The Girl Who Stole The World-2


The Girl Who Stole The World-2

by Lynceus

The blue flame had changed Mallory's life forever- but it wasn't enough. She still wanted more. Deep down, she knew there would be a price to pay- but the temptation to use her power was impossible for her to resist...

Author's Note: there is some discussion of sexual abuse in this chapter. I don't want to offend anyone, but it's there. So if that's beyond the pale for you, please, just hit back on your browser!

Disclaimer: I make no claims to any character or image owned or under copyright by another party, nor do I intend on profiting in any way from their use. The Comics Retcon Universe concept is the creative property of Lilith Langtree.

Chapter Four-

My powers can change reality itself- events and lives rearrange to give me whatever I want. At first it seemed that the universe was my plaything, that I could get away with anything, and no one would notice. And then someone did notice. I really should have seen that coming...

-Mallory Thawne

Even though I'd changed my entire life around by stealing a man's prosperity, a few things remained constant. Like which school I attended, for example.

Now that I wasn't a poor orphan girl, I was treated better. I wasn't popular, by any stretch of the imagination, but nobody picked on me at least. I was satisfied with that for a few days.

But it didn't last. It couldn't last.

“Out of my way, loser!” I winced, bracing myself for impact that never came. I heard the thud of someone hitting a locker, and a yelp of pain. Now that I was no longer her target of choice, Jessica had moved on to torment other people weaker than her.

In this case, it was Melissa West. The sad part is that Melissa is taller than I am by several inches, but she doesn't have an aggressive bone in her body. Watching her get bullied brought back painful memories, and I decided right there things were going to change.

Later that day, I saw Jessica go into a restroom, and I followed her in. She barely noticed me, lighting up a cigarette as if daring me to say or do anything. She wasn't really all that tall, really, maybe 5' 5” or so. But what she lacked in height, Jessica Morgan made up for in sheer aggression and a wiry frame- she was stronger than she looked, that's for sure.

I wanted that strength for myself.

“What the fuck are you looking at?” She'd noticed my interest, but it was too late. I felt the warmth of the blue flame, even as the world changed color. “What...what's happening...what are you doing to me!?”

Somehow, she was aware of what was happening to her, but there was nothing she could do about it. I watched as she seemed to lose weight, her arms and legs becoming slender and coltish in appearance. She became shorter, and the expression on her face changed as well. The arrogant smirk was gone. No longer was Jessica Morgan an arrogant bitch.

Her clothing became slightly more demure, and I noticed the cigarette was gone. This new Jessica wasn't one to flaunt authority. There was now fear in her eyes- not of anything in particular, really. It was simply that the whole world was now a lot more frightening to her.

As for myself, I felt good. Really good. I wasn't sure, but I thought I was a little taller. I felt the new muscles in my forearm and smiled. Nobody was going to push me around again.

“Mallory? Did you want something?” Jessica bit her lower lip. I wanted to laugh out loud- she was afraid of me. Of me!

“No, I'm good. Are you ok? You look upset.”

“It's just that, I'm fine. Sorry.” She moved past me quickly.

Amanda? Had to be Amanda Taylor, one of the few people who hung out with Jessica. Well, before. Now, I gathered Amanda was the top bitch in the school, and probably picked on Jessica. A lot. Talk about irony!

I couldn't help but check myself out in the mirror. Maybe it was all in my head, but the extra muscle tone seemed to have really improved my figure. I smiled at my reflection. “Fuck, you're an attractive bitch, aren't you?”

I put a hand on my chest. “Still no boobs, though.” I couldn't say if that bothered me or not- the only real advantage to breasts was to get male attention. I'd never been attractive to guys, so I'd quickly written them off as useless. Sure, I wondered what it would be like to be liked by guys, but...

I shook my head, hoping to clear it. Enough of that, I had to get to class.

Except that was Mr. Greene's class, and the subtext between him and Stephanie was particularly obnoxious today. How was it that nobody knew about them? No, people had to know. They just didn't care, which made it worse.

Stephanie was a very pretty girl, she could wrap any guy around her little finger. But here she was, wasting her time with a 30-something teacher. It couldn't just be about the grades. She had to actually like him.

