The Ballet Game - Chapter 13

Jimmy and Jenny have another run-in with Mrs Dale over ballet clothes. The evening looks like it's going to be a little less crazy, until a series of private encounters and unspoken thoughts turn everything around again. Much to Jimmy's secret delight...

The Ballet Game

Chapter 13

By Beffy Flowers

Jimmy sat on the bed in shock for a moment, holding the pair of tights Jenny had given him. He was trying to replay what had just happened in his mind, but something up there had short-circuited and he couldn't think straight. He stood up, sat down, and stood again in confusion. This was helped in no way by the bulge in his pants, though the resulting discomfort managed to clear his head somewhat.

He decided that this was not a time to think things out too much. The most beautiful girl he knew had just handed him her pink ballet tights and invited him to put them on. It was enough to simply work with that -- there was no way he could delve into her motives, her expectations, or what this might do to their budding relationship. He quickly took off his jeans and socks.

Below, staring straight up at him, surged his now-unencumbered maleness. Remembering that she said she'd only be a moment, he jumped across the room to the door. She had closed it on her way out, but he thought it might be best to lock it while he was half-clothed. Then he stopped himself, worried about what sort of signal it might send to her if she returned early. Then he worried what Mrs. Dale might think if she came to check on them, with the door not only closed, but sealed against her. So he simply stood by the unlocked door, ready to hold it closed should the need arise.

He took off his shorts, which required some untangling of anatomy. He was vaguely surprised that these exertions did nothing to diminish his state of arousal, but then he remembered that he was still holding the soft, warm tights in his fingers. He started pulling one pink leg up and almost passed out from the rush of tingles assaulting his skin. The material was slightly sheer, and still smelled like Jen's perfume. When he got the first leg stretched up over his knee, he realized he wouldn't have anything on underneath.

He rushed to the bed to look under his pillow for the panties he had worn the previous night, but then realized he had thrown them in the bathroom laundry hamper that morning. Then he thought that it might look odd to her if she discovered somehow that he was wearing her mothers panties under her tights. Not necessarily that it was a problem with wearing her mother's undergarments -- she had, after all, made quite a show of making everyone in the house wear everyone else's things the other night. Rather, the problem was that she hadn't told him to put on panties. If he put them on under his own initiative, she might think he was getting a little too interested in these things. But that was insane because clearly SHE was the one pushing things along, and clearly HE was going along with every single idea she had put forth, no matter how it compromised his masculinity.

He even thought about going to her dresser to look for panties. This was still her room, and she had only taken a few select garments to Laura's room. He remembered the pink panties he had discovered his first day in that room, when she had surprised him. His erection grew another pulse, if that were possible.

All this thinking was ridiculous -- there was absolutely no sense to be made of any of this whatsoever. He remembered Mrs. Dale telling him that they always wore panties in this house, even under tights, but Jen hadn't mentioned them so he would do without. With trembling fingers, he started working the tights up his other leg. He toppled over almost immediately, still very new to the delicate art of donning hosiery. He jumped back up and managed to finish getting them up to his hips, but when he stretched them up over his penis he felt himself fast approaching the point of no return.

He froze in place for a second, then slowly lowered the waistband to avoid stimulating himself any further. Gasping, he stood hunched over, noticing the faint outlines of his toes through the material. Was it the pink color? The silky feel? The warmth and smell of Jen? All of it? Sighing in exasperation, he pulled them down and off his legs. He could not afford to put a stain in Jen's tights. There would be no way to hide it, and no doubt about what had happened. He could put his jeans on, play along, and later take them to the bathroom sink to clean up, but he had no confidence that all this would go undetected. Quite the opposite -- he was sure that she would catch on given how closely she monitored his clothing. Or rather her clothing. Their clothing. Whichever it was, it was too embarrassing.

He quickly put his shorts, socks, and pants back on, and stuffed the tights in his pocket, unsure what else to do with them. He felt a little better, and his sexual excitement had receded well back from the cliff it had neared moments before. He sat on the bed and tried to start studying.

