Bikini Beach: Of hopes and dreams, of friendships lost Part 2 of 2

Bikini Beach: Of hopes and dreams, of friendships lost Part 2 of 2

Story by Ib12us

2nd Revision

We all know what had happened to Anya from her story 'The Temptation of Anya' and the outcome of what Oksana's revenge had done to her.

But what of the effects on others who come to the park? What effects could have been caused intentionally or unintentionally? Here is one such story or several. A story of hopes and dreams. Of love and friendships.

As always this author is grateful for the stories created by ElrodW and allowing me to contribute to his world.

This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Bikini Beach: Of hopes and dreams, of friendships lost


************ Odyssey ***********
********* Lisa's Reminiscence *******

     Squirming, Bobbie tried to control herself as she talked to the officer. His gaze seemed to intimidate her as he went over the questions once again. Inevitably, Bobbie took to place her fingers underneath herself to help quell the nervousness she felt with their movement. There was something about Officer Donovan's questions that Bobbie found unsettling even with hearing from her sister about him. Even with her fidgeting, he made no attempt to stop her except when she asked if could use the bathroom. At times he seemed amused in her conduct. It was like some big game to them on knowing who she really was. A shared secret designed to keep her in the dark like boys, or other feminine things that they liked to hint at with the start of her growing breasts. A joke between the older girls. It wasn't until her own breasts had started to grow that her sister hinted on what she could expect later as they went shopping and her picking out a few feminine boxes. She had even stopped talking about Brad in front of her. The way Reba would giggle when talking about him or go shy when he showed up and how they looked at each other and didn't want her to join them when they went to Pop's ice-cream parlor. It had gotten worse since that first camping trip when they found out who Melody really was and why she cared about the boy.

     "And you're sure this is what you saw?" Officer Jozef Donovan asked once more, verifying the details for perhaps the third or fourth time. Bobbie had lost track of his questions as if he seemed intrigued, yet doubtful of her credibility concerning the events leading up to the disappearance.

     "Yes sir," Bobbie squeaked once more, growing flustered. It wasn't that she was tired of his questions only that he seemed to be asking them over in some other way as she took to retelling of what she had seen. "Anya and Vicky were fighting, only Vicky was now an older boy and Anya took to fighting another woman. Grandmother was very mad at the both of them, telling Anya she had killed Mel. Anya then turn on the other woman who then disappeared into a black hole. Once it was over Anya ran into the park followed by Grandmother and Vick, he later returned and that’s when Vicky came out of the showers. I ran back inside to see Mel was with Lisa and she had this frightened look on her face over something and then she disappeared." Looking over his notes Officer Donovan found very little changed as Bobbie retold of what she had seen. Inside he kept his feelings aside as he looked for inconsistencies, variances, only to find none.

     Nearby a worried Lisa waited expectedly with arms slightly folded before her as her Aunt stood by her side. She knew her aunt was really her dad even if she couldn't say it as she soothed and reassured Lisa. Her words of comfort as the two listened to both her and the officer. How scared she was now from having to rescue a nearly drowned Mel from the high dives end. It had left her visibly shaken, and dismayed just like any mother would be over what had taken place. And then she grew even more scared with how Mel had started acting just before she vanished in front of everyone. Now there seemed to be a new sense of fear from Lisa as she listened to her tell them once again in what she had seen taken place. And just like Lisa and her Aunt Kat stood off to one side so did Brad, and Reba, worried themselves, wondered what could have scared both sister and friend. It seemed, to them, Officer Donovan was far more interested in hearing her story rather than where she could be.

     Bobbie was glad when he finished his line of questioning one her as he turned his attention to the other twos whereabouts, "And you two didn't go to the park today?"

     Brad gave a sideways glance towards the other adults unsure of how he should answer. It wasn't often he talked openly about what transpired to those who entered within the park and definitely he told no one outside their inner circle concerning his sister. He barely even know the officer even if he did help save her life. It was then the other two adults gave an understanding nod towards him to go ahead. "No sir, I uh, I have a game tomorrow and practice later today and was just visiting. To see if perhaps sis was going to come watch."

     His deciding to visit his sister wasn't the only reason he had wanted to come, and it didn't pass the detectives observation on why Brad hesitated to answer. Glancing briefly towards the two adults again. "Me and Reba, well, we went over at the ice-cream parlor instead." Brad didn't consider himself to be a social butterfly like his sister, just awkward, if not a little inept in asking a girl out. Many would misinterpret a girl Reba's age seen with what appeared to be an older boy. Given his height and build, many mistook him to being a somewhat older boy instead of one who was just about to turn thirteen within a few weeks' time.

     It was during one excursion of his coming he drew upon his courage to ask Reba over to the nearby ice-cream before he entered within Bikini Beach's showers. He had purposely waited outside the park's entrance in contemplation for the Sinclair's. His interest in the girl had started soon after the two had meet and in an attempt, on his part, of wanting to get to know her more as a boy instead of as a girl. He didn't want it viewed as some sort of date, just a means of hanging out and hearing what others thought of the parks magic as with hearing about his sister.

     "We both heard noises like thunder, but didn't go looksee," Reba chimed in, much to Brad's relief.

     "So, the both of you have no clear recollection of events changing." Both kids nodded their head in unison even though Jozef suspected as such. Still he considered it worth asking for his own reasons.

     Returning his attention back to Bobbie. "And you're sure this is what happened?"

     Bobbie nodded once more in affirmation. "I had a hard time trying to remember what I saw. It was like it wanted to fade away, but I didn't want to forget it."

     "I see." Officer Donovan scanned over his notes, mulling over the girl's account.

     A small shiver ran through Bobby, afraid to ask, but still she wanted to know. "Is that what would have happened to her? I mean would she have really died if she didn't stay a girl?"

     Caught off guard the question it seemed innocent enough given how the girl seemed so inquisitive concerning magic. Lingering momentarily before answering, it begged for attention as they waited. "He was injured, hurt very badly when I carried him inside the park." He, as with the others, heard the low sob emanate from Lisa when she too had seen the extent of David's injuries. "I'm no expert when it comes to magic and I can't really say." Holding back on divulging to the girl on what Anya had told him when they had found the boy lying next to his father's grave. He had caught the expectant look Kat had given him. Now was not the proper time to discuss the consequences of what would-have-been.

     "What's more important now is trying to find Mel," closing his notebook finished. "It'll be getting dark soon, it's best if I conduct a search of the immediate area, the various hangouts she may go to. Hopefully she didn't go to far."

     Both women nodded in agreement. "I need to take Brad home also," Kat stated with some relief. "We hadn't arranged for him to spend the night and his mother is expecting him home soon."

     Handing a card to each of them, Jozef wrote a number on the back. "Call me immediately if she happens shows up. This is my personal number." Rarely did Jozef project any sense of worry; a necessary requirement in having to deal with homicides, domestic disputes, and of course runaways, even mystical ones.

     Nervously Bobbie ventured to ask. "Is it true that you can tell when someone's …, you know, changed?"

     Cocking an eyebrow slightly in surprise, "She told you?"

     "Well me and her talk," Bobbie admitted, "about magic and all."

     "Pesters her mostly about it really," Reba chimed in distracted in her concern over her missing friend. "Always asking how Mel could do something she claimed she shouldn't have been able to."

     Biting her lower lip involuntarily Bobbie changed it to a small pout, "Just wanna know that’s all." Averting her eyes slightly, blushing a little nervously. "She said that's what helped you to find her."

     Thinking it over briefly if he should answer, "It's true. I can detect various types of magic. Both her and her pendant have a unique distinction … aura if you like, such as you and your aunt. But there's more to it." He advised in caution. "I have an intuition that helps. It's not fully reliable, unpredictable. It took me over a week to find her the last time and that included help from Anya."

     "Is she going to help also?" Bobbie ask hopefully on where Anya would be assisting in the search.

     With timorous feelings Jozef wasn't sure if he should answer this inquisitive child. Still he reasoned the knowledge would be out soon. "I'm afraid not." All four gave him a quizzical look.

     He was positive Lisa would eventually find out sooner than the others as he internally debated on whether to divulge privileged information. Then there was also the matter concerning Mel's older friends, Vicky, and Holly, who worked at the park. He was sure they would soon be inquiring about Mel given what happened.

     "Anya's not available at the moment."


     Liza hesitantly opened the bedroom door as if she were intruding, ever so mindful of the promise she made to the girl who had lay claim to it as did those who waited in the living room. None followed her as she entered Mel's room that had once been unadorned, except for the few necessities any child would need. A temporary refuge for the various boys or girls who slept in here once. A respite once used for those who entered and waited in fear for the arrival of people sent by the state agency. To whisk them away to various orphanages. Later on rare occasions, she would be granted temporary custody, as a caregiver, for a select few kids from various orphanages. Kids many seen as being too old for adoption. She had been allowed to nurture and care for them for a week or two, mostly during the summer months, a few times over holidays. She hoped to give them a sense of belonging if only for a short time as none could ever stay permanently.

     Lisa dreamed of the day where she wouldn't spend her time cleaning this room, picking up tiny reminders many kids would leave behind unwanted or dismissed. Stark reminders of what she was ever denied, unable to conceive. And through it all, she continued to take the unwanted heartache as with the undying hope of when someone would lay claim to this very room and make it their own.

     Her faith had been sorely tested by a few as she had nearly up - a few times - ready to call it quits and move beyond what was denied her in life, only to be caught blindsided when on girl came into view unexpectedly. Mel had entered into her life and it wasn't the way Lisa had envisioned it to be given their first encounter.

     For years Lisa had been employed as an instructor, and learned not to question ones' past as males soon took to visiting Bikini Beach. She knew of the idea of being outed, ridiculed if discovered, and just like other males, Mel had been no exception. A deep-rooted fear both boys and men carried, even if they suspected that she knew. Even Bobby had exhibited that same fear when he learned of his changing and her knowing. Her taking him privately aside to reassure him that he was safe with her knowing. And from their very first meeting and the way Mel acted with her talk, and her mannerism, Lisa knew Mel had to be a boy. But there was something different about her and she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

     Then before she knew it, Mel's time at Bikini Beach had come to an end and with-it Mel's departure. Lisa had hoped, like a few others who had come to care for the young girl, to try and convince Mel to stay, only the girl was so determined, obstinate in wanting to leave. With unseen tears, she watched along with Liz as the girl took her final dive leaving the two standing there saddened by her departure.

     Then on that fateful Saturday, she had received a call to show up early. Grandmother sounded desperate as it was highly unusual and thought she would go over the footage taken of Mel once more. Admittedly she had become obsessed over the girl's ability, only to be asked to help cordon off a part of the park as Grandmother gathered those she trusted, telling them they were to stand vigilant and let no patrons enter a cordoned off area once Detective Donovan arrived with Anya. And as he ran past them, followed by Anya she saw where he cradled what looked like a clump of rags only to see the limp boy in them, rushing headlong into the park.

     Like a few she was shocked at first to where Grandmother would allow such a transgression, and like the others she took to following the two unable to stop herself as a line was forming to enter into the park shortly. And as she made her way over to them, to him, none stopped her when she saw Anya and Officer Donovan lower him gently into the water. And as she watched she cradled his head on her lap once submerged. His breathing had grown so short and shallow, labored as he tried to catch each incoming breath. She prayed that he would make it as she gasped inwardly when she truly saw who Melody really was as David. It would be her first and last time to see him as such and the abuse he had kept hidden from them, endured and suffered never telling anyone about it while he fulfilled his obligation to Grandmother and her heart ached inwards.

     She never told her other co-workers where her home was used as a designated safe house for endangered kids per her agreement with authorities. A necessary discretion for those cases where immediate hiding was a necessity for personal safety's sake. Of seeing frightened kids' faces as they made their way inside having been picked up by some designated social worker needing refuge. Frightened kids in turmoil, many with visible scars, others invisible, deeply hidden. From her experience, David would have been the worst of any such victim of abuse. And as he changed once more to Melody she felt relieved with his being given another chance, albeit temporarily, as with his family. Afterwards Lisa heard the pain of David's reluctance in why he refused in wanting to stay as Melody as with Vicky and Holly, yet thankful when Vicky had managed to convince him with the telling of her own sordid past. He had been so reluctant to do so with that agreement and she hoped he could move past that pain with having heard one so young willing to die for what he believed himself to be.

     Then, weeks later, Mel showed a side Lisa feared would surface. The deeply rooted hurt kept locked away unless provoked as with that other want. With an explicit desire, Mel had once more took to changing her past by having forced her will on Anya with compulsory magic. It was then Lisa came to understand how dangerous Mel could be. Only it wasn't the form of anger she expected, it was more of self-sacrifice as with self-destruction. She listened as Grandmother and Anya told of what Mel had done. The accident, the fight, and the hurt to her brother. Anya proved capable of fighting Mel's desire - just barely. And when found her they told her as with Vicky and Holly of her whereabouts.

     The girl was self-loathing, in turmoil. Lisa refused to give in to the girls wishes of wanting to live in isolation as she continued to visit her, finally to manage and agree to stay with her if only for a short duration. Both were fearful of one another and Lisa's clumsy actions of wanting to make the girl feel at home. It nearly cost her the chance as she almost drove the girl away when confronted through ignorance. She, as with Mel, had failed to consider how hard it would be for Mel to live as a girl. She was like Vicky with her retention of who she had been. She couldn't tell her family of who she had once been. They wouldn't fully understand what transpired to them as with the deep hurt a frightened boy had suffered and how he, now she, had been reluctant to even want to be a girl even if it meant he would live. A boy's spirit now dwelling within a girl's body as with taking and accepting her for who she had once been. To help her adjust, cope with the upcoming changes, except at her pace. She wanted, needed, desperately for someone to accept her for who she now was as with her other worse fear. Her possession and fear of magic and what it represented to her.

     Now, within these four walls, Mel's room, reflected the change on who had come to possess it as she took control. Her room conveyed a far more personal aspect of a girl in search of herself. Mel found she could come in here, close her door if she desired and tinker, Lisa ever so mindful of her daughter's whereabouts as with a desire for a little privacy when necessary.

     When passed Lisa would wonder sometimes what her darling was doing if the door had been closed only to have an 'Its unlocked Mom', call out, a clear invitation she could enter, even before she tapped on the door. She was becoming accustomed to the changes in Mel's magic ability and the fear it brought her. The discussion of keeping it quiet so she could have some normality in her life. And with barely a day yet gone, Lisa felt as if her world was now missing someone, someone deeply important to her – her Mel, her little Tomboy.

     With eyes grown misty, blurred, Lisa shifted through several of Mel's chest of drawers, searching past the various bras and panties, as with the different styles of socks and tees. Not finding what she wanted Lisa crossed over to the nightstand with its various pictures on display.

     Ever so camera shy, one showed Mel standing next to her just after her adoption, each of them with arms lovingly wrapped around the other as each turned to face one another. Their foreheads barely touched as Lisa's bent forward down to touch hers. Each smiled broadly for one another as they faced slightly away from the camera. Another showed of where Mel had nearly been caught unawares, photographed next to her friends, the girls and boys making comical facial and exaggerated gestures to one another. The third and last had Mel loomed over, overshadowed by her younger brother, a stark contrast with his height and bulk as the two were pressed together, each seemingly shy in having their picture taken.

     Mel fretted at first with having it taken, let alone displayed, worried people might discover who they were even with her magic. The fear of possibly taken away from her new life and placed back with a woman she now despised.

     Lisa felt like the intruder she'd heard and seen so many parents be. To callously invade a child's room. To snoop around not caring about what their child considered a personal refuge from the outside world, and Lisa felt ashamed as she came to what she was looking for buried beneath a pile of photos. Clutching the small book close to her, Lisa made her way back to them.

     "This is hers," she said as her voice shook slightly, trying desperately to hold back the anguish moan as she nearly thrust the diary over to Jozef. "If you think it will help." She wouldn't give in she told herself, only to find herself gently wrapped once more in Kat's arms as she rested her head wiping away the moisture from her eyes.

     Mel had showed it to her, even read a few of the passages in a show of unbridled trust the two created. She had been afraid at first, to even contemplate such thoughts as Lisa coaxed her to put down on paper what she feared, what she desired when asked. Mel's reluctance to do so when she first came to live with her as a means to understand who she was becoming. To dare in thinking how she did have her hopes and dreams; the idea of giving substance once more to what had once been taken away from her. To hear her read of the fear of them being ripped away once more. All girls had secrets, of dreams, Mel was no exception as she learned to formulate her existence. She hadn't wanted to express them, yet it was her new friends who questioned her. And Bobbie who helped her express those ideas on paper, hidden away from prying eyes.

     In having shared a few with her now mother, Mel's cheeks had reddened, clearly embarrassed in having expressed herself in such a way. Unsure if a girl could achieve them given how males dominated such things. She, a girl, to kept it hidden inside, bashful in having read them aloud. Lisa didn't mock her, ridicule her in saying it wasn't possible. Instead she encouraged her to continue and promised to respect her privacy. Now she found herself violating that trust.

     "Lisa," Jozef said in a compassionate gesture as he quietly took the book from her. Many times did the police having to deal with kids running away, only to have them found close staying with a friend none too far away. Those were the lucky ones. A situation he wished he could count on now. Once more the ramification of what was happening hit close to him. He'd never forgotten, forgiven himself, with his earlier attempt in locating David. A case which haunted him even now. Even as he had succeeded in having justice done, he considered its outcome to have been too great. "I'll do my best, but I can't make any promises."

     "I know." Lisa said closer to tears. "I can't just report her missing to the police. What would I tell them? My daughters a sorceress and she up and disappeared after three other mages fought?" Looking around her apartment she no longer considered her place 'I' and 'mine', somewhere with Mel's coming the lines had blurred itself, to transform her apartment dwelling to one of 'we' and 'ours'.

     "I'll talk with the chief. There are others who can be trusted concerning the parks magic. They'll be placed on the lookout. Keep it low keyed. If she's still wandering around dressed in her bathing suit she shouldn't be too hard to spot." He left the unspoken words each knew was on their mind. A bigger 'IF', given her sudden departure and that she wanted to be found. His first attempt at finding David had involved luck in their search. He wasn’t the world's greatest detective and if he were, even he would have been hard pressed in finding her as she left no clues to go on.


     Lisa wandered through her apartment. Tears long dried, she stayed within its confines waiting on word. Mel wouldn't have run far she was sure. But then Lisa knew Mel was no ordinary girl. She actually feared those growing abilities. Restless, Lisa found she couldn't be constrained within the apartment walls, to sit around and wait. Grabbing purse and keys, her thoughts turned slightly away from her daughter's whereabouts. Mel was out there scared, frightened, that Lisa knew for sure. She brushed aside the notion something happened to her. What she wanted more was answers and she turned to one person she hoped could provide them.

