Honey Bunny: 12

Carol seeks reassurance
Ally in her Bunny outfit
Sometimes it is more important to listen to your inner voice than those around you.

Honey Bunny

Chapter 12

by Louise Anne Smithson

Copyright © 2015 Louise Anne Smithson
All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 12 Some publicity shots

In spite of having received my text message, Carol and Beth arrived at the salon at five thirty, as they were both anxious to see how things had been going for me, but Maria refused to let them in.

‘We are not finished yet. I need to have one more hour and I will also be able to help Ally with her makeup.’

‘Alright but tell her to come straight to our cabin at six thirty as we’ll have to try on our new stage costumes and begin to practice for the show tonight,’ said Beth.

The two other Bunnies returned to their cabin to begin getting themselves ready whilst Maria finished the last of my lashes and carefully removed the silk shields. She then went through a similar process with the lower lashes. My eyes felt a little strange and the lashes tended to flutter somewhat at first, but she assured me that I would soon get used to them.

‘Now that you have the eyelash extensions in place you will find that you no longer need to wear mascara for most occasions. I will give you a small brush so that you keep them looking tidy.’

‘What about when we’re performing?’

‘If you have to wear mascara, make sure that you do not use an oil-based type or it may react with the glue and your eyelashes will clump together.’

‘I wouldn’t want to have clumpy eyelashes,‘ I said smiling.

I went to my handbag and showed her the mascara that I usually wore and she read through the ingredients.

‘That should be acceptable; I will put it on for you tonight but you must also take care when you remove your makeup after the show. You should also avoid getting the lashes wet in the shower until the glue is entirely set.’

‘How will I do that?’

‘I will lend you my swimming goggles to wear in the shower tonight, by tomorrow they should be alright.’


Maria had taken some trouble during the course of the day to make sure that I did not catch a glimpse of myself in any mirror. This continued as she applied my makeup, taking great care not to disturb my new eyelashes, which continued to flutter somewhat although I was gradually getting more used to them. However, even Maria’s precautions couldn’t prevent me from noticing how nice my finger nails now looked. She was right; the gel nails did look and feel more natural than the acrylic tips.

At last by six o’clock she was satisfied.

‘Alright Ally, you are now ready to go and meet your friends,’ she announced.

May I have a quick look at myself before we go?’ I asked.

‘I think it would be better if all three of the Honey Bunnies saw the announcement of your new look at the same time.’

‘I don’t think that announcement is quite the right word. Perhaps you mean unveiling?’

‘But you are not wearing a veil?’

I smiled.

‘Alright, you could use inauguration, or debut, or perhaps even opening.’

‘I hate the English language,’ she said.


I was only wearing my cheap Primark dress and the flat heels that Beth had given to me but I noticed that I received several admiring glances from passengers and members of staff during the relatively short walk between the beauty salon and the lift down to the first deck which contained the entrance to the female staff cabins. I guess that was mainly due to Maria’s efforts with my hair and makeup and also perhaps my new boobs and the push-up bra. We arrived at the cabin that I’d previously shared with Carol. I knocked on the door and it was opened by Beth. There was a momentary pause before she realised who was standing there, then a gasp of surprise.

‘My goodness Ally your hair looks wonderful, and your boobs! Come in – both of you - and we’ll have a good look at what Maria has done to you.’

‘O – M – G,’ spelled Carol as she caught sight of me. ‘What have you done to your hair?’

‘Maria thought I might look better as a blonde,’ I responded.

‘I only have two sets of hair extensions available and Ally’s complexion is too light for her to be a brunette,’ added Maria.

‘I’m not criticising, Maria,’ said Carol. ‘I think she looks beautiful - her hair, eyes, finger nails, boobs, makeup, everything. She looks like a beauty queen.’

Maria smiled at this comment, as if she’d achieved her objective. My cheeks coloured a little but I too was feeling happy.

‘But what have you done to Ally’s eyes?’ asked Beth.

‘Eyelash extensions, and a little tidying of her brows,’ explained Maria, clearly quite proud of her work.

‘They look great but how do they feel, Ally?’ Beth asked.

‘They feel fine; perhaps they were a little fluttery at first but I’m gradually getting used to them.’

‘And your boobs?’ asked Carol.

‘They are silicone breast forms, glued on with a medical adhesive, together with a push-up bra to create the cleavage,’ I replied.

‘Ally, you look fabulous, but isn’t all this going to create problems for you the next time that Alex needs to put in an appearance in front of his parents?’ asked Carol anxiously.

Maria now looked a little concerned as well.

‘Your parents do not know about Ally?’ she asked.

‘No, but my Aunt does,’ I replied.

‘I hope that we did not go too eager, that we got carried from here,’ said Maria.

‘I think you mean ‘got carried away’; it's an idiom,’ I said.

As she spoke I at last was able to see myself in the full-length mirror. It was the first time that I’d had more than a glimpse. The others were right, I looked stunning. My long blonde hair hung in soft curls down to my boobs. My eyes were bordered by lovely long lashes and seemed to glow. My lips looked luscious and tempting. For the first time in my life I felt as if I really belonged in my body.

