Pond Life

Pond Life
Doug Pond had a normal life in most respects, he worked in a normal finance job he had a normal girlfriend and lived in a normal apartment in normal New York. Born in Richmond Virginia Doug left there as soon as he could looking for fortune with perhaps a little fame and notoriety thrown in. His family were proud of his success but rarely visited him.

Doug wasn’t normal though, he was hungry and thrived on success, and he was willing to do things others weren’t to get ahead. If a little old lady defaulted on payments Doug had no compunction about repossessing her home. He was silver tongued and could talk people into anything even if they couldn’t afford it. He soon gained a reputation of getting things done in his firm and had been promoted ahead of others with more seniority and less ruthlessness.

Doug was a tallish guy, not physically imposing but handsome; he also walked with a limp. Many wondered but he never told anyone why. The truth was he’d had a crazy childhood with his best friend Steve Hamilton. Steve was a wild child who was constantly in trouble at school and with the law. Although he didn’t do anything really serious he had gained a number of minor convictions for shoplifting and graffiti. Doug was drawn to him and the exciting life he led. The fact was though they were both on the road to prison and didn’t even know it but that all changed one summer night when Doug was 17. Steve’s dad was wealthy; not billionaire rich, but he had money. He also collected cars, the faster the better. He had a ’69 Mustang, a worked ’72 Camaro and his pride and joy a 2012 Aston Martin Vanquish painted in a deep crimson color, the same as a woman’s lipstick. He had imported it from England and no-one drove it but Steve’s dad, no-one! Well that is until he went away for a weekend with Steve’s mom and left the boys alone at home.

“Come on” Steve had said, Doug wasn’t too sure, I mean it was an expensive car, powerful too. Steve couldn’t drive that well plus it was a right hand drive on an American road but he was insistent. Doug gave in.

Steve was killed instantly when he failed to take a corner at over 100mph. They slammed into a power pole driver’s door first. Doug had to be cut from the car by emergency services. They told him he was lucky to be alive however his pelvis had been crushed and needed to be screwed back together with steel plates. From that day on he limped, during cold wet weather it throbbed painfully especially in the morning when he got up and it was often cold and wet on dark New York mornings.

It was one of those cold nights when he and his girlfriend, Alisha, decided to go out. Although his hip hurt Doug was determined to have a good time. The nightclub was called Nomad, loud music pumped from the door and even louder people thronged its entrance. Doug liked that he knew the bouncer, he liked even more that he and Alisha were let through the door before anyone else. Life was just fine Doug thought, just fine indeed. He pulled Alisha through; she hurried almost tripping in her high heels. He didn’t really care though, she was lucky just to be seen with him. Finding a seat he asked her what she wanted to drink.

“Vodka and tonic” she shouted over the roar and he wandered off to get it for her plus a beer for himself. The dance floor was seething and pulsing with people, he pushed his way through to the bar not caring who’s feet he stood on. Girls stopped and called him rude, guys just glared, he didn’t care. Ordering his drinks he spotted a woman on the other side of the bar that could only be described as breath taking. Tall with golden hair that fell half way down her back she had perfect skin, perfect teeth, and perfect breasts.
She was standing there chatting with a couple of friends, balanced easily in five inch heels her legs reaching all the way up her body to her neck or so it seemed. The dress she was wearing was short and sparkled, a lot, and clung to her body emphasising those perfect breasts. She was too good to be true and Doug felt drawn to her as if some invisible magic rope was pulling him, irresistibly, irrevocably.

Limping over he stood close studying her brazenly. Her hair was even more amazing close up, full and multi-hued lighter golden strands flowing through darker ones. Her skin was smooth covered by only a thin layer of foundation her eyes dark and made even darker by the makeup she wore. Tiny diamond earrings sat on her ears glinting in the swirling lights of the night club.

“Hello” he said offering his hand to her.

She stared at him but didn’t offer hers back; her eyes hooded her face unreadable. She gave him a cold dismissive smile one that said ‘not interested, don’t even try’ but he tried anyway.

“Doug, pleased to meet you, I’ll buy you a drink?” he was insistent, rude, almost arrogant. He was used to getting his way, especially with women.

She turned to him expressing her irritation in her body language, back straight, eyes cold.

“No thank you”

“Aw come on baby, let me buy you one, we could talk who knows where it might go from there” he smiled his most charming smile but she remained unmoved.

“I said no thank you, why don’t you just tootle off to your girlfriend or boyfriend or whoever was stupid enough to come out with you and leave me alone” she said. Her voice was ice, it scared him in a way he didn’t even understand but he was angry, it rose up in him like a tidal wave. No bitch spoke to him like that.

“Well fuck you then” he spat “fucking whore, you think you’re too good for me? What a bitch”

Instantly she stood right in front of him smiling in a way that somehow terrified him deep in his soul. How did she do that so quickly?

Her voice was soft yet hard, calm but angry.

“I promise you, you’ll regret this night for a very long time” her dark grey eyes peered into him and he shuddered.

“Ah piss off” he said as he spun on his heel and stumbled back to Alisha with their drinks. Slumping into his chair he looked back but the woman was gone.

His dreams that night were strange, nightmares of a golden haired woman laughing cruelly at him. He tossed and turned. In the morning he was as tired as when he’d fallen into bed the night before. He couldn’t brush off this feeling of dread that seemed to envelope him.

Getting up he scratched at his nipples they felt like they were on fire. Looking in the mirror he frowned, had he lost an inch in height? ‘Weird shit’ he thought as he limped painfully to the toilet to relieve himself. As he stood there he looked at his arms. Normally the muscle and veins popped out like thick cords of rope but today they seemed a bit slimmer less obvious and was the hair lighter less dense? He shook his head trying to clear it. Taking some painkillers from the bathroom cabinet he swallowed them with a mouthful of water.

He had a feeling it was going to be a rough day at the office and he was right. He couldn’t concentrate properly; his itching nipples were driving him mad and he even snapped at his favourite secretary. Finally at 4.00pm he decided to toss it in and go home.

Throwing his tie on the bed he glanced at himself in the mirror before heading to the shower. There were dark rings under his eyes and he felt terrible. He looked at his hair; it looked shaggy, longer than normal. Climbing into the shower he made a mental note to get a haircut tomorrow. He liked being neat and tidy.

Dinner consisted of leftovers as he sat in his pyjamas trying to concentrate on a television program. It was some reality show; television was infested with them, something about people having to live like someone else, ‘Walk a mile in their Shoes’ it was called. He flicked it off and decided on an early night. Walking to his bed he scratched at his nipples, what the hell was wrong with them?