     Her knock was insistent reflecting Lisa's disposition as she waited for the owner to answer the door. She tried to control herself, to have it test her resolve in knowing who resided on the other side. Foolishly she didn't care, her major concern grew more on the wellbeing of her daughter.

     Impatient she knocked on the door once more, harder, faster, only to stop when she finally heard what had to have been movement coming from the inside. Slowly the door opened allowing her entry.

     "Where is she Grandmother?" Lisa asked without introduction when she stepped inside the room. "Where's that bitch at? I want to give her a piece of my mind."

     Having waved the woman in, Grandmother stood behind the door, nearly unseen by Lisa as her doorway was dimly lit. "She's not here," Grandmother replied, her voice was unsteadying. "If you're looking for Anya. She's not here. I don't know where she is." Normally a staunch woman, Grandmother's voice echoed her own deep sense of worry, concern.

     Closing the door behind her, Grandmother sensed the anger, tension within Lisa. "Anya! I don't want Anya. I want that bitch who caused all this. I want that cunt of a mage who frightened 'my daughter' enough to have her go who knows where."

     Alarmed with how Lisa cursed in front of her, Grandmother grew slightly confused. Normally one to rebuke those who used such vulgar language on her, Grandmother sensed more letting it slide. "Oksana? You're looking for her?" Grandmother relaxed momentarily, then mild amusement surfaced at the audacity of Lisa with no magic capabilities who wantonly dared to confront one mage let alone two. "What do you mean? What happened to Mel?"

     "You know what happened." Lisa retorted. "Bobbie said it was you who told Anya of what happened to Mel once Vicky's enchantment had been removed." Slowly Lisa's anger seemed to filter away as a growing calmness began to overtake her. "I thought Anya would have banished her. Imprisoned her."

     Motioning her to take a chair once the incantation took hold, Grandmother became suspicious, bothered. She questioned herself on what more could have transpired once their reality had been repaired. "I only know Mel returned once Vick returned to being Vicky." Grandmother admitted.

     "As for Oksana she is no more. Destroyed by Anya." Once more Grandmothers own concern grew towards her own granddaughter. Worry returned to her features as creases on Anya's whereabouts, her mental stability uncertain.

     Calmly, Lisa took notice of Grandmother in the more lighted room. Usually immaculate in her attire she now wore unkempt clothes, her hair looked disheveled, out of place. Worse, Grandmother carried the same look Lisa's had, a puffed display of redness reflected in her eyes. Small streaks of tears could be seen, displayed as runs on her cheeks from what had to have been relentless crying. This wasn't the strong woman she was used to seeing. Now displayed before her was a woman who had let her own emotions run unchecked in the open. Concerned she knew only of Anya's own disappearance. Still, "What happened to Anya?"

     "Gone, disappeared just like Mel it seems. Just like you, I've been worried about my granddaughter's whereabouts." Curiosity took hold as Grandmother allowed herself to be taken away from her worries, if only temporarily.

     "Now, how it is Bobbie knows what happened?" Grandmother asked herself not expecting Lisa to know the answer as she looked for a way to relieve her own troubles, to have a moments distraction. "Only a few members of the staff know what occurred and only in the pieces that they were involved in and with my help."

     "Honestly I don't know. First, she said that she had just been climbing the towers and found herself thinking of where I was, no longer there and then Bobbie heard the commotion out front," Lisa commented. "Then she ran to the front where she saw you with Anya along with several others in a heavy confrontation." Calmly Lisa repeated what she had been told as both woman listened intently to the others story.

     "And so Anya was injured, almost died if it wasn't for the work of Dr. Chastity. Grandmother concluded after telling her version to Lisa. "Anya fixed what she could and it nearly killed her. You're sure Mel didn't just make those around you to imagine she was gone?"

     "I didn't have that slight moment of confusion I've normally come to expect. Grandmother, what could have happened to Mel?"

     "I don't know dear. Normally when a person's past is changed they don't remember it unless they're aware of the magic and then the once past slowly fades away over time. Here with Vickie's change it wasn't a normal process. It was sudden, drastic and those affected by the sudden change shouldn't have any true memory of it."

     "Her pendant," Lisa inferred. "You don't think?" as Lisa gave an involuntary shudder.

     "From what Bobbie described and what I detected in the brief period, Mel was gone, considered deceased. The rift Oksana had Anya create, caused a brief time dilatation that was expanding and contracting Vicky's life over those years. History was trying to interweave possible outcomes of threads to that of Vick.

     "To us Mel's 'suflet' or soul would have been placed in a sort of limbo awaiting the final result, a 'what was' to 'what would be' status of in-between as it became permanent. The longer Anya's spell was in effect the more assured was that outcome."

     Even with her calming spell Grandmother could see Lisa shutter at the prospect of what could have been. Herself worried, "I would never knowingly have allowed Mel or others to be harmed. If I had known Anya could have made Vicki's spell permanent, I would have insisted Anya cast it immediately on Vicky to do so."

     "I knew something was wrong, only -." Once more there came the involuntary shudder. "What did she see, worse what's my baby still seeing?"

     Drawing Lisa's hands in hers, "I don't know dear. Even in my home village, we could only tell of those who were leaving. For the few, by fates grace, who did return after their accuser was punished none never told of what or where they had been. Come with me," Grandmother nearly commanded yet requested. "There's something else bothering me."

     "What?" Lisa asked as she followed the woman out of her apartment.

     "Bobbie. There's something about her and I need to check the records to confirm it."


     Looking over the older woman's shoulders Lisa could see how often Bobbie took to visiting the park. "You know I keep meticulous records of 'all' male visitors to ensure they don't change too often."

     "Transformation shock." Lisa hazarded, to receive an approving nod. "Keith had it happen to him a few times." She gave Grandmother a quizzical look only to shrug it off.

     "Yes, Bobbie's been a frequent patron, coming to the park nearly as long as her father and the parks system is designed to alert the cashier to prevent them from selling a pass thus averting the possibility of being overexposed."

     Looking over the data, the woman noted the dates soon reflected more frequent visits as they increased in regularity over the years. Eventually Grandmother found to where certain months overlapped over the years as Bobbie would spent long durations over concurrent weekends at Bikini Beach especially during the summer months. On a few occasions during certain time periods Bobbie would spend over a week or more as a girl.

     "Strange? The system should have picked up on the number of times her passes were purchased." Delving further for more details Grandmothers fingers flew across the keyboard as she continued to type.

     "She's never complained and Keith never said she's suffer from any ill effects."

     "No she wouldn't," Grandmother said once she finished scrutinizing the data. Finger pointing a bar chart appeared on the display, "Look here, here and here," once she had typed in a calculation, further breaking down the purchase dates of which showed who purchased what ticket. "Keith bought these," pointing to one bar. You either purchased these with either your own money or used your visitation passes."

     "What about these?" Lisa asked when she noticed a fourth, yet much lower column.

     Grandmother hesitated before exhuming a slight cough. "It would appear Mel allowed her to use a few passes, perhaps during when her brother visited," Grandmother commented.

     "The parks system is designed to catch those purchased by the same family members.

     "But," Grandmother emphasized. "It seems Bobbies frequent visits exploited a flaw or glitch within the system. Lucky for her." Grandmother gave a small grin of satisfaction, "It seems she's a part of a very small percentage of people. There's only two others I do know of whose body doesn't suffer the ill effects of traumatization from his frequent changes."

     "You mean, she's immune."

     "I wouldn't say immune, but it appears so. I wouldn't blame yourself, it's more my fault if anything. If she wasn't, we would have noticed it long ago." Grandmother took to the keyboard once more, placing an annotation beside Bobbies name before turning off the monitor. She would modify the systems detection later.

     Soon both returned to their previous discussion which worried them most; their children. "Lisa, we both need our sleep. I understand how upset you are, but it won't help if we allow ourselves to worry to where we can't function the next day."

     "What are you suggesting?"

     "A simple cast of a spell to allow you a goodnights rest, it will only be for the night and be gone by morning."

     "I would like that." Lisa answered, grateful. "Still I have a few questions if you don't mind."

     "If I can," Grandmother stated before she prepared to cast the spell.

     Changing for bed, Lisa's mind was troubled even with the help of the calming spell. Grandmothers answers disturbed her as she was neither sure or knew overall what to expect. "Given what's happened to her here, how is this affecting her Grandmother? How much more can my girl take before it affects a toll on her overall?"

     "I don't know dear," Grandmother replied. "I care for her, but I really don't know."

     Lisa placed her phone beside her bed having set the volume as loud as possible, unsure how deep the sleep spell would put her in the event Mel should call. She prayed she would, to let her know she was safe at least. Grandmother was right, she did need the help of the spell as she wouldn't have fallen asleep. Not easily, before drifting off, a hand resting on the teddy bear she first bought her.


     Weaving his vehicle through the outskirts of town, Jozef avoided cars parked along the main throughway. Few, he knew, would have been considered worth stealing, long abandoned as the detective worked his car down another narrower side road leading to the seeder parts of town. He had planned his route carefully in advance knowing the chances of being stopped was lessened by his traversing the less used alleyways.

     Steadily Jozef kept his hands on the wheel as he maneuvered around several widening potholes, discarded, and overturned trash containers, as with other refuse which still littered parts of the area. For some the abandoned refuse provided ample evidence of what had remained from the damaging effects of a summer's storm. Its effect had ravaged its way inwards causing damage to the city's infrastructure with its ferocity, taxing an unprepared city already struggling with its limited budget and shortfalls.

     Continuing to work his way down the wayward streets, boarded or barred windows were on display, a few shop owners were reluctant or unwilling to leave as they continued to service the needs of those less fortunate individuals. Each took to taking to their own necessary precautions to protect their establishments. Many had failed as he and his fellow passenger passed several of those remnant buildings on their route, watching as people shuffled towards missionaries who continued to operate their own forms of charity in their desire to help the less fortunate. Many passed out groceries to the needy or offered comfort to those who requested it by way of a hot shower or shelter.

     Slowing by one establishment for battered or homeless women, Jozef's intuition gave him pause when he felt the telltale sign of magic within his detection. Hopeful, he waited only to have a prostitute step forth from a nearby corner. Her face carried weathered scars of having been recently beaten, possibly from one of her johns or even her own pimp. From the lingering traces of magic emanating from her, he was sure she had at one time been male. However he couldn't determine the extent. Hope had given way to frustration as he pulled away leaving the now middle-aged woman to hurry on her own way, perhaps to link up with another trick, or worse, her pimp for who knew what. He made a mental note to come back later and check on her and find out the extent of the magic used.

     Seated next to him, his companion gave her own audible sigh then an involuntary shivered as she watched the woman proceed her way down the street. Staring at the woman Kat hoped that this wasn't the work of Grandmother. She had heard tell of various rumors on how the woman, at times, could be vindictive in her own forms of justice.

     "I don't think this is Grandmothers work if that's what you're worried about." Jozef stated as if reading the woman's thoughts before pulling away having checked to ensure the road was clear. He'd seen the fearful expression when he decided to inform her of whom he suspected the woman had once been at least; a onetime male.

     "How can you be so sure?" Kat asked as she adjusted herself once more in the seat, going so far to even re-verify her door was locked for the umpteenth time. Except for a much needed bathroom break, it had been hours since they had stopped to exit the car as they continued to patrol down streets ever in search of an auburn haired girl with a look of confusion. She was sure Mel would no longer be wearing the swimsuit, especially if she was in this side of town. Not even as Keith, would she have dared to venture down to this side alone, unaccompanied like several of the town's residents. Given her own current stature from whom she really was, she felt uncomfortable in having seen the prostitute and the knowledge she had once been male. It was one thing to know it was possible, yet another to actually see the resulting effect. She found it unsettling. Even with the detective sitting close by, Kat averted her eyes from the woman as she took to spying down walkways and alleys. Sex shops littered many store fronts with the promise of various forms of entertainment for the more adventurous inside as evident by the prostitute. Kat wondered how many others were forced into the same situation.

     "Anya." Jozef stated simply. "From my understanding, and observation she's been a large influence on Grandmother from what I've observed. That was until recently. At one time I would have thought the same only now I'm sure Anya wouldn't have let Grandmother stray back to what she'd once been."

     "So who?"

     "Maybe Oksana, or…" giving a shrug, "some other wizard. We know there's more than one who's frequented this area."

     "And you think Mel would have somehow wandered her way down here?"

     Once more came the shrug. "I don't. Remember I'm not just looking for Mel, I'm looking for Anya also. She's still missing. Grandmother is just as worried, concerned about her own granddaughter's state of mind with all that's happened. She briefly contacted the chief who tasked me, with several others, in trying to locate her. I concluded it best to combine the search rather to just concentrate on one."

     "Makes sense," Kat replied still uneasy on their current location. "You don't think Mel would come down here even from what Lisa said."

     "Honestly I have no idea on where Mel may have gone. Mel, from my understanding, is relatively new with magic and she's wasn't thinking clearly."

     Jozef slowed the car forcing others to move around as they drove down one of the main streets. Nearly bypassing and easily missed road, Jozef took to making a sharp turn. Kat looked portentously at their surroundings when they entered deeper into the lesser maintained neighborhood. Many homes, like the businesses before, were reinforced with steel grates covering both windows and door frames. From a few, homes displaying burn marks around possibly from vagrants having made small fires to cook or keep warm the reinforcement proved warranted.

     "Where are we going?" Kat asked wishing she hadn't opted for such a long pass when she visited Bikini Beach. But then she hadn't expected to be looking for a missing girl either.

     "Playing a hunch, hoping I'm lucky."

     Weaving down several worn torn streets marked for maintenance, the broken road abruptly gave way to gravel. Aligned with deep ruts from where heavy rain had formed them, the makeshift road had not been grated in some time. Once more Jozef turned only to ease to a stop. His car parked onto what had once been a makeshift driveway now overlaid with sprouting grass and weeds. At one time the building before them had proclaimed itself to have been someone's home. Now left vacant, weeds pressed alongside its decaying walls. Aluminum siding long stripped showed where vandals had taken it leaving only the bare wood exposed. Etched markings were now prominent as various gangs had also left their handiwork, laying claim to this now vacant abode just outside the local vicinity.

     Cautiously Jozef stepped out of his car, his hand at the ready. He had given a cursory scan of the perimeter from within the cars confines. Broken shards of glass bottles lay scattered along what had once been considered the front porch, most likely thrown, sending pieces abound as with various sized rocks, using the structure as target practice. Windows, while still evident but shattered, showed their vestiges of age. Several had once been painted black, now cracked and peeling. The room had condemned those who resided inside to a world of eternal darkness. Small rays of light now took to penetrating its once darkened habitat. Fragments of sheet boards lay scattered nearby, ripped, and strewn from their placement by some unknown assailant.

     Jozef gave a backwards wave indicating Kat should stay within the car as he ventured inside alone, carefully placing his feet not daring to create any both unnecessary noise or possibly stepping onto unsecured flooring as he listened for sounds of movement. Cautiously he ventured towards the entrance door as he listened. Stopping he waited a few seconds before proceeding. With no sounds forthcoming, he continued to move cautiously forward towards the houses once hanging door now broken free of its wooden frame, either by force or tools. Using his detection of magic he reached out searching, only to detect no other forms except for that of his own companion.

     Moving inward he continued to scan the area taking note of how the place had changed since his last visit. Littered with more debris from possibly scavengers or vagrants', small makeshift cooking areas now gave the place an eerie setting from what had once been. Echoes of what he had encountered played once more in the back of his mind. The once fallen bookcase no longer lay on its side. Its shattered remnants of what it had once been gone, possibly broken up to be used as kindling by others to build homemade fires. Abruptly he held his breath as his heartbeat increased momentarily from what sounded like movement from one of the adjacent rooms.

     Taking a sideways glimpse, Jozef peeked as best he could around the door frame before entering. Reflectively Jozef raised his pistol ready to fire when he heard a sudden noise. It was then a cat scampered upwards startled. Nimbly the feline jumped upwards and out a broken out window, but not before giving him a verbal hiss as it exited, obviously frightened, or annoyed at having unwanted invaders defy its turf. Behind him Jozef caught the soft sounds of another crunch as with the owners' signature. Cautiously Kat joined him. Lowering his gun he signaled the all clear. Not once did he perceive the aura he was searching for. Mel's was an aura he permanently etched into his memory.

     "This is where she had once lived?" Kat asked. Her voice was low as her eyes seemed to glaze slightly from when she made her way into one of the smaller interior rooms. Its darkened interior greeted her hauntingly as barely visible light peered through from the veil of peeled back window paint. Kat was unafraid of showing her own feelings in regard to what must have once been such a horrendous ordeal for the young girl.

     It was as she stumbled around in the small room a feeling of claustrophobia soon took hold as with the realization of David's true ordeal. Kat's eyes widened as she gazed downwards from where her foot had stepped upon something small. It protrusion still embedded upwards from the floor as with the site of another. Their existence here hit her fully to what must have been a part of David's life. Two simple constructs never meant to be used in such a manner and the reason Mel staunchly refused to talk about her onetime aggressor. Kat then realized David's existence wasn't to just 'live' here. He 'endured' his survival at one time in this very room. A room transformed to that of a prison cell meant to hold one within with no means of escape as he stayed chained down with the evident of several eye bolts placed within the flooring.

     "She didn't care to discuss those years of torment or the treatments Nathan inflicted on him except for that one outburst," Kat said, her voice broke in anguish, almost a whisper. " I can't even imagine how he endured such a monster. The mental wounds etched so deep inside her still." It frightened Kat deeply as she tried not to envision her own nieces being brought and tortured within such a god awful environment.

     "I was hoping she might come back here."

     "Why?" The idea of Mel even wanting to come back to such a desolated place sickened her.

     "I'm sure your brother's familiar with the Stockholm syndrome?"

     With a cross of her arms, Kat gave Jozef a plagiarizing look. "Why do you insist on speaking to me in such a way?"

     "Why do you speak of Bobbie as your niece? " Jozef asked, throwing back the question with his own. "Where's your brother at currently?"

     "Keith? He's away on a short trip visiting friends."

     "Can you tell me that you're Keith?"

     Kat looked away momentarily flustered. "No. Not really."

     "I know and accept why reality has temporarily shifted for us. To be seen as your sister and the changes towards your family, but to try and fight what we both know isn't fixed in reality for the moment is far harder than it is to just accept its current state of being."

     "Besides," Jozef provided Kat a wry grin. "Thanks to the parks magic, when your pass expires, to me at least, it will seem I had been talking to your brother rather than talking to you. Personally I'd like to keep the belief I'd been talking to you more than your brother." Kat's face flushed as they left the prison room.

     Finished searching with no immediate results, both once more headed towards the waiting vehicle, each in their own way equally relieved to leave such a dispiriting place.

