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secret desires pt 1
"stuck" such a sample word; to some it is the inability to move forward, to others it's not being able to leave a situation but to some especially those into bondage, it was the best feeling in the world. The feeling Chris warted to create, he had spent weeks planning and engineering the series of events that would leave him irreversibly stuck. But the problem with being stuck is you don't get out when you want to, and Chris was planning stuck but unbeknownst to him, he was going to be stuck for far longer then he planned because he was so good at planning just not planning for other people's actions.
Chris was focused, his mind racing, planning, looking for escape methods then ways to seal those methods, the sewing machine gave its rhythmic noise as the kevlar threads sealing the titanium wire in the fabric. With these two materials you would think he was making something military grade and to be fair it pretty much was, but what he was making was simply a gown specifically, a pink poofy skirted silk gown the lace sleeves with a hand of silk flowers, the stiff steel boned corset made to compress the wearer's and restrict movement was built into the gown, along with several layers of keviar. He had built the gown for two purposes: one to be the prettiest gown he could make one that would be chosen by many girls on prom night of even one chosen by a blushing bride on her special day, he second to make sure that the person that put it soon would absolutely not be able to take it off, from the chains hidden in the waist and the wrists all hidden by the flowers and the bow on the neck and waist, the duo of locking zippers that were made not to unzip ones pulled up in the locked position it couldn't be cut or ripped it probably was even bulletproof it almost certainly could stop a knife. He tried it on, it fit like a glove he began zipping up the innermost zipper and froze he almost got himself trapped in the gown it would be so easy just zip it up and he was stuck, but not yet the plan wasn't in motion yet.
He made sure to hang open padlocks where they were ment to be clicked shut and using the keys he made sure the open zippers were locked in the correct setting, keys to every dress lock were hanging in the locks and that they were hung in their correct positions he made sure the diagram was in the basement. He went to his list had several more more steps "stick to the plan." he thought "not yet" he commanded himself.
His phone went off "I feel like a woman" played snapping him out of his thoughts checking the phone "we can certainly fulfill your proposed requests once we find one who will take your contract. We will update you when we find someone." He replied "thank you i look forward to your later contact." He went back to his preparations "not long now Valyrie you get to come out to play soon.
He set up his phone to record as he pulled out a chastity belt, well more of a chastity outfit he held the keys up to the camera after putting them in the chastity lock to show the camera that the keys were the correct ones, as he unpacked the chastity outfit he held the keys up to the camera after putting them in the chastity lock to show the camera that the keys were the correct ones then he placed them in a envelope in clear view of the camera sealing the envelope he made sure the package never left the camera's view as he put the chastity outfit on click went the lock on the collar click, Click the thigh restraints were on, click the bra wasn't coming off giving him a pair of metal C-cups, then the main chastity piece was put around his waist. He hesitated then he picked up a hammer to bind the the last rivets together sealing himself in for who know how long, letting out a giggle.
He drove to the nearest mail dropbox the video still recording the satisfying thump as the keys fell out of his reach. Getting home he put every piece of clothing and shoes that he owned in boxes in the garage. He walked through the house once more making sure there was no male clothing left in his home all of it was packed in his garage and would be gone soon. Little did he know he would regret this series of actions in the nights to come.
Across town Selena climbed out of the shower her long black hair danced under the blow dryer, her blue eyes studied her own reflection her blue eyes scanning her body all five' six" of it her phone buzzed it was the company 'Got a interesting client for you, the pay is very good for two hours of work'' she responded " I don't do intercourse on company time" The handier quickly clarified "No sorry there is none of that know you don't" was the response. "He cant do that, lol not at the moment, just check your email" Selena booted up her computer and opened the email. Selena stares at the computer and watched the video it clearly shows a man opening a new woman's chastity belt. He unpacks and assemblies it, he takes all the screws out after sizing it snug to his slim form and set the supplied rivets he hammered them in, then he took the each finished piece examining them, tugging on them with all his strength then, placing keys In a envelope he grabs the still recording phone and drives to a mailbox and clearly shows him dropping the keys in the box. Then when he gets back at the house she understands his previous steps, he begins to rivet the parts together he leaves the room then comes back in wearing a dressing robe and begins to lock each piece of the belt on. The last part of the belt he picks up a hammer and piece of flat metal sliding it between his hip and the belt there was a sharp slap as hammer hit the rivet sealing the belt on himself. He tests each piece and he lets out a quite girly giggle Selena sees him test each piece yanking, tugging, twisting and squeezing none of it helped. He is stuck in the chastity is not coming off then he the puts a hot pink night gown on and the video cuts.