His sleep was punctuated by dreams again, he wouldn’t remember them in the morning just the feelings they evoked, the fear and vulnerability. He woke sweat dripping from every pore in his body the urgent need to urinate forcing him up. The first rays of morning light were playing through his bedroom window as he limped painfully to the bathroom. A stranger seemed to blink at him as he walked past his mirror. He stared in wonder was his hair even longer maybe a shade lighter and what was the puffiness around his chest? He couldn’t think straight it felt like someone had inserted cotton wool into his brain. Without knowing he sat down to pee. ‘What the heck’ he never did that although it was easy when you felt this tired. He rubbed his eyes and sighed. Looking down he gaped at his stomach. “I’m fat’ was all he could think, ‘Time to go on a diet’

His time at the office seemed to pass incredibly slowly that day like he was walking through setting concrete. Every step was torturous and he just couldn’t concentrate. Little errors crept into his writing and his secretary shook her head as she corrected what he had done. What was up with her boss today, he didn’t normally make such silly mistakes and what was with growing his hair long? Maybe he was losing it she wondered.

On the way home Doug stopped in at his local barbers. Sitting in the chair the barber commented on how soft and thick his hair was, almost like a girl’s. Doug just asked him to chop it off. Walking through his door afterwards Doug felt famished, he’d hardly eaten anything all day. Strolling into the kitchen he remembered his diet, he didn’t want to look fat. Preparing a garden salad he sliced a couple of thin pieces of chicken breast with it and sat down to eat. He felt slightly full after, maybe his stomach was shrinking he pondered.

Looking around his apartment he began to notice how messy it was and got up to clean. Throwing clothes into the laundry he took out the vacuum and gave everything a good going over. Some of his old trophies and an old football sat in a corner. They didn’t look right there anymore so he threw them in the trash. Limping over to the living room window he pondered the dark blue curtains. They were a bit old and ragged perhaps he should change them; a nice dusky pink color would suit this room so much better anyway.

Brushing his teeth that night Doug noticed his fingernails, they’d grown long over the last couple of days. Pulling out the clippers he re-shaped them, short and manly. Sitting down to pee, which he didn’t even think about anymore, he then climbed onto the bathroom scales. He’d lost 10 lbs something inside him liked that, being slim suited him. Climbing warily into bed he scratched absently at his chest, switching the light off he wondered what tomorrow held for him.

As usual Doug woke early, it was the best night’s sleep he’d had for a while. He stretched and felt something wasn’t quite right. Actually no it was the reverse. What had been wrong was now right. He felt his hip, it didn’t hurt anymore and there was absolutely no pain. Jumping out of bed Doug felt a slight tug on his chest but he ignored it as he walked then ran around his bedroom, no limp! What had happened was this a miracle? He walked into the bathroom and sat to pee, it seemed right to do it this way, almost natural. Standing he looked at himself in the mirror.

“What the?” he whispered

The first thing he noticed was his hair, long, soft, full, like a girl; almost down to his shoulders. Hadn’t he just had it cut yesterday? His fingernails had grown overnight too, long and shapely. What was this?

Then he noticed his chest, breasts! Tiny ones but still breasts. He touched them, the nipples stuck out large and erect, and the aureoles were big and dark brown. For the first time Doug felt truly scared. What was happening to him? He chose a tight singlet then put on a larger shirt one he had bought a while ago that didn’t quite fit right. It hid the tiny lumps and he breathed a sigh of relief. At least no one at the office would notice. Slipping on a pair of pants they felt loose, even doing his belt up fully they didn’t feel right around his waist. It seemed much smaller now. He needed to get to the bottom of these changes but how; maybe it was something in the water? No don’t be stupid he thought it would be happening to everyone. He couldn’t concentrate properly on the problem his brain just couldn’t find solutions

His secretary did a double take as Doug walked into the office. She thought of herself as a pretty open minded and tolerant person who accepted people at face value. She got on with most and was well liked in the office. She didn’t mind working for Doug although she hated how he could treat clients who got behind on payments. His hair was still long and she felt jealous at how sleek and shiny it looked but it was the way he walked. It seemed effeminate, just too girly like his hips had suddenly widened overnight and he didn’t limp. She wondered what was happening.

“Good Morning Mr Pond” she greeted him.

His answer surprised her not by its content but by his voice. It seemed like a whole octave higher.

“Good morning Jess” but she felt like she was talking to another woman not a man.

As he entered his office she stifled a giggle. His butt looked awfully like a teenage girls.

Doug simply couldn’t concentrate again. He tried to audit some of the financial accounts he was responsible for but just didn’t seem to understand some of the big words used. Tears ran down his cheeks as he tried to deal with the frustration he felt. ‘It wasn’t fair!’

Standing he walked out to the men’s restroom stretching his arms above his head outlining his small breasts. Maybe a good walk might help he had thought.

His secretary watched him as he did so and swore that as his arms came up and his shirt tightened around him that Doug had boobs. They poked through the fabric and were they nipples, surely they were nipples. She wondered why he hadn’t said something if he wanted to become a woman she thought, men did it all the time now. It was no big deal; in fact she thought if Doug became a female he would probably be a much nicer person to work for.

Meanwhile Doug pushed on the door and wandered into the men’s restroom. Was it him or did the door seem a bit more difficult to push today? Maybe it was the hinges. Sitting in a stall he pulled his pants down, sat on the rather cold seat and tried to pee. Nothing seemed to work so he concentrated as hard as he could to relax his muscles. All of a sudden the urine came gushing out and it made such a cute tinkling sound in the water. Funny it didn’t normally sound like that Doug thought but he stood lifted his good old cotton boxers then pulled up his pants.

The next couple of days marched on like this for Doug. It was a relentless tide of changes that he just didn’t seem to notice anymore. Jess became more and more worried as she noted what seemed to be happening to her boss. By Friday of that week she couldn’t believe her eyes. Doug’s shoes seemed to flop on his feet as he walked in and he didn’t even try to hide the fact he now had some rather large breasts poking from his shirt. At least he could wear a bra she had thought he’s flopping all over the place; he needs to have some decency. Doug’s hair was now to his shoulders and was full and sleek; his skin like alabaster smooth and even. His hips had spread and his rear filled out so much his pants hardly fit him anymore. She was genuinely concerned they might just slip down his legs as he walked. Even his belt was fully done up, his waist was so small now. She was truly surprised, could doctors make these changes to a man so quickly and why did Doug not say anything to her. She was a little hurt not to be in on the gossip.

She thought up an excuse to go in and see him after about three minutes. He was sitting at his desk looking at his finger nails which she noted he had painted a very feminine pink color. She had no objection to men painting their nails in fact she thought it looked kind of cute on some guys but pink? Maybe a blue or a black that would be cool, even Johnny Depp did it and he was dreamy. Then again was her boss even a man now, she wondered if he still had a penis. Surely he must, recovery from that kind of surgery took ages but she wasn’t looking at a man anymore that was for sure.

