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Chapter one:
You know that feeling you get where you finally get the one thing you wanted more than anything in the world, only it turns out that it's a horrible mistake and you'd do anything to take it back? I have that right now.
"Shit..." I muttered under my breath, panic rising within me as I carefully slipped back into the bedroom, doing my best to avoid any detection from Faye. "Shiiiiiiit."
I was still bare-assed naked, meaning my first priority was finding something to cover up with. Ironically, all the clothes that Faye and I had acquired for my new, modest shape were either suddenly too small or generally ill-fitting. The only option I had was to steal some of Faye's clothes from the laundry hamper and hope for the best. Sadly her clothes didn't fit me perfectly either: A halter top I plucked out was too tight, and her sweatpants were a little too long in the leg. But under the circumstances, I wasn't really in a position to storm into her bedroom and demand something more comfortable. Speaking of which, Faye hadn't seemed to notice the commotion I'd caused earlier, either because she was too polite to interrupt given my blatantly orgasmic cries, or she was alternating between dubstep and industrial metal on iTunes again. Either way I knew she was still in her bedroom...I can't really explain it. Hell, I don't even want think about it. But it was enough that I could slip out the front door unnoticed with car keys, making a break for freedom.
I needed someone I could talk to...someone I could trust, who wouldn't judge me for what I'd done. I needed to speak to Taylor.
Taylor was one of my college buddies who I shared a few classes with. He lived on campus at Delacroix University, over in Hume Hall. He was one of those guys who was cool, laid back, and generally accepting of everyone because why the fuck not? I always felt like he was doing me a favour by letting me hang out, or inviting me to clubs on the weekend for drum and bass gigs I'd never heard of. As if somehow one day he'd realize that I was a geek and therefore bound to drag down his social standing in one way or another, and shut me out as a result. Here's hoping he hasn't had a sudden change of heart.
The phone in my pocket chimed, playing the fanfare from Final Fantasy VII (+50 geek points if you're hearing it in your head right now) indicating that it had received a message. Pulling into the University car park, I switched off the ignition and checked the device. I'd sent Taylor a message before leaving, making up a story about needing to show off my new girlfriend. I figured it was the only plausible thing that would have a chance of getting me inside the dorm, since "I jst tund in2 a girl, plz hlp" probably wasn't going to fly too far.
"NP buzz me wen u get here"
Perfect. At least I can get into the dorm without much trouble. I strode across the main grounds, which was an open area of lush grass and well manicured foliage, serving as a backdrop to the modern administration buildings. The whole establishment was built atop of a hill, which gave an impressive view of the city skyline on a night like this.
However, I was quickly finding it more difficult to concentrate on my surroundings, or the sound of revelling in the dorms as my path brought me closer to the student complexes.
My cheeks flushed, as I found myself forced to admit the obvious: I was beginning to feel very aroused.
What had begun as a simple spark from staring at my body in the bathroom mirror, had ignited a flame that was quickly building into an inferno that threatened to consume every thought in my mind, save for the idea of being satisfied.
I furrowed my brow, fighting the urge to rub my breasts as I kept walking toward Taylor's, it wasn't just that. The arousal on it's own would be bad enough, but there was something else mingling with it. and emptiness...a hunger that roared with equal intensity, bottomless and completely void that demanded to be sated. I'd never experienced anything like it before; so cold and empty. Why would Lust do that to me...haven't I been humiliated enough?
Following a winding path, I found myself outside Hume Hall. I found the panel on the wall indicating different rooms, and pressed the button with Taylor's name posted beside it.
The intercom crackled for a moment, before I heard his distorted voice emanate from the speaker "That you, Nick?"
"Uh, no?" I said in a voice dripping with sensuality. Fuck, I could sell fur coats to PETA. "Nick's back at the car. He's just checking a flat tyre, can you buzz me up?"
"No problem." He replied with out a moments hesitation. I heard the door click as the lock disengaged, and I quickly let myself inside.
Despite it's modern exterior, Hume Hall was at the lower end of the scale when it came to university accommodation. Students were shoved into filing cabinet that consisted of blocks divided into four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a single kitchenette. Space was at a premium, and privacy was virtually impossible given that you had to enter via the kitchen common area and proceed to one of the bedrooms. By the time I'd made it to the third floor, my nipples so hard they were visibly poking against the halter top, as if trying to force their way through the fabric. I could feel moistness creeping into my vagina, causing me to nearly stumble at the intensity of the unfamiliar sensation. At the same time, the strange hunger I became aware of earlier seemed to grow ever more incessant...along with a strange, wet and gnawing emptiness between my legs.
I bit my lip, struggling to force the hunger down. Coming here was a bad idea, but it's not like I could turn around and go home either. I had to cling to my resolve, and hope that whatever desires threatening to consume me would pass of their own accord.
"'re what, a busty nympho?" Taylor said, his face plastered with a look of bemused disbelief.
Getting into Taylors room had been easier that I thought. Only two of his roommates were present, and they gawked at me without reservation as I stepped inside and walked calmly into Taylor's doom room, shutting the door behind me. My body was screaming, demanding to be teased, touched, pleasured and used. The only thing keeping me from caving in to those desires completely was my male ego, a besieged soldier surrounded on all sides, battle weary but determined not to give up without fighting to his last breath.
"Oh shut up. You make it sound like I asked for this." I forced through clenched teeth.
He raised an eyebrow. "No, did you put're like a sexual fantasy bought to life?"
I narrowed my eyes. "God, it was such a mistake coming here."
"Hey, I'm on your side." He raised his hands defensively. "But you've gotta admit, that's a lot to lay on a guy after you come barging into his dorm, begging him not to call campus police."
Which is completely true. Once inside, I begged him not to call the cops until I'd had a chance to explain myself, y'know, being a stranger who'd lied through her teeth to gain entry and all. When I first laid eyes on Taylor, I was stuck by just how...different he looked to me, now that I was a woman. Instead of just seeing my friend, I found my eyes drawn to his handsome features, shaggy black hair and toned, athletic physique. He was gentleman enough to hear me out, but the fact he could tell I was a hairs breadth from tearing off my clothes probably sealed the deal.
Regardless of what is true, he did listen to my story. All of it, from start to finish. Once I'd sold him on the fact I really was Nick, I filled him in on every detail, every lied I'd told Faye, and why I had to escape before she saw me like this. He was surprisingly thoughtful and accepting, but I suppose that's to be expected when someone tells you a story that's so completely inconceivable that it couldn't possibly be fictional.
"Well, yeah..." I muttered, not really sure what else I could say now that I'd finished venting my spleen.
