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“Sorry,” she apologizes as she sits down while digging around in her book pack, “I’m Stephanie Adams,” and with big smile pulls out a small wallet to reveal an FBI badge before slipping it back in her pack. “I’m here to give you a hand, though from what I hear you don’t need the help. If your Aunt is correct, you could save the world single-handedly.” Oh boy, I think to myself, I’ve just joined the big leagues. This could be fun. It will definitely be interesting. |
Chapter 42: The Team Gets Bigger
Once I get over the initial shock, I reply, “You found me alright. Nice to meet you, Ms. Adams.”
“Oh,” she frowns, “don’t go all formal on me, ya’ know. Most people just call me Steph.”
“Okay, Steph,” I say. “I suppose you want to chat a little.”
“That’s why I’m here,” she replies brightly.
“Well,” I continue, “we are in the library, you know, and they don’t care much for people talking around here. Why don’t I finish up what I’m working on and we take a walk outside?”
“Sure, Honey,” she bubbles, “take your time. I’ll wait.”
Obviously, she’ll be waiting right here. It takes me about ten minutes to clean out the logs and cover my tracks before shutting down the computer. Steph watches me the whole time but at least she’s not positioned to see the screen. It’s kind of creepy having the blonde bombshell staring at me the whole time.
She writes me a note wanting to know if I have my Lab provided cell phone with me. I shake my head to let her know that I don’t.
Finally, we leave the library just as they’re getting ready to lock the doors. The library grounds have small man-made hills spaced artistically around two sides of the building. We make our way to one of them on a corner of the lot. We are on the fringe of the lighting when we sit on the grass and begin our chat.
“That was quick,” I mention to her. ”I just found out a few hours ago that the FBI is joining the fun.”
“We don’t like to waste time when things are happening,” she points out. “So, your Aunt says you go by Tina. May I call you that?” Gone is the bubbly airhead act–almost. Once we get off on our own and out of earshot of anyone else, Steph gets right down to business.
“Sure,” I reply. Curiosity gets the best of me so I ask, “Where’s the trench coat and fedora? Your outfit isn’t much good for hiding a firearm you know.”
Steph just rolls her eyes and groans, “You’re a regular comic aren’t you? If you must know, it’s too hot for the coat and I prefer more stylish hats. I keep the firearm in my pack. Now, Honey, can we get down to the real business?”
I scan the area as she talks. “Where’s your partner? Aren’t you supposed to have one?”
“I don’t have one yet,” she says. “We’ve put this together quickly, and she won’t be here until tomorrow sometime. Any more questions?”
“Yeah,” I reply. “I’d really like to take a closer look at your badge. I’ve never seen one before.”
She digs out her badge and lets me look at it. It’s really cool. I quickly memorize the badge’s number while I’m at it.
“Tina, I know you’ve had a long day, but we really need to talk just a bit. We don’t have time for the whole background getting-to-know-each-other thing right now, so we’ll do that later. For now, I just want you to know that you’ve got help. We got some cyber sleuths working the case and then there’s a couple of undercover field officers–like me–also starting to work on it. Anyway, one of our geeks who’s been mining someone’s email found out that there may be a developing physical threat to your personal well being. We’re not too worried yet, but it never hurts to be aware of it.”
Digging around in her pack she eventually pulls out a tube of hideous orange lipstick. I can’t imagine anyone wearing that color! I wrinkle my nose in disgust as I examine the thing.
“Tina,” she explains, “we need you to carry this with you at all times. I know, I know, the color is just plain gross–there’s no other word for it. I think some guy probably came up with it. Anyway it doubles as a GPS unit and a low power one-way transmitter. It has a range of about ten miles and the battery is good for a week. When you twist the tube to get at the lipstick, it activates a beacon to start transmitting your location. The nice thing about the hideous color is you won’t be tempted to activate it by accident. Anytime you feel threatened or simply want company, just twist it–somebody will respond quickly. It’s your new panic button. Not as cool as the smart phone the other guys gave you, but cool none-the-less. And if you’re desperate for lipstick you can actually use it, but–from my perspective–I’d rather submit to Chinese water torture than be caught dead wearing this color.”
“I’m with you, girl, on that one,” I readily agree with her. “What’s this about a threat?”
“There’s nothing definite,” she says, “but that lawyer you exposed seems to think he’s found out something about you that he doesn’t like and is looking for a way to persuade you to stay away from the Langs. Your cover might be blown, girl.”
“What do you know of my cover?” I ask wondering just how much the Lab has shared with the FBI.
“Not much,” she admits, “just that you were brought in undercover to seek out a few traitors. Allegedly you’re the daughter of an Army Major–who just happens to lead an intelligence/anti-terrorist squad–and the niece of Jen Mercer, but we both know that’s not true. Beyond that, I’m in the dark. I just know that you work for the good guys. I also know that you’ve fallen for the son of one of our prime suspects. That’s bad form, by the way, for an undercover agent. But as a saving grace, you’ve gathered key information which will save lives and money.
“I also know,” she continues, “that you’re an unusually bright and capable young woman. What you lack in training, you make up for in brains. With the right training you’d be unstoppable. If you want a job with the FBI, just go get your college education then come talk to me and I’ll do what I can to support your application. We need a few more capable women on the staff.”
Well, maybe she doesn’t know everything.
“So,” I begin, “what’s your story?”
“I’m here in town to visit an old college friend for a couple of weeks as I’m between jobs,” she explains.
“What’s our connection?” I ask.
“We don’t have one,” she explains. “We’ve never met. After all, only your Aunt and cousin know you’re not home in bed, we can hardly use the we-bumped-into-each-other-at-the-library story. Don’t worry about it, girl. I’ll know where you are. You’ll be under surveillance 24/7 starting tomorrow when the rest of the team gets to town.”
“I thought I’d be pulled out if there’s any sign of danger,” I tell her. “What’s changed?”
“Do you want to be pulled out?” she looks surprised. “I was told that you want to see this thing through. Also, we’d have to find a way to hide you if we did. These guys are hard to shake once they have the scent. It’s best to play the game and get the bad guys as soon as possible. You’ll have some pretty impressive protection, you know. So are you still in?”
