Path ahead

This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind that path before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel.

Of Paths to Take
Path Ahead
By: Zylux

In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned over all from left to right, but it was a ball gown in the center of the display window that caused everything else to fade into the background. It looked like something that belonged in a different time, a more civilized time. A time when women took more care in how they looked. A time ruled by elegance, glamour, and all things feminine, completely opposite of what I had been assaulted with earlier.

It was a white strapless gown with a black wisteria vine and small clusters of lavender blooms entwined around the gown. The bodice was tight fitting to the waist, where the skirt came straight out, quickly curving down, tightly fitting the hips, and then forming a straight skirt down to the ankles. Attached at the waist in back was a very full half skirt that descended to the floor and possibly more. I couldn't tell, as the half skirt flared out to the sides blocking any view to what it was doing behind the gown. I was captivated by that gown, and so was that something within me. It demanded to see more, especially the back of it. Of course that would mean having to enter the shop. That would be risky for I would surly slip into a daydream which might lead to someone discovering my secret and who knows what consequences that could lead to.

As I wrestled with my inner something, I noticed a young woman emerge from a backroom and call to a mature woman behind the sales counter. She joined the young woman and both disappeared into the backroom. It was a chance for me to pop in, see the back of the gown and exit with no one the wiser. But I was too timid to act, until that something inside me became impatient and seized the moment. Suddenly, I found myself moving to the left, toward a recess in the middle of the front of the store. It was the entrance, and I watched my hand reach for the door handle. Before I could comprehend what was happening, I was inside the store and quickly moving to the back of the display and to the gown that had so captivated my inner something.

The back of the gown was magnificent. It was half backless with a hidden back zipper. The half skirt was swelled out over the rear as if a small bustle was under it before cascading down onto the floor forming a short train behind the mannequin. I was so taken by the gown that my plan was completely forgotten. I stood there in a hypnotic state, looking the gown over again and again until the price tag caught my attention. I watched my hand reach out and seize it. The price brought me back to reality and the realization that the gown would never be within my means. Depression was beginning to well up inside. It was time for me to go.

I turned away from the gown only to find myself facing the mature woman I had watched disappear into the back room. She was a striking woman and was dressed in a very expensive looking white skirt suit that came to slightly above the knee. The fitted jacket was unbuttoned, revealing a completely buttoned up black shirt. Her shoes were white, with wide, one inch high heels. The only jewelry I could see were a pair of pearl earrings and a matching single strand pearl necklace. Her hair was done up and pulled back from her face. Wire frame glasses with large round lenses, was a youthful counter to an otherwise mature look. She in turn, looked me over and gave me a smile that seemed friendly enough, but I couldn't help wondering if there wasn't something else to it.

"Hello, I'm Lynn, the owner. You are perhaps interested in the ball gown, for someone special in your life, but the price has scared you away?"

"Yeah, it's way out of my range."

"Actually, it's a bargain at that price. It's simply a masterpiece of versatile design. For you see, it's actually four pieces, not one. Come; let me show it to you."

I was uneasy, and my mind became filled with thoughts that she suspected my secret. I wanted to leave but that something inside me wanted to know more about the gown and willed me to stay.

"We shall start at the back with the simply marvelous half skirt with its yards and yards of fabric. The height of femininity, is it not? And it holds a surprise, for it is really a separate full skirt that is bunched up and attached to the waist band with some hidden fasteners. When worn as its own skirt, it is ankle length in front and long enough in back to form a short train. Very elegant, and would be suitable for the ballet, or with a couple of petticoats, opening night of the opera season.

"Now, as for the long straight skirt, it too holds a surprise. It is actually two pieces that are attached at the knee with more hidden fasteners. See how the pattern draws one's attention away from the overlapping seam? The long version, paired with the matching top or another compatible top, would of course be suitable for most formal events. The knee length version paired with the matching top or a more casual top would be excellent for an evening out.

"The top of course, could be paired with nearly any plain skirt in ones wardrobe for a casual to formal look. I dare say if you were to give this gown to the special lady in your life, that she would be most appreciative. It would certainly become her favorite outfit, or should I say, outfits."

"Yes, well, its versatility does put the price in perspective, but as I have already said, it is way out of my range. My job doesn't pay much and with my limited education, there really isn't any chance of my finding a better one."

As I continued to stare at the gown, my mind started to drift into a daydream in which I imagined myself dressed in all the different looks it had to offer. I knew I shouldn't, but I just couldn't help it, I had come to want that gown almost to the point of obsession. Lynn watched me for a minute, and then jolted me back to reality.

"Perhaps I can help you with that. We have a fair size wedding party to outfit and the sheer magnitude of what must be done has outstripped our labor and equipment resources. I am in need of someone who can help out where needed. You look like you can fill most of our needs. By any chance do you do any sewing?"

"Some, being a bachelor with little money I do most of my shopping at thrift stores. Finding things in very good condition and in my size is rare, so I learned how to alter things to fit me."

"Excellent, I would like to offer you a temporary second job with as many hours as you can handle. And I dare say, at a far better wage."

"Tempting, but…"

"And, as an employee, you would be eligible to buy anything we offer at cost plus ten percent. That would cut the price of this gown nearly in half."

"That is an attractive offer, but I would probably spend all I make. I'm not in the habit of saving money, since I've never had enough to save."

"Not a problem, I can keep your wages on account until you have earned enough to purchase the gown. Do we have a deal, um; I don't believe I caught your name."

