Jessica's Story - Part 13

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Jessica's Story – Part 13

With Jessica and Sandra's joint birthday party set to become a very busy one at that, with cousins from afar set to join the fun, another celebration is about to begin sooner, with a surprise reunion for Sally.

Jessica's Story - Part 13

February arrived and with it, came more snow. The weather had suddenly hit a cold snap and thus the ground soon became covered in a thick blanket of the white stuff.

This came during the school week and Anne awoke early and listened to the radio for any sign that her daughters' school was closed as a result. With no immediate sign as yet, she went and woke them up all the same.

“Wake up girls, you may yet have to go to school.” she said, peeping round their door.

“Why? It's Tuesday. We always go to school on a Tuesday.” said Sandra.

“Look out of the window.” pointed Anne.

“Snow!!” cried the girls together as they went over to the window.

“Did I hear someone say snow?” asked Helen, who had just got up.

“Yes.” said Anne. “Had a heavy fall during the night. The girls may have the day off but I doubt I will.”

Anne went back to listening to the radio. She soon got the news she wanted. The girls had arrived in the kitchen, along with Edward, to get their breakfast.

“No school today, so if you want to pelt gran with snowballs, you can.” smiled Anne.

“I hope not.” said Helen.

Anne was just getting ready to go to work when she noticed Julia pull up outside in her car.

“No school today.” said Anne, noticing Kelly in the car too. “Heard it on the radio.”

“I know.” replied Julia. “But I thought your girls would like Kelly for company.”

“By all means. What are you doing today?” asked Anne.

“Nothing much.” said Julia. “Might stop here for a while.”

“Fine by me. But I've got a job to go to.” said Anne.

“Let me drop you off.” said Julia. “Kelly, you go inside the house and tell the others that I'll be back soon.”

“Ok mommy.” said Kelly.

“Thanks for this.” said Anne.

“Don't mention it.” said Julia.

Kelly went up to the front door and knocked. Helen answered the door and noticed her there with her hooded coat and wellies on.

“Oh, come for the day?” said Helen. “Where's your mom?”

“She'll be back soon.” said Kelly.

“Ok, well come in and keep warm.” said Helen. “Girls, Kelly is here.”

Jessica and Sandra were still in their pyjamas and just finishing breakfast when Kelly, now relieved of coat, came to say hello.

“No school today!” she said with a smile on her face.

“We know.” said Sandra. “We're going outside soon to have a snowball fight.”

“Remember to wrap up warm first.” said Helen.

Kelly sat and talked as Jessica and Sandra finished their breakfast and got dressed. Even Edward was keen to go outside and play in the snow. Soon, with coats, gloves and wellies on, they went out into the back garden and started throwing snowballs at one another. Helen stayed out of the firing line and stayed by the back door. Her only reason to move was to answer the front door, to let in Julia.

Julia went to the back garden to see how the children were getting on, only to get a snowball in the face.

“What was that for?!” she said.

“Sorry mommy. I'll try not to hit you so hard next time.” smiled Kelly.

Sandra and Jessica had given up on snowballs and had started on a snowman instead. Edward was lending a hand. Kelly was about to join them but couldn't resist throwing a snowball at her mom.

“Building a snowman, I see.” said Julia, wiping the snow from her face. “Want some help?”

“Yes please.” said Sandra.

With her relationship with Anne growing by the week, Julia was spending more time at their house, mainly to get the Smith children used to seeing her. It was working, especially as Kelly's presence was always welcome.

By the time Helen had prepared some lunch for them, they had built not one, but two snowmen, though they decided that one should be a snowwoman instead.

They spent the afternoon inside keeping warm, waiting for Anne to come home. They had been made aware of the plans for Kelly and Julia to move in, and for Sandra and Jessica, they were looking forward to having Kelly living with them.

“So, they will be putting my dolls house in the living room.” said Kelly, as they played with Sandra and Jessica's house.

“Our dolls can visit one another.” said Jessica.