‘Maybe we did get a little carried away, but I’m glad that we did so. I intend to enjoy myself as a girl on this voyage,’ I announced to the assembled company.

I noticed that Carol and Beth exchanged significant glances at one another, as if I’d been the subject of a long discussion between them on the train coming over.

‘So no second thoughts about accepting the job,’ said Beth with a smile.

‘It would be a little late for those,’ I replied now examining my polished finger nails.

‘In that case let’s all adjourn to the dressing room and see how we look in our new stage costumes,’ suggested Carol.

‘Before we go, let me just give you a squirt of my perfume and have you smelling as good as you look,’ said Beth.

As we made our way towards our dressing room to try on the new outfits, it occurred to me that one of the best things about living as a young woman was the enhanced range of sensations that I experienced. It was not just a question of how I looked in the mirror, or the admiring glances I might receive from others, but how I felt, wearing those lovely soft and close fitting garments, or having long hair and jewellery. It was also how I sounded when I spoke or sang and now even how I smelled. It was as if my new friends had gradually led me to an entirely new life.

How could I ever go back to that dull grey life as a man?’ I asked myself.

I didn’t attempt to formulate an answer to that question in my head, but I knew in my soul what it was.


Maria accompanied us to the dressing room to help the others with their hair and makeup. We first tried on the pink sparkly dresses, which by chance matched the nail varnish that Maria had chosen for me. I hadn’t realised just how short they would be when we’d ordered them online. When I’d put mine on, I was glad that I was wearing two pairs of panties and some tights but I still felt fairly exposed down below. I was also relieved that Maria had waxed my arms and armpits which now looked as smooth as the proverbial ‘baby’s bottom.’

Having satisfied ourselves that we looked alright in the first costume we changed to the black and white satin bunny costumes. These were not the traditional bunny-girl outfits which were little more than a one-piece bathing suit with a fluffy white bob tail at the back. These outfits had a short flared skirt which became fuller and longer at the back. There was also white panel at the front to look like a shirt front with a black dickie-bow and black buttons. They were designed with a halter neck with the front cut sufficiently low to show off a little of my newly acquired cleavage but without giving away any secrets. The outfit was completed by a pair of black satin ears, which were fun to wear but we had to help one another to put them on securely; There were also full length black satin gloves, black fishnet stockings held up by suspenders and black stiletto heels. None of us had worn stockings before and we all laughed at how sexy they felt and how provocative a glimpse of stocking top and suspenders could be under the short skirts.

Whilst Maria was busy fixing Beth’s makeup I helped Carol to brush her hair and put her bunny ears on straight, at the other end of the room.

‘Ally, are you sure that you’re alright with all this?’ she asked me quietly so the others wouldn’t hear.

‘With all what?’ I asked.

‘You know, with your having to live as Ally on the cruise again.’

‘Well, you were keen to encourage and facilitate me taking this job,’ I replied.

‘I know, but we seem to have taken things to a whole new level; I never imagined it would go this far.’

‘Nor me,’ I replied with a smile. ‘Do I seem to be unhappy?’

‘No; not at all. In fact it is quite the reverse. You slotted into the female role very well and appeared to be enjoying yourself during the last voyage.’

And I intend to do so on this one,’ I thought to myself.

‘Doesn’t that answer your question?’ I replied.

‘I just wonder what your parents are going to say when they discover what you’ve been doing.’

I sighed.

‘I do as well, but don’t let us spoil our fun tonight. I’ll worry about that later.’

‘As long as you’re doing this for your sake and not out of some mistaken belief that you need to go so far for the rest of us.’

‘Don’t worry, Carol, I wouldn’t have let things go this far unless I was happy about the result.’

Carol smiled at me.

‘I’m relieved to hear it. Before I left Mum last night we had a long talk about you. She asked me to find out whether she should expect to see Ally or Alex when you next come to stay at her house. Given everything that Maria has done to you today, I don’t think we’ll be seeing Alex again for some time to come.’

‘I guess not.’

‘Should I tell that to Mum then?’

I thought for a moment.

‘Can you give me a little more time to work out what I want to say and do?’

‘Yes, of course, maybe we can talk again nearer to the end of the cruise.

‘Alright then. Thanks, Carol.’

‘But I must say that you look really hot in that outfit and with those boobs and hair style.’

‘Thank you and you don’t look so bad, yourself,’ I said with a smile.


Frank called in to our dressing room shortly before we were due to begin our rehearsal.

‘Wow! You three look really - glamorous – I can see that my investment was worthwhile.’

We thanked him.

‘What do you think of my new boobs, Frank?’ I asked, coquettishly.

‘I was too much of a gentleman to notice them, but since you ask, Ally, I think that they look just like the real thing. What is more I do like your new hairstyle, it really suits you.’

‘Thanks, but it’s mainly due to Maria’s efforts. She will be helping us to get ready each evening.’

‘Hi Maria. You appear to have done an excellent job today, but I hope you’ll be very careful about what you say to your colleagues about Ally.'

‘Don’t worry, Ally shares a cabin with me on this voyage and I don’t want anyone to think that I share with other than a lady.’

'Good, that's what we all want.'