“I’m in,” I tell her. I’ve made the commitment after all. “What about others like my Aunt and cousin?”
“There’s been no noise about them that I’m aware of,” she informs me. “You’re the only one who’s banged on the hornet’s nest, but–if it makes you feel any better–we’ll be keeping a general eye on them as well. Anyway, my main purpose for making contact tonight is to let you know we’re protecting you. To make my job easier I need to know your schedule for the next few days so we can get the resources in place.”
“Before I give you too much information,” I inform her, “I’ve got to check on a few things.”
“Go ahead, Honey,” she sighs, “knock yourself out. I suppose it’s good to be cautious, but if I were one of the bad guys you’d be gone by now. Let your Aunt know your plans and she’ll get them to me.”
Looking at the mess in the mirror I ask myself how was I ever a morning person? I woke up this morning with Laurie tickling my toes and threatening to toss cold water on me. Too many late nights I guess. Laurie and her mother had both been in bed by the time I got home last night. To make matters worse, I’ve got cramps this morning and my period started sometime during the night. I’d like nothing more than to stay in bed cuddled up with a heating blanket on my stomach. Not the most auspicious start to the day. I hope things get better before tonight’s date.
Just the thought of seeing Andy again helps to get me moving a little quicker.
Aunt Jen encourages me to speed things up so we’re not late for work but the shower feels soooo nice right now. Giving in to the pressure I turn off the water long before I’d like and start working my way towards being ready to go.
In the end, I only have time to grab a banana and a bagel on the way out the door.
“Someone was up too late last night,” Aunt Jen points out.
“Yeah,” I grump at her. “I was accosted by the FBI.”
Laurie perks up at that. “The FBI? When did you see them?”
“Oh, when I was out and about last night,” I reply airily. “Actually, she found me. Aunt Jen, do you know anything about this?”
“Well,” she replies, “They did tell me that they’d talk with you girls. I’m pretty sure I mentioned it yesterday. I just didn’t expect it to happen in the dead of night.”
“The agent who contacted me is a young woman in her mid twenties,” I tell her. “Have you met her?”
“No,” Jen replies, “but I did talk with a woman on the phone yesterday while I visiting with the lead agent on the case. She said her name was Stephanie Adams. She sounded pretty perky.”
“That’s probably the one,” I said. “I’ve got her badge number. Maybe you can check up on it. She asked for information about my schedule but I didn’t give it to her yet. I wanted to check up on her first.”
I’d written the number on a scrap of paper, which I hand over as we cross the parking lot, along with some information about activities the next few days. I also slip her the memory stick with the captured email from last night.
Work this morning is pretty routine allowing me some time to work on my library program. I take some time to stop in to see Steve about the ‘other’ project but he didn’t get to it yet.
“That one is going to be a little tricky,” he points out.
“Well, just to make it more of a challenge,” I tempt him, “how about making it so it only intercepts mail to a particular user and only if it has attachments? Oh, and how about making it capable of sending a high priority code worded email notification to me when it catches something.”
“You do like to make it challenging, don’t you?” he replies, but I can see the wheels already turning. “And I suppose there’s a deadline associated with this project?”
“Next Tuesday?” I suggest.
“We’ll see,” he says, “I’ll have to work on it over the weekend.” He starts to zone out as his mind starts to work on the possibilities. I love geeks. They’ll often devote everything to solving a difficult problem without asking what’s in it for them. Overcoming the challenge is all the pay they need. It’s like mountain climbers attacking an unclimbed peak. All they want to do is stand on the summit in triumph.
“How’d lunch go with Tiff yesterday?” I distract him.
“Oh wow,” he snaps back from wonderland, “I almost forgot about that. It was awesome. I was nervous as hell, but it went great. Like you said, she’s a bit skittish right now but she seemed to be okay with it. I tried to be a gentleman just like you suggested. Do you think you could find out if she’d do it again? I’m thinking about asking her out on a date, but I’m not sure what we’d do. Do you think she’d go?”
“I’ll see what I can find out and let you know on Monday,” I promise him. I can really relate to his dilemma. I clearly remember being in his position: hamstrung by a lack of information and not sure what to do next. It’s the least I can do for my true sex to use my disguise to help him in his quest. Tiff needs to get out again anyway–it’d be good for her.
Back in the office I also spend time working on the office picnic. The woman running the committee wants to get fliers out before the weekend.
I decided to skip my foray into town today in favor of lunch at the cafeteria with Tiff and Laurie. I doubt there’s been much happening on the Lang computer network since late last night anyway.
“Tiff,” Laurie asks, “who’s the guy I saw you with at lunch yesterday? I thought you said Monday that it’d be a while before you started dealing with men again.”
“I was doing your cousin a favor,” Tiff replies nodding at me with a less than convincing glare. “She needed me to have lunch with him so that he’d do something for her. I don’t know all the details of the deal, but now Miss Alaska owes me a favor.”
“Thanks, Tiff,” I say sincerely, “you’re right. I do owe you a big favor. By the way, I was talking with Steve this morning. He seemed to enjoy the lunch. What about you?”
“I suppose it was okay,” she waffles on her reply. Judging from her body language though, I get the impression that it was better than okay.
“But you’re not going to mix with boys right now,” Laurie reminds her.
“Yeah, I know,” Tiff responds with something less than commitment, “but this isn’t really dating. It’s just lunch. He’s a certified geek but seems harmless enough. I don’t think he’s spent much time around girls though. He was tongue tied through most of the lunch. He was actually kinda’ cute.”
Laurie just rolls her eyes.
“What?” Tiff indignantly asks. “It’s not like we’re going to start dating or anything.”
I just smile, as does Laurie–but I’m sure for different reasons. I’m not about to tell her about his intentions at this point.
“So, you’d do lunch with him again?” I innocently ask.
“Why?” Tiff asks with suspicion.
“I might need another favor,” I sweetly tell her.
“Just what is it you need from this guy?” Tiff demands.