The last part of the email is an outline of what he would like the escort to do:
1 help him finally fulfill my desire to be a sissy, hereafter referred to as Valyrie.
2 make sure there is no way Valyrie can back out.
3 if you are interested you can degrade her in any way you want.
4 make sure all clothes (they are laid out) are secure then leave taking the box of keys with the escort holding the key to the whole predicament.
5 assuming I follow directions and you leave pleased with my actions, text me the location of the key.
There is an upfront payment of two thousand dollars for you with an additional three thousand for all my desires being fulfilled understand if you chose not to do this but I hope you choose to help Valyrie to come out of the closet. Have a nice evening with all due regards Valyrie.
"This is odd but I've seen odd before" she could feel a dampness between her legs "this could be interesting maybe even mutually erotic" if her engorged clit and her heart rate was anything to go by her phone buzzed it was her friend and ''coworker"text that said "if you don't take him I will." Before she replied to her she sent a confirmation to the company that she'll take the client "I want him" she replied "I wonder if he would mind if I tagged along" and a thoughtful emoji ''Id rather you did in case he is weird." The response was a rapid fire almost instant flurry of messages, "yay what are you wearing?"
"We should coordinate outfits."
"Should we go slutty or refined?"
"You should wear those black sky high platform stilettos."
"I need to get my nails done."
"Good night Nicole" she replied trying to cut the endless flurry of texts. She sent out one more text then went to bed and the nightstand bottom shelf with her toys called her then the buzzing filled her senses.
Chris was more aroused then he had ever been, he smiled as he realized he had no way to relieve that feeling. His phone sang out as he received a message ''Your contract has been accepted and your package has been received." He wired the first payment and the phone buzzed once more "Thank you for your business. Rose Escorts hopes you enjoy your evening Mr Anderson" just as he set the phone down he got a new text "Hi I'm Selena I'll be your umm companion for the evening I had a friend from Roses, who wanted to tag along (no charge) is that alright?" He replied "that's cool" Looking forward to tonight he finished his preparations. While showering shaving his whole body, he arched his eyebrows thin and feminine, put on a pair of dangly earrings and left the bathroom he ate while he thought all about what he had set up and on the table in the entryway, he placed the only handcuff key not in the chest in the basement.
There was a knock at his door. Panicking he grabbed a robe and put it on to hide most of the chastity belts accessories. It was his next door neighbor Paul he answered the door "Hi Chris are you still going to donate those clothes to the... Sorry am I too early?" he gestured to the robe 'no' Chris replied, "I just don't have any other clothes. Um clean" or at all, Chris replied, "I just don't have any other clothes... Um clean" or at all he thought the only clothes I had not in the donation boxes are hanging on a mannequin in the basement. They loaded all the boxes into the back of Paul's truck adding his last pair of shoes as he tapped the trunk to let Paul know he was done. Paul drove off taking every bit of male clothing out of Chris's house. He had just sealed his fate. Another point of no return had just been passed one more step in his preparation was left he went inside and online he maxed out his credit card paying up the bills and ordering a whole new wardrobe of cute dresses, gowns, corsets, makeup, nail polish, and so many pairs of high heels then he cut the credit card in half, so he couldn't go to the store to buy more clothes. His male parts were trying their best to get erect in its prison, when the text message confirmed that he was the one who made the purchases after he confirmed, the phone buzzed saying he had maxed out the credit for the month. He smiled he was not going to be able to buy anything to hide Valyrie's clothes. He went to do the last step until his company arrived the smell of super glue assaulted his nostrils as he glued the long acrilic nails on his hands then painted them glittery pink and waited for them to dry he then dumped the nail polish remover down the toilet. His phone rang answering, he heard a female voice on the other side.
