Jessica's Story - Part 1

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Peter Brook is a 5 year old boy who has strong desire to be a girl. The middle child of 3 (Older sister Sandra, and younger brother Edward), Peter discovers that his parents are unlikely to support him, if they find out. He does find support though, in his older sister Sandra.

Jessica's Story – Part 1

Peter Brook seemed like your average 5 year old boy, but there was more to him than people realised. Peter believed he was a girl. He wanted to wear skirts and dresses and grow his hair long. He had watched his older sister get into the habit of doing these things and had grown jealous of her. To him, she was the one he admired, he had always admired.

They used to spend time in her room together. It had started out of curiosity – he wanted to see what she was doing one day and well, it went on from there. Peter had his own toys but he was interested in his sister's. She of course was a bit confused at first at his interest but welcomed it. They ended up playing with her dolls and teddies, having tea parties. It was all innocent and Sandra (for that's his sister's name) started seeing him more like a sister than a brother. He was certainly not acting like a boy during these times.

It was then that the playtime upped a level. He started talking about her clothes and told her that he would like to wear clothes like hers. Seeing no harm in it, she went and got him some of her clothes to try on.

“You really look nice in that dress – you really could be my baby sister. But your hair is too short.” she said to him.

He looked at himself in her mirror and smiled. Something felt right. At her last words, he put his hand in his short hair. He looked at his sisters slightly lighter brown but longer hair.

“I would like my hair long like yours.” he told her.

“And I would like a baby sister!” she replied.

Her wish hadn't come true, for though another sibling was born 2 years after Peter, it was another brother: Edward.

For the next few weeks, Peter did get to grow his hair, but it never got close to being anywhere near long enough. It was starting to show signs of curling when a trip to the barbers ended his hopes for now and he was back to a regular boys cut.

“Such a shame, it was starting to look nice.” said Sandra to him one day.

While his sister actually liked seeing him in her clothes (she didn't see any problem, it was just a game that they enjoyed), his parents would not. Up till now, they had been unaware of his cross dressing. That was soon to change.

September approached and school was about to begin for him. His sister had already been there 2 years. He was being brought his uniform when he asked his mom:

“Can't I have a skirt like sis?”

His mother (her name was Anne) looked down at him and glared. “You're a boy! Boys don't wear skirts, they wear shorts and trousers. Whatever put that stupid idea in to your head?”

His face sank and he had to face the thought of going to school wearing trousers.

“Sis lets me wear her clothes.” he replied innocently.

Anne looked at him “What?!”

That afternoon, he was back with Sandra playing tea parties wth the dolls. He was, and had been the case for the past few weeks, wearing some of her clothes. He was, for all purposes, her little sister.

“Mom wouldn't buy me a skirt for school. She said I have to have trousers instead.” he told Sandra.

“Well, you are a boy, you have to have a boys uniform.” she said

“I don't want to be a boy. I want to be a girl, like you.” he replied glumly.

Sandra looked at him with wonder. “I let you be a girl in here.”

“I want to be a girl everywhere.” he replied.

“I wish you could. I like you as a sister more than a brother.”

The play session had been going on for a hour or so, when Anne looked around the door and saw them. She came in and grabbed him by the arm.

“You are not playing with your sister ever again! You are a boy, and expected to behave as one!” she said to him, her voice slightly raised.

Sandra looked on, she was almost in tears. “Mommy, we were just playing! Don't do this!”

“I'll talk to you later!” Anne snapped, shutting the door behind her.

Peter was brought downstairs, still wearing his sisters things.

“Let's see what your father thinks of you!” she said to him as they entered the living room.

“Whats this all about?” said Adam, overhearing his wife.

“This!” she said, putting Peter in to plain view. His eyes were full of tears. His dad's expression didn't make things any better, in fact he looked disgusted.

“Son, what do you think you are doing dressed like THAT?!” he said.

“Playing with sis.” he said sorrowfully.

“You are a BOY – you're not supposed to be wearing that! Trying to embarrass us all? Go back and dress up properly.” he said firmly. “I never want to see you like that ever again!”