"It's Jeff, and yeah, it's a deal."

"Excellent, come on back with me and we'll see who can use you the most."

I followed Lynn into the back room. There were four young women feverishly working on various items of clothing. But my eyes quickly fell on one who was working on a wedding gown with a huge skirt that reeked of femininity. Oh how I wanted to work with her.

"Girls, I have found us some help. This is Jeff and he is willing to do what ever you need, or at least try. Jeff, starting over on the right, we have De. She is working exclusively on the bridal gown. Next we have Sandy, working on the bridesmaids dress. Over on this side is Gerry, working on the mens suits. And behind her is Anna, working on the women's dress suits. Now, who has the most pressing need?"

"That would be me. I'm having a difficult time assembling the mens suits without the use of a form to hang the pieces on, seeing as how all of the forms have been commandeered by those working on the dresses."

"Alright Jeff, you will be working with Gerry first."

The young woman before me looked more like a husky young man. She was dressed in a man's blue, short sleeve shirt and relaxed fit blue jeans. Her hair was very short with a boyish cut and parted on her left. The only feminine touch was in the front, where the hair was long enough to slightly sweep across the forehead and around towards the ear. She even had a stance that had a more masculine air than a feminine one.

"Happy to have you on board Jeff, as I can sure use the help. So, let's get a look at you. Boy, you're on the thin side aren’t you? Well I can still make use of you for a while. Strip to your shorts and put on this shirt."

I did as instructed while Gerry picked up a pair of pants she had been working on. The pieces were being held together mostly with pins. She assisted me in putting them on without it coming apart. Adjustments were made and then she tacked the pieces together with needle and thread. When she had finished, she picked up the basic shell of the matching jacket and slipped it onto me. As with the pants, she adjusted the various pieces and seams, tacking all in place. She then added the remaining pieces in turn tacking them in place. It was a lengthy process, and before she had finished Lynn came into the room carrying a large box that had been delivered by an upscale deli and announced a lunch break. This was fast becoming a job I could like.

As Gerry removed the unfinished suit, I took the chance to look around. I was amazed at the number of suits and dresses in all stages of completion and all had the look of being part of some overall theme. I had never even heard of a wedding being planed out on such a level as this. I got dressed and joined the others. Everyone had gathered around a table in the center of the room that had been quickly cleared. Lynn put the box on the table, removed the lid, and then she and Sandy spread the contents out on the table. Everyone assembled their lunch from the various containers and took a seat. I gave in to curiosity and inquired about what I saw around me.

"So, Lynn, is all this for one event?"

"Yes, it's for an extravagant wedding."

"But this seems to be going far beyond the usual design for a wedding party."

"Yes, well the bride is an extremely rich bitch and a royal pain in the lower posterior. She wants total control over everything and everyone, including what the guests will be wearing."

"So that's why there are so many identical looking suits and dresses in two colors."

"Exactly, and even though it's not as large a wedding that one would associate with the wealthy, the added wardrobe requirements are enough to cause a lot of work for us, enough to outstrip our resources. I had ordered an additional adjustable dress form from a Canadian supplier in anticipation of the job, but it has been held up in customs for reasons unknown. You helping us out will take care of part of our equipment shortage until the form arrives."

"Sound like this job will end once the form shows up. Perhaps I can be of use in ways that a form can't."

I was shocked. Where did that last sentence come from? Had I actually said that? Had anyone pick up on it? A quick glance at Gerry gave me the answer I didn't want. She was looking at me with a big smile. I was so distracted by Gerry that I almost didn't hear Lynn's reply.

"Not to worry. I'm sure we have enough work in other capacities to keep you on for quite a while."

Lynn turned her attention to the others and started to obtain updates on everyone's projects. From their answers, it was clear that there would be lots of overtime for everyone in the weeks to come. We finished lunch and everyone got back to work. I continued with Gerry for what seemed like forever until she decided to call it quits for the day. Or perhaps I should say night for it was quite late and I suddenly realized that we had worked through dinner. Hunger seized me and my stomach let the world know. It didn't escape Gerry's attention.

"It sounds like you could do with a bite to eat, same here. I know of a small soup café not to far from here where we can get a light but filling meal. Care to join me?"

"Sure, but I'll have to go get my car first as it's parked over in the mall."

"I'll give you a lift and then you can follow me to the café."

The others seemed to take a queue from Gerry and started to make ready to leave also. I followed Gerry out the back door and to her car. It was an older Karmann Ghia that had seen better days, although it still had a lot of power left as Gerry demonstrated with a white knuckle ride to the mall. We had no trouble finding my car as it was one of only a handful let in the parking lot. I quickly transferred to my car and then followed Gerry to the café.

We were able to park in front on the street as the area was nearly deserted. The scene inside the café was almost as deserted for we had arrived just before closing, we would have to order to go. Gerry suggested we have our meal at her place, to which I quickly agreed. Our choice was limited to what was left, but both of us easily found something to our liking. Gerry selected a thick beef and vegetable soup, while I opted for the summer minestrone. Our selections were packed in spill proof containers and put in a bag, while Gerry picked up the tab. We wished the owners a good night and headed back to our cars.