“Umm Mr Pond”

He looked up and smiled at her

“Oh look at your dress its sooooo cute where did you get it, I just love that color.” He gushed

Jess stood there about as confused as a grown woman could be. Doug’s voice was definitely a woman’s one now and he seemed to enjoy pushing his chest forward showing off a very impressive pair of breasts. If she didn’t know better she would have thought he was coming on to her. He looked her in the eyes and smiled again.

“How do you do that look with the eyeliner and shadow I really like it. Could you show me one day?”

Now Jess was creeped out. Her male boss who looked like a woman was asking her for makeup advice.

“Mr Pond are you okay? I mean have you looked at yourself in a mirror today?”

Before he could answer the phone on his desk rang. It was the direct line, Mr Sebastian, the big boss.

“Yes sir, right away sir” Doug purred getting up.

Mr Sebastian wants to see me, we can gossip later Jess” Doug smiled walking out his hips swaying, one foot after the other like a model on the catwalk. Jess just shook her head and wondered if it might not be the time to put in for a transfer.

Doug stood outside Mr Sebastian’s door pulling on his shirt, fussing with his hair, checking his shoes then knocked. Mr Sebastian’s secretary opened it up and stared but her professional demeanour kicked in and she stood aside.

“Come in” she said and walked out as he walked in.

Mr Sebastian sat at his desk concentrating on some paperwork then looked up clearing his throat. He was an older very distinguished man, perfect silver hair and rugged features; he always wore expensive tailored suits with designer shirts and a silk tie. Today his suit was a fine black wool, white shirt, his tie sky blue. Doug thought he looked very handsome, he wondered what he was like in bed.

“Sit down Doug we need to talk, things well ah your section hasn’t been doing too well since you um how can I put this?”

Doug just sat there looking at his boss, batting his eyelashes, his legs crossed.

“Doug I’m going to have to let you go people in the office are talking and well your work is suffering. Normally I make people give me a week or two before leaving but ah look I’m going to give you a generous severance and well you don’t need to come in on Monday okay”

Doug felt like he’d been hit with a baseball bat, let go, fired! What the hell, I mean sure he’d struggled lately, things weren’t easy but fired!

Doug felt the tears in his eyes then they trickled down his cheeks, he couldn’t stop them

“But Mr Sebastian please what will I do how will I live?” Doug’s tears streamed down his face.

“I’m sorry Doug I really am maybe, you know, when you’ve fully gone through, um whatever surgery you need to go through, I don’t know come back and see me I’ll see what I can do maybe there might be a spot in the secretarial pool”

Doug couldn’t believe it and what was the old man on about surgery was he going senile, Doug felt fine, actually better than fine he didn’t limp anymore.

He got up and walked dejectedly out of the door. He didn’t look back it was beneath him. Walking to his office he closed the door with a gentle click and looked around. Picking up a box he began to throw a few of his possessions in, a framed photo of he and Alicia on holiday in Spain, a little clock, some other knick knacks.

A knock came at the door and Jess walked in

“I just heard I’m so sorry what are you going to do?”

“Oh Jess” Doug wailed “I don’t know, look at me I’m a mess I can’t stop crying, I think I’m losing my mind and I’m unemployed and and……”

Jess gave him a hug noticing the prominent breasts pushing against her, the now slim shoulders and fine arms with hardly any muscle.

“Do you have much money; what about Alicia can she help?”

“I don’t have much at all it’s all gone on our lifestyle, the nice apartment, the lease on the car, I guess they’ll take that back. I didn’t want anyone to know but Alicia left me last week, just walked out saying something about needing a real man that I didn’t satisfy her anymore.”

Jess nodded, her feminine empathy working overtime. She didn’t get that Doug didn’t see the changes that had happened, how his body was well a girls, why with a little make up and the right clothes Doug would be positively lovely, maybe not model material but he had beautiful skin, nice features. An idea came to her.

Doug I have an uncle well he’s a distant relative really but he’s looking for someone, a person who can help him with some writing plus do some duties around his home; he has this big place out in the country side. You’d live in, the costs would be minimal, I could give him a call arrange an interview maybe, what do you think?”

Doug thought it over, he realised he had no choice it was that or live on the streets or worse go back home to Richmond.

“Um sure that would be great what do you think I should wear?” Doug felt truly helpless for the first time in his life.

“Well not those clothes that’s for sure” Jess said “how about we go out and get you some new stuff, something that fits your new body.”

New body Doug looked down at himself, the rather large breasts and small waist; yes he needed some new clothes.

“You do realise what you look like now, how you’ve changed?”

It was like a light bulb going on in Doug’s head, he was a girl; his whole body had changed. He struggled to think, to remember when all this started but he couldn’t. It would come to him though he was sure of it, when he wasn’t trying so hard, that’s when it normally happened.

“I’m a woman now aren’t I” Doug whispered “I’m a girl”

“Well you sure look like it, you’ve got the curves now that’s for sure, you can’t hide those big girls” Jess laughed pointing at his new breasts.

Doug blushed and reached up holding one in his open hand, balancing it, feeling the weight.

“I bet they’re really uncomfortable without a bra, we need to get you one”

“Do you think I should change my name Jess, it sounds kind of funny being called Doug when I look like this?”

“Yeah you probably should, I mean Doug isn’t really a girl’s name is it. What do you like?”

“Doug thought for a few seconds, Amy, I like Amy”

“Done” said Jess “from now on you’re Amy Pond”

By 5 o’clock that evening Jess and Amy were shopping. A cosmetics girl at the local pharmacy tried out lots of looks, bras were bought, clothes and shoes too. Jess couldn’t understand how or why her old boss took to this so well. By the end of the evening both were exhausted but Doug had well and truly transformed into Amy. His long soft hair framed a face enhanced by dark smoky eyes, red lips and perfect foundation. His bra pushed up his cleavage while he wore a low cut top that showed it off. A pair of dark women’s pants finished the look with a pair of 4 inch heels.

Amy couldn’t believe the transformation but it felt good, it gave her this tingling feeling inside that she loved. Why didn’t she enjoy shopping before she wondered, in her past life; although the past seemed to be getting darker and darker. To Amy there was just now.

Neither woman noticed her as they walked from the store. Tall with golden hair that fell half way down her back she had perfect skin, perfect teeth, and perfect breasts. A slight smile formed on her lips as the two walked past her. She turned on her high heels and walked away from them. The lessons were about to start.

Jess was good to her word and Amy was soon sitting in front of her ‘uncle’. She got the distinct feeling it didn’t matter what she said he would have given her the job anyway because all he did was stare at her breasts the whole time. Amy wished she had something to cover them up with and hated how uncomfortable he made her feel. If she didn’t need the job and the money, well.

