. Down the street from my Aunt's house i notice this guy taking stuff out of his garage an it was as though everything was starting to go in slow motion.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I notice how he moved an how toned his body was he was in board shorts an a tank top wave vie light brown hair an tan skin. I couldn't believe how looking at him was making me feel I've always found an been attracted to males but never have I've felt the way i was feeling about him. My mouth was dry an i could feel my hart pounding i couldn't stop looking at him so many thoughts were running through my head . He must of notice me staring at him cause he smiled at me as i stood there frozen i wanted to run but i couldn't make my legs move. He says Hi what a cute young lady i haven't seen you a round the neighbor hood I'd remember if i seen you ! When he talked i felt goose bumps all over my skin then i finely was able to get words out of my mouth i didn't want to tell him that i wasn't a girl but thought best i should.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I told him that i wasn't a girl but no worries it happen to me all the time. So I asked what are you doing he smiles an i can feel my self melt. An he said that he is a photographer an that he was going to turn his garage into a small studio an dark room ! Cool looks like a lot of work he says hey would you like to make some money i could really use the help. I tell him sure i could use the money an smile he asked me my name I'm Nikki He says well okay nice to meet you Nikki I'm Jason Canon so Nikki where do you live you just move in ? I tell him yes i live down the street i am staying with my Aunt for a while because my moms new job has her traveling a lot. He asked me if my Aunt would be okay with me helping him i told him i don't see why not i won't be far just down the street from her house. Great he says okay Nick why don't you show up tomorrow say about 9:00am I told him okay I'll be here an it was really nice to have met you Jason Okay Nike tomorrow morning. I said bye Jason By Nick an i went on to the store my head was in the clouds i couldn't stop thinking about this good looking guy. My thoughts were out of control i wondered what he looked like naked i can't believe what i was thinking or how excited an turned on i was. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

When I got home I wondered in to my aunts bedroom it was very big with a very big bed twoa very tall night stands set on each side of her bed .I happen to open one of the drawers and there where some very beautiful panties so many different kinds I moved some of them around to see all that she had. An then there was this flash tone thing in the back resting against the back of the drawer I reached in an pulled it from its hiding place . It was beautiful it was the biggest male cock I had ever seen. The first thing that ran through my head was I wonder if Jason's cock was any thing like this and if it was would he be able to make love to me it might be to big for me to take . I new I just had to try but how can I take it with out my aunt knowing I have it. Don't have to worry now cause when I turned around there was my aunt she standing looking at me with a slight smile

++++-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I told her that I had never seen any thing so beautiful as it and can they really become that big she smiled and said Oh my dear yes and can make a woman so wonderfully happy . And my sweet sweet girl if your lucky you'll someday know what I mean. I realize she just called me a girl an I said I sure hope I get to an giggled. Well she said sweetie why don't you take that with you and may be you could have some fun be careful honey cause you don't want to hurt your self be for you can even enjoy the wonderful pleasure it can bring you. Later that night after dinner I'll help you a little an then you can pickup where we left off OK sweetie with tears of joy in my eyes I tell my aunt she is the very best and that I love her so much . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My Aunt an I sat down for dinner an she be gain's to tell me that there are thing I should no that every young woman your age has learned so she was going to teach me these things. She went on saying that some will be a bit different I ask her what dose she mean she smiles an says after dinner sweetness your journey into woman hood will begin. She then says that she'd ask me if it was what I really wanted but said she can tell that there was no need to. We finish are dinner an I started to clear the table My Aunt says not tonight honey that she'll clear the table an that she wanted me to go run a bath. Told me what she wanted me to put in the bath an then for me to get in an soak and she'll be there when she's done an don't for get are little friend with a smile. I ask what friend OOOOO as I giggle an run to get are friend and start my bath. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I grabbed are friend an headed to the bathroom I start the bath an reached for the scented bath oil and poured some in the bath. My Aunt walked into the bathroom an says girl your not even undressed yet ! Take your clothes off an get into the bath as she was reaching for something in the cabinet. She handed me a new shaver that had this built in moisturizer attached to it she told me to shave my legs and under my arms. An that she'd be back in a bit Smiled and left I did what she had asked an then soaked in the bath . I rested against the back of the tub closed my eyes and as I relaxed my mined started to drift thoughts of everything that has happened danced in my mined . I thought about how lucky an grateful I was to have such a loving caring Aunt An thoughts of Jason played on the pages of my mined. Thoughts of his body pressed tightly against mine I tried to imagine how it felt feeling his nude body against the naked skin of my thighs. But I couldn't because I had nothing I could compare it to being I have never been with any one. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Aunt came in braking my thoughts she says someone looks like they have something go on you were in deep thought . She asked me what was on my mine asked if I was having second thoughts about being a girl I said no no no I haven't change my mined an that I am a girl always have been but no one had ever let me be me ! Accept for you Aunt Kim I really love you an I thank you so much for freeing me. I could feel the tiers swell up in my eyes an I just looked down at the bath water where I was sitting and began to sob. My Aunt bent down an said there what's wrong my sweet lovely child nothing can be so bad that you can't tell your Aunt Kim. Come on talk to me tell me what's going on so I can help you I'm sure its not as bad as it might seem right now . So what is it talk to me so I can help you I began to tell her about my feelings. An how when walking to the store I had met this guy who was cleaning out his garage just then my Aunt says OOOOOOOOh my dear is that all I thought it was something serious as she laughs an smiles at me. My Aunt says ok so you met a guy hey wait he didn't hurt you or try something did he . I tell her no no nothing like that an I began telling her of how I felt an how it seem like everything was moving in slow motion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I tell her how I could feel my hart pounding in my head how when he first spoke to me my body broke out in goose bumps and how he thought I was a girl but thought I better tell him the truth an that I am suppose to help him tomorrow with his garage turning it into a photo studio an dark room . But I am not sure what I should do may be I shouldn't help him after all , I mean I can't tell him that know he was right in really am a girl . My Aunt says oh child your worrying to much about being a girl or not for this guy you just met and be sides honey if this guy is well he's a grown-up baby girl he's not going to create a problem that could cost him so much Griff in his life by getting involved with you. I started to cry an say to her how can she be so mean she says child stop for a moment your not stupid child you know that nothing can happen no matter how much you want it to there's just no way my lovely child .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My Aunt reached over an hugged me an said baby girl your going to have plenty of time for boys to be wanting you just enjoy your little fantasy an first crush later in a couple of years you'll be saying what was I thinking . Ok child let me see your under arms very nice job you did fantastic on them sexy little legs of yours your adapting being a girl better then most girls and smiles. She says that a girl (lady) always makes sure she is very clean and fresh she has me Stand up with my back to her. She goes on saying that it's a good idea for me to learn how to clean my self and that it's not heard every woman dose this usually after there friend flow has come and gone. But your lucky my dear you don't have a friend flow visiting once a month for the next 40 or so years. I look at her and say Hua never mined will talk about later as she be gain's to fill this red rubber bag with warm water . I ask her what is the hot water bottle for she tells me that it's more then just a hot water bottle and how it has a few other uses then for pain . I watch as it fills an then she connects a long white tub like thing ( oh ) hose at the end of the hose was like this sprinkler thing water flows out of it just like that it's what it reminded me of ._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________standing in the tub still she tells me to bend slightly over and inserts the end of the hose thing into my butt it feels like I don't know how to explain it then she turns this nob warm water rushed into me causing little uncontrollable trimmers from body then all of a sudden I yell Aunt Kim i have to go to the bathroom Oh she tells me hold it just a little bit more there now go set i jumped from the tub and all most went right there but I was able to make it to the toilet where I felt like everything in side me was now rushing out of me feeling the last bit flow from my little butt My Aunt had filled the bottle once more an says to me don't look so worried child after a while this will become a natural thing to do just like brushing your teeth you don't need to think about it you just do it inserting the hose even further then be for she turns the nob an i can feel the warm water rush up in deep into my tummy and I tell my Aunt that i feel it way up in me she smiles and says child how does it feel I tell her it feels actually kind of good all most relaxing she says that's great child see your becoming more and more a fresh sweet clean smelling young woman she goes on says how she add a little lavender smelling bath oil to the warm water making me a clean and beautiful smelling young lady . She tells me that it will drive the boys wild an that I'll understand what she means an is talking about when I become a little older and start having