Jen was gone longer than he expected. He became immersed in a history textbook when a knock at the door startled him. Mrs. Dale walked in with a cheerful look on her face, holding a tray of snacks. "Hello? Anyone in the mood for a study break? Oh, I thought Jen was in here with you." She brought the tray over to the bed and sat down next to Jimmy.

"Uh, yeah she was studying with me, but she had to go change or something." His face flushed at the thought of telling her that her daughter was probably changing out of her leotard, but that was all he could think of at the moment.

"Well, I'll just leave this here. You kids will study better with a little nutrition. I thought you might, um, I thought you might..." her words drifted off uncharacteristically for a moment. Jimmy looked up and noticed she seemed unusually distracted. "...ahem, I thought you might like some lemonade, too. I'll just leave this here for the both of you, alright? You'll be sure to share with Jenny?"

"Of course, Mrs. Dale." Jimmy felt her confusion, which brought him a vague sense of panic considering what had just happened in this very room. What if she had come in while they were kissing? Or worse yet, while Jenny was taking off her tights? There had to have been a moment where Jenny was all but naked. If Mrs. Dale had waltzed in to see that, she might have dropped the tray of snacks in shock. As these thoughts whirled in his head, she rose and walked calmly out of the room, leaving the door wide open.

Jimmy tried to return to his studies, but heard an argument down the hall a moment later. Mrs. Dale and Jen sounded like they were approaching together, with some agitation in their voices. "All I know is, I walk in to your room and find no Jenny and one pair of Jenny's ballet tights on the bed next to him." "Mom, wait! Just wait a minute!"

They abruptly entered the room, and Jimmy resumed his primary role here in the Dale household -- being a deer caught in the headlights. Mrs. Dale spoke as she walked directly to the bed to pick up the pink tights lying next to him.

"Jimmy, are these your tights?" she asked.

"No, Mrs. Dale, I..."

"Did you pull these out of Jenny's chest-of-drawers?"

"No, but I..."

"Did Jenny put them here on the bed while she was supposed to be studying with you?"

"Yes, but it's not..."

She turned to face Jenny, who looked angry and distraught. "Jenny, didn't we talk about this yesterday? Didn't we all agree not to make this poor boy keep wearing our clothes? He is not your little dress-up doll! Hasn't he been through enough, wearing our nightgowns? I just don't understand -- am I the only one who remembers this?"

Jenny spoke, "Mom! Those are not..."

"And why put him in tights, of all things? I know you like them, but for hanging around the house? Even you take them off after school most of the time!" She held the tights up to look at them more closely.

Jenny tried again, "Mom! Those tights are not..."

"Wait a minute. You've got bare feet, so you DID take off your tights today. Are these? Did you take them off HERE? How did you, I mean, I..." The tone of her voice showed incredulity.

"Mom! Those are NOT my tights! Look at them, do they look like they've been worn today? They're not mine! Jimmy, tell her! Are these mine?" She snatched the pair from her mother's hand and held them up by the waistband, as if to display them for all to see.

But he was unable to summon words. His throat simply wouldn't work. He managed to shake his head, but only barely. Mrs. Dale was also speechless as she turned from Jimmy to Jen.

"They're not his either. They're Liz Brown's tights! At the ballet school! She is trying to enroll him there, and she pulled him into some kind of try-out today. She GAVE him a pair to wear next week when we have class next! She just totally, I mean, she just came out and..." A tear started forming in her eye as she lost steam, not wanting to say more.

A look of understanding slowly spread across Mrs. Dale's face, and she stepped over to Jenny to give her a hug. "Jimmy, is this true?" She turned to look at him over her shoulder. He nodded silently.

"Jenny, I'm so sorry. I should have asked everyone what was going on. I mean, I thought I did, but this is just so unexpected that I never thought... It certainly looked like you had... But of course you didn't. My sweet little girl. My sweetie." They held their embrace for a few moments as Jimmy sat by, trying not to look at the garment still in Jenny's hand.

Mrs. Dale let go of her daughter, and spoke. "Well, I think I've let recent events get to me. I owe both of you an apology. Jenny, I'm sorry I didn't hear you out before accusing you of I don't know what. And Jimmy, all this must be making you even more embarrassed, if that were possible. Now you've got us dressing you in nighties, and the ballet school dressing you in leotards! You poor boy!" She squeezed his hand in sympathy. "I'll let you both get to your studies and just go back downstairs and mind my own business for once. Is everyone okay with that?"

