Summer with Auntie Kate - Part 4

Summer with Auntie Kate

Part IV — The Elegant Melissa Baker

The jets of the Jacuzzi bath were like heaven on earth. Swirling islands of citrus and floral scented bubbles paraded across the frothy water in front of Kelly’s semi-conscious eyes. He was in a state of total relaxation. The work he and his Aunt Kate had done was surprisingly tough, even for a college athlete like himself. But now this turbulent, yet heavenly liquid was gently massaging every sore muscle on his body. It was all Kelly could do to turn his head and acknowledge the fact that his aunt was slowly opening the bathroom door to reveal herself and soon to be followed by their dinner guest.

Kate slipped into the bathroom, fresh from her shower, with her flowing black hair still semi-wet. She was dressed in a skimpy black satin robe, tied loosely at her hips. The wispy fabric seemed to flow and wave in an invisible breeze, revealing her deep cleavage and barely covering those beautiful pink nipples that always seemed to be very “alert.” The hem of the robe accentuated her shapely hips and hugged her supple thighs in a silky embrace.

Kate’s little ensemble was completed with an elegant pair of matching black satin marabou bedroom slippers, with a three-inch heel that clicked softly with each step and caused her ample breasts to jiggle freely, unburdened by the lacy constraints of a bra. Kelly soaked in the glow of her presence, slowly awakening from his comfortable bath-induced trance only to be hypnotized into another.

Kelly murmured nearly inaudibly, “Auntie Kate you look fabulous.”

Kate attempted to shrug off the compliment, “Oh c’mon Kell, I must look completely hideous. My hair is all ratty, no makeup, no perfume, and my nails are in terrible shape,” but her smile and twinkling eyes betrayed her attempt at humility. “But you on the other hand look as if you are floating somewhere between heaven and cloud nine!”

“Yeah, this bath is so nice. First of all, I’ve haven’t taken one in years, but I know I’ve never experienced any like this before. These water jets and all the fancy soap or whatever you put in here is awesome. My friends would give me so much crap if they knew I was bathing in all these flowery bubbles.”

“Well you know, I haven’t seen any sign of your friends around here, and even if they gave you crap it’d be out of jealousy.” Kate had taken a seat on the wide edge of the tub, just inches from Kelly’s head. Her robe inched upward revealing even more of her lovely legs. Kelly could see no outline of panties on her smooth bottom when she turned to sit down. He wondered what she could be wearing underneath. Most likely it was very little, or nothing at all.

Kate reached out and began to slide her fingers through Kelly’s silky hair, taking turns twirling it around each finger. Arousal was an understatement. Kelly was rock hard and he wondered if there was enough water in the tub to hide his growing manhood. “I’m sure you’re wondering when you are going to meet our guest. Missy will be in soon. She just wanted to freshen up a bit after her trip over from the farm. She rode over in her convertible, and if I’m not mistaken I think she may have involuntarily dined on a large June-bug.” They both burst into a fit of laughter and did not see the bathroom door open.

“I heard that you two! What do we have here? A couple of comediennes, eh? My, my and a lovely pair at that!” Miss Melissa Baker, the life-long bachelorette, neighbor, and friend of Kate’s had finally made her grand entrance. Kelly was speechless. His aunt had told him that she was retired and his mind’s eye had definitely painted the wrong picture. He was expecting a wrinkly old lady in a frumpy dress with knee-highs balled up at her ankles, wearing white orthopedic shoes, boobs drooping to her waist, horned rimmed glasses, scratchy voice, and smelling…well, weird…like a grandma.

His mental painting was now shattered into a million pieces like a dinner plate at a Greek wedding and was quickly replaced by a natural work of art, worthy of a Greek goddess. Missy Baker’s appearance defied her age of 62. Yet she embraced it, and wasn’t afraid to let everyone know just how “old” she really was, because those who beheld her radiance failed to accept her matronly age as truth. She was a rare beauty indeed. All that hinted at her being anywhere beyond the age of a college girl was her gray hair that she chose not to color. Although short, its impeccable style, with spiky teases and feathered waves was a display of cutting edge feminine glamour. Missy referred to her hair as “organized chaos” but reveled in its striking simplicity. It framed her lovely face and allowed her favorite dangly opal-diamond earrings to be shown off without obstruction. They glittered and sparkled, the shine of the diamond contrasting beautifully with the fiery brilliance of the opal.