relationships with boys . She tells me that a good and fine young lady doesn't go letting every boy around smelling or putting things in my what I call my butt is now my pussy-ass it that it's my vagina that's the real word it's called but they'll be time enough to learn about that . The warm water had finished flowing into me i felt very full an told my Aunt that's good child she says now go empty your beautiful vagina honey an i did . As the warm water flowed from my now vagina my Aunt said that as soon as I was empty she would began showing me a pleasure I've never known. I finished an stood facing my Aunt as she smiles an says your going to become the woman I was meant to be and pulls me close to her and holds me my head resting on her some what bear breast . She smelt beautiful i loved it her hand caressed my body it felt like nothing I had ever felt all I new is I didn't want it to stop . __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I felt her hand now sliding between the folds of my pussy-ass (vagina) She says okay honey let's take are relaxing time of woman hood to my bedroom where we can stretch out an enjoy each other's company taking my hand she guides me to her room where she tells me to claim up on the bed as i do so my Aunt is undoing her robe and slides from a lace night gown now she is completely naked in front of me she smiles and ask what I was thinking I say to her that she is so beautiful and that i want an hope so badly that my body will look just like hers someday . She tells me that lots of women usually have hair an pointed saying around this area she doesn't because she loves the feel of soft smooth hairless naked skin an that it makes it easier for her male friends to press all the right buttons . I say buttons she smiles an says child there is so much for you to learn all in time baby girl all in time . She moves closer an shows me her vagina come here closer child she pulls the folds spreading them open she takes her index finger an rubs this little nub she tells me look see this the hood that covers your Aunt's special spot . She sick her finger in her mouth wetting a lot then slowly pulls this skin back that she called the hood and then this hard little nub stands straight out from undercover I could tell this was having some kind of effect on her. Her cheeks were flush rose color an these soft moans kept coming from her mouth an then she just stopped and said now to make me the woman I was meant to be . She claims up on the bed with me i could hear my hart pounding in my head she reached over to her night stand an retrieve a tub of something it had a big KY on it I didn't know what to expect pulling me close to her she says here suck on this placing one of her tits in my mouth the nipple was hard but fixable I liked it as i do so I felt her place one of her fingers into the Crack or the folds of my vagina it was cold an slippery . She slid her finger all over the in side of the folds of my vagina an i like what she was doing to me an my vagina I liked it a lot . __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
And be for i new it my Aunt inserted her index finger half way in it took my breath away i felt my eyes go back in my head as i held my Aunt tight I hear her saying that's it Baby girl you like what your Aunt Kim's doing don't you I could hardly speck she kept sliding her finger even deeper I could feel her hand resting against my pussy-ass just out side the folds . My hips kept pushing back against her finger I wanted to feel more of her finger in me . Aunt Kim says there there baby girl you really like what your Aunt Kim's Doing. I hear my self say oh yes oh yes it really feels good she says there there child and slides. Her finger from my vagina I felt my self start to all most cry please don't stop Aunt Kim please don't stop I want to feel your finger Aunt Kim's say don't you worry my little girl an all of a sudden I felt my breach leave me My Aunt had now slid two fingers in me I felt my self become dizzy all most to the point of going black she began to move them in and out of me in a steady motion my hips were moving uncontrollably my body was shaking I felt this feeling in my little pee pee I never felt any thing like it but I new I never wanted her to stop then just like it started it stopped she with Drew her two fingers from me . I remember feeling kind of empty an so venerable I could feel tears rolling down my face . She then took the back of my head in shoved my face into her vagina it was hot an really wet she kept grinding her pussy into my face an i loved it but I wanted her in me again . My face was becoming wet slippery an sticky she was moaning really loud and saying that's it Baby girl lick that pussy suck that nub lick it you little bitch grinding and grinding into my face . I had a hard time breathing an all the time she was grinding her vagina into me she was get are little friend ready to slid into my vagina. Grinding had stopped she held the back of my head even tighter my face still pressed tightly against her vagina. I suddenly feel this thick object spread my pussy-ass a part an then with one swift move she shoved are friend into my vagina I screamed the pain i felt was so bad I couldn't move. My body was ridged an stiff I was crying uncontrollably . ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I couldn't understand why my Aunt Kim wanted to now hurt me the pain was so bad I have never felt any thing like it ever or scents . My Aunt Kim kept trying to comfort me but was like I swear she ripped me open i really thought I was going to have to be sewed up what was the doctor going to think me laying there ripped wide open my Aunt began to play and pinch my little nipples bring more pain to me she kept saying baby girl your a woman an know one can ever take this wonderful beautiful moment away. She began to pull and push are friend into me and pull it all most out then push it back in. The pain i once felt was going away with each forward thrust of are friend a slight feeling of i wasn't sure what it was i was beginning to feel it was making me feel more a live. Soon she was moving are friend at a steady pace and it was driving me crazy . I am moaning and i can hardly catch my breath i can feel my eye rolling back and the waves of unbelievable pleasure that was flooding my body . I had no control over my body it was shacking and moving out of control . I'd try to stop my body but i was unable to i hear my Aunt saying to me you love it don't you you love getting fucked by your Aunt . I couldn't say any thing but she was right i was loving everything she's doing to me. I can't believe how its making me feel i never ever have i felt any thing so beautiful . When it comes to the end and she removes are friend from my pussy-ass .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I feel it as she slowly with draws it from me body laying limp on the bed the feeling of total emptiness floods my body . The pleasure has sub sided and i was tired my Aunt say to me now child lets get you to bed she take my hand and walks me to my room pulling back the covers i jump into bed she leaves the room for a brief moment returning with the tub of KY and are friend and place's it in the night stand and says its in there for you sweetness . While i am at work tomorrow and you feel you want to practice you can good night my child and closed the door be hind her. I feel my self falling to sleep as my mined is racing over every thing an the thought of how i had become a woman tonight . How was i going to be able to tell Jason that yes i am actually girl !! I woke up at 8:00 meaning i have an hour be for i have to be at Jason's . I run an jump in the shower i start thinking how i can tell Jason that i was only kidding about being a boy an that i was really a girl . Back in my room i try an decide what to wear i remember seeing a couple of box's in the laundry room an wondered if there might be some of my cousin clothes . An yes bingo there is going through the box's really quick i was able to fine this really cute summer dress it was cotton an a light yellow an i found a white lace thong an a white lace bra look as though it matched the thong i ran back to my run clothes in hand an begin to dress looking at the clock i have less then 20min now be for have to be to Jason. Now dressed i go to my Aunt's room an see if i might fine some make up an i do i fine a very light pink lip stick and i apply it on my lips an i softly brush mascara on my lash's an softly touch my eye brows i check my self again in the mirror an i really look like a young teen girl. I'm so excited about the way i look it doesn't really look like i have make up on . I was able to fine these really cute white saddles in the back of the closet . I look at my self one more time in the closet mirror door grab the key to the house and i am off to Jason's .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting up the drive way at Jason's i can see he is all ready busy in the garage an he turn's an notice me coming up the drive way i can feel his eyes fixed on me making me feel week in the legs . I'm smiling and saying to him your really getting busy an sorry I'm a bit late . He's now smiling back at me saying i wasn't late an he new i was messing with him yesterday about being a boy . I began to giggle an say i know hope you don't think less of me now. Think less of such a pretty young lady like you hardly doubt that won't be happening any time soon an laughs . He tells me that as soon as we get everything together in his new studio he was wondering if I'd like to let him take a few photos of me. He go's on saying what a wonderful looking model I'd make that he can really see some grate photos from a shot with me. I can feel my self blushing and i can't even look him in the eyes I'm feeling a bit vulnerable an feel his eyes on me . He starts saying he was sorry he didn't mean to make me feel uncomfortable an that he was sorry . An tells me i shouldn't be so shy about my looks and asked me again to let him shot me i tell him ok why not an say that i think he is just being nice . He said well lets get this done and he'll show me just what a beautiful girl i am. So we went to work i helped him move a couple of cabinets from one side of the garage to the middle of the garage floor . He help him build a small wall just be hind the cabinets we stand the wall up an i hold it why he set's some brace's. Then he go's and gets this gun type thing an said he going to shoot nails into the floor to hold the wall in place. So why he was doing that i swept the floor an hung a couple of pictures . I asked him if he could use something to drink he said yes go in the kitchen and get some water bottles of water from the frig. I entered the house an what a beautiful place everything in its place you could tell he was very neat . I get back to the garage and hand Jason some water he says lets take a brake so i set down on the small couch he set in a chair in front of me . I can feel goose bumps rise on my skin an feel his eyes on my body he takes a big drink of his water as i try and set lady like on the couch witch isn't going very well there seem to be some broken springs in it making me sit in away that i all most am like in a leaning position cause the back of the couch is broke to. So I'm sitting there with my legs up an leaning to one side making my dress ride up high about the thigh .