As much as I'd kill for a body like hers, I felt too sorry for her to think about taking her beauty. She was seriously fucked up, there was no doubt of it.

So I turned my attention to Mr. Greene. Maybe I could write him out of the equation. The problem was, he had nothing I wanted. I was confident I knew more about History than he did- hell, I could be teaching this class! I'd have to think about this- just like Jessica pushing people around, this was something that I could no longer stand for.

Which brought me to my Phys Ed class. Ms. Riley was another one on my hit list. I'd seen the way she looked at the other girls in the locker room. I got changed and walked past her, heading for the gym.

So imagine my shock when she lightly touched my shoulder! “You've been working out, Mallory. You look good.”

It took all my willpower not to lose my shit right there. I just nodded and practically ran for the gym floor. I wasn't invisible anymore.

Somehow, that simple touch had turned my world upside down. I felt so strange. I was light headed, and my stomach was doing flip flops. My cheeks felt like they were on fire. As disgusted as I was, I couldn't lie to myself- it felt good to have someone notice me. I was ashamed to admit that I felt aroused, at least a little bit. I may not have had much use for guys in the past, but...God, was I a lesbian?

I was very happy when I got out of school that day. I was pretty certain I didn't want to have sex with my teacher...but I did want to have sex. Once I got home, I made a beeline for the bathroom, stripping off my clothes, and taking a long, hot shower, hoping that I'd feel clean again.

But my new body was a distraction. Every time I touched my skin, I could feel the muscles underneath. I was fascinated by them, like a kid with a new toy. Which, I suppose, I was. How strong was I?

I got out of the shower and looked at my naked body in the mirror. Who was this stranger? I felt another twinge of arousal. I'd never thought of myself as attractive before. Before I even realized what I was doing, I leaned forward and kissed my reflection, crushing my lips against the damp glass.

I stepped back, nearly losing my balance on the tile floor. I wasn't sure what was more disturbing, the fact that I was hot for a girl...or that the girl in question was myself! Either I was a lesbian, or I'd developed a strong narcissistic streak.

Pulling on a robe (for some reason, I didn't feel right being naked at the moment), I headed for the kitchen. My blood sugar must be low or something, that's all. I noticed one of the rooms in the house now featured exercise equipment. Ah, so that explains my new figure.

Maybe working out would get rid of all these damned mental distractions!

Chapter Five-

It was a shock, really, to find out that changing my body could affect my mind. Or perhaps those thoughts had always been there, and I'd somehow brought them to the surface? Either way, I'd opened a door, and there was no closing it now.

-Mallory Thawne

Exercise had helped, at least a little. I felt tired, and I'd probably overdone it, but damn, it had felt good. I was curled up on the couch, watching a movie on TV, trying to sort out my thoughts. I was definitely more attracted to women than to men. How much more, and whether or not I was really a lesbian, I couldn't say. There really was only one way to find out. The thought of having sex excited me. But I didn't know how to go about it in the slightest. I mean, teenaged guys, well, as near as I could tell, if a girl said she was interested, they'd jump at the chance.

But I couldn't just walk up to a girl and ask her if she wanted to make out. Things didn't work that way. Fuck! Here I was with the power of a God, and there was something I wanted, but couldn't have. Or if my powers could help me, I was pretty sure I wouldn't like the result.

Then it hit me. All I needed to do was be more attractive to other girls! Well, maybe not physically- most girls are attracted to guys, after all, and I didn't want to look more like a guy! But surely I could find someone who had, um, je ne sais quoi, as the French would say.

That definitely sounded like a plan.

Now as it happens, the most popular guy at my school is Jason Prince. Tall, athletic, handsome, intelligent- the works. Unlike a lot of young men with that particular package, Jason was a really nice guy. I mean, I hate just about everybody, and even I can't think of a bad thing to say about him!

I really didn't know if this was going to work- other girls probably liked Jason simply because of his good looks. But if I could acknowledge his attractiveness, then maybe something else was going on. Or I wasn't as far on the Kinsey scale as I thought...still, he seemed to have a kind of presence about him, and that's what I wanted.

