Kira - Chapter 18

Kira - Chapter 18 - The wedding.
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Part I - The Fittings.

The wedding week was here. All of us bridesmaids and mom went in for our fittings. The gowns were a light pink, and made of chiffon over satin. They all had scoop necklines, and puffed sleeves. Mom was in a different fitting room, getting her gown measured and fitted. We were all giggling about this and that and how beautiful the gowns were. There were no problems with the fittings and adjustments and we were told that the gowns would be ready by Friday evening. We waited for mom to be done, then we all went to Denny's for dinner. We had three days to wait to pick up our gowns, then we will have the wedding right on the front lawn.

During these three days is what? Making all the arrangements, the invitations were sent out yesterday, Josie's mom is getting Saturday off in place of working on her normal day off. Pastor Daly said he could be at our house at eleven in the morning, and he even said that having a front lawn wedding was so appropo. He smiled when he had heard the circumstances of the marriage and said that even though they were legally divorced, that he considered it a separation. He said that it still counted as a second wedding for both, but since they were remarrying, he said he didn't know why they required that. He even said Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor were married more than once, and each time it had counted as a separate marriage for both.

Now that we have Pastor Daly for the minister, and we have Leo catering for us, and the bridesmaids, Katie and mom are all fitted, we decided that mom should wear the rose gown and we the light pink ones. This way mom's gown stands out over ours. Danny, Katie and I papered all the cars on both sides of the street, telling them about the wedding, and that there will be music, dancing and food. Of course, people will come because it is a free meal. No, I'm just kidding. Our neighbors are decent people, and most of them will have Saturdays off. I am willing to bet that the ones that work on Saturday will come to the wedding. It has been a long time since we were able to to be so vibrant and full of happiness and if I have anything to say about it, we will continue to have this vibrancy and happiness until the cows come home from Mrs. O'Leary's field. You all know the story of Mrs. O'Leary's cow who kicked over the lantern that started the great Chicago fire. I love hearing that everytime daddy says it. It reminds me of the days when I was very little of the gaiety and happiness we had in our home. Well, this house has now become our home again, and we are now a complete family again. Mom and I have been having talks, and she is still not over how much we all care about her.

She had thought that when she took me from the courtroom that day, and daddy didn't come after her, that he didn't want anything more to do with her or me. Well, now she has found out different, and it is going to stay the way it is now. When I had lived with mother, I saw other divorced parents argue right in front of the school about silly things that could have been settled over a soda and batch of fries. We didn't have any of that, but I saw daddy and Danny every chance I got and I saw Katie at school because I knew she was a teacher's intern. She had asked to be assigned to my school because she said it was close to her house and she could just walk to school. Katie was well liked by the students. But in September, Katie will have gone from being Kate to being Miss Spelling to the students because she will be a full fledged teacher. None of us call our teachers by their first names. Some of the interns had wanted us to call them by their first names, and that was different. But as full teacher, that kinda goes right out the window.

Well anyway, this is summer vacation, and it is already boring. I had more fun going to school. I guess the whole thing comes right down to what a body can think of when not doing anything at all. Alright, what is there to do today. All the wedding preparations are finished. Katie is secretly working on a banner for the wedding. Danny is hanging with his friends, so I think I will give Jessica a call.

I called Jessica, and she said she was just about ready to call me.

"Hey girlfriend, what do you want to today? I'm kinda bored just sitting here."

"Yeah, me too, Jess. Hey, how about we go and hang with the crowd for a bit at White Castle, and then go and do something else. Like, maybe we can have the guys there, too."

"Kira, you have just come up with the most unboring deal of the day. I will meet you at White Castle."

"Alright, Jess, I'm going to give Ken a call too. Maybe we can play a round of tennis later."

"Thanks for the warning, I will remember to wear something light so I don't sweat like a waterfall."

"Yeah, me too. Ken taught me how to play, and I like the game."

