The State does not make mistakes -27-

The State does not make mistakes

27 - Board Meeting

by Penny Lane

Marion joins the Directors for the monthly Board meeting, during which she learns that a number of significant changes have been proposed for her activities.

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.


Belle had come into the living room from their bedroom ready to start making breakfast, but the row of carrier bags neatly lined up along the settee arrested her attention.

"What? Oh."

Marion had followed her into the room and discovered what Belle was looking at.

"We should have taken them out of their bags and hung them up as soon as we got in," Belle explained. "That way, they stood less chance of getting creases. I suppose I'd better go and do it, now, if you'll get breakfast organised. I'll have to go and find some spare hangers."

"I never thought about creasing, you're right. I'll start breakfast," Marion agreed.

Belle thought. "Hmm. Where am I going to hang all these up? This is more than I usually come home with after an expedition."

"What about in the study?" Marion suggested after a few seconds. "You can hook the hangers on all those empty shelves. No-one's going to notice."

"Truth. Unusual... but practical."

The coffee was bubbling in the pot when Belle came back.

"It's been quite instructive looking over your purchases in daylight," Belle commented. "I think you have some very good pieces there. Aren't you itching to strip off and try them all on again?"

"Of course, but I know we haven't the time to indulge ourselves this morning. As it is, we'll both be late in. Are you satisfied about the way our trip went?"

"Yes, as I said last night, I thought we did better than I had originally expected. Oh, apart from the little fuss in that changing room, of course. We'll be on alert from now on."

"Oh, yes. That's one mistake I won't make again." Marion remembered innocently stripping off in order to try on a party frock and exposing to a helpful assistant things that no woman would have in her panties. Only Belle's name and address had prevented the incident becoming even more embarrassing. "Trouble is, I just got so used to undressing as any other woman would, it never occurred to me."

"And so it shouldn't. The more natural you can act, the less notice anyone will take of you. You do realise, don't you, that despite all you bought yesterday, we've still got a lot more to do?"

"I did, I was thinking of that in the cab on the way home last night. Shoes. Bags. I'm definitely going to need a few more bags, aren't I?"

"Indeed. Even if you don't get something that matches exactly, you're going to need a small collection to go with all the outfits you bought. Different sizes and shapes for different occasions. Not to mention jewellery, although I can probably lend you some to start with. How about hats? And gloves?"

"Hats and gloves? Sounds a bit formal. You mean with those two dresses I bought."

"Mostly, at this time of year, but you're going to need practical outer wear in a few months time as well. Oh, good! The coffee is ready."

Breakfast finished, they got their jackets and bags and prepared to leave the apartment.

"Oh, that's better. I didn't much mind the higher heels I wore yesterday, but putting these back on is just bliss."

"It's good to vary the height all the time. If you don't your feet can get set in a particular position and it can damage your tendons and such. If you vary all the time, your feet stay flexible. Ready to go?"

"Yes. We don't have time to find out what Jane wanted this morning, do we?"

"Not really. I think she's probably getting the girls ready to go to school around now in any case, so disturbing her might not be a good idea. It should keep till we get home tonight. We have all week-end to discuss such matters in any case, haven't we?"

"I hope so. Oh! I never got round to telling you about the business with Proctor Julian either."

"That will have to wait till tonight as well. Was it important?"

"Uh, yes, absolutely. But fortunately it's not our problem any more, just inside knowledge."

While they walked into Old Town to the tram stop, Belle asked, "Did you see those four men who were at the table immediately behind you at all? They couldn't keep their eyes off us all evening."

"I heard them talking, but I couldn't hear what they were saying, and it would have been awkward turning around," Marion replied. "My attention was more on the couple sitting just behind you. They acted right soppy with each other. Oh, to be young and in love."

"Really? I wish I had noticed them. But my point was, we'll have to give you a crash course in man handling, if you know what I mean. There is no doubt any more that everyone thinks you look like a regular woman, even if you are convinced you aren't inside. That means you are going to get attention from some undesirable characters from time to time."

Marion groaned. "I know! But, to my way of thinking, they're all undesirable. I don't feel I want to reject them out of hand, though, it wouldn't be polite. I just need to let them know I'm not interested."

Belle laughed. "Sometimes that's not enough. Quite often it's not enough. Then you have to stop being polite, and put it in terms even they can understand." She became serious. "Occasionally, that doesn't stop them either."

"Shepherd training?"