The next day, I watched Jason closely. Which wasn't easy- I only had a few classes with him, and he was usually surrounded by girls who wanted his attention. I wondered if he was bothered by it at all. I mean, he's a guy, so probably not.

But what if he was? And simply too nice to tell people to leave him alone? Hell, somehow he didn't have a girlfriend. For all I knew, he could be gay! Granted, that didn't seem very likely, but I was starting to think I might be doing him a favor, either way.

No, I can't start trying to justify my actions. What I'm doing is wrong, plain and simple. But I can't stop. I don't have the strength...and no one can help me.

After school, I went to the gym. I knew there would be basketball practice, so I figured I'd be able to watch him play. Of course, several of his groupies were also in attendance- the guy simply can't catch a break!

And really, neither could I- the girls in question were rather cute, and I found myself watching them more than my target. I felt a spike of jealousy just thinking about it. He had their undivided attention, and he didn't even want it! Jason Prince was their God, and any one of them would throw herself at his feet.

And me? I had no one. That was going to change, right now.

I slipped into the boy's dressing room and hid behind some lockers. The boys came in, some of them not even bothering to shower (ew!) as they changed and left. As luck would have it, however, my prey was slower to leave. I waited as he took his shower. As he left, I sucked in a breath at the sight of his near-naked body, steam rising off of his skin.

My God, he was gorgeous! What was it about this one guy, out of his entire gender, that made me feel weak in the knees? I didn't know, but I wanted it. I felt my body grow warm as the blue flame gathered. The power reached out towards him, and I made my wish.

He turned then, eyes wide. “Who..what are you doing to me?!” I'd thought the incident with Jessica had been a fluke, but he was aware of me. He somehow knew what I was doing!

I was paralyzed, time itself seeming frozen, as he ran towards me. His towel dropped, and my gaze went down. Ugh. Ok, that was something I didn't find attractive, at all. He grabbed me, and we struggled. For all the power I'd stolen from Jessica, he was taller and stronger, and a lot more experienced at fighting.

“Let me go!”

“Not until you explain what's going on!” He pulled me into a hold. I thought about screaming, but would anyone hear me? I fought against his hold, but there was nothing I could do. Worse, the feel of his warm skin against my body, the scent of him- it was overpowering. I wanted him. I couldn't deny it. His power over women was total- I couldn't fight it...

No! It wasn't fair that he could have this kind of advantage! I should have it! And with that, the blue flames erupted out of my body...

There was pain this time. A lot of it. My body began to warp and shift, and I could hear my bones cracking. I couldn't even scream, the sensation was so intense. I blacked out.

I came to, and it was dark. You'd think someone would have noticed us. Or maybe the flame had made me invisible again. I was naked, and my body felt strangely heavy. I pushed myself off the floor, and managed to stand. Everything was different. My center of gravity had shifted as well..oh fuck.

As my eyes adjusted to the low light, I heard a female groan. A girl was slumped against the wall. I felt an alien stirring between my legs at the sight of her. Not. What. I wanted.

She gasped as her eyes opened. She didn't notice me at first, and instead held up her hands. “What...?”

I couldn't resist chuckling, my voice deeper and stronger, as I sat on a bench. “Seems you're attractive as hell as a girl, too.”

She tried to back away from me, but since she was already against a wall, there wasn't anyplace to go. “No, I can't be a girl! I can't!”

“You sure about that?”

I watched her look downward, her hands reaching for her chest. Her breasts were a little larger than mine (well, larger than mine had been, at least), and I felt a wave of arousal at the sight of them. My new equipment was annoyingly stiff as well. How did guys put up with it?

She touched her breasts and gasped. “ no no no no no...” Her eyes welled up with tears. “Please, whatever you can't leave me like this!”

“Who's going to stop me? You? I have all of your strength now.” I idly flexed an arm, feeling the hard muscle under my skin. Not everything about this was bad!

“I'll tell people!”

I laughed at how desperate she was! “Sure, there you go. Some girl stole your manhood. Even if someone did believe you, they'd never catch me. I'll disappear, and you'll be stuck like this forever.”