"Shut up Erica I'm calling him." Selena was dressed in a black slit leg gown showing off her thigh high stilettos and a peek at the rose pink garter belt matched her corset that Erica had laced too tight. "What time do you want us to arrive for your... Umm whatever this is?" Whenever we want? Ok see you soon." Was that him or should I say her? Nic giggled. "Yes get your car, I want to get this over with." As she said that she flushed, in reality she wanted to draw this out she wanted to experiment with this sissy to see how far he would go and what other steps he had taken. She helped Erica put on her matching outfit making sure to tighten the corset as tight or tighter than Erica had done her own. Then they went to meet their date for the evening.
They arrived at the house the lawn was well manicured the sun was starting to go down, the driveway light was on and all the window shades were pulled shut they walked to the door. Their heels clicking on the paved walkway to the door then ringed the doorbell.
Chris jumped at the bell, and said "Ok Valyrie time to come out and play". He walked to the door, he had changed the dressing gown to a soft pink satin one. Opening the door if he could get an erection in his prison he would have. "I'm Selena" said the gorgeous woman at his door a head poked out from behind her said "and I'm Erica" Chris was startled at the second woman even though he had agreed to let Selena bring her. Selena studied him he looked them in their eyes, not scanning their bodies, like every other lecherous men in his position she noted his arched feminine eyebrows that topped his hazel eyes, could see the collar on his neck and the lock on his bra peeking out of the dressing robe. She had to take a deep breath to contain her excitement "just a job, do the job your a profesional" she said under her breath He stepped aside Selena noted his matching mani and peti, He let them enter as they entered the house was immaculate except for his desk he was a controlled chaos person, she thought. "Do you want any drinks? Or snacks? He was nervous now she could hear it in his voice Selena smiled as he shuffled nervously, he had planned this night to the minor detail with perfect calculation but now he was like a schoolgirl on her first day of middle school. "Yes drinks please-" Chris turned to go to the kitchen "Miss Valyrie" she continued she could see him slightly stumble and pause then he brought a platter of unopened canned drinks and straws. After some small talk he showed them around the house, he was trying to show that there wasn't anyone else in the house. He knew if he was in this situation he would like to be assured that they were safe and alone. They walked through the master bedroom "Why are the dressers and the closet empty?" Nic asked "Step three" he replied "get rid of all male clothes in the house to make room for the clothes ordered in step four. "What step are we on now?" asked Selena "Step 5" he said lightly licking his top lip, "Let Valyrie out." He led them to the basement where he had set up the scene she gasped at the pink gown on the mannequin it was gorgeous, the pink silk gown had lace and flowers accenting the waist and wrists. She examined it closely this gown would cost at least a thousand bucks it would be bought by any girl on prom night or even as a bridal gown. Erica on the other hand was looking at the array of restraints and other toys Valyrie had laid out on the floor there was a bucket with a single chunk of ice with a bar and string tied to the top "What's this?" She asked "The extra keys to what ever of those you put on me." Valyrie replied as he gestured to the rows of restraints
"Well Nic let's get this girl dressed shall we? Robe. Off. Now." Said Selena her voice ice cold and full of dominance.