“So anyway” he was saying talking to her boobs “you’ll have to come and live in the mansion. Jess tells me you’re very good with words plus I’ll need you to help around the house now and again, a bit of cleaning and what not, think you can handle that?”

“Yes Mr Darvill, I think I can handle that”

“Oh we don’t stand on ceremony here child, call me Arthur, Mr Darvill is so terribly formal”

“Ah yes of course, um Arthur” Amy smiled “so when would you like me to start”

“Oh, yes well as soon as possible my girl, what’s today” he peered near-sightedly at his watch “Friday!” he almost yelled the word and Amy jumped.

“Well you can move in with your things this weekend, start on Monday how does that sound?”

“That sounds wonderful” Amy said uncrossing then crossing her legs trying to get comfortable as Arthur watched her. She wondered if he’d start drooling. ‘Oh why is this happening to me I don’t deserve such rotten luck’ she thought to herself ‘if I was a man this wouldn’t happen’

A man, hadn’t she been one once she couldn’t remember. It sounded silly but she was sure in her past….. But she just couldn’t remember.

“I will have a few more things to go over with you when you move in my dear till then I’ll get my assistant Ms Sladen to show you around, get you a key and give you the alarm code, all that. Bye for now”

Arthur’s assistant bustled in as he pressed a buzzer. Amy stood and smoothed her skirt, wishing it was a little longer. Ms Sladen nodded to her boss then motioned for Amy to follow her.

“He’s a bit of a lecherous old fart” she said when they were out of ear shot “but he’s got a heart of gold once he gets to know you and he pays well”

She wore a severe skirt and blouse that hid her legs but emphasised her tiny waist. She wore little make-up but Amy could see the faint outline of a suspender belt under the skirt. There was more to her than met the eye Amy thought. She was also not someone to trifle with and Amy soon found herself saying yes Ma’am or no Ms Sladen. Formality at least with this woman seemed to be expected.

Her room was tiny but well-appointed with frilly curtains hanging at the window a single bed and separate bathroom all painted in baby pink. It was definitely a girl’s room but Amy didn’t mind she was a girl after all.

“Now there is one absolute expectation that all staff must do if they wish to work here”

“Oh um of course what’s that” Amy said smiling

“You must wear one of these at all times under your uniform”

Ms Sladen held up what looked to be underwear but seemed to be made out of some malleable kind of substance. They looked a bit like granny undies to Amy but she took them from Ms Sladen and turned them over in her hand. There was a hole where a person could defecate through other than that they were completely enclosed. They felt cool to the touch and were probably ultra-comfortable to wear.

“What are they?”

“Oh just part of the uniform my dear, do try them on see if they fit. I’ll turn around if you like give some privacy. Everyone wears them even me” she smiled

Ms Sladen turned her back as Amy reached under her skirt and pulled her dainty black panties down and slipped them over her high heels. Balancing carefully she pulled the new underwear up

“Done” she said. They felt amazing, clinging to her like a second skin, moving with her almost like they weren’t even there.

Ms Sladen turned still smiling. Pulling out a remote control she quickly pushed a single button then slipped it into her hand bag. Amy felt nothing so was perplexed.

“What was that?”

“Oh it’s just the dedicated remote to your chastity device my dear. You see you won’t be able to take those off now until we let you. They’re made of a space age material that moves with you, they even have a subcutaneous porous layer that allows you to urinate right through them. You can shower in them do everything in them but as soon as you try to remove them or if you or someone else tries to touch you ‘down there’ they will become totally rigid and impervious. You can’t break them off, cut them off, nothing. The feel of them will make you constantly horny we’ve found, yet you can do nothing to relieve yourself”

Amy felt sick to her stomach.

“So no masturbation no sex whatsoever, for how long?”

“Oh that’s up to Mr Darvill although he normally wants his new staff to remain chaste for at least six months although one silly girl who tried to get them off with a knife had to endure 18 months. He was most cross with her as you can imagine.”

“But why” Amy cried touching the new garment feeling it shimmer and harden under her fingers then soften again as she removed them.

“Why obedience of course my girl, you must learn obedience, learn your place. It’s amazing what a young fulsome girl in the prime of her life will do to relieve her needs after so long. Oh and don’t worry about your period either the blood simply soaks through the material effortlessly. All you have to do is wear a pad inside some other panties like you would normally do. Ingenious don’t you think?”

Amy felt weak, unsure of herself.

“Please be back here with your things by Sunday evening, here’s a key to your room. We do give you privacy you know. Don’t even try to remove the chastity device either my dear he’ll know and it’s impossible plus do you really want to risk being ‘locked away’ for a year and a half?”

She was defeated, how could she be treated like this? She couldn’t even touch herself. Ms Sladen was right though Amy already felt extremely horny, she knew she would be very obedient if it meant being able to remove the device after six months. She also knew she would have to return. There was no going back now.


Amy sat in front of Mr Darvill again, legs together looking as prim and proper as she possibly could. The last day had been torture for her and she had cried most of the night feeling constantly horny without being able to scratch the itch that she felt deep inside. Every time she touched the chastity device it hardened and wouldn’t let her relieve her desire so she resorted to playing with her nipples which only helped in the short term then just made everything worse. Now she was squirming on the inside while trying her best to look calm on the exterior.

“How are you feeling my dear?” Mr Darvill asked smiling cheerfully. “I do hope everything is to your liking in your new room, if there’s anything you need just let Ms Sladen know”

Amy was tempted to ask for the remote control to her device but knew that would be futile.

“Thank you sir” Amy uttered

“Now your duties Amy I’d like you to do some housekeeping for the next few days if you wouldn’t mind. Just a bit of cleaning and so on you know how it is, the place is a bit of a mess. Being on staff here will require you to do a little of that don’t you know” Mr Darvill rambled on while Amy sat there.

“You’ll need to wear the house maid’s uniform but you’re a girl so you’ll be used to all that I’m sure”
Amy wasn’t sure of anything. She just wondered how she found herself in a strange man’s mansion doing maids duties when she used to, used to ……... What did she used to do? She couldn’t remember much wasn’t it something to do with money?

Amy felt like crying again, she’d done a lot of crying lately. In her dreams she remembered a man called Doug but who was he and why was he so important to her? She could just get up and leave but where would she go? She had no-where else now, no money, nobody to go to.