She burst into tears at that point, sobbing hysterically. “Please! I can't live like this! I'll do anything!”

I sighed. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Apparently there were some limits to the blue flame's powers. Instead of rewriting reality to adjust for my theft, it had Jason painfully aware of what I'd done. I wasn't even sure if I could give her back what I'd stolen!

What made things worse is that I'd basically taken her identity. Nobody would know this strange girl. She had no home to go to, no friends she could count on. I knew how that felt.

“Fuck. This isn't...ok. As soon as I figure out how, I'll fix this.”

“You don't know?! You asshole!” She stood up, her fists clenched tightly.

I rose to my feet as well. I wasn't sure how tall I'd gotten, but I was a lot taller than she was now. Realizing that fact took all the fire out of her, and her hands fell to her sides.

“Looks like our clothes got trashed. First order of business is to find something to wear, then we get out of here.”

She glared at me. “And just where are we supposed to go?”

“My place. I live alone, so nobody will bother us.”

She snorted. “I'm not going anywhere with you.”

“Do you have any choice?” I found her attempts to act tough amusing. Kind of cute, actually.

She pointed at my crotch. “I go with you, and you're going to rape me!”

I blinked at her. “I guess you forgot the part about how I'm a girl?”

She frowned. “Yeah, well, you're not a girl now.”

“I'll concede the point. This is so not what I wanted.”

She cocked her head to one side. It was a gesture I'd seen Jason make before, but it was strange seeing girl-Jason mimic it. “What did you want, exactly?”

I found an open locker and pulled out a gym uniform that didn't smell particularly bad, getting dressed. “It's pathetic, really. I wanted people to like me.”

“What? You thought if you were a guy people would like you better?”

“Uh, no. That wasn't the plan, actually. Things just got out of control.” Why was I telling her this?

She helped herself to a boy's tee-shirt. It fell to her knees, which somehow managed to make her look adorable. “Fuck, I'm a midget!”

I laughed, and got rewarded with a vicious glare. Then she smiled, as if in spite of herself.

“I look ridiculous, huh?”

I rubbed the back of my neck. “Well, actually...”


“You look really cute.”

She blinked at me. “I...don't know how to feel about that.”

“Yeah well, I must look like a gorilla.”

She snickered. “No, nothing like that. I mean, I'm not into guys, but...well, you're kind of pretty for a guy.”

“Ironic. I was plain as a girl, but as a guy I'm pretty?” I shook my head.

“You weren't plain looking.”

I turned to her. “Yeah, ok, whatever. I was invisible to people like you. You don't even know my name.”

“Mallory. Mallory Thawne.” Her voice sounded a little sad for some reason.

“Jesus, really? You must have some kind of photographic memory or something.”

She shook her head. “Not really. Actually, until today, I...” She froze. “Never mind. So how are we getting to your place, anyways?”

I wondered what she'd been about to say, but she had the right idea. We needed to prioritize. “I keep money in my locker. I've had my clothing burned off before.”

“By that blue fire?”

“Yeah. It's what let me steal from you.” I started walking to the door.

“Wait, if we go out there, someone might see us. The custodians or a teacher.”

“Take my hand.”

“Ha! As if!”

I sighed. “I can make us invisible.” Well, at least, I thought I could, but I wasn't going to tell her that!

“You can? Oh shit, you're a meta?”

I considered that for a moment. I really hadn't given the source of my powers much thought. Kind of shortsighted of me, really. “No, I'm not a mutant. It's...well I guess it's magic.”

I felt her hand touch mine, just barely. It sent an electric tingle up my spine. Then, slowly, she grasped my hand. “Ok.”

“I don't blame you for not trusting me.”

“...Mallory. If you can, you know, change us back. What do you think I'm going to do?”

I started moving forward. I was trying to focus my thoughts, hoping that I could will the flame to hide me. It's worked before, but as I found out tonight, the flame wasn't always dependable. “Well, unless I take precautions, probably murder me. Definitely call the cops.”

“That doesn't bother you?”

“Why should it? I mean, yeah, things got screwed up this time, but before you know it, nobody will remember any of this.”