“Good idea sis.” said Sandra. “And what about this bunk bed?”

“Mommy says it is two beds, one on top of the other.” said Kelly. “You need a ladder to reach the top one.”

“Maybe fun.” said Jessica. “But Sandra won't want to sleep in the top bed.”

Jessica had remembered being at the top of Blackpool Tower last year, where Sandra had discovered she had vertigo. She wasn't keen on heights either.

When Anne arrived home (she had caught the bus), she was keen to warm up in the bath tub.

“Got back ok then?” asked Julia.

“Yes love.” said Anne as she took off her coat. “Just going to take a nice relaxing bath.”

“Want me to join you?” smiled Julia.

“Not enough room.” replied Anne.

Jessica had started liking baths even more of late, even though it meant seeing her unwanted boy parts (which she also saw when going to the toilet). The reason behind her liking baths more was her hair. It was now comfortably resting on her shoulders, but the feeling of it could only be truly felt when her shoulders were bare. Even so, she now liked turning her head quickly just to swish it.

Julia and Kelly stopped for dinner that day and went home later that evening. Before going, Anne brought up an important subject to Julia.

“I think the time is coming for us to go public.” she said. “You know we can't hide it, not now that we intend to marry.”

“You're right.” said Julia. “Just have the odd kiss or two in public at first.”

“Yes, and be seen holding hands.” added Anne.

“I love you Anne.” said Julia, leaning in and kissing her. They shared the kiss for a few moments before parting.

* * *

Anne and Julia were keen to go out as often as possible together. They felt it important to take their children with them too. They still went to the gay nightclub whenever possible and were beginning to make friends there.

It was one evening the following week when they were there that they met someone new. Anne had been getting drinks from the bar and as she was returning to the table where Julia was seated, she accidently bumped into another woman, causing her drink to spill on the floor.

“Oh, I'm so sorry!” said Anne. “Let me buy you another drink.”

“Don't bother. I wasn't looking where I was going.” said the woman.

“No, I insist.” said Anne, heading back to the bar.

“Ok, just get me an orange Barcardi.” said the woman.

Anne ordered the drink and invited the woman to sit at her table.

“Thanks.” said the woman. “My name is Carol by the way.”

“Anne Smith.” said Anne. “This is my partner Julia.”

“Nice to meet you.” said Carol. “You been seeing each other long?”

“Since September, but we've only just started getting serious.” said Anne. “You seeing someone?”

“No.” said Carol. “I've just come back from a lengthy spell in London. Got a little homesick.”

“What were you doing in London then?” asked Anne.

“Business. Opened a nightclub down there, but took ages to get it to pay.” said Carol. “Unexpected and unwanted.”

“How come?” asked Julia.

“London already has a strong gay community. You try opening a club when you have loads already.” said Carol. “Unlike this one, which had little competition.”

“You own this club?” asked Anne.

“Yes, I do.” said Carol. “Even though I haven't set foot in here for years. Anyway, enough of me, what about you?”

“I'm a mother of one, divorced.” said Julia. “Everything went wrong because I'm gay.”

“I'm a divorced mother too.” said Anne. “Three children, one being transgender.”

“Transgender?!” said Carol in surprise.

“Something wrong?” asked Anne.

“No, nothing.” said Carol. “It's just that my last relationship was with some one who was transgender.”

“I've also got a sister-in-law who is a transsexual.” said Anne. “She's helping my daughter. She works in a shop for the trans community.”

“Runs in the family,does it?” smiled Carol. “In fact, it's partially down to this last girlfriend of mine that I've come back. She used to work here.”

“Well, there are a few TG's here now.” said Julia.

“None are her though.” said Carol. “Last time we met, she had long auburn hair. Her name is Sally Brook.”

The announcement of this name hit Anne like a freight train. It showed on her face.

“Anne, what is it?” asked Carol.

“That name. Sally Brook.” said Anne. “She's my sister-in-law!”

Now it was Carol's turn to go pale.

