Heather’s plan to transform Scott into a helpless petticoated maid

Heather’s plan to transform Scott into a helpless petticoated maid

"A week had passed since her naughty play session in front of the window, and Heather was still thinking about her new neighbour being her obedient petticoated maid. She couldn’t get the idea out of her mind. She decided it was time to start putting things into motion." - The plan is taking shape!

"Heather was now eyeing him up and down to get an idea of his sizes. If she wanted this to work, she had to do some online shopping to get everything she would need. She wouldn’t let him get out of this, the idea of turning him into her petticoated slave turned her on too much to let it go." - Heather describes her feelings as she puts the plan into motion!

** The story begins: Heather’s plan to transform Scott into a helpless petticoated maid **

It was a nice spring day when Heather was carrying her laundry basket into the garden. She had just finished some laundry and was about to hang up some of her delicates on the clothing line. She lived in a suburb where each house had a nice garden. While she was hanging up some of her frilly knickers, panties and petticoats, she felts she was being watched. She looked over her shoulder to just catch a glimpse of somebody’s head quickly dodging down under the top of the fence.

Heather finished hanging up her delicates and made her way back into the house. She quickly made her way up the stairs and stood in front of the window overlooking the garden. She could now look into the garden of her neighbour. This new guy had recently moved in, seemed to be living there alone for now. She hadn’t really met him yet, just seen him from a distance.

She had this weird feeling he was spying on her or something, but only when she was in the garden. So she stood there in front of the window, waiting to see if she could catch a glimpse of him. Just as she was about to give up and carry on with her day she heard a door open. There was a young man walking nervously into his garden. She figured he must be around his mid or end twenties. Quite a tall slender guy, seemed a bit shy. He slowly made his way over to the fence, looking over his shoulders as he was being watched.

One this nervous looking figure made it to the fence he stood on his toes to peek over. He was looking at her lingerie she thought. But why? She just stood there in front of the window and all of a sudden a thought ran through her mind. What if she could get him to wear a pair of her panties, or even one of her satin petticoats? Oh! that would be wonderful. She started getting very warm in between her legs, she was now starting to get wet just thinking about it.

While watching her prey looking at her delicates she put a hand under her skirt and pushed her satin panties aside to have better access to her now dripping pussy. Heather started rubbing herself there while thinking of this helpless male being trapped in her panties, petticoats and doing her laundry. She was picturing him in a very pretty maid’s uniform, a full uniform, maybe even a hot pink one. As soon as she looked at the poor lad and pictured him in that full attire, locked and ready to serve her she burst into one of the biggest orgasms she had ever had.

Heather almost collapsed to the floor, that’s how strong her explosion had been. She knew that this had to become a reality. Now all she needed was to put plans in motion.

A week had passed since her naughty play session in front of the window, and Heather was still thinking about her new neighbour being her obedient petticoated maid. She couldn’t get the idea out of her mind. She decided it was time to start putting things into motion.

A few short knocks on the front door, and there she stood with a freshly baked cake in front of his door. It took some time and she was wondering if he was even home. Just as she was about to turn around and head back towards her own front door, she could hear the door being unlocked. Once the door swung open the fairly attractive but shy 25 year old stood in front of her. He had a shy smile on his face and stumbled a hello. “Hi my name is Heather, I believe you are my new neighbour!” She said while presenting the cake. “Oh hi my name is Scott.” Her prey replied while extending his arms to take the present she was presenting. “Thank you.” he almost whispered.

Heather was now eyeing him up and down to get an idea of his sizes. If she wanted this to work, she had to do some online shopping to get everything she would need. Once she was statisfied with her mental notes on his sizing she ended the awkward first encounter “Sorry I have to go, let’s have coffee sometime soon.” and as she said that she turned around and walked towards her own front door. She was unsure if Scott even said something in return, it didn’t matter though. She wouldn’t let him get out of this, the idea of turning him into her petticoated slave turned her on too much to let it go.

About 2 weeks later a big parcel arrived on her doorstep, she was excited to finally get her hands on the items she thought she would need. She put them in her bedroom and layed them out on the bed. There were extra frilly satin panties, a full satin petticoat made of several layers, a pink bra and to top if off a full satin pink maid’s uniform. In a separate little bag were at least 5 small padlocks. Just looking at all the weaponry spread out on the bed made her wet again. Heather quickly got naked and jumped into the satin pile on her bed. Her legs spread wide and she quickly found her now dripping pussy. She was picturing Scott standing in front of her in his new outfit, ready to serve her. There it was coming again, she was glad she was laying down because the orgasm was even bigger than the first one in front of the window. She needed several minutes to recover from the aggressive orgasm she just experienced..

