You Can't Escape From Justice Part 02

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You Can’t Escape from Justice Part 02


Kit was just a normal kid in what he thought was a normal family and he was happy with his life until one day his entire world was shattered in an instant.

Chapter Two:

“This isn’t the kind of conversation that I would like to have in the open, this is the kind of information that should not be publicly bandied about, it could cause me many problems,” I responded, with a glance to check whether other people were nearby.

“I’m sorry but I don’t know a place I only arrived last week and haven’t had the chance to explore yet,” he answered with a shrug.

“That’s alright,” I answered with a smile. “I have the perfect place in mind and we can get out of the rain.”

My smile grew wider as I continued, “that is if you trust me enough not to be leading you into some kind of trap.”

He laughed, it was a rich throaty laugh and then he grinned back, “I don’t think you would have helped me last night if you wanted to harm me, I trust that you intend me no ill”

I couldn’t help but smile at that, so I showed him the way to my house.

“I’m home and I brought a friend,” I said as we entered. I noticed that my mother was cleaning the kitchen because I could hear her, and my father was in his office, because his door was closed and the lights were on.

“We’ll be in my room,” I called as I led him down the stairs and into the large basement, the majority of which was my room. After we entered my room I closed and locked the door.

He turned to look at me and raised his eyebrows and watched me as I walked over toward the wall of my room and spread my fingers and placed my hand on the wall. The spot under my hand began to glow and I pushed. A small door swung inward into an unlit room, I walked in and light the braziers I had found, which illuminated the room fairly well.

Just looking at the room you could tell it was old, the entire wall on the left was covered with weapons of one kind or another in exquisite class cases, and while obviously old the weapons were still in flawless condition though.

The wall to the right was covered from floor to ceiling with books that all appeared to be hand bound and all the spines were covered with intricate flowing script written in some kind of gold. The books appeared aged, but seemed to have withstood the harshness of time. They seemed to exude an aura of power as if the power of those who had written them was imbued within.

The wall directly in front of the door was covered with several alcoves that held pans of what looking to be oil for lighting up the room. In the center of the wall was an intricate emblem of a white rose that seemed to radiate white light from the design.


Under the design were several desks that looked to be there if one wished to peruse the volumes the room held. While in the center of the room was a circular table with several chairs arranged around it, an apparent meeting place for group the room was made by.

The seemed to be some kind of design on the table that looked as if could be a mirror of the symbol on the wall, however it seemed to be fragmented and the pieces that composed it appeared to be bound to the table.

After he entered behind me I walked back to the door and closed it behind him, then I took a seat at the table and motioned for him to do likewise.

He took a chair opposite me and said, “I’m not used to saying something like this but thank you for helping me last night," he looked embarrassed.

I thought it was cute as I could understand how much he would have to struggle to unbend his pride enough to say thank you, and I smiled at him to show that I understood his discomfort.

"I’m Isaac”

I answered him without hesitation, " Selena."

I looked into his eyes and I saw that he was looking at me so intently, that I had his undivided attention.

It made my heart beat faster, no one had ever looked at me like this before.

"We don’t get many vampires around here, tell me a little about yourself" I asked him, genuinely curious.

I glanced up and noticed that he was looking uncomfortable after I asked him that question; He began to move the pieces of the design around absentmindedly, as he though about how to answer my question.

He sighed and began to speak, a faraway look in his eyes. “I wasn’t always a vampire you know and would you believe me if I told you I was just passing through?”

“I’ve heard that before,” I said then had a thought, “so the vampire thing, when did that happen?”


“It might be better if I show you.”

“Show me?”

He smiled. “Vampires have gifts. I can share thoughts and memories with a touch. If you’d permit me?”

I nodded. He walked over me and put his fingers on my forehead, gently touching my temples. I found myself closing my eyes. There was this intense rush and then the room seemed to spin. When I opened my eyes, the room was gone. I was standing in a dank, dark street. I looked for Isaac but he was nowhere to be found. Instead I looked down at my hands and realized they were bigger, masculine.

“You’re seeing this through my eyes as if you lived it yourself.”

“This is freaky.”

He laughed. “Should I tell you about myself up to this point?”