"Shepherd training. Unless it's the one percent who've also done that or the equivalent Special Forces training, then you're stuffed. But that's unlikely. What we need to do is equip you with the basics so you can keep the other ninety-nine percent in their place." She gave a rueful smile. "Not to mention a small percentage of women who would like to get their hands on you as well."

"I'm not sure I like the idea of being so much in demand," Marion muttered.

"From a woman's perspective, it's better than not being in demand," Belle observed.


They walked in the front entrance of the facility and Marion stopped in her tracks, causing a slight commotion behind her as others were forced to change course.

"My apologies, citizens." Marion headed for the reception desk, Belle following behind with a puzzled look on her face.

"Service to you both."

"Service, Counsellor. What can we do for you?"

"Your dresses."

"Ah, of course! We saw you wearing one, and we talked about it and decided we couldn't see any reason why we shouldn't wear one either, especially in the warmer weather. So Patty here asked upstairs and we were given permission. Do you like them? I think they're great, and so practical. The shirt and trousers is okay if you're a Shepherd, but we're not and I think this look is more welcoming, don't you?"

"I think you're right. After all, since you're always in the public part of the facility, I don't see why you should have to wear the same uniforms. You're allowed to have longer hair and make-up, so why not a dress?"

"Exactly. That's just what Patty said to Director O'Connell." The woman beamed at Marion. "I'm glad you had this idea, Counsellor."

"I'm happy to help."

After changing, they made their way up to E Deck where the rest of the Shepherds were waiting to hear about the shopping expedition. They were all still animatedly discussing it when Talya joined them and it was some minutes before Marion and Talya could take their leave and walk down to the office.

"You told me," Talya commented as they opened the office and got settled in, "on the day I started down here, that you thought I would have run out of work by the end of the week. Did you really mean to be that optimistic?"

"Hm. It appeared that way the first day you came down, that I'll grant you. We seem to have made our own work during the days since, haven't we? Mind you, we have Proctor Julian and a small riot to blame for some of what's outstanding. Why, are you worried about the workload?"

"Not at all. It just seems that your job, and by extension mine, has grown somewhat more than I originally expected. There's plenty of slack in the system," Talya said confidently, "we can cope with more if necessary."

"You do realise that I've only visited just under half the Decks so far, and those that are left have about two thirds of the detainees in them? Do you think we can handle all those, if the case rate is about the same?"

"Probably not," Talya admitted. "But then, it will take you longer to do the big Decks so progress will be a bit slower. Half of what's left is trusty territory anyway and I'm guessing there might be less problems there. So, what do you want to start with first today?"

Marion again visited the top two floors and then returned to the office to discuss progress with Talya. While she was doing that, Wanda came into the office.

"Service, Wanda. What can we do for you? Some problem on M Deck?"

"Service, Counsellor, Talya. Not really." Wanda suddenly looked diffident. "As part of my M Deck responsibilities, I've had to visit everyone on Deck to look at their injuries, replace dressings, and so on. A number of them have wanted to talk to me while I was in their rooms, probably because they are on their own. Partly I'm assuming it's because they don't like being shut up alone, and partly because it gives them privacy if they want to discuss something specific."

Marion raised an eyebrow. "You're saying that you've been talking to them the same way I would have."

Wanda blushed briefly. "Yes, Counsellor. I hoped you wouldn't mind."

"Mind?" Marion smiled. "Wanda, of course I don't mind. The important point is that the detainees feel willing to talk to you in confidence, and that's the main thing. If you think you can do that, then by all means, go ahead. Did you tell them that you were going to discuss their concerns with me?"

"Some of them. Some of them actually asked me to pass on what they said. That's why I'm here now."

Wanda pulled her datapad from a pocket and held it up.

"Er, can I call you Wanda?" Talya asked politely. When Wanda nodded, Talya said, "If you can bring your datapad nearer my terminal, and activate the synchronisation function. Oh."

Talya turned to Marion. "She doesn't have the functions Trish installed on your datapad, Marion. With your permission, I'll have to copy off what's on Wanda's datapad the hard way."

With permission given and Wanda's pad on Talya's desk she began to unravel the notes Wanda had made on M Deck.

"So," Marion said to Wanda, "You do want my job, then."

"Oh, no, Counsellor! I don't want your job at all. But I'm thinking that a place this size might need more than one Counsellor. I'd quite happily settle for a job working for you, though, even if it's part time. Not that I'm entirely sure I could handle it the way that you seem to do, though. Some of them seemed disappointed that it was me who turned up and not you."