They both smiled and nodded. Mrs. Dale turned to Jenny, put one hand behind her head, and gave her a firm kiss on the mouth before leaving the room. Again, the door was left wide open, and neither of them thought it would be a good idea to close it again. The image of mother and daughter kissing lingered in Jimmy's head.

"Gosh Jimmy I am so sorry about all this! I was just going to change in Laura's room and she came in and I started telling her about Liz and we just kept yacking until Mom busted in on me. I almost had a heart attack! I thought for a second that she caught you putting mine on or something. But she didn't, right?"

He shook his head, but he found it slightly odd that she would be concerned about Jimmy being caught in tights by Mrs. Dale. She was the woman who had dressed him up as much as Jenny, if not more so. More than that, she seemed almost as taken by the idea of having him wear her clothes as Jenny. Maybe Jimmy would have been embarrassed to let the Dale's know how desperately he loved wearing their things, but he wouldn't have been shocked to be caught in tights by Mrs. Dale. Not now anymore.

But just as he came to that conclusion, he realized it was wrong. He would have been completely embarrassed. Not only because it would appear finally that he liked getting dressed up, but because Mrs. Dale had visited him the other night and witnessed the unspeakable. He wouldn't want Jenny to know about that, and he wouldn't want Mrs. Dale to know just how intimate he had been with Jenny. There were so many layers of confidences in this family his head was swimming. Even Laura! How insane that she herself had detected his excitement? He got the sense that she knew all about his desires, long before she drew her pantyhose up his legs and got an eyeful (and a handful) of his reaction!

"So, my 'little dress-up doll', are you wearing them?" Jenny asked, trying to appear innocent.

"What? Oh, no, they're here." He pulled her tights out of his pocket, all crumpled up, and handed them to her. "I started putting them on, but I didn't have anything to wear under them, so..."

"You mean panties? I'm such a dummy! Of course you'd need panties, too! I guess I was just thinking you'd grab a pair from my dresser, but you're too nice to just borrow something without asking. You are such a honey!" She gave him a quick kiss that left him hungry for more. "I'll just toss these in the hamper. Let's get back to studying and forget all about TIGHTS, okay?"

Jimmy smiled broadly and nodded. But he knew for certain that Jenny's pink tights would remain forefront in his mind for the rest of the day.

* * *

The two studied amiably through the afternoon. When dinner came, it passed with pleasant discussion about nothing in particular. Jimmy half expected Mrs. Dale to lecture the girls on the clothing incident, but was quite relieved that she had put the whole thing behind her. After dinner, Jimmy and the girls watched TV, cleaned up the kitchen, and eventually got ready for bed.

This at last was the witching hour -- the time of day Jimmy had come to long for more than just about anything. He never knew what would happen next. It struck him then that at home he would wear the same pair of pajamas for days in a row. But here in the Dale house, he wore a different outfit to bed each night, and it appeared that the girls did too. As much as he loved the beautiful nightgown he wore last night, he was very much looking forward to finding out what was in store tonight. At the same time, a small voice in his head was telling him he shouldn't be so interested in giving up what little masculinity he had left.

When he was finished washing up in the bathroom and brushing his teeth, he stepped into the hallway and was about to enter Jenny's room when Mrs. Dale called to him from her doorway, beckoning. Tingles descended upon his stomach at once. He walked down the hall and entered her room, as full of feminine trappings as before. He was again entranced.

"Jimmy, I thought of something you might wear tonight that would be more to your liking. Just wait a moment and I'll get it for you." She put down her small glass of red wine and stepped into a small walk-in closet.

He wandered over to her dressing table. The room was relatively small, so it was more like a step or two than a "wandering", but in his present state it was difficult to understand these things. Bottles of perfumes and cosmetics littered the table, and various piles of garments lay near at hand in piles. It wasn't a very tidy room, but there did seem to be a sense of order amid the chaos.