I decided to wear one of my short sets. The shorts I had in mind were light pink, as was the cami top that went with them. I ... yes, on second thought that is exactly what I will do. I went to my room, and decided to get out my pink shorts set. I also got out my white runners with the pink stripe. I got out my footie socks, and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair would have to be in a pony tail, and my makeup would have to be daring. At least for today. I wonder if Katie and daddy will let me get away with it. I went to Katie's room and knocked on her door. I heard a muffled 'come in'.

"Hi sis, I have an idea for today. I am meeting Jessica and the others at White Castle and then we're going to play tennis. Ken will be there too. What I want to know is, can I wear a little eye makeup today?"

"You minx, daddy didn't allow me to wear eye makeup until I was sixteen. He didn't want me to wear it then, but he said that all the girls were wearing eye makeup and didn't want me to be singled out for name calling. Eye makeup, hey. You do know if daddy sees you he will tell you to wash it off."

"Not if I use waterproof eye liner and shadow."

"Oh my gosh! Will you listen to yourself. You're worse than me when I was your age."

"Please sis!" I was near begging at this point. "Ken is going to be there, and I want him to see me like I want him to see me. As a girl's girl. I mean the makeup I am allowed to wear is nothing. But I can be stunning for Ken."

"Yep. My little sister has gone renegade on me." She shrugged her shoulders in mock indignation. "What am I to do with you?"

"Well, you could help me with the eye makeup." She just rolled her eyes to the ceiling and then we both giggled.

"Of course I will help you. You're my little sister and best friend. Besides females always do a little conspiracy here and there to at least try and get away with what we know we're not supposed to. Besides, even if daddy sees you, you can always blind side him. Just go up to him and give him a hug and kiss on the cheek and tell him you are going to go to White Castle and then play tennis. You won't be lying, you just won't let him see your makeup. So let's get you stunning."

What I didn't know was that Katie had had makeup for me already for when I decided to go against my makeup rule. Well, I wasn't being mean about it, but I'm a girl, and even though I keep thinking of myself as not a regular girl, I mean one who was born without a different body. And even though I am a normal girl and can get pregnant, it is hard because of all the years with mom. But let's not think about that. Katie sat me down, and got out the makeup she had bought for me. Then she started with the black eye liner, then the eye shadow and mascara. She put on waterproof dual foundation powder and a slight touch of blush. She added a light pink lipstick and lip gloss. After she was finished, she asked me what I was wearing and I told her. She said to follow her to my room. She made sure I went out first, then we went in my room where I changed in to my shorts set, footies and runners. When Katie put my hair in a pony tail, she told me to look in the mirror on my door.

As I looked in the full length mirror, I was stunned to see a girl maybe sixteen or seventeen looking back at me. I think by the expression on my face, Katie knew I saw what she did."

"See sis, it doesn't take much to make us look older. This is why daddy only wanted you wearing mascara and face powder for now. Sis, I will only do this for today. I don't want my sister to get a reputation of being a ... well, you know what I mean. Be a girl while you can. Bond with mom and me. There is a lot of time to be a grown up, because once you are eighteen, being an adult is for the rest of your life. So be a child while you can, and be my mischievious little sister, you conniving minx." She rubbed noses with me and then we both giggled.

We went in the kitchen and I gave mom a hug and said I was meeting Jessica and the girls at White Castle. I also told her that we were going to play tennis for a bit too. Then I went by daddy and gave him a hug and said the same as I had told mom. He said be good, and didn't even look at me once. Phew! I got by that one, but I may not be so lucky next time. I went to the White Castle and met up with the girls and Ken. Josie saw me first.

"Well, look at you, the siren of White Castle."

"Shhhh this is only for today because Katie said she won't do it again."

"Hey Kira."

"Hi Ken. I was telling Jessica that we should play a few games of tennis. They have racquets at the courts you can rent."

"Sounds good to me. So what are we going to do here?"

"Nothing really, I just said we would meet, have a soda, and go and play tennis."

