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By Stanman63
Synopsis: When Jody Lynn Franklyn designs his own bodysuit for Halloween, he finds himself involved in a horror as the suit's safety systems make him into something beyond his imagination That attracts Silverblood and a certain Wizard.
I am Jody Lynn Franklin, graduate of M.I.T. I am alone in the world since my parents died after graduating from Central High School. I am an only child, so I have the house in Lakewood to myself.
I combined Mom's medical knowledge with Dad's electronics skills to design artificial limbs and organs to replace lost body parts, making me a multimillionaire.
I took a part of my wealth to convert the basement into a research lab where I could work on my pet project, a bodysuit that could help reattach severed limbs. All other bodysuits could give a wearer the body that they wanted, I wanted to go further and reconnect and regenerate lost tissue.
I chose NU SKIN for the fabric since it behaved like skin, but laced it with nanites and NU NERVES to link it with the nervous system of the host with a microprocessor that read the host body and actively repaired any injury and defect.
It took me months to perfect it, but in the end, using my body as a template, I actually found out how I'd look as a woman. Being four feet ten inches tall and quite feminine, I had indulged my silly side in joining the cheerleaders only to find that I liked being a girl cheerleader.
My parents thought that it was cute me being a cheerleader and wanted to talk to the coach into making it co-ed, but since I already had the girl's uniform and there were no boy's cheer uniforms, that didn't happen. I was lucky, my parents saw the humor and agreed, being open minded.
Even in grammar school, we wore pantyhose in practice where we wore leotards and on game day since we lived up north to keep warm. Pretty soon, the fact that I was a cheerleader got out and my friends had fun teasing me, but nobody got mad because Mayor Billie Jean Warsop used to be William Gene Jessop, our first trans-woman politician.
It had been years since my outings as a cheerleader and I got to thinking that it'd be fun to do so again. I had the uniforms from Central Grammar School, Central Middle School and Central High School. I could still wear them all since I am the same size now that I was when I graduated from Central Grammar School.
I also bought the other girl's uniforms ranging from band to sports team, so I could dress as a school girl, all the way to Drum Major if I wished, but I seldom indulged in my old pastime. Ever since my parents died, the fun had gone out of it.
I bought the other uniforms, indulging in my silly side when we went on our vacation where my parents let me be a girl, seeing that my silly side was actually me exploring my identity.
Both were counselors, had experience in dealing with the T.G. Community, so my cross-dressing came as no surprise. But in my senior year in Central High School, I put away my girl's clothing to concentrate on my academic scholarship to M.I.T.
As much fun as I had as a cheerleader and being a girl during vacations, I saw myself as a techno-geek with no time to indulge in my past time, little knowing how much that I'd miss it after my parents died.
I had just graduated from Central High School and returned from a worldwide cruise with my parents when tragedy struck. My parents were on their way back from the store when a rear tire blew, sending the Jeep Cherokee off the highway and into the lake, drowning them.
Their deaths left me the estate as well as an extensive portfolio of their investments in T-Bills, stocks and bonds, leaving me the richest teen in the state. Using Dad's attorney, I incorporated myself, leaving me with a stipend for paying utilities, groceries and incidentals as I attended M.I.T.
After graduating, I invested my portfolio in Lake Wood Research Hospital that was opening research on organ cloning and repair. My investment allowed them to branch of into developing life like bionic limbs. It was when No-Skin was developed that my idea was formed.
I had patented the NU Nerves and Nu Skin being used to create the bionic limbs-as well as Nu Organ process to both clone and grow organs. Lake Wood wanted my patents, so I sold them my research, but kept my project a secret which was soon to involve me in a living horror that no one should suffer.
I had donned my bodysuit, and once again, saw the girl that I had put aside. Seeing her, I began to wonder about living as a woman. I had all of the uniforms from school and I was Mom's size, too. After my parents’ deaths, I'd simply stored their wardrobes in the attic.
I donned my pantyhose, then went to the attic and put on Mom's red shorts set. It was a one piece affair with a built in bra. I stepped into her matching sandals, then went down to put on my makeup and polish. By the time that I got through, I looked like a brunette version of my auburn haired mother.