“You know her?! My goodness, I never would have thought!” she said. “Tell me she is still single, please!”

“Yes, she is.” said Anne. “Now I remember her talking about you. She still pines for you.”

“I can understand. I left without an explanation.” said Carol. “I just hope we can begin again. I would like to meet her if you can let her know.”

“I'll do that.” said Anne.

“Thank you so much.” said Carol. “I take it she found her family forgiving?”

“Much so, though my ex-husband didn't. He never accepted her.” said Anne.

“Well, most is better than none.” said Carol. “My family never forgave me for coming out as a lesbian.”

“Same here.” said Julia. “I just didn't think Anne here would become my lover.”

Carol smiled and looked at Anne.

“It's true. Julia is my first girlfriend.” said Anne.

“I'm so glad that Sally has found people who care about her.” said Carol. “I found her on the verge of suicide. I helped bring out the woman in her. I just didn't think I would fall in love with her. It was only ever emotional love, for the hormone therapy prevented her from getting aroused. But it was love.”

“We must try to get Sally to come here with us.” said Anne.

“I agree.” said Julia.

“That will be great. How often do you come here?” asked Carol.

“Not too often.” said Anne. “How about meeting on Wednesday?”

“Deal.” said Carol. “I'm so glad to have met you.”

As Carol got up to leave, Anne asked her one more question.

“So, where do you live?”

“No where at the moment. I sold my old place near here when I went to London. I'm at a local hotel for the time being.”

Julia and Anne got up and said goodbye to Carol, who promised to see them again on Wednesday evening.

“Sally is going to get a wonderful surprise.” said Anne as she and Julia headed for the taxi rank.

“She's good looking, I have to admit.” said Julia.

“I have to admit it too.” said Anne. “I'm certainly looking at women differently now.”

* * *

Upon arriving home, she found that the children were getting ready for bed. The snow had nearly gone and the school had reopened after giving the children two days off.

“Oh, you're back at last.” said Jessica. “We were hoping you'd tell us a bed time story.”

“Did I?” said Anne. “Oh well. You go upstairs and I'll be with you shortly.”

The girls and Edward all went upstairs.

Helen looked at Anne and smiled.

“Had another nice evening out?” she asked them.

“Better than nice.” said Anne. “We've got to get hold of Sally. We've found her long lost love.”

“You never have?!” said Helen. “After all this time?”

“We can wait till tomorrow.” said Anne. “I wouldn't mind a cuppa now though.”

“I'll put the kettle on.” said Helen. “And don't forget the bedtime story.”

“Of course. I'll make it quick.” said Anne.

She arrived in the girls room to find everyone sitting patiently, even Edward.

“Ok, which book do you want read?” asked Anne.

Sandra handed her a book: The Twits.

“Alright. I'll read you the first two chapters.” she said. “And the rest over the course of the week.”

After finishing the promised chapters, she escorted Edward to his room and then went downstairs for her cup of tea. As she drank her tea, she and Julia explained their meeting with Carol.

“Sally told me about Carol when she came back to us 10 years ago. She tried to get back with her after making peace with us but couldn't. She had just disappeared. Sally was heartbroken.” said Helen.

“Well, now they can be together again.” said Anne. “I just hope Sally forgives her.”

“I hope so.” said Helen.

After finishing their drinks, they all retired to bed.

* * *

Sally Brook lived in a small house, just big enough for her needs. She had lived in this house since getting her job at the cross-dressing store. She had rented the house at first, with John paying the first few months for her. She was now in the proceeds of purchasing the property.

The house had two bedrooms, the one being used as a utility room. A small kitchen, bathroom with shower and living room completed the list of rooms. Her house had nothing that hinted at her past at all. There was only one item that did: a photo of Steven that she kept hidden in the top drawer in her bedroom. She rarely looked at it, and on those rare times she did, she looked at herself in the mirror, just to remind herself of how far she had come in life.