Silence hung in the air between us, and it was rapidly growing into an awkward moment when Taylor decided to break the deadlock. "So...what's it like?"
I squirmed where I was sitting on the bed, trying to ignore the wet throb radiating from my crotch. " was fine before, when I was just a normal looking girl, y'know? It wasn't everything I wanted, but it was enough that I figured I could just make do. Use it to build a new life for myself. I was going to tell you eventually, I swear."
"Right." He paused, tasting his next words carefully as if his life depended on them. "But now?"
"Fuck, I don't know..." Abandoning any pretence of being able to control myself, I grabbed my swollen tits through my top and squeezed them together, moaning wantonly at the delightful sensation. It was like eating cotton candy: sweet and intense, but left me wanting more. "...w-what if I'm stuck like this the rest of my life? It's only been a couple of hours and I'm already feeling worked up...!"
"Just relax." His tone was calm, but had an air of confidence about it. "If you start wondering about the worst thing that can possibly happen, you're just going to work yourself into even more of a paranoid frenzy. Let's just deal with the facts for now, alright?"
I bit my lip, reluctantly pulling my hands away from my chest as I realized how absurd I must look. "A-alright. I'll try."
He nodded in approval. "Right, we're bro's after all, aren't we? Gotta look out for each other."
I rolled my eyes, his attempt at levity being so bad that it went all the way from unfunny back around to humorous. "Right, bro's before ho's. The bro code, written by Broseph Stalin, ratified by Abe-bro-ham Lincon, and enforced by Brosideon, lord of the brocean."
"Exactly." He smiled, making me do the same. Something about his self-assured manner was infectious. "So what's your plan? Beyond getting here and guaranteeing me a week of high-fives from anyone who saw you barge in."
I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to concentrate. It was so hard to think with my body craving the slightest stimulation it could feed it. The lone soldier on the hill was wounded, down on one knee and running low on ammunition as his enemies closed in...
"I don't know. I guess if I could get a cold shower? That seemed to calm me down before." My voice was wavering, uncertain even to my own ears.
Taylor nodded. "That's fine by me. Just make sure the door is locked when you get inside. With the way your body looks, half the campus will be trying to sneak a peek once word gets out a hottie like you is on grounds."
I was not nearly as perturbed by that idea as I knew I should be. "Great. Anything else?"
Taylor shook his head. "Just to get comfortable. If you can't let Faye see you like this, then you're welcome to sleep here tonight. I've got a sleeping bag, so you can take the bed and I'll sleep on the floor."
A smile spread across my lips. "Thank you, I don't know what to say..."
"Well, you could always accept my gracious offer." He chided.
"On one condition." I said. "No jokes about eating carpet while I'm sleeping."
"Fuck, you read my mind."
I stumbled out of the bedroom into the hallway, mind racing to make sense of the situation. This was crazy! My tits were aching to be touched, teased and the same time I could barely ignore the sensations radiating from my pussy twitched and clenched maddeningly, so wet with juices it felt as though the panties I wore were practically soaked. Every breath I took sounded like a whimper, a moan, an invitation for anyone who might hear to have their way with me.
I almost fell into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me as I fumbled for the lock. I just need something to take my mind off...whatever the hell is causing this. The bathroom was small, with white tiles covering Spartan amenities. Leaning against the shower stall, I began to remove my clothes as I struggled not to cry out, a mixture of raw frustration and animal desire coursing through my veins like molten fire. I tried not to stare at the egregious curves of my unfamiliar body as the last garment fell to the floor, instead reaching into the shower and twisting cold water faucet.
The pipes rattled for an instant as liquid surged toward the shower head. However instead of a torrent of water pouring forth, streams of black tar shot outward, dribbling languidly toward the drain. I pulled my arm back as though I'd been stung, but it was already too late: Lust was back.
I looked around helplessly as tiles on the walls began to shatter and explode as veins of corruption took root. A hot blast of air struck my skin as a cloud of ash was kicked up, swirling about me while the lights above began to flicker. Rusted pipes burst and tore, protruding from the ground like a smashed ribcage. I didn't even need to turn around to know who was standing behind could I hide from someone who was linked to the very body I walked around in?
"What's wrong? By the expression on your face, you look...glum."
I whirled about, the sudden motion causing my breasts to wobble almost comically. The figure I saw was now was identical to me physically, right down to almost every detail. It was so strange to think that this, this creature was my twin...that my body was exactly the same as hers. As a man, I'd be sporting enough wood to plant a forest just from the sight of her gloriously naked body. But instead now all I felt was my already maddening arousal rising toward new heights. I bit my lip as I drove a hand between my legs, desperate to somehow stop the nymphomania from spiralling any further out of control. Instead my questing fingers found my hairless nether lips, inadvertently spreading the delicate folds as I felt a wet slickness spreading over my fingertips.
The only difference between us became evident when she looked at me: While her eyes remained the same black pools as when I'd first seen her, the iris was now visible. But rather than being hazel like my own eyes, they were a luminous pink hue, as if radiating the same energy that flowed through the ring on my finger.
"You might as well face it kiddo, you can't beat me." She said with an air of disdain. "Better girls than you have tried."
"Dammit..." I wanted to withdraw my hand and gain a sense of control over myself. But the pleasure that coursed through me from every touch and slip of my fingers was utterly intoxicating. " are you doing this? I thought Limbo only existed between life and death?"
She raised a delicate eyebrow. "Oh? And here I thought you'd figured it out. I already told you, thralls like Faye are just batteries. Even mistakes like Amy can still serve a purpose from time to time. But you? You're special. You asked for my help, you accepted it willingly, and in turn you get to bear a very special mark. "
"But does this help...?" My voice was almost pleading now. I could barely stand up. "...what the hell is this?"
A wicked, devious smile split her lips. "The body I first gave you is just a normal, human body. There's nothing special about it. But right now, you're not human at all, technically speaking. You're "Lillith", making you significantly closer to a being such as myself. And beings such as the Lillith are ravenous. They feed on instinct and pleasure relentlessly, and their hunger is insatiable. As long as you have that body, you're going to relish both the power and pleasure it affords you. The desire won't grow day by day either, it's going to be much faster than that."
"You mean I'm going to end up just like you?" God, I couldn't keep a finger from slipping inside of me. The sensation of penetration was enough to make me almost double over!
"Oh, not at all. That would require centuries and luxuries I have no intention of affording you. But you need to be taught a lesson in obedience."