“Daddy! It's all my fault. I dressed him like that, but we were only playing!” said Sandra, entering the room.

“This isn't playing, its just not normal. He should be playing with model cars and toy soldiers – not with dolls and other girls things. From now on, you two are not to play together ever again.”

Sandra went back upstairs and found Peter in his room. He was changing into some of his own clothes. He looked really downhearted.

“Why was dad so angry at me?” he sobbed.

“I'm so sorry bro, I didn't mean this to happen.” she said.

“So I have to be a boy!” Peter said through tears. “I like being your sister! I want to be a girl!”

“I know you do.” she said and turned to leave.

“Here's your clothes back.” he said, handing them over.

“Thanks.” she said.

* * *

Though they couldn't be together at home except in front of their parents at meal times, nothing could stop them from being together at school.

“Your uniform looks so much better than mine!” he said to her.

“The only difference is the skirt. Apart from that, its the same shirt and jumper.” she said, not noting the buttons on the collar of her shirt were on the other side.

“Some of the girls wear trousers though!” he said.

She couldn't answer that one. She saw his point, it appeared that girls could wear almost anything while boys were restricted to particular garments.

Still, he made friends with some of his fellow first years, mainly because they too, were a little apprehensive about starting school. For this year, anyway, he could meet up with Sandra during breaktimes. Sandra would start juniors next year, meaning she'd be using the playground on the other side of the school and the other dining area.

In general, Peter was friendly and easily made friends. He did well at his work but found one major distraction – girls. Having a sister to envy was one thing, but having around 15 in your class to envy was another. How he wished he was one of them.

He couldn't say too much on the way home – Anne picked them both up in the car. Sandra didn't say anything either. She still felt guilty about what had happened. She really liked his “female persona” and wished he had been born a girl.

Peter soon discovered that Sandra was politely trying to drop the subject.

“I'm sorry, but the talk has to stop. My friends might overhear us and, well, you'll be teased about it.” she said to him one lunch time.

“But I can't stop thinking about it – I really want to be a girl!” he whispered back.

“Yes, I know you do. But when mommy and daddy are telling you to stop, you must obey them.” she said. “You've just got to get over it. You've got to be a boy.”

Peter didn't like the idea but he had to go with it. He had to admit that if word got out that he liked to wear girls clothes, his life would be hell.

He had to just satisfy everyone and live a lie. He still enjoyed the boys activities – he took a keen liking to cricket. Even so, it didn't stop his feminine longings.

He still hoped to grow his hair, but it seemed his parents were on to him. Trips to the barbers became more frequent. His sister however, noticed that his feminine side was still threatening to break free. She couldn't tell if her parents had noticed it, they didn't seem to be showing any signs of it. Those games she played with him certainly helped him bring out the girl in him, if only their parents were less strict. He needed another outlet but none seemed to appear. She had one sniff of an idea, however, but it would require his cooperation too.

She left her idea till the end of the school day. She met him as normal outside and making sure they were out of sight of Anne (who was waiting, like most parents, by the railings), stopped and removed a small packet from her bag.

“Here you are bro, don't ask what it is and don't open it till you are in your room.” she told him.

He looked at the small packet. Whatever was in it felt soft. The thought of what it could be played on his mind for the rest of the way home. He put the packet in his own bag and waited.

When they arrived home, he ran to his room and extracted the packet. He opened it up to find a pair of girls panties inside: the pair he had always worn when playing with Sandra. He smiled at the sight. He stood by his door and waited for Sandra to go to her room. When she arrived, he looked at her and smiled. She noticed and smiled back. There was no need for words.

He decided to wear the panties beneath his own. He waited till bedtime before putting them on. It wasn't a total set of clothes but it was something.

Next day at school, he caught up with her and whispered to her.

“I've got them on!” he said.

“Okay, so keep it down. You'll need to take them off at times though, and I'm not just on about washing.”

“What then?” he asked

“Can't let mommy and daddy see you wearing them. You'll have to take them off for say.... when you take a bath.” she said.

He remembered. Anne usually washed his back for him, never mind that he left his clothes in the bathroom.

