Tales from a Tangled Skein Part 1: The Lock of Golden Hair

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Tales from a Tangled Skein

Prologue: Frayed Ends


Steve Danielson is your typical teenage overachiever; popular, athletic, and bright, if a bit shy. But an ancient legacy is about to change his life forever.

Flames danced merrily on the hearth, casting a warm amber glow that filtered through the room, chasing furtive shadows about the chamber's vaulted ceiling. Seemingly hewn from a single towering block of weather beaten granite, much of the stone's base had been removed to make way for the enormous hearth, fully six feet in diameter. This was surrounded by circular sheets of inch thick glass connected with thin links of solid bronze. The fireplace was like the room that contained it; large and eclectic. Flat panel monitors streaming the latest news in dozens of languages vied for wall space with rich tapestries, beautiful paintings and fragments of parchment dating back thousands of years. Here and there finely wrought links of chain armor were mounted beside blades, axes and hammers of all shapes and sizes, many carved with intricate runes that seemed to catch and hold the firelight occasionally before winking out. A whisper of wind stoked embers as smoke wafted lazily up the granite flue as if reluctant to leave the presence of the three woman warming themselves on the marble bench that surrounded the hearth.

The women reflected their environment. The youngest was clad in the skintight leather of an avid motorcyclist. Her shock of coal black hair, shot through with violet highlights fell about her face in a severe bob. Ice blue eyes twinkled as the tiny pixie of a girl grinned at her companions, propping her heavy motorcycle boots up on the glass and steel coffee table with a satisfying “thunk” as she leaned further back towards the welcoming warmth of the hearth. This earned her a scowl of reproof from the eldest of the trio.

"Sister, I'll have you know this table is worth twice that chugging banshee on two wheels that you insist on polluting my peace and quiet with.”

The silver-haired matriarch's green eyes glared at her youngest sibling as she smoothed the hem of her long burgundy gown. Tall and willowy, Urd's attractive face was etched with many lifetimes of joy and sorrow.
Skuld grinned, flexing her boot-clad feet.

“It's called a Valkyrie, not a Banshee. Besides, maybe if you took the rune stone out of your ass and lived a
little, you wouldn't be so concerned about my current steed.”

“Sisters please, now is not the time for this pointless bickering,” the middle sibling pleaded in a reasonable

Taller than the pixie, but lacking the regal stature of her elder sister, Verthande's voluptuous form was clad in a rich sky blue. Her pale skin contrasted well with rich reddish-blonde hair and warm topaz eyes.Thande gestured towards the far wall where three looms stood beneath a tapestry that was beginning to take shape.

“The strands haven't been this tangled in an age. We must find a way through this knot. The golden thread
grows thin. You both know as well as I that now is not her time to be cut.”

The eldest rose and regarded the sister's handiwork. Forest green orbs surveyed a tableau of dark skies, flame and clashing weapons.

“Ours is not to intervene directly sister,” she said thoughtfully, smiling slightly at the frown which formed on Thande's face. “But perhaps there is a way to bolster this strand against the approaching storm.”

Skuld rose, moving her tiny form to stand beside her older sister.

“An infusion of new blood perhaps? This strand,” her slim fingers grasped a golden-brown thread from her loom, “is a descendent of the same line, though the strands must be woven to ensure her legacy is passed on.”

Verthande smiled gently and nodded to her sisters as she took her place at the middle loom.

“Then let us begin and see where the weaving will take us.”

Moments later the rhythmic sound of looms filled the air, joining the past with the present towards a very uncertain future.

* * *

1. The Lock of Golden Hair

It began with a dream. Steve's eyelids fluttered rapidly, his brown orbs reflected waves of shimmering gold. An oppressive heat licked at his limbs bringing another disturbing fact to mind . . . he was naked . . .

“What the . . . ?” he murmured, “Where am I?”

Sitting up, the 17-year-old blinked, bringing a blasted furnace of a world into focus. He sat within the remains of a field of grain.

“Wheat,” his mind registered even as a wall of orange and red pressed ever closer to him. “I'm in the middle of a wildfire.”

Jumping to his feet, the athletic young man turned in a rapid circle looking for some way out of the firestorm. Frantically he scanned the field before his eyes were drawn to a path of wheat that seemed to defy the onslaught, even as the hungry flames sought to consume it. Crouching to the earth to avoid the haze of smoke overhead, Steve filled his lungs with as much air as he could, then burst from the clearing just as a gout of orange seemed to leap towards him. Not daring to look back, he felt the heat pursue his footsteps. Grain stalks hissed and popped as the flames seemed to move with a malevolent will, bearing down on his retreat.