Mr Darvill dismissed her and she got up to go. She was wearing a pair of black pants and an androgynous top which Mr Darvill obviously disapproved of. He coughed and told her to change into her uniform immediately then report to Ms Sladen for duties. Wandering to her room she noticed a note on her bed telling her that her uniforms were in her wardrobe and she was to put one on and meet Ms Sladen in the kitchen. Looking in her wardrobe Amy gasped, all of the uniforms were either frilly maid’s dresses or very severe long Victorian dresses that looked heavy and uncomfortable. She also had to wear black seamed stockings and black high heeled shoes. There was a tiny white apron for the short dresses and a long robust looking item for the Victorian dress. Today she was expected to wear the short dress and apron with a tiny cotton like hat on her head. The note also told her that her make up needed to be perfect and she had only half an hour to report. Amy hurried as quickly as she could to get ready slipping the 5 inch high heels on last. Tottering down the hallway she reached the kitchen five minutes after she was meant to be there, apologising profusely. Ms Sladen was sitting at a table and looked up as Amy entered. She smiled coldly but said nothing about the girl’s tardiness looking her up and down.

“You look wonderful dear; I do love seeing a girl in frills. Now I have a list of jobs I’d like you to complete today but first there are a few rules of the house you must obey and I do mean ‘obey’ if you ever want to be out of your device.

Amy was all ears she was determined to do as little time as possible in this infernal contraption.

“Very well, rule one is when you are working you may not sit down at all. You will either be standing or on your knees scrubbing”

Amy nodded as Ms Sladen went on. “You will curtsy to anyone who is your superior and as of today that means everyone since you are the new girl here. You’re uniform must always be worn immaculately and lastly and this is very important you will do a perfect job or you will be made to do it again. You will not finish until I am satisfied with your work”

Amy nodded and attempted to curtsy although it was a rather poor attempt. Ms Sladen made her do it again and again until she was satisfied it was done demurely and as femininely as possible. Amy felt very girly and submissive by the end of her impromptu lesson. Finally Ms Sladen let her go and she began on the large list she had been given, Ms Sladen’s parting words ringing in her ears.

“You’re the new girl so remember your place!”

Amy tried her best to clean and dust the areas given to her. Baths and showers needed to be wiped out while beds needed to be made. She took her time and tried to do it right but she wasn’t used to doing housework in a mansion especially wearing 5 inch heels and dressed in such a skimpy dress. She couldn’t wait to get changed out of it. Moving from room to room she vacuumed them out leaving them fresh and sparkling. In her head she kept thinking and wondering if this really was her place? Should this be her lot in life just because she was a woman but she felt trapped and isolated? She needed a friend someone to help her, to give her hope. That friendship would come in the most unlikely of places.

Reporting back to the kitchen she was hobbling a little her feet sore and throbbing from her shoes and her back ached from bending over. Ms Sladen was waiting for her.

“Well done Amy you’ve done a great job but there is a couple of rooms I’d like you to redo I’m not entirely satisfied with them. Giving her a piece of paper with further instructions Amy sighed heavily and limped back to re-clean the rooms. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she wondered what else was in store for her that night. She was soon to find out as Ms Sladen explained her evening duties.

“You will change into your long serving uniform and wait on Mr Darvill and me at dinner Amy. Cook will show you what to do now go and have a shower and be back here in half an hour. Oh and this time don’t be late or you’ll be doing some more cleaning tonight.”

Amy hurried off to do as she was told cursing the heels she was wearing. A quick shower and she changed into the long Victorian style uniform. It was heavy and hard to move in. Amy felt exhausted but knew she needed to do this. Standing at attention beside the table Amy poured wine and delivered food. All the time either Mr Darvill or Ms Sladen would give her instructions on what to do and how to do it. By the end of the evening all she wanted to do was fall into bed.

This was to become her routine for the next few weeks until one day she met Sam. He was lying under a bush near the back of the property looking very sorry for himself. Amy had been let out for a break and happened to come across him. Instantly her woman’s heart melted he was handsome but obviously hurt. She leapt into action.
Amy slept fitfully that night dreaming of being a man it was so lucid she could see herself in a mirror with a flat chest and hard abs then all of a sudden she began to change, her body grew breasts as she watched then her penis shrunk and reformed into her very own pussy, her hips widened and her hair seemed to grow from being very short to falling in long waves down her back. She groaned in her sleep tossing and turning then whimpering as her dreams twisted and turned inside her mind. Finally she seemed to relax as inside her dream she saw herself for who she really was and the great gift of womanhood she had been given. Gazing at the curvy soft body in the mirror, the full sweep of her hips leading up to her swelling breasts, her long legs, the full ripe lips and dark eyes made up with mascara and eyeliner. She held up her small dainty hands and admired the long red painted nails. She saw a beautiful woman and realised she lived inside this body. Amy didn’t understand why but suddenly she felt contented and happy as she looked at herself.

She was woken by a wet tongue in her face and a black nose snuffling at her. Giggling she sat up in bed and the little dog, Sam, that she had rescued the night before leapt up onto her bed. She smiled and laughed as he licked her nose shushing him as he made some noise. He was deliriously happy to see her and his tail wagged so fast it was a blur as she rubbed his chest and behind his ears. She had fixed his sore paw the night before and bandaged where it had been cut. Sam of course had ripped it off and licked it clean. Jumping on Amy’s bed he wiggled his whole body and grinned at her, well in a doggy kind of way. Amy was happy she had a friend even if for a short time. She’d probably have to give him back to his owners but until then she had him to talk to.

Amy decided she could sneak some food from the kitchen for him and could take him out for a walk each evening when everyone else was asleep. Looking after a dog wasn’t something she’d ever done she was sure of it but it felt good. She also felt intensely horny and despite herself found her hands wandering toward her groin. The chastity pants thwarted her attempts however and in her desperation she rubbed and tweaked her nipples hard to find relief. It only left her frustrated and tearful. Why oh why did they do this to her? What had she done?

“We’re going out today Amy” Ms Sladen announced as she walked into the kitchen, to do some shopping, I’ll have the clothes I want you to wear delivered to you after you’ve completed your duties this morning. Make sure your makeup is perfect and put on some nice heels too there’s a good girl.”

Amy was beside herself she was going out beyond the four walls of the mansion; she would see people, real people different from the normal staff. Hiding Sam under her bed and shushing him to silence the clothes were delivered to her door in a nice pink bag. Pulling them out she gasped. A pretty but very small pleated pink mini skirt coupled with a sleeveless and very low cut top that barely covered her boobs. Amy was incredulous yet in a peculiar way she liked the clothes, they were sexy and made her feel very feminine. Coupled with the heels no one would mistake her for anything else but a beautiful young woman. She placed a shawl around her shoulders and made sure her makeup was indeed gorgeous. Her skin looked flawless, her eyes smoky. Amy was hot and looked very attractive as she walked out of her room. She’d left some food for Sam and he was now curled under her bed letting out little snoring noises. She smiled to herself as she strolled down the hallway her butt swinging in the sexiest of ways, her skirt swinging from side to side showing off her long legs that looked slim and shapely due to the heels.
Ms Sladen looked her up and down as she entered the study and Mr Darvill gave her an approving smile as she stood demurely looking at her feet but secretly pleased with how desirable she looked.