Her skin held a warm glow and was accented perfectly by just the right amount of makeup. Missy’s rare ancestral combination of Italian, Greek, and Arapaho gave her the most lovely bone structure, raising the jealous ire of many female counterparts. Her high cheekbones were dusted with light powder blush and smooth olive skin required little foundation. Then there were her full lips, painted a deep burgundy, crystal blue eyes accented by just the right amounts of mascara, eyeliner and shadow, and high arched thin eyebrows darkened to offset the brightness of her sparkling jewels.

Missy’s smile was dazzling and her glistening, moist red lips formed the most devilish grin one could imagine. Kelly felt like the temperature had risen tenfold in the few seconds that Miss Baker had graced them with her presence. Kate always felt that way about Missy, and this was no exception and she took great joy reveling in the warmth. It seemed as if time had suddenly stopped as Kelly continued his visual lesson in what it means to exude feminine splendor. His eyes continued down, slowly taking in every curve of Missy’s well-defined body.

She wore a thin gold chain containing an ornate heart-shaped locket that framed her shoulder blades. A long-sleeved v-neck burgundy satin blouse matched her lips and revealed a gorgeous pair of D-cup breasts, barely held in place by a sheer black lacy demi-cup push-up bra. Décolletage, as the French call it, was in full effect. Kelly knew of only one other set of boobs that rivaled Miss Baker’s and they were nestled within the filmy folds of his aunt’s robe, mere inches from his salivating tongue. Yet his gaze was firmly entrenched within the smooth cleavage of their guest. “Holy Mary Mother of God,” he thought to himself, “what I would give to feel those beautiful tits.” Miss Baker’s grin widened, as if she read his mind perfectly.

Missy stood with French-manicured hands on hourglass hips, leaning a little to one side with her black, seamed, stocking-encased legs slightly apart. A charcoal gray, stretch wool pencil-skirt hugged her curves tightly to just above her sexy calves. Strappy, black patent leather stiletto heels completed her outfit. Melissa Baker was “stacked” to be blunt. The Matron Saint of Sexiness.

Kate finally broke the short silence, “Well yes Miss Baker, I believe we are quite hilarious, just ask us!” She stood up and slid one arm around Missy’s waist, giving her a short kiss on the cheek. Kate didn’t have to bend down too far as their height discrepancy was shortened by the spiky heels. Kelly gulped hard when he saw two pair of large breasts rub satin against lace. He felt as if he was going to erupt a river of hot stickiness into the bath water as Kate turned back toward him, “Kelly I would love for you to meet my good friend Miss Melissa Baker.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” Kelly squeaked out meekly.

“Your Aunt Kate has told me so much about you. I feel like I have known you for years. And she wasn’t lying about your looks. You are blessed with your family’s beauty. I’m very, very pleased to meet you as well. Call me Missy. Your aunt is so proper about introductions sometimes.” Her voice was sensual and erotic. It reminded Kelly of the sexy ladies narrating lingerie ads on television. She took his aunt’s place along the tub, and her attention turned to his hair. “Kelly, you have luxuriously wavy locks. I was a hair stylist for many years and I can’t say that I’ve ever felt hair so silky. And I love the way your aunt styled it. It is quite becoming of you.”

“It’s probably kinda gross right now Missy. It hasn’t been washed since we came in from outside. Auntie said she was going to come in and wash it for me.” He felt a little embarrassed. Lying there in the tub naked with a beautiful woman he’d just met sitting next to him. He was glad the jets were still on, but it did little to hide his “predicament” and the bubbles were losing their vigor.

“Kate, if you don’t mind, could I take your place and do Kelly’s hair instead? I can’t pass up an opportunity like this.”

“You bet Missy, as long as it’s ok with Kell.”

Kelly was in another dream-state as Missy continued to stroke and twirl his damp hair. Her lovely fingernails clicked softly and their tips lightly massaged his scalp. “Y…yeah auntie, It’s f…fine with me,” he sighed in delight.

“Kelly, your auntie was telling me that you have some nasty rashes or some sort of sores on your legs and your bottom?”