Marion gave an encouraging smile. "No two people are going to be able to do this job the same way, Wanda. I wouldn't expect people to relate to you the way they seem to relate to me, and no, I have no idea why it works that way for me. At the moment, you're probably confusing them in any case because you're wearing three hats - Shepherd, Nurse and Counsellor and the three don't quite overlap in the way they are received by our clients." She paused. "I assume that you okayed all this with Diana?"

"Of course, otherwise she wouldn't have let me come down here. I can't stay too long in any case."

Marion nodded, then turned. "Talya, any success getting Wanda's notes off?"

"Another few seconds, Marion. There. Thank you, Wanda." She returned the datapad. "It will take me a little while to knock these into shape and attach them to the right records." She gave a quirky grin. "I have had plenty of practice doing that with Marion's old notes. Do you think we can get Wanda's datapad upgraded? It will make things easier if we can."

"I'll ask this afternoon." To Wanda she explained, "I've been invited to the board meeting this afternoon. If you wish, I'll bring up your interest in our activities. Have you said anything to Sophia yet?"

"Only the odd passing word since she found me in here the other day after the riot. Thank you, Marion. I'd better be getting back, it's almost time for lunch."


"Service, Marcie. Ah! I see the lure of my uniform was too much for you as well."

Marcie beamed. "Yes, Counsellor! It's only the first day I've worn it, but I feel much more comfortable already. I'm glad you came up with this idea."

"Ah, I wanted it for myself for fairly specific reasons originally, but so many people have asked me about it since I started wearing it I'm not surprised that Controller Brand has given in. Are they waiting for me?" Marion peered towards the open door of the Controller's meeting room.

"They might be," Marcie said, "but they're not in the meeting room today. Ah, service, Director Hardacre." Miranda had entered the room. "I was just about to tell the Counsellor that the meeting's been moved. It's down the other end of the corridor in room sixteen."

"Thank you, Marcie," Miranda responded. "How's the dress?"

"Fine so far, thank you Director."

"Another satisfied customer. Shall we go, Marion?"

The two walked out of Marcie's office and along the corridor.

"Any idea why we're along here?" Marion asked.

"No, no idea. Sixteen is just a chunk of E Deck office space that isn't used, as far as I know. Here we are."

The room was perhaps the size of Controller Brand's office, Marcie's office and their meeting room combined. It seemed to have been divided up at one time from the evidence of paint and dirt marks on the walls. At one end, some tables had been pushed together and most of the rest of the directors were sitting around them waiting for everyone else to arrive. At the other end, surplus tables and chairs were stacked. A number of office cubicle partitions leaned against the far wall, and there were some odd boxes and crates piled untidily in convenient nooks and crannies.

"Come in and find a seat," Brand said as they entered. "We're only waiting for Sophia before we can begin." She gave Marion a knowing look. "She's always the last to arrive."

Marion sat down and put her datapad on the table and then looked around.

Brand noticed her doing so and said, "The reason for choosing this room today will become apparent later on in the meeting."

Khiskov, who was sitting opposite Marion, smiled, and Marion wondered if this all had to do with her recent cryptic remarks.

While they waited Brand synced her datapad to Marion's and copied the agenda to her, but before Marion could examine it Sophia arrived accompanied by Marcie.

"My apologies, all." She found a spare seat and sat down. "Let's begin."

"Thank you all for coming," Brand began. "Before we formally start, I should tell you that we're meeting in here because of an item on today's agenda. We'll be meeting in the usual place in the future. Also, from now on, although she does not hold Director status, Marion will be joining us for our monthly meetings." Brand gave Marion a stern but approving look. "This is because she seems to have generated most of the items on our agendas since she started working here. And, indeed, before that, when she was just an unusual detainee. So, Marion Hillier, Counsellor, I bid you welcome. I suppose I should introduce you to everyone here. Sophia, Donna and Miranda you know, of course. I don't know if you've had cause to meet the others yet. This is Evelyn Cord, our Director of Dietary Services. Next to her is the Facilities Services Director, Naomi O'Connell, and at the end is the Director of Deck Security Ursula Blaine. She's in charge of the Deck Shepherds. Now let's get on."

After the usual reading and approval of the previous minutes, in which Marion featured more than she might have wished to, they moved on to a report by each Director of the state of the department that they ran. This was mostly innocuous except for two items, the first by Miranda noting the production of a new type of uniform apparel.

"I had seventeen requests from various staff to be permitted to wear a dress like the Counsellor's uniform," Brand noted. "Most of them I had to turn down because it was plain that it would not be practical for those who asked. But as you may have noted, there are a small number of posts where it would not make any difference what was worn, most of these posts are administrative."

