The Ballet Game - Chapter 17

Jimmy attempts to reconcile with Jenny, and the girls work on a plan to help him get out from under "Miss Elizabeth's" thumb. And, for a short while, they begin to play the Ballet Game...

The Ballet Game
Chapter 17
By Beffy Flowers


"Jimmy. Hi." Jenny looked tired but relatively composed.


Laura came out of her room, moving Jenny gently to one side. She extended a guarded look towards Jimmy and headed for the stairs down to the kitchen. Mrs. Dale was nowhere to be seen.

There was an uncharacteristic stillness in the hallway. A faint aroma of soup wafted from downstairs. The silence was excruciating.

"Well, I've got some homework to do. Bye." She started down the hall. Jimmy couldn't stand it. This silence and guardedness was even worse than the screaming.

"Wait. Jenny. Can we talk? I really need to talk with you. Please?"

She paused and cast a look back over her shoulder. "About what?"

"Come on, please. Come in here." He took her hand and pulled toward her bedroom door. After a slight hesitation, she allowed him to bring her in, close the door, and have her sit on the bed, while he remained standing.

"Jenny, this thing, this whole thing is just out of control. I don't know where to begin..."

"Well, just let me know when you figure that out," she said, as she started to rise.

"No, wait! Please stay and hear me out. I can't go another minute without talking with you." Her face softened imperceptibly and she sat back down.

"Jenny, I didn't want anything to do with that girl. I never have, and never will. I only even walked into that school because I thought I might get to see you there. She cornered me and I was embarrassed and afraid of what might happen if she, I don't know, told someone about me. About what I was wearing. It all happened so fast, and I was so confused."

Jenny replied, "Jimmy, I don't want to be part of your confusion..."

"See, that's just it! I'm not confused about you at all! I have never felt more sure about my feelings for someone in my life! I can't stop thinking about you, no matter where I am or what I'm doing! I've been looking forward to waking up every day this week just because I know I'll see your face! I get to go to school with you! In class I daydream about spending time with you, and what you'll look like next time I see you! I get to study with you after school. I even love this crazy stuff at night, when we're getting ready for bed! I *especially* love that part! I have never felt this way about anyone or anything before! It's driving me crazy, and it's turning my stomach inside out whenever we're not together, but it's not confusing at all!"

She held up a finger to stop him. "So what is confusing you? I know this whole thing with 'Miss Elizabeth' isn't exactly what I had imagined -- Mom talked me through some of that. But why didn't you just bust out of there? And why am I so insecure about you? How come I have NO IDEA how you feel about me? Why do I have to THROW myself at you day and night, and get not a word from you about me? About us? I mean, is it because we're living in the same house and you don't have to DATE me or something? What is it?"

Jimmy was shocked. But not speechless, thank goodness. "Oh Jenny. I, I..." Tears began streaming from his eyes. "I haven't talked about my feelings for you because I've never had these feelings before! I didn't know what you were thinking! I mean, we kissed and had such wonderful times here that I wanted -- I dreamed of having you as my girlfriend. But it all happened so fast, and I haven't had a chance to take it all in. I didn't want to scare you off. I thought you might think I was freaky enough already, without getting all weird about, you know, how much I care about you."

Her face was flushed, and her eyes widened as she asked "How much do you care about me?"

"Jenny, I, I love you. I love you more than anything. I have never met anyone like you, and I want to be part of your life forever. I love you SO MUCH! I want us to be boyfriend-girlfriend and go out on dates and see movies and go for walks and all that stuff! I want us to be together even when my mom comes home and I have to move out of here. I want the whole world to know that we're together. I am so tired of secrets and not knowing things -- I just want to tell everyone what's been going on here. That Jim and Jenny are together now, and they always will be! I..."

She interrupted him by leaping into his arms and embracing him tightly. He was surprised and staggered backward, but they kept their footing. They held each other like that for several minutes, not saying a word. Jimmy could feel her breath on his neck. He rubbed along the back of her shoulder with one hand. They would have remained in that position longer, but Mrs. Dale's voice came up from the kitchen, asking them to come to dinner.

Slowly, they stepped back and looked at each other, holding hands. Jenny's smile was the most beautiful thing Jimmy had ever seen. This was heaven.

"I guess we better go downstairs." Jenny led him down the hall to the kitchen, where they joined Laura and Mrs. Dale for dinner. Their shared conversation was light and cheerful -- and never touched upon the obvious and palpable change in chemistry between Jimmy and Jenny. It was unspoken, yet somehow he could tell that the other two women knew. Of course they knew, and not just because of all the drama they had already witnessed that day. They knew because they knew their Jenny. And they were getting to know Jimmy. And they were happy for the new little couple. Everyone's face just seemed lit up like a Christmas tree, to Jimmy.