“Just a little programming help.” I tell her. “The guy is a genius with a computer and I’m trying to get him to teach me a few things that will be useful when I get back to school.” So what’s a little lie in the spy game?
“Why don’t you bake him a batch of cookies or something?” Laurie asks.
“Yeah,” Tiff agrees, “that’d be good. Why don’t you do that?”
“Come on, Tiff,” I plead. “You need to get back in the saddle anyway. What’s a few harmless lunch dates with a geek? Geeks aren’t all that bad you know. Some of them make very stable partners.”
“Yeah,” pipes in Laurie. “Just look at Chris. I didn’t think much of him at first,”–ouch!–“but he turned out to be quite the catch. Also look at your dad. He’s a geek too but he’s a great guy.”
“And don’t forget Andy,” I interject. “He’s been flying under every girl’s radar but he’s turning out to be a real find.”
“So what are we doing here?” asks Tiff in resignation, “Forming the geek dater’s sorority?”
“I’m just saying you should give him a try,” I reply.
“Yeah,” Laurie agrees, “but you need to realize that you need to train a geek at first. They don’t have a clue about how to interact with real girls. However, once you get past the training phase, they’re pretty cool.” Another ouch!
“Well,” Tiff allows, “I’ll do lunch with him again if he calls. But I’m not dating him.”
Back in the office, things are still pretty routine, except for the frequent bathroom breaks to change pads. I really do hate periods. I wonder how I’ll get through a whole movie tonight without having to get up to change pads. This period seemed to have started as a gusher.
I do see Dr. Lang once during the day when I drop by his office with a signup sheet for the office picnic. He just scowled at me and said he’d think about it then suggested I go find someone else more interested. I can tell that he’d like to be less polite but I guess he learned his lesson about office decorum from his last run in with Mrs. Harrison and her crew. I guess I’m not winning any friends there.
When I stop by Dr. Quinn’s office to sign him up for the picnic I surreptitiously let him know that Dr. Lang fell for his bait. This brought a sad grin to his face. I think he’s happy with our success at finding the leak but somewhat disappointed that it’s someone he knows.
Even though I’m busy, it feels as if the day is just dragging along. I keep a close eye on the clock. It reminds me of Laurie and Amy at the store last Sunday. I swear it’s slowing down just to test my patience.
The plan for tonight is to meet up for a short run with the team at six then rush over to Caitlin’s house to get ready for the big date. The boys are supposed to pick us up there at seven thirty, so there won’t be much preparation time. As it’s likely to be cool in the theatre, I’ve opted for my REI cargo pants in their shorts form and another of my loose baby doll style tops. I have a light sweater to wear as well. I’d packed a bag with the items I’ll need before going to bed last night, but now I’m second guessing my choices. I may just swap out the top when I get home. After the date, I’ll spend the night at Caitlin’s and go out to the reservoir with the Sommers in the morning so I basically had to pack clothes for the weekend.
When quitting time finally arrives, I’m the first one out the door. The effort is in vain, however, as I find myself waiting for my two commuting partners.
“Tina,” Aunt Jen says as we walk out to the car, “Thanks for the data you gave me this morning: it is most useful. The email traffic to the lawyer was verified by the other people we have working on this. You really don’t need to be intercepting the email anymore as we’re now monitoring everything that goes between those two. You might want to consider easing off on that project before you get yourself into trouble. Oh, and your late night visitor has been verified. You can trust her. I sent her your schedule through Sunday so she can do her thing. She has gotten some help now too.”
So, I think to myself, I really am becoming redundant.
“You know,” I point out, “our suspect is about to send out another report which we really can’t afford to give to the terrorists. Someone needs to stop him before he does that.”
“We know, darling,” she replies, “but we need more time to expose the rest of the network. With last night’s report, we actually have enough to detain him, but we need to get them all so we can’t spring the trap yet. We’re working on it.”
“How long is it going to take?” I ask in frustration.
“It could be a couple of weeks,” she replies. “It takes time to do these things properly.”
Well, I think to myself, at least it’s out of my hands.
Caitlin shows up a little early, but I’m waiting for her with a large bag of clothes and accessories for the weekend.
“Hey, girl friend,” she brightly greets me as I climb into her bug. “Ready?”
“You bet,” I tell her, “for everything except the run. I’m feeling a little rough today.”
“Just take it easy,” she says, “and you’ll get through the run. You know that you don’t have to push yourself to the limit on every run. Are you going to be up for Sunday’s race?”
We’re scheduled for the Jail Break run in Dublin on Sunday. I was originally planning on the 10k race, but right now the 5k looks attractive. I’ll probably settle for the 5k.
“I certainly hope so,” I tell her. “I don’t think I’ll try waterskiing tomorrow though. Lying on a warm beach–on my stomach–sounds about my speed right now.”
“Come on, girl,” Caitlin admonishes me. “You can’t let a little thing like the curse slow you down. You surprise me. I didn’t have you pegged as a being such a wimp. I swear, you’re acting just how I’d expect a guy to act if he had to put up with what we do. I swear, guys can be such wimps at times.”
I just stick my tongue out at her in reply.
Caitlin uses her parent’s shower while I use hers in order to get ready for our dates. We’ve got less than half an hour to pull it all together before the boys arrive.
We weren’t the only ones at running practice with other plans tonight so we only ran about five miles this afternoon. That was fine with me. Both Caitlin and I gave some of the boys a run for their money even though I was feeling crappy. She’s come a long way in her conditioning. So have the rest of the girls. They should be an awesome power in their district races this year.
Anyway, back to the here and now. I’ve brought my clothes into the bathroom with me so I don’t have to run down the hall wrapped in a towel with Caitlin’s lecherous brothers hanging around. Isn’t amazing how girls always seem to be on the defensive?
Anyway, I’m almost dressed when Mrs. Sommers calls up the stairs to tell us that Caitlin’s date has arrived. Drat… he’s almost ten minutes early. Oh well, any boy who shows up that early deserves the extra time in front of the parental–‘Spanish’–inquisition. Regardless, I pick up my pace and opt for light makeup. I hear the doorbell ring again as I’m stuffing my running clothes back into my little pack. That must be Andy. I only need to refresh my feminine hygiene products and I’m ready to go. I really hate the bloody mess, but I’m figuring it out.