Marcie, who was seated behind Brand taking notes on her datapad, gave a big grin and Marion suspected that she had helped push the idea of uniform dresses for her own reasons.

"It was of course necessary for me to consult the Facilities Directorate, and as you might imagine there was resistance and a significant amount of confusion at the other end. I used the example of the Counsellor to show that such garments could be appropriate wear for certain staff inside a facility and the point was eventually conceded. So, from today, any staff who do not come into contact with detainees other than trusties will be given the option of a dress as uniform. I have been assured by staff who requested these that their use will mostly be during the summer period, when temperatures rise inside the facility, so the dress will remain optional as uniform. Counsellor, I know that your situation is slightly different."

"Indeed, Controller. I don't think that I'd be able to do my job if I wore similar uniform to the Shepherds, that's why we ended up with this dress in the first place. However, it has just occurred to me that there could be formal occasions where I might need to wear something different. I don't think I'll ask Miranda to make me a uniform set just yet, but I assume that one could be produced if it were needed?"

"Yes, Marion," Miranda replied. "It wouldn't take me very long to sort out what you need. Just give me an hour, or preferably two."

The other item which produced extended discussion was the riot on M Deck. This involved a detailed description by Marion of the apparent events leading up to the riot and what might have been done to avoid it, a summary by Donna of the actual riot as it proceeded, a list by Sophia of the injuries and a description of the damage caused and the repairs undertaken by Naomi O'Connell, the Director of Facilities Services. All the information would be collated into a report which Donna would write, once the questioning had been completed, for forwarding to the Facilities Inspectorate.

"And now, Marion, it's your turn."

"Your pardon, Controller?"

"Although you aren't a director, and you don't run a department, what you do is sufficiently distinct that it would make sense for you to give us a report on your activities. That's one reason why you're going to be attending these meetings in future. Your activities cross departmental lines and even reach outside the facility, so it's worth us hearing what's happening from your point of view."

"Your pardon again, Controller, I've nothing prepared. I can certainly fill you in on my activities, but I'm not sure what will or won't be relevant, and I might ramble."

"Don't worry about that today. Why don't you just begin, and tell us what has happened to you since you started as Counsellor here?"

There followed the most taxing three quarters of a hour in Marion's life, as she took the assembled Directors through the seven weeks that she had been doing the job. Brand was good enough to guide Marion, getting her to skip over mundane happenings and expanding particularly significant events during those weeks until everyone had a full picture of how she operated, why certain things worked and other failed, and how her job was becoming more dependant on contact with the outside world. It was with a great deal of relief that the tea trusty appeared and she could stop talking for a moment.

After the trusty had gone Marion was prepared to continue, but Brand stopped her.

"We've heard enough for now, Marion. We need to get on with some of the other items on our agenda. Don't worry, we'll come back to you later on." She turned to her datapad. "That's concluded the regular status report item on the agenda, let's move on to the extra items, the first of which is the formal ratification of Sophia as Facility Medical Director."

Sophia smiled. "As I told some of you during the week, I have decided to decline the post as Medical Director." There were one or two startled looks from those around the table who hadn't been told, so Sophia explained, "I was quite happy to become Acting Director originally, but it was the good Counsellor here who pointed out to me that I was making heavy weather of it, despite all the assistance I was being given. She said that she and I were similar in type, that is we prefer to be out doing things rather than sitting behind a desk battling the paperwork. Up until we had that talk it hadn't occurred to me that I could decline, and the more I thought about it the more I realised it was the right thing to do. After all, I'm trained as a physician, not an administrator, and I feel that my services to the facility would be better made in the former capacity rather than the latter.

"Consequently, I informed the Controller and recommended that she look for an administrator, preferably one who has a medical management background, to take the post instead. I will go back to being the senior of the doctors working at the facility."

"With one important exception," Brand qualified. "Sophia will become Deputy Director of Medical Services, and she has agreed to continue as Acting Director until we can appoint someone suitable. This appointment has other implications," she said, her eyes sliding towards Marion. "In particular, Sophia will have to vacate the current Director's suite when a new Director is eventually appointed. I intend to keep on three doctors for the time being, and to avoid everyone shuffling around unnecessarily, Sophia will be taking over the suite which was originally the spare one."

"You mean my suite?" Marion asked, startled. "Where do Talya and I go, then?"

