Presdoh - The Wolf and the Crane

Charles, or rather Charlene, is back with another lesson to learn...

The Wolf and the Crane

by Joanne Foxcourt

Author's Note

Welcome to my second story about Charles (Charlene) Stewart. If you haven't read the first, you probably should since it has the basic details of how Charles got into his current fix. In a nutshell, however, young Charles is a witch from a long line of witches. Not evil witches, but generally good people who are attuned to the natural forces represented by Gaea. In the first story, The Ant and the Chrysalis, Charles bungled a shape-changing spell that left him stuck as a girl. With the help of his mother and the rest of the coven, the spell was altered so that he would be his normal self, unless he encountered some trigger that would turn him back into a girl. Before he could become male again, he would have to learn the lessons that the trigger had to teach him.

This particular story is G rated. Any resemblance to persons living or dead would be surprising since magic doesn't actually exist. However, if it does, it was unintentional so don't put a hex on me. The usual copyright rules apply and if TG fiction is banned in your region, you should consider moving, but the risk of reading it is yours alone. Feel free to publish this on any site that is not for profit. If you would like a particular format, just email me and I'll see what I can do.

Prelude: Aesop's Tale

A wolf who had a bone stuck in his throat hired a crane, for a large sum, to put her head into his mouth and draw out the bone. When the crane had extracted the bone and demanded payment, the wolf, grinning and grinding his teeth, exclaimed: "Why, you have surely already had a sufficient recompense, in having been permitted to draw out your head in safety from the mouth and jaws of a wolf."

In serving the wicked, expect no reward, and be thankful if you escape injury for your pains.

Chapter 1: Trigger "Helpy"

"You seem to be getting better at this," Alison Stewart commented to her son, Charles, as he allowed the flame in his palm to wink out.

"Thanks mom," he grinned. Charles was feeling pretty good about himself, despite recent misfortunes in spell casting, because he had finally achieved sufficient control to keep witch-fire burning until he released it.

"How are you and Sue doing these days?" Alison asked as Charles dusted himself off and stood up from the lesson.

"Good. Why do you ask?"

"Am I not allowed to be curious about my son?" Alison said with an amused look.

"Well, yeah, I guess," Charles admitted uncomfortably.

"Except that you don't want your dear old mother to pry into your love life."

Charles blushed and nodded.

"Don't worry honey," Alison soothed. "I'm not going to start reading your mind. Just be smart and use protection."


"It's just advice Charles, though it would be better that you wait."

Charles was blushing furiously now. "Sue and I haven't done anything!"

"Even still, you will want to at some point. All I'm saying is be careful."

"Yes mother," Charles groaned. "Can we change the subject?"

"Are you going out tonight?"

"Sue and I going to the movies and just to the movies!"

Alison nodded and dropped the subject with a grin.


"Do you really think it's a good idea to help him out?" Sue asked as they settled into the seat at the theatre.

Charles tried not to groan. "Sue, he asked..."

"Mike Holmes is Gerald's best friend and they are both assholes! The only reason he is being nice to you is to avoid getting kicked off the football team for lousy marks."

"Yeah, I know," Charles admitted. "What else can I do though? If I don't help him, he'll make my life a living hell. Besides, he's going to pay me if he passes the test and stays on the team."

Sue snorted.

"It'll be okay," Charles promised. "Now let's watch the movie, I don't want to miss the Lord of the Rings trailer."

"Geek," Sue grinned as she quickly turned to take in the trailer as well.


"Hey," Mike Holmes said as he wandered into the library study room Monday, after school.

"You're late," Charles grumbled, pointedly looking at the clock hanging on the wall.

"Take a pill man," Mike advised as he sat down at the table.

"Look, Mike, we only have a about a week before the big exam and you have to pass it or get booted from the team."

Mike cracked his knuckles. "See that I don't."

"Threatening me is not going to help you learn," Charles pointed out. "I'll do my best to help you, but you have to make an effort or you'll fail anyways."

Mike nodded.

"Now, algebra isn't that hard..."

After about an hour of Charles trying to teach the basics of algebra, he finally called a halt. "Well, we got somewhere I guess," he groaned as he stretched.

Mike stood up. "I need a burger," he announced. "My brain is fried."

"That sounds like a good idea," Charles said. "Mind if I join you?"

"I'm meeting Amy."


"Three's company man. Besides, I have my rep to think of."

"Yeah, sure." Charles shrugged.