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I try to get up and it only made things that much more visible i can see him looking right up my dress smiling . Saying you have some very beautiful legs and my white lace panties nice very nice. I can feel my face is beat red an i say to him do you think you can come over here and help me get up an off this messed up couch as i giggle . He says sure and moves to me and takes my hand in his pulls me to him a bit . And then be for i new it he had his other arm under me and began to lift me off the couch. My arms are around his neck as i hang on to him as he holds me up and carry's from the couch . Looking into each others eyes tilting my head an leaning he moves so that are lips meet his i part my lips to accommodate his tong as it moves into my mouth. Are tong begin to dance in and out of each others mouths. An i am really getting into his kiss i can feel my body melt into his as he holds me in his arms as we kiss. He brakes from our kiss and says wait wait we can't be doing this its not right he all most drops me . I start saying to him its okay its okay we didn't do any thing wrong he says that i didn't but he did and this can't go on doing that its not right . An that if any one was had seen what had just happen that he would be in some very serious trouble an could end up going to jail. I said no one seen us and that he didn't have any thing to worry about i wasn't telling any one any thing . He says that it doesn't matter we can't he can't be doing things like that with me . He keeps walking around the garage looking down and not even looking at me i can feel my self begin to cry a little he tells me he thinks i should go home now yes yes you better go home. I ask him why can't i stay and help he says you don't understand i can't be doing things like this your still a kid and he should of new better what the fuck has he done. I tell him he didn't do any thing wrong and that everything is fine please don't make me go i want to stay here with you . He says no you got to go right now go go on get out of here i turned and ran out of his garage all the way to my Aunts unlocked the door and ran to my room where i layed on my bed and cried and cried so hard i didn't think i was go to be able to stop. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every thing that happen kept playing over and over in my head i don't know why he made me leave i would of never said any thing to any one no one had to know. I kept thinking how good it felt him holding me as we kissed i kept wanting to feel his arms around me his lips on mine i wanted to feel his tong dance with mine . I was so scared i was never going to see him again that it was over be for it ever started . Why can't it just be all right i wasn't scared he'd hurt me or do any thing bad to me. I don't understand why i got to figure out how i can get him to see me to help him and have him shoot photos of me i want to be that model he wanted me to be for him. It was still early my Aunt wouldn't be home for several hours still . I was feeling excited i kept thinking how grate it would of been him making love to me. I got up and stripped off my clothes went and started the bath as the tub filled i went and got the tub of lube and my friend i step into the warm water of the bath an slowly set leaning back against the tub i feel my body relax and my little clit get hard . I close my eyes and slowly run my hands across my body an imagine that its Jason hands . I reach for my friend and stick it on the bottom of the tub set up on my knees an take the lube and spread it on my pussy-ass and friend. I place my self just above my friend and begin to lower my self on my friend . I feel my self breathing hard slowly i begin to lower my self down an feel the head of my friend pop in side slowly lowering my self more as it slides deeper into me. My pussy-ass has fully engulfed my friend i am so turned on i began to rock my self forward and back. I am really getting into this my friend is like a piston now . The whole time I'm making believe that its Jason's cock working in and out of my pussy-ass. My body is moving so fast that water from the tub is being tossed out on to the bathroom floor an i start to feel this feeling I've never felt any thing like it take over my body an this excitement began to rush through my body i feel my eyes start to roll back my body is shaking UN-controllable . I fall into the floor of the tub face down slowly i feel my self come back to reality it takes me a few min be for i can sit up and stand my legs still feel a little weak but i make to my bedroom. Laying on my bed i feel my self start to cry over everything that has happen today .