“Okay.” he said “Thanks anyway, I love you sis!”

“It's nothing, you haven't done anything wrong.” she said, and left it at that.

From then on, he wore the panties as often as possible, making sure to remove them when the chance of being caught arose. Sandra did insist on him giving them back to her so that she could put them on the wash pile. This exchange was done at school.

Sandra was soon to discover how much this meant to him when she managed to peek through the ajar door of his room. Albeit the clothing, he was doing his best to replicate the tea party game with his own toys. He had made a crude teapot from Lego bricks and was now “serving” tea to a number of action figures on the floor. Seeing this made tears well up in her eyes. She quickly went to her room and sat down and pondered it. It was becoming all too clear that he preferred playing as a girl. Surely their parents should see sense if they saw how he behaved?

Her answer came before the question had chance to leave her lips. It was one that made her feel more for her brother than ever.

It was late one night. She had come downstairs to ask for a drink. Her parents were watching the television. Baby Edward was in his playpen, a rattle in his hand. They were watching one of those debate programmes. The subject matter was about “transsexuals”, whatever that meant. She was peering round the door, unnoticed. She decided to stay hidden when Adam started making comments of an unkind nature.

“You can tell that person's a bloke – still got the Adam's apple. Bloody freak, these people are clearly deluded, they need locking up.” he said. Anne just nodded in agreement. She wasn't paying much attention to the screen, she was too busy reading a magazine.

Sandra looked at the screen and the camera was focused on a person who at first looked female, but something about the face gave it away – was this the focus of his verbal attack? A man, dressed as a woman, even living as a woman?

“How can anyone say that their mind is a different sex? If you're born a man, you should think like a man, it's just common sense.” Adam continued, his voice was full of hate.

“Well, I never understood why you wanted to watch this show, dear?” said Anne, still uninterested.

“Because I like to see the sensible people telling these freaks how unwanted they are!” he told her.

Sandra wondered what his reaction would be if he met such a person in the street. If it was like that, she couldn't bear to think. She sneaked away back to her room. She sat on her bed and thought to herself.

“Peter is clearly a boy, but he thinks and behaves like a girl. If that is the case, daddy is wrong.” she mused.

She still wasn't up to scratch with that “trans- whatever it was” word. She'd like to know what it fully meant but thought asking her parents wasn't the best way to find out. She gave up the thought for now and went to bed.

The next day, at school, she got Peter by herself again and began to talk quietly.

“You still like tea parties, I see.” she said

“Yes, what? You noticed?” he replied, startled.

“Yes, I did notice. You really enjoyed our games together, did't you?” she asked.

“Yes, I did. I really miss them.” he nodded sadly.

“You really want to be a girl, don't you?” she whispered.

“I am a girl.” he replied. “I really want to look like a girl, if thats what you mean.”

Sandra looked at him and smiled “I want you to be a girl too!” she whispered once more.

He smiled at this.

She looked at him, her heart was heavy.

“I would really like to help you but, daddy, I.. he said bad things.” she said, downheartedly.

“What did he say?” asked Peter.

“He was watching a show and a man dressed as a woman was on it and he said people like that are sick, not right.” she said. “You cannot look like a girl even if you want too. daddy just won't allow you.”

“Other men dressed as women?” Peter said, interested in these words.

“Yes, like you want to be, but you cannot. He'll never allow it. Please try to be a boy, for your sake.”

“I don't want to be a boy!” he cried.

“You'll have to be though. Daddy will be very cross if you act like a girl.” she replied, sadness in her voice.

She cleared her throat and dried her eyes. She gave Peter a tissue to do likewise.

It was fair to say that Peter's mood dropped from that day on. He wouldn't let it go though and continued defiantly to have his own tea parties with his toys. Sandra just hoped that neither parent caught him at it.

* * *

Christmas arrived, and with that meant a trip to see their grandmother. They had never known their paternal grandfather, he had died a few years ago, before Sandra had been born. Their grandmother Helen treated them well and they always looked forward to meeting her.

When she opened the door, they ran to meet her.

“Why, hello kids!” she exclaimed as 4 arms suddenly wrapped around her.