"Don't get me wrong Chuck," Mike added as Charles grimaced at the hated nickname, "but you just don't fit in with my crowd. See you tomorrow."


Charles laid back on his bed as he chatted with Sue on the phone. The nightly call had become a ritual with them.

"So, he just brushed you off?" Sue asked on the other end.


"What did you expect Charles?"

"I dunno, I guess I thought that he'd like me if I helped him."

"Well, at least he isn't shoving you into lockers anymore," Sue commented.

Charles felt his body begin to tingle. *Not now!* he demanded silently, knowing it was useless as he quickly morphed into Charlene. *Damn it, my favorite pajamas too!* Charlene took stock of her fairly skimpy baby-dolls and groaned.

"What's the matter Char?" Sue asked as she heard the groan.

"Nothing," Charlene muttered.

"Anyways, after that shit Gerald pulled on you, I don't know why you're helping his friends."

"He said he'll squash the rumors," Charlene protested. *Rumors? What rumors?* Charlene felt confused.

Sue snorted.

Charlene sat up at the sudden knock on the door. "Gotta go Sue, I think my mom wants me."

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

Charlene opened her bedroom door. "I thought so," Allison announced as she and Julia walked in.

"Cute jammies," Julia grinned as Charlene blushed. "What did it this time?"

Charlene shrugged helplessly. "Damned if I know," she muttered.

"Watch the language young lady," Alison instructed. "What were you doing just now? Maybe that will give us an idea."

"I was just talking to Sue about tutoring Mike Holmes," Charlene explained. Julia shook her head and muttered something under her breath. "What?" Charlene demanded glaring at her.

"I don't know why you're tutoring him," Julia replied.

"Because he'll stop the rumors," Charlene pointed out.

"Rumors?" Allison asked.

Charlene looked pained. "I don't know what rumors, but something tells me that there are some and that Mike is involved. Something to do with Gerald I guess."

"Very strange," Allison murmured.

Julia grimaced. "I could guess," she told them. "After all, Charlene did leave him high and dry."

Allison got a dark look in her eyes and then chanted something under her breath. She appeared to be listening for a few seconds before she shook her head and gave an angry frown. "It would seem that young Mr. Thompson has been telling people that he 'scored' with Charlene."

"That liar! I'll rip him to shreds when I see him again!" Charlene looked completely furious.

Allison shook her head again. "I wouldn't. He also told people that he dumped you and that you're angry about it. I won't repeat some of the rest, but it proves that he's lying to me. Children of Gaea are just not that clumsy."

Julia raised an eyebrow and then blushed.

"I hope you're being smart Julia," Allison remarked at the blush.


"Don't worry about it sis," Charlene grinned. "I got the same lecture on Saturday."

"You're both Children of Gaea, it's bound to happen. Just don't be foolish."

"Yes mother," Charles and Julia intoned at the same time.

"Now, back to the real topic," Allison said. "When did the change actually happen?"

"Right after Sue mentioned that Mike Holmes wasn't shoving me into lockers anymore," Charlene recalled.

"That seems like an odd reason for a trigger," Allison mused. "Well, I'll think about it. In the meanwhile, it's a school night..."

Both girls nodded.

Chapter 2: Rumors

Charlene grumbled her way to the shower in the morning. Bad enough that she had to do all of the typical girl things, things that she didn't have to do as her real self, but now she was feeling stomach cramps.

"What's the matter with you?" Julia asked as she stepped out of the shower.

"My stomach feels all knotted up," Charlene told her.

"Oh no." Julia tried to stifle a giggle, not all that successfully.

"What?" Charlene was looking cross.

"I should have guessed. Mom and I are on the same schedule," Julia said, smothering her giggles again.

"Julia, what on earth are you talking about?"

"Unless I'm sadly mistaken, you're starting your period."

"What?!" Charlene screamed.


Alison jumped when she heard Charlene's scream and cursed as the egg she was holding broke in her hand. Wiping her hand on her apron, she sprinted up to the bathroom. "What's going on?" She demanded as she took in the scene of Charlene sitting on the toilet shaking her head in denial and Julia looking a little guilty.

"Charlene has cramps," Julia replied.

"Uh oh," Alison sighed. "Well, it was inevitable that this would happen at some point."

Julia nodded and tried not to giggle again.

"This isn't funny Julia!" Charlene shouted as she stood up suddenly.

"Julia scram," Alison instructed. "Now." Julia scrammed.