Maria had finished with Beth and prepared to leave us.

‘Thank you so much for your help today. I’m really pleased with everything you’ve done for me.’

I gave her a hug but was careful not to spoil my makeup.

‘I’m glad then that we got carried away,’ she said smiling.

‘Me too!’ I replied.

Frank now turned to us.

‘I’ve one of the ship’s photographers outside who would like to take some publicity shots of you and the guys before you begin rehearsing this evening.’

(The ship employed a couple of photographers who went round taking shots of the passengers in an attempt to sell them prints at inflated prices.)

We found the guys, looking very smart, dressed in their best suits, waiting for us in the music room. The photographer had already taken individual portraits and a couple of group shots of them. Now it was going to be our turn.

‘Wow just look at you three!’ said James as we came in wearing our new bunny costumes.

Tom gave a wolf-whistle

‘Ally, have you dyed your hair?’ asked James.

‘How nice of you to have noticed,’ I said in mock surprise.

Beth rolled her eyes about the reaction from our musicians.

‘Men! We go to all this trouble to look nice for their sake, and then they say something crass like that,’ she whispered to me in mock exasperation.

I smiled in response to her comment but knew that she was wrong. We went to all that trouble for our own sake – because it makes us feel good to do so. Still, it was nice to feel that I was now fully accepted into the sisterhood.

Whilst Beth was being photographed, George came over to me.

‘Ally I think you look really nice today and that hairstyle suits you,’ he said quietly, blushing as he did so.

‘Thank you, George’ I said giving him the nicest smile that I could manage. ‘You look very smart as well.’

Carol caught sight of this exchange and gave me a significant look. I wondered what she might be thinking and got some idea when she later smiled and winked her eye to me when George wasn’t looking.

After Carol and I had our portraits taken and we’d posed for a couple of shots with the three Bunnies, Frank asked for a few action shots of the six of us together. Of course the photographer had no idea about my background and for one shot he asked me to sit on George’s lap, with my arms round his shoulders whispering in his ear. On this occasion George didn’t seem as embarrassed by my presence and I even felt a faint bulge between his legs as I sat down, but of course I didn’t say anything and pretended not to notice. It was nice to know that I’d had that effect on him though. Carol was looking at me once again, so out of pure devilment I gave George a quick kiss as I got up. George went bright red and there was a lipstick mark on his cheek. I turned away and winked at my cousin.

I think we gave a pretty good performance later that evening; the guys were on excellent form and the Bunnies sang and danced well in our new outfits. Our audience were also appreciative. It is surprising what a difference the knowledge that you look good makes to one's confidence.


As usual the first full day out of Southampton was spent at sea, calling at Lisbon. We’d announced the ‘Bunny Hops’ for pre-teens and young teenagers on the daily publicity sheet sent to all passengers and received a good number who were interested in taking part. Frank looked in and seemed quite impressed with the numbers. He had also arranged to come and see us after our afternoon performance, bringing with him the prints of the publicity shots taken the day before. They looked great and he promised to let us have some copies when he had finished with them.

‘Now that I’ve got you all looking better, I’d like to use the Bucks and the Bunnies for publicity purposes. We’ll include some pictures of your performances on the printed programmes and maybe on the company website. I’d also like to encourage you to make use of the various social media.

‘The Bunnies already have our own Facebook and Twitter accounts,’ said Beth.

‘I also noted that some amateur shots of us have found their way on to Flickr,’ added Carol.

‘You might think about signing up to Instagram and Tumblr as well and adding a few of these photos,’ he added.

‘Using the Internet to keep track is very expensive on board,’ said Beth

‘I know, but that's mainly due to us having to use satellite communication when at sea. There would no objection to you using the ship’s Internet when we are in port or sailing close to land, as long as you are only doing so for work purposes,’ he said. ‘How about you guys?’

‘We sometime use Twitter and have our individual Facebook accounts, but we’re not as pretty as the girls,’ said Tom.

‘Maybe you are not as photogenic, but you are good musicians all the same. One of my staff will be making a publicity video for the cruise line and will be filming a number of your performances. I’d also like to add some clips of your performances to YouTube, both with and without the Bunnies.’

‘No problem, we’ll be happy to have the extra publicity,’ said Tom.

Frank now turned to us.

‘Have you three decided on the dance numbers you are going to perform in the theatre later this week?

‘Beth will perform the Beyoncé track, ‘Crazy in Love,’ Carol has decided on the Kylie Minogue number ‘Can't Get You Out of My Head’, and I’ll do the Martha and the Vandellas standard, ‘Dancing in the Street’. George has offered to help me work out the arrangements,’ I replied.

‘That sounds fine, what about the dance routines?’

‘Beth and I intend to use a couple of the Bunny Hops to try them out,’ added Carol.

‘Good, the first performance will be the evening after we leave Barcelona, and weekly thereafter.’


After Lisbon, it was another long day sail through the straits of Gibraltar and into the Mediterranean Sea, reaching Barcelona early the next morning.

Next time: Lunch in Barcelona

Thanks to Angharad and to Bronwen for proofreading, and to everybody who has left a comment or awarded a kudo. Louise

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