     "So you were hoping she might come back. A place of familiarity just like when we drove by the cemetery and her old home." Kat surmised as neither venue panned out leaving the pair with fewer options. Kat buckled herself once more into her seat relieved to be leaving. Even with her being in such a dismal surrounding she'd been glad for the small respite no matter how heartbreaking it was. This little excursion provided her a more insightful look towards Mel. Her reasons for never wanting to mention such a place. Inside she knew Keith wasn't sure if he should share that knowledge with Lisa. Not yet with his limited knowledge on psychology. How was he to react towards the girl and his family's overall relationship with them. The convoluted feelings he felt towards the woman and her daughter. She had much to think about as she once again confined herself to the inside of the car.

     "Given the possible state of her mind I was hoping."

     Reaching inside her purse, Kat removed the small notebook, scanning through several selected pages before settling on one page in particular as she waited for Jozef. He continued to sit behind the wheel his hands resting tightly on the steering wheel as he too was in deep contemplation.

     "I'm surprised she'd even considered writing. Most kids these days are enamored to their phones, or computers, and less for physical writing. Even Mel. She seems to have an aptitude for mechanics," he said after a moment's pause.

     Kat gave a knowing smile as she skimmed once more through the diary, trying to resist the urge to read more of Mel's private thoughts. "Blame Bobbie I suppose. She been more of an influence on her then either I or Lisa had ever suspected. Mel loves to tinker with engines, but delves into electronics like a lot of kids her age. A lot of teen's pickup on the social workings of the internet faster than their parents, although Mel's been more cautious of what goes out. I just assumed she wanted something more private for fear it could be hacked from what her other self had experienced." Jozef gave a knowing nod. "Or an accidental posting for others to see or read. Even Keith, or I, won't allow the kids to place certain pictures or post personal information on our webpage."

     She stopped at one given page, "You heard how Bobbie would defended Mel when picked on by her. She claimed Mel didn't try to maliciously hurt her with magic. Oh I know of a few harmless pranks Bobbie did to her. She likes to play harmless pranks on her just as she does with her sister and me. It's a fun game we play on each other. I've done it to both girls. And here's of where Mel made Bobbie suddenly tripped into the pool after just changing her clothes. Bobbie had played a meaningless gag in the bathroom towards her. She stuck gum under the faucet spraying her as she went to wash her hands. Only they laughed it off like she was being clownish or clumsy and she had another set of dry clothes over at the apartment. Nothing to really hurt her."

     Kat kept silent of a more embarrassing incident involving Bobby and a cricket while fishing. Mel's performance of a mini strip tease having tossed off her shirt as she went to dislodge the offending insect seated within her bra. Keith had learned how Mel would inadvertently forget she was a girl as she tried to brush it out and then the sudden comprehension of what she was doing followed by her disappearance from their view clearly embarrassed. It was an unfortunate accident on Bobby's part, who without malice tried to help retrieve the live cricket from within its confines after it jumped from his fingers. His trying to catch it and the subsequent placement of his hands left his just as embarrassed in where it landed. Bobby soon found himself leaping from their boat for an unintended swim. Mel had given new meaning to the term 'to go jump in the lake,' when the two heard her command him. Luckily, she forgave him afterwards for the mishap.

     Stopping at one particular passage Kat mussed. "How can she live outside the reality changes? Even her diary reflects the pronouns of Bobbie being both a boy and a girl."

     "More proof I suppose of where Mel's exempt from certain aspects of realities given how she's growing into a sorceress." Not once during their conversation had Jozef made any attempt to start the vehicle.

     "What's wrong?" Kat asked curious with the delay. Even as Keith she had found Jozef to be somewhat of a private person. She touched that male part of herself which the parks magic pushed away. It became apparent that something was troubling Jozef as her mind sifted through what Keith knew of him. He never seemed to take his eyes off of the house.

     Playing on her own hunch, "You still blame yourself, don't you?"
Jozef's shoulders suddenly grew tense, his hands gripped tighter, hardened on the steering wheel as his body stiffened reflecting the inner anguish. His nose seemed to flair briefly before he managed to gain control once more.

     "If only I'd been quicker," he mused, "didn't announce my entrance or hesitate in letting him gain the upper hand to use the charm. To jump faster once I was released, preventing him from flinging David into the bookcase once distracted." Jozef continued to stare at the dilapidated house as if he could will the past to change in his favor.

     "Jozef, it wasn't your fault." Kat replied gently, pulling him away temporarily as she gently gave his arm a tender squeeze.

     "I know Mel doesn't say it, but look here." Kat's finger pointed, highlighted the offered passage Mel had written as she handed him the book.

     "She doesn't blame you. Yes, she was resentful at first. Tough as it's been for her in the beginning she's been adjusting. Happy with who she is."

     "Until now." Jozef lamented even as he read the writing. "Look in all that's happened to him. First was their kidnapping followed by the loss of his family. He had to have been tortured while held prisoner. Now she's forced to live a life she didn't want. And now we have this. What if she pushed herself back into that place he hid in to save his sanity? To immerse herself so deep within she doesn't want to return."

     Kat grew infuriated in his thinking such a thought, "Don't you ever, ever think such a thing Officer Donovan. Sure she's had it rough, but that girl loves Lisa as if she was her real mother. Why would you consider to even contemplate such a thing?"

     "Sometimes I'm reminded of others who had once been treated badly."

     Handing the book back, Jozef took to starting the car, pulling themselves away from what, to him, was a reminder of an unpleasant outcome. Yes, he had managed to bring the perpetrator to some form of justice only to regret its conclusion. Was the punishment just as with the near loss of the victims' life, he feared the perpetrators sentence was too lenient, its victim also condemned to live a life not of her choosing. Shaking off his regret. "Your right. Mel has endured more than any kid I have ever known." Kat seemed to detect where he was holding back something. Something he wasn't willing to discuss openly. A part he kept hidden to himself.

     Quietly they made their way back through the run-down suburb. "Let's grab something to eat." Jozef suggested.


     Seated at one of the more secluded booths giving them more freedom to talk from the most prying of ears, Jozef had chosen one of the better eateries as he selected a light choice of food along with a strong dose of coffee. Black. Kat of course chose a meal lite in calories as well, along with a diet drink as she shimmied herself opposite him. Both remained silent as they considered their now diminished options.

     Once he was sure none were within listening range. "So tell me. Had Lisa talked to Mel about a sex change?" The question seemed so out of the blue, so farfetched Kat nearly choked on her meal, shocked, "I know she never like the idea of being a girl and her choice was limited given her circumstance. It's why she refused to first stay one when offered by Grandmother. Why not go through the transition of being male?"

     Regaining her composure Kat contemplated about answering. "We, Lisa and I, had once discussed the possibility only to have Mel bring it to us. Maybe she read our thoughts or some girls in school had compared her to being more of a boy given the way she likes to dress and her change of hairstyle. We don't know if it was teasing, or if they were even being serious, only Mel took it as such. She had looked up what they were talking about. Before we could even discuss it further Mel refused."

     It was Jozef's turn to pause in his eating by the surprised answer. "Why?"

     "Jozef. For many females as well as males, they identify themselves as being one gender or the other. We know there as those who feel they are in the wrong bodies. Mel is like them in that regard, but unlike them, Mel knows exactly what its like to be a male. It was because of magical intervention that it saved her life and that’s why she's grateful for what you and Anya did for her. Yes is was drastic, but it was a necessity. Sometimes people fail to grasp the significance and refuse to understand, their refusal so deep rooted as with their beliefs. Just as there are feminists who can't understand, or believe any woman would willingly want to be housewives, there are women who are repulsed by how feminists demand they conform to them. Each side wants the other to give up their own views and take up theirs. Yes I agree that women should be treated equally and fairly, but who has the right to condemn the other for sticking to their belief's of what they want?"

     "A slippery slope for sure, but why didn't Mel want to do it?"

     "She confided to us there are times she can still see ghost images of her old self. She asked if surgery could make her look like the David she once was before her taking. To give her a working penis were she to want to start a family of her own. Unfortunately that’s not possible with today's medical procedures. Boys or men who transition may have surgery to shape a vagina for them, have intercourse and achieve some orgasm, but they'll still lack the necessary requirements to be a fully functional woman to where they can have a baby. Medical science has progressed far, but not that far. And just like girls wanting to be boys, a false penis would have to be constructed for her, but it too wouldn't be the same, incapable of reproduction.

     "Then there would be the years of her needing to take drugs as with surgery. She'd read many stories of the heartaches others endured by having families and friends reject them, some ended their anguish by committing suicide. She knows Lisa would be there to support her decision, except Mel would still view herself as living a lie of who she once was. To try and become that person doesn't exist anymore. To her the lie would be a falsehood of an attempt to be who she had once been."

     "Very insightful for someone so young."

     "Many kids are when it comes to who they consider themselves to be. Now tell me why bring up such a subject?"

     "When Mel changed her history and we'd located her, I had contemplated adopting her."

     Jozef's revelation caught Kat unawares and her inquisitive grew as she questioned the officer. "You felt that strong over what happened?" Kat thought more of it as astonishment than an accusation.

     "I still do, to an extent."

     "Look, if you want to discuss it further, I'm sure that Keith would be willing to have Lisa watch the kids as you two discuss the matter in a more private setting."

     Silent, Jozef rose from his seat indicating their chat, and break was over. "We need to get back to our search." He moved quickly away from her; dumping what remnants of his food remained in the waste receptacle before heading out to his car. Kat wondered if perhaps she'd been too straight forward.


     The day had started off like any other normal morning. A day full of promise with its morning coolness carried along by the smell of autumn air before giving way to a warming sun. Long shadows had taken form from a now diminishing night sky. Soon people would stir from their nights slumber, to awaken anew for the start of a morning ritual of preparing breakfast for either themselves or their families. Others would take the opportunity to rolling over in one's bed wanting to prolong that comforting slumber, waiting as long as possible to fend off the inevitable of having to perform their daily ritual before heading off to work or school.

     This morning one particular woman poured herself another cup of coffee as she tried to digest what she could of a morning meal consisting of oatmeal laded with bits of fruit, only to push the meal away, barely touched. The food grew unappealing before her. With several days now gone Lisa's worries now grew as there was still no word of Mel's whereabouts. She had never truly considered how fulfilling her life had would be when she first sought to have Mel become a part of her life. She willingly accepted the risks of taking on the troubled youth, and for both, their lives had taken on new meaning when she found herself talking like any other proud parent in wanting to share with others Mel's accomplishments. She found herself fully immersed in a role she had once considered unimaginable. To now join families once seen from afar, never truly understanding the joys a parent experienced or could acknowledge.

     Now she found herself going through another part many parents experienced. Worry and heartache.

     Many hoped to never encounter such a thing. To willingly place fault or blame upon themselves for when something went wrong even if it wasn't their doing. To feel the heartache and loss of one who had managed to claim a part of their life by giving it more meaning then she could have ever hoped or dreamed possible.

     Sipping her coffee more out of reflex then want, Lisa's morning started out from mere ritual then necessity. She had grown accustomed to hearing Mel call out to her if she was close to sleeping in too late. To wander into the kitchen as Mel dictated on what she wanted to prepare for breakfast for the two while humming a tune. If Mel's friends stayed over they'd all be entreated to some form of large breakfast, depending on whether certain girls were to change from the previous day.

     Now across from her, a chair stood empty as if waiting on its owner. Waiting for the young protagonist to bounce into the small dining room before sliding it out to eat, as she took to pick up on some mundane conversation as the two discussed their upcoming day. Lisa ignored her own prepared meal she had fixed for herself. She had awoken like all the previous mornings, anxiously reaching for her phone hoping to find a message waiting or to possibly find Mel slumbering in her room ready to scold her for not waking her upon her return. Each morning she checked Mel's room only to find the bed as she had left it. Empty save for her treasured stuffed bear once more resting by her pillow having been put back after the first night away. As always it waited for her return just like Lisa, as with a perfectly made bed.

     Even with Grandmothers incantations, Lisa's days had been torturous as she found herself slipping into despair the longer Mel was away. The onset of worry setting in without any news if even her girl was alive. She refused to give in to such despair. Mel had suffered far worse she knew and wouldn't give in to such an idea given how the girl had managed to survive those more painful conditions. Yet the idea brewed ever so slightly in the background, so subtle as it perked its way forward, lingered within as the days ticked away, trying to take root.

     Sitting there along Lisa found herself rising to subconsciously as she answered the door only to find herself enveloped by a pair of hands once opened. A worried look appeared on Bobby's and Reba's face followed by Keith as she invited them in. She saw where Brad stood a little farther behind them before hobbling forward as he awkwardly leveraged himself towards her on crutches.

     "What happened to you?" Lisa asked, now snapped away from her own dower mood of problems as Brad limped his way into the room. She saw where his foot was now cast in a plastic boot.

     "Wasn't paying attention," Brad said. "Several of the other players steam rolled me as I went for the tackle. Landed on it wrong."

     Taking a seat, he gingerly lowered himself down while allowing his foot to slide forward as he eased himself in. "The doctor said I was lucky it's only a bad sprain, but I'll be sidelined for the next few weeks."

     "I volunteered to look after him for today," Keith explained. "His mother has a job interview today and she would have canceled it if I didn't insist we were going to look after him."

     Rummaging through a kitchen cabinet Lisa pulled out a small tub then proceeded to fill it with ice water. "When was the last time you soaked it?"

     Without waiting she gently removed the boot noting its loose fit. Looking at the foot, it appeared the contusions were still forming into their trademark of black and blue markings from being traumatized. "Your mind wasn't in the game was it?" The question wasn't so much as an accusation then of concern.

     Nodding Brad slowly eased his foot into the cool water savoring in its numbness. "Hold it still for as long as you can. Take it out, pat it gently then when you can, place it back in." Lisa retrieved a small foot stool, placing it nearby with several terry cloths on it.

     Brad wondered why she'd have such items. "I like to soak my feet once in a while," Lisa commented at the unspoken question. "You don't know what it's like to spend hours on your feet running around after others. Even in comfortable shoes it's hard on the feet and it's good to let them soak in a tub of warm Epson water. You shouldn't have played if you knew your mind wasn't in the game." Lisa chided towards the youth after she placed the tub underneath his foot. "You could have hurt yourself far worse." Satisfied once she examined the bruise, it looked far worse than it really was.

     "What could I have told them?" Brad asked. "Nobody but us knows that Mel's my sister and even if I told them a friend had gone I'm sure the coaches still wouldn't have gone for it. They'd have told me to suck it up, be a man. And my teammates, they would have razed me for being a wimp."

     "I submitted the papers to administration for you Lisa," Keith called from the kitchen. "They're concerned why you're taking so much time off suddenly. I explained that Mel had some ailment, but you know they'll want a doctor's note later if she's out for a prolonged period of time."

     "Thanks Keith."

     Keith waved his hand towards the table and the uneaten meal. "Now sit and eat. You need to keep your strength up." With a forlorn look Lisa glared at him when he sounded like he was talking to a disobedient child.

     "How many times were you there for me over the years?" As Keith gently guided her grudgingly to her place, looking one more at the unappetizing food.

     "I'm not some child."

     "No, but I know from experience what you're going through, and its best you keep up your strength. Just take one bite at a time. You'll be surprised how hungry you really are."

     Taking a spoonful Lisa slipped it into her mouth. "Any word?" Slowly the pangs of hunger began to take hold as with a few more bites.

     "None. Jozef's been going out on his own trying to see where she could have taken herself to. He said Jana's been making some discrete calls to orphanages and possible other areas, but none have reported having any luck. The few officers who do know about the parks magic haven't fared any better." Keith answered satisfied she was now eating.

     "Keith? What if, what if she doesn't want to come home?" Lisa asked after swallowing a bite.

     Both nearly jumped when they heard the stifled cry followed by, "Sorry, sorry," before he could answer.

     Reba reared backwards from where she dropped the towel from her hands frightened. Brad appeared to have lifted himself up slightly with his hands. A grimace of pain on his face, before settling down once more.

     Bending down, Lisa picked up the towel. "Come here," Lisa commanded to clearly frightened girl. "Watch." With practiced ease Lisa stretched the towel out over the swollen ankle letting it rest on the leg by its own accord. "He's still sensitive to the touch so you have to be extra careful." Lisa gently admonished. "Now with it drape over his ankle ever so gently touch along the cloth."

     Lisa gently rolled her fingers along the top in demonstration. "Don't pat." Lisa cautioned as she gently let her fingers roll across the top. "Now you try." Reluctant at first, Reba slowly copied the motions as she watched Brads face. A smile slowly formed when he didn't react. "Once you're finished or need to change out the cloth just grasp the sides and lift up and flip over. Else you can leave it on until he's ready to place it back in the water."

     "You sure know a lot about injuries," Bobby said as he watched them.

     "My brother Ty used to play football just like Brad all through his younger days. And once in high school he'd come home suffering from far too many bruises from tackles then I have fingers and toes. That wasn't counting the number of times both Les and him would go at it. When Dad got hold of them neither wanted to face him later after he drug them out to the woodshed, except when he would call them to help bring in wood for the fireplace."

     "Does he play still?" Brad asked interested. Rarely did Lisa talk of her own family.

     "Sadly no. He broke his femur once in college and it ended any chances of him going pro."

     "That sucks."

     "He was lucky that dad was paying for his college else he would have been forced to leave. It's one of the hazards of wanting to play Brad."

     "I know. Mom couldn't touch the money set aside as parts of my inheritance. I can't even touch it until I'm eighteen and mom wants me to use it for college."

     "Brad, your mom's just thinking of your future. Footballs a contact sport and like any sport it'll end once you're either too old to play or injured like now. Your dad, I'm sure, just wanted you to have more choices of a future than relying on just one." Keith advised.

     "I know. Even mom said she's glad how the money is tied up even with it being hard on us at times. I've read how many players don't think of their future and how bad off they are now. It's why she gets on me to have good grades as well."


     "Stay inside, watch TV if you want, but if you do go outside don't venture far." Keith stated as he set down the ground rules. "We shouldn't be gone too long, two hours at most," before closing the door behind him. All three nodded their head in affirmation when he gave them an unforgiving glare.

     Settling themselves down, Reba and Bobby took residence on the nearby sofa and chair before turning on the TV looking for something to watch. Flipping through the channels nothing looked appealing. Even the cartoon network didn't seem as interesting.

     It wasn't long afterwards when Bobby exclaimed with a heavy sigh, "I'm bored."

     "Well what can we do?" Brad asked. "It's not like we could go out and find her."

     "No, and you heard Dad and Lisa, you're not supposed to walk far anyway. It's hard as it is for you to move around." Reba stated as Brad shifted his booted foot.