“Merry Christmas Gran!” they said together.

“And this must be Eddie!” she said to the young boy in his mother's arms.

“Nanna!” said the young boy.

“His talking is coming along.” said Anne.

“Merry Christmas, mom.” said Adam, offering her a bottle of wine.

“Thanks, so come in, come in.” said Helen, showing them in.

As they entered and started removing their coats, Helen turned to Adam and said to him

“Your sister popped round yesterday, asked how you are.”

Adam frowned. “I haven't got a sister!” he said disgustedly.

“You still haven't forgive her then. After all this time too!” said Helen, noticing his tone of voice.

The two older children had gone to the toilet, they knew the way by now and didn't bother asking.

“They're growing up well.” put in Helen.

The parents both smiled, though a little weakly thought Helen.

They eventually gathered in the living room and began to talk. Sandra and Peter asked if they could go next door, to which Helen turned to them and consented. They ran out the living room door and headed for the spare room. They knew that she kept some toys in there, especially for them and her other grandchildren when they came to visit.

“I thought you'd like to know that we've stopped them from playing together.” put in Anne after they had left.

“And why's that? I can't see anything wrong in that? I played with my brothers and sisters when I was young.” said Helen, taken aback by her daughter-in-law's comment.

“When you discover that your son is wearing his sister's clothes, that's why.” she answered.

Helen just looked at her, then to Adam.

“I see.” she said. “You think he's going down that path. He might not be for all you know.”

“It's not right for him to wear her clothes!” said Adam.

“And you're telling me it's not right for me to have a daughter?!” snapped Helen. “Adam, I thought you would have got over that by now, but it's obvious that you're as narrow minded as ever.”

“But didn't you think that way once, mom?” Adam replied.

“I did, I did, but that was then. I came to realise that I'd been wrong. It took a while, but I reached that decision and I stand by it.”

“I'm not letting him go that way!” snapped Adam.

“But if it ends up like that, I hope he has people around him unlike you!” replied Helen, her tone was also angry.

“Don't tell me how to bring up my son!” he snapped

“He's my grandson too!”

“Okay! Can we please stop arguing, the children can probably hear us and Edward is starting to cry!” cried Anne, now picking up her youngest child and soothing him.

The arguing did stop. Helen tried to cool the situation by going to the kitchen to start dinner. Anne went and joined her. Adam just stayed where he was and turned on the television.

“So, you are standing by him?” said Helen to Anne.

“Well, he is right, isn't he?” she said defensively.

“We all think that way at times. The problem is that we are too hasty in our judgement. That was my problem. Don't just take someone's word for it. Make your own judgements.”

“So, you're asking me to stick up for my son's strange behaviour? You now believe that people could have the mind of the opposite sex?” said Anne.

“My daughter is an example of it. You have to know them to understand fully. But it may be the case that your son just likes the clothes. There is no crime in that. Just remember he is still only 5 years old. He may grow out of it, but Adam is being too hasty in his judgement.”

In the room next door, Peter and Sandra did hear the shouting but couldn't distinguish what had been said.

“What do you think they've been shouting about?” asked Peter

“I don't know, but I'm guessing it's about you.” replied Sandra

“So they don't like me?” he said sadly.

“I hope thats not the case” she answered, hugging him.

Around half an hour passed after the shouting had stopped, and the two children stopped to see the door opening. Helen walked in, shutting the door behind her and sitting down on a chair.

“I've heard some things from your mother and father that concern you two. No, don't be afraid, I'm not here to scold you, I just want to know whats being going on.” she said in a soothing voice.

“It sounded pretty bad to me!” said Peter

“Me too!” added Sandra.

“Well, I just want your side of the story. Peter, have you really been wearing your sister's clothes?” asked Helen.

Peter was hesitant, slowly he nodded. “Yes.”

Helen just smiled at him.

“Mommy and daddy think there's something wrong with him, don't they?” said Sandra

“Yes dear, they do.” she replied. “I don't however.”

They looked at Helen with wonder.

“Peter, do you just like wearing the clothes or do you see yourself as a girl?” she said

“I am a girl.” he answered feebly.