One thing in particular caught his eye -- it appeared to be a nightgown of some kind draped over the back of the chair over some other nightclothes. He couldn't see all the details, but the fabric itself was incredible. Pale, pale pink, almost a "blush" color, the nylon material seemed as smooth and inviting as anything he'd ever seen. Involuntarily, his fingers brushed against it. When he heard her voice, he startled and turned perhaps a little too quickly.

"I finally remembered this old sleep shirt I used to wear in my college days. It's really just an oversized t-shirt. I haven't worn it in ages, and it should give you plenty of modesty without all the fluff. Now let me just find you some panties..."

He looked at the shirt where she left it on the bed. It was white with a large yellow image of the "tweety bird" cartoon character on it. While it appeared well worn, it was in good condition and would have been a fine option for him back on his first night here. But his heart sank into his stomach even before she was finished talking about it. Fluff? How could the magical allure of these nightly outfits be reduced to such a trivial word? How could he go back to wearing simple t-shirts to bed? He was crushed, and had a horrifying notion that she would find some cartoon boxer shorts to go with it.

She opened a dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of white cotton panties that appeared to have a little lace detailing. All was not lost, it seemed, but Jimmy was still greatly disappointed. Mrs. Dale looked to him as she turned. "These are the plainest panties in my drawer, I hope they..." She paused as she caught his eye. "I hope they fit properly. But they are a little small and might not offer much -- support."

She stood by the bed and looked at him as she took a sip from her glass. He held her gaze for only a second, and then let his eyes drift down to the floor. Against his better judgment, he stole a glimpse at her legs, which appeared to be free of hosiery. How strange that a few days ago, the prospect of being given Mrs. Dale's cotton panties to wear to bed would have sent him to the moon. But now they just seemed like a consolation prize, especially since the girls had now been forbidden to give him their things to wear at night.

"Jimmy, would you mind handing me that robe on the hook over there?" She pointed to a short white satin robe. He immediately turned to comply, grateful for the chance to compose himself. The robe felt wonderful to his fingers, at least, even if his body would not enjoy such things anymore. Then he heard Mrs. Dale utter a slight gasp and he turned back.

"Oh my! I just spilled some wine on this nightshirt! Oh dear! What a clumsy oaf I am! Maybe I've had a little too much? Oh dear, this will stain." She was looking at the shirt. It struck him, just then, that it seemed unlikely that she would have spilled anything by accident. She didn't seem inebriated, for one thing, and she was by nature as graceful as a cat. Turning to him, "Jimmy, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to soak this immediately! This has some sentimental value to me, and I'd hate to see it damaged like this! Why don't you go back to Jen's room and I'll be along in a moment with something else for you to wear. Okay?"

He hurriedly complied, even as his mind raced to understand what just happened. Did she really spill her drink? Had she detected his disappointment in her choice of garment? It was all so embarrassing and confusing. Once again, he told himself to stop trying to over think everything. He just went and sat on Jen's bed, taking his socks off.

A few moments later, Mrs. Dale came in, with a gleam in her eye and a nightgown in her hand. It was the very one he had admired, the pale pink one! Thank the gods! How? Had she seen him touch it?

"I found something else for you, Jimmy. Now this is nothing at all like that t-shirt I was going to put you in, but I hope you'll be comfortable in it anyway. It's pink, but once you turn out the light you won't even know what color it is, right? It's, well, it's the first one I found in my mess of a room, but it's getting late and I don't want to delay your bedtime any further." She smiled as she lay it down on his lap.

"This is a really nice material, and I don't want my old cotton panties to scuff it up, so I am giving you the panties that actually go with this nightie. They're pink too, but they'll be covered up so you won't even see them, right?" She winked at him as she dropped the panties on his lap, as well as the white satin robe. "The robe is in case you want some modesty if you need to go to the bathroom." She leaned over and kissed him on the lips, exactly the same way she had kissed Jen just hours earlier. Jimmy's tingles attacked his entire body.

She bade him good night and walked out, smiling sweetly as she closed the door.