Her other photos, which were found on display in the living room, were of her as she was now. Most featured her with John and Helen. She also had a photo of her late father. Of the photos, she also had some with her and another woman: Carol McAllister.

Carol was just a few years older than Sally and wore her raven hair long. She hadn't changed at all in the years that had passed since the photo had been taken. The only changes had happened to Sally. She had undergone the final surgery and grown her hair more. Sally just longed to meet her again and show her that their love could finally be true. Though they had often kissed, Sally had been unable to get aroused. That had all changed now, since the surgery. Her libido had been restored as she no longer needed testosterone blockers.

It was Tuesday evening after arriving back from work that Sally got a call from Anne.

“Hi Anne. You just caught me getting out of the shower.” said Sally.

“Oh sorry. I'll call back if you like?” said Anne.

“No, it's no problem. So, need more help for Jessica?” asked Sally.

“No, I'm inviting you to come clubbing with Julia and I tomorrow evening.” said Anne.

“Clubbing? I don't usually. What's the occasion?” asked Sally.

“Nothing special. Just thought you deserved an evening out, just for being a good friend.” said Anne.

“Ok, I will.” said Sally. “So, you and Julia getting along?”

“We're planning on going public soon.” said Anne. “But as for how it's going, we are serious. No date for the wedding yet though.”

“Ok, so that all?” added Sally.

“Yes, so see you tomorrow evening. Wear something nice.” said Anne. “Meet us at our house.”

“Ok, but I'm not going to advertise, and I don't drink much either.”

“We don't drink much either.” said Anne. “Bye then.”

“Bye.” said Sally.

Sally then went about finishing drying herself off before finding some clean clothes. She knew well which club Anne and Julia had been going to: the one where she had her first job.

She went over to the photo which showed her and Carol. She really did find Carol attractive, but by the time she and Carol had become really close, her testosterone levels had dropped to a level where arousal was near impossible. She had hoped that one day, they could make love to one another. But nearly 10 years had passed since they had last met.

Anne and Julia were hoping that Wednesday night went well. Anne was really hoping so, as she meant every word when she said that Sally was a good friend. If she wasn't family, Anne may have considered dating her instead of Julia.

“I hope Sally doesn't change her mind.” said Anne. “She sounded as though she wasn't all that bothered.”

“If she knew that Carol was going to meet her there, she would come.” said Julia.

“But I want it to be a surprise for her.” said Anne. “You've only met her the once but she is a wonderful person.”

“I don't want to speak too soon.” said Helen. “But if this works out, don't be surprised if you're not the only lesbians to marry.”

“You reckon Sally and Carol would too?” asked Anne.

“Sally said that she and Carol were getting very close by the time they parted. I'm sure that they would have become a couple at least. Gay marriage wasn't around then.” said Helen.

“Unless she married as a man.” said Julia.

“Possible, but now, she would wish to marry as a woman.” said Helen. “But either way, I would be glad to see her settling down with someone.”

Wednesday came and the usual rota of events happened, with Julia taking the girls to school while Anne went to work.

* * *

Sally was a bit hesitant about going, but still, she had accepted the invite. It did mean dressing up and she did enjoy that. She sorted out a cocktail dress and tidied up her hair, before applying some make-up.

“I suppose it makes a change. I rarely go out to have fun.” she said to herself in the mirror.

Putting on a jacket and picking up her handbag, she went to her car and set off.

Upon arriving, Jessica and Sandra were pleased to see her.

“You look really pretty Aunt Sally.” said Jessica.

“Thank you Jessica. Your mom and I are going out this evening.” smiled Sally.

Kelly hadn't seen much of Sally and was just aware of her being an aunt to Jessica and Sandra. She didn't know of her past.

“Ready to go?” asked Julia, who was ready to go out.

“Just a minute.” said Anne.

“You look really nice Sally.” said Julia.

“Thanks. Even the girls think so.” smiled Sally.

Anne was ready moments later. She went to the front door to see if the taxi had arrived. When it did arrive, she went inside and told the children to behave for Helen.