“Yeah, that’s right. Not sure what they are, but they get really nasty and red from time to time and I haven’t been able to get rid of it. But I guess I haven’t gone to see anyone about it. I…”

Missy stood up quickly, “Well then you’ve come to the right woman! I’m a registered nurse as well as being an all-around beautician, and just a plain beauty for that matter!” She winked at Kelly, “I’ll have your little problem figured out quickly and your Aunt and I will fix you right up in no time. Don’t you worry your pretty little head, sweetie.”

Any more thoughts of modesty for Kelly were about to be washed away. Missy turned to Kate, “Let’s get him out of those bubbles so I can take a look.”

Before he could add anything more, the two beauties had a hold of him and were lifting him up out of the steamy bath. It seemed as if warm fingers, hair, perfume, lace, satin, swishy nylon, hot minty breath, and jiggling breasts were everywhere at once. It only heightened his already advanced state of arousal. And as he stood upright in the tub, he truly “stood upright” in the tub. His manhood was like a smooth purple rocket aiming to the heavens. It pulsed and throbbed uncontrollably.

The women giggled like schoolgirls as they guided Kelly onto the bathmat outside of the tub. His rigidity was in full splendor. “Oh my! What do we have here?” Missy stared down hungrily as Kate was grabbing a towel and then leaned in and whispered just loud enough for Kelly to hear, “You have a beautiful cock, honey. No need to be bashful. I bet you’d like something warm, slippery, and soft to hide that lovely specimen. Your aunt told me about your lacy under things you’ve been wearing for her. I would love to see how you look in some of those silken delicates. Maybe you can show us some more later, hmmm?”

Kelly gasped and tried to stifle his physical excitement. “M…m…m…maybe s…so.”

“Ok break it up over there, no secrets without me!” Kate brought back a fluffy, baby blue bath towel with a satin embroidered “K” on one side and began to pat Kelly dry so Missy could inspect his affliction.

Missy bent down and began to run her hands all over Kelly’s legs, “Just what I thought. You’ve got ingrown hairs all over the place Kell. Here, turn around and bend over for a sec.” Kelly hesitated slightly, “I need to see where they all are, trust me, and it might even feel good.” The girls giggled some more as Kelly bent over the tub rail and Missy continued, “Kate could you give me a hand a sec, make that two hands. I need you hold his tight little bum cheeks apart so I can see better.” More whispering and giggling followed by warm hands as Kelly felt his ass being parted slowly. Missy rubbed her index finger along the soft inner flesh and probed lightly, “Mmmm, such a cute little pink rosebud,” she whispered just loud enough for all three to hear this time. “Yes baby doll, we are going to need to do some sprucing up down here, that’s for certain. All these pesky little ingrown hairs are going to have to go away. The easiest way to do that is to remove all your body hair, and I’ve got just the thing for that. Or should I say “stuff” for that. It’s a cream product that your Aunt and I developed just recently. It’s been selling like hotcakes. It causes little irritation, smells lovely, and last for months.”

Kelly squirmed a bit, “All…all of it? Are you sure? I mean it’s not like I’ve got a problem with them everywhere. That’s pretty drastic, don’t you think? I’d look really weird without all that hair and…”

Missy cut him off, “Oh Kelly please, when was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror?” She continued her soft massage of his backside with her silky fingers. “There isn’t much hair to begin with and what is there is so blonde you can barely see it. Oh yes, you will love this new change my dear. You’ll feel so nice and smooth, sweetie, you won’t know what to do with yourself.”

Kate chimed in, this time it was her turn to whisper to Missy so only she could hear, “I don’t know what Kelly has in mind to do with “his” self but I’ve got a few ideas of my own!”

“Well, aren’t you the naughty one?” then Missy spoke louder, adding a slight dramatic flair. “Kelly we’re going to have to do this in Kate’s big shower, but first I’ve got to be mindful of my fine clothes that I painstakingly donned for this lovely evening we that are just beginning. Your auntie and I are going to have to change into something more apropos for such a task. I do believe something more comfortable and sporty is in order, don’t you agree, my lady?”