Caitlin is almost ready when I return to her room. She’s just putting the finishing touches on her makeup. We attempted to coordinate on our outfits, but her jeans are lower and tighter. Her tube top leaves nothing to the imagination: her nipples are very noticeable without a bra under the top. When is this girl going to learn?
“Ah, Caitlin?” I get her attention. “If you don’t want to have trouble with this guy, might I suggest that you at least change your top into something a bit more modest?”
“What’s wrong with my top?” she looks surprised that I’d say anything. “You’re sounding like my mom.”
“Well, I’m saying this as your friend,” I gently inform her. “You don’t have to do it, like, but I think you’ll find that you’ll get more respect if you change. Don’t you want the boy to like you for who you are and not for just your body?”
“I suppose,” she admits hesitantly as I dig quickly through her closet.
“Here,” I say, “wear this one, it’ll go great with your jeans.” It’s a looser peasant blouse that shows a touch of cleavage but has three quarter length sleeves and falls a couple of inches below her already low belt line. I had talked her into buying it on our shopping foray with the cheerleaders.
“I don’t know,” she hesitates.
“Go ahead,” I encourage her. “Wear your dangly turquoise earrings with it. It’ll be great. Trust me.”
“Well, okay,” she grudgingly acquiesces. With that, she strips off the top she has on, dons a demi bra and pulls on the new top and changes out her earrings.
“Better?” she asks with a frown.
“You bet, girl friend,” I smile back. “You look fantastic. Let’s go rescue the guys.”
Sure enough, Al is getting a very polite roasting from Caitlin’s parents when we finally show up in the front room to greet our dates–fashionably five minutes past our scheduled pickup time. Andy is not completely immune from the inquisition. Both boys are being very polite but you can tell they’d rather be somewhere else. I doubt they’ll be early in the future.
Andy’s eyes light up when he sees me. I feel a thrill of excitement to see him again. Even though we saw each other just yesterday, it feels like it’s been an eternity. We avoid any public display of affection but do wind up holding hands and smiling at each other for a few moments before getting ready to leave. For those few moments the rest of the world ceases to exist as I drink in the lovely look of those beautiful hazel eyes. I really need to get a grip on my hormones!
Caitlin gets approval from both parents on her attire, which is apparently a first for her. Her mother just smiles a knowing smile at me. She seems to be communicating the idea that I’m good for her daughter.
After both boys acknowledge the eleven thirty curfew we finally leave the house. Caitlin pouts a little at the curfew, but her parents hold the line. She won’t get any help from Al in violating the curfew either. After the roasting that he just received there’s no way in hell that he’ll bring us home late.
We had thought of pizza and a movie–the latest Harry Potter flick just came out–but we’re a little pressed for time to fit food in before the next showing. Instead, we finally decide on pizza and an evening at a local entertainment park which has miniature golf, go karts, bumper boats, laser tag, and a huge array of arcade games. The movie can wait for another time. At least we’ll get to know each other better this way. This is not going to be a cheap date for the guys, but it should be fun for everyone. Neither of the boys take up my offer to pay my own way.
We end up all hopping into Andy’s SUV and going to a place called Melo’s Pizza & Pasta for dinner. This was my favorite pizza stop as Chris, but of course I have to act as if this is a new experience. We share a half Hawaiian style and half Combination style large pizza. Neither Caitlin nor I eat that much, but the boys polish of the majority of it with little trouble. I remember eating that way not long ago but somehow it seems kinda’ gross now.
The conversation revolves around the normal getting-to-know you kind of stuff. Al, in particular, tries to strut his stuff with stories of manly accomplishments. Andy stays pretty quiet and lets Al make a fool out of himself. Pretty soon, Al catches on to the fact that he’s the only one boasting and tones it down a bit. You have to hand it to the guy, he’s sort of paying attention. Andy and I cuddle just a little as we sit together in the booth. Al tries to do the same with Caitlin but she’s not ready for it and gives him a dirty look as she removes his arm from around her shoulders.
As the boys are at the cashier’s stand paying for dinner, Caitlin and I take a trip to the Ladies room to freshen up. For me that means another change in feminine hygiene products. Have I mentioned lately how much I hate periods?
“Tina,” Caitlin asks, “can you two tone it down a notch or two? You’re giving Al ideas I’m not ready for. He’s a nice guy and all, but I don’t think I need to be getting intimate with him. Heck, I have to work with him almost daily.”
“Tone it down?” I playfully reply. “We have toned it down–quite a bit actually. We’ve refrained from really kissing and serious snuggling.”
Caitlin rolls her eyes, “Come on, girl friend, you know what I mean. I’ve let him know that you two are an item, but I’m not sure that we’re ready to go there yet. He’s a nice guy and a fun date, but he’s not exactly my type.”
“And just what is ‘your type’?” I challenge her. “A hunky muscular troglodyte with a brain the size of a pea? Get real, girl, just relax and have fun. Be a friend. Nobody’s perfect. If nothing develops romantically, so be it. It’s just a date–you know: just friends getting together for an evening of entertainment. After all none of us are ready to choose a mate yet. This is just a first date for you. Nothing more. Take it slow and easy.”
“Okay.” Caitlin takes deep calming breath. “Just don’t leave me alone with Al. I think he’s expecting at least a little tonsil hockey and I don’t want to go there yet. I’ve been majorly burned before and don’t want to go there again.”
“I’m with you, girl,” I smile at her. “That’s what girl friends are for–or so I’m told.”
For a girl who is always going on about boys, she seems to be awful nervous about being confronted with the real thing.
We share a quick hug before rejoining the guys.
When we get to the amusement park the parking lot is almost full and we have to park well away from the park entrance. The place is doing a brisk business tonight and we see several kids we know heading in. Andy is the perfect gentleman and comes to open my door. Caitlin starts to climb out on her own, but notices my wait and decides to try the same. Al again catches on quickly and comes to open her door. I’m getting more impressed with this guy.