I headed out to the mall where I saw this anachronism of a store that looked like a setting from Harry Potter. There was an oaken door with an old-fashioned bell with a display window featuring varied objects was a sign SPELLS "R" US with the "R" put up backwards.
I went in and heard a man call out, Be with you shortly, Jody."
"How do you know my name?"
I saw a man who looked like Stan Lee of Marvel Comics appear wearing a blue bathrobe with gold trim, "That's because I am a Wizard. I make it a point to know who my costumers are."
"Then it dawned on me who he was, "I've heard of you!"
"No doubt about how my items have transformed people."
"Right! My parents and I used to read about you at different sites. So I know that in some cases, the customer was at fault for not following directions."
"True, but I must admit that at times, I was plain ornery. If not for Wolf, Danni, and new friends in California, I might be an onery old cuss."
"Well, where are they?"
"Danni has ended her Apprenticeship and Wolf is sleeping, now as to why you are here, young man."
"I have developed a bodysuit that lets me mimic being a girl. I developed it to help people with missing limbs and organs to be whole, again."
"Yet, you sold the patents to Lake Wood Research Hospital," he sighed.
"Yes, BUT not the bodysuit. I made sure that I have this patent and can use my older patents in developing other products."
"That is not the problem. The problem is what will happen to you this Halloween."
"What will happen?"
"If you go out, you will be attacked. And not even your bodysuit will save you."
"So, I should stay home?"
"Even then, you will be attacked."
"Who wants to attack me?"
"There is an evil manifesting this Halloween that is targeting you. All that I can do is provide some magical help to preserve your life."
"Like some armor?"
"None that would work in this case, rather that of a lady magician."
"Why that?"
"It has the virtue of having a magical shield that will aid your bodysuit."
"Will it stop the attack?"
"No, but it will let you survive, and then I can help to heal you."
"Normally Wizard, I'd cal you a charlatan and leave. But I know that you speak the truth. How much for the costume?"
"It's free," he said as he produced a package.
"Thank you, Wizard."
Then I heard a howl, "Good luck Jody. Now it's time to feed Wolf."
As I left the shop, I bumped into Frank Melton, former quarterback from
Central High School, "Hey, Jody! Fancy meeting you, all dressed up."
"Just felt like being a girl for old times sake," I blushed. He and I had quite a thing going and even had sex, thanks to a special gaffe.
"I'm in town for Halloween, you going to the party at the Center?"
"Yep, even got my costume. wanna see it?" Why am I offering him to see me in the costume? Could I want sex with him again?"
We went to my place where I led him to my bedroom. When I was down to my bra and panty and hose, we made love again.
I couldn't believe how good it felt! Before, I was just a boy wearing a costume. NOW I was a woman, giving herself to her man. I had denied wanting to be a woman, feeling that it was simply me expressing my need to explore who I was, little knowing that when I put away my feminine side that I had put aside my true self.
Could this be a part of what the Wizard was hinting at? Could there be more to it? And why give me that costume? What sort of evil could be coming for me?"My heritage was free of any vampire, werewolves, or mad scientist or was it? Just where did I come up with my inventions or could somebody who wanted my invention have an evil heritage?
All that I knew was that having him in me made me feel complete. We made love many times that night, leaving me sore in my nether regions, but a good soreness that soon went away as I showered.
Frank went on his way after getting up and leaving without even a kiss. Now I knew what it felt like to be treated like a damned slut. I'd heard how the jocks had treated their conquests and then bragged about how they did her, making any girl out to be a slut even if they were innocent.
Unfortunately, I was all too guilty of being a slut for his pleasure. My only defense was relying on the fact that he'd not bragged before and saying anything now would make him look bad.
I got dressed in a black shorts outfit and ivory hose with white ballet flats to go to breakfast at MORRIE'S DINER when I saw the jocks from Central High School get off of the bus with the band. Both were heading out for the day to have their Contrails Yearbook pictures taken for Central High School Screaming Eagles.