“Oh, I think they should be ok.” said Helen. “Now go and enjoy yourselves.”

A short while later and the taxi was dropping off the three women at the club. They entered and found a table. Anne volunteered to get the first round of drinks and left Sally and Julia to wait.

Apart from getting the drinks, Anne was looking for Carol. It was Carol who found her though.

“Hi Anne. Is she here?” asked Carol.

“She's here, but doesn't know about you.” said Anne.

“Ok, I'll see you in a short while.” said Carol.

Julia was complimenting Sally on her attire when Anne came back with the drinks.

“So Sally, we're not asking you to find a date, we just want you to loosen up and enjoy yourself.” said Anne.

“I'm not interested in dating.” sighed Sally. “I'm not complaining about being here though.”

“Not interested in dating? I hope you're prepared to change your mind?” came a voice.

Sally looked for the origin of the voice and found Carol coming towards the table. She fell silent at once.

“I thought I might get an hello from you Sal. Long time no see.” added Carol.

Sally rose from her chair and went over to Carol and embraced her.

“Where have you been?! I've missed you so much!” she said, tears in her eyes.

“I've missed you too. I'm so sorry for these past few years.” said Carol. “I'll never leave you again and this time, I promise. I love you Sally, I've always loved you.”

“I love you too.” said Sally. She then gave Carol a passionate kiss. “But I want some answers.”

“You deserve answers.” said Carol. “And by the way, you enjoyed that. You're post op now?”

“Yes. I can enjoy every kiss and cuddle you give me now.” said Sally. “Shall we sit and talk now?”

“Of course.” said Carol.

Carol took a seat at the table and began her tale.

* * *

“Well, it was a few weeks after Sally left to see her family. By the way, how did your father get on?” said Carol.

“He passed away.” said Sally. “It's a long story.”

“Oh, I'm sorry.” said Carol. “Well, I knew that Sally was going to be with her family a while as she tried to reconcile with them. During that time, my business partners: Ian and Adrian were set on opening a club in London. I had to go with them as I was the financial partner. I hated to leave without saying goodbye but that was it. The project was a success but only after a total relaunch.”

“It took 10 years to open a nightclub?!” asked Sally.

“It took a while, I admit, for getting the site was one thing, and then the building needed some work. It took a couple of years to get the building up to scratch and that took some money. It certainly put the pressure on us to make the nightclub a success. When we did open, after 3 long years, it was an utter disaster. I pleaded for Ian and Adrian to give up and return here, but they were determined to turn the London clubs fortunes around. I reluctantly agreed to help and it took even more money in to get the club in the black. When we finally did, I was fed up. I was hating the London lifestyle, and I missed Sally. I finally told Ian and Adrian that I wanted to go home. They were disappointed but I was determined. They were happy in London and were happy that their dream was finally working. They are now solely responsible for that clubs finances, while I'm still in charge of this one.”

“It took 6 years to get the club turning over a profit?” asked Anne. “You must have raked up some debts?”

“We did, and I held the purse strings. I remained there until all the debts were cleared and the club was self sufficient. I'm glad to have washed my hands of it. Now I hope I can get back to my own dream: settling down with the one I love.” said Carol.

“You promise?” said Sally.

“I promise. I regret that London business, I wish I never had gone,” said Carol. “So, what about you?”

“Me?” said Sally. “I reconciled with most of my family. Only my younger older brother rejected me still. Thanks to him, I never said goodbye to my dad.”

Sally never liked bringing that subject up and it once again brought tears to her eyes. Carol put a sympathetic arm around her.

“Well, that git is now out of the family for good. He dumped his wife (Sally nodded to Anne) and all because his son is now a beautiful young girl.” continued Sally. “My oldest brother now lives in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and has 3 wonderful children who love their aunt very much.”

“And it is very understandable why.” said Carol. “You are a far cry from the suicidal young man I found in the street. You are now one incredibly attractive young woman and I want our relationship to restart.”