"Okay, what soda did you want?"


Ken went to get me our sodas, Josie got the ones for the girls. We sat there for maybe an hour before we decided to go to the tennis courts at south thirty fifth and Burnham. We got on the bus, and several wolf whistles were heard as soon as I paid my fare. I sat down next to Ken, and then the girls were around us in other seats. I never knew who whistled but when we got off at at thirty fifth street, the whistles started again. I looked around and I saw there were a lot of young boys in the back of the bus. We got off of the bus and had to walk all the way across the park to get to the field house. There they had tennis racquets that were not the best or in the best condition, but they would do for neighborhood hobby tennis.

We tossed coins to see who would be first, and I and Ken won. Ken wanted to play back and me at the net. Ken served the first volley, and Jessica and Josie won the first points, making the score love fifteen. Ken served again, and the girls won the second points and the score was now love thirty. Ken served using a higher shot over the net, and it was called out. Ken tried a lower but faster ball, and we got our first points and the score was fifteen thirty. After the next serve we tied the game at thirty all. When Ken served again, Jessica and Josie took the next points and then the final point. That was the first game. We started the next game, and Jessica served. They won the first two points making it thirty love. We lost the second game, so it was two games to zero but I was having fun. Of course I haven't been playing tennis long because Ken only taught me a while ago. We played two more games, and Ken and I won only one of them.

We took our racquets back to the field house, and left for the bus stop. We got off at eleventh and Mitchell and walked the rest of the way home. Jessica, Darlene, and Marla said they had to get right home, but Josie and Ken said they could come in. I said if they wanted to stay for dinner they could call their parents. Josie grabbed the phone first and talked to her dad. He said to have a good time and that her mother would pick her up later. Ken called and talked to his dad and said where he was and asked if he could stay for dinner. I saw a sad look on Ken's face, then he hung up after saying he would be home soon.

"What did she say, Ken?"

"She said I need to get home because there are some things she wants me to do at home. She said I could stay for dinner some other time."

"Well, alright, but make sure it is some other time then." I giggled while looking at him with a mock stern look. Then he kissed me.

"I will," he answered and then he kissed me.

"Ehem. You two definitely need a room."

"We have a room. The living room." We all giggled while Ken laughed slightly.

I walked him to the door, and he kissed me again. I watched as he walked down the sidewalk and around the corner.

"Girfriend, you are seriously in love. That poor boy is wrapped around your little finger like a length of string."

"Oh, well, maybe I am. So what's your point?"

"Yes, you definitely were born one of us. I mean, you were actually born a genentic girl, but raised as a boy for so long. How is it that you can be so girly in so short of a time?"

"I don't know, it's just natural, I guess."

"You guess!? Girlfriend, there is no guessing to it, you definitely have been a girl all along. So what do you want to do now?"

"Go to my room and maybe listen to CDs." Everybody but mom was in favor of that.

"Girls, I need a little help here getting the dinner ready and setting the dining room table. Hello, Josie. How is your mother?"

"Hello, Mrs. Spelling. I would be happy to help you."

"That's good. Girls, set the table then come and help me."

"What are we making, mom?"

"I figured we would have real Italian spaghetti like your grandma Dolly used to make. I will make the sauce, Kira, sweetie, will you make the bread?"

"Yes, mom."

"Josie, would you make the salad, and just toss it and put it in the fridge without any dressing?"

"Yes, Mrs. Spelling."

Mom always made sour dough bread. It actually tastes better with Italian spaghetti. I took out the starter and made the bread dough, and set it aside. by the time the sauce was done, the bread would be ready to bake. Mom used to say anybody can have Italian bread with spaghetti, but sour dough tastes better...and it does.

As mom cooked the sauce and made the sausages, another thing she did from scratch, we talked about the wedding, and how much fun we were going to have. Josie said her mother was looking forward to a day of fun without having the responsibility of being a cop. I looked at her as if to say, yeah, right, I will believe that when I see it. Josie's mom was always working even when she had a day off, so we will see just how much fun she will have at the wedding.