"That's actually the next item on the agenda," Brand said. "Donna has been considering your position and activities and has proposed a solution which, as it happens, dovetails quite neatly into the necessary rearrangement in Sick Bay. Let's finish here before asking her to explain. Does anyone have anything to say about Sophia's decision?"

"I think you've been making a reasonable fist of the Medical Director's post," Blaine said to Sophia. "Of course, I only see the results, and I can quite believe that you fight the paperwork behind the scenes. I can imagine that there's much more involved in your position than in mine where the administration is concerned. You're probably right, though. I think you make a far better doctor than you do a bureaucrat." She gave an apologetic smile to those around the table. "I'm not intending to insult anyone here, of course, by that remark."

Miranda added, "I think it's in the nature of the job. Mine is substantially paperwork, since I handle all the ordering for the entire facility, and I have a team just to manage all that. But you can't have the same kind of team in Sick Bay for a number of reasons."

Blaine observed, "For someone who says she's at home with the administration, you seem to appear on the Stores counter rather often."

"That's why I've got a team," Miranda said with a grin. "Allows me to get out and about and keep my finger on the pulse. I expect Sophia's the same, she would rather be fixing people than fixing forms."

Sophia nodded. "That's it exactly."

"Very well," Brand said. "Marcie, have you noted Sophia's decision? We'll have to get the search for a successor under way immediately. Okay, let's move on to Donna's Big Idea."

Khiskov checked her datapad to make sure of her arguments before speaking.

"I was quite interested to see what Marion would make of her position when she started," she began. "The difference she had made on E Deck was undeniable, and I wondered whether that was because she knew everyone involved or because she actually could operate the way everyone said she could. I'm pleased to say," she looked at Marion and gave an approving nod, "that it was the latter.

"It soon became apparent, however, that Marion as Counsellor was doing something different than Marion the E Deck resident did. I noticed this because I kept getting requests for calls to outside agencies directed at my department. This only intensified once trusty Talya Makrova joined the Counsellor in her office. Despite the fact that Marion reports to the Medical Director, I found that my admin team were getting more and more involved in what she and Talya were doing.

"Now, as you all know, only Directors as a rule have the ability to make external calls from inside the facility. Yes, there are exceptions, there are some in Miranda's department who have to talk to suppliers, and two of my senior investigators have occasional reason to call the court services and probationary offices, but in general the rule holds. Marion, on the other hand, requires access to all kinds of agencies for a variety of different reasons, and they are legitimate reasons, too.

"I wondered why this had happened, and so I went down and spent an hour or so talking to her about her job, hearing much the same as she's told you today, but concentrating on those areas where her domain overlaps mine. I learned a great deal, but it was not until that night that I realised what had happened. Marion, instead of just being an ear into which the detainees can pour their troubles, had decided to do something about those troubles. As well as doing a fine job of counselling those who need it, she has inadvertently set up a welfare department."

Marion blinked as the truth of Donna's statement struck home. How could she not have seen it?

"It just seemed the natural thing to do," she said. "I couldn't listen to people's problems and then not do something about them."

"People have sometimes wondered," Donna continued, "why these places are called Female Offender Containment Facilities, and the reason goes back to the Uprising. Originally, these places were camps or vacant industrial premises surrounded by barbed wire, just holding areas where errant citizens could be detained until processed. The buildings and functions have evolved and gotten more humane, but the name remained. Unfortunately, along the way it seems that the idea of detainee welfare was forgotten until the Counsellor here reminded us of the need. Oh, we managed well enough without her before, and there are other Facilities around the country which still do, but it occurred to me that the whole system would be much more effective with people like her as part of the operation. Assuming, that is, that she was allowed to operate effectively."

Marion said, "I'd certainly agree that the current arrangement is less than perfect, but I've been too busy to think about how matters could be improved. I'd wondered whether talking with you would give me some ideas, but events overtook me."

Donna nodded. "I had a long talk with the Controller, and both of us have been in discussion with the Facilities Directorate about the problem. Controller?"

"Your position is safe," Brand assured Marion. "The evidence we presented to the Directorate of just your six weeks in operation convinced them that there was merit in what you were achieving. We also convinced them that the present arrangement wasn't particularly manageable. So, we have decided to change things around again. My apologies, you've barely had a week to adjust to having Talya and we're moving you again. As I mentioned before, Sophia's decision meant that we would have had to move you in any case, but Donna's idea would have required a move as well. So, in future, you'll not be just a Counsellor working alone in the building, but head of a new Welfare Section with the authority to do the things you need to. The new arrangement will still be classed as Experimental since I expect your new section to change over time as you develop your services. For now, you will still be part of Medical Services and report to Sophia. Donna?"