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hear someone at the front door so i figured my Aunt was home then i hear the door bell i grab my robe an went to answer the door . when i opened it i couldn't believe my eyes standing there was Jason I wanted to jump into his arms but thought better not . Jason says i didn't mean to up set you and i can see you've been crying an i am sorry that i hurt you i said i am okay and that its all right an that i didn't think he had did or that we had did any thing wrong. He said that if someone would of seen us it could of opened up so many problems for the both of us an your Aunt to. I told him that i would never make trouble for him an that i would never let or say any thing to any one about any thing that we had done or do . I promise know one will ever know but just us two. He asked if I could go for a drive with him he wanted to check out a couple of nice out of the way spots . That he'd like to do some shots of me out doors in the woods around nature. I said sure let me get dress and I'll leave my Aunt a note that I'll be Home say he says around 8:30 / 9:00 no later are you sure its okay . I tell him it'll be fine an ran to get dressed . I looked in the closet and to my luck i found this cute little black skin tight skirt i ran to where the box's of old clothes of my cousins an found a cute light yellow blouse ran back to my room an crawled around in the back of the closet an found some white cute flat saddles slipped them on ran to the bath room took some light pink lip stick an did my lips grabbed the mascara an did my lashes a little brown to my brows grab a bag from my room stopped back at the bathroom filled the bag an out the door with Jason i went. ===================================================================================================================================== Jason opened the car door for me an then he was in an we were off to see this place or place's he wants to do shots of me at . I was feeling a little nervous an not sure what to talk about he turned on some music an looks over at me an smiles an ask if i was okay i said yes i am fine he then says he's going to stop an get gas an ask if I'd like something to drink an to snake on i said sure . We pulled in to the gas station Jason came around an open my door and we walked into the gas station store he walked to the counter an i went to get us drink's an yelled to him what he'd like he yells what ever your having is fine walked over to me handed me $30.00 an said he'll be out filling the car . So i walked around the store to see what else to get be side's the two cokes i decided to get some corn chips an salsa that always good on drive's . Payed for the stuff an walked back to the car where Jason was just putting back the gas nozzle an came an open my door to get in taking the the things from my hand as i get in and hands them back he's in and were on are way . Nice soft music playing i open the chips and salsa saying i hope this is ok he smiles an says yes grate pick just smile an feel my face be come flush . He turns the car onto the freeway i realize that i am more leaning closer to him as i hold the salsa so he can dip some chips i take a sip of my coke an lean back an even more into him . As the car floats down the highway i close my eyes listening to a song i feel his hand now resting on my the in side of my thigh . Making me take a deep breath from the surprise opening my eyes slightly an softly smiling at him he says you okay i say i am just fine very fine couldn't feel any better he says that's good just lay back an relax we have a ways to go be for were there . I close my eyes and try to slow my mined because its racing an i feel my self start to melt into the sit . God i want to reach over so bad an rest my hand in his lap i want so bad to run my hand between his legs i want to feel his excitement grow in my hand . I start to imagine that i am taking his cock in my mouth as we float down the road . I tell my self go on do it just do it i feel my self begin to move my hand placing it between his legs he doesn't say any thing in fact he adjust his self giving me better access to his man hood . I can feel my hart racing and can hear it in my head i feel my self becoming very aroused i can feel the rigged an firmness of it I take my finger an i trace the out line of his cock i can tell it's much bigger then the friend my aunt had gave me . I think to my self OMG i got to see if i can set it free so i begin to losing his belt an unbutton his pants pulling down his zipper i reach in an pull his beautiful cock free. It feels like soft velvet yet firm i slide my hand softly up an down the shaft I want to feel him in my mouth i want to feel him bared deep in my pussy-ass . That's when it hit's me OOO shit he thinks i am a Generic Girl what should i do ! I begin to get really nervous an start to show it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------===================================== He ask me is everything all right you okay I feel my self start to tear up and he say what is it is it what were doing whats wrong . I say to him i have something to tell you and i am a farad that when i do your going to hate me your going to not want to talk or ever see me again . He says no i won't just tell me i say okay i am really a boy an that i hate being a boy an that i have never felt like a boy how ever that feels. An that my Aunt has been letting me be who i was meant to be an is even been helping me become the girl i was meant to be . He start's to laugh an says its okay he doesn't care what may be between my legs or isn't he see me as a girl a very loving an beautiful girl an that i have nothing to worry about that he likes me just the way i am an would an does always see me as a girl . Then he tells me that he has a really big surprise for me an that its is someone that can an will help me with everything . I just kept looking at him an then saying what do you mean you have someone who can help me . He says shhhh just for get about that right now lets go back to where we were an pretend nothing happened can