Most of the jocks played more than one sports, so they wore the regular gym kit of red polo and blue shorts, like the dancer, majorettes and color guard, except that the girls were wearing Danskin tights.
After breakfast, I went shopping for groceries, reveling in my day as a girl. Nobody suspected that I was a guy at all, even my friends saw me as a girl. Thanks to my wig and contacts, I looked different from my usual red headed green eyed self.
That night, I donned the white pantyhose, fishnet tights under the black leotard bottom and frilly blouse with matching white sports bra with the blue tuxedo coat and top hat with magician's wand, finishing it off with low heels.
I went to the Lake Wood Community Center Halloween Extravaganza and had a great time, dancing with guys, playing the arcade game, and riding the rides. It was as I was heading home that my horror began.
I was heading to my Aerostar minivan when I was accosted by several goons wearing werewolf costumes. Tried as I might, they proved to be too much for my vaunted judo; they simply shrugged off my blows and ripped off my clothes. Then I knew that they were for real and passed out in terror. I felt them sexually assault me and rip me limb from limb, leaving me a headless torso without any limbs.
When I came to, I was in an ambulance with a strange looking intern wearing a Doctor Strange costume attending me, "GOOD! You’ll recover from the attack. For awhile, we thought that we'd lost you," he confessed as he passed me a bottle of water.
"What happened?"
He held the bottle so I could sip from it, quenching my raging thirst, "I am Doctor Victor Knight. You were brutally attacked by a pack of werewolves that not only raped you, they also killed you."
"You were tore, limb from limb."
"Then why am I alive?"
"You are wearing a bodysuit that as we arrived, was seeking to reassemble itself. I had to make sure that your bodysuit did it correctly and did not draw in any dirt."
"Is that why I am strapped down?"
"You were having nightmares during your recovery, and even now, we don't know how your body is healing."
"Lift the sheet. I want to see for myself."
He did, and what I saw was a crazy quilt of sewn together body parts that were unmistakably female. The idea of me being a female Frankenstein overloaded my mind so I passed out.
I felt a cold compress on my forehead as I returned to the LAND OF THE LIVING. "Quite a shock, I know. I've been through it myself."
"You were attacked while wearing a bodysuit"
"No, I was mauled by a lady werewolf during sex. Now I am a werewolf with her as my mate and we are raising twins who like their mother, can change at will while I can only change when I eat a Wolfbane flower."
"So, you are not like those who assaulted me?"
"No, in all actuality, most werewolves and vampires don't attack people. We simply enjoy being who we are, just like most of the other races associated with horror."
"Too bad there isn't an agency to control those who attack people," I sighed.
"Oh, but there is, SILVERBLOOD."
"It’s named after a cure for vamparism and werewolfism which lets the victim control the curses effects."
"Sounds like the plot to a very bad "B" movie."
"That it does, but like <MOST horror movies, it is based on facts."
"You mean..?"
"That Jason, Myers, and Freddie are as real as Dracula and the Wolfman? Yes."
"And all are shown to be evil, too."
"oh quite. Dracula's son and daughter work with us as does Talbot, the Wolfman. But Jason, Myers, and Kruger have been incarcerated here to keep them from causing trouble along with a few other trouble makers."
"Am I in any danger of becoming a werewolf?"
"No, we were able to administer the vaccine in time. But you can choose to manifest the characteristics of a werewolf and vampire without the inherent weaknesses."
"But no doubt, am to stay and join the SILVERBLOD TEAM."
"Actually, we want you to go back home and be a field agent, on guard against those who attacked you."
"I'd do that, but I look like Frankenstein."
He handed me a colorless bodysuit, "Not if you wear this. Let me step out so that you can see how it fits."
I was left alone in the room, so I doffed the sheet and showered to cleanse my body, marveling at the hot air drying system that caressed my body with a gentle breeze.
I sat at the vanity and gently pulled on the bodysuit, glad to see that it's Nu-SKIN fabric smoothed out my bodysuit's scarring. I knew that removing it would leave my body in pieces when I saw my body under the suit as I showered.
Going to the closet, I saw a one-piece shorts outfit consisting of a red top and blue shorts in a sailor girl style and matching sneakers with a sports bra and panty set and pantyhose next to the sneakers.