“I want that too.” said Sally. “Any way, my mom and oldest brother helped me get a house of my own and gave me the first few months rent. I was lucky to get a job in a cross-dressing store, of which I'm now assistant manager. Thanks to this, I was able to afford the final surgery. I've never felt better.”

“You have done well.” said Carol. “You at least have family who respect you, the true you. I told you to try and reconcile with your family and I was right.”

After finishing their talk, Carol lead Sally to the dance floor. Anne and Julia hesitated before going to have a dance themselves.

“It may be that Sally might be busy for the next few days.” said Anne. “I'm so happy that she has found her love again.”

“Shall we dance then?” asked Julia.

“Why not?” smiled Anne.

Seeing that Sally had left her car outside the Smith's house, she came back in the same taxi that Anne and Julia took. Carol came along too, as she had accepted Sally's invite to her house.

When they got back, Sally decided to introduce Carol to Helen.

“Mom, this is Carol, the woman who made me who I am today.” said Sally. “Carol, this is my mom Helen.”

“So, you're the one who saved the life of my daughter?” said Helen. “Thank you so much. I owe you a debt of gratitude.”

“You helped her too and I'm grateful for that.” said Carol. “Any way, got plenty to catch up on. I'll have to come and have a proper chat one day.”

The children were already in bed so never saw Carol that night.

“All this romance has put me in the mood for love.” said Julia.

“Me too.” said Anne.

* * *

Sally took Carol back to her house, and gave her the grand tour.

“It's not much, but it does its purpose.” said Sally as she parked the car outside.

“You've got 4 walls and a roof, that is all that matters Sally.” said Carol. “So, is the inside just as simple?”

“It's a woman's abode.” said Sally. “Just how I like it.”

Carol followed Sally inside and looked round.

“Does anyone visit here?” asked Carol.

“I usually do the visiting.” said Sally. “Make yourself at home.”

Carol chose to continue looking around as Sally went to do some washing up.

“So, you've got a few photos.” said Carol. “None of your former self though?”

“I have just the one, but I don't have it on display.” said Sally from the kitchen. She didn't have much to wash and was soon back in the living room with Carol.

“You've met my mom. This is my brother John, his wife Liz and their three children: James, Emma and Michael.” said Sally, picking up one of the photographs.

“These are the ones who live in Newcastle?” asked Carol.

“Yes. And now it appears that the youngest boy Michael, wants to be a girl too.”

“How many transgendered children are there in your family?” asked Carol in amazement.

“Two. The other is Jessica, Anne's second child.” said Sally. “Hopefully, you can see her one day. She is just like me, all girl in spirit.”

“And you've been giving Anne advice.” said Carol.

“I've been there, so I know what awaits Jessica and Michael in later life.” said Sally. “But John's children don't know my past. Anne's daughter's do.”

Carol then happened upon the photo of Michael Brook Snr.

“That was my father, Michael.” said Sally. “John named his youngest son after him.”

“At least you have a family, Sally.” said Carol. “I tried to make up with my parents but they refused. Having a gay daughter was a burden they couldn't bear.”

“Look at my mom. She has a gay daughter and now a gay daughter-in-law.” said Sally. “But she hasn't complained.”

“You consider yourself a lesbian now?” asked Carol.

“I considered myself bisexual, seeing that I was attracted to both men and women. But then you came into my life. I cannot deny my feelings for you. I love you Carol.”

Sally leant in and kissed Carol on the lips. Carol returned it and they shared a passionate kiss for a few moments.

“I think the next stop on my tour of your house should be the bedroom.” suggested Carol.

“Good idea.” smiled Sally.

And so, that night, Sally enjoyed sex as a complete woman for the first time. When she awoke the next morning, she knew it wouldn't be her last.

“I think a bigger bed is needed.” smiled Carol.

“I second that.” said Sally. “I want you to move in with me.”

“Your wish is my command, my love.” said Carol bowing.