A sheen of sweat was covering my skin, causing it to glisten even in the faint light. "Then why give me this body at all? I could be a...what did you call her? A Thrall...just like Faye or the others."
She moved in closer, and a guttural moan poured forth from my throat as I felt her hand drifting up the inside of my thigh. "You made a deal, Nikki. You get to be the girl you always dreamt of, and in exchange, you would help me to get what I wanted."
"But I don't remember any of that! Everything is a blur..."
"A deal's a deal, right?" She stated coolly. "You get to be my plaything; a good little Lillith who feeds all that she can, and in return, you get to be a girl just like you always wanted. "
I closed my eyes tightly, letting out a frustrated cry. My body felt as though it was teetering on the edge of release. I was standing on my toes, braced against the shower as my fingers frantically dove into my quivering womanhood. But no matter how hard I tried...wether it was from inexperience or something else, I just couldn't climax...!
"Oh, you're wasting your time with that Nikki," Lust said, as if finally taking notice of my predicament. "The only way you're going to satisfy that desperate, empty maw of desire that's tearing you up inside, is to feed it."
I shook my head, barely able to concentrate on the sound of her voice. "I'm trying dammit!"
Lust smirked darkly. "Oh come on, don't make me draw you a picture. I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm quite certain Taylor hasn't stopped thinking about it since you left."
"But...this is crazy...I can't keep this up forever! How am I supposed to live like this?"
"If I cared about that, I wouldn't have helped you in the first place."
I was beyond reason or logic. I just wanted this rapturous torment to end. " whatever you have to, I won't...I can't do this..."
Her features began to flake into ash, and as if running a movie in reverse, the walls began to mend as the corruption receded from their surface. Tiles fused back into a single ceramic piece as they recoiled toward the wall, settling into symmetrical lines. Water began to flow from the shower once more, as limbo all but vanished from my sight, along with Lust as the swirling cloud of ash began to dissipate.
"As I said, you need a lesson in obedience. I think it won't take you too long to stop resisting and to start indluging..."
The light above me flickered one last time before settling into a nice even hum, and I found myself slumped against the stall in a perfectly normal bathroom once more. Lusts ultimatum weighed heavily on my mind, but it was only a grain a sand in a desert of carnal lust, and a screaming, bottomless need to be pleasured. To be fed.
I almost tripped over my own feet as I stumbled out of the bathroom, mind so preoccupied by the swirling haze of desire and pleasure that I scarcely realized I'd left my clothes behind, scattered across the floor. It's not am I supposed to deal with all of this? I can't... I can't...
Oh shit.
I'd become so caught up in my own thoughts, I didn't even notice that one of Taylor's dorm-mates was standing just outside his bedroom, clearly in the process of taking a bundle of clothes to the laundry when he saw me stumble out of the bathroom, bare-assed naked and moaning like a slut. Our eyes met one another and...I don't know what even happened next. It was like I'd crossed a threshold and found myself acting purely on instinct and desire, my need for satisfaction solely in the driver's seat.
In an instant I had him pinned against the wall, my buxom body pressed up against his own. Despite my loss of stature and strength, I'd caught him off guard. I could already feel a erection growing in his pants, pressing against my abdomen. It was terrifying and electric at the same time, the two sensations mixing like oil on water as they settled in my thoughts, each conflicting thought instantly silenced by a stab of carnal need.
He was cute in a way, I suppose...short black hair, slight frame. But he smelt so's like I could see the meal he would become, a buffet of repressed sexual energy and needs long denied. But there was something wrong as well, something tainting the flavour of what he offered...that's when I caught the look in his eyes, which bought me out of my revere: Pure, unreserved terror.
This guy...whoever he was, he'd never been with a girl. He'd probably have been lucky to have held hands with a girl, let alone ever touched one before. And I knew instinctively why that was, because it's easy to see it in someone else when you've lived with it your whole life: He felt unworthy. Unlovable. Broken.
I bit my lip, slowly managing to withdraw despite my body's protests. No, I couldn't do that to him. I wouldn't allow myself, there's no way he could understand, let alone accept even if I had succumbed and forced myself on him. He gazed into my eyes, trembling lightly as I took a step backward, managing to regain a measure of control.
"What's your name?" I asked, if only to break the silence.
"R...Ryan..." He stammered.
I took a few steps back, retreating toward Taylor's room while letting my gaze linger. "I'm so sorry, Ryan."
Chapter two:
I stood with my back pressed against the door, knees threatening to buckle as I sought to catch my breath, reason and thought unravelling in my mind, caught in a hurricane of fear and shock at what I'd almost done.
"Oh shit....oh shit!" I gasped in desperation, chest heaving as my bare breasts quivered demurely.
For his part, Taylor was doing a fantastic job of trying to remain focused on my pressing emotional issues, rather than my blatant exhibitionism. "What happened, I thought you were going to take a cold shower...?"
I shook my head, swallowing hard between ragged breaths. "It's not going to do any good. Lust...she was there! She told me that the only thing that would fix this is feeding my hunger."
His expression grew vacant. "I'm going to pretend I know what that means."
I rolled my eyes, cringing as the idea he was making me say it out loud. "Sex! I...I can't control my libido. A months worth of colds showers is only going to make me hot and wet."
He smirked. "What would Freud say?"
"Not funny!" I scowled. "I can't control myself...I....your roomie Ryan? I nearly pounced on him back in the hallway."
He raised his hands defensively. "Ease up, I was just trying to add some levity."
"Do you have any idea how messed up this is? He's a guy! I nearly fucked a freaking dude! Jesus...I don't even know how to fuck a guy..."
He held a finger up to his lips, motioning for me to lower my voice. "I know you're upset, but keep it down, okay? Walls in here are paper thin, and I think half the dorm just heard you."
I nodded reluctantly, feeling tears begin to well up behind my eyes as I lowered my voice until it was just a whisper.. "Fine...just, you've gotta understand how weird this is for me. It's not what I wanted! I thought Lust was going to make me a girl just like Faye...or at least normal. But I'm some kind of "Lillith" instead, and I'm worried that I won't be able to control myself much longer..."
He moved closer, and god help me, I could begin to smell him as well. His scent was different to Ryan's; savoury and seasoned, but no less enticing. "So what stopped you?"
I blinked, caught off guard by his question. "Wait, what?"
He shrugged innocently. "What made you stop if you wanted to jump his bones? Must have been something, right?"
I felt my cheeks flush, even as I sought to wipe away tears before he noticed them "I...I don't really have much experience with sex. I didn't know what to do beyond the need to be close. To be pleasured."