Kate continued with the drama, “Oh, Miss Baker, I do believe you are correct! I think I have just what the doctor ordered waiting for us in my boudoir next door! Now don’t run off on us, Kell-bell, we’ll be right back, and you’ll be silky smooth and feeling fine before you know it. Then we can work on that lovely hair of yours! And NO PEEKING before we get back!”

The ladies got up to leave the bathroom, leaving Kelly standing fully naked and fully erect on the bathmat. “Oh sure, like I’m in any shape to be going anywhere…and why would I want to?” he, thought to himself. It was all he could do to resist the urge to relieve his pent up sexual energy as he watched them swish and wiggle their heart-shaped bottoms across the hall. Whispering and laughing, arm in arm, they disappeared into the bedroom. A sea of hot satin, silk, lace and an ultra-erotic feminine charm seemed to encircle the house that evening. Kelly still harbored some conflicting emotions and was still a little shy about the whole situation. But those feelings were starting to melt away like the spring snows on the tall-grass prairie. Those two ladies had a way of turning a very uneasy situation into something much more relaxing and sensual.

The air in the bathroom had chilled considerably as the remnants of his sudsy bath swirled down the drain. The fluffy blue towel was all he could see to cover himself up with, so he threw it around his shoulders and sat against the tub to wait. It was then he noticed the door to his aunt’s bedroom, just across the hall, was slightly ajar. At first he resisted the temptation to peep, but the chance to catch a glimpse of a little more skin was irresistible.

Kate’s walk in closet had two sliding doors covered with full-length mirrors and Kelly could see just a sliver of one. The women were in there carrying on and laughing about something that he couldn’t make out. Every minute or so, he’d see them fling some sort of clothing across the bed. “Damn, you get a couple women together and all hell breaks loose,” he chuckled, “Those chicks are really losing it.” He hadn’t noticed it earlier, but next to him in the sink, there were a couple bottles of wine chilling on some ice his aunt had tossed in while he was dozing in the bath. “Don’t mind if I do,” Kelly grabbed the nearest one that looked to be open already. “A little wine and a couple rowdy women…sounds like a good time to me!” He popped off the cork and took a long slow swig, settling back against the tub and hoping for a better view of the horseplay next door.

The sweet gewurztraminer went down easy, warming his insides. It was apparent that the ladies were in no hurry to get changed into whatever it was they had in mind. Kelly cared little, if they came out in a couple burlap grain sacks it’d be all right by him, but in the back of his mind he doubted that would be the case. These two vixens settled for nothing less than one hundred percent sexy, all the time. The bottle came up to his lips for a second time, but nothing came out. His lips suddenly felt strange, like they were sticky and wet at the same time. Glancing at the rim of the bottle he soon realized he wasn’t the only one to be drinking without a glass. The telltale red lip prints, one burgundy and one a brighter shade encircled the bottle top. “Looks like Miss Baker and Auntie Kate were having a little fun while I was snoozing in the bath.”

Kelly absentmindedly rubbed his lips together as his attention was once again drawn to the bedroom. He had a small view, but he could see just enough through the opening to catch their reflection. His aunt was standing behind Missy and appeared to be unbuttoning her blouse. The row of round buttons between Missy’s ample breasts slipped open one-by-one from each small loop of deep red satin. Kate paused between each, and slowly pulled Missy’s blouse open a little more with her smooth fingertips as she made her way down towards those lovely, lace-encased globes. Kelly noticed that Missy’s skin seemed to come alive with tiny goose bumps and her nipples threatened to cut fine slits into that elegant fabric. He was in a trance watching the drama unfold before him.

Kate finally came to the last button and the burgundy blouse slid slowly to the floor. Kelly was sure he saw his aunt’s hands slide up from underneath Missy’s heaving chest and cup her jiggling boobs as they both giggled softly and whispered to each other. Kelly couldn’t take it any longer. He reached down and grasped his throbbing cock with his right hand and began to slowly pump it up and down the full length of his hard shaft. He closed his eyes for just a moment and didn’t notice both Missy and Kate eyeing him from the mirror through the small slit in the doorway.

When Kelly opened his eyes a few seconds later he was startled to see Missy, standing in front of him, hands on hips and Kate standing next to her, matching the pose. Two sets of glossy, pouting lips were turned up in similar smirks and their eyes seemed to burn through him.