I followed Gerry for a couple of blocks to a small apartment complex. I made use of the guest parking while Gerry parked in her assigned parking space. When I got out of my car, I spotted Gerry making for an opening in the middle of one of the apartment buildings. Hurrying to catch up with her, I found her waiting at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the second floor. I followed her up the stairs and over to a corner apartment. She unlocked and opened the door ushering me inside.

The apartment was well decorated, but there was a lack of feminine frills. Indeed, it seemed to be more on the masculine side. Gerry walked past me headed for the couch behind the coffee table, placing the bag with our soups on the table and sat down. I followed her lead and slipped in beside her. She retrieved our soups from the bag and we dug in. It was excellent and I mentally added the café to my list of places to frequent.

Our conversation during the meal was mostly on finding out as much about each other as we could. Our lives turned out to be very similar. Both of us classed ourselves as outcasts shunned by the general public, although as to why, neither of us elaborated. It also meant that neither of us dated much and while I had virtually no social life, Gerry had a select group of friends that she got together with nearly every Saturday night. As to what she and her friends did together, Gerry didn't get into for we had finished our meal and she shifted her full attention to me.

She slowly moved closer to me and then when she was up against me, began to caress the back of my head and neck, staring intently into my eyes all the while. Our conversation rapidly dropped off and then, as if triggered by some mysterious queue, Gerry leaned into me. Her actions scared me a bit and I leaned back from her, bringing my hands up to fend her off. She grabbed both of my wrists, and forcefully pulled my arms above my head as I fell back onto the couch. She pressed her body down onto mine, pinning me to the couch with more strength than I had to resist with. I was at her mercy, she knew it, and took full advantage, kissing me hard and long until I finally surrendered to her will. We began to make out with Gerry taking the lead.

Her aggressiveness continued even after we had migrated to the bedroom. It was an unusual session with me spending most of the time on my back, with Gerry pinning me to the bed. As the session in bed progressed, I came to like being in a position of vulnerability more and more. I did manage to obtain the upper hand a couple of times and it would last until Gerry would decide to reverse things once again. All in all, I was stimulated in ways I had never experienced before, making our first session the best sex I had ever had and it wouldn't be the last.

The next day I had to go to my day job, but as soon as the end of my shift came, I was off to Lynn's shop. When I got to the shop, I checked in with Lynn and then slipped back into the back room. Gerry was sewing together the suits she had assembled with my help the previous day. When she spotted me, she stopped work and came out from behind the sewing machine. She put me to work the same as the previous day. We would continue the same routine for the next couple of days until one late afternoon when she had a surprise waiting for me.

"Great, you're here. I've come up with a way for you to be of more use to me then you currently are. I made these early this morning and I'm anxious to see if they will work. This is an old body shaper of mine from my fat days that I've reworked to give it a man's shape and padded it to fit you. Combined with this larger shirt that I've also padded to fit you, I should be able to make use of you for a couple of days more."

Gerry was holding the body shaper out for me to take. I stared at it in shock for what seemed like an eternity but eventually redirected my gaze to Gerry. She was looking at me intently with a smile that seemed to have more to it, like she knew something.

"Wait a minute, um, you want me to…"

"Why not? No one's going to notice and even if they do look they aren't going to recognize it for what it once was. See for yourself, there's not even a hint of anything feminine left about it."

Reluctantly, I took the garment and stepped into it pulling and wiggling it up my body and into place, much to Gerry's delight. I put on the shirt and we got to work. Gerry had been right, nobody noticed, or if they did, they didn't say anything. I became more at ease about wearing a piece of feminine apparel in the company of others. It allowed me to continue to work with Gerry for the next couple of evenings. We would work late into the night, and when combined with the eight hours at my day job, I was usually wiped out by the time she would call it a night.

That's when Gerry would take advantage of my condition. She would invite me to dinner at the soup café then try and lure me back to her apartment to spend the night. I occasionally accepted for I liked being with Gerry socially. It was in the bedroom that trouble was brewing for me. She exploited my weakness to turn the tables. More and more she made love to me not the other way around. It bothered me, but not as much as my inner something accepting her advances and willing me to surrender to her. It was definitely not a normal relationship, but I quickly grew to liking it and the frequency of our sleeping together quickly grew to four times a week, far more than I had ever had before. And while my social life with Gerry was on the increase, our working together came to a temporary end one evening when she ran out of suits that would fit me with or without the padded suit.

"Looks like I'm going to have to turn you loose, you're not beefy enough for the suits I have left to do."

"Sorry, I'll see what Lynn has for me."

"Not so fast. I have a better idea. Hey Anna, I could use the large dress form for a while. I'll trade you Jeff for it."

"Well, I was hoping to work out a deal with Sandy for the regular dress form, but I should be able to use him instead for a while. Okay, it's a trade."

Anna rolled the dress form over to Gerry's work area, then took me by both waists and "rolled" me over to her work area.

"So, Jeff, I need to assemble a few dresses. You have any hang-ups about wearing a dress?"

"Um, I guess not, I mean it's just clothing, and it's not like…"

"I can put up a makeshift screen to give you some privacy."

"That will most likely draw more attention and increase any teasing that will undoubtedly come my way. Besides, it looks like everyone will be too busy to even look at me."

"I like your attitude. As long as there are no objections, and since you are already stripped to your shorts, let's get started."

Anna picked up the breast attachment from the form she had traded to Gerry and held it up before me. I backed away, but before I could utter a word of protest, she gave me my options.

"To get the right look and fit to the bodice, you are going to need a woman's chest. Now, you can wear this or you can wear my bra with some stuffing, your choice."