“You sure?” she responded

He nodded.

“Well, if that is how you feel, I'm not going to hate you for it.” she said.

“You're not?!” said Peter.

“Look here!” she said hugging them both. “Some people are just foolish, they see whats in front of them. Other people see beyond that.”

“See beyond?” said Peter, sounding confused.

“It means knowing how a person feels inside.” she answered.

“Oh!” he said “So what do you see?”

“A boy who wishes to be a girl.” she said

“But mommy and daddy don't want him to be a girl.” said Sandra.

“That is so. So for now, just do as they say. You are too young to make decisions for yourself. Just try not to upset your father too much.”

“I think I already have.” said Peter, looking glum

“I know its hard, you want to grow your hair, dress up nice like your sister, and so forth, but your father is not going to let you. Just don't give up, things may work out later.

“How much later?” he said.

“I cannot say, but just keep your chin up. I'll still love you as a granddaughter.” she said hugging him. “Now both of you go upstairs and wash, dinner will be soon and I don't want dirty hands at my table!”

As they headed for the bathroom, Helen went to Adam.

“I don't want you hurting him. He is only 5 for goodness sake. He's your son, so treat him with respect, or you'll lose his.” she said to him sternly.

“What have you said to him? Giving him hope in his foolish dream?” he replied.

“I'm not saying. Just leave him alone.”

Christmas dinner was the usual fare, with roast turkey and the all the trimmings. Smaller portions were served to the three children, who had orange squash rather than wine. The meal went well, with jokes from the crackers and general all round friendly conversation. Peter wondered how a certain subject failed to be mentioned for the rest of the visit.

“John and his family were here yesterday.” said Helen. “He would like to end this rift with you.”

“Not while he stands by 'her'.” he said.

“You'll never change, will you?” said Helen.

“Why should I?” muttered Adam.

“You mean Uncle John?” asked Sandra. “We've never met him.”

“Yes, your Uncle John.” said Helen.

John was Adam's older brother. He and Adam had fell out over the sister that Adam stubbornly refused to acknowledge. They rarely spoke and perhaps it was good that John now lived many miles away up north. Adam's children knew of him, but as Sandra had mentioned, had never met him or his family.

When the time came for them to leave, Helen stopped Adam and spoke to him again about Peter.

“If you want the respect of your son, don't hate him.”

“You don't understand!” he replied

“Yes, I do.” she answered him. “If needs be, I'll look after him if you decide to treat him as you are threatening.”

“He needs to be shown what is required of him!”

“You mean what YOU require of him.” she said.

“He'll see the light, I'll make sure of it!” said Adam, through gritted teeth.

Anne overheard this and pondered it. The last thing she wanted was for her son to be hurt.

As the car drove away, Peter could see through the rear view mirror that his dad was far from happy. He quickly looked away when Adam noticed him and shot a poisonous glance at him.

Helen decided to phone her daughter up after they left.

“Hi Sally, it's Helen. I've just had Adam's family around.” said Helen.

“How is he?” replied Sally.

“No different, I'm afraid. Still claims your non-existance.”

“Sorry to hear it. Stuck up opinionated pig.” replied Sally.

“I know, but theres something else, I think his oldest son could be transgendered too.”

“What?! You're kidding, right?” exclaimed Sally.

“No, I'm not, and it doesn't look good for him either. Adam is determined to make a man out of him.” sighed Helen.

“Poor tyke, he doesn't deserve that. You think I should talk to him?” said Sally.

“I don't think you'll get the chance.” replied Helen. “You know your brother wouldn't want you within 200 yards of his front door.”

“So what are you going to do?” asked Sally.

“I don't know, but Adam doesn't want a repeat of you. I just think young Peter would be glad to know that you are concerned about him too, even though he doesn't know you exist.” said Helen. “You are coming over tomorrow?”

“Yes of course." said Sally. “Did you want to mention this to John?"

“I don't think so.” said Helen. “Adam still hates John because of you. It would be best if we left John out of this. Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas, mom.”