“You look very lovely my dear” Mr Darvill observed “do be careful at the Mall or all the men will just eat you up”

Amy blushed at the compliment even as something at the back of her mind tugged at her made her uncomfortable at the thought that she was desirable to men. ‘Conflicted’ was the thought that came to her mind but she felt so good she ignored it.
“We’re going shopping for supplies Amy plus a few other things so just follow me and help out where you can. Just be pleasant and friendly okay.”

Amy nodded her understanding and sat in the passenger seat of Ms Sladen’s car her legs together, her arms folded lifting her breasts and showing off her ample cleavage. Ms Sladen smiled to herself; Amy was coming along very well, very well indeed.

Pulling into the car park Amy exited the car one leg after the other knees together, a perfect lady. Ms Sladen got out too, her long hair swinging behind her, both women looked stunning.

Walking together their heels clicking on the concrete, butts swaying they looked and felt immensely desirable.

Men’s eyes slid to follow them and other women looked positively jealous as they walked by. Amy felt so good to be out of the mansion and looking so hot. She stared brazenly at other women and smiled at a guy if she though he was good looking. This new found boldness delighted her. She was both cute and alluring. Men found her irresistible. The feeling it invoked in her was addictive.

“It’s nearly lunch time lets go in here for a drink and a bite to eat” said Ms Sladen.

She walked in to a cafe while Amy shadowed her looking around. It was an intimate place, music played softly in the background, a group of 20 something women sat at a table by a window overlooking a water feature in the center of the mall with goldfish swimming lazily about in the pond. They chatted and laughed, legs crossed, elbows on tables, perfectly relaxed, perfectly feminine but they all watched the two sexy women in short skirts as they walked in. Women knew competition when they saw it. Two young men sat close by hunched over their meals eating slowly. They both looked up as the women came into view, both straightened up, puffed out their chests a little more. Amy thought they looked very handsome. Ms Sladen chose a table between the group of women and the two men. Amy sat down crossing her legs and studied the menu. Both guys stared at her and grinned at each other. Their lunch just got a whole lot more interesting.

After ordering Ms Sladen sat there looking at Amy and smiled one of those ‘well here we are’ type smiles.

“Have you ever given a man a blowjob Amy?” she said it loud enough for everyone close enough to hear. The men’s ears pricked up instantly while a couple of the young women tittered and put their hands over their mouths. Amy went instantly red and gaped at Liz Sladen.

“Um well that’s an interesting question I um” Amy was flustered

“You should you know, one day, soon; really you’d enjoy it” Ms Sladen was serious, her face straight she looked Amy directly in the eyes.

“It’s quite an experience your first time.”

The two men looked at each other and one leaned over clearing his throat

“Excuse me but I couldn’t help overhearing what you just said and…..”

Ms Sladen looked over at him and scowled.

“This is a private conversation if you don’t mind”

“Yes well but I mean if she wanted to you know practice on someone you know I’m available” he stammered with a big grin on his face.

Amy thought he was very handsome in a hipster kind of way; he had one of those wispy beards going on with shoulder length brown hair and deep blue eyes with long dark eyelashes. He looked at Amy and her heart fluttered; he was certainly gorgeous.

Just then the waitress arrived and placed the women’s orders in front of them.

Amy thanked her but continued to look at the guy while he stared at her. Ms Sladen’s voice was frosty but she had a half smile on her face a little like all of this was planned but of course that was impossible, wasn’t it?

“So Amy how are you enjoying the job?”

Amy’s attention was diverted back to her but she kept looking sideways at the boy.

“Well it’s not really what I was expecting but um well it’s all I have so I guess I have to make the best of it.” Amy’s concentration wavered and she took a small bite of her food. All of a sudden she didn’t feel hungry anymore. He continued to stare.

Ms Sladen wiped her mouth and excused herself

“I must use the bathroom”

Amy got up to go with her but she was waved away

“No stay here and relax Amy I’ll be fine” and Liz Sladen walked off toward the ladies room leaving Amy alone.

The young guy came straight over and sat down in front of Amy.

“Hi I’m Rob pleased to meet you.”

Amy didn’t know whether to be flattered or worried or maybe a bit of both. She knew where this was leading but her chastity device was really making itself known as her pussy lubricated. She was intensely attracted to this young man but knew she couldn’t do much about it. What should she do?

Rob sat there looking at her trying to make small talk. Amy was coy but wanted to talk to him.

“Can I get your number?” Rob asked beguilingly and Amy melted. Giving him her number and smiling into his eyes

“Call me” she whispered huskily.

She’d never flirted before, she liked this lesson.

“Amy the annual mansion ball is coming up soon and I’d like you to help out” Mr Darvill muttered as he looked around his office absentmindedly. Amy was standing before him in her French maid’s uniform and high heels. She was used to wearing these clothes now and swished about the large house doing her chores efficiently and effectively. She loved how her bottom wiggled as she walked and how her long legs looked slim and sexy in her heels. The skirt flounced around her stocking clad thighs in a way that made her feel feminine and sensual all at once.
Mr Darvill was looking for his spectacles and Amy kindly removed them from his head and handed them to him. He smiled in that bemused professor kind of way and clucked at himself for being so forgetful. Amy reflected on how different this man could be. Sometimes he was sharp as a tack and seemed to be able to look deep inside her, knowing all her secrets and at other times like now he was a doddery senile old man. She had developed a real soft spot for him and treated him like a kindly old grandfather, while he in turn was obviously genuinely fond of her albeit in a rather paternalistic way.
“How would you like me to help sir?” Amy enquired speaking softly, respectfully to her employer.

“Well my dear I have a very important client coming to the ball. He is rather wealthy and young and quite good looking and I was wondering and you can say no if you want to, but I was wondering if you might like to be his date? You’ll have to get all dressed up in a nice dress and get your makeup and all that done but well I’d really appreciate it and of course you won’t have to pay for anything…..”

Amy’s heart almost leapt out of her chest

“Oh yes Mr Darvill I’d love to, that sounds divine, so you mean I’ll wear a ball dress and get my hair done and everything. Can I choose the colour and style of the dress and I’ll have to get my nails done and choose some shoes.” Amy gushed as she skittered over to Mr Darvill and hugged him. He seemed a little taken aback, hemming and hawing in the gruff way old men do but he was also smiling wickedly almost as if he just knew she would say yes.