"The presence of Talya was another problem I had to solve. If she is to remain part of your department, and I can see every good reason why she should, that conflicts with the ability for you to originate and accept external calls. The Facilities Directorate drew the line at that, and I agreed with them. Since you wouldn't always be in your office to manage the external calls yourself, logically there had to be someone else to do it for you. There are a number of people in my department who Talya has been talking to regularly with regard to these calls, so I've decided to place one of them with you full time. And no, you can't have Trish, she's too valuable to me. Instead you'll get one of my young admin assistants, Mercedes Bennecourt. She'll still belong to my department, but she'll be working for you, in your new office, and she'll do anything you need her to do."

Another member of staff? And I haven't told them about Wanda yet...

"Thank you, Donna, I'm overwhelmed," Marion said. "You certainly have been thinking about me, haven't you? You mentioned a new office."

"Yes," Donna said. She raised her hand, palm upwards. "Here. In this room."

Marion blinked and looked around her. A bit big and empty, with a corner full of junk. Still, with three people they were going to need more space than her present office and it would keep them away from the Sick Bay traffic, give them room to expand and experiment.

"This part of E Deck," Donna explained, "was designated as office space for State Security when these buildings were originally laid out, but the security requirement got folded into my department a long time ago. It's been used on occasions for various temporary purposes, the most recent of which was the last office party, but it's basically surplus space. The Controller was quite happy to let you use as much as you need.

"I suggest you make use of those cubicle panels to partition off as much as you require and arrange it as you wish. Those panels are reasonably soundproof, so I also suggest you make up a little booth with a desk and a terminal in it. That will serve two purposes, you will be able to make confidential external calls without disturbing your staff - or the regulations, for that matter - and you can use it for privacy when interviewing people up here. What do you think?"

"I'm speechless." Marion slumped back in her chair, her eyes wandering around the space that was now hers. Was she about to turn into a bureaucrat? She roused herself and addressed Brand.

"I thank you for your vote of confidence, Controller. In fact, I thank all of you, because any one of you could have objected to the ways in which I've done nothing but bend the rules over the last few weeks. I just hope that I can achieve what you want me to do. I hadn't thought of the welfare angle, but you're right, that's just what it is. I have a couple of concerns I must mention."

"Go ahead, Marion," Brand said. "It can't be any worse than some of the things you've done already."

"Ah the first one is that, like Sophia, I'm a doer not an administrator. I will freely admit that if it weren't for Talya, I would be in big trouble by now paperwork-wise. I don't know that I'm suited to lead a section like this, it's not something I've ever done before."

"I'm sure," Donna said, "that Talya and Mercedes between them will run your office for you. We're well aware that you're likely to be spending more time walking the Decks than sitting at your desk. Don't worry on that score."

"Ah, the other matter is Wanda."

Sophia raised an eyebrow. "Is that what that talk was about? Does she want to join you?"

Marion nodded. "She does, sort of. She's been on M Deck since the riot and she's been talking to the detainees down there. Some of them are telling her their troubles, just like we told you ours before I was made Counsellor here."

Sophia considered. "It would be tough to let her go, especially as she's only been with Sick Bay a short while. We're just so short of staff. You're confident she's capable of it?"

"Well, as I don't really understand how I do it myself, I can't really say. I've not seen her in action. In fact, I was going to ask Donna if there's any footage of her in M Deck rooms I can watch to see how she handles them." She turned to Khiskov. "Am I allowed to do that?"

"It's a legitimate request," Khiskov replied. "I don't see why not. I'll get someone, perhaps even Mercedes, to sit down with you and find some footage of her at work."

"Wanda?" Brand queried. "Which Wanda are we talking about?"

"My new Medical Orderly Wanda Quayle," Sophia replied. "Although she does have a lot of experience in doing the kind of thing Marion wants her to do."

"Actually," Marion said, "I think I would only take her part-time and temporary, if at all. If you don't mind me saying so, I think you should push her into medical school as soon as you can. She told me she preferred to be doing practical things, where have I heard that before, but I reckon she would make a good paramedic if she could be talked into taking the courses. I watched her in action during the M Deck disturbance and she's certainly impressive. She's too good to spend the rest of her life in here."

Sophia looked taken aback for a moment, but then nodded. "Agreed. But in the meantime, if she has help to offer and she's not needed in Sick Bay, you'll make use of her?"