I didn't answer; I just raised up my arms enough for Anna to place the attachment to my chest and then held it in place as she secured the elastic straps behind me. Anna pick up from her sewing table an assembly of the three main pieces of a bodice that she had pinned together. She raised it up over my head and down onto my shoulders. She adjusted the seams until she was happy with the way the assembly hung. More pieces were added, seams and darts adjusted, until she was satisfied. The skirt portion was added and that's when the teasing began. Fortunately the teasing was on the mild side and I was able to endure with a small amount of embarrassment.

Anna didn't partake in the fun. Instead she proceeded to adjust the fit and so forth, until after a considerable amount of time I stood in plain view of all wearing a very sophisticated and stylish dress. While it was obviously under construction, it was complete enough that I and the dress received rave reviews from all, including Lynn when she had come into the backroom investigating what all the chatter was about. Lynn seemed rather pleased to find me dressed the way I was.

From what was being said about the dress and from what I could see, I imagined that the look must have been was very close to the ball gown I so coveted, at least from the bust line down. Like the ball gown, the dress was tight fitting to the waist where it flared out and down, hugging the hips, and then transitioned to a straight skirt with the hem just below the knee. Even though the seams were only pinned and tacked together, it felt and looked fantastic, stimulating that something inside me. It wanted to see more than what I could just looking down at the dress and I came to want it too. A mirror, I needed a mirror.

I quickly became so obsessed with wanting to see myself in a mirror that I tried to covertly look around for one. My search fell upon Gerry who stared back at me with what can best be described as a cross between a leer and a smile. I panicked and quickly looked away, ending my search and fearing that Gerry had discovered my secret passion. As I wrestled with my thoughts, Anna finished up a final inspection. She soon added the matching jacket, making adjustments as needed.

Helping Anna was good for a weeks worth of work. While outwardly I acted indifferent to my roll as a dress form, on the inside, as each dress approached completion, I thrilled at being able to wear such an expensive and sophisticated dress again and again. It was a constant battle to hide my enjoyment from the others. But my enjoyment was about to come to an end when Anna finished with the last dress suit that would fit me. I suggested that she borrow the padded shaper Gerry had made.

"That could work for one or two more. Hey Gerry, can I borrow that thing you made to beef him up a bit?"

"Sure, it should be off the end of the table. Yeah, here it is, it's all yours."

"Thanks Gerry. Okay Jeff, here, I'll help you put it on. Wait a minute; is this what I think it is, and you've actually been wearing it?"

"Yeah, and I would appreciate it if you would keep that on the quiet."

"Well, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. After all, you didn't give me any hassles over wearing dresses for the last week, and come to think of it, I do believe you were enjoying it."

"Very funny, now, if you've had your fun, can we get back to work?"

"Oh, anxious to get back into a dress are we?"

I didn't answer, I just acted annoyed. Of course, she didn't know it, but she had been right. Once I had wiggled into the suit, she got to work assembling yet another dress. But it quickly became apparent that any enjoyment I would get from it would be blocked by the padding. Things don't always go the way we would like.

For the next couple of evenings, I was put to work cleaning up the work areas, restoring some order to the back room, helping out where I could, and even doing some sewing. While I'm fairly good with a sewing machine, I'm not very fast. Still, it helped move things closer to completion and was appreciated by all.

As the deadline for the first fitting approached, everyone became more frantic and upset over how much work was left to do. My work load became more varied, although I lost the job of stand-in dress form when the ordered form finally arrived. It was disappointing but a different opportunity would present itself late one evening.

Sandy, having been assigned the bridesmaid gowns, had been given exclusive use of the only adjustable dress form the shop had before the ordered one arrived. She had been able to assemble all without worrying about equipment shortages. But a new unforeseen problem was presenting itself, for the bridesmaid gowns had an unusual cut to them in front and Sandy was worried as to how that would affect the way the gown moved in back when the wearer was walking. She tried to get one of the other girls to model them for her, but none could spare the time. She was clearly upset and was work herself into a panic. I saw an opportunity to try on something I thought I would never get to and took it.

"Perhaps I can be of help; I could model it for you."

"What, you would be willing to do that in front of everyone?"

"Ah, um, how about we move into the storage room? There should be just a long enough clear area for you to watch for what ever it is you're looking for."

"Works for me, let's go."

Sandy picked up her sewing kit and a gown that had the best chance of fitting me and preceded me to the long narrow storage room. I stripped to my shorts, laying my clothes over a stack of boxes that had yet to accumulate a layer of dust. Sandy dressed me in the gown and then turned me away from her. I took that as my queue and started to walk down the room in as womanly a manor as I was capable. At the end of the clear area, I turned around and walked back to her. She was not happy and wasted no time making adjustments to the gown. I was again pressed into service as a model followed by more adjustments and more modeling. We continued for nearly two hours before Sandy was finally happy with the way the gown looked and moved. She sent me off on one last turn when Gerry pooped in on us.

"Oh ho, what have we here? You didn't mention that you were a model of women's wear."

"I'm not, so don't go getting any ideas."

"Too late, I've got a great one to run by Lynn."

"Hey, leave him alone. Jeff helped me when neither you nor anyone else would when I really needed it. If not for him, the first fitting would have been real ugly."

"It's a bridesmaid dress it's supposed to be ugly."

"Come on Gerry, you know what I mean."