She didn't talk for a little bit. My hand felt sweaty, with her holding it.

“So when you...take things. People don't remember, do they?”

“Not usually. Like when I took Jessica's strength, everything changed, and people thought she'd always been weak.”

“Wait...Jessica Morgan?! But she's...oh.”

“You probably think that's cruel, but she used to be the worst bully. Worse than Amanda. They were friends, before.”

“What, did she used to pick on you?”

By now, I'd reached my locker. A custodian stepped out of a room. Jason's fingers tightened their grip, but I didn't even bat an eye. Sure enough, the man didn't even notice us. I opened my locker and reached into my bookbag. I know it seems stupid to leave money in a school locker, but it's not like I was afraid of being robbed!

“Yeah. I was just the little freshman girl. Dirt poor and an orphan.”

“Wait, you're not poor, you...oh. stole someone's money, and that made you rich?”

“Not just their money. I stole their wealth. I got rich, and they got poor. Got a house and everything.”

“Doesn't that bother you?”

I looked at her. “You need to stop talking now. You want to judge me, you're on your own.”

Her jaw set, but she kept quiet.

She didn't say a word during the cab ride either.

Chapter Six-

I know what I am. I know what I've done is wrong. Evil. I don't care that you hate me. To be honest, I hate myself. For being weak. But I can't...I won't go back. Not now. Not ever. I'm simply having too much fun!

-Mallory Thawne

I gave her some clothes and showed her where the bathroom was. I, of course, had nothing to wear. Although, to be honest, I wasn't really sure I wanted to see myself naked. I mean, I guess if I'd become a guy and nobody noticed anything was different, I'd have had some fun with it. Might as well, right?

But under the circumstances, I found nothing enjoyable about this mess. Well, ok, girl-Jason was really cute, so there was at least eyecandy- but she hated me, and I couldn't blame her.

In fact, I agreed with her.

She must have taken a shower, because her hair was damp when she came into the living room. I was sprawled out on the couch, trying to distract myself with a movie (it wasn't working). My clothes didn't really fit her- I'd gotten taller after the Jessica incident, but it was better than a tee-shirt.

Even though, I have to admit, I preferred the tee-shirt.

She sat on the floor quietly, and didn't say anything for a few minutes. Then, finally, she spoke. “May I talk now?”

I turned off the TV. “Yeah.”

“Why do you do it? I mean, ok, I get it, your life was bad before...but now it's not.”

“What would you know about it? Look, I know what I'm doing is wrong. If there is a God, I'm going to Hell.”

She paused, and turned to look up at me. “Mallory. I'm trying to...I really need to understand. You don't seem like a bad person, but you're destroying people's lives just to make yours better. How can't that bother you?”

“Look Ja...” I frowned. It felt weird to call a cute girl “Jason”. Even if that was her name.



She shrugged. “My middle name is Michael. I don't know if there's a feminine version of Jason, but...”

“Huh. Look, you probably won't be stuck as a girl for long...”

“Don't change the subject. This is important.”

I wanted to argue with her, but...I just couldn't. “Fine. It's like this. If you could have anything, anything you ever wanted, what would you do?”

“I get that part. But the's like selling your soul to the Devil.”

I nodded. “Yeah. I didn't know what I was getting myself into. But once I started...I couldn't stop. I know how that sounds. I'm not making excuses...I'm a weak person. A bad person. And I enjoy it.”

“You're not a bad person. I mean, yes, obviously, you're very selfish, and have no impulse control, but I don't think you're evil.”

“Like I care.” I looked away from her.


I ignored her.

“Mallory! Look at me.”

I didn't mention it before, but Jason's voice has this...I don't know, some quality that really gets your attention, even though he's kind of soft-spoken. Even though her voice had changed, becoming higher-pitched and softer, if anything, her voice had become even more enchanting. I liked hearing it. A lot.

I turned to look at her.

She gave me a small smile. “Was that so bad?”


She shook her head. “See, you do care. But you've been hurt so much, you pretend not to.”

“Yes, yes, you're amazing Dr. Phil.”