While Andy is coming around I notice a dark SUV with tinted windows pull into the parking lot. The vehicle is like half a dozen already here, but I vaguely remember seeing one like it as we left the restaurant. This one parks at the back of the lot away from the other cars where it has a good view of the park entrance and the parking lot entrance. Interesting. I delay things for a few seconds fumbling around in my purse. I finally find the hideously gross orange lipstick in my bag. I get a comforting feeling from knowing it’s there. My Lab cell phone is also there studiously doing its thing recording what’s happening and letting the Security team know where I am. I just hope that it’s not our leak who’s tracking me tonight.
No one seems to be in a hurry to exit the mysterious SUV. My awareness level rises a few notches. I may be getting paranoid but I think we’re being followed. Technically speaking, it more likely that I am being followed.
I just hope it’s Steph’s people.
Cleaned and polished by Gabi
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Something Feels Strange - 42
This story is filled with teen drama and intrigue. I just hope that Tina's correct about the F.B.I. lady.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Tiff's turn in the limelight...
Ok... Jen's talked over the phone with some one identifying herself as Steph and the badge number checks, but to be completely paranoid, all that does is confirm someone named Stephanie with that badge number, works for the FBI. Jen hasn't actually seen 'either' Stephanie so she couldn't give Tina any kind of a visual confirmation.
Certainly Tina's Q&A session with Steph at the hill would've raised a red flag or two, until all was verified. Withholding her activities was good move on Tina's part, but letting Steph know she was unprotected without the Lab's phone wasn't. Tina was taking a chance there. If Steph was actually Rana's Labs Security connection and this was a opening move in a plan to 'silence' Tina, knowledge of the phone would be expected. Just assuming she had been briefed by Jen or Susan before Tina could verify her authenticity wasn't a good move.
Assuming Steph is a genuine FBI 'good guy', I'm sure she must be wondering why Tina was out alone, doing something on a laptop she'd obviously didn't want to share, all the while without the Lab's supplied security devices. If Steph was briefed on their existance, she was more than likely told tha Tina shouldn't be without it ... especially if she was out alone. She might have seen her own 'red flag' with Tina.
All I can say is that if Tina made the mysterious SUV AND they are the 'good guys' like Steph implied would happen, they must've failed 'surviellence 101'. She should twist that lipstick. Afterall, didn't Steph say it was in case our heroine thought she was being followed? There was no mention or implication that Tina had to ID potential 'tails' before she activated the device.
Turning to another matter....
One thing TiffQ has never made clear, even when Tina went with Jen and Laurie, to the Quinns after they returned from Alaska. Is Tiff Quinn aware of Chris's transformation like the rest of the Quinns? If that was the case, her comments about "Miss Alaska owing her one" would take on a different meaning. Chris, not Tina, may be stuck 'paying the bill'... or ... is Tiff hinting that she anticipates dealing with Tina well after the summer? Since she's not interacting with Tina socially during the summer while this is going on, when does she mean to call in her favour?
In a related question.. why would Tiff even have considered Tina's 'favour' in the first place? It's not like they're close - unless Tiff does know the connection.
Tiff's comments about 'owing one' bring up another festering question I have about her. I would've loved to have heard how they convinced Tiff to take over her brother's room (SFS -21) in the first place. Why even do that for only a few weeks, then move back sharing with her sister? As far as she allegedly knew, her brother would still be requiring that room upon his return from Scout Camp. In fact, if we take the earlier chapters at face value, Tiff wasn't even supposed to be at home for the summer except that her alleged job at the University fell through. Hmmmmm
Maybe Chris/Kris/Tina was more atuned to the current reality than s(he) wanted to admit to and the remaining four Quinns knew the big picture, long before Kris (and it was 'Kris' back then) went to Alaska?
Sorry to dredge up the old conspiracy stuff, but with Tiff's comments for future payback, one has to wonder - especially since Tiff has very little or nothing to do with Tina socially.
Something Feels Strange
Tina is facing a period where she must make a decision of transitioning back
to Chris. The problem I believe is she is not prepared to give up her new
identity as Tina. I believe events will take place that will allow her to
continue being Tina. Also, her romance with Andy might cause her to
resist transitioning back, or the lifestyle of Tina maybe such that she feels
Tina is truly who she feels she was meant to be and prefers her current relationship
with Laurie as more fulfilling than that as Chris. I also feel this story is so
interesting and well written that wherever you decide to take Tina you can do
no wrong. I await each chapter with anticipation. Thank you for this interesting
chapter and story.
Kaptin Nibbles
I don't think so
“I’ll see what I can find out and let you know on Monday,†I promise him. I can really relate to his dilemma. I clearly remember being in his position: hamstrung by a lack of information and not sure what to do next. It’s the least I can do for my true sex to use my disguise to help him in his quest. Tiff needs to get out again anyway—it’d be good for her.
I don't think Tina if she was planning on staying that way would refer to her male self as her TRUE sex, and Tina as a DISGUISE. Why people are so insistent that Chris wants to stay Tina, when nothing he/she says/thinks EVER indicates she plans to stay that way is truly amazing.
A few points
1)I definitely agree on twisting the lipstick NOW. If they are with FBI then they will be notified and won't raise a stink. If they are not then FBI will be notified and will raise a stink. It's a classic better safe than sorry situation, especially since it's nearly drawbackless in this case.
2)Tiff may be in the dark, but likewise she may already have a particular objective in mind for Tina to accomplish. So she is simply waiting for the right moment to spring it on Tina.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
"One thing TiffQ has never made clear, even when Tina went with Jen and Laurie, to the Quinns after they returned from Alaska. Is Tiff Quinn aware of Chris's transformation like the rest of the Quinns? If that was the case, her comments about "Miss Alaska owing her one" would take on a different meaning. Chris, not Tina, may be stuck 'paying the bill'... or ... is Tiff hinting that she anticipates dealing with Tina well after the summer? Since she's not interacting with Tina socially during the summer while this is going on, when does she mean to call in her favour? "
This in an EXTREMELY common thing to say to someone you did a favor for..nothing out of the ordinary...people say "you owe me one" all the time.