Chris's mouth gaped like a fish out of water. Selena was surprised and intrigued at her self, she didn't believe these words or tone that seemed to come out her mouth it was different from her normal dominant voice it seemed to ring with a steel she wasn't used to. "What did I say the longer you wait the longer i wait to get the keys from the office" Nic was surprised at her friends new attitude but she played along and picked up the heeled boots and untied the laces and took the open locks off the keys were in all the locks she absent mindedly put the keys to each lock in her pocket. Chris disrobed showing the chastity device "Oh wow" Erica said as she examined it "why is there a chain dangling between the thigh bands?" "So that the wearer has to wear skirts I assume, but I can't attach it before putting on the gown" Chris responded. She helped him put on his soft pink guarder belt and thigh high ribboned thigh high hose followed by followed by the Stilettos he balanced and slid his pedicured feet in the held heel there were two clicks as Nic locked the heels on his feet. Selena pulled the gown off the mannequin it was heavier then it looked then she understood why he hadn't attached the thigh chain the gown had built in fabric between the legs. Why is it so heavy? How was Valyrie supposed to pee... not my problem she thought as she looked over the design blueprint for the corset and gown the level of detail was amazing titanium and kevlar, why? she thought. "Ok sissy lets get this corset on." Nic put a foot in his back and tightened it to its tightest then the three locks were clicked shut. "Oh you left us instructions" she was looking at a hand drawn diagram of the gown He placed his high heeled foot in the gown panting from the corset and the situation as he slipped his hands through the sleeves taking care not to get his new nails cought in the lace sleeves Nic looked at the diagram referencing it there was a sires of clicks as the metal and kevlar mesh hidden by the back zipper was padlocked the gowns internal corset was tightened and the last locks were hidden by the outer zipper each click made Valyrie shutter and he could feel the pre-cum oozing into his maxxi pad he put on before they arrived.
Chris tried to emulate his female persona he stood in the most feminine way he could think of, taking all his willpower he stood in silence, emotions clouded his train of thought he felt cold metal touch his wrist and a rapid fire of clicks his arms were pulled in front and a second series of clicks, handcuffs had secured his hands he looked on as pink bondage mitts were padlocked over his fists making his hands less then useless, but it was as if he was only a watcher of this situation, the two women giggling as they figured out what the restraints were and what they did he felt a slap connect with his cheek and the feeling was gone, he was back in his body, "five days" said Selena her eyes were full of amusement with the light twinge of anger "five more shall we move on to weeks?" sorry mistress i was lost in the situation." He realized he was now bound with leg shackles. Nic was under the skirt as he felt the thigh chain of his chastity belt was locked shut "i asked was this all you wanted? Are we done here?" "Yes mistress" he replied she snapped back "Good then you don't need to talk any more" she shoved a dildo gag in his mouth and locked it behind his head. "We are leaving this sissy to figure out how to free her self on her own. Let's go Erica." "Yes... Mistress." Erica said her voice playful and mischievous as she reached the top of the stairs back in the house she paused she forgot something saw a set of four long curved rods she consulted the diagram placing the rods under the skirt they attached too the hoops in the skirt good luck getting out of this situation sissy, she thought to herself. "the key is going to be in the mailbox." She said as she shut the door and the basement light clicked off.
Chris stood in the darkness tonight was everything he wanted and more than he froze "mailbox" he tried to say over the phallus gag but it came out "Maphpox?" he stepped forward and his stiletto clicks seemed like gunshots in the dark basement. He used his cuffed and mitted fists to feel in the darkness and find the door knob and awkwardly turned it.
Selena listened for the basement door to open and smiled "good girl." she said then shut the front door, she quickly put the key in the mailbox she got to her car she pulled away nut not out of eye sight, her job was done the client got what "she" paid for but, Selena wanted to see, wanted to watch her prisoner struggle a bit more the door opened Valyrie stood in the doorway frozen he couldn't run in the heels and leg bindings then She took a deep breath and then struggled through the door the hoops of the skirts wedging in the door as quickly as she could she hurried to the mailbox pawing at it with the mitted hands how he got the key Selena didn't know but she saw him sit under the porchlight and the first of the mittens came off. Her hands went to her glovebox, to her vibrator it buzzed to life as she watched her sissy struggle.
"Got to get the mitts off I cant risk dropping this key before that" he took his time the seconds felt like hours, minutes like days finally he got the mitt off Valyrie was ecstatic she didn't want it to end the scene but at any moment someone could look out their window. The second mitt off then as quick as she could she went in the house to safety from the eyes of her neighbors, with a devious grin he threw the key out the front door into the yard, shut the door and to bed
Selena saw her client throw something from the door too small to be a mitt the only thing left... the key why would he throw the key. The handcuffs were still on what could he be thinking? The sun would be up soon she sent a quick text message as she went to the company to get the only keys to her new slaves chastity belt. "They are mine now maybe ill return them... Someday" she said out loud to her self with a giggle and naughty thoughts dancing in her head
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