She made a face. “Mallory...”

“Fine, fine. Maybe. So?”

“I know how that feels.”

“You? You?! God's gift to teenaged girls? Everywhere you go, you're the center of attention. Everyone loves you! What do you know about being hurt?!” I felt angry. She was playing me, and I didn't like it.

“Is that what it looks like?”

I stood up. I was too angry to sit. “Yes! That's exactly what it looks like! I hate everyone, you know? People are idiots, and boys are the worst of the lot. But you? I liked you, and I didn't even want to! I don't like boys! At all! And people hate me! So yes, I wanted what you had.”

I suddenly felt more tired than angry, so I sat down on the loveseat. Stupid male body, it's just too heavy.

“Feel better?”

“...not really. Well, maybe a little.”

She got up and sat down next to me. It's the strangest thing- all my life I'd been a short girl, and I hated it. But something about a petite girl was downright attractive to me.

“You don't really talk to people much, do you? It's not healthy, holding that stuff in.”

“Who would want to talk to me?”

“Well, I want to.”

I looked at her. “Why? You hate me, remember?”

She sighed. “Mallory, I don't hate you. I'm upset with you, yes, but I don't hate you. Now I'll grant, my memories aren't reliable, since I guess they've changed...but this is how I remember you. That pretty girl who sits alone by herself. She's really smart, but she always looks so sad. But nobody can get close, she's like a princess in a high tower. Rapunzel, but with shorter hair.” She paused. “I know you don't believe me, but I really liked you, Mallory. I wanted to get to know you better, don't let people get close. At all. Those girls you see around me? They don't love me. The real me. They just see what's on the outside, and that's good enough. You? You don't care about that. You're..too cool to care about appearances. Or how popular someone is. At least, that's what I thought, but now...”

“Well fuck me. Isn't that great. You liked me. I finally find someone who does...and now I've fucked that all up.”

“No you haven't.”

I looked at her. “Huh?”

She looked away. “ know, I want to hate you, but...shit, this is the first time I've actually been able to talk to you, you know? And the more I hear...the more I want to hear. No, you're not the person I thought you were. Not entirely. You're all fucked up inside...just like me.”

“You're far from fucked up.”

She looked up, and there were tears in her eyes. “You have power over me. Like, absolute power. I mean, you could take anything you wanted. You could have taken my memories, for example, so I'd forget I was ever a boy. And I'd have gone along with you without a problem. At some point, things will change again, and I won't remember you anyway...not like this. Everyone thinks I'm so strong, that they don't dare try to push me...but against you? I'm vulnerable. I have no defense. And that should scare me, doesn't. What scares the fact that I'm going to tell you the truth about me. And I'm afraid you won't care. That would kill me, Mal. It just would.”

Her voice was trembling, full of raw, naked emotion. I didn't want to care...but I did. I cared about Jason...Michelle. “I...I know I've hurt you. I didn't want to. I'm sorry...I really am. I..don't want to let you down again.”

She smiled, just a little. “I didn't hear a promise in there.”

“Uh...what part of not wanting to let you down did you not get?”

She snickered a little. “Fair enough. Ok. I'm not an orphan, but I have lost a parent, so I do know what that's like. My Mom. She died when I was little. God, she was so beautiful. I loved her so much, you know? She was the kind of person that loves everyone. I wanted to be like never occurred to me, back then, that being a boy made any difference. I wanted to be a beautiful person everyone liked.

She died in a car accident. Some asshole cut her off, she hit her head on the steering wheel...she never regained consciousness. I was in the carseat. I cried, I screamed for her...but she never answered me. I hated her for that.

Mom and Dad were separated- she'd taken custody and he'd never fought her. So I didn't know my Dad very well. He didn't like me. At least, that's how he acted. He was cold, distant. If I cried, he said I needed to be a man. It was very important to him, you know. There was a way men were supposed to behave, and that was that. I was a sensitive boy, with serious issues.

It was like mixing water and napalm. Dad acted like the worst kind of homophobe. He was always talking about gays this, queers that. But it was an act. He was...well if not gay, at least bisexual. And in denial. When you deny your feelings, hold them in and never let them can twist you inside.