"Girls, Friday we are having a run through of the wedding. That way when Saturday comes, we will know exactly where everybody will stand. Remember though, that the bride's maids are on the left of the altar, and the groom's side is on the right."

"So since we are both the bride's and groom's family, do we stand in the center, mom?" We all giggled.

"Just for that, young lady, you get to make the dessert." She rubbed noses with me, and I set about getting out the baking chocolate, sugar, and other things needed to make mom's delicious double chocolate pudding.

I mixed all the ingredients together and then set it in the fridge so it could cool down. Even making pudding from scratch doesn't take that long. About fifteen minutes, tops.

The kitchen started smelling of baking bread, chocolate, and steam was rising from the kettle as mom put in the last of the ingredients for the spaghetti sauce. I won't bore you with the detais because mom's recipe is a closely guarded secret. I giggled at the thought. When the sauce was almost to a boil, mom put in the noodles to cook for seven minutes. By the time the sauce and noodles were done, so would the bread and the pudding. I put the bread in the oven so it could bake. The dough was enough to make two loaves. Josie and I sat down and had a glass of grape juice. Mom sat down and had a cup of coffee.

"Well girls, we will have a wonderful dinner." Just then the doorbell rang. I went to answer it. It was Josie's mother, in her uniform. "Hello officer, amy I help you?"

"Yes, young lady, you can. I hear you are keeping a young girl by the name of Josie prisoner here. I cam eo to make sure she has been treated fairly."

"Hmmm, are you a spy?"


"Are you a federal agent?"


"Are one of those that go around disturbing people just ready to have dinner?"

"Well not exactly, but for a good home cooked meal, I couldbe bribed to look the other way."

"I see." I opened the door wider, and she stepped inside. We gave each other hugs and went in the kitchen. I went in first.

"Who was it, dear?"

"Nobody mom, just the police."

"Oh, and what did they want?"

"Just to be invited for dinner. Josie, your mom is here." That was when she walked in the ktichen.

"Hello, Lillian," Josie's mom said with a smile. Because she was wearing her uniform, Josie's mom didn't hug my mom because of her gun being in its holster. But she did smile.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Yes, thank you."

Part II - The Wedding.

As the two women sat down to drink their coffee they talked about the wedding out on the lawn. Instead of watching from their windows, Kira's father decided to invite the whole block.

"There's going to be signs at both ends of the block saying, 'private party, no admittance without RSVP."

"That is a good idea, Lillian. What are you doing for security?"

"Well Steve is going to use the security section of the realty company. That way we don't have any extra fees for like police and such."

"Well, I will be there just in case and as a guest you won't owe me anything. Besides, a cop is always on duty anyway."

"Well, you come to my wedding you are having fun. No badges, no guns, just fun."

"I have to carry my badge and gun all the time when I am off duty, unless I am in my house."

"Just so you know, this is a wedding. We are going to have fun, fun, fun."

"Yes, Lillian."

"Oh, you can call me Lilly."

"And you can call me Diane."

"Well, let me see, everything is done, all we need do is pick up our dresses. Then, the wedding. This is going to be fun, real fun."

"I agree Lilly. I understand the neighbors here have known your family for years."

"Yes, this is a good neighborhood. Why I moved out of it, I will never know."

"Lilly, how did the neighbors treat Kira when you lived here?"

"Like a girl, and I don't know what came over me. Kira has always been my pride and joy. But I guess the green spectre of jealousy came out and well, you know the rest. But Kira opened my eyes though, because she never gave up on me. I had no idea until recently that my husband to be never stopped loving me." Lilly started crying, and Diane just held her.

"It's alright, Lilly. Everybody gets in to that dark place now and again. I hope after seeing what it was like, you never go there again."

"I won't, I swear I won't."

