Pond Life Part 2


Aaron Hickman sat on his bed, a remote control in his hand, munching on potato crisps, his stomach peeking out from under his shirt. His bed was a mess.

He called out to his mother over the deafening sound of the Halo game he was playing with his friends over the internet.

“Hey wench; bring me a sandwich!”

Aaron’s Mom sighed as she leaned over the washing machine pulling out the clothes that needed to be hung on the line outside. Fortunately most of them weren’t Aaron’s because he hardly ever changed what he wore. Black jeans, black Metallica t-shirts that was about it. She wondered how she ever got a son who was so lazy, so indolent. If only he would help around the place even lend a hand with the dishes, maybe help cut the lawns now and then. But he wouldn’t. She blew a wisp of hair away from her face, a single tear running across her cheek and splashing on the floor, unnoticed, uncared for. She had been a pretty wee thing once, carefree even happy with her life but the years had taken their toll, little crow’s feet clung to her eyes and wouldn’t go away no matter what creams and potions she used, her body sagged under the weight of not only having to care for herself but the man child who resided in the upstairs bedroom.

Aaron giggled to himself, ‘wench’ he thought, he was so funny. He liked having a mom who was his personal servant, life was great, he didn’t have to work and he was waited on hand and foot. He’d trained her well.

“And hurry up” he screamed as he killed off yet another one of the enemy on the screen. He was going out tonight to a club, a new metal band was playing, they were supposed to be good, he was going with a few mates, all of them metal heads, he couldn’t wait. The band was called ‘Pond Scum’ and the singer was supposed to be really hot. She had a voice to die for too but all the guys wanted to go to see if the rumours were true, that she was smoking. Her name was Amy Pond, hence the band’s name. They all said she was ethereal, beautiful even and had the biggest rack.
The club was awash with people and smoke, that kind of smoke that was almost sweet smelling but not quite, combined with copious amounts of beer and spirits, no-one drank wine here, well not unless they wanted to find themselves beaten to a pulp in the alleyway behind the club, things were pumping. Aaron and his mates pushed their way inside. Aaron was the battering ram, huge arms, muscular body overlaid with far too much fat for a 28 year old. Everyone got out of his way, not only because of his bulk but also he needed a shower, the acrid smell of body odour announcing his presence. Girls wrinkled their noses, held their hands over their faces, guys just got out of his way; he had a reputation.

‘Pond Scum’ were about to come on and Aaron pushed his way to the front of the stage, right in the middle, where he would get a good view, could get really involved in the mosh pit if he wanted to.

Three guys walked on, winding their way around the mic cables and stands and musical instruments, taking their places. The club became dark and a hush came upon the crowd. A single spotlight blinked on and she was standing there, right in front of Aaron, above him but so close he could smell her perfume. How she managed to get there without making a noise he didn’t know but he was transfixed by her beauty, especially her eyes they looked into him, deep into his soul and he shivered. She had long black hair, a wild mane that glowed and reflected the lights. Indigo and red, blues and greens all seemed to shimmer from it. He stood there, still, as people around him began to dance and writhe to her deep strong voice that rose and fell in the first song of the night, reaching out to him, wailing his name. Or so he imagined.

He reached out, tried to touch her but she moved away, like a ghost, then floated back moving from one side of the stage to the next, working the crowd whipping them to a frenzy. Aaron was being jostled by the people around him but he didn’t care, he had eyes only for her, a need rose in him, a desire to have her, to own her. She was the loveliest thing he had ever seen and he was used to getting what he wanted, he reached out again this time catching the heel of one of her boots. They were black, spiked heels, coming almost to her knees. He thought they made her look hot. Instantly a security guard came over grabbing at his arm but she effortlessly disentangled herself from his grasp, again Aaron wondered how she did it. He was strong yet one second he had her the next second he didn’t.

Waving the guard away she bent down, the band played on, a guitar solo screeching and howling. She grabbed Aarons chin, pulling at his beard, looking into his eyes. Her smile was wicked, he was paralysed, she spoke so only he could hear.

“We want you Aaron, it’s time to learn your lesson”

The room spun and Aaron felt nauseous, he couldn’t stand upright then everything went black.

Aaron woke the next morning, lying on his bed, he felt strange as if he were about to vomit but he held it in; the room was spinning again. Once everything came to at least a partial stop he looked around. He found himself in a little girl’s room, the walls were pink, white lacy curtains hung at the windows, a poster of some current boy band hung on a wall, another with a pretty fairy dressed in a wraith-like dress above him. He shook his head, tried to clear it and felt soft hair flip against his face. Suddenly he felt scared, really scared. Pulling at the covers he stood up. He was wearing a short night dress, thin legs poked out, his toes were small the nails painted a soft pink. He walked over to a full length mirror, a girl maybe 12 years old peered back at him. She had long dark hair, a pretty face, small white teeth. Her body was thin and frail with tiny breast buds that poked into the material of her nighty.