     Earlier Lisa had fitted the boot cast once more over his foot when she had been sure Brad had soaked it long enough. Nearing ten and having finally eaten, Lisa and Keith decided to try once more looking along several of the known hangouts kid's patronized.

     "Yeah, and you saw how Lisa's really upset. What's she gonna do if Mel's not back soon." None wanted to dare think along the prospects of anything bad happening to her.

     "I don't know." Bobby said growing visibly upset. "I wish she'd do that trick and suddenly appear before us." It was then Brad tried to rise from his seat.

     "Where are you going?" A concerned Reba asked as she went to help as with Bobby.

     "Outside." A struggling Brad said having pulled himself up once Bobby hand him his crutches. Thankful for their help after he failed in his earlier attempt. To rise and stand on his foot with their help, grimacing he leaned on the padding as he took the weight off. He headed for the door, "I'm going outside," as he lumbered along the hall mindful of the various stairs. "I don't want to be cooped up inside."


     Sitting outside on the apartment steps, the three kids looked for something to do in occupying their mind. Bobby took to look for pebbles to throw as they waited for the adults to return. Off in the distance they heard the distinct sound of construction along with cranes moving against the skyline. Occasionally the sounds of an ear piercing beep would dominate the air as heavy lifters moved around the construction site.

     As with the tendency of any bored teen, Brad looked longingly at the ongoing construction. It was then he took the initiative by starting to hobble his way towards Bikini Beach to watch. From the way the construction had been progressing the work appeared to be near completion as there was far fewer heavy equipment moving around as with more space within the parking area.

     Brad wondered at first if the other two were going to come along only to find them not to far behind looking at each as they joined him. Making his way over each heard the suction sound of his crutches as they slowly wound their way towards a safe distance. Stopping to catch his breath Brad looked towards the park. He thought of how often people would often mistake him for his sister once he had showered, as it was more obvious to them then as himself.

     "What if," Brad puffed as he stood there catching his breath, ready to change his course of direction. "What if Mel did come back. I mean maybe for a day or two?" Brad mussed as he hobbled towards the site, his mind nearly made up.

     "What do you mean?" Both kids asked as he headed towards the grey building.

     "Come on, I'll tell you as we head over." Placing one crutch in front of the other Brad explained his idea, wondering if he could pull off such a stunt. The idea of going into Bikini Beach always caused him heartache afterward.

     "That’s stupid. Crazy," each exclaimed once they heard his idea.

     "Yeah, well don't think I like it either. Do you have something better?" Brad asked as they slowly made their way across the parking lot. The three had endured the typical stares from college age students as with other men having decided to take a day off as the three approached the main entrance. They each tried to ignore the looks given them as none carried the usual assortments for swim wear as they should have been in school.

     Approaching the entrance the three stopped to give Brad a much needed breather when they happened to spy a portly woman waiting outside. Patiently Grandmother stood waiting next to the ticket booth, arms crossed blatantly as she stood waiting for them. Ever so slowly they approached, "This way now." She ordered with an authoritarian sound of one use to being obeyed. Not once did act in a hurried fashion as she led then waited as trio of kids headed over to her office. None said a word as she held the door open, which was atypical of her.

     Once inside she waved them towards the informal sitting area never bothering to ask what they wanted. Reaching in the fridge she pulled out several drinks handing one to each. "Took you long enough," she admonished taking one of the cushioned chairs.

     At first they became alarmed only to shrug it off as if it were normal. "That used to always get a surprised reaction," Grandmother said as she leaned back relaxing. "You kids are getting harder to surprise. I don't even think a magician could surprise you with his tricks anymore. But I assume it's more normal for you given how you've being around Melody so much. How's your foot?" She asked concerned once Brad had eased himself into a comfortable position. "You really shouldn't have walked over here. I was more than willing to come over if you had just called."

     "I didn't think of that," Brad said as both Reba and Bobby carried sheepish looks.

     "No, but your idea does have a bit of merit to it." Finally the three showed their surprise which caused Grandmother to grin more. "Oh that shouldn't have been much of a surprise considering. Unfortunately there's one drawback, Brad. I can't really have you take her place. It's just not possible."

     "Oh," his face showed the displeasure of having come so far. "It's just that me and her look so much alike I thought …"

     "I'm not saying that it can't work, and I think it's commendable your willingness to do this given your reluctance to change. I'm just saying that you can't be your sister, but I think we can make it to where you could fool a doctor into believing you are her. I would suggest not going with measles though."

     Reba and Bobby looked at Brad as if he had truly lost his mind. "Measles!" Okay so he had failed in telling them that little detail as they made their way over to the park.

     "Well yeah, how else could she be absent from school for so long? If she had something that was contagious it would explain her absence. Mom told me how she once had the measles and she spent over three weeks at home. She had to spent over a week or more staying indoors."

     "Yes, but measles are very contagious. It could spark a panic and cause more unwanted attention here. I'd be required to provide a list of who had visited the park. I think a better solution would be if you or rather she had something a little more common. A rash of some sort. Perhaps Poison Oak or Sumac." Grandmother suggested.

     "Does that last long?"

     "It can, depending. Let's just say it all depends on where the rash were to appear. It would be best if that person stayed away from others. In some cases it would help better if they stayed in the privacy of their home as they dealt with the infection and irritation. The embarrassing places one could possibly catch it if she scratched wrong." All three gave out a squeamish squeal when they figured out where Grandmother was indicating.

     "Another problem to consider is you Brad." Brad's face conveyed confusion. "Your changing to Bridgett beyond here would compel your mother to cancel her interview as she would think she might be contagious, and I wouldn't want to risk her chance at finding a better job. Elaine would be more concerned over Bridgett, so a pass restricting your appearance to around this area would be best. I can arrange your change to where Keith offered to look after you until tomorrow so she can have a more personal talk with a soon to be former boss." The look she received from the three was priceless. "Now once you change I'll have someone take you kids back home." Grandmother said. None said anything more when a hand wiped across her face as if she were a magician before handing forth the pass. Brad looked at it graciously, yet nervously, before he took the offered pass.

     "It's for one day." Brad said looking it over.

     "Yes. Talk with Lisa, you'll know what to say when the time comes." Grandmother said cryptically, with a glint in her eye, helping the boy up. Her voice seemed to convey a bit of sadness, a wariness when she handed him the pass. "Understand I also care about your sister. I'm tough on her when I have to be, but I feel it's for the best. If I could I'd find her, only I'm –" Grandmother stopped, unused to showing others her true feelings, less Anya. Brad gave her a comforting hug before leaving.

     "I didn't think you would let me help this way. I know you care Grandmother."

     "As you," Grandmother whispered in near silence once she closed the door behind them as they left. She hoped her actions wouldn't be misconstrued in what she knew would soon happen. It seemed almost cruel to her once the three left. Cruel yet necessary.


     For the briefest of moments when Lisa first stepped into the apartment, glanced to see who awaited them on their return she felt elated, overjoyed. The thought of seeing Mel standing before her had brought a sense of relief, only to look more closely at the girl who kept her distance away. There was something wrong about her behavior that didn't sit right. Before her, the girl wore a pair of embroidered jeans along with a light blouse. A set of clothes Mel wouldn't knowingly wear. Then there was her hairstyle. Unlike the girl in front of her, Mel now sported a shortened hairstyle with its sassy pixie cut. This girls seemed longer, definitely longer, Lisa thought, given how Vicky had suggested to Mel how good she would look with its boyish look. Then there was her mannerism. The girl just stood there waiting. There had been no running towards her in greetings, no wanting to explain why she ran. It was then Lisa caught sight of the crutches placed nearby. And where was her sister? Only the presence of the crutches and no Bridgett. Then like a freight train it hit her and her frayed, worn nerves couldn't handle it.

     "Is this some kind of joke?" Lisa screamed, demanded, when she finally approached the girl standing next to the window as her temper flared instantaneously. For days she had held herself in check, unable to contain herself, ready to lash out at the one who tried to deceive her. Her arm raised swiftly, ready to backhand the girl only to have Keith quickly intervene, taking hold of her in the near frantic situation.

     "Explain yourselves NOW!" He bellowed, his own anger evident as he continued to hold Lisa back. Even he was aghast at the idea of his kids partaking in some sort of sick and cruel joke.

     Bridgett flinched backwards, stepped away as she went to run. None of them had expected this reaction once the adults returned. "I just wanted to help."

     "Help! Help? By thinking with an injured foot you could waltz in here as your sister, making me think my daughter was back home?"

     "It's because of her I did this." Bridgett nearly yelled having stepped further away as Lisa tried to move forward.

     "I just wanted to help." Bridgett huffed as she tried to explain. "Mr. Sinclair said you'd need to have a doctor's note if she's not back soon. To explain her absence. You think 'I like' being a girl? To pretend that I'm my sister?" Tears had began to form on her face.

     "I wish she was here, she's not. You think I don't care about my sister or that she's gone, not to be worried about her?"

     Wiping back her tears of frustration, "You don't know how much it hurts to go home after I visit her. I cry in my bed until I change back because my sister won't live with us, me, because of some asshole. Just because I know why she did it doesn't make it any better for me. She can't take away the hurt here." Bridget said as she placed a hand over her breast.

     "How can I ever begin to repay her? She gave me another chance at life? But it cost both her and me. How do I repay my sister for what she's done for me? I agree to step inside a place that makes me a girl because I know it hurts her to see a boy she might have been like. And what do I give her in thanks? I give her a stupid shirt. She means more to me than that. I did this because it's the only way I could think of in my wanting to help out."

     Frustrated, angry, scared, Bridgett reached out for her crutches ready to leave as she made her way to the door. "Everybody's so worried about her, but nobody thought about me and how I feel. Mel knows how much I don't like being a girl. She lets me decide if I’m going to walk into the park and shower so I can ease her pain. And I do, but what about me?"

     Bridgett didn't get far when she found herself grabbed, pulled back. Resisting briefly she found herself sobbing in the arms of the person who had been ready to strike her for doing what she thought was right.

     "You are like your sister in so many ways," Lisa comment as she pulled the struggling girl close. "Her temper, her thoughtfulness of others. I didn't think. I'm sorry, it's just that it was so sudden, so unexpected." Lisa held her close, soothed the girl instead of striking her. "I know it hurts. I know you want her home as much as I do." Lisa said stroking the sobbing girl. Comforting her as Bridgett let loose her own built up guilt at having a sister who was not there. Both at her home as with Lisa.

     Calmer, Lisa gently pushed the girl away slightly. "Let me see. Grandmothers idea?"

     "No. Said she regretted what was to come, but necessary."

     "I see." Lisa said soothingly. "You do strike a very close resemblance." Lisa said as she cast her eyes over the girl, both calmer now. There was something still different about her. "How old are you?"

     "Fourteen, almost fifteen." Bridgett replied between sniffles. "Grandmother adjusted my pass so I'm closer to Melody's age else they'd think I wasn't her."

     Keith waited nearby with his own kids, their own faces downcast, as they withered under his gaze. "Keith. They meant well."

     "I told them to stay close by."

     "Yes, but would you have allowed it if you knew?"

     "Perhaps, if they had told us instead of just taking it upon themselves."

     "It wasn't them," Bridgett said. "It was my idea. They kinda came with me when I went over to see Grandmother."

     "I seem to recall another person who did a few stupid things in her life, and his, out of love," Lisa commented as she helped wipe the tears away.

     Softening his stance Keith relented, "You're right. Still it would have been better if we had been warned beforehand."

     "Grandmother said something about I'd know what to say. I didn't understand." Bridgett said her sniffles subsiding. "I felt so ashamed, unimportant when I gave Mel such a lousy present."

     "Do you really think it was that lousy?" Lisa asked. "You think she was just saying it to please you, not wanting to hurt your feelings? She wears it around the house once she gets home from school. To bed like a night shirt over her, she loves it."

     "She really likes it?"

     "Of course she does. It's from you, who she cares deeply about." Giving her another hug, "Something tells me Grandmother knew you needed to tell us how you felt. You're like her in some ways, keeping a part of your feelings well hidden. We'd never have known how hard it is for you, Bridgett." Lisa said pulling the girl closer once more, comforting her. "Now tell me," pushing a strand of hair from her eyes, "what's this idea of yours."

     Lisa place the call to the local clinic. "I'd like to make an appointment for my daughter. Yes, her physician is Dr. Chastity." Bridgett gave a wary look. "She trusts him more than any other doctor. You girls have NO idea what I went through when she needed to have a school physical. When told to undress it took me by surprise to hear the doctor wonder where we were. My very first taste of how others reacted when she didn't want to be seen."

     "You mean?"

     With a simple nod, "She made it appear we had both left. She said she didn't like or trust him and I ended up consulting with Dr. Chastity. It was touch and go even for him then. Thankfully she wasn't going for a Gynecologist appointment. I don't want to think what would have happened."

     Hearing a voice on the other end she was mildly surprised to have Dr. Chastity answer personally on the receiving end. Another bit of intervention on Grandmothers part she wondered? She'd concern herself about that later, for now was her family crisis as she explained the situation to him. Gaining an appointment for later in the evening, Lisa needed time to coax Bridgett on a few of Mel's more boyish behavior.

     "I hope you're ready, 'Mel', Lisa said teasingly taking the girl by the hand. "First there's the matter of your clothes. Let's go find out how close you are to Mel's figure." Pulling her close "Thank-you." Lisa whispered, "I 'do' know how much it bothers you."

     "I did it because she's my sister." Bridgett said through her subsiding sniffles. "If she can decide to live as a girl, I figured I could stand it for a little while in wanting to help. I do love her."

     "I know Bridgett, I know."


     Folding clothes Lisa lifted the article of clothing in her hands before setting it on the table before her. Hands shook as she placed it down, her head bent, fingers intertwined themselves into the fabric. Fiercely she took several deep breaths to reclaim her nerves. As much as she teased Mel about her reluctance to do laundry the two joined forces in doing what most considered an essential evil of necessity. Mel used the time to bombard her in why a girl would need to have such an arsenal of clothing whereas a boy could just pass muster with so few.

     Taking the occasion Lisa took to explaining to her growing tomboy how women were objectified by their appearance, not just by men, but by other women also. A woman could be more harsh than a man in her critical assessment of another woman's appearance from just the way she dressed, walked, or even cast a wayward eye to another person.

     Then there were the little nuances a woman would pick up when meeting another woman. How one could be snippy to another woman for no apparent reason. Perhaps she had looked at the same man she liked or gave off an underlying tone of superiority. Even she had to be careful when meeting parents since she was single and the unexpected gestures from husbands as with glaring eyes from mothers.

     As they talked, household chores soon took on a different meaning then they had once been for them. A once mundane chore become less trivial, meaningless as she took to educating Mel on the many ways of being a woman. She knew Mel would be subjected to those very forms of standards made worse as she began her formidable years of high school. What she feared most was not for her daughter sake, but those who would try to subject Mel to such scrutiny. Their conversations grew on how she would handle them. Would she be able to just shrug it off? Or would Mel end up using magic to push those that bothered here away. Her own fear of where Mel would lash out uncontrollably with her anger. The assurance that she would be more careful unlike that one time in intermediate school.

     Such an ordinary task of needing to fold clothes and yet it allowed the two to converse as with their doing other household chores. How this single mundane routine stirred her emotions as she waited anxiously as Lisa released the clothe spread it out before her, smoothed out the wrinkles once more before folding it and setting it aside. She reached out for another not caring which as she took to fold it silently as she waited. When the knock came it almost startled her out of her reflection. Light in its tapping, its announcement was nearly drowned out by her playing stereo, its only use was to break the silence. She barely heard the drumming against the door. The music itself wasn't particularly loud or important, a necessity to take her thoughts away and fill it with noise, trying not to dwell on the now.

     Looking through the peephole, Lisa paused before turning the knob to those waiting outside awaiting entry. Hand on handle, Lisa stood there debating internally if she should invite them in. Of the three, two Lisa would have welcomed immediately, it was the third who gave her pause her own feelings towards her grew complicated. Still she couldn't be rude and just invite the two, rejecting the third. Or could she. Fingers slid over the doorknob before grasping it firmly and twisted allowing the door to swing fully open, slowly, inviting the three inside.

     "Excuse me." Lisa said having greeted two of the three now silent as Lisa headed toward the kitchen. "Let me get us something to drink." Obtaining glasses, she filled them with ice.

     Pulling a glass pitcher from the fridge, the container carried the lemonade she and Mel favored before making her way back to them tray in hand. She all but filled one before handing them out two. Purposely she had put ice inside the waiting glass yet left it unfilled as it sat next to the homemade refreshment as she continued to ignore her third guest.

     Not once did the Grandmother or Jozef say anything for the snub, only to watch as Anya reached for the pitcher ready to pour her own drink when Lisa placed a hand on hers, finally deeming it necessary to look the other woman's eyes.

     There had been no running to give hugs of acknowledgement with she learned of Anya's return. No greetings of curtesy when she had first entered. Just a mother's glare to the woman as she received her other guests warmly. Mel wasn't the only one who harbored anger against a mother. Lisa harbored her own resentment towards her own. A mother who took to abandoning her own when Lisa was young, as with the accident forever robbing her of any chance in being able to bear a child of her own and the rift it caused with members of her own family.

     "Did you enjoy it? Did you enjoy killing her?" Lisa's tone had gone nearly as cold and heartless as the drink seated before her.

     Eyes locked with the other woman, her wanting to pull away. Once she would have stared down another in their wanton display of arrogance like her grandmother had, only now Lisa's words stung as piercing bits dug deep into Anya's heart with the accusation.

     "Maybe this was a mistake." Anya said as she tried to pull away, to take her leave.

     Surprisingly Lisa refused to relinquish her grip, grasping tighter instead. "Answer my question Anya. Did you enjoy killing Oksana? Did you enjoy taking that woman's life like she had you nearly do to mine?"

     "Lisa I was … I was under a compulsion, confused, angry."

     "Answer the question Anya!" Lisa nearly cried out. "Was this some lesson you were going to convey to Mel later? To teach my daughter when you were the one who suggested I let you teach her? You as with Grandmother know what little choice I have when it comes to magic."

     Anya tried to pull free as Lisa held tight to her wrist. "You lashed out Anya. You used the very force that took hold of your mother. The one which nearly claimed your grandmother and you swore to me you were strong enough to stay away from it. You know how dangerously close Mel comes to touching that very corruption your own grandmother fears. What lesson of control were you going to teach Mel so she wouldn't be tempted."

     The smack resonated loudly for all to hear, none more started than Anya when Lisa's hand crossed resoundingly with its contact, the sole target of one mothers' frustration. Yet nearby, neither Grandmother or Jozef intervened as Grandmother stood stoutly back as with Jozef, each watched the confrontation unfold between the two. "I trusted you!"