"I have to give your family a lot of respect. When the chips were down, and it looked like you were going to drown, they threw you a life preserver. I have never seen a family like yours. But that is in the past, let's look to the future."

"If it wasn't for Kira, I wouldn't be sitting here taliking to you. She is one exceptional young lady."

"Yes she is, Lillian. She even showed me I have a heart."

"We are proud of Kira, she doesn't have a mean bone in her body."

"There aren't very many like her, at her age any more, these days. I am proud that I was able to meet her. I wish it could have been under better circumstances, but, that is in the past. Josie talks about Kira all the time. Even before they talked to her, Josie was talking about a girl that looked like she was lost, and she wanted to know what she should do. I told her if she could, to try and talk to her and see if she could be friends with her."

"We can never have too many friends, can we."

"No, we can't. Anyway, the wedding is tomorrow, and we are going tomake sure everybody has a good time. I asked the area patrol car to come by now and then tomake sure everything was going alright."

"Well, as long as they're not here through the whole wedding. I want this to be a fun time."

"I understand, Lillian, and it will be a fun time. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they do drive by, seeing me in a dress. The guys at the district just call me 'Di' as if that was a more masculine name, somehow. Is Steve getting a dancing permit, too?"

"Yes, as well as an occupancy permit for the block party."

Just then, Steve came in the kitchen. "Hi ladies, is everbody ready for tomorrow?"

"Yes, dear, we are. Diane and I were just talking about it."

"Steve, I hope you don't mond, but I did ask the area squad to stop by now and then tomake sure everything was goinf smoothly."

"I don't mind at all. I think it's a good idea. Are the others at home?"

"Kira is upstairs, and Danny went to hang out with his friends, and Katie went to the mall to get a pair of earrings."

"Well, what I have to say can wait until dinner time. What is on the menu?"

"Food, dear, food." Everybody laughed at that because Steve and Lillian knew what was coming next.

"What kind of food, dear?"

"Nutritious, delicious, edible food."

"What kind of nutritious, delicious, edible food?"

"The kind you eat."

"Sounds delicious."

Steve and LIllian used to say that to Kira, Katie and Danny when they were younger. Tonight though, Lillian wanted to order out and have Chinese. Steve and Kira like chop suey, but Katie, Danny and Lillian liked anything that was sweet and sour.

"I was thinking, Steve, that we could order out tonight, and invite Diane here, and Kira's friends over for dinner."

"That sounds like a plan. You call them."

When the doorbell rang, I answered it, unaware that mom had called the girls over for dinner. I jumped around hugging and holding each other, when a very handsome young man came up and asked if this was the Spelling residence. When I said it was, he said he was from Xiang Xiu's Chinese Restaurant and he had a delivery for a Lillian Spelling. I called mom and she paid the boy giving him a nice tip.

We all took the food in the kitchen, and I said hi to Josie's mom. We had to wait for Danny and Katie to get back before we could eat.

Katie was the first one back, and showed us the beautiful diamonds earrings she had bought for the wedding. She also bought a diamond necklace to match the earrings. She said we will see her wear them for the wedding. She looked in the boxes at the food, and claimed two of them right away. We just all giggled.

Danny came in next, and he looked at the boxes of food, and claimed two for him, also. I had already claimed mine as did the girls when we had brought them in the kitchen. Daddy was the last to come down, and he looked at the slim pickings.

"What! No sweet and sour!"

"Oh daddy, you have to be fast when mom order Chinese. I will trade you one of my sweet and sour for one of your chop suey."

"It's a deal, you munchkin."

"Oh daddy, you say the nicest things." Everybody giggled and laughed.