Jimmy could scarcely believe what had just happened -- what a turnaround! He jumped up and stripped his clothes off, not sparing even a moment to look at the nightie first. He tried to moderate his eagerness by slowing himself down, but it was difficult. Somehow, he managed to get the nightgown up over his head and smoothed down over his naked body. It was incredible to see and electrifying to feel. At the top it was basically a swath of stretchy lace with inch-wide lace shoulder straps. The lace ended somewhere between the bottom band of a bra (had he been wearing one) and his belly button. From there, the material was just a smooth, smooth whisper of nylon, cascading down to somewhere above his knees.

Gasping slightly, he then hurried to pull on the panties, made of the same lace as the top, and the same very pale pink color. He tugged them into place, over his urgently excited anatomy, and let the material drape down again. He was then shocked to find that the material was actually somewhat sheer. He could see the lacy pattern of his panties wherever they came close to the surface of their pink curtain. He stepped in front of Jen's full-length mirror and turned around. Sure enough, the lacy outline of his bottom appeared to be in plain view under the diaphanous nightgown.

He quickly got under the covers and turned off the light. He wanted to spend more time looking at this incredibly sexy nightwear, but it had become apparent that a closed door would stop none of the Dale women from entering this room, and he didn't want them to see him in this state. But as he lay in bed, he wondered how on earth he would ever get to sleep wearing this?

After about 15 minutes of concentrated effort, he gave up and allowed his hands to wander over the material he was wearing, and the panties he was tenting. And once again, on cue, the door opened. The hallway outside was dark, but he could just make out that it was Jenny who was coming in.

"You didn't think I'd let you go to bed without saying good night, did you?" She padded right over to him and sat on the bed, quickly giving him a warm kiss. "I brought you something, just in case you get cold." Her whispers were intoxicating. She reached for his hand and put something in it -- he instantly recognized them as her ballet tights.

"Want to put them on? For me? I know we're not supposed to do this, but Mom doesn't have to know, right? Please? Hey, what are you wearing, anyway?" She pulled back the covers and felt along his chest and shoulders.

"Your mom gave me this tonight. She was going to give me a big t-shirt, but then she spilled something on it and gave me this instead. It's, uh, it's a nightie." He felt his face flush.

"Oh my gosh! This is so cute! I know this one -- she hardly ever wears it! Oh my gosh I wish I was wearing it too! Stand up and let me feel it on you -- we have to keep the light off anyway so Mom won't catch me here." She tugged at his hands to get him to rise. Jimmy was glad that they could only see shadowy outlines, because the sheer nylon and flimsy panties would do little to hide his erection.

She embraced him immediately, and he felt tingles coursing through his body as their nighties slid together. She was so warm. He couldn't tell what kind of nightie she was wearing, but it felt soft and slippery. They kissed each other hungrily for a few moments, until Jenny broke it off, gasping and hugging him tightly. He felt her breasts press firmly against him and felt her hands trace the shoulder straps on his back. He also felt his hips fall into contact with hers. His penis pulsed inside the panties, reacting stenuously at every tiny slip and slide their nightgowns created. He was absolutely sure she felt this, but she said nothing of it.

Then her hands slid down. "Hey, are you wearing the panties, too? The little lace panties that go with this? Oh I bet I could even see you in panties finally if the lights were on!" On hand slid gingerly down across his rear, for only a moment. It seemed their relationship had not yet progressed to the point where she would touch him freely. He found her combination of attraction and reluctance absolutely endearing and wonderful and he knew he was falling in love with her, but dared not even think that word yet.

"But it wouldn't be fair for me to see you in panties, if you don't get to see me in panties too. Come to think of it, I've seen you in a cute bra, but you haven't seen me in one. Why is that so taboo? If we were at the pool, you'd see me in a bikini, which is just a bra and panties, right?" They kissed again, several times.

"Maybe I'll let you see me in my bra and panties soon, so we'll be even." Kissing. "Just as long as I can see you," kissing, "in my leotard," kiss, "and tights." They kissed and held each other tightly for a few more moments, their pulses both racing and their hips pressed together almost involuntarily. "We have to stop," kiss, "now or Mom will catch us." She stepped back and reached to the floor to pick up the tights she had dropped.

"Put these on if you like. I don't think I can help you with them. It's a little too much for me just now. But if you do wear them for me, just be sure to take them off before you get out of bed in the morning! I don't want Mom to find out I've been in here, okay?"