I was, as you can imagine, a very pretty boy. I grew out of it, well, somewhat. But...”

She couldn't be saying what I thought she was saying. She just...”Michelle. Did your father...abuse you?”

She laughed. “Oh God. I wasn't sure how to say it...yes. Yes he did. It had nothing to do with his sexuality...he was sick, you know? All screwed up inside. At first, I was scared. It hurt...but I needed love, any kind of love, so badly. I did anything he asked. I wanted him to love me. I wanted him to be happy. Of course, that made it worse. He'd realize what he'd done, later, and it would make him so angry with himself. And he'd hit me. Call me a little fag. He'd lock me in a closet for hours. But he'd always...come back. Say he was sorry, and I'd forgive him...”

I don't have to tell you, I felt like a speck. A microbe. Total scum. I mean, yes, I'd had it rough, but...this was beyond the pale. His father?!

“I guess I understand what motivates you after all.”

“ didn't make this up, right? It's the truth?”

She nodded. “Yeah, I'm afraid so. It's kind of why I freaked out when I realized I was a girl. I...well let's just say I have issues.”

“...Jesus. Ok, I...I got nothing. I mean, I go on and on about how my life sucks, but...”

“Mal. Stop. I didn't tell you all that to one-up you, or make you feel like shit. I needed someone to talk to, and have for a long time. But I couldn't bring myself to do it, because who knows how people will react? But you...fuck, I can't hide from you. And...I'm happy I don't have to.”

“What happened to your father?”

“Are you sure you want to know?”


She took a deep breath. “Ok, here goes. When I was eleven, he shot himself. I came home to find his brains all over the place. He left a note, telling me how sorry he was.”

I couldn't look at her. I just...fuck.

“Mal. Damn it! Stop that!” She punched me in the arm. I barely felt it. “Ow...ok, that wasn't a smart idea.”

I laughed, despite myself. And after a moment, she started laughing too.

“I...ok, this is going to sound girly, but I don't care. I need a hug.”

Without a second thought, I put my arms around her. She seemed so small and fragile. It felt good to hold her. To protect her.

“This so weird, you know? Being held by a's good, too.”

“Well, I'm not really a guy. Actually, on that note, I should try to see if I can turn you back...”


I blinked. “What?!”

“I...if you do that, will I remember this? Or will everything change? Go back to the way it was before?”

“I...I don't know.”

“I'd rather die. Being a girl is fucking weird, but...I don't want to lose you for a friend.”

“Some friend. After what I've done? You must have Stockholm Syndrome or something!”

She giggled. Then paused. “Fuck. Did I just giggle?”

“I've kind of noticed that taking stuff can change how I think a little. Like when I stole from Jessica, I started really noticing how I felt about girls.”

“It wouldn't surprise me if Jess was a lesbian.”

“Huh? Well, maybe, but I don't think it's something I took from her. It's more like...being stronger made me more confident...and I stopped repressing things that had always been there. Contrary to what guys believe, being outed as a lesbian is the last thing a girl wants to have happen in high school.”

“She was really bad, before, wasn't she?”


“Ok, you can keep her muscles then.”


She smiled at me. “Didn't you say you didn't want to let me down? Obviously that means you should give the things you've taken back.”

“...that's...not what I...hey! Doing that might change things, I thought you didn't want to forget about me?”

“There has to be a way around that. How does your power work...actually, no, go back to the beginning. I told you about my life, let's hear your story.”

“...I will, but first, uh...”


“I have to go to the bathroom.”

“Oh God! No wonder you wanted to change back!” She shook her head. “Well, I better go with you, so you don't make a mess.”

“Uh...doesn't that seem weird to you?”

“Gee, I don't know, when I woke up this morning, I had a Y-chromosome. What isn't weird, at this point?”


We ended up talking until the early hours of the morning, and at some point, we dozed off together in the couch, sleeping in each other's arms. I was pretty sure I'd fallen for this girl, and hard.

Except she wasn't a girl.

And I didn't want to spend the rest of my life as a guy.

What the fuck was I going to do?

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