Sally prepared breakfast and got ready for work. Carol was deciding how to spend her day, and eventually decided to spend it by visiting Sally's place of work, followed by some shopping, ending with a trip to her hotel to get her belongings.

* * *

Anne didn't get any news from Sally for a few days after reuniting her with Carol. She wasn't expecting much as they certainly would want some time in private together.

There hadn't been much news from John either. She had only heard that Michael was going to his friends birthday party and hadn't suffered further trouble from the bully. Apart from that, Michael and his sister Emma had been bought dresses for Sandra and Jessica's party next month. This reminded her that Sandra and Edward still needed costumes, though the latter would be requiring an outfit for a prince instead.

Having shown Sandra the costumes in the catalogue, her eldest daughter finally chose a dark blue dress. All that needed to be done was to go to the shop and buy the costumes.

Anne had chosen a dress that was more sophisticated and not the fairytale type that the girls were going to wear.

There was already one problem though: the number attending.

“There'll be my children, that's 3. Then Michelle and Emma, that's 5. Then Kelly, Rachel and Lisa, that makes 8.” she said to herself as she began thinking about the food quantities required. “Adults being myself, Helen, Sally and Julia.”

That weekend, Anne took the children out to get their costumes. Jessica was going, as she still needed a tiara to go with her dress. She also thought about getting them some clip on earrings too.

Upon entering the shop, she went and showed the store assistant the costumes she required, with the sizes marked out. Jessica had to just sit and watch as her sister and, mother tried on their outfits.

Accessories such as tiaras were kept in the store proper. There were a few styles available which meant that Jessica and Sandra could have different ones.

For the earrings, they went to a specialist store. Anne then went to a chemist to get them some lipgloss.

After that, Anne's purse was considerably lighter. Rather than eat out, she decided to make them dinner when they got home.

“We're going to look so pretty for our party.” said Jessica to Sandra. “I wonder what our friends will wear?”

Edward was for once not wearing a costume at a party. He didn't seem keen on wearing a costume.

“Ok, enough of the party talk for now.” said Anne. “Your dinner is ready and waiting to be eaten.”

That week at school, another guest to their party was announced: Charlie, Rachel's brother.

“My mom and dad have heard about your brother wanting boys to play with and are happy to let him come along with me to your house.” said Rachel.

In class, they had started on the 7's and 8's as far as times tables were concerned. The girls had easily passed the 5's and 6's due to plenty of practice.

The 8's were quite easy as all the answers were in the 2 and 4 times tables. The 7's proved more tricky.

“I've heard from Sandra that there is something special about the 9 times table.” said Jessica. “But she won't tell me.”

“The 10 times table is easy.” said Rachel. “Dad told me. You put a nought on the end of every number.”

“So, we'll be hitting 100 and up?” asked Lisa.

“Yes. But as I said, it's easier than the 2's.” said Rachel.

“And they were a piece of cake.” said Lisa. “I can go beyond 12 now: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38....”

“Of course, because it's all the even numbers.” said Kelly. “But what about 7's?”

“Tough.” said Jessica.

“Ok, what about 6x7?”

“54?” replied Jessica.

“42.” said Lisa. “Same as 7x6.”

“Someone needs practice.” smiled Kelly.

“I'll just get Sandra and mommy to help me.” said Jessica.

That's what Jessica did, with Helen also giving her a hand.

* * *

It wasn't just the number of guests that was a worry for Anne, it was the fact that two of them would be sleeping over, not just for one night but for two.

Though it had been in planning for a few weeks, there was no sign just yet of Julia and Kelly moving in. Any date for the wedding was on hold until then.

Sally was ready to quit the single life, as Carol had indeed moved in. After just a week of being together, Carol came into Sally's shop one day with something important on her mind.

“Oh hi love.” said Sally as she noticed Carol come into the shop.

Carol merely smiled and approached Sally before dropping down on one knee. All the store staff and customers stopped still and watched.

“Sally Brook, will you do me the honour of marrying me?” said Carol, now removing and opening a small ring box. The solitaire ring shone.