Sally put down the phone and wondered. Her nephew wanted to be a girl too. It brought back memories of her past. She had completed the transition from Steven some 9 years ago. Her own family had been against her from the start. Her father had barely begun to accept her when cancer claimed him. The rest of her family had gone on to accept her. It was just her youngest older brother Adam who had refused to accept her and refused to let her know his children.

* * *

When they arrived home, the children were told to go to bed. Edward was put in his cot.

“So, you know how to make things worse, don't you?” said Anne, turning to Adam. She had waited for the children to go to bed before saying this.

“What do you mean?” he said.

“I understand your problem with Peter, I don't want him going to down that path either, but, as Helen said, he's only 5 years old. You start treating him harshly now and you'll be losing him long before then. Be a father to him, not a monster.” she said.

“But how else do I get it into his head that he is a boy? He needs to understand that!”

“Respect him, like Helen said, show him some respect and you'll earn his in return. Besides, I have been hearing from him that he likes sports – he seems to like cricket.”

“Cricket? A bit young to be playing that?” he replied.

“They use soft balls, besides, it,s more like.. I think they call it 'non-stop'” said Anne.

“I suppose if he likes cricket, I could get him some stumps and a bat.” he said, his mood lifting.

Anne just smiled “I think he'd like that. You may just win him over yet.”

Peter sat on his bed with his head in his hands. He felt some comfort that his gran was showing support for him. He just didn't like the way his dad looked at him in the car. Above all, he was scared of him. He wanted to please his dad, but he knew deep down that he wanted to be a girl and that meant he could never please him.

Much to his surprise, Peter later found his dad in a cheerful mood. He had been half expecting to get more poisonous looks from him.

“Son, I'm sorry if I upset you last night, but please, try to be the boy you are. You were born a boy and, well, thats it. Can you please be a boy for your dad?” Adam said to him eventually.

“I'll try, I suppose.” Peter replied, though not too enthusiatically.

“I know you're still a bit upset, so I'll make it up to you. I'll buy you a cricket set – I've heard you like cricket.” he said, putting his arm around him.

“Yeah, I love cricket!” said Peter, his smile returning.

The next weekend, he took Peter into town and bought him a childrens cricket set. It came with plastic bats and a sponge ball. He promised him some wooden bats when he was older. This didn't bother Peter, for the plastic bats and stumps were of the type they used at school.

“So, how's this game of 'non-stop' played?” he asked Peter when they got home.

Despite being winter, it was still a warm day.

“Well, each player has to hit the ball and hope it isn't caught. They then run to the back of the line and wait their turn again. If the ball is caught or the stumps are hit, you are out. The bowler will deliver the ball as soon as they get it back, even if the next batter isn't ready. The teacher usually plays bowler for both teams.” Peter explained.

“I don't think we have enough players then!” Adam said.

“Can I join in?” asked Sandra.

“You know how to play?” said Adam, looking at her.

“Yes, all kids play it at school.” she replied.

“Come on Adam, remember we have a women's international team, they won the World Cup just the other year.” said Anne, coming out to watch. She was carrying Edward in her arms.

“A women's team?” thought Peter. “Maybe I could be on it.”

So the afternoon went on with Adam bowling and Peter and Sandra batting. The game only ending when they were called into dinner.

Peter decided he needed to talk to Sandra privately, so as had become the norm, left it for school.

“How come dad is so nice to me now? On the way back from gran's, he gave me a horrid look, he really seemed mad with me.” he asked her.

“I don't know, he still wants you to be a boy and you did promise.” she answered.

“I said I'd try, but the thing is, I'm a girl, not a boy.” he said.

“But he'll be mad at you, I'm sure he believed you when you made that promise.” she told him.

“Seeing girls wearing skirts makes me feel bad, I want to wear skirts too!” he sighed.

Sandra couldn't think of what to say at first. “You must keep your promise with daddy!”

Peter was already walking away.

* * *

Anne was on the phone to Adam meanwhile. Adam worked as a senior bank clerk. Anne was a full time housewife, and for now, with a 3 year old son to look after.

“I'm still not sure Peter is being honest with me. He said he'd try to be a boy, but something tells me it was a lie.” he told her.