He flashed a smile. "That's a good thing, right? I mean you've only been female for a day, I'd be kinda worried if you already were a pro at the horizontal mambo."
I shook my head as I looked away, unable to meet his eyes. "No, I mean just sex in general....I'm pretty hopeless when it comes to that stuff."
"Oh." He paused awkwardly. "...I guess that makes sense."
I spread my legs a little, cheeks burning hotly with humiliation as my admission, and shame that I'd let a hand slide down my abdomen, cupping my wet, hairless pubis in a futile attempt to extinguish just a portion of the desire burning within me. "I know, but now....I want it so badly. With Ryan, with you...anyone! Just...something to make it stop..."
He could barely contain his surprise. He drew back slightly, unsure of what to say. "You want me to have sex with you?"
"I don't know..." I groaned softly, as unfamiliar and sensual delights rippled from my groin. My vagina clenched tightly against my fingers, just from mention of finally getting what I so desperately craved. "...I mean, how could I? With a guy...with you?"
A bemused smirk spread across his lips. "Hey, don't make it sound like you're scraping the bottom of the barrel. I'll have you know there's been a few women in your position who were a lot more willing, though probably not quite as wanting."
My resolve was cracking like a fault line, but I still clung desperately to the notion that I could outlast this. "You've gotta be kidding me. If I give in, I'm only gonna be stuck this wa-"
His lips pressed firmly against mine, cutting me off sharply. Kissing a man felt so different to anything I'd ever experienced. He felt forceful, confident, rough and determined. Right then, in that moment I felt as though everything I'd ever wanted was being laid out before me. It was so perfect. I could practically taste his essence...the energy that Lust hungered for. I could coax it forth, draw it out and feast until I'd lost all taste for it. A ragged gasp filled the air as I felt his hand grasp my breast, any last shred of rational thought I possessed was being swallowed by an inferno of feminine desire and carnal lust. He wanted to be in control, instinctively feeling the need to lead me on as my hands found his abdomen, sliding beneath his shirt to survey the landscape of flesh that lay beneath.
I didn't care any more. Nothing mattered. Not Lust, or the need to feed. Nothing but the feeling. Saturating myself in the experience. Drowning myself in untainted delight. I wanted to inhale raw sexual pleasure and drink from rapturous bliss. I was lost to myself, a slave to my own desires.
Taylor sensed the shift in my resistance, succumbing to my sexual cravings. In response I felt his hands move lower, sinking into the flesh of my swollen butt, lifting me clear off the ground as he climbed to his feet. A squeak of surprise slipped past my lips as my hands found purchase around his broad shoulders. I could see the desire in his eyes, barely contained like a mad beast furiously trying to tear free of the chains that bound it. When our lips met, the fire was so intense I felt like it could swallow us whole.
I felt the world spin as I was practically thrown onto his modest, single bed with enough force to make my turgid breasts wobble enticingly. In a heartbeat he was atop of me, pinning my arms against the sheets as he took a moment to simply stare at me, eyes moving over my every flawless, sculpted curve. He wasn't doing it out of courtesy or respect, like I might need a moment to collect my thoughts before he proceeded any further. He was savouring the moment, all too aware that as we were now, I couldn't move from beneath him. He had me trapped beneath his weight, arms and legs pinned. He wanted me to know without saying a single word, that I was completely at his mercy.
"I wanted you since the moment I saw you." He growled, freeing one of my arms as his hand languidly traced the swell of my hips, over my abdomen to cup the gentle swell of my pubis. My eyes widened as a measure of shock set in, breath catching in my throat for a moment. The idea of having a vagina was still new to me, fresh and raw in my mind. But at the same time I'd at least had some time to numb myself to how strange it felt compared to having a cock and balls occupying that space.
But now? All I felt Vulnerable. A penis isn't just a tool for sex and writing your name in the snow. It's a weapon. If a man isn't in the mood for sex, that's it. More than enough porn stars can testify that not getting it up or experiencing a boner-killer is the end of the show, full stop. But now, I was so small and delicate...he could overwhelm me on a whim, take everything from me without permission. This wasn't anything like back at the party with the drunken frat boy: Right now, even as I watched Taylor tear off his clothes, I wanted this. That realization was as shocking as it was exhilarating.
I dared to peek downward, heart thumping in my chest as I caught a glimpse of his erect manhood through the valley of my newly swollen cleavage. I felt a pang of jealousy as I realized....Oh god...this is really happening. Part of my mind was screaming, thrashing and tearing at the restraints of hunger and desire that had been fashioned around it, demanding to end this before I crossed a line I would never be able to retreat across again.
I felt the tip of his cock press against the wet, swollen folds of my pussy. I arched my back, a cry of fear mingled with lust piercing the air as I tried to accept the idea of what was coming next. I saw the look in his eyes: Animalistic, utterly focused on the singular purpose of relieving his unyielding desires. It was a look I'd seen before, familiar somehow...I knew the answer was hiding at the edges of my mind. I closed my eyes, trying to focus for an instant, before everything came crashing down right infront of me.
"No!" I struggled against him, writhing and pushing at his broad chest with all the strength I could muster. Nonono...this had to stop, something was wrong...changing, I could feel it. It was an intangible truth that I knew was immutable without question. With only a small amount of reluctance, Taylor drew back from me as I recoiled against the opposite side of the bed, staring at him like a wounded animal.
Taylor looked at me quizzically, his stiff cock still pointed at me like an accusing finger. "What? I mean...I thought you wanted this."
I shook my head. "No, there's something else going on here. You're"
"Okay, I'm going to need some help following you there." Taylor replied flatly.
"The look in your eye." I gazed at him cautiously, not entirely sure if even I was going to understand what I was about to say. "I've seen it before."
He furrowed his brow, "Yeah, you've probably seen it on the face of any guy who was turned on by a girl. What's the deal?"
"No, I've seen it before. On Lust's face. On Faye when she was dancing on the tabletop."
Taylor still wasn't convinced his raging hard-on wasn't the innocent victim of a false accusation. "What's that got to do with anything?"
"Do me a favour: Turn around for a second."
He let out a sigh, obviously going for a little drama. "Fine, whatever."
Taylor shuffled a little against the sheets as he turned around, exposing his back to me. There wasn't much out of the ordinary: Muscles prominent enough that my libido started to question if there wasn't a way I could salvage the possibility of sex before it was beyond all repair, freckles, a pimple or two. Nothing remarkable.
My eyes trailed down to the base of his spine, where I suddenly hit paydirt. It was barely there, imperceptible by all accounts. But a trained eye knew what to look for: A few small bumps, slightly discoloured, combined with a faint glow that faded in an out.