We ate our dinner, and talked about how we were going to do the wedding. Daddy and Danny would already be outside waiting for mom to come out. We were going to precede her out of the front door and on to the lawn. The people of the neighborhood would be across the street, and forming a semi circle around the the front of the house. Pastor Daly would be under the vine laden arch at the beginning of our walk to the house. There will be a microphone and speakers so those that can't hear Pastor Daly with their ears, will be able to hear through the speakers. Katie being the maid of honor, will lead the procession from the house, we bridesmaids will follow, followed by mom. This time we have two flower children. One boy and one girl. Eleven in the morning we will be a legal family again, although it may seem like it, but we never stopped being a family.

What I went through with mom when we lived alone, is all but forgotten now. Now, and I do mean now, we are going to be a true family, and we are going to treat others as we wish to be treated, regardless of how others treat us. But now, we will have each other to talk to, have fun with, and be there for. That is what it means to be a family.

After dinner was over, we girls did the cleanup while we let the men off for the night. Besides there was a little last minute female treason we needed to talk about.

"Alright, what do we need to talk about? I thought we had everything arranged."

"Yes, Kira, but we need to talk about after the wedding and the reception is over. I know your father wants to go on a honeymoon, but he didn't say anything about whether he had off or not for the next two weeks."

"Mom, I think daddy wants to keep that a surprise."

"Yes, sweetie, I know. I just wish he would have said something."

"He didn't even say anything at dinner, except we're all going to be pretty but you are going to be beautiful, mom."

"Yes, Katie, he did seem a little on the quiet side. Well, we will just have to wait and see what he has up that third arm sleeve of his." We all giggled. Mom, are we picking up our gowns tonight?"

"Yes, we are. I called and the lady said they were ready. She said some of the dresses just needed a little stitching. So, they are ready and we can pick them up anytime. You do know that tomorrow morning we are going to have to be up early so we can all get ready."

I slept very soundly, I guess, because the next morning mom and Katie had to wake me up.

"Well, sleepy head, it's about time you got up. I want you to use my lilac soap today and then when you dry off, I want you to come to my room, we are just going to wear everyday clothes for a few hours, but since they are clean clothes, there is no need to take another bath when we get our gowns on. Just maybe wash the underarms a little and down below. that should be about it. Come on, snap to it, young lady.

I just smiled, swung my feet from under my covers, and went to take a shower. Using mom's lilac perfumed soap is almost the same as a bubble bath. When I was through, I went to mom's room. The men she said have been forbidden entry into the world of women. I giggled. But mother had one of my outfits already laid out, and before I even put my bra on, she wanted to do my makeup. She said it would need to be touched up later.

The lingerie was modest white, the skirt was a light gray, the blouse was also white. My gray Mary Jane's and knee high gray socks completed the ensemble. I put on my bra and half slip first, then my white cami, then the blouse and skirt. The blouse is meant to be tucked in to the waistband of the skirt. I put on my knee high socks and then my Mary Jane's. Then mother told me to sit on her vanity bench so she could put my hair in a simple pony tail.

When we were finished, we all went in the kitchen for brerakfast. Just mom was breaking the eggs over the frying pan, the doorbell rang. I went to answer it, and Josie and her mother were there.

"Good morning, Kira. Are you ready for the big day?"

"I have been ready for this day for the longest time. Today is very special though than most weddings I have seen or been to."

"Oh? How's that?"

"Today, mom and dad get re-married for the last time, and our family will have that gaiety and laughter we had a long time ago. But don't tell mom I said anything. Please, come in. Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Well, to tell the truth, no we haven't. We just got up and came right over after our baths."

"We are just starting to make breakfast, you're welcome to join us."

"Kira, you better watch out or you could change the way the system thinks and does things. I'm serious, I have never met a young person like you. I have met decent young people, but no one like you. Are you sure you're not an angel."

"She is to me, Diane," mom said. "Good morning. We're having bacon and eggs, with jelly toast, and milk for the children and of course coffee for us, as well as our orange juice."

"Sounds delicious Lilly."

"Alright everyone, breakfast is ready."