"I already am. Donna, can Trish upgrade Wanda's datapad, please? There are some extra functions she's put on my datapad to make my interview notes easier to transfer. It'll make Talya's life easier as well. Oh, and if it's not gilding the lily, would it be possible for Talya to have a datapad? How many regulations would that break?"

Donna grinned. "I'm getting used to outrageous requests from you, Marion. Upgrades are no problem, we can arrange that any convenient time. A datapad for Talya? I'll need to have a look at the regulations, but I'm sure we'll find a loophole somewhere. As a trusty who works in an admin role, I'm sure we can add that to the job description, can't we, Controller?"

Brand gave a resigned sigh. "Probably. Now, Marion, are you content with what's being offered? We can start to move you next week if you are."

"I'll accept, of course, Controller. I'll take time this week-end to think about all we've discussed, but what's been outlined certainly seems to cover most of my outstanding problems."

They talked for another few minutes about moving Marion and Talya up to E Deck. Donna said that she wouldn't change Talya's movement restrictions, even though her new place of work was just around the corner from her Deck, so she would still be able to go down to Sick Bay whenever she wanted. After that, they discussed some other minor matters and then the meeting was over.

"Ah, I don't know if it's appropriate to bring this up here," Marion said as they finished, "but I have a personal announcement to make which has a facility connection."

"Go on," said Brand. "We discuss all kinds of things once the main meeting is over."

"Sophia told Shepherd Marchand and I yesterday that we have been given unlimited childbearing permission. I thought you would like to know."

"Why, that's wonderful!" Brand said. "You have our congratulations."

The others joined in and Marion told them about going to the fertility clinic.

"So, you're going to be the father?" O'Connell said. "I know your background, of course, but it's still going to be a novelty. How many do you think you want to have?"

"We haven't had a chance to discuss it properly yet. A lot will depend on Belle, she might go off the idea after an awkward birth or two. Not everyone gets lucky."

"That's true," Sophia said. "Even though medical science has advanced, every birth is still an individual event and no-one can predict what a mother will experience. I wouldn't have thought that Belle would have much problem, though. She's a big, fit woman and I can't think of any problems she might have had down there."

"I'm hoping she'll be all right. Controller, you realise that you will probably lose her once we start our family?"

"Regrettably, yes. As if we didn't have enough problems finding staff. Still, I'd rather she was happy bearing and raising children than unhappy and working here." Brand looked at Marion. "We know the reasons why she decided to work here, she won't be able to use her job to hide away once she leaves. You'll have to consider that aspect when you do have your discussion together. I assume that you weren't considering leaving at the same time?"

"No, Controller. For now, I am treating our relationship in the same way as if I was a regular male partner. That is, I would continue working here, circumstances permitting. I want to get this new welfare section up and running before I would consider leaving, and I don't really want to leave anyway. In any case, I don't think much is going to happen to either of us for a good while, months if not a year or more. We still have a tricky residency problem to sort out."

"Yes," said Sophia. "Have you heard any more about that since we last spoke?"

"Regrettably not," Marion replied. "We spent all yesterday evening shopping, as you can see by the bags under my eyes. We might find out more when we get home tonight."

"Marion," Brand said. "You know that if there's anything any of us can do, you have only to ask."

"Shopping?" enquired Miranda.

Marion had said the fatal word, so the next half an hour was taken up with recounting her trip to New Town with Belle before they all reluctantly decided that the meeting ought to be closed. Marion started walking downstairs to her office, but met Talya coming up.

"Is it that late?" she asked.

"It's quarter to six," Talya replied. "I waited, but then decided you were going to be delayed so closed the office. Meeting go all right?"

"It was different," Marion said. "It seems I'm now going to be attending all future board meetings as a sort of junior member." The two started climbing the stairs back up to E Deck. "There's a big change for us as well. No, don't go in the Deck just yet, come this way with me."

"Marion? Am I allowed to go down there?"

"Only one way to find out, isn't there? And if you can't go along here today, you certainly will be able to do so from next week, as they are moving our office up here. Here we are."

She opened the door to room sixteen and showed Talya in.

"What's this?"

"This is where our new office will be. Director Khiskov says we can use some of those partitions to reserve as much space as we need, make it cosy. What do you think?"

"This seems a little large for the two of us. Why do we have to move out anyway?"

"Sophia isn't taking the Medical Director's job. To save shuffling everyone around, she'll take our suite when the new Director is appointed, but we were moving on in any case."

Marion explained Donna's thinking about Marion's function and Talya grasped the point immediately.