“So ahh talk to Ms Sladen, I’ve instructed her to take you shopping in a day or two and get, you know, all the girly bits taken care of for you. The ball is this Saturday and what’s today, Tuesday yes Tuesday so you’ll have to get onto it quickly so off you go and do your chores and then have that talk. Yes very good” he mumbled to himself as Amy floated out of the doorway on cloud nine adrift in a sea of frilly and feminine thoughts about dresses and makeup and nail polish and shoes. The day seemed to disappear for her as she did her work, humming a song to herself lost in her own little world. She visited her room to bring Sam a snack and he greeted her wagging his tail deliriously happy to see her leaping up to lick her hand. She giggled and scratched behind his ears. No one seemed to have noticed she had kept him and for his part he had bonded with her. He slept on her bed at night and she would sneak him out each evening for exercise and to take care of his ‘business’. She loved him and had decided never to give him up, his companionship and loyalty kept her sane during the long dreary days of cleaning and looking after the mansion.

She also kept in contact with Rob by text but they never seemed to be able to connect, he being kept busy at his company and her of course working in the mansion. She didn’t realise it but slowly she was falling in love with this mysterious man as he continued to text her heart felt messages and share his day with her. She would sit on her bed at night with Sam snuggled at her feet a tear falling down her cheek if he shared that he’d had a tough day or giggling if he told her a funny story. He was the perfect gentleman and treated her like a far off princess, romancing her with his words. He always asked her how she was and about her day and would sometimes ring her just to hear her voice. Aside from the excitement of the upcoming ball she thought about him constantly and hoped one day soon she might be wrapped in his arms safe and secure with him just as he was in her heart.

On the Thursday Ms Sladen and Amy jumped in the car and headed to the local shopping centre. Amy was led to a small shop near the rear of the center where a small Asian woman waited. She was an expert seamstress and had a range of diaphanous and gorgeous ball dresses lined up on a rack as the two women clicked in on high heels. Amy’s eyes shone as she looked upon the beautiful dresses. She was in girl heaven as she was made to stand on a raised plinth and Mrs Yee the seamstress measured her, taking notes in a little book and clucking over her like a mother hen. Amy was given the choice of colour and style and she tried on dress after dress taking her time as she twirled and turned looking at herself in a full length mirror. The feel of chiffon and satin, silk and lace encasing her body, slipping sensually over her bare flesh as she moved gave her goose bumps. Some dresses hugged her tightly while others were ethereal and felt like she had nothing on at all flowing about her like the soft breath of a lover.

Ms Sladen gave her opinion on each one and had Amy twirl and turn showing off the pleats or darts in a dress or how it hung from her body. The women smiled and laughed together more like sisters now than employer and employee.

Finally Amy chose a soft lavender colored dress made of a sleeveless satin bodice paired with a satin skirt overlaid with chiffon and covered with sequins that made the dress shimmer and glitter in the light. Amy’s slim shoulders and arms were left bare while the skirt flared out falling all the way to the floor. It was the most beautiful thing Amy had ever seen and as she looked at herself in the mirror she was overwhelmed by how it made her look but mostly by how it made her feel. She looked hot and sexy which made her feel hot and sexy. It was the most delicious and quite addictive feeling in the world. Amy felt like crying, she was being treated like a princess by people who were showing her kindness and care even though she was simply a maid. It was so different from her distant past, a past she tried so hard to remember but always seemed just beyond her reach, lying there in the darkness and recesses of her mind. A past where she knew she’d been someone unlikable and distant. Someone she didn’t want to be anymore.

Saturday morning dawned calm and clear, the bright sunshine streaming through the high window in Amy’s room. She stretched and felt the little warm body at her feet, tail wagging as he saw her eyes open. The lavender dress hung in pride of place from a hanger in her wardrobe while a pair of light purple, high heeled shoes sat underneath it, complimenting the dress. Amy smiled to herself, today was going to be a great day and she was excited. Ms Sladen was going to take her to get her nails and makeup done for the ball tonight then she would be putting her dress on and joining her date for a night of dancing and romance and glamour. This was more than a favour for Mr Darvill it was her coming out and the first time she would have the opportunity to be beautiful and desirable. Rushing through her duties after feeding Sam and giving him a pat she was soon once more in the car heading this time to a local beauty parlour.

This was entering the very heart of femininity and she felt all warm inside, a tingling that started in the pit of her stomach and went all the way up to her head and shoulders and down to her toes as she sat in front of the young girl who gently held her fingers, shaping her nails and applying a coat of bright red shellac to them. Once finished Amy admired the look and feel of her hands turning them to show off the length and colour of the nails. Next she sat as Sarah her stylist placed a cover over her shoulders and twisted and pulled her hair into the most intricate shape while light curls fell to the side of her face framing it and highlighting her cheekbones and delicate nose. Amy loved the pampering as a makeup artist then took over. Light layers of foundation were applied building up to give Amy a flawless look. Powder followed, brushed on tickling Amy’s face in the most delicious of ways then blended in. A delicate layer of blush was applied to her cheeks then her brows and lashes were darkened before lashings of mascara were applied making her eyes look dark and opulent. The intensity was increased even further as eyeliner was applied in a cat like look then darker eye shadow. A bright red shade of lipstick that matched her nail lacquer emphasised her lips making them look full and sensual. By the end Amy was breathtakingly beautiful and Ms Sladen smiled to herself at how far the woman who was to be her protégé had come. This was going to be quite a night for the young lady who had once been a cruel and ruthless man.

“Now don’t smudge your lipstick Amy but if you do I’ll show you how to fix it yourself” said Liz as she placed the tube into Amy’s purse.

“Let’s head off and go and get dressed up shall we” as Amy stood slowly, gaping at the gorgeous woman staring back at her in the mirror. Thanking everyone profusely and giving them a hug that didn’t smudge her makeup she followed Ms Sladen out of the door and back to the car. Arriving back at the mansion it was 5.30pm and time to put her dress on.
Ms Sladen had decided Amy should have bare legs tonight so as she slipped the dress on and it was zipped up at the back the feel against her thighs was almost orgasmic. She shivered involuntarily as the gossamer of satin and chiffon caressed her. Slipping the heels on to her feet to finish the look Amy felt simply fabulous. She hoped both Mr Darvill and her date would be pleased. By 7.00pm she was ready; many guests had already arrived as she joined Mr Darvill and Ms Sladen in a little room near the large main hall. Amy was exceedingly nervous but excited to be standing there and noticed her hand was shaking a little. Liz Sladen noticed it too and reached out holding Amy’s hand comforting her.

“We have something for you” announced Liz as she produced a jewellery box. Mr Darvill stood there beaming as Amy took the box, eyes wide as she opened it to see a pair of diamond encrusted earrings that would dangle tantalisingly from her dainty ears glittering and shimmering like the sequins in her dress. Ms Sladen helped her put them on and they set off the beauty that Amy had become. She tried to hold back the tears but they came anyway and she wiped delicately at the corner of her eyes trying to be careful with her mascara and liner.