“Renn!” Steven heard a strong female voice shout even as he felt the skin on his neck, back, thighs and shins begin to blister and smelled the foul odor of burning flesh. Still he ran, fighting a blind panic and his lungs burning ache for air. Steven heard laughter above the roar as arcs of fire leapt out scalding his body. Pain shot through his adrenaline filled form for a timeless moment before being replaced by a cool wave of relief as an odd weight tugged gently upon his head and the world dissolved into a curtain of spun gold.

* * *

Steve gasped and shook himself awake. He shivered and bolted upright, the scent of burning flesh still filling his nostrils.

“God, what a nightmare,” he whispered as he took several ragged breaths.

Shafts of pale light from the full moon illuminated his bedroom as he tried to shake off the lingering images of flames and blackened earth. His eyes cast about, trying to ground himself in the familiar reality of his room. Against the far wall stood a large bookshelf full of volumes on the history and mythology of the Greeks, Romans and Norse. These sat beside sci-fi and fantasy paperbacks by William Gibson and Glen Cooke. The books fought for space with photographs from sports teams and organizations that Steven belonged to, along with academic, athletic and citizenship awards. The prominently displayed trophies both pleased and slightly embarrassed him. He was proud of what he had accomplished, but Liz and Henry Danielson's insistence on what he saw as a mini-shrine to their youngest son made him feel kind of self-conscious. Steve grinned a bit ruefully to himself. His parents had done the same for his two older brothers, Brent and Jacob, so he shouldn't be surprised.

“Besides, not like I have to worry about any girlfriends seeing it.” he thought to himself.

Popularity wasn't Steve's problem. Most girls found his dark, curly shoulder length hair, hazel eyes and ready smile attractive. He was also smart and a starting athlete at his medium-sized rural high school. The young man's romantic roadblock was utterly self-imposed. He'd just never felt confident enough to ask many girls out on dates. Often he'd pine for a beautiful classmate's attention, only to end up in the good friend category.

“Shy guys just don't get a lot of dates.” his friend Lisa had said as the pair talked at the willowy blonde's house earlier that night.. “You have to be willing to make the first move.”

Steven sighed bitterly and looked at the angry red of the alarm clock. 3 AM glared accusingly at him from the bedside table.

”Two hours, feels like I've been asleep two days.” the 17-year-old whispered.

He winced as he pushed back the covers. Why did his arms and legs hurt so much? Steve swung over the side of the bed and rose to his full 6' height. Blinking bleary eyes he walked slowly over to a large chest of drawers and the tall oak framed mirror that sat on top of it. Switching on a lamp, he glanced into the silvered glass at his reflection. As his eyes focused, Steve had to wonder if he wasn't still dreaming. His hair was . . . odd. Perched in the middle of his formerly dark brown curly mane was a single lock of bright golden hair.

“What the hell was going on?” he thought. “Hair color doesn't just change overnight. Was this someone's idea of a joke?”

Reaching up a lightly tanned, muscled arm, Steve touched the offending lock with his fingers, pulling the hair down in front of his eyes. It was very soft,yet thick and strong. Unbelievably it seemed to be his own hair. The spun gold began at the root, directly in the center of his hairline. Leaning forward, Steve let the curl go and looked further back. Impossibly the golden strands didn't stop with one lock as he had first thought. Instead they flowed like a sunlit stream through the middle of his otherwise dark brown hair before falling over the back of his head to hit just above his shoulders where the rest of his hair ended. A quick tug at the strands simply produced sharp pain.

“Ouch!” he exclaimed, before biting his lip and glancing at his closed door. “Just what I need, for Mom and Dad to see me like this.” he thought.

After several seconds of silence, the young man turned back to the mirror, trying to make some sense of what he was seeing and feeling.

“Okay, I'm awake, and I've apparently sprouted golden locks overnight. Geez, golden locks . . . Goldilocks, I can hear the guys now. I'll never live this down.” he muttered.

Steve's fingers returned to his hair, comparing the gold with the brown on his head. The blond hair seemed a bit thicker, yet silkier than his brown curls. As he continued his investigation a dull ache in his limbs caused him to look sharply at his upper arms. From his shoulders to his elbows, his tan was gone. In its place the skin was a deep crimson that was tender to the touch and devoid of any hair. Fear gripped Steve's gut as he looked over his shoulder at the back of his legs. The same hairless, red, nearly blistered skin met his eyes. Suddenly he recalled the dream, his desperate race to safety, the flames that lapped his arms and legs. What was going on? How could a dream have impact on the real world? It was insane, but the evidence was just as tangible as hardwood floor beneath his feet. Panic rose in his throat as blackness began to creep around the edges of his vision.

“Calm down, dammit. This is just some crazy coincidence. Think it out.” he told himself. “Lisa. I can get Lisa to help me fix this hair mess. She'll know how to get rid of this, this skunk stripe.”