We all went in the dining room which is hardly ever used because it is just our family, so we use the kitchen. We all sat down, and daddy said grace. We talked about the ceremony, and asked daddy if he had anything to say about it. He said no. We just kind of looked at each as if to say, uh huh daddy. Anyway, we talked about mour gowns and how pretty we were all going to be, and Danny and daddy made their excuses and excused themselves from the table. We just giggled.

Josie's mom said that she was actually happy that she could share this day with us. She said that most families she has dealt with were not the kind you associated with. But she liked our family, and looked forward to more dinners at both her house and ours, andmaybe a picnic here and there. For a police officer, she had a wonderful heart.

When we were done, we all helped clean up the kitchen and the dining room, and then it was time for us to get ready for our ceremony. It was already eight o'clock, and we had spent and hour and a half talking after breakfast. The ceremony was at one o'clock, and we needed to be ready ahead of time. It was then that the doorbell rang. It was Pastor Daly.

"Good morning, Kira. I am going to enjoy this day immensely, because I am officiating at the renewing of the vows of two friends."

"I am going to enjoy this day too. Daddy and Danny are upstairs getting ready. They will be down in a bit. I have to get upstairs and get ready also. Thank you for coming Pastor Daly, we all really appreciate this. Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"No thank you, Kira, but thank you for asking."

"Alright, I will be down in about two hours, maybe three." I giggled as Pastor Daly sat down on the sofa.

"Who was at the door, dear?"

"Pastor Daly, mom. He's sitting in the living room." Mom smiled, and said we needed to get ready now. When you have seven females in the same room getting ready to go to the ball, it is chaos. We helped each other with our hair and makeup, and then getting our petticoats on and then our gowns. We already had our shoes and stockings on. While mom and Josie's mom were finishing up, I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like I was like twenty years old. Today I was allowed to wear eye makeup, and it made a big difference in my appearance.

The problem with this was going to be, that the groom cannot see the bride until she is walking down the aisle to the altar. What could we do? I t was then that we heard Pastor Daly's voice on the other side of the bedroom door.

"I'm going to take the groom and best man out for a bit, and we will be back in time for the ceremony. This way you have the run of the house."

"Thank you, Pastor Daly," mom said back through the door.

As soon as Pastor Daly's car was gone, we all went downstairs. Mom made tea for us all, and we sat and talked about the ceremony. How we were all going to proceed out the front door and down the walk that will serve as the aisle for today. Mom and daddy will stand under the flowered arch, and holding hands, they will take their vows for the last time. Yes, I know, I keep saying for the last time a lot, but I have to keep reminding myself that it is actually the last time they will say I do.

Mom was smiling when she said that she had a phone call from a neighbor a few doors down, welcoming her back to the neighborhood, and congratulating her on her marriage, and wanted to know if his six year old daughter could be the flower girl.

"So I told him I would be honored to have his daughter as my flower girl. He told me that she will be here in just a few minutes." Mom no sooner said that, than the doorbell rang. I went to answer it.

"Hello, Kira, You haven't met Bertie yet. Bertie, say hello to Kira."

"Hello, Kira," she said bashfully.

"Hello, Bertie, it is nice to meet you. Please, come in."

"No, I'm going to leave Bertie here with all of you. She has her basket of flower petals. Tell your mother I said congratulations and good luck."

"I will Mr. Williams, and thank you."

"You're quite welcome, young lady." He left and I closed the door.

"Come in the kitchen, Bertie, that's where everyone is right now. But when my father, brother and Pastor Daly get back, we have to back upstairs, until we hear the music for Here Comes The Bride, start. Then we all go downstairs, with you in the lead, putting the flower petals on the aisle, or walkway. Then Katie comes right after you, then we bride's maids, and then mom."

"I couldn't have said it better, Kira," Josie's mom said with a big smile. "Who is this young lady?"

"This is Roberta, or Bertie, Williams. She lives just a few houses over. She is our flower girl for today."

"I like your dress, Bertie. It is very pretty with the baby chicks."

"Thank you, ma'am," Bertie said shylly again.