Missy was minus a few articles of clothing since he had last gazed upon her voluptuous body. Her hair and makeup still looked immaculate and her fine jewelry sparkled to match her eyes, but it was what she wasn’t wearing that caught Kelly’s attention. Missy’s olive-hued breasts strained against the skimpy lace of the little demi-bra. The delicate lace did little to conceal dusky areolas and her prominent nipples that threatened to pop out at any moment. Kelly’s gaze continued on down to her flat stomach that was encircled by the most luxurious high-waist, six-strap satin and lace garter belt. The silk-ribbon garter straps held taut a pair of wispy black-seamed stockings that were accentuated by her strappy stilettos. Missy’s panties matched the rest of her ensemble. They were flimsy and delicate, and appeared to be a second skin. Kelly’s gaze lingered a moment on the moistening, lace-covered cleft between her supple thighs. He thought of what beautiful sights he see if she would just slide a small amount of that fabric to the side for just one moment………” AH HA!!!”

His Aunt Kate snapped him out of his drunken reverie, “Well, well, what do we have here? I thought we said no peeking! And what’s this, an empty wine bottle? Such a naughty, naughty one!” Kelly was caught red-handed. An empty wine bottle in his left hand, and his throbbing cock in his right all while peeping in on the two ladies in varying stages of undress. Speaking of undress, Kate’s little satin robe was now totally untied. The swell of her heavy breasts was all that was keeping the dainty item from sliding across her shoulders onto the floor. Kelly was nearly correct in his earlier assumption that she wore nothing beneath. The only thing between Kelly eyes and Kate’s “flower of love” was the tiniest of tiny g-strings that cupped her womanhood snugly. “Holy crap!” He thought to himself, “There is nothing there!” There was no doubt in Kelly’s mind that Kate was smoothly shaven down there as the petite panties left little to the imagination.

“Caught with your hand in the cookie jar, so to speak.” Missy stepped forward gathering up his bath towel and empty wine bottle in one motion, then leaned in, her lips mere inches from Kelly’s as she spoke softly, and sexily. Her hot breath smelled of mint and wine, “What is that red smudge on your lips?” Kelly blushed. He had totally forgotten about the lipstick that had transferred from the bottle.

Kelly squirmed backward along the bathroom floor. Embarrassed, he subconsciously tried to gain some distance between his totally nude form and the aggressive ladies “Uh…what smudge? I’m not quite sure…” he touched a finger to his bottom lip and it came back with a sparkly crimson imprint. He was surprised at the amount left behind on the bottle by Kate and Missy.

Stepping back, Missy implored Kate to look as well, “Such a pretty color isn’t it Miss Snow? And applied with such care!”

Kate replied dramatically, “Why yes Miss Baker, it’s quite a lovely selection and very popular with the young ladies. Kelly, you really don’t have to go sneaking around like that. You could have just asked us nicely and we would have been delighted to educate you in the fine art of lipstick application.”

These two gals perplexed Kelly, but at the same time he stifled a giggle at their flamboyant antics. The ladies were two peas in a pod, playing off each other’s eccentric quirkiness. It was like he was watching a comedic melodrama. “It wasn’t what you think, I was just having some of your wine and your lipstick must have accidentally rubbed off on the bottle and then rub….”

He was promptly interrupted by Missy, her broad smile lit up the room, “Oh Kelly, come now. And save us the drama! Nobody could have accidentally applied that lipstick with such skill. You mean to tell me that you just happened upon a bottle of wine and this was the outcome? Such nonsense! And such naughty behavior! We left Kelly alone for just a minute or two and look what happens.” Missy continued on with her glorious performance, “We can’t have all of this mischief going on while we prepare ourselves for such an important task. It’s a task that is aimed at improving your health, Kelly. I think there’s a quick solution to this problem.”

“I’m one step ahead of you Miss Baker. How about we take the naughty one to a more secure location?”

“Yes. Excellent idea Miss Snow.”