“Thank you so much” she whispered her voice betraying her as both Mr Darvill then Liz Sladen hugged her.

“We’re proud of you young lady” said Mr Darvill meaning it “you’ve come a long way and learnt many good lessons”

Amy smiled and sighed, this was the best day of her life.

Mr Darvill then led the way and moved out into the body of the hall followed by the two women. Both of them were stunning, Ms Sladen was wearing a little black dress that emphasised her small waist, long legs and full round breasts. Her hair was caught up in a fashionable bun that made her face look thinner and brought out her cheekbones. Her eyes were dark like Amy’s while her lips were pouting and sexy. Nearly every guest stopped and it felt like a collective intake of breath occurred as the two took centre stage. Every man’s eyes were on them as Mr Darvill moved across the room and stopped beside a young man who was smiling delightedly at Amy. He had one of those wispy beards going on and his long brown hair and deep blue eyes captivated Amy as she looked at him.

Mr Darvill led him back across the ballroom floor and began to speak but was interrupted.

“This is huge! I didn’t know you were going to be my date, I don’t think this night could get any better” Rob said holding Amy’s hand. She in turn simply whispered


“You know each other” queried Mr Darvill and Rob laughed.

“Yeah we’ve kind of met but wow Amy, just wow you look beautiful, actually I have no words to describe how wonderful you look tonight, would you like to dance?”

Amy simply nodded as he led her onto the dance floor. Holding her they moved as one together, him leading, her following, and her dress swishing around her legs as she twirled breathlessly around the room.

“I had no idea it would be you” Rob laughed

“Me either” said Amy as he held her “but I’m so glad it was. This has really turned out to be the best night of my life” she giggled.

“I’m staying the night here” Rob grinned “in the guest bedroom.” The inference was clear and there was nothing Amy would have loved to do more than spend the night with him but her chastity was still attached to her, love making was impossible; Amy nearly cried in frustration at the thought of it.

Mr Darvill leaned over to Liz.

“Did you give him the remote?”

“Yes of course” she answered smiling.

“It’s working out quite perfectly isn’t it, I do think young Douglas has learnt his lesson don’t you and he will make such a wonderful addition to the team don’t you think?”

“Yes I do, I think she’ll be splendid” Ms Sladen commented back “I actually have a new assignment waiting for her once she has consummated her relationship with Robert.”

“So I assume you believe Douglas will choose to remain as Amy rather than revert back?”

“Wouldn’t you, what has he got to go back to now? When we give his memory back I don’t believe she will want to be a he again.”

“I tend to agree with you Liz, I mean we’ve never had anyone turn have we?”

“Exactly” Liz smiled; she mentally patted herself on the back. She had never had anyone turn and she prided herself on the men she chose and the women that they became. Amy was no exception. Liz thought about her mission, her passion really, to take men who should know better, who had the potential to be great and then facilitate their transformation into women. Not just any women though, ones who would be role models who could be taught to love and to care. Who would join into the mission and become beautiful spirits. Of course Liz too had started as a man and been transformed by her own mentor, she had been given the gift of shifting, of being able to transform into a different female form. It had been Liz that Doug had attempted to chat up and it had been Liz who had rejected him then begun his change. These changes weren’t something that could be explained they just were, no one questioned them, they didn’t need to, and it created stunning women. Liz loved her job.

Amy and Rob danced the night away, eyes only for each other. He made a point of holding her close, their bodies touching, each feeling the electricity of the other; that shared heart beat only lovers can experience. The other guests smiled at them, lost as they were in each other, recognising the love they shared yet unaware of the texts and calls each had made, how they had longed for each other, how much this meant to them.

By the end of the evening as the crowd began the ritual of leaving, thanking their hosts, hugging friends, collecting scattered belongings, Amy sat at a table resting her head on Rob’s shoulder a contented look on her face. Her feet ached and her legs throbbed but it was all worth it as she absent mindedly stroked the back of his hand with her finger making small circles then tracing her finger nail along one of the veins. For his part he felt the loving touch, the security she felt around him, her trust in him and he knew he was falling for her. He’d never felt this way about anyone before in his life but this woman did something to him. He wanted to see more of her, feel her touch, her breath on his neck, kiss her deeply, make delicious love to her.

He whispered into her ear “Let’s go” and he took her hand leading her toward his room oblivious to everything else. She followed a knot of fear in the pit of her stomach. What would happen when he saw the chastity device, would he just throw her out? She didn’t think she could bear that. Stopping at his door she held his hand holding on as if her life depended on it, which to her it did.

“Rob, I need to tell you something” she began but he hushed her placing a single finger over her lips.

“I know” he smiled, “but you see they gave me this.” He held up the little remote control. “You’re not going to need to wear that thing another minute”

He pressed the button and Amy felt her device loosen, freeing her from its prison.

“From now on we belong to each other; our bodies aren’t our own anymore.”

Amy was delighted almost speechless as he picked her up and carried her in to his room. Putting her down he reached around her slowly pulling on the zipper that held her dress. Loosening it fell to the ground around her feet revealing her bare perfect breasts and the now relaxed chastity device. He moved his hands sensuously over her body and she let out a low moan as his fingertips started on her shoulders then worked down to the top of her breasts, caressing them lightly moving over her nipples. She arched her body into him, the ultimate seductress, her desire for him overtaking everything else. Their love making was slow, a spark that became a raging fire. He brought her to the brink time and again then when he finally let her tumble over into the abyss of orgasm she felt him release, felt the oneness of their souls and she remembered everything; who she had been and who she now was. Somehow Amy knew she had a choice; that she could go back to being the old Doug or remain forever as Amy entwined in the arms of her lover. All she had to do was decide and speak the words.

“Make love to me again please” she begged looking into Rob’s eyes. She had made her decision, no going back, she knew it was right.

Arthur Darvill and Liz Sladen sat together in his study enjoying a glass of wine. It was late and that relaxed fog of tiredness enveloped both of them probably helped along a little too much by the wine.

“So who is the next assignment Liz? The one you have planned for Amy”

“Well his name is Aaron, he’s 29, comes from Knoxville Tennessee. Actually he’s very similar to Amy except he just has no idea how to treat a woman. He can be cruel to them, immature, acts a little too much like a baby when he can’t get his own way. He has a bit of a disability and uses it as an excuse not to work. We’re going to give him the same options Amy had. I’m confident he’ll change, become a better woman and better person. His life is going to get very interesting”

Mr Darvill smiled and stretched in his chair.

‘Interesting’ now that was a good word to describe what was about to happen.

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