"What do I do about this Mom?" Charlene demanded.

"You do what every other woman has done since the beginning of time," Alison replied. "You live with it. Well, you could take some Midol to help with the cramps."


Alison nodded. "Also, after you shower, I'll show you the rest of what you need to know."

"I don't suppose..." Charlene gestured vaguely.

"No. No magic for this, Gaea would not be pleased."

"Why not?"

"Because it is a part of the cycle of life. You'll just have to live through it. At the very least, you will have learned what your sister and I have gone through every month."

"Oh, joy. I could have done without that lesson."

"It does mean that you're stuck as Charlene for at least a week," Alison noted.

"Gah! What happens if I find the trigger before then?"

"I don't know. I guess we'll have to wait and see. In the meanwhile, it's getting late?"

"Oh!" Charlene jumped into the shower in a rush.

"Call me when you're done."

"Yes Mom."


Charlene hooked up with Sue before heading to school. She felt miserable, though the Midol helped a little. "I hate this," she grumbled at Sue as she rubbed her tummy.

"Bad cramps?"

Charlene nodded.

"Did you bring spares?"

"Spares?" Charlene looked confused.

"Spare pads you goose!"

"What for?"

Sue stopped and looked at her friend with a funny expression. In front of her, the face of Charlene began to blur and waver. She tried to shake her head and clear the vision of a male face superimposed over the face of her best friend.

"Sue, what's wrong?" Charlene asked, sounding alarmed at Sue's expression.

"You're not a girl?" Sue asked.

"Huh? You've seen me without clothing."

"You are not a girl," Sue decided firmly. "Charles?" The question sounded tentative.

Charlene stared at her for a second and finally nodded. "It's a long story," she said.

"I want to hear it."

"What about school?"

"Forget school. I want to know how my boyfriend became my best girlfriend."


"That's pretty hard to believe," Sue said as she sipped her iced tea.

"The evidence is in front of you," Charlene snapped and then immediately looked contrite.

"So, things trigger this spell to switch you between Charles and Charlene?"

Charlene nodded.

"And you don't know when and what they are?"

"Well, I don't know what causes me to become Charlene, but the switch back to Charles is after I learned some lesson."

"What was the first time?"

"Do you remember when we started dating?" Charlene asked and Sue nodded. "That was when I learned a lesson about true friends and true love being more important than appearances."


Charlene nodded. "It took me a while to see the beautiful girl right in front of my eyes."

Sue blushed. "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me," she commented. "So, what do we do now?"

"Wait it out, I guess. You need to keep this to yourself."

"As if anyone would believe me," Sue snorted. "Now, tell me again why you're tutoring Mike Holmes."

"Not again," Charlene groaned. "He's going to stop the rumors for me if he passes."

"They're all assholes, so I'll believe that when I see it."

"The rumors are dying down though," Charlene shrugged. "A little, anyways. I think."

"And new ones are starting up," Sue pointed out.


"Yeah, the latest is that you're making your way through the football team."

"I'll . . . I'll . . ." Charlene's face was red with anger.

"Say nothing. It'll only make it worse," Sue pointed out.


"You have a lot to learn about being a girl," Sue noted.

"Tell me something I don't know."

"The more you deny it, the more they will believe it. Anyways, we still have to deal with your period." Sue suddenly giggled.

"What's so funny about that?" Charlene asked, sounding cross again.

Sue tried to stifle her giggles. "It's kind of nice to know that my boyfriend will know exactly what I go through. It's actually pretty neat, now that I think about it."

"Why do all the women in my life think that this is a good learning experience?" Charlene asked, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Because it is. Though, I have to admit that it kind of bugs me that your Gaea is using womanhood as a punishment."

"You'd have to ask my Mom about that one," Charlene said with a wry grin.


"This poses a problem," Alison said as she stared at the two girls in front of her. "How did you figure it out Sue? It's not as if Charlene isn't a real girl right now."

"She didn't have any spare pads and didn't know why she should," Sue explained. "It was sort of jarring to me."

Alison sighed and nodded. "I didn't even think of that," she admitted. "I'm so used to carrying them that I just assumed that her purse would have some. I think, however, that this may be an answer to the problem."

"Huh?" Charlene asked.

"Your sister and I are too close to the spell," Alison said. "Sue won't make any assumptions about the magic and miss obvious things like this."

Both girls nodded agreement.