He agreed and they said good-night as she left, closing the door behind her. Magic. But he couldn't savor the moment -- he had to put on her tights, no matter what. He didn't turn on the light. Not only would it alert Mrs. Dale if she came down the hall, but the mere sight of his sexy clothing might drive him over the edge. He pulled on the smooth, snug tights and took the time to make sure they came all the way up and were situated perfectly over his panties and under his nightie. He imagined what his pink legs must look like with the pink night dress.

This time, when he lay down under the covers, he had no illusions that he'd be able to keep his hands away from his own body. He felt along his skin wherever pink nylon touched him, especially marveling at how he could feel faint tracings of lace through the tights.

And then came a soft knock and an opening of the door. "Jimmy? Are you still awake?" It was Mrs. Dale. At first, Jimmy thought he might be dreaming again, but he pinched himself to confirm what he already knew -- he was wide awake. This time, he decided he would not play possum. He didn't want Mrs. Dale looking under the covers and finding him in tights. "Uh, yeah, what's up?"

"I need to ask you to do me a favor." She walked up and sat down on the bed, wearing a robe and holding something white. "I'm not quite sure how to put this, but, well, you're a boy, and sometimes things happen with boys in their sleep. Things that are just not within their control. Things that might leave stains. I'm sure you have an idea of what I'm talking about."

This was unreal, but he slowly nodded to keep her from asking him any questions.

"Jimmy, this is one of my favorite nighties, and I love that you're wearing it, but I was hoping you could wear just a little tiny thing underneath it to help keep it pretty. I just don't think those panties will give you the right kind of support, if you know what I mean." He could barely see what she was holding as she held it in front of him.

"This is just a little something to give you some extra support and that would protect the nightie in case anything, you know, happened. It's kind of tight on me, but on you it should just feel a little snug. Would you wear it for me?"

"Uh, what is it?" He couldn't believe this, but he simply had to know what this new garment was.

"It's sort of a girdle. Really, it's a body briefer. Think of a swim suit, only it looks like underwear. A girl's swim suit, of course. You can wear it under your nightie to help keep everything... under control. Would you at least try it on? I know it's asking a lot, but it would really help me sleep better tonight, knowing you had it on."

"I guess I could," he said, as he reached to take it from her hand.

"No, I'm going to have to help you into it. I don't think you'd know how to do it in the dark. Now just stand up and take off your nightie. I can't see much, so you don't have to worry about your modesty. Please?"

Jimmy wanted to voice a protest, but he couldn't. He wanted to wear the body briefer. He wanted her to see him in panties. He wanted another kiss of approval. He cursed himself for thinking these things as he rose and pulled the nightie over his head, with some help from her. Then he remembered what else he was wearing. She would discover it too, but there was no way to back out of it now. Unbelievable. Maybe this was a dream after all.

She squatted down and held the garment open like a pair of panties. "Now step in. That's it. I'll just slide it up -- what's this? Are you wearing pantyhose again? What kind are these?" She ran her hands up and down his thighs, sending shivers through his body. And once again, he was standing in front of a Dale woman with a raging erection betraying his excitement -- this time with only the sheerest lace panties he'd ever seen and some pink tights to stand in between that and her face. Thank god for the darkness!


"Oh, they're tights. Jen came in and lent them to me. To help me stay warm, I guess." It occurred to him that he could have kept Jen out of this by claiming he had picked a pair out of her dresser himself. It'd be more embarrassing for him, but at least she'd be free of blame. But his mind simply didn't function clearly under the sensory assault of soft, tight nylon he was being subjected to. "She was just trying to help. And the ballet teacher told me I was supposed to wear tights before next class, to start getting used to them, so I thought, I don't know, maybe I should wear them now at night, instead of getting all excit-- all worried about having enough time to put them on in the morning under my pants." His heart pounded.

"Jimmy, that sounds like a wonderful idea, but I hope Jenny didn't twist your arm too much. She can be pushy sometimes. It doesn't bother me in the least that you're wearing tights, I was just concerned for you. But now that you're considering a ballet class, then it makes perfect sense for you to get used to wearing tights. Listen, don't tell her I was here tonight -- I don't want her to think I was checking up on the two of you. By all means, keep the tights on, but don't tell her I came in later, okay?"