"Ignore her Sandy. I for one think you've come up with a super design. It looks great, with class and style, and yet doesn't overshadow the bride. I think everyone will be happy, even bridezilla."

"Aw, thank you Jeff. That's so sweet of you to say."

Sandy looked at me with mischief clearly on her mind. Suddenly she grabbed me by the shoulders, pulled me to her, and kissed me hard. I figured out what she was up to and played along. Gerry tried to act like it didn't bother her, but I could tell she was fuming with jealousy. Sandy let me come up for air and then helped me take off the gown. I got dressed as she gathered up her tools.

"Well, I just came back here to see if you and Jeff were ready to call it a night."

"Wait, what time is it? Oh wow, we spent more time back here than I thought. Yeah, that's enough for tonight. Let's get out of here."

We exited out the back with Gerry doing the lockup routine. Sandy bid us a goodnight and was soon off for home. Gerry invited me to dinner at a much nicer restaurant than we usually ended up at. Given the way she was looking at me, I figured that her jealousy was upping the ante and I felt that it would be in my best interest to accept. Dinner was fairly quite, it wasn't until we were at her place before she became more vocal. We were seated next to each other on the couch when Gerry started to tease me about catching me strutting around in a dress.

"You know, from what little I saw, I'd say that wasn't the first time you've modeled a dress."

"First off, I've never modeled anything before and don't plan to. Second, I wasn't modeling that dress. Sandy needed to adjust the design for proper movement and I was helping when no one else would. And lastly, what you saw was the end result of her efforts, a final check if you will."
"So you're saying that it took her the better part of two hours to teach you how to walk in a dress?"

"No, it took two hours to fix the design. She didn't teach me anything."

"Oh, I see, you're a natural at walking like a woman. I do believe I can make good use of this newly discovered talent of yours."

I stopped short of replying, realizing that I was in a no win situation. I looked away and with a negative shake of my head, put up one hand as if to say "stop already". Gerry broke out laughing and then, with a look of triumph, bounce up off the couch, grabbed me by the wrist of my raised hand and yanked me up off the couch. She pulled me towards and into the bedroom where her aggressiveness and actions let me know that I was hers. It was something that my inner something took great enjoyment in and once again caused me no small amount of concern.

Things at the shop continued as they had been. The first fitting came and went with very few problems, and it looked like the entire job would be completed on time. My being of use to everyone was dwindling with each passing day. Still, Lynn kept me on.

It had been arranged that the clothes would be ready to be picked up on a Friday by members of the wedding party. It turned out to be a very long day. The parade of people coming in for a final fitting and paying off their bill stretched into the evening. Eventually the last couple was taken care of, and their departure triggered an impromptu celebration for all with one exception, me. For everyone else it meant that the impossible workload, the long hours, and all the stress, was at an end. For me, it meant that my temporary job was at an end. Lynn called everyone together for an announcement.

"This had been the most demanding job on all levels that we have ever had. Everyone has exceeded my expectations by a wide margin. Well done all. Now, I have rearranged our workload such that everyone can take a much needed one week vacation effective Monday, except for you Gerry. You will have to delay the start of your vacation for two days due to some work that couldn't be rescheduled, sorry."

"Not a problem, I can handle it."

"Excellent, I will fill you in before you leave tonight. As for you Jeff, you have proven to be a valuable resource in a surprisingly varied capacity. This wedding job will no doubt bring in considerable new business, creating a need for a person who can fill in anywhere needed. I would like to offer you that job on a regular full time bases effective as soon as you are available."

"Wow, thanks, I accept. I'll give my current employer a last week while everyone is off on vacation."

"Excellent, but Gerry will need your assistance for a few hours on Monday and an hour or two on Tuesday. I will leave it to the two of you to workout the details. If no one has questions or other business, then let us call it a day. Enjoy your time off, you have earned it."

Sandy, Anna, and De filed out the back door with me following. Gerry and Lynn had moved off out of hearing and were no doubt discussing the coming workload. I waited for Gerry outside and didn't have long to wait, she came out the door staring at me sporting a big grin. I was at once puzzled by her look and as she offered no clue as to why, was unable to determine if it would be good for me, or really bad. As she smugly strutted past me, she suggested a much fancier restaurant than any we had previously dined at before. Guessing that she felt a small celebration was in order, I quickly agreed.

After dinner, I followed Gerry up into the hills overlooking the city. We pulled off the road on the crest of a ridge that offered us a magical view of the city lights spread out below. I wasted no time transferring to Gerry's car. She in turn wasted no time engaging me in a heavy make out session. She was on fire and clearly the aggressor with unmistakable male overtones. For my part, I just enjoyed the new experience. That turned Gerry on even more and we soon climbed into the backseat. It wasn't long before the car was a rockin'.

I declined following Gerry back to her place for the night as I had drawn a Saturday shift at my day job. I got home at a late hour and just fell into bed. My mind wanted to dwell on Gerry's actions in the car, but was overruled by the need for sleep. I was barely able to strip off my clothes before succumbing to the sandman.

Saturday morning came all too quickly, and I oozed out of bed in a zombie like state. A quick shower woke me up enough to enable me to get dressed and drive to work. Once at work, I gave my one week notice.

Monday morning found me again at work. I had talked with Gerry about my leaving work an hour early so we would have enough time to get what she need done, but she had things to do in the morning and would start her day a couple of hours late. The day dragged by, but finally quitting time came. I punched out and headed for Lynn's shop. After checking in with Lynn, I got with Gerry.