     Anya rubbed the side of her cheek, her own anger started to build within from the assault, the pain worse inside then the stinging effect she received from the woman. "Now answer my question. Did you enjoy killing that woman?"

     Anya considered her choices. She didn't see the need to explain her actions. Nor did she feel the desire to answer the question given in front of those all around. Who was she to question her actions? She wasn't some little child with her hand caught some telltale cookie jar. Turn Lisa into a statue; possibly some female cocker spaniel bitch or just make her into a subservient with just the twitch of her fingers and end this farce of living amongst them. Or she could just leave. Who was this mortal who dared to question her with such impunity, audacity with her motives and reasoning?

     A single word came to Anya's lips. A single word to convey her feelings on the subject matter as she hesitated on the question.


     Eyes downcast Anya couldn't look Lisa in the face as she flinched away in shame. Yes, she had been the one who had said she was strong enough to resist such a temptation. And she had failed as it laid claim to her, condemned her just as it had Grandmother. Lisa was a friend, perhaps no more. A woman who had once came to them in a quest for for girls interested in diving. A woman who didn't seem to fear magic like so many others once they learned of it. This was a woman Anya had once given hope to when the chaotic lines neither Grandmother nor she could understand were viewed, except for the promise of one day having someone enter her life and be with her as she once dreamed concealed in shadows, unseen.

     "I should just ask you to leave." Lisa said truthfully. "Do you know the anguish you're putting me through? The heartache of not knowing if my Mel is even alive now? How much I should hate you for putting me through all this torment?"

     "I've hurt my friends, I've hurt those close that I love. I've made your life hell Lisa, and worse I've hurt myself." Anya said, her eyes downcast still.

     "Yes you have," Lisa agreed bitterly, leaving little doubt on where the two now stood as she finally released the wrist and pulled her close. "But you also tried to undo what you could at the risk of your own life. Revenge is sweet Anya, but bitter when finally served."

     "I understand why you won't forgive me." Anya said softly.

     "Forgiveness is a big undertaking Anya, even for me. To forgive and forget what transpired is something I can't do right now, I may forgive you – later - but I won't forget. Not willingly."

     "I understand."

     "Do you Anya? We'll see," Lisa said when she went to fill the last glass, handing it to her. "Life can be bittersweet just like this lemonade. No matter how much sugar you add there will always be a tart aftertaste."

     "Where did you hear that?" Anya asked accepting the glass from her, shocked slightly at the turn of events.

     "Dad." Lisa said with a sly grin. "With all that we've been through as a family, he took both the sweet and the bitter. Telling us no matter how life treated you, you could always make lemonade out of it. Savor the taste, yet take it in moderation else its bitterness could make your face pucker leaving others to laugh at your own expense. Of course Dad loves his lemonade and we'd laugh at the faces he'd make." She took her own sip, grimacing slightly at the taste itself.

     "Do you understand how many people I've had to lie to? I've had to lie to her friends. Use others to fabricate excuses to teachers, telling them Mel's been laid up and can't have visitors on doctors' orders. I've had to fend off Vicky's and Holly request to see her. Her closest friends who went out searching for you as they didn't know Mel's missing. I'm sure they know somethings up because of how I've been avoiding them. What am I to tell them Anya? What am I to do?"

     "I … I don't know."

     "Well I do. I'm not." Lisa said as she pointed a finger towards the mage. "You're going to do it for me. You're going to man-up to this mess and you're going to help me." Lisa demanded to an admonished Anya.

     Anya slowly nodded. "There are kids now who saw Mel disappear with real magic. Kids who've started rumors concerning her. Her secret's out. I want you to help quell those rumors." The lemonade left a bitter taste in Anya's mouth as she took a sip.

     "Anything else?"

     "Any word?" Lisa asked of Jozef, focusing her attention towards him, hoping their visit hadn't been more than some social one. Her hope and sanity teetered precariously.

     "None." Jozef said as he took a slow sip of his drink, politely.

     Dreading to think the unthinkable. "So she could be dead."

     "No, not dead."

     "How can you be so sure?" Three simple words spoke volumes to her in assurance, and Lisa had to ask. "Why?" What made him so confident?

     "Simple," Jozef said with a mild grin. "My intuition. No matter how I look at it, think about it, my intuition won't allow me to accept it. It tells me she's out there somewhere alive. And I'm not about to go against it." He took another sip, the bitterness tantalizing to his taste buds. "She's out there Lisa and 'I know' she's alive."

     And with his own unwavering explanation of admittance Lisa felt the fragile hope she endured, strengthened, returned. She had nearly grown despondent towards her daughters disappearance these past days. Lisa considered as she looked towards Grandmother, watched as her lips crept upwards as with her own belief, her eyes softened as if she had read Lisa's fears of dread. Whether Grandmother had actually read her mind Lisa didn't care for it didn't take much to see what scared her most as the days passed with no word from her daughter.

     "Well Anya it seems you're not done teaching." Lisa's brows furrowed together as her face became hardened. Her eyes narrowed to small slits, lips thinned, pressed together. Not the pleasant face she usually displayed to others with her cheerfulness as she encouraged her students and athletes to became tough as a drill sergeant. Her unwillingness to give in to those girls who wanted to give in and just quit because they didn't think they were good enough.

     "When my 'Tomboy' returns you're going to be there waiting like any rider who gets bucked off a horse or kicked by a mule. You're going to get back up, dust yourself off and get back on, you're going to continue what you said you could do. I'm not going to have you stop teaching Mel magic, because Lord knows I can't."

************* Paradise in hell *************

     Mel didn't know the time of day nor the hour as days passed. Minutes could feel like hours, hours felt like days as she struggled with the images inundating her. Unsure of her surroundings she once more managed to crawl past the waiting sand dunes along the islands shore in her need of shade from the blistering sun that would come.

     Warmth was no longer a concern for her as air currents carried a soft tropical breeze along the island she managed to teleport herself to safety. No longer did she feel the tundra of bitter cold as she lay exposed in open air with nothing to protect or shade her from the waiting elements. Her now would be a new set of perils to concern herself with. Dehydration and over exposure to the sun as it baked her skin while out in the open.

     At first she had tried to ignore her environment as she considered the more prominent matter to be taken care of. Her own state of mind. She felt the helplessness as with the futility of wandering haphazardly until she gained better control of her own mental state.

     Lying there alone in the open she had to deal with the constant barrage of images. Ghosts filled her mind and yet none of these had ranked to being the worst of what she experienced. She carried no recollection of ever having to fend off so many various images as they skirted and flickered within her mind. Images so chaotic they created a jumbled mess of hearsay with their distorted realm of information from which there seemed and endless stream of possibilities cascaded their way before her, enticing her, forcing her mind to go into sensory overload before shutting down in its need to protect itself, to later question which reality was she to believe in.

     At one given point, Mel found herself confused as she awakened in the night, or was it day? She wasn't so sure, except for the small pinchers which took to taking snippets of her body. Tired she took to fending off the feedings of the nocturnal sand crabs. Crustaceans who took delight as they considered her a part of their dietary dish. All seemed a blur to her as she fought them off as with the continual mental images. Once a blur, she'd welcome them later, given the way her nightmares continued to plague her. Both in her waking and sleeping moments. She took to moving further inland and she found the creatures didn't venture so far from the comfort of the oceans waves before she found herself plummeting once more into another fretful slumber. Around her birds were ignored as with their endless squawking. Or Mel, herself when she would shriek out in agony when another voice inundated its way into her subconscious causing several gulls to take flight from her sudden outburst.

     Thrust awake once more from one of the more treacherous nightmares, Mel staggered her way over to one of the many ponds which littered the island. Kneeling forward she had debated through a thick fog of haze as she grew more alert to her surrounds if it were better to press down face first or cup the water. Recollection slowly came to her in what both her now mother or once father had once showed her before deciding. Motioning with her hands over the top, she skimmed away the top layer by pushing it away before proceeding to cup several spoonful of water within her hands, who knew what she could inadvertently swallow without seeing. Still she knew the risk of even drinking untested water. What choice did she have?

     Several grateful slurps later Mel waded into the pool to relieve a now dry itchiness she incurred, to find the water stung. Yet the stinging helped to further awaken her from the stupor of mist that cluttered about in her mind. Tiny pockets red rose from various parts of her skin showing where she had been pricked by small bloodsucking vampire gnats, sight unseen, as they took to sucking her dry for their own nourishment. Her mind wondered why TV shows blatantly failed to show the harsher side of living on a tropical island with its mosquitoes and gnats. Soon Mel took to worrying as she wondered how long she'd been in the throes of her self-imposed subconscious state. It was like her earlier days as David when he first discovered how deep he could go within his subconscious as he sought refuge from Nathan's influence.

     She had been lucky - to a point. She had managed to travel to a place with plenty of fresh water, that much she could tell. A major feat in her need for survival. Scattered palms swayed with their slight bent as they climbed their way skyward. So she must be somewhere within the Pacific as a few smaller trees dotted the landscape as she sought their wide foliage leaves of dark green. If she spread them out they afforded her ample cover from the sun. In one sense the island proved to be her paradise as she dealt with her inner hell.

     Another matter soon became evident as with the rumbling of her stomach. Food. There she didn't seem so lucky. Perhaps if she were to catch a bird or crab? Yet she had no means to cook up her meal and the idea of eating them raw didn't appeal to her. Not yet anyway. A few trees on the island did appear to offer some form of nuts only there was no way for her to pry one open from its hardened shell.

     How long have I been screwed up? Mel wondered as she stripped out of her swimsuit, needing to cleanse it out in the oceans water, willing to take in the salt water stings as it helped to pull her further away from her stupor. She hadn't seen or ran into any other inhabitants on her small island sanctum other than the flock of birds as with the crabs. Self-conscious at first in her nudity Mel hurried to rinsed out her swimsuit in the buff. Later she wouldn't care who might see her in such a state. People meant a chance of leaving as with food.

     Clean once more, Mel wandered around almost aimlessly, taking in the notion to look for eggs as she scavenged the area for food. She nearly puked in her first attempt in having to suck them from the shell. Several lay broken in her attempt to not fully shatter them. Their taste left a raw strange after effect even if it did quench parts of her hunger. It was a small bit of satisfaction of accomplishment given the moment. Something was better than nothing in which she had endured many times before. Trying not to think of the birds as they nested nearby, Mel scooped up more water to rinse out more of the fowl taste as with quench her dying thirst. She ignored the thought of not wanting to think about where the birds did their business. It nearly nauseated her as much as with the eating of raw eggs.

     Mel searched her memory of where her dad explained how men had taken to dig cat holes, a small round hole deep enough to do their business as she began to consider her own needs, to then be covered up once through. She could do one in the soft sand, she reckoned, else she could just wade deep into the oceans water to do her part. She recalled those many times at the water park she ended up having to clean up the little kids messes in the kiddie pool to her disconcert.

     She learned from her mother in what it meant for a girl to 'hover' as she and her new mother went hiking. She missed those days when he had been able to go behind a tree so his parents couldn't see him unzipping his pants. To hear his dad joke about shaking it too much as her real mother admonished him. Mel hadn't fully understood his dad's joke as he was just a little boy too young to understand the idea of masturbation. Now as a girl, she understood her mother's request to pack a roll of toilet paper for those days they went hiking amongst the forest. Lisa was grateful for Mel's magic when she seemed to vanish from others who might happen along the trail as each conducted their own business in private, yet able to converse as she stood watch as needed.

     Trying to obtain her bearings, Mel was thankful the weather had held up nicely given wherever she was. Geography wasn't a strong suit, yet Mel figured she was either in the Bahamas or Caribbean given the warm weather. A few cumulonimbus clouds formed their way overhead offering more shade when the crossed in front of the sun. No sudden rain storms had developed in her somewhat catatonic state, although she would have welcomed one.

     Scanning the skies Mel wondered, at first, if any planes flew overhead. In a few of her earlier waking moments she never heard the sound of one with its roaring engines. It was as she scanned the sky did she spot a few contrails off in the distance. Far off towards the horizon, the plane streaked it way across the sky, its dissipating cloud not to far behind the aircraft once she spotted their metal glinting like an evening star before sunset. Too far away to even spot her even if she had the means to signal them, she was sure there didn't appear to be any local island airports close by.

     Eventually Mel took to looking over the ocean. No ships appeared to pass-by either, or if they did they were far beyond her normal field of vision. Looking to one of the nearby islands that dotted one side, none too far, it displayed a far greener lush of vegetation. Mel considered, if only briefly, to chance of trying to swim her way over. The water helped refreshed her momentarily. The ocean waters appeared calm and warm from what she had seen and felt, yet it was what her mother had said along with her own experience with deep ocean swimming that stopped her.

     Having grown up in wide open plains, Lisa stated mountains could play tricks on you when you had no real landmark to judge how far away they were. With nothing in-between Mel had no way to really judge how far she would have to swim. Nor did she know how far the waves and waters current would push her if she committed herself to such an attempt in crossing. Then there were the hidden dangers which lurked unseen in seas water; sharks, jelly fish or some other sea creature that inhabited the water. Her endurance would definitely be tested as well if there was no food to be found is she survived the crossing.

     And then there was one other matter she had stubbornly refused to deal with. An important one she had chosen to ignore even with Bobby's insistent questions about it. There was no way she could ignore who she had somehow become. Not her staying as a girl. She had accepted that harsh truth in body if not spirit. What bothered her was the ever lingering pretense of who she was become once Lisa insisted she be tested. From the very beginning her mother's instance of being tested Mel had insisted there was no possible way she would be able to perform any feats of enchantments or hocus pocus. Sure she could tell of others where others changed. Okay she could sense others nearby as with the occasional 'feelings' of knowing something was going to happen, but she chalked it up to having broken her pendant. She only agreed to the test as she wanted to appease her mother. Then came the levitation as well as her mind reading, and the indisputable truth she didn't want to believe. Now with the manner in how she departed Mel confirmed her own worse fear, something she never wanted to admit to herself. Staring at one of the crabs as it moved along the shore, Mel moved her fingers slightly reciting the incantation, watched it levitate upwards from where she sat on one of the many dunes. It gave her something to do briefly as she focused her attention away from what had to have been several days, thus fortifying what she was now forced to believe. With no other mage present Mel knew she was becoming what she feared the most as she conducted her own magic.

     Now all Mel wanted to do was go back home and gave an involuntary shutter in what she had to do. She felt like a coward given how she had ran leaving her mother behind like she had, and the confusion returned. What if she had no home? What if Anya had once again changed her life? Anya words lurked nearby in her thoughts of claiming to be able to take it all away from her. Her threat so real it played once more into Mel's imagination setting off another slew of images as she struggled to keeping them at bay before they overwhelmed her with their dizzying display of possibilities. So many outcomes within those images and just one voice was always heard to overshadow the others as it dominated her hearing with its insistence, causing her to convulse when he spoke her name, drowning out the very ocean as waves crashed along her paradise of hell and it's never ending shore. She placed hands across her ears knowing the futility of her action. The voice was for her to hear alone, whispering deep inside her head for no others to hear, but herself. Mel wanted to lash out at the agony his voice caused her, only to whimper instead. She wished the voice to go away and leave her be, knowing, for the moment, she would obtain neither. She had never fervently wished for that one voice to go away. Not until now.


     Concentrating, Mel focused her skill of attention on how Grandmother, Anya, and even Selena produced the necessary bikinis for those who came out of the showers. She had watched them produce the various tops many times. Once or twice they would come up with a single piece when a young girls head would peek through the door unsure of what just happened. Frustrated Mel flicked her wrist again producing nothing as had previous tries. Her first true success lay down by her feet from several tries before. A top and then nothing more, but admittedly Mel conceded it was a start. It had taken her several tries to even produce that useless item. The fabric of her own swimsuit had started to itch in unwanted places as with starting to smell even if washed, yet she wasn't sure how the others had been able to distinguish between styles and ages. She had no desire to keep wearing the same swimsuit day after day. Surly if she could somehow manage to travel she could produce at least one usable item. Thinking, there had to be more than the usual movement of hands as with the incantation. Anya had always instructed her to look inwards, to speak clearly as she focused upon her inner being when she first levitated the candle, to rotate the dishes more fluidly as if she were playing with strings as they danced upon the table.

     Tired and with the setting of the sun Mel decided she'd try again later. She'd go over the words once more, perhaps there was a pronunciation she was doing wrong. The book Grandmother had first given her was forever ingrained in her memory as with the strange dialect she could now hear and understand. Yet she couldn't produce the item as she flipped through the pages having memorized every and the written inscriptions within.

     She didn't care to study their meaning as with the dialect, Mel wanted nothing more than to concentrate on school and being normal. She didn't care for magic. It was what had nearly cost her her life. Now it suddenly became clear of its importance as she moved inland having swatted away another mosquito. She didn't remember ever having to banish them at the park. Perhaps another one of Grandmothers spells cast over the grounds. Maybe it was listed somewhere within those many passages with their consistent repetition of warning not to stray too far towards the darkness. She didn't care about the darkness. She was used to the perpetual darkness given how she had spent many nights shackled as David. His days and night unsure if he would see the twinkling lights overhead once more. Devoid of having any form of light he relied on his past to fend off the loneliness. Now even in her turmoil here Mel could gaze heavenward to take in the scenic view afforded her. Rarely had she bore witness to the many stars on display, even when she went camping. Cautiously, trepidatiously, Mel took to pulling up a pleasant memory. One of where her mother and best friends were gathered. An image so true, so lifelike she wanted to reach out and touch the images before her. She pretended to listen to the conversations, content as they talked. To watch Brad and Bob wrestle each other before attempting herself to join in on the pandemonial mayhem only to have the boys stop unsure whether to continue. They knew of when she had once been a boy. She yearned to join in contact of play even with the change of her body. Their fear of inadvertently touching her in places many deemed unsocial, awkward. Her decision to tackle Bobby settled the issue momentarily when she took to wrestling him to the ground not caring if his arm brushed against her breast as she fought to pin him only to have him role her over as her brother rejoined in the fray.

     She heard the uncertainty in Mr. Sinclair's voice of wanting them to break up their ruckus as the trio took to seeing who would be the first to cry uncle. To then suddenly hear her mother's cheer edging her on. Then Mr. Sinclair, Keith spurred his own son on. She didn't know if her mother had said something to him. She had been become engrossed in trying to escape the other boys' clutches as she enjoyed the foray. Pent up frustration released and neither Bobby or she won that match when Brad pinned the two down with his size once she and Bobby ganged up to attack him. Mel hadn't been sure, but she could have sworn Reba had been cheering Brad on.

     What she wanted most now, no desired, was to rest. To have at least one night of peaceful slumber before she tried to travel once more. Fear was her motivating factor in her wanting to leave and yet it also caused her not to try. The fear of not knowing where she might possibly end up frightened her given the lack of control she had in traveling, and where it might place her if not careful. Slowly her eyes grew heavy, drooped as she leaned back against one of the trees, listened, comforted for once by their conversations as sleep readily took claim of her, peacefully, for the first time in many a day.