we do that baby can we do that . Did i just hear him call me baby come on baby can we do that yup he did call me baby i got up on my knees an leaned in an kissed him deep an passionately then i look into his eyes an say to him that he is the grate's guy in the world an that i am the luckiest girl on earth . Dropping back down into my sit i lean over an take his beautiful cock into my hot wet mouth . An i hear the responds that I have only dreamed of hearing but now hearing it for real a moan escapes him an his breathing is heave an deep so i really start to work my tong around the head an really work on that sensitive spot just under the head . I start to softly message his balls sliding my hand up and down his shaft just in front of my hot wet mouth . I am doing everything i can think of to receive my reward he is moving his hips trying to meet my motion his legs are starting to stiffen he has place one hand on the back of my head . I stop for a moment looking him in the eye an say let go of my head i know what i am doing an smile returning taking him back into my hot wet mouth . He tells me he's going to cum and i feel the first hot blast of his thick man juice splash the walls of my mouth and the back of my throat and then another hot blast fills my mouth as i try an swallow his seed down as fast as i get one blast down he fills my mouth again. I never new a man cums so much i really couldn't say cause this is the first mans cock i have ever sucked an had cum in my mouth. All i could think of is when can i do this again an i say to him as i swallow more of his hot juices can we do this again as soon as your stop cumming an the last of his seed all most fill's my mouth an i swallow him down an smile as i look up at him . ==================================================================================================================================== I tell him with so much excitement that i really like doing that i didn't think that it would teats like it did it really wasn't bad at all an smiled ! He turns off the road an on to a dirt road going through a forest so many beautiful tall pine an red wood trees. I says to him that this is the most beautiful place that i have ever seen I've heard an read in books an picture but it doesn't come close to how absolutely beautiful this is . Jason says you like this place baby i kind of thought you might and i have to tell you that i have never ever had any one suck my cock the way you had where did you learn how to do that . I told him that i have never done anything like that be for an that he was the very first cock i have ever had in my mouth . He looked at me in total surprise saying are you serious really the very first I just smiled an said well you liked it didn't you ! He laugh's an says are you kidding me baby it was the most fantastic thing i ever had done to me . He then says just up here a bit will park and walk to where i want to do the shoot he parks an i go to get out he says wait and opens the door for me to get out . He take my hand an we walk hand in hand through these trees to a path we start down . I am really leaning into him i love how his body feels against mine i can only imagine how wonderful it would be to feel his naked body pressed up tight against mine. We slowly walk an talk about his studio an how we really have to be careful when were together he tells me that i happen to be the most wonderful an best thing to have come into his life in a long long time. I could feel my face flush an i shyly smile i tell him that i can't believe that all this is happening to me i feel as if i am in a dream and i am doing all i can to keep from waking up. He pulls me close to him an holds me tight saying baby you have nothing to worry about its not a dream an that you are going to be everything you have ever thought of or wanted to be the world is at your feet you have so many grate things a head for you you'll see . I ask him does it have any thing to do with this person you said something about . He just says in do time baby i will tell you all about her an that but right now i just want to enjoy are moment together an then he kiss's me passionately holding tight to him i feel one of his hands slid down my back an play with a cheek of my ass his hand has pulled my skirt up to my waist an slides his hand in side of my panties he now is feeling my naked ass cheeks an i am really liking it. We kiss some more his hand is really working over my ass he now running his hand between the folds of my pussy-ass . OMG he has got me so turned on i keep trying to press my pussy-ass into his hand i feel him begin to push a finger into me i feel it pop in making me shiver an shake he is really working now two no three fingers in and out of me my panties are now around my ankles an i am trying to kick them free from me . Now that there gone i spread my legs wide open as i stand with him holding me and running his fingers in and out of my pussy-ass i can't believe the pleasure i am feeling i am hanging on to him so tight i go from standing flat to standing on my toes brings me to my toes with each forward thrust driving his fingers deep into my pussy-ass and standing flat each time he begins to with draw them. My mouth is dry an i can barley speak but i say to him i want you i want to feel you in me i want you to make love to me please fuck me please. That's all it took be for i new it i was draped over this log with him be hind me pushing his cock ever so slowly into me i was pushing back to him i felt him pop in an begin to slide inch by inch into my