"As to your other question, Sue, I can explain why Gaea chose this path. It's not punishment, it's growth, though I'm sure that Charles doesn't yet view it that way. It's a unique learning experience to provide him with perspectives and viewpoints that would otherwise be closed to him. How remarkable would it be for us to be able to understand, truly and clearly, both sexes?"

"She has a lot to learn then," Sue grinned.

"Hey!" Charlene protested.

"Well you do," Sue pointed out and Allison nodded agreement.


"Now, as for skipping school. . . ."

Chapter 3: Just a Burger

"Mike, you aren't helping things if you're always going to be late!"

"Chill babe, I've got important things to take care of you know," Mike Holmes said as he sat down at the library desk.

"What could be more important to you than passing algebra and staying on the team?" Charlene asked.

"Why are you giving me grief? Are you on the rag or something?"

Charlene blushed. "That's got nothing to do with it!"

"You are!" Mike crowed.

"Look, do you want to pass this test or not?" Charlene started to gather up the books.

"Okay, okay. Sheesh."

"Alright, let's do some graphing," Charlene said as she pulled out the book.


"Man, I'm brain fried," Mike said as he stood up and stretched. "It's starting to make sense though."

"Good," Charlene said with a slight smile despite the headache that was developing from the long session. "You've only got a week left before the test."

"Don't remind me. Anyways, want to grab a burger?"


"Burger. You know, slab of meat stuck between buns?"

"I know what a burger is!" Charlene retorted.

"Good. Did you want to grab one?"

"What about Amy?"

"What about her? It's just a burger. Anyways, her and Lisa are doing something."


"How did it go?" Sue asked on the phone.

"Okay, I guess. We went for a burger afterwards. I guess Charlene is more socially acceptable than Charles."

"You went for a burger?"

"Yeah. So?" Charlene asked, sounding confused.

"Was Amy there?" Sue pressed.


"This is a disaster!"

"Sue, it's just a burger!"

"Charlene, honey, don't be silly. It doesn't matter that it was just a burger. Half the school thinks you want to sleep with the football team and here you are going out for a date with one of them. That isn't going to help the rumors and how do you think Amy will react?"

"It wasn't a date!" Charlene shouted.

"It doesn't matter you silly goose, Amy will think so. Not to mention the other people that will spread the tales."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"Who says it has to make sense?" Sue asked. "Rumors don't need to make sense, they need to just be sort of plausible. What with the rumors Gerald spread around, this will make sense to people."

"I hate being a girl."

"It's got it's plusses."

"When do I get to see them?" Charlene grumbled.



Charlene sighed and finished drying off her hands before turning to face an angry looking Amy Ferguson. "Look Amy, we just got a burger after studying. It's nothing."

"Yeah right. I heard about you and you'd better stay away from my boyfriend!" Amy shouted.

"Or?" Charlene was quickly getting tired of the shouting and her cramps weren't helping the irritation.

Amy glared at her and stuck her hands on her hips. "Look, you don't want to fuck with me or you'll regret ever being born! I can make your life a living hell at this school."

"As if it could get any worse," Charlene snarled. "It's bad enough that I've got cramps, I don't need you yelling at me for just a burger. I don't want your boyfriend, so buzz off."

"What's wrong with my boyfriend?"


"You think you can do better? You couldn't even satisfy Gerald."

"You're making no sense at all! I didn't do anything with Gerald."

"Yeah, right. Like I said, stay away from Mike or you'll regret it."

"Whatever," Charlene said as she pushed past Amy and left the bathroom. She spotted Sue down the hall and waved for her to wait.

"You look upset," Sue noted as Charlene caught up.

"Amy was bugging me," Charlene admitted.

"See, I told you."



"Shut up."

Sue stuck out her tongue.


Charlene shook her head.

"What's the big deal? It's just a burger," Mike noted as they packed up the algebra books.

"You wouldn't understand. Why don't you just call Amy and go out?"

"Amy's being bitchy for some reason," Mike grumbled.

"Like I said, you don't understand."

"Yeah, well she's beginning to bore me anyways. Sure you don't want a burger?"

"No thanks, I've got to get home," Charlene replied.

"Suit yourself."


"Hold still!" Sue instructed as she deftly coated Charlene's toenails with the sparkly red nail polish.

"Why do I need this again?" Charlene asked as she tried to keep her feet still.

"It looks nice."

"Oh, I see."

"You know Charlene, sometimes it's just nice to be pampered and to look pretty," Sue told her.

"What difference does it make?" Charlene asked.