After donning the gifts, I noticed that a blue light was flashing by the phone, when I inspected the light, I found that it was my old cell phone atop my purse.
Retrieving my property, I headed out the door where I saw Doctor Knight, smiling at me," I knew that you'd want to go home. I've already signed you out and have your car waiting for you with the equipment that you'll need."
"Are you sure that I won't need any training?"
"Not in your case, no. Your skills in the martial arts give you the training you need."
He was all too right. I drove back home with unerring skill, stopping only for gas and sodas as well as taking out the odd vampire on the prowl along the way. Reaching home, I saw that the pack had taken over my yard.
They were sleeping in the garage since my home was too well secured against intruders with iron bars and Plexiglas over every door and window of the stone house.
I glided up to the open garage door and saw them feasting upon the carcasses of several feral cats and dogs, reveling in consuming the entrails and throwing the rest to awaiting zombies.
I sent a silver tipped arrow filled with garlic and wolfsbane essence into each were's heart, killing them, then flooding the
garage with sulfur dioxide nanites to consume the bodies.
Next thing I knew, an Osprey was landing in my yard and Doctor Knight came out as a soldier carried a hose into my garage, "Don't worry, Jodi. We'll clean up the mess."
"Like you did when I took out those vamps?"
"Couldn't have you being a suspect, could we?"
"I kissed him, "Thanks, but what about this/"
"Simple, you bought it and asked for it to be flown here. It does agree with your exotic lifestyle."
After they left, I went to see the Wizard who was back in the Mall, "Jody, you survived Halloween, I see," said the Wizard.
"Yes sir? But I was raped and mauled by werewolves whose attack destroyed your costume and turned my bodysuit into a parody of the Frankenstein creature."
"You look whole to me, Who repaired your suit?"
"I got help from SILVERBLOOD."
"Oh yes. They are Magicians who deal with the Underworld of Dark Magic. Now I know why it is that I couldn't do more."
"I thought that your magic could counter such."
"No, mine is Transformation Magic meant to change gender and or age of the client. Only a severe misuse of my Magic results in true evil," he shuddered.
"What happened?"
Wolf licked his face, restoring the Wizard's smile, "Thank you my Friend. I am better now."
Wolf brought me a steaming cup of tea that he pushed on a trolley, "Thank you, Wolf. I was out of tea."
Wolf licked my hand and sat down by the Wizard, "Wolf likes you, Jody, and wants me to tell you about when my Magic was used for evil."
"Who could dupe you into selling them anything?"
"A father was worried about his child. He wanted a son, not a daughter. I sold him a spell that would give him a son, but he misapplied it so that
his child was born with a male body, but a girl's soul."
"How sad. Did you do anything to help?'
"Yes, after she was born, and came to my shop, I gave her the gift of growing up as a girl."
"By redirecting the spell that was used, I sent her into the body of the girl that she was supposed to be and the boy born in a girl's body became the son that her father wanted. They grew up together and married and are now the parents of twin rascals."
"I just wish that I could have such a happy ending," I sighed.
"Didn’t SILVERBLOOD help?"
"They gave me back my life, but they could not repair my bodysuit. I am currently wearing another one over mine," I said as I peeled back the cuff to reveal the stitching of my suit's failed attempt to restore my body."
He smiled, "I can take care of that. Want to be a man or a woman? I will even take away any anxiety over the attack."
"A woman. I have denied myself for far too long," I affirmed as I finished my soda.
"Very well then. look at your arm and try to peel away the suit."
I found that my skin was whole with no evidence of any suits, "Did you do what I think you did?"
He held up two complete suits, both in plastic wraps, "Yes, and my price is your bodysuit which I healed, just now."
I went home a complete woman and found my true love and married him, making my life complete.
To Be Continued...
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Cute and Crazy
This is a wild story. I like it though. I like the outfits and I love how the bodysuit works.
I am wondering something though. Who did she marry? Shouldn't you at least mention a name? Was it one of the characters that you mentioned earlier in the story? C'mon! :)
Thanks for the story.
- Terry