     The amber globe peered its way upward. Slowly rising from it watery bed it filled the sky with a spectral of brilliant colors as it chased the morning darkness away. Dark waters soon gave way to crystal green as light cast its reflection upon them. Broken rays of light shimmered off the incoming waves creating a brilliant display of earth born stars, allowing the water to shine endlessly as gulls frolicked among the waves as they dove into the water. If visitors were to have made their way to this pristine isle many would wonder at the mound of discarded bathing suits once they arrived on this tiny island far, far from civilization. Perhaps they would try and fathom who had left such belongings given the nearest human inhabitant was hundreds of miles away from its coastal shore. Once more Mel flicked her wrist and fingers producing another set of swimwear before tossing it onto the growing pile beside her. She paused momentarily as she relooked at how the women had twirled their fingers. She had done it right she was sure. There was something she still had to have missed. Was it the vowels or the consonant she mispronounced or was she just not focusing enough as her stomach growled?

     Hunger pangs gripped hold of her, reminding her for the need for food. It had been days since her last decent meal even with the dwindling of eggs she snatched from the birds provided little comfort. They were just enough to help ward off the hunger. But not for long and her past helped her to deal with such matters as she once more forced herself to ignore such pangs. Now she started to worry yet again of when her next meal would be. Later she chided to herself. Yes, she had grown used to eating regularly these few years freed from captivity with her acceptance. For now she wanted nothing more than to leave her little island of paradise. With one more attempt, concentrating, Mel dug deep inside, willed forth a single swimsuit which appeared in her hand. She didn't care what color it was as she was wasting precious energy trying to conjure up a new set of clothes. Looking it over Mel stripped out of her old one satisfied. It was a little snug once put on, yet wearable as Mel looked over her old one. The single red swimsuit carried the name of a place she had once loved, now loathed. A place she had once considered a safe haven which was no more.

     Before she moved her fingers, Mel clutched the garment one last time as she balled it up with small satisfaction and with a mighty fling she sent it skywards in a gesture of retaliation to the oceans dept. A series of waves took hold of the material as it floated briefly on its surface. Waves attempted to push the garment back once more only to have it sink before her with the waters rocking motion. With a grim bit of satisfaction Mel watched both the words and her swimsuit vanish from sight before invoking the incantation. Necessity removed her fear of using it. Pushing it away Mel's presence was no more as with her fear on this tiny island prison of hers as she risked traveling once more unsure if she even had a home to go back to.


     Mel eyed the local inhabitants warily as they eyed her also with suspicion as she attempted the collect call. Traveling blind twice she had managed to find habitation and with it her first opportunity to call home. None had seen her arrival when she first appeared before them. To many it seemed as if she had stepped out of nowhere. Gathering her courage Mel tried to talk to a few even dressed as she was in her bathing suit and ragged clothes she had confiscated from one local village. She tried to explain how she wanted help to place a call home only to have them leave. One after another walked away except for one middle aged man who found himself unable to move as she left him standing in place once she detected what he was after with his broken English and hand gestures. Searching more fervently Mel finally found someone who spoke better English and had less nefarious ideas. At least she didn't leave him standing like the other as he pointed her to where a local phone booth could be used. She read their sick thoughts. Of what they thought of foreigners in their country. Shivers coursed through her body as she made her way towards the telephone. Once she had let her anger take hold and she hoped she would be forgiven. A part of her felt justified with her act given what he had done to a few others and what he had planned for her. Listening on the phone she heard the operator talk. Quietly Mel gave the number to the operator.

     "Hello?" The voice sounded unsure, expecting as Mel waited on the other end.

     "I have a collect call from a Melody Covington will you accept the charges?" The voice requested with their foreign accent. Before the sentence could be completed Lisa exclaimed "Melody?!" only to hear the operator repeat the request. "Yes, yes, I accept the charges. Put her on." Lisa exclaimed nearly crying into her own phone as she once more asked in a frantic voice. "Melody?! Is that you?"

     Mel's voice was hesitant, unsure given the way Lisa address her as Melody. "Mom?"

     "Yes, sweetheart. Thank goodness. I was so worried. You had me worried sick." Lisa exclaimed trying not to sound angry, upset. "Where are you baby?"

     Hesitant Mel answered, "Argentina … I think. Well I think that's what he said. His accents thick and it's kinda hard to understand."

     Silence greeted her as Mel waited, worried at hearing nothing. Was she just another stranger to her or was Lisa that upset to where she called her Melody. Was she even still her mom? Breathing heavily at first into the phone she took a chance "Mom, I'm sorry, I was scared."

     Lisa forced herself to remain calm, a near impossibility given the circumstances. "I … I know baby, but stay there. Do you know where in Argentina you are? I don't want you to leave."

     Lisa tried to think. Mel wasn't just out of state, she was out of country meaning she had no passport or money. Lisa wasn't sure how hard it would be for her return. But knowing she was safe, alive, that's what mattered to her most. How could she get her home, send her money? Still, no passport, or any other form of identifying herself. Still Mel could use her magic, convince others to let her fly her out of the country. Close by others waited around Lisa, listened in when two gave a knowing nod.

     Mel waited longing to be near the mother she loved as she stood there wondering what was happening on the other end of the phone when she heard Lisa's voice again. "Melody baby, I have Anya here. She said she'll come for you..." Lisa began only to hear what sounded like sudden clanking of a receiver being suddenly dropped.

     "Melody!" Lisa's called, her voice became insistent, urgent when no answered. "Melody answer me! Melody!?" Lisa cried as she heard the sound of people screaming.

     Outside the phone booth people at first gawked at what they had seen. Several crossed themselves quickly before dropping to their knees in prayer, called upon the blessed virgin as they went to pray when the strange girl disappeared before them in plain view. Later news reports would tell of near hysteria about a demon girl who had been there only to vanish in a puff of smoke, a few claiming they had smell sulfur as the girl had sprouted horns.


     Mel entered the department store with reluctance, as with her desire took to look less conspicuous as onlookers turned to gaze upon her. She needed something more appropriate to wear, to allow her to fit in better. At first people turned her way, concerned only to carry on with whatever they were doing when Mel uttered a few words to them.

     Sales clerks trained to look for suspicious people zeroed in on her as she stood out by the evidence of her attire. One female took to approaching Mel.

     "Where are the undies?" Mel asked almost too harshly when the clerk was within hearing. Still shaken from her last ordeal she had enough. Enough of wearing just a bathing suit. Enough of the rumbling of her stomach as she was near starvation.

     "This way." The clerk answered, leading her to where the selection of panties and bras were located. Pulling out several items Mel selected a few before continuing to shop with the sales clerk by her side, asking question about sizes given her lack of understanding measurements with its UK designation.

     Satisfied Mel continued in her search for socks, shoes as well as a pair of pants and shirts. "Do you have backpacks? I need to carry them in that."

     At first the clerk seemed to resist, unsure. "I’m from the United States." Mel offered, keeping the conversation light.

     "Ah, a Yank. I thought so from your speech. First time visiting Australia?"

     "Yes ma'am." Mel said as she looked over the selected offerings. Mel had thought so given how she sounded like one of those older movies she found playing on tv. Her mom and friends had once watched it back in the day. It was one with a girl falling in love with some guy who wrestled alligators. Trying on another pair of sneakers having not liked the first pair. "Thank-you for the help."

     Remorseful Mel asked. "Uh. I hate to ask. Really I do. Can you pay for these? I promise to pay you back."

     Taking only what she needed and not the expensive kind, Mel hoped their cost wasn't expensive. "Is there a place I can change?" Mel noted the name of the store as well with the clerk's name, not liking what she was compelling the woman to do. It was when she asked what a loo was the clerk laughed about a Yanks failure to understand the country culture they visited as she pointed the way towards the bathroom. Inside the washroom Mel nearly purred in satisfaction when she first slipped the panties on. She'd never dreamed how good it would feel to wear another set of clean undies once she had changed. Soon the pleasure continued when she followed it with the bra, relieved to feel something so soft and sensual against her bosom. Finished dressing Mel placed the rest of the clothes inside the backpack folding them neatly as she contemplated her next move. Washing her hands and face as best she could, hunger answered the question and she wondered if the woman carried enough to purchase her next meal. Mel questioned herself on how she was using her power. For her stealing was stealing even if she did ask politely with the promise of paying one back.

     "Is there someplace I can get something to eat?" Mel asked as exited the bathroom once she adjusted the backpack.

     "There's a nice eatery just down the block none too far from here, the woman replied.

     "Uh, is it expensive?"

     "Oi!, Not the least. You can get a decent meal for just a couple dollars." Compulsory she handed Mel a ten as the woman provided directions. Walking towards the food store Mel once more promised to pay the woman back once she returned home as the woman wrote down her address. Given how the last call had gone Mel wondered if she still had a home to return to.


     Taking a deep breath Mel placed the call once more. Sedated with a set of clean clothes and a filled stomach Mel felt more refreshed than she had since the start of her ordeal. Her popping into Australia proved where the weather was still cool in the mid-day sun as Mel waited, finding it necessary to jump in her shoes slightly enabled her to keep warm. Even with a hoodie the weather was a bit nippy to her.

     "Hello?" As Lisa wondered where her Melody was now.

     "Mom? Are you my mom?" Mel questioned, her worry conveyed in the tone of her voice.

     "Of course I am sweetheart. I'm just worried Mel. Worried about my tomboy and where she had run off to."

     "Mom. I'm scared, scared that somethings changed. Is he. Is he... alive?"

     "Nothing's changed Mel." Lisa's answered her voice was reassuring to her with its conviction. "Nobody's gone. Brads worried about you also, along with Reba, Bobby, Holly and Vicky." Mel wiped the tears with her sleeves. Relief swept through her. Her world was still the same. "Mel where are you?"

     "Sydney. Mom I want to come home. I don't know how." Silence.

     "Can. Can you come get me?" Mel pleaded her voice shaken.

     "It would be several days before I could get there sweetheart. I need a passport and visas along with booking a flight."


     "Honey I want you to talk to someone." Panic started to rise within, fingers ready to move. "Her names Innochka." Mel paused.

     "Who's Innochka?"

     "She's a friend baby. Someone I trust." Lisa explained quickly to quell Mel's distress. "She wants to explain what you've been doing. Will you do that for me sweetheart?"

     "She's a mage?" Mel asked unsure.

      "Yes, someone I really trust. She's not making me say anything through magic, and yes I know you might think she could make me say it, but she's not. Trust me baby. I want my Tomboy home. I miss you deeply."

     "I miss you so much mom." Mel said between tears. "I want to come home."

     "I know sweetheart, now don't hang up, and don't panic. Listen to what she has to say."

     "K," Mel answered still unsure, yet willing to listen if it got brought her back home. "I'll listen."


     Locating and empty seat, Mel settled herself for the long ride. Besides her, others boarded the Trailways bus taking up residence in whatever seats were made available for what would be a long endurance ride.

     Lucky, Mel had found a few books and magazines to read before she boarded the bus as she worked her way home. Having talked someone into letting her have them along with some snacks and drinks she felt doubly with guild. No worse though, than on how she used her persuasion to purchase her ticket home with no money on her. Guilty she allowed herself to relax as an elderly lady looked to take residence next to her. A quick scan reassured her that the woman wouldn't bother her. "Riding by yourself sweetie?" The woman asked indicating to the seat next to her.

     Nodding, the elderly lady took to pulling out a blanket from her bag, followed by a small pillow. "Made many a trip alone visiting family and friends." The old woman said. Her demeanor seemed cheerful, friendly, as she to settled in.

     "Yes ma'am" Mel replied, not wanting to really discuss anything. She was ashamed of herself for what she had done, what she was doing as she questioned her motive. Was what she was doing making her evil? She wondered.

     Sitting quietly more people shuffled to their seats, neither said a word again at first until well after the bus had departed the terminal. Mel's expression changed several times as she was deep in thought. "You have that look my daughter had when she did something wrong or bothered her. Care to talk about it?" The woman said, sounding neither condensing, yet not really expecting much from the quiet young girl. "From the way you're dressed, it looks like you left in a rush. Fight with your family?"

     "No, nothing like that," Mel said. She loved her mom and the act of how she left made still made her feel even more guilty.

     "Care to talk about it?" The older woman prodded gently.

     What was she expected to explain? Or tell? Say she had ended up in some unfamiliar country or town by teleporting to it. To finally be able to catch a bus back home only after a woman named Innochka explained how to teleport herself as she listened to the arcane word as best she could. The closest Mel managed to 'travel' was to pop herself within the Continental U.S., afraid to risk another one for fear of not knowing where she'd possibly end up next. She was tired of traveling to places she'd never dreamed of going.

     "Not really," Mel said once she pulled out a bottle of water. "Going home also." Mel replied in a clipped answer, hoping it would satisfy the woman. The woman returned a knowing smile.

     "Smart girl. I remember the fights me and my mother had. Best if we worked out our differences. Put it in the past."

     "No, not my mom. Someone else, someone I thought was my friend. She hurt me."

     "Must not be much of a friend if she hurts you."

     "No. No I guess not," and Mel agreed settling down, pulling the cloak further over her hood signaling the end of any further discussion. Closing her eyes she tried to sleep. "No, not much of a friend at all."


     Stepping off the bus Mel looked around nervously as fellow passengers waited for the driver to open the lower compartments under the bus allow them to retrieve their baggage before heading inside the building.

     "Mel!" came a voice she had desperately hoped to hear up close rather than over a phone. Turning to her left Mel had wandered in the station before taking off in a dead run having sensed her direction, running past strangers, barely letting them move out of her way she nearly careening headlong into woman's waiting arms. Together the two embraced one another for the first time since she'd left. For nearly two days she had endured riding the discomfort of busses, switching from one transfer station to another making further connections. Each time she stopped, she'd call home to reassure her mother about her safety as with the telling her mother to be careful. Mel didn't have to call only she want to hear her voice, relished the moment when she'd actually see and hear her face instead of her visions.

     Lisa didn't know what to do or expect. She wanted to be mad, upset with Mel for what she done. Yet she was elated in having her tomboy back once more as Mel held onto her protectively, not willing to let go, each unwilling to separate in their loving embrace.

     Finally with a wave of her hand. "Oh girl let's get you home," Lisa said through tears of joy and relief in having her darling Mel back, only to wave her hand once more, "And look at you. Didn't you think of washing?" she admonished ever so lightly when she took in the girls matted hair, stained shirt and jeans. "Where did you …?" with a knowing look, she knew Mel would do what was necessary in order to survive. "You know what, never mind." She'd listen first to what Mel told her. Wanted to know how Mel thought of making amends.

     "I did the best I could Mom." Mel said, knowing of her own desire to take a bath, doing the best she could with the bus and stations bathrooms. She wanted nothing better than to be in familiar surroundings, soak in a familiar tub and sleep in the comfort of her own bed once more. Outside the bus terminal others waited anxiously as they took to watching from a distance, allowing Lisa to spend time with Mel. One young woman in particular looked relieved, yet she couldn't help feeling something foreboding loomed when she tried to communicate with the girl.

     Stopping in front of Anya as they headed towards the car, Mel's voice changed. Gone was the friendly sound she made whenever they meet. She held back at first, refused to come near when Anya reached out with welcoming arms to embrace and hug the girl warmly. Yet Mel's voice became distant as it filled with angry. None missed coldness, the hurt when each heard in astonishment, "Stay away from me Miss Anya."

     Mel wouldn't have even dignified the use of her name except she had little recourse. "I thought …" struggling to hold back a darkness that wanted to engulf her, the desire to give in. "I thought Nathan was bad, evil, but I was wrong. You are, and I never, ever, want to speak to you again." Stunned by her words of hate the others watched as Mel pushed away from them leaving them unsure as Mel ran towards the waiting vehicle leaving a very hurt woman behind.

     Lisa took hold of Anya hands, trying to reassure her. "She's just upset Anya, confused with what happened. I'm sure after she hears, she'll understand."

     Anya wiped the tears away. It was hearing the condemnation of being compared to another monster – Nathan - which shocked her, leaving little doubt of the pain she had inflicted on the girl. The attacks done by her and what she had done still fresh in her mind. "I know Lisa, still …"

     "I'll talk with her," Lisa replied handing Anya some tissues. "Let's go home." Lisa said. Trying to lighten the mood, "I'm serious that girl reeks."


     Grandmother held the pass in her hand. "You heard me, I'm not coming back," Mel reiterated having handed it to her, refused to even sit in the offered chair before her. Grandmother could tell the severity of Mel's action, having even refused a favorite drink. Mel was clearly not in a wanting or willing mood to listen to reason.

     Tactfully she asked, "But what about your help with your mother? You know how Liz and Lisa look forward for those little things, Mel." Grandmother asked trying another approach.

     "They did fine before I came along, they can do so again." Mel said, ready if not eager to end the meeting quickly. She had only come due to the instance of her mother and even then she balked.

     "Mel, please reconsider. I understand your hurt, upset…"

     "No Grandmother you DON'T understand my pain." Mel said daring to interrupt the woman. Few dared to interrupt the older woman and those who did found they either heard or felt the woman's wrath. Mel, herself, had endured that fury before, now with her given disposition she didn't care even about the stern look she received. No amount of staring or threat would ever compare to what she had been forced to experience. For her, Anya had caused her so much pain and suffering Grandmothers look compared itself as a slap in the face. For Mel it was a travesty to be here as she felt revulsion towards the woman and how she had caused her so much pain. Nearby Anya listen quietly, watched the two's exchange.

     "You're aware it was your mother's idea that you come to me. To see if perhaps I should assign you chores for your - indiscretions."

     "Because I used my magic to steal and eat after I ran." Mel stated matter-of-fact not trying to hide what she had done. Her fingers twitched and with the flair she had learned, produced a bikini in her fingers. One looked surprised, the other unsure at what Mel had displayed. "Don't think I don't understand what I did. I did what I had to do to survive because this is all I could conjure.

     "Well that and a few other things that I watched you and …, and her do." Mel kept her own eyes steadfast on Grandmother refusing to even acknowledge Anya's existence as she sat quietly behind her desk.

     "Mel, please," Grandmother asked, imploring. "Hear me out. You understand magic is power. It can be used for good, like the park, and for bad. What happened to Anya was beyond her abilities. And mine."

     "Like how she used it to turn boys and men into bimbo's or sex starved sluts. How she used it to humiliate me in front of everyone. How – you - used it on others because – you - decided what fate they deserved. Is this how I'm supposed to use magic? If anything, you're taught me how – not - to use it. I may have unwittingly become some sort of mage or enchantress and have to learn to control it, but I'll never, ever, use it like that." Abruptly Mel stalked away leaving them staring at her back when she turned to leave the office, ignoring the hurtful look Anya carried as well as Grandmothers amazement, exiting out the front door, not saying a word. With the slamming of the door Anya couldn't take anymore as she broke down in a set of tears.