“I suppose it's partly my fault too, I was hard on him at the school shop when getting his uniform.” she said

“I suppose so, but still, I don't want him in several years time coming to me in a pretty white dress saying 'my name is Judy.'!” he said, trying to keep his voice calm, so as not to be overheard by his co workers.”

“It may be a phase, he might very well grow out of it and that will be that.” replied Anne.

“That would be nice, but Steven was 'going through a phase', wasn't he?!” he said dryly.

“Oh, well, I suppose you need to get back to work. See you later.” she said

“Bye love.” he said, putting down the phone and turning back to some paperwork on his desk.

Anne had been surprised by the use of his brother's name. Ever since Steven had become Sally, the whole topic had become taboo in the house. She wondered if Peter had intended to keep his promise. If not, well he'll be punished, but what would Adam do next?

Peter was at least being a boy for his dad's sake. He still felt uncomfortable about it though. It was approaching the end of February and his birthday was just around the corner. So far, he had managed to suppress his feelings, but it hurt. His dad was still being cautiously optimistic that he was winning the battle. Peter's only outlet was his sister, the only one who appeared to understand him. Well, at least she didn't want him ripped to shreds over the matter.

Still, the sight of the other girls in his class made him jealous. Their uniform was hugely better in his opinion and he admired how they put ribbons and clips into their hair. All this made him feel worse inside. There was only one cure for this, he thought, and his dad would go ballistic if he took it.

His dad sometimes needed reminding that segregation of the sexes was basically a non-entity in primary schools. It only appeared in secondary schools, when children were expected to undergo puberty at some stage, that keeping boys and girls apart became necessary, and then that only applied to PE.

Therefore, Adam had to be told that some “stereotypically feminine” activities were done by both girls and boys. It was Anne who made this mostly known to him, especially when Peter's class had made some chocolate rice krispie cakes, and Peter had brought his home in a lunch box.

“So you thought cooking is a womans' job?!” snarled Anne.

“Ok, I was being a bit OTT, I'm just determined to make a boy out of him.” Adam sighed.

“Well, with all the male chefs on tv nowadays, what's the harm if he wants to do his own cooking?”

Not that Peter had actually done much cooking: the teacher had prepared the chocolate. All the children had done was put the rice krispies into the chocolate and then spoon the mixture into cases.

Peter and Sandra were in the kitchen – they were seeing how much Edward knew in words.

“Dad seems to have got mom mad.” he said to his sister.

She just smiled. They were sampling Peter's cooking too.

“I made these in my first year too, we did biscuits this year.” she said, her mouth half full.

“Oi, I thought these were for after dinner?” said Anne, now entering the kitchen and seeing two pairs of chocolate covered lips. She took the lunch box and put it in the fridge.

* * *

Peter and Sandra were almost 2 years apart in age exactly. Both had their birthdays in March. Peter had been told that his birth had almost happened on Sandra's birthday, but he arrived little over a week sooner. It did mean that no sooner had Peter had a birthday party, then they had to do another for Sandra. But more often than not, they held a joint celebration inbetween the two.

“You're just a year older now!” he told Sandra on the morning of his birthday.

“Just for a week! Remember, I'm 8 next week.” she said with a sly smile.

“Happy Birthday son!” said Anne as he entered the kitchen for breakfast.

“Thanks” he said, now noticing a pile of what could only be birthday cards on the table.

“Happy Birthday son!” said Adam, now entering, his work clothes already done up. “6 already, you'll be a big boy in no time at this rate.”

Anne looked, noticing the emphasis on the word “boy”.

“Well, being as your birthday is now here, we'll tell you what your present is.” said Anne, also looking at Sandra too.

“We're going to the Safari Park on Saturday!” said Adam “and this will be a double birthday treat.”

Sandra was slightly disappointed, she wanted a present all to herself. Besides, it was an early present for her, and a late one for Peter. Today was Thursday which meant school!

“I suppose you'd have liked some dolls for your birthday?” she said to him as they entered school.

He just smiled and said nothing.

She reached back and went to sort her hair out. “Oh, this clips fell out. Can you put it back in bro?”