She was altering an ankle length dress a customer had purchased the previous week and would be picking up Tuesday. She put me to work on the hem, but what should have been an easy job became more complex by the cut of the skirt. If it had been normal, it would have been a long straight skirt. But this one had a left side slit to mid thigh. At the knee, both edges of the slit opened up by slowly curving down to and wrapping around the side of the right ankle where they joined together. Very sexy, but a bear to adjust the hem length and still maintain the same curve on front and back. After we had both finished our tasks, Gerry took the dress and put it on the adjustable dress form. That's when I was able to see just how sexy it was.

It was jet black with an iridescent sheen over the entire dress. It was strapless and backless with the top of the bodice cut like a bustier. The dress closed with a hidden side zipper. As she inspected the dress all over, I became more and more envious of the dress form. After some time, and with a look of satisfaction, Gerry looked at me.

"Take off your clothes and step up on that small low platform over there."

"Ah, um, why?"

"Because the form doesn't have legs and you do. I need to inspect your work as well as make an overall inspection and the form isn't tall enough to do either. So come on, besides, you didn't seem to mind doing it for Sandy."

I offered no argument and complied more willingly than I hoped she knew. Once the dress was on, Gerry had me pose and then walk a little. I loved every second of it and was having a hard time concealing it. It was an incredible dress that one could not help but feel sexy in. Gerry completed her inspection without once trying to tease me or even look at me funny. I stripped off the dress and Gerry took it out to Lynn. I started to put my clothes back on as Gerry returned.

"Not so fast, we have one more that needs altering."

It was Lynn. She had been a couple of paces behind Gerry and was carrying the ball gown that I so desired to wear, the one that had lured me into the shop so many weeks before. I couldn't believe it; I was actually getting a chance to wear it. Lynn laid the gown out on Gerry's sewing table, and the two of them started to separate it into its four individual pieces. Gerry picked up the top and unzipped the hidden back zipper completely open like a jacket. I held my arms up out of the way as she slipped around back of me. She wrapped the top around my torso and zipped it up the back. It was then that I noticed the built in bra which, given the tops design, made sense. Gerry adjusted and pinned the top to snugly fit my body as Lynn looked on.

"Um, is it my imagination or are you trying to fit it to me?"

"You of course, after all it's yours according to Lynn, right Lynn?"

"Yes, you have enough money on account to buy it and I assume that you still want it."

"Well yeah, but it's for…"

"Gee, let's see, you're not married so it can't be for your wife and you've been sleeping with me, so you can't have a girlfriend. You've admitted that you don't have a social life, so it can't be for a close friend. I've gotten the impression that you aren't close to any family members, so that rules them out. That just leaves you, wouldn't you agree Lynn?"

"I would indeed. And also to be considered is you slipping into a daydream as I finished up pointing out the gown versatility. It looked to me that you were trying to imagine your self wearing this very gown in one, if not all, its variations."

"And Lynn let's not forget his willingness to not only wear a dress but model one as well. Something he hinted that he would be willing to do on the day he started working here."

"I caught that one as well. Now, Jeff, considering how much you are spending on this gown, don't you think it should fit you perfectly?"

I was too embarrassed to even look at Lynn, let alone answer. She reached out and with her fingers under my chin, gently coaxed me to raise my head and look her in the eyes. She was smiling in a reassuring way.

"Admit it; it's for you, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is."

"Excellent, he's all yours Gerry. Call me when you get the gown completely on and fitted."

"Will do."

Gerry had finished with the top and was holding the knee length straight skirt for me to step into. As I obliged her, a strange feeling swept over me, a kind of relief mixed with a sense of peace. My secret was out and it didn't seem to matter to those around me, at least not with Gerry and Lynn, but I suspected that Sandy, Anna, and De knew as well and felt the same. At any rate, the fitting promised to be one of the most wondrous experiences of my life for I no longer had to hide my feelings and could experience it to the fullest. And there was a lot to experience with the gown being in four pieces with each piece having to be fitted separately and with the others.

Gerry fussed with the knee length skirt until she was at long last happy with the way it fit my waist and hips. After adjusting the hem to fall at mid knee, she added the piece to make it an ankle length skirt. She gave the lower half a slight taper, adding a subtle touch of class to the original design and adjusted the hem to fall at the top of any shoes I would be wearing. I loved it and couldn't wait to go for a walk in it. But that would have to wait as Gerry quickly stripped the skirt off me.

She took the straight skirt back to her sewing table and exchanged it for the full skirt. The disappointment I felt over having my exploration of the long, straight skirt cut short was trumped by the new experiences the full skirt had to offer. Gerry took her sweet time with the skirt. When she had finished, she stood before me looking over the skirt with a satisfied smile. As I watched her, the smile slowly turned into a big grin.

She looked around the room and then headed off to some place behind me. She quickly returned accompanied by the most wondrous rustling sound. Instantly I was transported back in time to my youth when I had first experienced a similar sound, but this was far more intense. Gerry came to stand before me holding a very full bridal petticoat. I stared at it with my eyes and mouth wide open. I couldn't believe it; I was about to experience wearing the most feminine petticoat I had ever seen.