     Natalya Michaels came out of the apartment, looking around suspiciously, if uneasy. Going down the hall she stopped when another figure appeared to step into her path, causing the girl to become started. "Well?"

     "She's pretty upset about it that’s for sure." Natty said, once she calmed down seeing who it was, yet worried. "She wouldn't even tell me the full details and we pretty much talk about everything."

      Together the two walked out into the night air, strolling towards another set of apartments none too far away. "What did she say?" Anya asked as she escorted the girl home, grateful at least for Natalya's help in trying to intervene on her behalf.

     "Nothing much except that it was pretty awful and very frightening. She won't talk about it except how she almost lost everything that mattered to her because of you, and that she didn't want to talk about it any further. She had that faraway look of hers when she's remembering something and then she became pretty agitated about it afterwards. I knew not to try and press her once that happened. I was afraid she'd take my head off if I mentioned you."

     Passing by a garbage bin Natalya or Natty to her friends, took the bag Mel had given to her, tossing it inside. Anya gave the pretty brown haired European girl a look. "Guess I'll have to make my own lunch for tomorrow," Natty said with a shrug. "She's pretty upset if what she made for me was any indication. But I think she'll come around Anya." As Natty gave Anya a hopeful look and hug knowing how much it meant to Anya.

     "Why's that?"

     Her smile turned bright, cheerful in her reply. "Because I was able to leave her pass on the table and she didn't threaten me or have me pick it up. And," she emphasized. "She didn't throw it back at me like before. I asked if she'd show Jeff some more techniques, but it had to be at Bikini Beach. I think it's too much for her not wanting to help others. We all know there's no better park around than Bikini Beach's and with those diving boards there's nothing better for her to practice on."


     "Mel be reasonable." Lisa implored once more from the other side of the closed door. "She couldn't help it. That wasn't the Anya we know." Once more the two were arguing in what happened now between separate doors.

     "I don't care, I don't ever want to do anything with her or that stupid park." Mel yelled from the other side. "I don't ever want to go back there. Leave me alone." Mel bellowed not caring if the neighbors hear her.

     Frustrated Lisa was at her wits end. Since the day they came home, Mel had been unwavering in her unwillingness to discuss the matter concerning Anya. At one point in their lives her darling daughter had once been willing to discuss what troubled her. Now whenever she was close to bringing up the subject, Mel suddenly grew hostile, uncooperative. She blatantly read her thoughts, disregarded the promise she made concerning Lisa's privacy. Mel knew exactly at what moment she was going to bring up the subject before stomping her way to her room even before she could. Troubled Lisa headed to her own room closing the door for some privacy as she pressed the number on her phone.

     "Keith, its Lisa." Taking a seat on the edge of her bed. "No, she's being more pigheaded than usual. No, whatever happened to her, she refuses to even discuss it, locks horns with me before storming off to her room. I don't know what to do Keith. Brad even 'offered' to go over to the water park willingly. When he mentioned Anya had given him a free weekend pass she flew into a rage calling him a traitor to boys. I never thought she's taken to screaming at her brother, it frightened him, and me, it's not like her. She's never threatened anyone before and I have to get her back to school. I don't know if I dare risk the welfare of other students or teachers. That excuse of having an infection won't hold much longer."

     With severe trepidation, "Can we come over? I know I'm risking you and your family, I just … I just need to talk to someone." Lisa asked looking towards Mel's room sure she was listening in on the conversation through magic, worried. "I got my baby back and I'm worried about her."


     Bobby looked through the pane glass leading outside to the back yard. Quietly he reached for the handle, ready to slide the door only to stop. He had been told to leave Mel along as he heard the adults talking in the kitchen, how worried, unsure of Mel's mental stability. Waiting there he continued stare nearly unsure as he gazed to the girl from his side of the glass pane, to have Mel turn his way momentarily before returning to stare into whatever she was looking at, to mope in silence. She knew he was there. Why not he told himself, she was magical wasn't she?

     Easing the door open slowly so not to have the adults hear, Bobby made his way outside. He didn't try to hide his presence as he walked over to one of the patio chairs easing himself down. Not once did Mel look his way, nor did he say anything to her as he just sat there, leaned back against the seat not saying a word.

     "You're mad at me to aren't you? Scared that I'll do something to you." Mel said, finally breaking the silence between the two. "Reba's scared and so is Brad."

     "Well you have scared a lot of us, especially Lisa. You frightened her in running away and now you're hurting her by not wanting to help her, so yeah I guess I'm mad at you."

     "Well they think I'm going crazy. Gonna go out and do something stupid with my magic." Mel said having turned to face him, her eyes downcast, her shame for him to see. A scared girl not sure of what she should do. "Well aren’t you going to run away also? Afraid, that I'll make you jump off some cliff or run screaming into a running car or something."

     "You tell me, you’re the one that can read minds, Melody." Bobby asked decided in stressing her full name knowing full well she didn't like it, well he didn't care. Truth be told he was mad, miffed at her and maybe, if he admitted it to himself, he was just a little tiny bit scared of her.

     "Did Lisa tell you it was Brad's idea on how to get that doctors note? How upset Lisa was when she first saw her. She looked a lot like you. You know how much he doesn't like to change. But he did it for you." Mel look at Bobby warily. "Go on ask me if I'm lying. Lisa was worried sick not knowing where you were. Dad was the one who made sure she ate. Helped to take care of Brad after he hurt his leg so his mom could get a better job." Silently Mel sat as Bobby continued to fill her in on what happened after her disappearing act.

     "We were all scared about you Mel. Lisa the most and you're hurting her now."

     Eyeing the pendant in Mel's hand looked longingly towards it. "You're lucky you know that? I wish I could remember her like you can remember your dad."


     Bobby's voice grew sadder, sorrowful, "My mom. I wish I could see her, remember her, hear her voice once more. All I can do is kinda hear her voice and that’s going away now. All you have to do is think about it and you can see him, hear him, while I can't."

     "Yeah, but it's a curse."

     "So. I don't care." Bobby said vexed at the girl. "Your real mom's alive even if you're not living with her. You have Lisa and you're hurting her now. Well I wish I had it. I really want to see my mom again. You know why I'm mad at you? Your being selfish. I'm mad because you have Lisa to thank as your mom and I don't have one. Lisa's the best mother I know of."

     "Well I don't have my Dad and Mom's not my real mom." Mel replied in counterpoint. All I have is their memories."

     In a huff, Bobby stormed over to the mini bike the two had been working on. Well it's better than what I have, ready to kick the parts everywhere in his frustration.

     "I guess it is Bobby," Mel answered as she followed him.


     "I guess it is better." She repeated bending down to examine a piece of machinery as she waited, "Yeah I read your thoughts and what you said earlier. I'm getting better at reading minds Bobby. A lot better. It's scary."

     Picking up another piece Mel tossed it aside. "Tell me about her." Mel asked deciding to change the subject. "What do you remember of her? Was she kind?"

     Thoughtfully, reverently, "She was the best. Just like Lisa."

     None too sure, "Mel?" Bobby asked, wanting to know. "Are you going crazy?"

     "Does it matter? I got a lot of people mad at me. They think I am because of this." Mel said grasping hold of her pendant.

     "They're not mad, just worried you won't talk to them. Not help like you used to. You're my sisters friend and you promised to help me make a Halloween costume."

     "Is that all you can think about Bobby? Halloween?"

     "Sure, we all promised to go out together trick or treating. All of us as a group." In a miserable voice "But I guess we won't. I don't have a costume and you're mad or scaring everyone."

     At first Keith and Lisa heard the erupting argument then the opening of the sliding door halting their discussion. Both Mel and Bobby were at it again. "I told him to leave her alone." Keith said as he rose warily to the ensuring argument. Each gave the other a fretful look when Mel's voice became dominate over the other, her ire evident towards the boy with her exclaiming, "- powerful, able to do more than Luke. And he wears a cool mask."

     "Come on Mel, Darth Vader's lame," Bobby said becoming equally loud as he closed the sliding door behind him." Mel's expression showed her displeasure at him. "I want a Grim Reaper with blinking lights around the sickle."

     Mel considered briefly. "Fine, I guess we could do that. Have blinking LED's inside the sickle so it glows, changes color and it should take less power."

     "Cool." Bobby grinned at her.

     "Why not white bones?" Mel asked to both Lisa and Keith's bewilderment, "Bones are always white."

     "Well I want it to look gross and we can paint fake blood on the mask. Can we make the mask glow also and have some blood ooze out? It would look so awesome."

     Making their way to Bobby's room Mel called out, "I'm fine Mr. Sinclair, Mom, we're just discussing his costume for Halloween."

     "What just happened?" Keith asked in confusion. "She came here moody, unwilling to talk and then it's like she's her old self," Keith said, his nervousness evident as he went to refill his drink. Without warning Keith stepped back, stunned, and startled when Mel appeared before him momentarily, "I don't think I could ever get used to that, to only jump once more when his own son appeared next to her laughing with the same results.

     "Melody Covington what do you think you're doing? Lisa asked as she admonished the girl with a warning look, yet worried in where Mel had considered to do such an act.

     Mel tried to be contrite only to give a devilish grin as her foot slid around. "Well he asked to see what it was like. Sorry."

     In a more thoughtful stance Mel contemplated, gazed back to her mother. "I'll go Mom, but only to help you and once we're finished I'm leaving."

     Confused at what she was hearing, "What do you mean you'll go?"

     "To the park. I'll go, but only to help you Mom, nothing more."

     Finished with their fun, both kids left the adults to themselves once more. "What just happened?"

     "I don't know," Lisa replied unsure as she watched the kids' leave taking up their argument once more inside Bobby's room. To hear them scheme and plan about costumes and what neighborhoods would be the best to visit first from across the room. "I learned to roll with some …, but this. She had been so obstinate earlier, insistent."

     "I think we should keep an eye on those two," Keith replied. "She's resilient, but I'm more worried about Bobby." A faint grin grew across his face. "If he's not careful he may find himself going out as Cinderella or Princes Leia, if not Snow White this Halloween."


     A single finger rested on the button just long enough to announce his presence as he push it firmly waiting by the door. He heard the preprogrammed music echo through the house alerting Keith. Inside Keith relaxed in his favorite recliner. At first he thought to ignore the caller only to pull himself up from the comforts of his easy chair when it rang a second time as he headed towards the entrance. "One second," he called out just before pulling back the side curtain a part making sure it wasn't some solicitor calling as he looked to see who could be waiting. He hadn't been expecting anyone at this time of day and was mildly surprised with his arrival. What was more astonishing he hadn't truly expected the officer to accept his offer who waited patiently. As he opened the door, Jozef kept his hands to his side as he took in the surrounding neighborhood a normal habit of his as he waited. His voice seemed to carry an edge of regret, remorse when he spoke. "I hope I'm not intruding."

     "No not at all." Keith replied leading the man in. "The kids are off visiting friends, and I was just catching up on some free time. Can I offer you something to drink? Soda, juice?"

     "So you do have a free moment?" The normally staunch officer asked afraid he was intruding on the man. Jozef Donovan felt ill at ease as to how the question came out, mindful of his unexpected intrusion only to find himself ushered inside.

     Pulling out a can of soda, Jozef nodded his approval before Keith poured its contents, careful to wait as the soda fizzled over cracking ice cubes nearing to overflow close to the top. Placing a coaster underneath Keith set it down the drink next to the waiting officer.

     "So what can I do for you Officer Donovan?" Once he had taken care of his guest before retaking his own recliner seat.

     "Jozef, if you don't mind. I'm currently off duty and it's unofficial."

     "Jozef then."

     "I was wondering how Mel is doing?" Keith heard his concern for the girl. "From my understanding she's been a little hostile if unforgiving concerning Anya and her transgression."

     Keith pondered more of the unasked details the question contained as he considered. Even mindful of their informal talks Keith considered most of conversations private in nature.

     "She's hurt deeply. As you know Mel's not one to open up easily."

     "No. She wouldn't be given her circumstances." Rising, Jozef moved to a bookshelf lined with small figurines on display drink in hand. "You once offered to allow me to talk with you."

     "And the offer still stands. Is this more about why Mel preferred to remain a girl?"

     Setting a small figurine down after lackadaisically examining it. "Somewhat. Years ago there was someone I knew. A girl by the name of Dominica. Dee Dee for short. She was as boyish as any girl could be. Softball, basketball, hockey. She loved it all."

     "I'm listening." Keith said as he refrained from interrupting, not wanting to ask further questions in fear he'd lose the chance to understand more of this complex and secretive individual.

     "The problem was most people resented how she presented herself. She didn't care for dressing up in skirts or dresses just as Mel doesn't. Like Mel she preferred to wear jeans and other male oriented clothing. This wasn't a problem at first, until she grew older and how she spurned the affections of other boys who had taken an interest in her. Then one day she disappeared."

     The words came slowly, haunted as he spoke. "We were the best of friends, her and me. We could talk about anything. She confided that she felt as if she was a wolf in sheep's clothing. Born in the wrong skin as with how her parents didn't understand why she gravitated towards toys meant for boys. To her she was a boy only when she hit her adolescence years it grated on her how she hated the changes her body was taking."

     "She was bullied?"

     "Yes, but not like kids have it today. There was no social media such as Facebook or Myspace back then. Phones were limited in text capabilities. One day she disappeared and groups were formed to find her."

     Keith suspected where the story was going, how it would end from the ominous tone Jozef gave his story. "I assume then that she was found."

     "Yes. But only because of me. Just like her, I knew I was different. I found I was able to find things that others couldn't. Most of the time I’d just brushed it off as coincidence. Not this time. As search parties were formed we conducted a search of the area. In one foray we reached a gully. With a slope that would drop-off over a hundred feet or more in places we nearly bypassed it. Heading around, I stopped. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was down there. My mind was focused acutely on Dee Dee. A few had claimed to have searched the gully only to comeback empty handed. It was dense with foliage. Moving along steep and narrow slopes with their outcrops I allowed myself to go wherever my feelings sent me. As I came upon one depression I stopped once more."

     Jozef voice began to quiver with angry directed as no one present and Keith thought he wouldn't finish when long fingers tightened into a balled fist only to flex open as Jozef sought to maintain his composure as he willed himself to relax. "Lying deep within the depression, hidden by thickets and branches was Dee Dee, her body broken."


     Through gritted teeth, "It was deemed a suicide; at first. They considered me a prime suspect with how I knew where to go unlike others who claimed to have investigated the area. Others who had chosen to follow close by had refused to listen and stop when I insisted we investigate. A few thought it was because of guilt that I had led them to her body, only I had a solid alibi, witnesses who attested to where I had been at the time of her disappearance."

     "That's when you knew you had a gift."

     "A gift." Jozef gave a short curt laugh. "I thought it was more a nuisance before that day. Even after the investigation cleared me as a suspect there were those who still considered me a prime. It was the day before her funeral my intuition resurfaced once more. Two boys, older than me, acted strange at the reception. Most kids from school had attended as a way to get out of class with the claim of wanting to pay their respects, but these two appeared more awkward, kept their distant than most. Walking over to them I tried to start up a conversation with one, only they walked away, tried to avoid me. One of the boys was more fit, muscular than the other. His name was Antwan, who was training to be a boxer. Fed up with my wanting to talk to him, he accused me of killing her while the other stepped away, fearful. I don't know what came over me as I started to accuse him of doing the deed. Antwan started saying how I was the one who had beaten her. Knocking her down, punched her in the face, loosened her front teeth. The scene had turned ugly, surreal, as adults heard the argument then held us apart until the police showed up. Only instead of placing me under arrest, they arrested him. The police had never revealed what killed her. Most had assumed she had fallen down the ravine. They never made mention in the news of where Dee Dee had been missing a few of her teeth and officers demanded I keep what I had seen to myself."


     "They found in interrogating Antwan he had wanted to date her and she refused. He contended that she liked other girls, which I knew, only back then it was frowned upon. His friend Tony confessed that Antwon was going to 'convert her over', only she fought back. In the process of their scuffle he had dislodged her front teeth having hit her in the face when she tried to fend him off, attacked and bit him. Later both figured she'd bring charges up against them if they let her go as with having threatened her. Only Antwan's punch went too far. Hitting her, he used too much force and had driver her nose back and up, killing her. Panicked they dumped her body unceremoniously down the ravine. I was fifteen and she was seventeen."

     Keith heard the pain and suffering emanate from Jozef's voice along with how his posture changed to one of self-defeat. "I'm sorry about the loss of your friend."

     "I lost more than a friend that day Keith. Afterwards life at home with my family had become strained, unbearable. When given the chance I chose to stay with Great-grandmother."

     "I see and Dee Dee? She was?" Keith asked hazarding a guess on who the girl had been.

     "My sister."

     "You're not thinking that because of who your Great-grandmother was, the spell would have affected your sister?"

     "No. She said it would most likely affect men, told me of Grandmothers spells and how she used them. If anything Dee Dee was like a lot of other girls who felt different, out of place. I admired how she took a stand on who she believed she was. If she had lived longer, perhaps she might have considered transitioning."

     "So that’s why you're concerned about Mel."

     "That and knowing who she had once been and now."

     "Jozef, understand I need to keep my meetings private, just like this one, as I'm sure you know why. It's the trust I need to maintain with those who seek my counsel. I'm not even approved to be a psychiatrist."

     "I understand and I'm not asking for you to break that trust. Who am I to lay judgment on those who wish to seek help from any given doctor."

     "So this is why you became a police officer?"

     "Partially. It was something we had discussed as we grew older. We had once thought of being partners. Private detectives as seen on TV." Jozef said as he sat there. Long forgotten dreams now set aside. He looked ready to leave.

     "So that's why you have your regrets concerning Mel." Keith said as he leaned forward.

     "Yes." Rising, Jozef found Keith's hand resting on his shoulder.

     "Don't think you're the only one with regret's." Keith said meeting Jozef directly in the eyes. "We all have our regrets. Even Mel. She may still consider herself a boy in many regards, but what I've learned from her is how she deals with it. You blame yourself for actions you had no control over. So does Mel when it concerns her family. She harbors hate and resentment towards one man who destroyed her family. But with Lisa's help as with many others, she's learned she can move past it just as well survive."

     Looking at him, Keith chose his next words carefully. "I need your word on what I'm about to say. It needs to stay strictly between us Jozef." And as Keith waited he considered how well he could trust this detective.

     "You have my word."