“Sure.” he said and with that, he took the loose clip. “Where do you want it?”

“Just about here.” she pointed to the spot.

“Hey, whats a boy doing putting a girls hairclip in?” called some junior pupils.

“He's my brother! I trust him, unlike you two!” snapped Sandra.

The two older boys just walked on, chuckling.

“Will this do?” asked Peter.

“Yep, thats great!” smiled Sandra, feeling the clip now in place. “I'd like to return the favour one day.” she told him.

“Like that will ever happen.” he said gloomily, feeling his short hair. “Besides, what was wrong with them two?”

“You've just done something that only girls usually do.” she said. “But you've just proved that boys are capable too.”

The bell rang and they both headed in for class.

“Oh boy!” he sighed as he sat down at his table. He had expected this after seeing this happen a good many times before. The teacher had made notes of everyones birthday and made sure that a chorus of “Happy Birthday” was sung by the rest of the class. He just buried his head in his arms as the class began to sing.

Later that day, his class did PE. He had forgotten that he'd got his panties on beneath his boy pants.

“Oh heck! Hope nobody noticed!” he said as he swapped his trousers for his PE shorts. The lack of comments told him he had had a let off.

It was as he was walking along the corridors back to class that he noted a door open. The door belonged to a storeroom which among other things had a number of costumes. Occassionally, the school did plays, and not just the Nativity either. (Peter had missed out on being in that, even though the only role he wanted – Mary – he was unlikely to get.). He had wondered where they kept all the costumes and props. Now he knew, and that gave him an idea.

He was determined to sneak in and try on some of the outfits. However, the room was always locked. It had just been that some teachers were putting some new stock in there that day he found the door open. His plan looked dead already.

The weekend arrived and the family made the promised trip to the Safari Park. First, they decided to see the animals.

“” Peter read aloud the sign at the first set of gates. “Why?”

“So you don't get your hands bitten off.” said the warden at the gates. “Lions like little boys like you for lunch!”

Peter gulped. The warden spoke to Adam about all the do's and don'ts before opening the gates to let them through.

“I don't think they're interested.” said Sandra. The lions, though in sight, were a good distance from the car.

They stopped for a moment so that they could let Edward take a look.

There were several paddocks, each divided by double gates. Extra signs at the monkey area told them that stopping was not recommended.

“Why dad?” asked Peter.

“Monkeys see cars as toys and like breaking parts off. You do get people stop or drive too slowly, giving the monkeys their chance.” he replied.

They noticed a car ahead that seemed to have ignored the warnings and a huge crowd of monkeys had now climbed all over it. As they passed, the monkeys started turning their attentions to their car too.

“He's gonna have a hefty repair bill!” said Adam, noticing a monkey walking away with one of the other cars wing mirrors. They heard the clambering of tiny feet on their own roof.

“Will they ride home with us?” said Sandra.

“Don't think so, they'll get off as we near the exit. Probably enjoying the ride!” answered Adam.

Sure enough, the “hitchhikers” got off as they neared the exit.

After they had been through all the areas, they parked the car in the main car park and went to have something to eat. After that, they looked around the rest of the park, having a go on some of the rides and going to the pets corner.

They left after a lengthy spell in the souvenir shop. Peter had been bought a book on animals and a pencil case. Sandra had opted for a soft toy koala. She decided to let Peter give it a hug, noticing that Adam didn't flinch at this.

Back home, they had a birthday tea. A cake was brought out with both Peter and Sandra written on top.

“I wanted my own cake.” sighed Sandra.

“Well, this means you get to share my embarrassment!” chuckled Peter.

“What do you mean?” asked Sandra.

“Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you..!” sang their parents.

Sandra shot a look of understanding at him.

“Ok, time to blow out the candles and make a wish.” said Anne, once the song had finished.

They both blowed them out together.

“So, what did you wish for?” Peter asked his sister.

“You're not meant to tell anyone, otherwise it won't come true.” put in Anne.

The siblings just looked at one another. Sandra had a funny idea what wish Peter had made. Adam's glance told a similar story.

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