"Holy shit." I whispered as my fingertips trailed over the marking. "I was right. It's the same mark that Faye has."
"You're shitting me." He was twisting about now, trying to get a look at his own back, with about as much success as you'd expect.
"Hang on a sec." I slipped off the bed, picking up my phone before quickly taking a photo. I held the device up to Taylor, showing him the evidence.
He squinted a bit, dragging fingers across the picture to zoom in. "Are you sure? Looks like a mosquito bite or something..."
"Trust me. Faye has one just like it on her back. I saw it at the party." I recalled catching a glimpse of it as she danced atop the table, much to the excitement of every man in the room. "Lust told me about it. She said it's a mark to designate someone as a Thrall: A servant of Lust."
"But Faye never had one of those before, right?" He seemed to have abandoned the idea that any line of conversation was going to result in him getting laid, and was reluctantly slipping on his pants instead. "I've met her a few times. Trust me, I was staring at her ass long enough to notice something like that."
I was going to object, but it's not like I could fault him. I sat on the edge of the bed, my burning arousal reduced to a smouldering ember as more important thoughts took precedence in my mind. "It must be Lust doing this. That's the only logical answer...everything that's happened, has occurred since she forced this ring on me."
"That doesn't make sense."
I felt mildly irritated by his offhand dismissal. "How the hell would you know?"
"Think about it." He'd fastened up his pants now, and was scooping up his shirt from the floor. "You're an evil spirit determined to fuck people over just to get what you want, okay?"
"Yeah, okay." I said cautiously.
"Right. So you've gone and created this general to go and do really cool stuff, who can gather way more energy for you than your regular pawns. Why put obstacles in their path? It's in your best interest to make her life as uncomplicated as possible. That way she fucks anything that moves, and you get all the energy you want. Win-win."
I looked at him darkly. "I'm not exactly sure I'd call that win-win."
"Call it what you want, I'm pretty sure you can see my point." He shrugged. "You've had nothing but trouble since you woke up with that ring: Crazy parties with guys hitting on you left and right, a case of near rape bought on by your friend turning into a exotic dancer, and now I'm getting a weird mark...according to you. The list goes on."
I looked down at my breasts, his words making an unusual amount of sense. "Yeah, good point. Not exactly factors conducive to keeping my life simple and unhindered."
"Exactly." He nodded in agreement. "So I kinda doubt it was Lust doing that stuff to you."
"Yeah, fair point." I let out a frustrated sigh. "So what, it's gotta be something, right? This stuff just isn't happening by itself."
Taylor's response made fear stab at my gut like thin shards of frozen ice. The answer was staring me in the face the whole time, but I'd been too blind to see it. Or worse still, maybe I just didn't want to see it?
"I dunno." He said casually. "Maybe you're the one doing it?"
My eyes went wide with shock. "No way."
He held my gaze, not forcing the issue, but not letting it drop either. "How can you be sure?"
I looked away, mind reeling as it ran the events of the last few days back and forth like an old videotape. But no matter which way I looked at it, the answer was the same: It's possible that I was the one causing these events to take place, or at least influence them. After all, I was the only other common denominator between them. Was I the reason the mark had emerged on Faye's back, as well as Taylor? Had I affected Taylor enough to drive him into a wanton frenzy? What else had I done at that party?
"Oh man, this is...way too much to handle." I held my fingertips to my temples, trying to work through the stress that was growing thicker and more tense by the second. Was this the power of a Lilith?
"Whoa, take it easy. We can work though this." He paused for a moment, contemplating his words. "I think."
I looked at him pleadingly, feeling like I was on the verge of tears. "What am I supposed to do? I...what if am I affecting you right now?"
Taylor shook his head. "We need to strategise, okay? Think this through. Which means I'm gonna take a shower, because looking at your naked but isn't helping me to think."
I could still feel the hunger within me, clawing at the boundaries of my consciousness. Whatever little taste of pleasure Taylor had given me seemed to have taken the edge off, but it was still there, watching...waiting for a lapse in concentration or judgement. "Sorry, yeah. I'll get dressed."
"Good." He flashed a smile, trying to lighten the mood. "Besides, it's been a crazy night for both of us. We should probably get some sleep and think it over in the morning."
"Yeah, you're right." I smiled faintly, trying to return the gesture.
Taylor slipped out of the room, me alongside him as I made a quick dash to retrieve my forgotten clothes, before returning to his bedroom. Thankfully I didn't run into anyone else as I closed the door, but all that did was leave me alone with my thoughts, contemplating how close I'd come to completely losing control only moments ago with Taylor. I was ready to let him....fuck me! I shook my head, disgusted with my lack of willpower, as well as how tantalising the thought still felt at this moment. One thing was certain: I couldn't rely on Taylor for help. Not only did I not want a repeat situation to arise in the morning, but I didn't want to risk finding out what would happen if the mark on his back grew any more pronounced.
After all, it didn't seem like Lust was in the habit of keeping men in her service.
I shook my head, realising I was rapidly running out of friends, favours and options. I'd have to send Faye a text just let her know that I was sleeping over tonight, but in the morning I'd have to find someone else who might be able to help. Faye was a last resort, and thankfully I still had one more resort left to visit: Bobbie.
Of course, there wasn't much chance she could help me any more than Taylor could. But I didn't want to risk hurting Taylor any more than I already have, and since Bobbie is already female, any adverse effect I might have on her should be mitigated somewhat. It wasn't much to go on, but it was better than nothing.
I collapsed on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as I tried to gather my thoughts. Lies stacked atop of lies: I felt like Alice in Wonderland with the Red queen, running as fast as I could just to stay where I was. How long could I keep this up?
Briefly, I contemplated just giving up, calling Faye and telling her the truth. But the idea lasted only a moment, the very notion steeling my resolve to the contrary; I had come too far to fail. To admit everything to her now would be to risk losing her completely, and that was out of the question. Instead of folding my hand, I had to double down. It was all or nothing.
Faye never gave up, and I wasn't about to start.
Chapter three:
"Uh! Uhh! Ohh! Ohhh! OHHHH!"
I awoke sharply, vagina clamped around invading digits. My lips separated, groans and whimpers growing more intense with every breath as I felt my body become seized by another orgasm. I could feel a hidden canal thump and flex around my invading digits, cream flowing out as I could feel my bud tingle maddeningly! Turgid, swollen breasts jiggled on my chest, moving in time to my shaking, trembling hips.