Quickly, I reached down and grabbed my skirt, lifting it; bring the hem up to my knee. Gerry piled the petticoat on the floor before me and guided me as I stepped off the platform into it. With some difficulty, she worked the petticoat up my legs and under the full skirt. As she did so, I let go of the skirt, reached behind me, and unfastened it. That made it easier for Gerry to get the petticoat into its proper place. I refastened the skirt and as I stepped back up on the platform, she fluffed the skirt out over the petticoat. The end result was incredible.

The skirt flared out all around me. It was so feminine, so wondrous, that I just had to have that petticoat, no matter how long my wages would have to remain on account to pay for it. I wanted to see how I looked in a mirror but as before, none were to be seen. There was the mirrored alcove out front that customers used to check how they looked on all sides at once. That something inside me wanted to dash out front and have a look but the thought of public exposure and ridicule held me back. My inner something wasn't to be easily denied, and a battle royal was quickly building. The more I fought my inner something, the more fidgety I became, and the more I move in place the more the skirt and petticoat, combined with the sound they made, worked their magic on my mind and strengthened that something inside me. It wasn't long before I had lost the battle and was ready to risk it all.

As I made to step off the platform, there was a sudden release of tension from around my waist. That was quickly followed by first the skirt, and then the petticoat falling down my legs to the floor. Gerry had finished fitting the full skirt and was removing it and the petticoat in preparation for the next phase of the fitting. I stepped out of the skirt and petticoat with Gerry's help. She left the skirt on the floor but took the petticoat back to her table, exchanging it for the long straight skirt. Once again she helped me into it. She picked up the full skirt and bunched it up into a half skirt. Gerry worked the top of the skirt under the hem/waist band of the top and secured it in place. She spread the skirt out to the sides and then arranged the short train out behind me.

I quickly looked around me as best I could. What greeted me was off the scale. It was the ultimate in femininity, not even a bridal gown could match it, although without the wisteria pattern it could be worn as a bridal gown. I slipped into a daydream in which a veil and a bridal posy materialized and I was being photographed and admired by all around me. It was a dream I wanted to remain in forever but it was soon shattered by Gerry.

"Hey Lynn, we're ready for a final look see."

Lynn came hurrying into the backroom. Upon seeing me she gently clapped her hands together and brought them up to her mouth, touching her finger tips to her lips. She stayed that way as she moved around me looking me over with a critical eye. Unlike my daydream, I felt more like a freak on display.

"Stunning, simply stunning. That gown looks fabulous on you, and you wear it well. If it looks this good on you, then it will look good on any woman. I have a good mind to photograph you and use the picture in an advertisement. Of course I will pay you a royalty on each gown sold.

"I'll skip on that. I'm not up to any public exposure."

"As you wish. Well, I must return to my task out front. Well done Gerry."

"No public exposure at all? What if I can take you to a place where everyone is different from whom society says they should be? A place where you can wear your gown in all its variations and receive compliments instead of ridicule. In short, a place where you can relax and play at who you want to be in the company of friends doing the same. Would you be interested?"

"I don't know, um, I'd really have to think about that one."

"What's to think about, don't you want to show off your new gown? It's the perfect place to do so. Tell you what; come with me Saturday night as my date. I love wearing a tux and it would be a blast showing up with you on my arm dressed as you are. We would be the best cross-dressed couple there."

"Are you saying that you usually attend dressed as a male?"

"Of course, hasn't it been obvious that I would rather look and act a man more than you want to look and act a woman?"

"I guess that does explain a few things."

"Things you rather like, don't you?"

I didn't answer and she just grinned at me.

"Let's get this off you and go home. I'll work on it tomorrow and I promise that it will be ready when you come in."

The following day found me working a full shift as Gerry wasn't going to need much in the way of help and the final fitting of my gown would be after the shop closed. The day dragged out longer than it usually did as the anticipation of what lay in store for me occupied my every thought. My shift came to an end and I dashed out the employee entrance. I was in my car and headed for Lynn's shop before traffic could jam the parking lot exit.

Gerry spotted me as I came in through the back door. She held up the gown to show me that she had indeed completed the alterations. I started to tremble with excitement as I realized that the dress I so wanted was, at long last, mine. But trying it on would have to wait as we both had work to do that had to be completed before Gerry started her vacation. We finished up about fifteen minutes before the closing hour. All that was left was the final fitting of my gown.

I wasted no time in stripping off my clothes and stepping onto the small platform. Gerry started to dress me, rebuffing my attempts to help. I quickly gave up and let her have what ever enjoyment she derived from dressing me. Soon I was wearing the completed gown, and it was better and more wondrous than before. I just had to see myself in a mirror but that still meant a risky move to the mirrored alcove out front. I looked toward the front of the shop and leaned as if to step off the platform but didn't. The shop was most likely closed but there might still be a customer left. I began to fidget as indecision took over. Gerry picked up on my dilemma. She raised her hand indicating me to remain where I was. She turned away from me and headed out into the front of the shop.

She soon reappeared in the doorway, motioning me to come to her. I started to move toward her when the reality of what was about to take place sank in. I became scared about leaving the security of the back room. I knew that the shop was indeed closed and clear, but there was still a chance of being spotted by someone looking in the windows. It was a risk, and for what, to see my self in a fancy set of mirrors? Then, that something inside me once again took over; it wanted to extract every last grain of wonder and pleasure this rare chance had to offer. It willed me to move and as I did the feel of the long straight skirt on my legs combined with the sound and drag of the half shirts train reinforced that inner something's grip on my actions. Suddenly I was entering the public part of the store and was headed for the alcove. At the alcove, I discovered that Gerry or Lynn had repositioned a rack of clothing to shield the alcove from view from outside. With a feeling of relief, I entered the alcove.