It was a nice friday afternoon when Heather knocked on Scott’s door again. They had briefly seen each other the last two weeks and made some small chat, now it was time to make it happen she thought to herself. The door opened. “Hi Scott, I’m being swamped with work. Would you mind helping me out tomorrow?” The poor guy just stood there confused, probably wanting to know what she meant. “Well yea I guess I could help. What is it exactly that you need help with?” He replied, still confused. “Awesome! You are the best, make sure to be at my place tomorrow morning at 9.” Was all that Heather told him as she turned around and walked away. She wasn’t even waiting for a reply, she knew he would be there anyway.

On saturday morning, minutes before 9 o clock Heather was checking if everything was ready. She was already dripping in her panties, thinking about today. Her train of thought was abruptly broken by the sound of the doorbell. She walked over to the front door and used the peek hole to see if it was her new prey. She saw a shy guy standing in front of the door, probably confused to what was going to happen today. Heather opened the door and after the greetings were made invited Scott in. Once Scott was in this new environment, she wanted to immediately seal the deal. “Listen Scott, I think you are a decent guy. Though I have noticed you have been looking at me, and also at my lingerie. I have been living here for years and I wish to be able to keep living here in comforts. I don’t like it when you are spying on me you know..” She made eye contact with the poor boy who tried to look away. “I..uhhh.. what do you mean?” It was all or nothing now. “Don’t even try denying it, I got it all on camera! Luckily for you, I’m not going to the police or tell all the neighbours about your spying. “Please don’t! I promise it will not happen again.” Scott replied meekly. Heather was thinking he would almost start crying soon. “You are damn right it will not happen again, though I’ll have to make sure it will not. So today you will do as I tell you, understood?” She kept looking at him with a stern look. “Yes..” Scott replied. “You will call me mistress, do you understand?” Scott seemed afraid now. “Yes mistress.” He replied. “Good boy, now let’s get you upstairs and ready for a day of chores.” Heather told him as she pushed him gently towards the stairs.

Once they made it into the bathroom, Heather told Scott to strip and get in the shower. He was reluctant to get naked in front of her but Heather knew just how to make him get naked. “You better get naked now, or I will spank you right here.” He still looked puzzled at her. She swung her hand and landed it hard on his ass, which made him almost jump up. “STRIP!” Heather yelled at him. Scott immediately started to undress. Once he was naked, Heather told him to shower quickly.

Minutes later, Scott was fresh out of the shower and Heather led him into her bedroom. She did not want to shock him compltely so she had hidden some of the new items, she would start off slowly. “Listen Scott, since you have been spying on me and my underwear, I’m going to teach you a lesson you are unlikely to forget.” and with that she picked up a pair of frilly pink panties for him to step in. They were nothing like the usual panties she or any woman would wear, these were double lined so even the inside were super soft. Once he stepped into this satin trap she pulled them slowly up his legs to cover his now half hard member.

She looked at the helpless male in his pink satin panties. He was being very shy and started blushing. Looking at her helpless prey made her even more wet. But she figured that could be dealt with once he was completely dressed.

Heather picked up a garter belt which had 6 strings with clips dangling from it. She made Scott step into the belt and pulled it up to his waist. “Alright, the stockings are next. Sit on the edge of the bed.” She told Scott. Heather rolled up the stockings and attached them to the garter belt. “You look way too cute not to document this.” Heather says as she pulls out her camera. “No! You can’t.” Scott says as he tries to cover up his new underwear. Heather thought of becoming mad at him but she figured these photos would be even better. Trying to hide his frilly pink panties, garter belt and stockings. “You better behave or I’ll post these all over the neighberbood naughty girl!” Heather told Scott with a stern look.

Scott would soon be trapped in a very soft pink satin petticoat.

The next item of torture was a soft pink satin petticoat. It was a petticoat with multiple layers of satin. Heather picked up the garment and lowered it so Scott could step in. She could sense the hesitation but after two seconds Scott did lift one leg and stepped into it. Soon his other leg was also in the opening and Heather lifted the garment up until it was around his waist. She made him turn around and grabbed one of the little padlocks from her pocket. She fumbled with the waistband until she found the two little loops that could be pulled together with the help of the padlock. Scott was unaware of what she was doing but all of a sudden heard a loud *click*. “What was that?” He almost said with his voice full of panic. “Nothing to worry about, let’s focus on getting you dressed.” Heather replied.