“Ladies I don’t really think this is necessary, I mean really, I enjoy games and everything but…I’ll just hang out here on the floor until you two come back…”

It was no use arguing with these two sirens. They had their mind made up and before Kelly could think twice they had whisked him up and practically drug him into the spacious shower. There was a horizontal bar that ran the length of the shower atop the glass walls. A red-velvet rope hung over the bar and on each end was a padded leather handcuff. Kelly’s hands were quickly raised over his head and secured to the handcuffs. And as he tried to speak again, Missy wrapped a satin sash across his mouth and tied a nice feminine bow firmly behind his head. The women left the room again leaving Kelly naked and very aroused in the shower. No matter what he tried to think about, his cock continued to disobey. He felt as if he could explode at any moment.

Missy popped back into the bathroom quickly to grab something near the sink and tiptoed up behind Kelly. Her hot breath tickled his ear as she whispered softly, “Your Auntie told me so much about you, but nothing could have prepared me for this lovely lollipop of yours.” She slid her manicured fingertips slowly from one end of his erect shaft to the other. Precum oozed out in small, glistening globules that she carefully scooped up with the underside of her index fingernail. She brought her finger to her mouth and sucked on it slowly, making sure Kelly heard her moist lips inhaling every last drop. “Mmmm….sooo sweet, baby. We are going to have so much fun tonight. Aren’t we?”

The pink satin cover muffled Kelly’s voice, but even if he could speak it wouldn’t have come out clearly. He was so close to erupting, but Missy wanted to delay it as long as possible. She loved to tease him and continued the teasing by producing a silk ribbon, matching the sash around his head, that she laced around his rigid cock like a candy cane. She tied the excess in another beautiful bow below his swollen tip. “Oh my, isn’t that darling? Your Auntie will be tickled!” With that she left the bathroom once again.

Kelly had never been so close to exploding, but the tight bow laced around his “jewels” made sure that would not happen, at least not yet. Every time his cock twitched the luxurious silk seemed to grip and caress him with a touch softer than a rose petal. “All of this horseplay just to take care of some lousy skin bumps?” he thought to himself. It wasn’t a thought born out of displeasure, but the building excitement was about all he could handle.

Finally, he heard the bathroom door creak open, followed by the shuffling of feet and giggling. “Close your eyes, honey and turn around slowly, we have a look going on here that we think you’ll love!” Kelly spun around in the shower and opened his eyes.

There standing before him were two knockout babes wearing what appeared to be authentic Baywatch bathing suits. But these suits seemed to be even thinner and skimpier than the originals. The tight spandex fit their hourglass figures like a glove. The cut was very high, well above their hips. A small strip of fabric in front was all that covered their most delicate parts. Kelly figured that both women had to shave everything down there. There was little doubt due to the thinness and tightness of their outfits. The cool air in the bathroom caused nipples to protrude as if they were going to rip holes in the suits. They turned in unison and posed, wiggling their cute little asses in front of him tauntingly. Then turning back around they leaned forward, squeezing their breasts together with their elbows. Kelly’s semi-erect member now stood at full attention once again. A point not missed by the ladies.

“Oooh, looks like someone approves!” Kate exclaimed. “And all wrapped up in a lovely bow to boot!” She inched forward, pressing her thigh against Kelly’s cock. She could feel each individual vein pulsing and throbbing. Kelly stared at her tits that were nearly eye level, small beads of perspiration dribbled slowly into her ample cleavage.

“Ok, Kelly, are you ready to feel all nice and smooth?” Kelly couldn’t reply to Missy as the satin sash was impeding his speech. “Are you going to be a good boy for us if we take off your pretty pink muffler?” He nodded a quick, “yes.” Kate stepped behind him and untied the sash as Missy prepared her special lotion for Kelly.

Missy and Kate filled their hands with the creamy, citrus-scented lotion and began to slowly apply it to Kelly’s legs. Working slowly, starting at his ankles, they made their way up and around both legs pausing slightly to play with his manhood and to coat his soft balls with a thin layer of lotion. Kate gently spread apart Kelly’s tight bottom as Missy gently coated his pink rosebud with gentle, deliberate strokes. The lotion tingled a little but it was not unpleasant at all. The irritation that Kelly had felt for such a long time seemed to fade away as his aunt and Missy coated the rest of his body all the way up to his neck.