After what felt like a small eternity caught floating in a sea of carnal bliss, the climax seemed to loosen its grip on me, the thumping and pulsing in my crotch slowly fading in turn. I could feel the bed sheets sticking to my skin lightly, the smell of my pussy hanging in the air as if to bear testament to my actions.
I blinked, simply laying motionless for several moments, simply trying to rationalize what had just happened as my breath began to slow. Did I just...wake myself up with masturbation? I was used to waking up with morning wood as a guy, but this was a whole other level...
"That's one hell of an alarm clock."
I gasped sheepishly, immediately sitting up to look over the edge of the bed. Taylor lay on the floor in a sleeping bag, looking weary from the light's sleep, hair tousled and unkempt.
"Oh, uh...s-sorry." I stammered, trying to use the sheets to cover what little modesty I had left. "I didn't do that before, when I was the blonde girl."
"You've been doing it all night." He growled, extracting himself from the bag before standing it. "Pretty sure I'm gonna need to get new sheets."
I looked at him incredulously, but it's not like I could argue. My cheeks burned hotly as I threw the sheets aside, noting how the crotch of the sweatpants I'd worn to bed were rather soaked, my thighs sticky from the nocturnal activity Taylor had mentioned. It was still slightly shocking just to look at "my body". I'd only just started to adjust looking like the typical girl next door, when Lust went and changed me into a Japanese nymphomaniac. Fat nipples tested the fabric of the halter top I wore, straining against capacity while tempting me with what pleasure they would bring if I just gave in and teased them a little. The idea stuck in my thoughts, and I had to force it aside as I rolled out of bed, taking a few groggy steps as I followed Taylor to the kitchen area.
The kitchen was part of the shared amenities for the block of four dorm rooms, so it didn't come as too much of a surprise when I saw another figure loitering around as Taylor poured himself a cup of coffee. It was Ryan, the guy I'd bumped into last night on the way back from the showers. He took one look at me and quickly averted his eyes, pretending he hadn't heard my cries leaking through the wafer-thin walls only minutes ago.
"Uh, hey." I managed, giving an obvious wave to garner his attention.
His yes edged toward me, afraid that I might call him a pervert or something if he reacted too quickly. "Oh, hey."
An awkward silence hung in the air between us for a moment, as Taylor sipped his coffee. I began to wonder how I might get this guy to come out of his shell, or at the very least show a little more confidence toward a girl. I mean, that's the lest I could do given my current accommodations, right?
"Howya doing?" I asked, trying to force some enthusiasm into the mundane question.
"Fine, I guess." He was waiting for a waffle to finish toasting. I smiled, running a hand through my shiny black hair. "Sorry if I woke you up, y'know...during the night. Apparently I was kinda noisy."
"Just moving the furniture, huh?" He asked tersely. Clearly I had made -a lot- of noise after all.
"Oh my, look at the time." Taylor practically shouted without looking at a clock, quickly scooting off before getting dragged into the conversation.
I gave Ryan a frustrated look. "Okay, I know what you're thinking, and we weren't having sex."
"Hey, it's none of my business if you were."
I glowered silently, folding my arms under my large breasts. There was something about this guy...I felt compelled to...I dunno, try to help? Maybe help wasn't really the word for it. It was more that I felt like I'd been in his position my whole life, and now that I was female, the least I could do was cut him a break and give him a chance to talk to a girl who he wasn't afraid would break his dick off and jab it in is bleeding eye sockets. Metaphorically speaking.
But no matter what I tried to say, clearly I couldn't break through his force field. Poor guy had spent a whole lifetime building up walls and barriers to keep people from getting close to him, so casual conversation over breakfast wasn't going to have a whole lot of impact.
"I'm not going hurt you." I said at last, breaking the silence. "I just want to try and get to know you."
"Uh, okay?" He answered quizzically, not really sure where my statement had come from.
"I mean it." I persisted, hoping that neither Taylor or anyone else was listening in. "Let's hang out some time, yeah? Just you and me."
He looked at me nervously, hands fidgeting. "Okay, s-sure. Whatever."
I could feel the hunger stirring within me again, tugging at it's chains, demanding to be cut loose. I grit my teeth, trying to remain focused. "Okay, give me your number so I can call you."
Silence hung in the air for a moment, as I could feel his anxiety building exponentially. He wasn't sure what to do: Fight or flee, and the choice was threatening to tear him apart. Finally the will to flee won out as it had so many time in the past, and the awkward air was punctuated by his waffles popping out of the toaster. "Look, just leave me alone, okay? You and Taylor are obviously fucking, so just leave me out of it."
He didn't know how close he was to the truth. We very nearly did. "I said we're not fucking, didn't I?"
"I heard you two going at it all night!" He shot me a dirty look, as if I'd already found a way to betray him somehow. "I'm surprised you got any sleep at all."
He put his waffles on a plate without even bothering with a topping, quickly looking to make an exit as he started for the door. Within me, the hunger...the need was straining at it's bonds. I wasn't sure how long I could keep it contained before I lost control completely. But then, without even thinking, I acted instinctively. Rather than waiting for it to break free, I released the bonds intentionally.
Before I even knew what I was doing, I gave Ryan a forceful shove, mustering enough strength to knock the plate from his hand and push him back against the wall. Memories of how close we'd come to kissing last night surfaced in my mind, only this time I was determined to make good on my intention. He opened his mouth to object, which suited me just fine: In a heartbeat my lips were on his, sensually grinding my body against his own as I savoured the taste of his lips. wasn't just that. When I kissed him, it's like I could taste the very essence of who he was. The energy...I realized. This was how I fed the hunger last night with Taylor. It comes instinctively, so difficult to control, but exotic and delicious at the same time. I wanted, -needed- more, despite how weird it was to even kiss a guy in the first place...the sensation was like being given the lick of a sweet ice cream before being told to put the rest back. If the ice cream was vanilla cocaine.
Ryan eventually found the strength to break the kiss, but he was still pinned against the wall. He stared at me breathlessly, astonished, shocked and completely terrified.
"555-456-2947" He blurted out. I wasn't sure if he did it to make me stop, or if the kiss had addled his thoughts to the point where he simply wanted to give me what I asked for. Regardless, his words were enough to snap me out of my predatory fever, and the chains back on the hunger, sealing it away once more. Perhaps it was easier to control myself if I didn't wait for desperation to take over?
"Thanks." I smile sweetly, slowly drawing back from him. "Wasn't so hard was it?"
He muttered something in agreement as he quickly grabbed the remains of the broken plate and his breakfast, scurrying off to his bedroom. I put my hands on my hips, watching him as he disappeared down the hallway. Finally, I was able to do something right, even if I had the wrong reasons.