“Yes please.”

“I was born a century and a half ago in a town called Wellspring, in Vermont. I had a pretty uneventful life until I reached the age of fifteen, when disease swept the town and took my parents from me. The years following their death were hard but I managed scrape a living, and then in the summer of my eighteenth year I entered the academy of science. It was hard work but I thrived under the conditions there and learned a great many things.”

His voice echoed in my head.

From there it was like I was him. It was late and I was coming home after spending several hours in the library when I heard sobs and loud laughter. Concerned I hurried toward the noise and saw a group of about ten men with wooden clubs, some of which had nails embedded in them. Standing around what looked like a young woman lying on the ground, the man closest to her said that this is what she gets for refusing his suite. Then he kicked her and she cried out.

I knew I had to do something about this so I pushed through and quickly picked her up and managed to get of the circle and run. They were so surprised by my actions that they didn’t do anything for several seconds. I managed to round the corner and turned down the alley and set her down. Run I told her, I’ll buy you some time. She looked at me and told me that they would kill me, I told her I wouldn’t let that happen and to run. She gave me one last look and ran off down the alley, turned on last time and mouthed thank you before she rounded the bend.

I turned around and the men rounded the corner, where is she the one I assumed was the leader bellowed. I didn’t answer, without another word he swung at me with his club, I was so surprised I almost didn’t step back in time. I told him that he had no right to force her to marry him. I quickly chopped the side of my hand into his throat and he fell to the ground coughing, then I kicked him in the head. He fell to the ground with a thud and apparently one of his friends became enraged and charged at me. Lucky for me he slipped in a puddle of water and hit his head hard on the ground then I kicked him in the head until he stopped moving.

Another two men charged me together and when they got into the alleyway they struggled to swing their clubs and got stuck. Ducking under one blow I chopped at the man on the right’s throat and he collapsed. I kicked the other man in the shins and then shoved my palm into his face. As soon as they fell down I heard a hoarse grunt and looked up in time to see one of the men throw their club at me.

I saw it coming but there was no way or time to avoid it; it clipped me in the side of the head and a nail cut into my shoulder. I collapsed on my back and my vision began to swim. I saw what looked like a woman jump over me and I heard what sounded like several necks snap, and then what I thought was the sound of clubs hitting the ground. Then I heard a voice in a cruelly quiet hiss say, “run for your lives filth,” that gave me chills, and then I heard screams, the word ’Monster’ and running feet.

Then I felt someone pick me up as if I weighed nothing and heard in my ear a voice say. ‘Don’t you die on me.’ That was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

When I came around I saw that I was in a dark room, but I seemed to be able to see fine by the dim light of a lantern.

I heard that voice again say, ‘So your aware now, you know you almost died,’ and then I heard her laugh it sounded like bells.

I went to sit up and the instant I though about it, I was upright. I easily located her sitting in a chair watching me and I noticed I was incredibly thirsty. She smiled at me and I saw fangs, to say I jumped would be an understatement. I was on my feet with the back to the wall looking at her before I had even though about it. ‘Why so surprised, you just like me now,’ she said. That was when I noticed that my heart wasn’t racing; I placed one of my fingers in my mouth and found fangs there.

“Why,” I asked her.

“You saved Heather from that brute, speaking of which I bet you’re thirsty here,’ she reached behind her and tossed the man from the other night at me.

I saw the skin on his throat and my instincts took over, I grabbed him and bit deep, drinking my fill.

I dropped his body to the ground and looked up at her.

“Why, did you do this to me,” I asked again.

“You were dying and I couldn’t save you, and you had gotten hurt saving Heather from him,” She gestured at the body on the ground.

“You also seemed to a worthy companion to me, I have been very lonely this past century, my name is Willow,” she did indeed sound lonely.

The room rushed around me after that, it was so dizzy I closed my eyes. When I reopened them a moment later, I was back in my own room and Isaac was standing before me.

“I spent the better part of a century with her, then I lost her one evening when men of The Order found her while she lay sleeping and staked her, while I was out hunting. I came back just as they did it and I lost myself in rage. I’ve been wandering around the country ever since.”