What greeted me exceeded my daydream and I couldn't get enough. I could have stood there for hours, but I knew that Lynn and Gerry were ready to go home. Reluctantly I left the alcove and headed back to the backroom. But I passed the entrance and continued on to where Lynn was. She looked me over and nodded her approval, but that wasn't why I had sought her out. I summoned up the courage to say that I would be interested in the bridal petticoat. She just smiled in a reassuring way and said that she would take of it.

Back in the backroom, Gerry helped me out of the gown. Together we folded up the pieces and packed them in a large flat box that had the stores name and logo on the cover. I tucked the box under my arm and followed Gerry out the back door. Outside we set up a date for Friday night, and then wished each other a good night. We parted and went our separate ways.

In the days that followed, I spent a good part of my time exploring all of the different looks my new outfit had to offer. It was wondrous and promised to be a better cure of any future bouts with depression than the mall could ever be. With the coming of Friday, my thoughts returned to Gerry and our date. I was anxious to see her for during our time apart I realized that our relationship was becoming more than just friendship and sex.

Friday night Gerry picked me up and took me to a community sponsored play. While there was no question that it was an amateur production, it was an enjoyable and fun play to watch. We then went to our favorite soup café for a late dinner. Gerry kept trying to steer the conversation to one she had started after she had fitted the ball gown to me. It was a conversation I didn't want to talk about especially in a public place. But it wasn't until I started to become upset that she finally dropped it and took me home.

Back at my place, Gerry again brought up the same conversation. We did discuss the pros and cons of my joining her and her friends on Saturday night, but I stuck to my position that it wasn't for me. Gerry seemed to give in and switched her attention to caressing the back of my head and neck. Soon there after we were in my bedroom for the night.

Morning came and it was over breakfast that Gerry renewed her efforts to get me to join her group. She again invited me to attend as her cross-dressed date. I sternly declined but she persisted and our discussion quickly became an argument and a heated one at that. It ended when I practically threw Gerry out. She acted hurt as she stormed out.

I spent the better part of the day alternating between being fuming mad at Gerry and fearing that I may have lost her. All the while, Gerry's invitation kept trying to push its way to the front of my thoughts crowding all else out. It was approaching evening that, that something inside me joined the battle and was urging me to accept Gerry's invitation, finding arguments in favor. I fought back with thoughts of being in front of strangers, being gawked at or worse. My argument with myself was wearing me down, leaving me tired and open to depression, depression brought on by thoughts of not seeing Gerry again. I didn't want to call Gerry, as she would probably renew the argument and I just didn't want that. It was clear that I needed to get my mind off Gerry and I had just the ticket.

I raced into the bedroom stripping of my clothes as I headed for my closet. I ripped the door open revealing my meager wardrobe. From a drawer I retrieved the only pair of panties I had and put them on. I also retrieved a pair of breast forms I had carved out of a foam cushion found in the trash. The ball gown was next and I seized the hanger it was on. On the bed I laid out the full ball gown with the long straight skirt and the full skirt bunched up into a half skirt. And then I stepped back to look at it. It was calling to me, willing me to wear it, to again experience the wonders it held just for me. I eagerly answered its call. I savored getting dressed; stretching out the process far longer than it should have taken. By the time I had finished getting dressed, all thoughts of the unpleasantness with Gerry had been banished. It was good, but I wanted more.

I put my long hair up in a bun at the top back of my head, tying a thin black ribbon around the base of it. Makeup was next and I took extra care to hide as much of my male features as possible. The end result was the best ever. Never before had I felt so feminine and alive. I couldn't help but dance about the room; making fast turns and watching the short train whip around behind me. It was wondrous and I wanted even more. I moved into the living room and continued to dance all around the room. My dance came to a halt in front of a chair. I took hold of the half skirt and spread it out behind me as I sat down in as ladylike a manner as I knew how.

I slipped into a daydream in which I was going to a Grand Ball and was awaiting for my date to come knocking upon my door. Visions of what the ball would be like filled my mind when the anticipated knock came. I moved to the door and waited for it to open revealing my date to me. But it didn't open. Instead, I was jolted from my daydream as there was another, louder knock. It wasn't a dream; someone was knocking on the door for real. I moved to look through the peep hole and saw a man dressed in a black tux with a white shirt and a black bow tie. I jumped back with a start. Was I still dreaming or had reality and my dream world merged? And if not, why was there a man in a tux at my door? The knock came yet again.

"Come on Jeff, open up, it's me, Gerry."

Gerry, why was she here and dressed in a man's tux? I had clearly turned down her invitation. If she thought she could change my mind she could think again. Anger again welled up within me and I had a good notion not to acknowledge her, let alone let her in. But I wasn't in charge. I watched in disbelief as my hand reached for the door knob. I started to tremble as the knob slowly turned. I was in near panic as I watched the door open, unable to stop it. I looked out upon Gerry standing before me looking very handsome in her tux. She looked at me from head to toe and back with a cross between a smile and a leer, and then she began to nod her head as if to say "yes, Yes, YES". She extended her hand out to me.

"Shall we go?"

I didn't answer, but merely smiled, took her hand and let her lead me down a path to the other side.

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