As for the room, it wasn't being used, so what's the problem?
Yes, but
When said, between friends, there's usually some vague intention of collecting at some future date as opposed to a casual remark designed to be swept aside. How & when does Tiff intend to collect'? The summer is out, as they don't really interact or see each other socially. Does Tiff think Tina's going to be around after their intership is over - or does she know....
That's what I was getting at.
It's just a manner of speech PB
And Tina is supposed to be around for about another month story-wise if my time frame is correct.
And the problem?
With spy work you really can't trust anyone. Well, in this case, almost anyone. And who's to say that Rana hasn't infiltrated the FBI as well? However, having said that, if Steph is sincere, perhaps she understands that Tina, with her little trusty laptop has been the one to crack the case open. She wouldn't WANT to know exactly what Tina was doing, if she did it could make their own survellance efforts illegal. After all, until Tina provided the decryption program to the team, no one could monitor the attachments. It's no fault of the lab that it was just dropped in their laps.
I would not want to be in Tina's precarious position at this moment. She seems to instinctively realize that even though there are people she truly can trust, she can't fully rely that she won't become victim to their mistakes. I would not be sleeping well if I were Tina.
For what it's worth though, considering his other hacking proficiency, an email hijacker should be trivial work for our lovestruck future boyfriend of Tiff's.
Wonderful as usual, Tiff!
Healthy Paranoia.
That may seem like an oxymoron, but in light of some things I have seen in RL, I don't think so. We still do not have adequate verification that Steph is who she says she is.
Assuming that this Mr Rana is one of those steriotipical "vile, crafty Arabs", he could be really dangerous. It has occured to me that the secret that they intend to leak, is the obvious one and it has been right before our eyes right from the beginning. It's the tranformation process! That is astonishing enough in and of its self! Of course when I think of Bin Laden transforming himself to a woman to escape his "tormentors", that idea lacks credibility because in the Middle Eastern world, women do actually not have much power, even in the nicer places to live. Of course, almost any American Woman will tell you that they do not have equality either. Hmmmmm
So, going back to the story, maybe the big secret is "Cold Fusion"? If we ever got radiation free, Cold Fusion, that would be the end of "Oil"! In spite of my own beliefs, there are certain places that really need to go back to the stone age.
So, as far as the plot is concerned, all we really need to know is that the enemy is very interested in this secret, and are trying very hard to get it. I don't think it will be much of a stretch to think that Mr Rana will make an attempt on Tina's life, and can see at least a couple chapters in the surrounding events.
Any way, I am liking this story a lot Tiff.
Much Peace
It only took more than a half of a story till someone else expressed in a comment an opinion that transformation may be the intel demanded. It means I'm no longer alone. Yay! ^_^
Still, it makes sense that we won't be told what the demanded secret actually is. After all, if it's supposed to be a secret why tell it to Tina, and as an extension, us? :)
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Targeted projects...
That would seem logical. It's 'usefulness' would far outweigh any other project they might be working on.
If we take this a step further, from prior statements made in the story, knowledge of each department's activities seems 'isolated' from the others for security reasons. Does this mean there may be a potential leak within the 'Wizards'? If the department as a whole knew someone underwent the change but only the one's that actually performed the process know the identity of the 'subject' ... is it possible that conformation of that identity along with the test subject, are the final pieces of the puzzle Rana's waiting for?
We know Rana has something on Tina, but exactly 'what', we don't know....
I'm Starting To Wonder?
I'm starting to wonder if Tina is not the only changed boy in this whole mess. I am beginning to wonder if Caitlin wasn't someone else because she is acting really uncomfortable about physical affection with Al. It is kind of like Tina acted in beginning. I think it was said in the beginning of the story that Caitlin wasn't thought to be a very nice person. Hmmm, We shall see!
Not if you believe...
I think that if you check the earlier chapters, you'll find that there was at least one occassion when each Amanda and Laurie have told Chris/Kris/Tina, that she is the first to be 'locked in' and therefore should be greatly honoured to be chosen. Amanada told Kris that prior to his change, they'd only succeeded in 4hr max. temp changes, and that's why the original shopping trip had a 4hr. deadline - even less than that when you consider the time it took to return Chris, as himself, to his own bed as if nothing happened.
This 'honour' that was bestowed to Chris, would effectively remove the possibility of 'other' transformations.... if you believe what Chris/Kris/Tina had been told in the first place. Having said that, I somehow don't feel Chris' 'locked in' transformation will be the last in the story.
Caitlin's problem might be somewhat related to Tiff's, in that she had just came off a bad experiance with a boy. Still another possibility is that she is a lesbian and the whole date is just a smokescreen to seem 'normal' in front of her friends. In either case, Caitlin probably veiws the idea of double dating and Tina, as a kind of a support mechanism when it comes to being with a boy.
Not if you believe...
Admin... plse remove this double posting....
A Ringer?
Seems to me that there's a real Caitlin and she's been interacting with Tina this summer, but it's just possible that tonight's Caitlin is a replacement. If I recall correctly, one of the ideas behind the transformation process was to eventually impersonate real people, and Caitlin's family started out the summer as prime leak suspects.
If so, this new Caitlin is certainly well prepared regarding Tina; the oddities include Caitlin not seeming to know the significance of her clothing choice (was she "assigned" that outfit rather than picking it out?) and of course her apparent awkwardness at times during the date. Tina also was surprised at how well Caitlin ran this afternoon, but that's probably a counter-indication; back in Alaska, it took Chris at least one run to get the new body into rhythm.
It's not the way I'd bet, but I'd consider it a slight possibility. (And if this is a new development and possibly a very temporary one, then Chris/Tina would still have been the first person to change and the only one living that way over an extended period.)
Interesting theory
.... But for what purpose? If Rana did it to get the goods on Tina, it means he already possesses the ability to change and he's got what he wants.
It's pretty clear ...