Isaac felt that he had to protect her, not just to return the favor, because he felt she was special.

"If I may ask why were you following them last night?" his tone was now insistent he really wanted to know.

She glanced down and noticed that the design on the table was looking quite a bit more like the design on the wall.

“I was seeking justice for my family,” I answered my voice cold and merciless.

“How does killing them provide justice for your family,” he asked.

I tried to hold back the emotions as I recalled that day.
“I came home one day shortly after I turned twelve, the moment I turned onto our street I knew something was wrong, my mother was always in her garden tending to her roses, and she wasn’t that day. When I got closer I could see that our front door was hanging off its hinges.

“I was so scared, but my concern for my family pushed me on, the place was trashed, broken glass on the floor, pictures were smashed, and when I got to the kitchen my father was tied, to a chair and there we cuts all over him and the other things that had been done to him,” the memories became too much and I broke down in tears.

Isaac rushed to her side and tried to comfort her and he was somewhat successful as she managed to regain her composure.

“I’m sorry.” he said, “I didn’t realize how traumatic an experience you’ve lived through.

He turned to the design in the middle and moved one last piece and the design looked completed, just then there was a loud grinding noise and they both looked up at the wall with the rose design and it was splitting into four pieces each moving toward a separate corner and the white rose began to turn to black.

There was an alcove behind the rose and inside of it was a large black box.

The box was as black as midnight, to look at it was like looking down a dark hole, it seemed to suck the light from the room.

End Part 2

<-Part 01
Photo Credit: Singer Katie Melua

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so did they survive? if not who's upstairs.
lots of questions, looking forward to more.

I thought

it was a boy named Kit and his parents died. Why is he now Selena who seems to have parents or at least a mother? This is a confusing so far and hopefully you'll explain things.

okay first of all, when did kit become Selena and how?

There are a lot of things going on in this story that seem connected yet they aren't. You're jumping from one plot in to another with no explanation of how and why. In dotting your "I's" and crossing your "T's" you forgot to connect the dots. Even though there is a plot here, somewhere, this story needs explaining.

"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."

Love & hugs,

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."

kit become selena

you'll find out soon

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

I'm Confused

I understand the plot mechanism to skip with multiple timelines, but it's too confusing trying to figure out how many timelines there are and which one we're on in a given segment.

You Can't Escape From Justice Part 02

So, BOTH have lost family. Will they form a new family? Can she wield her own powers as well as be a vampire?

May Your Light Forever Shine

This is moving very fast but IMHO I THINK I have a hint where...

it may be going.

The girl SHE mentions in part one, the one with a locker next to hers -- and she said they always chose lockers next to each other--. Well that and how she said she was going home after killing a bunch of the thugs implies another family took her in, posibly a family of witches?

That she is a girl and a witch, formerly a boy and a dud.... Their magical *esences* flew to him as the closest living reative and she became a powerful witch. Rather Highlander as I think on it.

Mind you this is mostly speculation as so far the stage has been set and some of the key playes introduced but much of the plot remains unrevealed. IE we as readers only have so much info so far.

Nothing wrong with going fast so long as you justify that later.

As I often say, I as a reader want *motivations*, the *whys* of the important characters. Why did they do what they did? Why do they think as they think? What motivates their decisions/actions.

You've got us interested, now set the hook and reel us in.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Now in STEREO !

John in Wauwatosa

Another glimpse...

...into events of that fateful evening. So dad was tied to a chair, beaten up but (we assume) alive. Given how ruthless they are, if the entire family (apart from Kit) had been at home, I doubt they would have hesitated to kill dad as well. So evidently they were torturing him to get information - which indicates at least one member of the family was either not at home or in a similar secret room to wherever Selena's living now; but something must have spooked them otherwise they wouldn't have fled while leaving dad alive.

We still don't know if the mum and dad referenced in this episode are his biological parents or adoptive parents; we've also got the mystery of who Jules from the end of Chapter one is (adoptive mother? Adoptive sister? Friend / companion?).

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

you can't escape from justice part 03

I just decided to write up an outline for the rest of the story, first so this next part should be coming soon

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

justice part 3

I know you were having problems, but any progress from therapy or writing?