"Bertie, would you like a glass of lemonade? I made it myself."

"Yes, ma'am, thank you."

"Bertie, how would you like to see my collection of teddy bears?"

Her little eyes really widened when I said teddy bears."

"I would like to see your teddy bears."

"Katie, mom, everyone, excuse Bertie and I because we are going to have a teddy bear party."

I took Bertie to my room and showed her all the teddy bears I had gotten since coming to live here. I showed her all the small ones, the big ones and the ones in between. Then her eyes widened and she let out a small screech. She went over by my pink and white teddy bear that was almost as big as she was. She took it off the shelf and began hugging it. I just stood there,smiling.

"Bertie, you like this teddy bear?"


"Then, when the ceremony is over, I will let you have it to keep. I named her Cindy."

"I like that name," she said hugging the teddy bear tightly.

"Let's go back downstairs."

We went back in the kitchen, and I told mom I gave Bertie my pink and white teddy bear.

"That was nice, dear."

"Don't let me forget to give it to her, before she goes home."

"We won't," Josie said, mockingly.

Just then, we heard Pastor Daly's car and we all headed back upstairs. When we got to mom's bedroom, Bertie asked why we had to come back upstairs.

"Because, dear, the groom, that's the man who marry's the bride, me, cannot see the bride until the bride starts down the aisle. The asile today is our walkway right in front of the house, ending at the flowered arch by the sidewalk. It is a marriage custom."

"What is a custom?"

"A custom is something that has been done by people for a long, long time, and it just keeps getting repeated, like now."

"Oh." I could see that Bertie had a puzzled look on her face.

"We're back, ladies."

"Alright, Pastor Daly."

"They are just about ready to start. We are going outside now."

As soon as they were outside, the music started to play. We all started out of the bedroom and down the stairs, with Bertie leading the way, and dropping violet petals we all followed. As we all took our places on the left side of the arch, mom walked like queen to the altar, or in this case, flowered arch. When she got there, daddy took her hand and Pastor Daly began.

"Dearly beloved, we are here to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Marriage is a holy institution that is not to be entered in to lightly. It is a bond between two people whose hearts have joined as one. On this day, I am privileged to re-unite two people whom I have considered freinds. For a short time, evil interrupted the joy these two had as a couple and as parents. But now that evil has been defeated, and the joy these two had has come back. So before I begin, I have to ask this one simple question. Is there anyone here assembled, that thinks these two should not be joined in holy matrimony? Speak now, or forever hold your peace." Pastor Daly waited about a minute, and then resumed his oratory. "Hearing nothing, let us begin.

"Steven Spelling, do you take this woman, Lillian Spelling, to be thy lawfully wedded wife; to hold and to cherish, to honor and protect through sickness and health, for poorer or richer, and having none other, til death do you part?"

"I do," daddy said looking in to mom's eyes.

"The bride has her own vows to give, and as has become the custom, she may say her own vows."

"I, Lillian Speling, being sworn before God and this company, I swear that I will love you, Steven Spelling for the rest of my life, and forsaking all others, my love is for you and my children. I shall be by your side through the good times and the bad, when we have money and when we don't, when you are ill and when you are not. I give you my heart freely and without malice. I love you, Steven Spelling, and I love our children. Evil came in to my heart, but with the help of a certain young lady, I have beaten that evil. Please accept my apology." With that, she said she was finished, and then Pasttor Daly concluded the ceremony.

"It is now my honor under the laws of this state, and of God almighty, to join these two has husband and wife. You may kiss the bride, Steven."

After what seemed like an awfully long kiss, Pastor Daly announced that there was to be dancing and a buffet for those wishing to stay. Pastor Daly also said that everybody has to behave because one of the guests was a police officer. He didn't say her name, but we all knew who he was talking about.

Now it is legally official, and mom and daddy are once more a legal couple. Isn't life just grand?
This is the last chapter of Kira. Kira may be in other stories that I write.

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