The next item was a bra filled with breastforms. She put it up against Scott’s chest who shivered by the cold fabric on his nipples. It started to arouse him. Heather hooked up the bra hooks in the back and made him turn around. He now had a big C cup, which looked quite good on him. Now all the under garments were ready, it was time for his heels. She had to make an assumption on the size but figured they would be uncomfortable anyway, regardless of the right sizing. “Sit on the edge of the bed.” Heather told the maid to be. She put the 4 inch heels on his feet and pulled him to his. He stood there wobly. “I can’t walk in these.” Scott protested. “You’ll get used to them.” Heather replied.

Now he was all ready for the final piece. She opened the closet door, on the inside hung a giant pink satin dress. She picked it up and unzipped the back zipper. She raised the whole sea of satin and told Scott to hold his arms out. The big trap of satin was raised over his head. Heather guided his hands into the sleeves and lowered the layers of satin over him. The dress came all the way to his ankles, just his heels were visible under the big uniform. “Turn around for me miss.” She told the nervous boy. He slowly turned around and Heather started zipping the dress up. It was a snug fit but she managed to get the zipper all the way up to his neck. The zipper had a small opening. She grabbed another small padlock from her pocket and put the two loops on the collar and the zipper together and snapped it shut. A shiver went over Scott’s spine. He raised his arms and reached for his neck and felt the padlock. He looked very anxious and nervous.

Heather was looking at the final result and smiled to herself. She was now ruining her own panties, that’s how wet she was. She was looking at a helpless male locked into this full length pink maid’s uniform. He just realised his faith by finding out it was locked onto him. She got so hot she couldn’t wait any longer. She grabbed a pair of handcuffs from the top drawer of her night stand. She quickly moved behind Scott and cuffed his wrists together on his back. “Get on your knees servant.” She said as she pushed down on his shoulders. Scott slowly lowered until he was kneeling in front of her. Heather raised her skirt and stepped towards her obedient maid. She put the hem of the skirt over his head so Scott was now trapped under her skirt. Heather grabbed her maid’s head with both hands and forced it into her wet pussy while saying “Eat my pussy you dirty little slut. Make me come!” Her obedient maid started licking her wet pussy and within minutes she bursted into at least three giant orgasms.

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Heather now had her own obedient maid in a pink lockable uniform.

After Heather recovered from the best orgasms she had ever had, she pushed Scott’s head from under her skirt and made him stand up. She undid the handcuffs and made him follow her into the laundry room. She pushed a laundry basket in his hands which was filled with petticoats and panties she had been wearing. “Hand wash these items for me.” She told him as she walked out of the room. She needed a glass of wine to review the day so far.

Heather had a chance to catch her breath while sitting on the couch with a good glass of wine. After about twenty minutes she went upstairs to check up on her maid. He had just finished hand washing her delicate items. “Follow me, time to hang it all up to dry.” Heather was leading Scott into the kitchen. He was carrying the laundry basked with the wet petticoats and panties he just washed by hand. “Alright, hang it all up for me.” Heather said as she pointed towards the garden. “No I can’t go out like this..” Scott said. Heather became furious, how did he dare to speak to her like that.

The next few events went so quick. She opened the door and pulled her new maid into the garden. Scott was having trouble keeping up with her on his high heels. He was very afraid somebody would see him. Heather pulled him to the clothing line and grabbed the laundry basket and put it on the floor. “Grab your ankles!” She yelled at him. “Grab my what?” Scott asked puzzled. Heather pushed him forward until Scott was bend over as far as he could. She now lifted up the dress and all the layers of the petticoat until his panties were exposed. Now she started smacking his ass hard as a punishment. She continued smacking while Scott was almost sobbing and pleading her to stop. After about 30 strokes she stopped smacking him and covered up his pantied butt with the petticoat and dress. “Now be a good maid and hang up the laundry!” She commanded. “Yes mistress” her new maid replied.

Heather walked back inside and closed the door. She grabbed her set of keys and locked the door shut. She made her way upstairs and walked towards the same window she had been spying on her prey from about three weeks ago. A petticoated maid was hanging up her panties and petticoats after handwashing them. The petticoated maid was wearing the frilliest and most humiliating outfit you could imagine. The sight of it all made her really wet again. She reached under her skirt and started playing with herself again. The thought of having her own full time obedient maid excited her more than anything. Scott would now forever be in her control.

** The End **

This is the first story I publish on BC. I've done more writing and started my own web project. If you wish to read more of my work (including photos) please take a look at my personal website SatinSubmissions.com.

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