I managed to get out of Taylor's dorm without too much further difficulty. Taylor and I spent breakfast going over plans for how I was going to try and handle this bizarre situation I'd somehow fond myself caught up in. First, I had to be careful around other people: Clearly I was capable of affecting others, though it was impossible to say how or in what way specifically. That was the easy part. The hard part...was trying to find a way to fix this that didn't involve Faye. Given that Taylor's studies didn't really venture into the occult, he wasn't really a fountain of good ideas. Sadly my ideas weren't much better....the only thing I could really think of was trying to talk to Bobbie. The girl seemed to always have a knack for fixing situations when she was living with us, so she might have some useful advice, even if I doubt she had a Deus Ex Machina lying under some magazines. The rest? Well, I was going have to make that up as I went along.
I stopped by a clothing boutique on the way, making some hasty excuses to the shop assistant about how I'd had a wild night partying and couldn't find half my clothes. Not sure if she believed me, and honestly I didn't care. All that mattered was that she managed to find me some better fitting clothes that didn't reek of sex: A babydoll t-shirt that showed off a good amount of midriff...though wether that was intentional or due to the size of my breasts was anyone's guess, and some yoga pants seemed to be the only thing that were both comfortable and not overly tight around my hips.
The bakery where Bobbie worked was an old building which had been cleaned up and renovated to suit the new business. As a result, it was spacious enough to hold gatherings and the occasional band practice I'd attended in the past. I stepped inside, feeling the warm air of the bakery and the fresh scents it carried wash over my skin. I cast my eye over the entry area, spying glass cases holding refrigerated treats like their famous cupcakes, while shelves in the back held more mundane items like loaves of bread and fresh rolls. Bobbie was behind the counter, helping another customer finish their order. I sighed impatiently, realizing for the fiftieth time since driving over here that she wasn't going to recognise me...again. Meaning that I'd have to explain who I was and convince her that I wasn't a crazy person. At least I'd given the speech a couple of times already, by now I should be getting pretty good at it.
The other customer trundled off, clutching a bag filled with croissants. Bobbie turned her attention to me and smiled; and expression so bright and full of energy it could power half a city. "Hi, can I help you?"
"Yeah, uh...I need to talk to you. Privately." I said, knowing how dumb and awkward that sounded. Maybe I wasn't as seasoned at this as I thought.
"I beg your pardon?" Her expression was as dubious as you'd expect from a request like that.
I let out a sigh. Okay, I've done this dance enough times. Let's change the beat. "I need to speak to you in private because I'm actually Nick. We talked last night at the party, I was the pretty blonde girl, remember? I nearly got raped by three assholes before you bust in with another jock and saved the day."
As each word left my mouth, hers began to hang more aghast in turn. I continued unperturbed, speaking with a kind of calm disinterest one would have reading a shopping list. "It all happened because I was tricked by a evil spirit called Lust. She stuck a ring on my finger that I can't take off, and now it's changed me into a Japanese nympho who's apparently some kind of super-Thrall. Whatever that is. Got all that?"
She stared at me for several moments, a myriad of different expressions running across her cute features. Every time she looked like she was about to say something, the words seemed to die in her throat.
"I need your help." I said pleadingly. "I don't know who else to turn to. I can't ask Faye for help because if I do, I'm worried I'll lose her forever."
That seemed to shake her out of her trance. "What? Why?"
"Because...this is all my fault as well. But she doesn't know that." I let out a pained sigh, slumping my shoulders.
Bobbie contemplated my request. Then, without a word, she strode out from behind the counter and walked over to the front door, flipping the sign from "Come on in, we're open!" to a big, fat "Closed."
"Okay." she said, gesturing to a table and chairs used by customers. "Grab a seat."
"Wait a sec..." It was my turn to be sceptical. " believe me? That easily?"
"Yep." She said matter-of-factly, grabbing a couple of bottles from the fridge filled with cola.
I eyed her suspiciously. "Okay, then the obvious question being...why? I could have just told you this was an elaborate disguise and I'm actually the six-fingered man who killed your father."
"The Princess Bride joke helps." She said, setting one of the bottles down infront of me. "But I've heard about Lust before."
I eyed her cautiously, opening the bottle and taking a thoughtful swing. "You know Lust?"
She hesitated, as if wondering how much she should tell me. Its not an expression I'm fond of seeing in people. "Faye told me about her when I was living with you guys last spring. Y'know....girl talk thing."
"Sadly, being a girl is still rather new to me." I shot back.
"Yeah, I get that." She commented dryly.
"So you know all about her then. How she works, what she did to Faye?"
Bobbie nodded. "Faye made me swear not to tell you. She didn't want her life complicating yours any further. She figured she had been enough of a pain in the ass already."
"Great." I muttered darkly.
She smiled warmly in an effort to counter my negativity. "Okay, if we're being totally honest with each other...I've seen what Lust can do firsthand. I've experienced it. So I know where you're coming from, at least to a degree."
"What? How has she affected you?" Christ, it sounds like we're in a support group.
"It's complicated..." She looked away, clearly dodging the question. "But I believe you. Isn't that what's important?"
"Yeah, I guess." I took another swig of my cola.
"Good." She smiled, looking satisfied as she leant back in her chair a bit. "Want to tell me how this is all your fault?"
I let my head rest against the table, a curtain of dark hair obscured my face. "Do I have to?"
"Yeah, if you want my help."
"You sure?"
"Only fools are positive."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."
I cracked a smile, watching as she deliberately fell into the quote-trap I'd laid out.
"Oh! I fell for it! I should have known..." she protested dramatically, before finally dropping the act. "You going to talk now?"
"Okay! Geez....okay, here's the truth." I took a moment to harden my resolve. "I always wanted to be female. To be a girl. and I felt cheated that fate screwed me out of it with Faye. So I tried to kill myself."
Rather than act upset at my revelation, Bobbie gave me half-cocked smile. "Clearly you're not very good at it."
"No shit." I muttered darkly. "TL:DR version is Lust saved me, offered to make my wildest dreams come true. I accepted without asking any questions, and this is where it got me."
"Weird. I thought Lust was dead."
"Evidently, she's not very good at that either." I shot back.
She took a moment to think that one over. "Point taken."
"Which brings us up to current events." I gestured to myself, reinforcing the point. "All I ever wanted was to be like Faye. Instead I get to gravitate from cute cheerleader to Asian sex-dream."
"You've got that right." She said, looking me over. "At least you have something in common with Faye up top."
