The Dukes -4-

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The Dukes Chapter Four

Dee Dee informed Bella that she had to leave for a bit and that she would not be too late. Dee Dee went into her bedroom to change from girl to boy. She removed the tube top that she was wearing to reveal the push up bra she had worn since the incident outside of Gimbles earlier. She hung the jean skirt in her closet and was just in her underwear when Bella came into the room. Bella had seen her sister in her underwear many times before and thought nothing of it. But for Dee Dee the change to Joey was something he was not comfortable sharing with Bella. She grabbed her robe to cover and said, “what’s up cutie?” Bella asked “Can I go with you?” “No, not tonight, I’ve got a few things I have to do with the guys and you do not need to be around that stuff” she answered. “I like being with Joey too and I know how to keep my mouth shut” Bella offered one more time in an attempt to get Joey’s approval. “Yes you do know how to keep your mouth shut most of the time” as they laughed together.

Joey slipped out of his house and went right to the alley behind it. It always amazed him how quickly and comfortably he switched between the two people that shared his body. Just twenty minutes ago he was a female named Dee Dee Perez, and now he was Joey Perez, leader of the Dukes on his way to meet his boys. Joey had long ago gotten used to both worlds that he lived in. It took a lot of effort to separate them but he had been successful to this point. Being the baddest dog on the block helped, no one would ever say anything when he forgot and crossed his legs in the feminine manner. Or when he walked his hips moved to music that only he seemed to hear. No one would ever say anything for fear of pissing him off. Joey was good at protecting the two people that live inside of him along with protecting his family and neighborhood as well. He had an ability to see things quickly and make an accurate assessment. With the Dukes they were never caught by surprise, they never made the wrong move; they never had to step back from where they stepped in the first place because Joey always made the right choice. His senses were on high alert after what had happened with the Suprees earlier that day. Jobo would come at them, he had to come at them. That is why Joey went to meet the Dukes at the pool hall so they would be ready for it when it happened.

“There’s the undisputed champ” Nicky announced as Joey reached the back of the pool hall. The guys all started razzing him about starting the trouble with the Suprees and then disappearing. Everyone was talking at once and having fun getting on Joey. Joey heard every comment and shook it off, but there was some bite in the things that Nicky was saying. Joey made a note to talk to Nicky in private as soon as he could. Some of the old guys drifted out of the pool hall to give respect and get some from Joey. Joey liked the fact that the elders of the neighborhood knew he was the boss, but Joey always remained humble and gracious with them. Things settled down as the guys gathered around and Joey told the story of his run in with the Suprees. They were all dialed in as he described the knee to Jobo’s nose and how all the Suprees were right there and “they all dropped their cookies and let me get right by them” Joey boasted. Joey noticed Nicky hanging back and not joining in and thought “this Dude is feeling frisky again I need to talk with him!” There had been an edge to their relationship for a long while. It was about the fact that Nicky ran things before the fight with the River Rats and now he was second banana. This didn’t sit well with Nicky and Joey knew it. The “woofing” continued and Joey drifted away toward Nicky. “Let’s talk, brother” Joey said as he guided Nick to the hall way at the back of the Pool hall. “The Suprees will not come at us when we are together... they don’t have the nuts for it,” Joey said in hushed tones with his arm around Nicky. “I’m going to need you to keep the guys ready and safe, never alone and always ready!” “You know that you are the backbone of the Dukes and that if you slip we all slip” we need you at your best, Rivera!” Nicky knew that when Joey used his last name he was being very serious. While Nicky occasionally was feeling his oats he also knew that Joey was the boss…for now! Nicky assured Joey that they would not be surprised by the Suprees. Then Joey strategically revealed an ace in the whole that he held. “I’m banging this black chick that is Jobo’s cousin she will tell me when Jobo is about to make a move,” Joey revealed. This is the kind of thing that Joey did; he always seemed to be two moves ahead. “When this happens I want to send a message so you are going to take out Jobo, that way he will know that any of us got his number, you understand” Joey asked, not expecting any answer. Just like earlier when Dee Dee had her hand on Jobo’s chest Joey could feel the response in Nicky, that he was eating it up and felt good about this part of the plan… for now!

Joey unlocked the door of the house and stepped inside, at the same time taking off the ball cap that he wore. His black shiny hair fell to his shoulders, he paused to look in the mirror and play for a brief time with his hair to get it back to looking a little more feminine. He kicked off his shoes and slipped into the slides by the front door. He always felt more comfortable in heels. Bella came out of her room and smiled as Dee Dee was home now and she felt safer. The girls readied the house for the night and then readied themselves for bed. Dee Dee took them through what was now their nightly routine of beauty care. The girls put on their night gowns and knelt in prayer thanking the Lord for the day, their life and for one another. Dee Dee kissed her sister Bella good night and then went into the bathroom shower to wash the boy off of her. She always felt better doing that when she had to be Joey for a while. It was near mid night when Dee Dee heard the key turning in the door announcing that their mom was home from work. Dee Dee rushed to the door to help her mom get inside. Alma Perez worked very hard and was always exhausted when she finally did get home for the day. Dee Dee led her to her chair in the living room and she removed her mom’s shoes and rushed to the kitchen to get her mom a cold beer and a taco. As Dee Dee served her she shared with her mom the day’s events as she sat on the floor at her mother’s feet and gently massaged her tired feet. Mrs. Perez listened as best she could even though she was about to drift off to sleep. She loved hearing from and talking with her oldest daughter.

Alma remembered that day four years ago when she walked into her home and met her daughter Dee Dee. Dee Dee had come out of the kitchen wearing a jean skirt and blue top; she remembered it like it was yesterday. Until that time she had wondered about so many things within their home but she never had the time or energy to question them. The clothes that were always washed and neatly folded had things that didn’t belong to her and were too big for Bella! The makeup left lying around; Bella wore some makeup but not that much. And countless other signs she never bothered to see. There stood Joey with Chi Chi’s, wearing a skirt and looking so much like Alma used to look as a teenage girl. Dee Dee explained how she had known since she was a baby that she was a girl. She explained that she took control over her feelings at a very young age and hid everything. As she and Bella got older the feelings got stronger and she shared them with her sister teaching her everything about being a girl and learning herself as well. Dee Dee shared everything about her life, even the Joey side of things. Alma knew that she was very fortunate to have Joey who could handle and care for everything and that she never had to worry about her kids. Alma felt badly that she never really had time to care for Bella and be the mom that she needed. But upon seeing Dee Dee she knew that Bella was in good hands and that she was getting the best help in growing into a lady. Dee Dee was a lady and obviously a great teacher too. Alma Perez immediately and without hesitation accepted Dee Dee, as the beautiful lady that she was and loved her for it.

Jobo couldn’t fall asleep... he was too angry as he made a list in his mind, Joey and the chick what was the connection? Plan revenge on Joey, the Dukes and the flats for disrespecting him. That Mexican chick was so hot!

Dee Dee was making a list too as she waited to fall asleep. “Milk and bread, tampons for Bella, deal with Nicky’s attitude, call Kesha and hook up with her to find out what Jobo is up to and get to Gimbles and get those cute shoes in the window!

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Joey is certainly the strategist and active street gang leader in more ways than one!

Dee Dee is the loving and caring daughter!

What a combination! Not often seen on Big Closet in a CD story.

Nice change!

Composition, paragraphing, needs some work, spelling is good.


Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)


Strong Continuation

The plot continues to remain complex, with one or two new wrinkles in the mix. The characters continue to be revealed. I think you've got the essentials of good story telling. Just keep doing it!