Kelly was mesmerized watching Missy and Kate rub the lotion all across his taut skin. Their heavenly breasts swayed and jiggled as they rubbed and massaged. The stretchy material of their bathing suits seemed to disappear as the humidity rose, becoming almost like a second skin. “Ok Kell-bell, I think we’re finished. You did great! Now just hold that pose for a few more minutes while the cream does its job.”

Missy and Kate brought out another bottle of wine to help reset the mood for the evening. Missy gave Kelly a nice long swig. It warmed his insides even more and helped him relax. “Ok time for your rinse, sweets.” The ladies each grabbed a removable showerhead and slowly rinsed the lotion off. Before they toweled him off Missy decided it was time to soothe Kelly’s growing tension. “Kate told me about your “sticky sweetness” and how warm and soft it feels going down. And how it works great as a facial moisturizer. I think it’s time I sample this myself!” Missy leaned forward and began to lick Kelly’s throat and slowly made her way down Kelly’s hairless chest with her tongue leading the way. Her breath felt so nice against his hairless skin and she left a trail of saliva down past his navel.

Kate got down on her knees and looked up at Kelly mischievously, “Time to unwrap my special gift.” She slowly undid the bow with one hand while softly tickling his balls with her other. As the ribbon slid around and around his shaft Missy’s full, wet lips were mere inches from him. Her tongue flicked out and licked the precum that had dribbled out and now was running down the underside of his veined cock. “I know you’ve been waiting to see these.” Missy leaned back and slowly slid the straps of her dainty swimsuit down her tan shoulders. She hooked a thumb of each side of her beautiful breasts and slid the suit the rest of the way past her nipples as Kate continued to massage his manhood. Two of the most gorgeous globe-shaped tits were now in full view. Her rock-hard nipples pointed straight up at him, begging to be sucked. But his restraints left him at the mercy of these two beauties.

Kate whispered up to Kelly, “I think it’s time to let it go, sweetie.” She gripped the base of his shaft as Missy swallowed him whole. He could no long hold back as her throat muscled contracted firmly around his swollen head. The first hot jet of cum blasted the back of Missy’s throat, but then she pulled him out and slid his cock in between her awaiting tits. She pumped him up and down as the thick syrupy fluid splashed across her face and chest. She rubbed it into her breasts and squeezed her nipples. Kelly’s body shook from head to toe as the pent up energy was all released at once. “Oh yeah baby, you came so much. Kate was right about everything! Mmmm…mmm. Such a naughty, naughty boy.”

Missy rinsed herself off under the one of the showerheads, her suit still around her hips. Kelly couldn’t help but stare, as the water slowly dribbled down across her ample breasts. Each silver droplet seemed to pause on her erect nipples before dripping down to the floor. “Lovely lady isn’t she?” Kate whispered. She was enjoying Miss Baker’s beauty and grace as much as Kelly. “Well, we’d better get these suits off, be back in a flash.” Kate and Missy disappeared into Kate’s room, returning a few minutes later. Both women were wearing ankle length baby blue, fluffy bathrobes, trimmed neatly in white lace. Kelly was wondering if they were hiding something under them, but there was no way to tell. The robes were long sleeved, buttoned from the neck to the floor, and their feet were covered in matching fluffy slippers. Most women would look frumpy and disheveled in such an outfit, but these two still looked like Greek goddesses to Kelly.

The ladies released Kelly from the handcuffs and rubbed more scented lotion into his skin to help soften and protect. He was amazed at how any little breath or air movement caused his hairless skin to get goose bumps. It was a great feeling. He didn’t think that getting rid of the little hair he had would make so much of a difference. But he was so wrong.

“Well, I guess it’s time we all get ready for our evening of dining.” Melissa led Kelly into Amy’s room while Kate finished cleaning up in the bathroom. “Now we can do something with your silky locks. I’ve been looking forward to giving you a nice style.”

Kelly was still a little worried about his appearance. It seemed there was no end to the paths his feminine side could take him. “I hope you keep it kind of conservative Miss Baker, I’m not big on the flamboyant.”

“You mean you don’t want to look like Dolly Parton? No prob sweetie, we’ll keep it classy and elegant.” He’d never heard those two words used together to describe his hairstyle, but he found himself an eager guinea pig for Missy’s experimenting.

To be continued...

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