... that Chris regards this as an adventure, not a lifestyle choice. And if he should somehow be trapped at Tina, it's not something to be celebrated as much as mourned. After all, a person who was perfectly contented being a boy will be forced against his will to be trapped in the body of a girl, no matter how comfortable it is. Even though Chris has shown flexibility in adapting to the change, he loses the life he would have had if he hadn't been talked into being a human guinea pig. I mean COME ON! What parent in her right mind would allow her son to bt the FIRST SUCCESSFUL LOCK-IN on a process like this? Are you CRAZY? Heck, I don't even buy the first iteration of a new Macbook Pro or iPod when it comes out, just in case there are unforeseen manufacturing or programming errors!! On top of what Chris loses, Laurie loses a boyfriend and his family loses a son.
To quote Jayne Cobb, "when does THAT get fun?" *grin*
Anyway, it seems odd to start icing the champagne when someone might be in danger of losing everything he was to wind up trapped in the body of the wrong physical sex -- losing both himself (since Tina's thoughts and emotions eclipse Chris's because of the transformation), his history, and his true family.
Looking forward to seeing what comes next!
When you think about it, Jen could pull Tina out anytime she or her 'team' feel it necessary, without Tina's consent. It's been done before with a boy named Chris, it can be done again. Tina has even thought of herself as redundant with the arrival of the FBI and the amount of evidence the whole security team has amassed on Rana and the leaks at the Labs (but not his entire network).
For some reason, despite of the recent positive developments ... For some reason, Jen keeps offering Tina the choice of when (not if) she will pull out, instead of making a decision and acting upon it. Jen is still playing a huge role in directing the overall mission and as Kris was told, she was also to look out for the welfare of their operatives, namely Laurie and most importantly, Chris. She appears to have final say over whether Tina's usefulness is ended or not and the security team (Jen and Susan) have already both cleared Chris to return at anytime.
Maybe she should excersise that authority? Sometimes being outside looking in gives a better prospective and to that respect, Jen would certainly be able to see ALL the threats to Tina, much better than Tina could. Now she only needs to fall asleep...
From Tina's POV, only two things remain that Jen can't help with and thus Tina feels compeled to remain, but are they detrimental to Chris? Unfortunately, both are outside the scope of the original mission. 1) The business with the Lang's divorce and the personal urge to nail Dr. Lang to the wall on behalf of Andy and his mother, so to speak... and (2) Tina and Andy. Is Tina's thinking irrational and letting emotions take control or are these sound decisions based on logic?
It all depends where TiffQ desides to take us.
Panic Button?
On the one hand, when Steph (if it's really her) gave Tina the lipstick/beacon, she described it in panic-button terms, so I can see where Tina would be disinclined to use it just because she thought they were being followed, and possibly by people on her own side.
But I'd agree with the observation (PB's, I think) that using an ominous black SUV with tinted windows to follow them around doesn't sound like any responsible covert security team's SOP. Setting off the beacon seems like a good idea.
On the other hand,
If the "good guys" truly know that Tina's cover is blown, perhaps having an obnoxious black SUV following her around is intended to show Rana and "da boyz" that they're willing, able, and near enough to protect her? But I think it's likely to be the feds in that vehicle, and that the reason for it is that it has some specialized surveillance hardware inside not easily transferred to something more discreet.
Usually when the FBI gets on a criminal case, they are pretty obvious, and usually with the intent to spook the criminals into making making mistakes they can capitalize on. But they can be very covert when they want to, it just takes time to set up, which they evidently have not had.
I doubt Rana's henchmen would be driving around a big black SUV. They would want something more discreet and practical and cheap. It's more more likely they'd choose a plain white work van, you could hide a whole team of armed bad guys in one, and most people wouldn't look twice, seeing only a delivery wagon or service vehicle.
Everyone's still on the wrong track though. Two nights ago, I saw "aunt" Jen at my local tavern putting a few away with the girls. She was pretty lit. Kept saying something like, "Sure is a lot of trouble just to protect a cookie recipe!" The way the others were trying to hush her, it makes one wonder....
The black vans could be decoys. Sure, they're watching Tina, but so are the people in the discreet vehicles -- perhaps a junky old hatchback or slightly dirty minivan with kid's toys scattered about inside.
Since Tina's cover is blown, the bad guys expect her to be watched. If the tail is somewhat obvious, they won't look quite so closely at the other vehicles.
Also, since there is more than one obvious vehicle, who's to say that they're all on the same side? They might be busy staring at each other while the real surveillance vehicles are watching Tina and company.
A good idea Ray!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Cliff Notes Time
I have read everyone's coments and agree with some and find other's fantastic. However, at some point as this story, rightfully reaches the proportions of a Moby Dick or Tom Sawyer, a proper "Cliff Notes" Edition of the first 41 chapters is required.
I find it truly amazing that some of the commentors rememeber that Tiff moved into Chris' room and that that may have some signifigance. I guess it does depending upon the amount of redecoration Tiff did and the parents allowed. Just using the room to sleep in, and move some clothes, etc. in is not important. Redecorating, such as painting the room a pale pink, or removing Chris' posters, models, etc. would be.
Maybe it is time for 'Cliff Notes'
Your point is well taken RAMI... we don't know the extent of any redecoration of Chris' old room or if the sentiment contained in the quote has any bearing on Chris' return. But, if Tiff only moved into his old room for the summer as Kris initially thinks, that conjures up the impression that she just temporarily took advantage of the spare bedroom and a way to take a break from sharing a room with her sister. Physically, the furnishings & decor of the room remained untouched and his personal items (posters, models, etc.) remained as he left them.
However, since Kris only looked into the room, something must've made her think about 'being replaced' and that more than likely was some sort of physical change to the room's appearence. It may have been nothing more than seeing a few stuffed animals on the bed ... but was that all it was? We just don't know and we won't find out for sure until Tina or someone from the Labs, decides there will be no more procrastination ... it's time for Tina to 'return to Alaska' ... NOW!
We do know that at least some items of Chris' were still accessable and not disposed of or packed away, because Dr. Quinn quickly managed to retrieve Chris' laptop and deliver it to Tina. We just don't know if they were still in his old room.
I'm not suggesting that Chris won't return or anything sinister ... just pointing out a curious point made in the story, that as yet, remains unaddressed.