This time he screamed. The sound that came from his mouth was high pitched the soprano of a little girl. He stopped, momentarily confused then came to his senses. He looked at himself in the mirror again then reached down, pulled up the hem of the night dress. He was encased in a pair of frilly panties with little pink horses over them. Reaching for the waist band, tremulously he pulled them down. What he saw next chilled him to the bone. The hairless vaginal opening of a pre-pubescent child was there. Not the large heavy penis and testes he was used to, surrounded by the dark hair of a 28 year old man. His mind began to work overtime trying to make sense of the impossible. He didn’t yet try to understand how this had happened or even why, all he asked himself was how could he get back to his real body, the man’s one. He wanted his strength back, his musculature, his cock. Aaron walked over to his dresser, dazed beyond words. Some school exercise books sat there. The name written on the front read Lara Hickman, the’ i’ had a little heart over it instead of a dot and someone had drawn a rainbow and hearts in the corner. The writing inside was neat and tidy. It was definitely a girl’s book.

Opening a drawer it was filled with girly underwear, all different shades some with heart prints or stripes, others plain. Another drawer held girls tops, again of different shapes and colours. Yet another had skirts or jeans neatly folded and stacked. Walking over to a wardrobe he opened the door. Dresses greeted him, some frilly, some lacy, a couple were even made of satin, one pink and one a soft lavender colour. This little girl obviously did dancing as one of her activities.

Aaron walked back to his drawers and suddenly felt the pressure of his bladder. He needed to pee, urgently. Rushing to the bathroom, this was still his old house he mused, he stood at the toilet bowl and lifted the lid.

“Fuck” he thought and turned quickly, jumping up onto the seat. Try as he might he couldn’t seem to go until suddenly everything seemed to switch on. The stream of urine made that girly tinkling sound as he sat there, the relief flooding through him.

Sitting on the toilet he reached down to the hairless vagina and began poking and prodding. It was definitely a girl’s. He understood what he was and the realisation paralysed him. Questions tumbled into his mind.

What would his friends say?

How was he going to go out into the world like this?

Was he going to have to go to school like this even?

What the fuck had happened to him?

He remembered the night before the beautiful singer grabbing him. What had she said, something about learning his lesson. Well lesson learned bitch he thought. He would find her, make her turn him back. Then reality struck, how does a weak little 12 year old girl make anyone do anything?

Suddenly his mother’s voice rang out

“Lara are you up? You need to get ready for school dear. Remember you have to pack for the holidays too; you’re spending the summer at your Aunt Jess’s. I think she wants to take you to the mansion this year. Can you come straight home this afternoon so we can do that together, I want to make sure you’re ready. Isn’t it exciting only two days of school left then holidays”

“Yes Mom” Aaron called not wanting to rouse suspicion but his heart quailed. What the hell was the mansion and who was this strange Aunt Jess, he’d never heard of her before? This whole thing was getting weirder and weirder. And why did his Mom call him Lara like she just somehow knew he’d turned into a girl?

Dressing quickly in some jeans and a t-shirt Aaron tumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen. His Mom was there but she seemed somehow different, kind of lighter, her skin didn’t seem to have the same wrinkles and appeared fresher, like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She smiled at Aaron and came over to hug him.

“Morning sweetheart” she said kissing the top of the little girls head.

“You need to brush your hair though Lara and honestly you’re not going to school dressed like that. You know my expectations now you run straight back up and put on a dress and those nice Mary-Jane shoes we just bought you, with some socks. You’re going to look and act like a lady do you understand! Oh and honestly girl you’re starting to develop boobs so for goodness sake put on a bra. You don’t want the boys looking at your nipples poking through like that do you?”

Aaron was thunderstruck; a DRESS and Mary Jane shoes and a bra! She must be joking!

“But Mom”

“No arguing young lady” Mom retorted “get up there and get changed or by hokey…..” she left the threat unfinished, hanging in the air. Aaron slunk back up. This was really turning into a crap day now. He had to go to school in a dress.

Stomping back up the stairs Aaron pondered his predicament. Somehow he’d been changed into a little girl. He wasn’t happy with it but he knew he had to deal with it. All the rest of his life was both the same yet different. He still had the same Mom, he lived in the same house so he must have access to his old group of friends. Would they know him as Aaron or as Lara? Would they even know him at all? He didn’t have a job so that didn’t count but he obviously now had a school life. Who were his friends there? He figured he’d find out soon enough.

He had an idea how this had happened. It was that rocker chick Amy Pond. She had told him he was going to learn a lesson and he had woken like this. He had the option of tossing everything in and crying his life away in his bedroom or making the effort to find out what this was all about and do something about it. He opted in his head for the latter, surely whoever or whatever had done this to him would show themselves soon enough. Surely he would have the option of changing back into his old body. Aaron decided that for the time being as much as he hated it he would go along with these bizarre changes and see where it lead. He wondered if the whole thing with ‘Aunt Jess’ and the ‘mansion’ had anything to do with it. Time would tell, in the meantime he had to act and be a 12 year old girl.

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