He agreed, then blurted out "do you still want me to wear this thing?" It was so awkward and yet exhilarating to have this conversation with Mrs Dale while she was holding the body briefer like a pair of panties around his knees.

"Would you please?" she replied. "I know the tights give you support, but this would just really set my mind at ease. You can keep them on, just let me slide this up over them, see?" She deftly pulled the body briefer up, fitting it snugly over his hips, tights, and panties. Then she pulled it up higher, working it up over his waist, to his chest. The tugs and pulls he felt over his erection were setting off all kinds of fire alarms in his head. Even the sounds of the tight elastic material snapping against him were driving him crazy.

"Now give me one of your hands, to get the bra strap on. There." She slipped the strap up to his shoulder and smoothed it out. It fit rather tighter than the bra he'd worn. She followed up with the second strap, tugging upwards on the cups to stretch the lacy material more evenly, and finally smoothing her warm hands over his chest. She reached to get the nightie and he took a moment to look down and try to make out what he was wearing. It was white stretch lace and fit like a glove -- a tight one -- with underwires. He was about to faint.

As she draped the nightie back over his head, she told him, "Now if you need to use the bathroom, wear your robe so Jenny won't see the straps. And if you have to use the toilet at night, there is a catch at the bottom that opens up so you don't have to take everything completely off. Now I've really done it, haven't I? You're wearing a body briefer, panties, tights, and a night dress. With a little lipstick, you'd be all set. Jimmy, are you okay?"

He was stunned that she'd uttered words almost identical to what he had dreamed the night before! He couldn't speak, he could only nod and smile. She smiled back and motioned for him to get back to bed. As she leaned toward him, he could just make out the scalloped lace edging of her bra. She put a hand to his cheek and gave him another kiss on the mouth. His lips reacted, entirely against his wishes, by sliding ever so slightly against hers, seeming to want the kiss to linger. She smiled into his face, pecked his lips one more time, and got up to leave.

"Remember, Jimmy, take care not to let Jenny see you in that. Sweet dreams..." The door closed behind her.

Jimmy held still for the ten seconds he imagined it would take her to get back to her room, and then he turned on the small reading light by the bed. There'd be little risk of Jenny coming in a second time, and he simply had to get a better look at these garments.

He could plainly see the lace pattern of the body briefer through the sheer part of the nightie. It became obscured somewhat by the wide band of lace over his chest, and then emerged as a second set of bra straps stretched tautly over his shoulders. He rubbed his chest and felt the underwired cups rub against his skin. Then he pulled the material up over his thighs to see his pink ballerina legs, toes wiggling in their sheath.

If there was a crazier bedtime outfit than the bra, slip, and pantyhose of the other night, this was it. The pinkish colors, the sheer fabric with underlying lace, the layers covering his body -- it absolutely captivated him. If he had seen Jenny wearing this, he would have pounced upon her on the spot. Jimmy couldn't imagine any woman actually wearing this combination of garments to bed, but then again he didn't have much experience in that department. It actually would have been somewhat comfortable had Jimmy not been so close to exploding inside his panties for so long.

The thought of that sobered him for a moment. Mrs. Dale told him he needed extra "support", which was her euphemistic way of saying he might have another wet dream. She seemed to expect it. Was she onto him? Did she know how desperately happy he was that she gave him this nightie to wear instead of the t-shirt? It seemed likely, but it was also evident that she intended to preserve Jimmy's privacy and dignity, particularly in regards to what Jenny knew about him. Or not. It was all so confusing.

At length, he reluctantly decided not to ravage himself in bed that night, though his anatomy protested mutely under panties. While Mrs. Dale might be okay with it, Jenny was -- well, it was far too soon in their relationship to start dealing with things like this. He dared not stain her tights. He apparently got away with it before, but these tights were special and she might even ask for them in the morning. He turned out the light.

It took some effort, but he managed to lie still under the covers and pretend he was wearing pajamas. He kept his hands away from the nightie and far away from the bra-and-panty girdle underneath. And he dared not let his legs rub together in tights. Eventually, he fell asleep.

To Be Continued...

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