A Common Fantasy
Well, the premis of the story is that Chris was a perfectly happy boy with a very nice girl friend. I am not sure if a T person could write an unbiased story with this as one of the initial parameters. Perhaps, within ever T person there is this sub program running that a girls life is better. I always had it; could see it at 5 years old. I mean like their clothes are much nicer, they can use nice smelling stuff, they get lots of adoration, they don't go shovel the Cow manure out of the barn out in their pretty dresses; oh, let me count the ways that a girl's life is better; there are far too many to count, alas!
But, that is our own bias. I wonder what would happen in a College writing class of say 30 young men and women if they were asked to write the story.
Myself, owing to the fact that Chris was not T, that he will return. But, he will have a very much better understanding of what a woman experiences, and would likely be much more solicious and helpful to the woman he marries. UNLESS! Unless, the transformation process made him a real woman and is altering her brain even as we sit here reading my dumb little speculation. :)
It is so much fun to second guess authors; making them crazy!
That, I think, is the 'open door' of the story's premise. If Chris was 'the first', then no testing was done on a long term transformation (ie: locked-in subject) and as such, the Wizards have no idea on how the mind of the subjec would be affected, except in the form of an untested theory. Even though the transformation process took about an hour (as explained at the hotel by Amanda), Chris and 'Brain Central were alot slower. Didn't Amanda also explain to Kris, that it was thought that his brain would change, but his male brain (memories, thought processes, knowledge, etc) would just be tucked somewhere in the background recesses of the new female mind?
Whatever the case, Chris's brain was still changing to a female brain after his midnight shopping trip, even when he returned to being male for that last week of school. Laurie was the one who noticed his increasingly female mental behaviour during that period. For instance, she mentioned that Chris would still look at girls, but not how a boy would. Instead, he would notice their clothes, hair style, makeup, etc... like a girl would.
Even while in Alaska, Laurie told Chris she could still see Chris 'in there' and that is the reason she imposed the rules for sharing the bed, changing alone in the room, etc. She felt despite the body, it mentally was Chris. During his 'girl training' in Alaska, 'Brain Central' was still questioning some of the female behaviour, but decreasingly so as time passed. To me, that shows the brain transitioned at a much slower, but steady rate. The fact it kept changing the week Chris went back to being himself, suggests once a change is started, it can't be reversed (?) until it's complete, regardless if the physical change is reversed.
Chris will return. That much is certain according to the story thus far. The question now is, will Chris mentally revert to being male when Chris returns or will the female brain remain? Even the Wizards can't answer that because Chris is in untested territory. If it does change back to male, will the process be just as slow? If the brain doesn't reverse as thought, will Chris request to become the third daughter of the Quinns?
It would be interesting...
It would be interesting if, as an unintended consequence of the process, Chris became able to change back and forth at will. It would make for a complicated love life.
So, Chris has the process done to him without really wanting it. Tina's boyfriend, however, would love to have it done. It would be nice to see if there is a way to make that happen -- perhaps as a form of 'witness protection.'
I can see that happening for maybe both Mrs. Lang AND Andy. I wouldn't be surprised if they had something to contribute, not only at the divorce proceedings, but Dr. Lang's trial for espionage.
1)Do we make Mrs. Lang simply a mother of a changed daughter - or a father? I vote - mother.
2)Do we make Andy a boy or a girl - I think they both will be offered a possibility to contribute and be able to choose
3)Do we also show them how it is done, on Tina?
4)And will changed Andy live in a single parent family or someone will come up too?
P.S. One thing was not examined - it is true that Dr. Lang's computer was the one from where the messages were sent. While I think here it is played straight, one does not shirk the possibility of it being someone else - we did not see who was working on that PC at the time.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Let me guess this about that....
They have to. If Mrs. Lang remained herself, revenge could be extracted after 'they' found her. It wouldn't be hard, having knowledge of the transformation procees existing, to deduce her 'daughter' was their son and make her a valuable prize. Mrs. Lang's change would havve to be complete - no hint of her former appearence.
From the odd 'clue' previously offered, I wouldn't be surprised if Andy chose to be her daughter. There are far more hints being dropped in the story suggesting Andy is so inclined... yet only one hinting Andy might be having doubts only because of his relationship with Tina.
No. The process is still classified. The 'Wizards' even wouldn't let Amanda witness her son's transformation (stated in her pre-Alaska hotel explanation to Kris) so why let the Langs see how it's done? All they have to do is fall asleep and the 'Wizards' will take care of the rest.
That'll be up to the former Mrs. Lang. After all, it is a new life for both of them and if she finds love as her new identity, so be it.
I think at one point, Tina did hack in when all the Lang's PC's were in use and deduce who whas using what.... I agree with you here as well. It's a valid point, but given the information we have, it's a case of "it is as appears".
I will rephrase
Just so that there are no misunderstandings. In point 1 I was implying that it is supposed to be possible to alter Mrs. Lang's appearance without changing her gender. Yes she needs to be changed but this is the extent and severity of changes I was questioning. And in point 3 I was implying that they would be told something like - Tina is really a boy altered by a process you will not witness, and will be changed back in a room with only one exit. You may see for yourself that is no one else is there.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
being followed
oh boy!
"I just hope it’s Steph’s people."
I just hope that Steph's people are good guys. I also hope that flattery gets the alleged FBI agent nowhere.
"Our suspect is about to send out another report which we really can’t afford to give to the terrorists. Someone needs to stop him before he does that."
Aunt Jen knows, yet at the same time can't/won't do anything about it, because they need more time to get everyone. Is someone stalling, by any chance? Earlier, she tells Tina that the alleged FBI agent is on the level.
"Oh well, any boy who shows up that early deserves the extra time in front of the parental–‘Spanish’–inquisition." That's not nice! Just the opposite, being early is a virtue.
And then a dinner and amusement-park date, with a suspicious SUV.
-- Daphne Xu
It finally happened.
Not only are the comments longer than the story, they're about 1.5 times as long, counting the vertical space.
-- Daphne Xu
I suspect it is not Steph's people.