"Thus speaks the natural beauty lying on the bed. That was some fantasy girl you had envisioned Charles."

"I'm not looking very Charles-like right now."

"It scares me that I don't measure up to your vision of beauty," Sue admitted as she looked up from her task.

"My vision of it is quite a bit different now," Charlene told her.



"This is just a little weird you know," Sue said as she put the small brush back into the bottle.

"You're telling me?"

"I never even knew magic existed until now. That's a little hard to get used to. Add to that, my boyfriend is currently a girl and she is prettier than me."

"I'm sorry," Charlene said.

"Don't be," Sue told her. "I just miss Charles. I want to hold his hand."

"I'm still Charles," Charlene told her.

"I know, but you aren't either, if that makes any sense."

Charlene nodded.

"I still love you, I can feel it, but I'm not attracted to you right now," Sue went on. "I guess I'm pretty straight."

"Me too."

"What do you mean?"

"When I'm like this, I'm attracted to guys. I can't seem to help it. When I'm Charles, I'm attracted to girls. I'm straight in a crooked sort of way."

Sue laughed.


"Cute toes," Julia commented with a grin as she stepped out of the bathroom to let Charlene in.

Charlene stuck out her tongue.

"Only if you mean it sweetie!"

"Oh, gross!" Charlene grumbled.

Julia laughed. "I see Sue has been busy with you," she added.

"Yeah," Charlene nodded. "She seems determined for me to experience everything."

"I think Mom's right. I think Gaea did want her to know."

"Maybe," Charlene shrugged as she took over the bathroom. "It feels a little weird to have her know."

"She's kind of lucky," Julia mentioned, her eyes going a little dreamy.


"I don't mean you specifically, you're still my retarded brother even if you are currently my sister. I mean it would be nice if all guys could know what it was like."

"I could have done without it," Charlene grumbled as she started the shower and climbed in.

"Well, at the very least, I can spend longer in the bathroom."

"Don't get too used to it," Charlene called out.

Chapter 4: Failed Expectations

"So, what possessed you to go on a date with Mike Holmes the other day?" Julia asked as they all sat down for breakfast.

"It was just a burger!" Charlene snapped.

"A date?" Alison asked, looking up from the morning paper.

"It wasn't a date," Charlene explained patiently. "We just went out for a burger after the study session."

"Sounds like a date to me," Alison noted.

"It wasn't a date!"

"The rumor mills at the school have been churning like crazy over the last few days," Julia added. "Amy Ferguson is pretty steamed at both Mike and Charlene."

"Gah," Charlene groaned. "I turned him down for another burger a couple of days ago after all that nonsense."

"Yeah, but you still see him after school every day," Julia pointed out.

"We're studying in the library!"

Julia shrugged.

"How much longer?" Alison asked.

"Today is the last day," Charlene admitted. "The exam is tomorrow."


"You're telling me."


"Well, that's that," Charlene commented as she closed the algebra book. "You're as ready as you'll ever be."

"I guess," Mike commented as he stood and stretched.

"Don't forget your promise," Charlene told him pointedly.

"I still have to pass."

"You'll pass, so don't forget."

Mike just grinned at her.

"I mean it!" Charlene stamped her foot.

"I'm not on your list of lovers," Mike told her.


"Consider yourself lucky."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I do have a rep to think about."



"Settle down Char," Sue said.

"Aren't you going to tell me that you told me so?"

Sue shook her head.

"Thanks," Charlene sighed, calming down a little. "I just can't believe what he said."

"I can."


"They're wolves, Charlene, all they care about is themselves. You should already know that. Will he pass?"

Charlene nodded.

"Too bad," Sue muttered.

"I guess I should have seen it coming. He'll get his own back someday, though."

"You know why I love you?" Sue asked.

"I wonder about that sometimes," Charlene grinned.

Sue punched her on the arm. "You're a good person Charlene. Don't stop being one just because some people are assholes."

Charlene felt the telltale tingle. "It's happening," she said.


Charlene nodded, but then the tingle faded. "What happened? I didn't change!"

"Are you sure that's what it was?"

"I'm sure. Damn it!"


"I'm still having my period," Charlene replied. "I was afraid of that."

"I don't get it," Sue said.

"I can't change back if I'm pregnant or having my period."

"Oh," Sue grimaced. "Oh!"


"Does that mean you're stuck?"

"I don't know," Charlene admitted, sounding glum.

"I hope not."

"Me too. . . ."


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