"Don't remind me." I muttered sourly.
"Anything else I should know about?"
I shrugged my shoulders. This whole conversation was bordering on friendly interrogation. "Not really. Just that I'm like a regular Thrall but all souped-up. Apparently that's called a yay for me?"
"Ouch." She gave me a concerned look.
"Oh, so you know about Thralls too?"
She turned away defensively. "Yeah, what of it?"
"Nothing....I just...ugh." I pushed the empty plastic bottle away. "It's frustrating to think that everyone knows about this stuff except me. Maybe if I had known, I could have avoided all this."
"Don't lose time lamenting time lost." She recited like a fortune cookie.
"Whatever. Was this something Faye told you about too? She never mentioned anything to me when this all went down originally."
"Not really." She was back to choosing her words carefully, being careful not to disclose too much. "It kind of came up later when I was staying with you guys."
When she'd been staying with us, huh? My recollection of the time wasn't all that interesting. Shortly after Bobbie arrived, Faye went off to do a photo shoot in the mountains, and came back acting all bitchy towards Bobbie. They fought, Bobbie and hung out while Faye went off and did some stuff with her career that was....pretty questionable to say the least. But we got all that stuff figured out and everyone buried the hatchet, but not before Faye decided to have sex with me like...straight out of the blue. So the only time I'd ever had sex was when my best friend practically mercy-fucked it out of me.
I looked at her cautiously, slowly putting puzzle pieces together. " this something to do with you and Faye? After she went up to the mountains?"
"I'm sworn to secrecy." She said matter-of-factly.
I rolled my eyes in frustration. "Ugh. Fine. Whatever. This is like chanting sutras to a horse."
"Sorry." She smiled sympathetically. "I promise it's nothing about you. Just something private, I swear."
I waved a hand dismissively. "I get that. Anyways, since you're not in the mood to talk about that, want to put that secret knowledge to use and help me figure out a way to get out of this?"
Bobbie pursed her lips, gears clearly turning in her mind. "Nothing immediate springs to mind, sorry. But give me some time, and I might be able to work something out."
I groaned out loud, frustration now painfully evident. "Great. Because you know what? Time is exactly what I don't have. I can't avoid Faye forever, and if she finds out I made a bargain with Lust, she's going to disown me I swear. And in the interim, I have to spend every waking moment to control a ridiculous body with a turbo-charged libido."
Bobbie's hand touched my shoulder, intending to add a sense of reassurance and comfort to my fragile state. For a moment I felt completely at peace, my fears and worries ebbing away like the fading tide. But suddenly, something spiked, like my body rebelling of it's own accord against some kind of invisible assault. Bobbie withdrew her hand like she'd been stung, clutching her palm instinctively.
"What the hell was that..?" Her face was a picture of confusion and pain.
"I don't know!" I pleaded, terrified I'd done something wrong somehow. "I just happened. I mean...I don't understand what's going on at all."
Bobbie calmed down, shaking her hand a little with annoyance. "It's okay, that was just...weird."
I nodded in agreement. "Tell me about it."
I watched Bobbie as she looked at her hand in curiosity. At first I wasn't sure what had caught her attention, but then I began to notice as well: Her fingernails had turned black. Not rotten or decayed...just a shiny, black enamel coating them. Like the kind Faye wore regularly.
"Uh, Nick?" She asked curiously. We both watched in rapt attention as she held out her hand. The changes were subtle, moving up her arm almost imperceptibly as her bones shifted ever-so-slightly, becoming a little longer and more elegant in configuration. Up her arm, the ripples struck her torso, causing Bobbie to gasp as her top began to grow visibly tighter. The words "I bake cupcakes, ask me how!" emblazoned on her uniform shirt began to stretch outward as her modest breasts began to swell beneath it, testing the confines of her bra as she winced in pain.
"Nikki! What the hell?!" She looked at me in confusion and fear, an expression that perfectly mirrored my own.
"I don't know! I didn't do anything!" The changes seemed to pick up pace, no longer content to simply change one aspect of her physicality as her hips swelled, taking on an even more luscious, almost impossible hourglass shape as her but grew into a plump teardrop, threatening to tear the seat out of her pants. Bobbie let out a cry of discomfort, all her clothes becoming increasingly tight and ill-fitting with each passing moment. Her breasts we now so large that they pulled up the hemline of her shirt, showing a bright pink, glowing kanjii emblazoned on the small of her back.
"Holy shit, you're...a Thrall?"
"No!" She pleaded, sounding like I'd just discovered some secret she'd been hiding from me. "Ow...I'm not...a..."
She didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as the changes that had been ravishing her body overtook her face. Blonde hair shifted to black, shortening as it took on a different cut, shorter and more edgy with a long green streak running through it. Her features became almost-Japanese, radiating sexuality and femininity in a way that would seem almost unnatural if I wasn't sharing the room with her. But that wasn't what shocked me the most.
No. Not possible. It's not fair...not fair...not fair, not fair, notfairnotfairnotfAIR! NOT FAAAAAIR!
Her face. It was Faye's face. Somehow...just by touching me, even Bobbie had attained the one elusive thing I'd wanted more than anything in this world. She'd become a twin to Faye Valentine.
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Now I know your story is head
Now I know your story is head and different from Bobbie's but where the hell is Justice? I would hope she would get involved...
Come on, wouldn't that be too
Come on, wouldn't that be too easy if she just jumped in to save the day?
In all seriousness, it's a question of keeping things simple. Not everyone who has read Adam's Song or Teenager of the Year has also read Platinum Chef. So while Bobbie obviously is part of the story here, I'm reluctant to draw on those stories too much, because it alienates people who haven't read them. So for that reason, I try to avoid using Justice or any of the other characters, because every time I do, I have to explain where they fit in.
It's actually the same case in Adam's Song. Not everybody realizes that Amy has her own series which the universe is based on :)
I get it... I guess I just
I get it... I guess I just hate to see anything negative happen to Bobbie with everything going on with platinum chef. Seems the wheels are totally off the tracks of her life her sister's life and everything where it left off last month...
I like this story for the gener savvy of the characters.
I like this story for genre savvy the characters have. Instead of a direct porn story, we have a much more interesting story where the characters realize what is going on and willfully avoid the cliche sex tropes.
Please continue this story.
please delete this message
Please delete comment. Website when down as I clicked the review button. And this is the first time in a hour I have been able to log onto the website.
Holy Shit!
That is all I can say and I can't stop saying it! Holy shit! I was having trouble pulling myself into this story but this chapter nailed it! Oh my god!