"You're right," she said. "But it still seems a lot of room for two people."

"Three. You speak sometimes to Mercedes Bennecourt when you want them to place a call for us? Well, she's going to be moving in with us. That means we won't have to keep bothering Site Security when we want something done. Four, if we include Wanda. It looks as if she'll be helping us on at least a part-time basis. I don't expect it to end there as we figure out how our section will work, but three-and-a-half is enough to be going on with."

"I'm impressed."

"So was I. This was all Donna's - Khiskov's - idea, and it's all been agreed by the Facilities Directorate. Come on, it's time we got you back to the Deck, or you'll miss your dinner."

As they let themselves through the gate Marion added, "If you want to go and have a poke round over the week-end, feel free. You'll probably have a better idea about how to arrange an office space like that than I would. I expect we'll have Trish along next week to sort out desks, terminals and communicators, and we can take our time moving until everything's the way we want it."

"You want me to do that on my own?"

"Yes, if you feel up to it. Oh, and check with Site Security tomorrow, I have asked if you can be issued with a datapad like mine. Once you get that, you can start laying out the office."

Talya looked at Marion with glistening eyes. "Oh, Marion, you're wonderful. I just can't believe all the good things that have happened to me in the last few days. I shan't let you down, I promise."

Marion smiled at her. "You're back in your natural element, and it shows. I have confidence in your abilities. Go on, go and get your dinner."

As Marion came up to the watch station she got a suspicious look from Elena.

"What have you done to that woman now? She looked ridiculously happy."

"Slight change being made to our jobs," Marion announced. She then had to explain to all just what had happened in the board meeting.

"You're going to be just round the corner?" Kristina asked. "In that big room they had the party in?"

"That's the one. It's got some junk in but we can partition off some space to make ourselves an office." She brightened. "So it seems that in a way, I'm returning to E Deck."

"It's hard enough keeping you away in any case," Elena said. "Still, if it means you'll be providing a better service to the facility, I'm all for it."


"What a day," Marion said as they walked towards the Enclave. "Still, we can have a quiet evening in tonight."

"What about all those things you bought?" Belle asked.

"We can leave those till tomorrow," Marion said. "It would probably be better to look at them by full daylight in any case. Why? Having second thoughts about something I bought?"

"Just the opposite," Belle said as they pushed through the turnstiles and waved at the gate guard. "You have a couple of items I think you looked totally hot in, and I can't wait to see you in them again."

"What, really? I'd better take them back, then. I jest, I don't look that good, do I? I didn't think my figure was ever going to be that feminine."

"You'll be surprised, then. Since you started on the hormones again your shape is improving every day. I have trouble keeping my hands off you sometimes."

"What times would those be, then?" Marion enquired with a raised eyebrow. "You don't keep your hands off me that much as it is." She continued, "Besides which, I'm sure you have goodies in your wardrobe I haven't seen you in yet. Why should you be the only one who gets to ogle?"

"Perhaps we'll put aside an afternoon to have a trying-on party, then," Belle said.

As they stepped into the porch of Block Four both memories were tripped, they turned to each other and simultaneously said, "Jane!" However, any further discussion was cut short by the appearance of Arthur at his door. It seemed that he had been waiting for them.

"Service, citizens. Citizen Annelise Matteson called to ask me to tell you to especially make sure to call her when you arrived home. It appears to be urgent."

Belle puzzled her way through this convoluted sentence and then nodded. "Thank you, Arthur. I'll do that the moment we get upstairs."

Once inside the apartment Belle placed the call.

"Oh, good, you're home at last! Is Marion there with you, Belle?"

"Yes, she's right here. Is there some kind of problem? Your message sounded quite urgent."

"We have a tremendous amount to tell you. You're both invited to dinner, Marcus should be home shortly. I've invoked the Enclave Catering Service for this one, it's too short notice to do anything else. Can you come immediately?"

"Give us five or ten minutes to change, we've just got in the door. What's happened, then? Is it the Guardian Council meeting today?"

Annelise sighed. "Oh, yes. The government almost collapsed. Marcus has - well, let him tell you himself. And Jane will be joining us for dinner, she's still not told you what happened here yesterday. She's getting the girls fed at the moment."

"The government almost collapsed? Annelise, should you be talking about this?" Belle meant 'over the communicators'.

"Don't worry about that. It's going to be all over the news by tomorrow, it was too big for anyone to stop it becoming public." She fixed the two women with an intense look. "You'd better come and hear it all. You see, you're both at the centre of the whole business."

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