After dinner, the girls sent their mother to relax in front of the TV, and then rejoined Jimmy to clean everything up in the kitchen. With Mrs. Dale safely out of earshot, Laura started asking for more details about what really happened at the ballet school.

"So, what room did she take you to, Jimmy?"

"Some kind of meeting room. Big table and some chairs, and some open space, and one mirror."

"How weird -- the conference room. Well, that makes sense. She knew nobody would disturb you there. And she made you take off your clothes while she was in the room?"

"Yeah. I mean, I finally got her to turn around so she wouldn't see me while I put on the leotard."

"So sick. She was actually posing as some kind of ballet professor, and putting you in a position like that. What did she say when she saw you had tights on?"

Jimmy paused a moment, "I guess she asked how they fit, and told me I'd have to wear them every time."

"She told you you'd 'have' to wear them? I mean, she's right -- students have to wear tights, but what language did she use?" Laura seemed especially interested now.

Jimmy sensed what she was getting at. "Well, um. When I hadn't put on the leotard yet, she said she'd take me down the hall to the main office, dressed like that, and then everyone would see me like that, and..."

Jenny interjected, "She was going to show you in just tights to all the girls?"

"Yeah, I think that's what she meant."

Laura asked, "And what did she say at the end? After she started attacking you? What did she want you to do? You know, for next time?"

Jimmy blushed, but didn't shy away from telling the girls. It was so liberating to be able to share things like this! "She told me I had to bring the tights and leotard and 'bra thing' and also wear that lipstick."

"So wait, does she know that we dress you up in girl tights and bras already?" Laura eyed him intently.

"Uh, no!"

She started pacing. "So she's threatening you. She thinks you're a weirdo who likes wearing bras and whatever, and she was working on you to get you wrapped around her little finger. And when that didn't work," she continued, "she threatened to expose you -- first to the school and then to us. She's figuring that you won't risk having anyone find out, especially Jenny here, so you'll do whatever she wants."

Laura paused for a moment, while Jenny rubbed his shoulder and had him sit on a chair. "You know, what she did is almost like statutory rape. I mean, given the age difference, the coercion, the whole situation. If she were a man, she could go to jail for something like this."

Jenny said "I think she SHOULD go to jail! What a monster!"

"No, really. She crossed a whole bunch of lines, today, and then all this blackmail stuff? God, she thinks she pretty much has him pinned down, now. But maybe that's just what we want her to think."

Jimmy was taken aback. "We do?"

"Yes! She thinks you're her tool now, but that's exactly how we're going to stop her!"

Jenny clutched his shoulders more tightly. "What do you mean?"

"We have to beat her at her own game! That's the only way to deal with a bully like her, don't you see? Even if Jimmy gets out of this situation somehow, he'll live in fear of her gossiping about his private business all over town! This isn't just about what she did to me anymore. She brought Jimmy into her little war, and that's where I draw the line. I know just how to put an end to this 'Miss Elizabeth' nonsense once and for all!"

Jimmy's voice somehow became a squeak. "You, you mean I tell her I won't do it?"

"No -- you tell her you WILL do it!"

Jenny and Jimmy both blinked at Laura in astonishment.

"You have to go in there tomorrow and wear all that stuff, just like she told you. Even the lipstick -- especially the lipstick. Go in and pretend like you're into it. You know, having another 'lesson' in a private room somewhere. I promise you that's exactly where she'll take you. She doesn't want to expose you -- not yet anyway."

Jenny hugged Jimmy from behind as she asked, "You WANT him to go get attacked again?" Her hands ran along the cups of his bra as she embraced him, and she gave him a questioning look.

"No, of course not. I want him to make her THINK she can attack him again. Or threaten him. Or something like that. But then we catch it on Mom's tape recorder! We'll put it in his gym bag and have the microphone poking out. All you have to do, Jimmy, is play along until she tells you to do something wrong. Then say you won't do it and wait for her to threaten you. But she has to say it out loud, okay? We have to get her to say it loud and clear, which for her shouldn't be a problem. Then you just grab your gym bag and run outside where we'll be waiting!"

"But you really have to play along or she'll get suspicious. You have to come dressed up in her leotard and whatever else she said. Just be normal and don't say much -- let her do the talking and go along with anything she says. The more you get her talking, the better. Let her think you're scared of her and she'll fall right into our trap."