Sally stood silent for a moment, tears trickling down her face. She then answered.

“Yes, yes I will!”

Carol got to her feet and placed the ring on Sally's left hand before giving her a kiss.

Everyone in the store then gave a round of applause and gave the newly engaged couple hugs.

“I've booked a table at a top restaurant for tonight.” said Carol afterwards.

After giving her another kiss, Carol left Sally to finish her days work, though she was continually congratulated by her workmates for the remainder of the day.

That evening, Sally went home and found Carol waiting on the doorstep.

“I'd better get you a key, my love.” she smiled, as she got her own key from her handbag.

“I've been looking at double beds. I think one is definitely needed now.” smiled Carol.

After taking showers, they found suitable outfits and applied make-up.

“I've got to tell my mom the good news.” said Sally as they awaited their meals.

“By all means. I know we've only been back together for a week but it felt right.” said Carol. “You are the woman for me.”

“How could I refuse? You have given me the chance to be me.” said Sally. “I owe you an enormous debt of gratitude, and to be your wife is the perfect way to pay that debt.”

“When I started to see the woman emerge from her male cocoon, I was amazed at how the change was both physically and mentally. Now, seeing the finished item, you are undoubtedly a beautiful confident young woman.” said Carol.

“You haven't changed though.” said Sally. “You look as beautiful as the day we parted.”

“And such a day will never happen again.” said Carol. “I want to spend every last day of my life with you.”

Upon getting back home, they spent another night of passion together.

Sally was keen to tell Helen in person, but waited till the weekend to do so. It was also the first chance for Carol to meet Anne's children.

“Sally, Carol. Nice to meet you again.” said Anne as she opened the front door.

“You too Anne.” said Sally. “Is mom home?”

“Yes, she's just reading a book with Edward.” said Anne.

Sally went to the living room with Carol beside her. Helen was sat with Edward on her lap.

“Oh hi Sally.” she said upon seeing her daughter.

“Hi mom. I've got some wonderful news.” said Sally. “Carol and I are engaged to be married.”

“Oh that is wonderful!” said Helen, putting Edward to one side and going over to hug Sally.

Anne had overheard and came to offer her congratulations too. Jessica and Sandra, who were upstairs playing, heard the commotion and came down to see what was going on. They were keen to know who the dark haired woman was.

“Oh, here are my nieces.” said Sally. “Girls, this is my girlfriend Carol.”

“Girlfriend? You mean in 'loads of kissing' type girlfriend?” asked Sandra.

“Yes, that type.” smiled Sally. “I thought you'd got over that problem by now.”

Carol needed an explanation off Anne about the girls' attitude to same sex kissing and kissing in general.

“Ok, so, what are your names?” asked Carol.

“I'm Sandra and this is my younger sister Jessica.” said Sandra.

“So, just like your mom and aunt, I see.” said Carol. “This family has a knack for producing pretty young girls.”

“And don't forget handsome young boys.” said Sally, referring to Edward.

“Of course. He's the only male here, isn't he?” asked Carol.

“After that creep of a brother left.” said Sally.

“So, have you told John yet about your engagement?” asked Helen.

“Not yet. I'll phone him later. I wanted to tell you first.” said Sally.

“What's this about?” asked Jessica.

“Carol and I are going to get married.” said Sally.

“Another wedding?!” said Sandra.

“Yes. And I would like some girls to act as bridesmaids.” smiled Sally.

“This is going to be a busy year.” said Helen.

“Tell me about it.” said Anne. “Sally, are you going to be a matron of honour or head bridesmaid?”

“Depends on when you decide to get married.” said Sally.

“Any way, I think we should have a toast.” said Helen.

“It'll have to be fruit juice.” said Anne. “We haven't got any wine.”

“No matter. At least the girls can join in.” said Helen.

As they all toasted Sally and Carol, Edward came up to Helen.

“Can we finish our book now?” he said.

“Yes, of course we can.” smiled Helen.

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