     "Jozef, Lisa knew Mel could be suicidal if she stayed a girl. Her desire not to stay one as with David's failed attempt in their escape. Her main reason for staying as Mel may have brought her mother and brother back, but it didn't change her outlook. And then she ruined her second chance because she couldn't fit in with them. And then this. You saw how worried Lisa was. She was so concerned over what Mel might do if pushed to try and do so again."

     "I had suspected such, it was one of my chief worries concerning the girl with her forcing Anya to change her past the second time. Even Anya was concerned on what the girl would do if not found.

     "What of them now? How bad is the rift between the two?"

     "I can't say. I can only wait as with the others, hoping, and praying that this impasse created between the two will be settled with her realizing that even Anya isn't infallible. Mistakes were made and as much as many people don't believe it, both Anya and Grandmother are just as human as we are even if they are different."

     "Is that why you allow your own kids to be friends with her? You do understand the inherent risks involved?"

     "Should I consider her like some leper just as those considered your sister? We were making progress until Oksana came along. Life for some Jozef is not so smooth, whereas others just seem to slide through life unaffected. Yes, I understand the risks my kids are taking in wanting to be her friend, but it also applies to Lisa and those around us as well. I worry because I'm a father. Let me ask you this? And I'm not suggesting Anya, Grandmother, or any other mage we know will or won't cause others harm, but can we, as normal people, prevent what they can do? I mean look at the prostitute who we saw. Did she ask for it?"

     "No. Her circumstances were created due to a vengeful wife. The claim being she had caught him cheating."

     "So you did go back and check on her."

     "Yes, it wasn't easy to unravel what happened. Unfortunately there is no way to break the spell."

     "I'm going to assume then that she's still walking the streets."

     "Yes, as well as with her ex. My source says she may not have read the fine print when the vengeance spell was cast. It extracted a price from her as well."

     "Are you saying he sold it to her then?"

     "No, he assured me that it wasn't one of his wares. It doesn't fit his modus operandi. It seems he's not the only one who frequents the area."

     "Look you just arrived and my kids won't be home for some time. You look as if you still have a lot on your mind." Indicating the chair once more. "You came to talk and I'm here to listen. So," taking his own seat once more as did Jozef. "Tell me more about your sister."



     Mel slowly pushed her way through the turn-style accompanied by Reba. As she entered Mel tried not to take notice of Anya who waited nearby. It was as they had entered with others through the lifetime membership they saw where Bobby was now heading towards the grey office building nearby. He carried a puzzled look when Grandmother greeted him before being ushered inside. Mel's suspicion grew even as she stepped through, keeping a wary eye on Anya while she looked to find a seat on the other side as with Reba.

     "What's going on with Bobby," Reba asked mildly concerned.

     "Don't know, don't care." Mel replied stiffly causing Reba to look towards Mel and then towards Anya. Inwardly she gave a regretful sigh. She knew Mel did care even with the way she was acting.

     No words had been spoken to Anya when they first arrive, well at least not by Mel, and as they waited Mel felt a familiar touch, nearly recoiling when Anya tried to reach out to her telepathically once more. Obstinately Mel refused the acknowledgment, to instead draw inward her essence until the touch was no more. Reluctantly she did remember the expectations from her mother in being courteous to one another no matter who that person was, and so without as much as a backwards glance, Mel made the half-hearted gesture of greeting as she continued inside to find a seat, a clear brushoff she learned from other girls in wanted nothing more than to be seen as courteous even as they intentionally ignored you.

     For Anya, Mel's little acknowledgement came with relieved as with the sense of knowing Mel would still come to the park. She longed to talk with Mel, to explain the circumstances of what happened if only she would listen. It hurt her in knowing how awful she had acted towards the girl unwittingly as with telling others of her own betrayal of hurt. Yet in that brief moment of where she had managed to make contact, Anya found herself deep inside a part Mel kept deeply hidden within. She, Anya had found herself privy to a hurt so ingrained in Mel it paled in comparison to her own anguish. And then before she could see more, Mel unceremoniously closed that link, perhaps forever. Silently, with great misgivings, Anya made her way back to the grey office as Grandmother telepathically asked for her return.

     Even with forgiveness from her other friends; Natty, her fiancé Greg, Selena, Mel's hurt haunted her as with what she had made Lisa endure. She felt a different sense of loss she never felt before as she passed by patrons on her way back to the office. Unlike Natty whom she loved dearly, Mel was different. Mel reminded Anya of when she had been younger, and now with her own temptation she felt more of a kinship with her Grandmother. An unwanted kinship in who to trust given how she allowed herself to be easily swayed by someone who had tricked and manipulated her own desire for and evil purpose.

     Not once had she ventured intentionally towards that insidious darkness her grandmother had warned her about. Now thanks to an unforgivable bitch and her deception she too is now forever tainted by the dark nature of their magic. For her as with her Grandmother, each carried that foul kinship and would forever need to be on their guard, wary if they might still venture close, and if so, how close would that corruption spread in being further tempted as with the price.


     Lighthearted, Bobby left the grey office skipping as he headed once more towards the turn-styles allowing him access within the park, his hand clutched a gift bag as he avoided running into other people in line waiting to purchase their own. Looking at his wrist, he once more admired the gleaming gift both Grandmother and Anya had presented him.

     "It's special Bobby." Anya stated as she slipped the watch over his wrist. "Magical."

     "Oh?" The boys' inquisitiveness became drawn towards the unexpected gesture. "Is this to protect me?"

     "Protect you?" There was something about his manner that started her. Did he fear her, or that Grandmother would cause him harm? She cast a guarded glance towards the portly matron as he continued to examine the watch she had presented him.

     "Well Mel told me how there's this dark side you fear. And well, Mel's just like you and Grandmother. A witch."

     "I'd like to think we're more along the likes of a sorceress's Bobby."

     Bobby thought over what Anya said, a small smile crested his lips. "Okay," nodding with the idea. "Better than a witch. Will I be able to do magic like you and Mel?"

     "No, but it will do some other things." Anya's reply vaguely. "For example it'll change once you go into the showers."

     "Cool," then curious, "but why? My birthday was months ago." He didn't mind the sudden present, just a child's inquisitiveness in wanting to know.

     Her smile was genuine, yet bittersweet, as she fastened the watch on his wrist. "Think of it as a belated birthday present. I'm trying to make up for what happened with Oksana."

     "Anya?" Bobby continued to look over his gift. "Mel's not going to stay mad at you forever you know."


     "Mel. She's just upset, hurt. You know how bad she's had it, and I know you wouldn't harm us. Even after what I saw, I know you fought her. You're afraid of that darkness."

     Deep in regret, "Yes Bobby, I am." Anya replied in how events had caused her the loss of a young friend. "You run along now. I've got work to do," she said as she quickly steered him past her towards the door. "Here," she handed him a ready-made pass, "enjoy yourself, my treat."

     Before leaving Bobby turned wrapping his arms around her as best he could. "Thank-you for the gift." Beaming with enthusiasm he seemed not to want to let go as he squeezed her tight. "And for helping Mel. You don't know how much you've helped her Anya." Silently he thought for a moment as he held his hug. Wondered if he should tell them. Something he had never told anyone before. "Promise not to tell Lisa and Dad." Bobby asked, waited until he received the assurance he wanted.

     Sheepishly, "Mel's been mad at me many times, had me do things to embarrass me, but we're still friends. I know she wants your help and Grandmothers to. She really is scared of going over to some dark side." Almost in a whisper for fear they might misconstrue what he said, "Mel's been very mad at me. Sore to where she threatened to hurt me, only she hasn't. Do you want to know why?"

     Anya gave a slow nod of her head, worried in what Bobby was telling her, them. "It's because of you," before releasing her and leaving. "She has faith in you Anya. She believes in what you were teaching her in what's right."

     As he showered, Bobby watched in anticipation of the changes taking place like so many times before. The rise of the pink mist and how it floated around him, engulfed his body, morphing him into that young pre-teen girl she was. She watched fascinated as her watch also changed shape. Its new appearance became that of a small charm bracelet. Self-consciously, like any typical girl, Bobbie peered out from her curtain before venturing towards the front to dress on the nearby bench stark naked. She had only worn flipflops before she entered the stall and even then she had been nervous of being exposed. She showered naked long after she learned of her changing unless she was accompanied by her aunt and then she stripped out of them once her Aunt had stepped inside hers. And just like her aunt she had brought her own bathing suit, kept hidden away inside her room instead of letting the magic morph just her swim trunks. The change always left her topless, embarrassed as she waited for Anya or another to give her a matching top. Quickly Bobby changed to meet up with her friends. Bobbie knew how hurt Mel had to be, but believed Mel to be smart. Sure she was angry, but she knew Mel would come around eventually. She was just being a doofus, a ding-dong scared to admit what she already knew. She just needed time to figure it out. Inside the office, both Grandmother and Anya gave a brief sigh as they each sensed the transformation.

     "He's very optimistic about you Anya. And Mel to," her grandmother commented. Anya heard Grandmother give way to relieving sigh. Each followed Bobbie with their own sense, detected when Mel came to her only to have Mel vanish once more as Bobbie wandered away from her.

     "So Grandmother did Mel agree?"

     "Yes dear." Grandmother replied. "With deep reluctance on her part and only after her mother scolded her for wanting to give up learning more magic."

     "And Selena?"

     "She's agreed inasmuch as well. She'll help teach Mel while you and I continue to teach her."

     "But how will we know? We can't view her as we do each other."

     Grandmother gave Anya a motherly look. "Faith dear. Just as Bobbie has faith in you, so do I. We now have to extend that faith in Mel. Lisa is very insistent in having Mel continue her learning, not willing to allow her to stop. She's aware one day Mel may have to venture over to the 'Otherworld'. Even with all that's transpired Lisa still trusts us, you, to teach her, prepare her if that happens. I will not forsake that trust."

     "What are you implying Grandmother?"

     "I nearly lost you Anya," Grandmother answered as her voice took on a harsh tone. It carried her meaning like steel as she considered her own past misgivings. "Twice now I nearly lost you. Once by your mother and the other by Oksana. Selena lost her own mother due to her own corruption. I no longer care to risk losing those we care about to the dark side, even Mel."

     With the twitch of her fingers Grandmother produced two cans of soda as well as two malt glasses. Frost glistened on the outside as she slowly poured her a drink over the chilled glasses with flavored ice-cream. Foam rose from where the soft drink contacted the ice cream creating a tantalizing root beer float. Letting it sit for a moment she allowed the soda grow colder before taking a sip savoring the taste. She had made a resolution to work on her figure, for now she and her granddaughter had other plans to contend with, formalize. A wedding was forthcoming and for once she was glad at her fortune. She had grown tired, weary, of how in the past others had tried to use them for their own wicked purposes.

     "Anya," Grandmother said as she once more stood by her granddaughter. "Bobby has faith in you. He believes Mel will forgive you." Anya's eyes grew misty as she thought it through. "You sensed it didn't you? What's in his heart. Mel would be considered 'oropsit', alone as I was left without a homeland. I'm not willing to allow Mel to wander aimless like me. Mel is to be considered 'familia' whether she agrees to it or not."

     "What if she rejects him? Want's nothing to do with him once she finds out. He'll be crushed."

     "But that’s why he wants us to succeed." Grandmother rested her hands gently on Anya's shoulders. Tenderly, softly she spoke, "His feelings for her are just starting to blossom with one ever so young. He doesn't understand why, only to know he cares for her as any friend would. Ever so young he's now showing the early pangs of one falling in love."


     The night was late as Mel took caution on where she traveled along the well-worn path. Water to one side made its soft lapping sounds from where it careened gently along the side of the pool. There would be no guards wandering within the parks perimeter. Just her as with the remnants of a crescent moon that waned overhead providing little illumination, its light barely visible at times when faint wispier clouds crossed its path as they each made their way across the sky.

     Dressed in the oversized jersey, her mother hadn't lied to her brother concerning the gift given her. It hung down low, untucked, covering a pair of hastily grabbed fitted jeans. Pants cuffs covered her sneaker laces as she ignored the growing chill of the night. Solar lights gave off just enough of their soft glow to guide her along its worn path. Evenly scattered, their single purpose was to serve as a beacon for those days when night came before closing time. To guide those who stayed well past into the evening after the sun set with the coming of longer winter nights leading stragglers towards the main entrance. Nearby, construction continued unabated with various flood lamps. Not as many as there once was, or as close to where she wandered to, but still enough to cast a wide arching beam allowing workers to complete the final phase of the parks expansion. Strategically placed, each flood light seemed to create its own eerie shadows that overlapped within the park. Walls carried an eerie appearance from where a rides shadow was cast and viewed from below.

     Mel knew she wasn’t supposed to be here late at night. In fact she still wished she was tucked deep within her bed fast asleep given how the late hour, or was it early morning? She guessed it was dependent on one's view of the night. She just couldn't sleep, not after what had forced her awake. Even back home, now safe within the comfort of her own bed and room they came. Sure she still had an occasionally nightmare plague her, and tonight had been no different even if she did have better control over them now. For most of the time anyway, only tonight she found herself suddenly thrust awake with beads of sweat on her brow, her pajamas damp, sticky outlining her breasts from hyperventilating as she stifled that involuntary scream wanting to escape from within her. She feared waking her mother as she pushed away the images once more. Hastily she dressed for a midnight stroll, and Mel found herself making her way down concrete walkways as with darkened asphalt streets, then she found her wandering had led her to stand next to an imposing wall which towered now before her. And she wondered why she came here. It was the last place she least expected herself to be, and it mystified her. For all that had happened, she continued to find herself drawn to the one place she had decided she didn't want to be.

     Heading towards the water slides she had crept out from her room not wanting to disrupt her mother's sleep, deciding to venture forth into the night for a midnight stroll. So here she was, in the middle of the night, dressed and lurked about inside the confines of Bikini Beach's sanctum like an unwanted intruder. The once safe confines penetrated by outsiders who had shattered what she had considered a haven and all it meant to her. Climbing the stairs, she carefully stepped over several chains meant to stop ones' assent, as they blocked those from progressing higher even as she made her way to the top. Careful in her steps, Mel grasped onto the outer guardrail for support not wanting to slip or fall. Reaching the top Mel once more took stock of her surroundings before edging herself forward, squatting cross legged close to the edge like some daredevil.

     Contemplation had set in as she wandered inside the vastness of the park and with it the facts that followed. It had been hard for her to accept, no longer able to deny in what she didn't want to accept. She really was like them. An enchantress, a sorceress or mage, a – whatever. It didn't matter what she was called, she was going to grow up and be like – them - and it upset her.

     From her conversations with both Keith and Holly, there would be at some point where she would need to talk with a real professional, to mask her true nature as with the extent of her circumstances. For all their questions Mel refused to discuss or disclose what she experienced except to tell them of how she found herself stranded on an island. She read their minds. Traumatized. Her troubles, it seemed, went well beyond their depth and knowledge. Without her willingness to cooperate on what had happened to her, they were at a standstill, believing she was in some sort of denial. As far as she was concerned it was over and finished. She never wanted to see those images again, unwilling to even risk talking about them for fear they would return to claim her. To frightening and unnatural for her to explain.

     For several minutes Mel sat there, meditating, let her thoughts wander as she took in the night sky. And as she looked upwards sitting there, she felt small, insignificant just as she had on her little island of paradise. Tears began to trickle down her cheeks as she reached, like she always had, for her pendant when troubled. She clutched it tight, yet tonight it would bring little comfort between her delicate fingers, not bothering to yank it off like so many times before when she was want; to place blame upon it as with all of her life's troubles. What was the point. The self-blame was evident and she knew it. She had done it to herself from when she was first given the trinket. She wished how she had tossed it away when given the chance once she found out what it could do. Only it brought her comfort on those night when she as David cried over the loss of his father. It was as read from Grandmothers book trapped on that island it discussed the possible effects of destroying and enchanted item from which it had been imbued and its possible effect. And once again as she waited there Mel heard his voice reach out to her, beckoning her within the confines of her mind. A voice, which at one time brought her great comfort, only now it seemed to cause her more distress, to shudder whenever she now heard it as she went to silence the voice she no longer wanted to hear from within.

     Mel hadn't wanted to admit it. She had inadvertently been the catalyst for all her woes. She was the one to release its magic which she now held firmly within her grasp. She had made herself like them when she broke her pendant thus releasing it. She had only wanted to help her own brother's grief, give him a gift, a reminder of their dad. Now as she looked at it she regretted her simple gesture in being done. And what it caused. Mel struggled to absorb the impact of it all as she sleeved the tears away as she lamented in what it had cost both her and her family. As much as she loved her now mother, she wished fervently she could have what was no longer possible.

     Deep in thought Mel barely sensed something causing her to glance towards the brick and mortar buildings nearby. From her advantage she could see when several lights from different apartments flicker on even with the morning dawn still several hours away. Of them one in particular interested her the most with the its soft florescent lights illuminating through its window pane. Its owner made her feel uneasy.

     Regrettably it had become important for her to know and understand the real nature of magic if she were to protect herself from the likes of others such Oksana, and now possibly Anya herself. She learned her lesson through trial and error. Her mother had been right, she grudgingly admitted to her afterwards, she did have to learn. Without proper training, she wouldn't know or understood the risks and dangers of practicing unsupervised for it could to be far worse, if not lethal. She had grown wary of trusting anyone thanks to Nathans manipulations of those that promised to rescue him. Only one came through for him and even then it had cost her her boyhood, and she still didn't have total faith in them now. Yet would be forced to trust Selena, the only one she knew who remained untouched by that evil. Not yet perhaps, or not ever. Maybe she'll be the lucky one, Mel thought.

     Quickly rising Mel moved her fingers, worried that she'd be discovered in a place where she shouldn't be. She could transport herself away safely before she was detected. Selena had taught her, with mixed reservations towards Mel's –needing to know – on how to travel properly. It was through her, Mel had been able to bring herself within the park, unbidden. She could move past its security fence, locked gates, and mystical wards. She could no longer pretend in being that ordinary girl she so desired to be even with a magical pendant. To pretend how it became bonded to her as with it the ability of allowing her to control people and perhaps more somehow.

     Nearby, within her apartment, Anya parted back the curtains to view the waterpark having sensed something out of the ordinary. Worried, Anya reached outward around its premises, checking the wards to see if another set of intruders had breached its security. Several times she checked on the magic used, and yet each time the results were the same; nothing. Perhaps I'm imagining it, she though, overly stressed, before deciding to return once more to bed; the strain of these past weeks were playing tricks on her. Wearily she pulled the covers over herself before falling asleep once more wondering if she just imagined it. Mentally she made a note to contact Grandmother Innochka, to test their effectiveness and perhaps enhance the security wards once more. She had other matters to contend to, bridges to rebuild as she sought forgiveness from others and thus let it pass in recognition on what it was she once felt as familir, rolling over asleep once more.


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