Steve turned back to his alarm and set it for 6 AM. His parent's usually slept in until seven on Saturday's. It was one of the few luxuries the Danielson's allowed themselves on their thousand acre ranch. That should give him enough time to quickly shower and get over to Lisa's and try to get things back to normal. As he settled back into bed, he just hoped no more dreams would come.

* * *

As the teenager slid gingerly out of consciousness, Urd, Verthande and Skuld ceased their timeless weaving.

“It's begun.” the eldest said as she examined the sister's handiwork.

Skuld pulled her leather jacket back on and zipped it tightly as she prepared to leave the house.

“We've done our duty, now it's up to him.” She grinned wickedly at Urd. “Care to join me for a ride? If he fails it could be your last chance.”

The matriarch laughed, a silvery peel of mirth that belied her stolid exterior.

“Why not?” she smirked. “Just let me see someone about a certain rune stone first.”

Thande smiled gently as her sisters left the longhouse and she heard the roar of Skuld's Valkyrie split the night. Turning back to the tapestry she gently caressed the woven figure of Steve Daneilson.

“Gods-speed on your quest young one. You carry the hopes of many with you.”

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Very Interesting!

I liked the appearance of the sisters from Oh, My Goddess! I look forward to reading more of this!


Thanks, I love that series

Thanks, I love that series too! I'm actually pulling a lot from my memories of D'Aulaire's Norse Gods & Giants which I read as a kid.

Ah, My Goddess!? Seems

Ah, My Goddess!?

Seems pretty straightforward Germano-Nordic.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


its an older anime, very good one though but yes the characters arent from it. the third sister is called Beldandy in the anime. Sounds to me that hes working from the older norse gods, very good work though.

i think i think too much

Yes, "Ah! Megami-sama" was

Yes, "Ah! Megami-sama" was built around Norse mythology. "Belldandi" is a mispronunciation of "Verthandi", largely because whoever originally translated it didn't understand that Japanese has no separate sound for "v" (it uses the "b" sound). Either way, that anime was based on myth, specifically the Norns, goddesses who control fate and water the world-tree Yggdrasil.

Nice Start

terrynaut's picture

I've always liked the idea of weaving the threads of Fate to create a new future. This looks like fun.

I'd leave a kudo if I could but the button isn't working for me at the moment. I'll try again later.


- Terry

A nice beginning

Great start here. I'm looking forward to more because I'm guessing that 'skunk strip' isn't going to be that easy to hide. :)



Let's just say that Lisa's

Let's just say that Lisa's got her work cut out for her. (cue evil laughter--MWAHAHAHAHA . . . ahem)

Let's just say that Lisa's

Let's just say that Lisa's got her work cut out for her. (cue evil laughter--MWAHAHAHAHA . . . ahem)

Tales from a Tangled Skein Part 1: The Lock of Golden Hair

Oh boy! [Or should that be girl?] When the gods get involved in the mortal realm, things tend to get dicey. LOL

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Intriguing start...

Really looking forwards to seeing what you weave out of this.

Norse mythology is one of my favourite subjects, and it's lovely to see you using the Norns in this way.
It reminds me of their appearances in Gaiman's Sandman, which is no bad thing.

I found the heavily descriptive nature of the first couple of paragraphs a little overpowering at first, but either you relaxed into the writing, or my brain became attuned to your style, because it seemed to flow ever more freely as you went on.

Excellent start and I'm looking forwards to seeing more. :-)

Thanks for reading! I was

Thanks for reading!

I was a little concerned that the beginning was too dense. As a very visual person I think I sometimes overdue it when trying to express what I'm seeing in my imagination to the reader. Please let me know if it gets to be too much for you.

Sandman and Stardust are two of my personal Gaiman favorites. This is truly high praise and I'll do my best to live up to it!

Tales from a Tangled Skein

it is a good story to read and wonder what happens next to him. it will be fun to read the new chapters.

well written

full of excellent images. I like the idea of the fates. be interesting to see what happens next.

"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"



I almost didn't bother with this

but I'm glad I did.

It's very well written and you've got me hooked with the first part.


An interesting start

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

An interesting start and I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with this.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."


Thanks to everyone for your kind words and feedback! Your response has been overwhelming.

Part 2 is underway and I hope to post it within the next week.

Then where is it?

I've gotten around to this one and it's really nice. So don't leave us hanging, 'kay? ;)


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

Norse Mythology.

As with others it is tangled, entertaining and looking from the outside, fun to delve into.

Gee, that kind of describes this story so far and it's just gotten started!

Good start, I like it. (If you hadn't figured that out, already.)



Young Mister Danielson's bokocase sounds a bit like mine, books on Scottish, Celtic and world Mythology and History and SF Fantasy vying for attention LOL.
Good start, I like the visually rich writing style so far.

The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!

The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!


I like it, it's a little mythical and weird :)
Take your time with it, don't rush.

We'll be here.