hot wet waiting pussy-ass . My pussy-ass clasped around his cock holding tightly he says that my pussy was made to fit just his cock and his cock fits perfectly in my pussy like it was made for my pussy only. ===================================================================================================================================== With one hand on my hip and the other playing with my tits an nipples he begins moving his beautiful cock in and out of me . With each forward thrust i feel this feeling of excitement all most as if i am going to wt my self . I try my best to match his movement pushing my pussy back into him to meet his forward thrust moans start to escape me he then stops and with draw his cock from my pussy-ass making me feel totally empty i never have felt so empty it all most makes me cry out please don't stop whats wrong . With out saying a word i feel him pick me up and flip me over holding my legs wide a part an then he pulls me to him and shoves him self into me with one quick motion taking my breath away he is really driving his cock into me were both looking into each others eyes i can see his pleasure as he keeps thrusting his cock into me . I tell him how good his cock feel in me how i never thought any thing could ever feel so good i tell him fuck me baby omg that's it make my pussy-ass feel good baby fuck me . My head is rocking from side to side as my body begins to shake uncontrollable wave after wave of pleasure rush's through my body my little clit is leaking I've never new that someone could make someone feel this kind of pleasure OOOOO yes OOO yes that's it baby i think i am going to cum . An just then i feel him slam into so hard bearded deep into me i feel him explode sending his hot thick juices splashing the walls of my pussy-ass then another and another sending me over the edge an my little clit juices are leaking all over my eyes roll back an my body is shaking uncontrollable he pulls out just a bit and slams into me again. I never had to touch my self i came just from him making love to me . Jason now spent an falls a top of me both of us trying to catch are breath are love making begins to sub side Jason sit up an looks at me an says you look so beautiful you are all woman an don't let any one or any thing make you think or feel any different then what you are a beautiful loving woman . I thought i was going to cry i have never thought i would ever hear or ever could i ever feel any more of a woman then i did at that very moment. I tell him that i could never imagine that any one or thing could make someone feel the kind of pleasure that i received from you i never new you could feel any thing like this. I can honestly say that just laying here feeling you love juice leak from me that i can all most feel as though i am going to have an orgasm just thinking of you doing me. ===================================================================================================================================== There was know doubt in mine that we were going to do this again i then get up an walk around Jason an i fall to my knees in front of his beautiful deflated cock . In circling my fingers around it i suck into my mouth an begin to suck him back to life it didn't take long my head was really bobbing up and down on him . As i work his cock over he lifted me so as to have me bent over sucking his cock he could now finger and lick my pussy-ass an tweak an suck on my tits and nipples he had four fingers in me an was really working my pussy-ass . I stop sucking him an stood up an pushed him on his back i climbed up with my legs on either side of him i lowered my pussy-ass down on his cock an it sled in with eases placing both hands on his chest for balance i began working my pussy-ass on his cock my pussy-ass clasped tight around his cock i really start to ride him . His cock looked like a piston moving in and out me i was feeling my self become close to an orgasm an then i had one little but i had one. Jason was really loving what i was doing to him . An then i had another orgasm it was a little stronger . Jason says he likes watching me he loves seeing all the pleasure i am receiving i feel his cock expand and relax an expand an relax he says he likes seeing how my face looks when he does that to me . He expands his cock again at the same time a orgasm happens i tell him that i keep having orgasms but there small he says he knows he can feel my pussy-ass contract when one begins . I've notice that with each orgasm they are getting stronger they started out weak but are becoming more intense i start to slow my motion some taking in the feel of him i feel him throb deep in my pussy-ass when i stop my movement i love it . I start to really work his cock i am riding him like some crazed woman another orgasm hits me but this time i feel it sweep through my body making me feel like i was going to pass out . That really had me wanting to ride an ride i did i can't believe how many orgasms I've had so far an i say to him that its just the beginning he say we have to stop pretty soon because his cock is starting to hurt an it'll be getting dark soon he says his cock is beginning to feel a little raw . I say to him wait just one more i am close my lover i am so close an i know this is going to be the one . An sure enough 5min later and i was all most passed out fell of him as my body shook as i lay there on the ground with Jason hanging over me asking if i was okay . There Is More To Come The Man Down The Street

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