"I won't have to pretend. I AM scared of her!" Jimmy gulped.

"I know, but that's okay. That's good. Just keep her talking. The minute she says something incriminating, you get out of there and I'll deal with her myself. But it's got to be something good. Not just 'you are a naughty student', but something where she threatens you if you don't do what she says."

Jimmy was pale. "Are you sure this is going to work?"

"Trust me, Jaybird, this is the ONLY thing that's going to work. Once we have that tape, we can tell her that she'll be arrested and hauled off to jail if she even THINKS about messing with you, me or anyone else in this family ever again!"

Jenny squeezed him and kissed his neck. "My god, Jimmy, can you do this?" He could feel her fingers tracing the seams of his bra cups through his t-shirt.

"I, uh, I guess I can try. I just, well, I need to bring that, um, girdle thing then. Should we tell your mom?"

Laura's eyes widened. "No way! She would never allow something like this. She, well, she just doesn't understand. But I bet you're thinking she's going to get it back from you. Don't worry. If Mom wants her girdle back tonight, I'll get it back to you in the morning. She'll never know the difference. So it's the girdle, tights, and leotard? Is that all?"

Some pink returned to his face. "Uh, well, I was wearing some uh, panties underneath. But I don't think she saw them."

"Nope, you better wear panties too, then. If she should somehow ask about them or find out you're wearing panties, then that'll make it all the more convincing. We just have to make sure they're really cute."

"I can take care of that!" Jenny interjected. She rubbed against the front of his bra, massaging playfully.

"And we'll do your lipstick just before you head over there. God, are you wearing a bra again?"

Jimmy jolted. "You mean after school? Like, AT our school?"

"Of course, Jimmy! If we did it right in front of the ballet school, she might see us!"

Jenny shifted to his side, still hugging him. "Don't worry, we'll do it somewhere private and you'll just have to walk across a few parking lots. Nobody will notice. It's just pink, it's not like it's dark red." As Jenny kissed him, Laura's hand flashed over to pull his t-shirt up just long enough to see the bra.

"Oh, this is the bra from earlier, right? Good lord, you two. Jenny, stop groping your boyfriend in the kitchen!"

Jimmy and the girls laughed and then spent a few more minutes going over the details again as they finished cleaning up. Mrs. Dale was pleasantly surprised when she walked in moments later to refill her glass. "My goodness, you've all been so helpful tonight! Jimmy, you're being a good influence again!" She put her glass down and gave him a pat on the back. "Oh dear, are you stuck wearing a bra again? Jenny, it's not even bedtime yet! Hasn't this poor boy been through enough today?"

"Mom, I..."

"It's okay, Mrs. Dale. This is the bra she gave me earlier, when she was going to help me see what it was like to be a ballerina."

Mrs. Dale kept her hand on the bra clasp at his back. "Are you sure? Do you want me to help you out of it now? I'll be glad to take it off for you, unless you want to let Jenny play dress-up some more. There's still time before bed, especially with all the help you've given tonight."

Jenny jumped up. "Oh yes! Please, Jimmy, Mom says it's okay! Let me please dress you up in my ballet stuff! At least just a little? Please? After all this drama, can't we play just a little?" She gave him a peck on the lips, which brought a deep blush to his cheeks since Mrs. Dale was still standing by him.

"Yes, Jenny, let's do that." His tingles returned with a vengeance as Jenny grabbed him by the hand and pulled him urgently up the stairs towards her bedroom, with a cheerful Laura following behind.

Jimmy was almost dazed by the barrage of tingles attacking him all over his body. He and Laura sat on the bed as Jenny pulled out a typical long-sleeved pink leotard and a clean pair of tights from his suitcase -- which was still holding her dancewear so he'd have an empty drawer to use in her dresser. She decided on a pair of white panties with lacy trim that would go along with his bra well enough. And then she dispatched Laura to get a ballet skirt from her room.

"I know I was going to try to figure out a ballet chicken costume, but this might be my only chance to dress you up like this, and so I'm putting you in my favorite stuff tonight. I hope you don't mind." She kissed his cheek and smiled warmly at him.

"I don't mind at all, Jenny. I, er, I like this stuff." He was madly in love with her and almost trembled as her lips touched him again.

"Okay, Jimmy -- you take off your boy clothes and put on your panties and tights. And hurry up! I think Laura's going to play, too!" Laura poked her head back in the room to ask Jenny about different skirt options. "Come on, Laura, let's both get dressed in your room, and then we can talk about skirts!" Jenny dashed out of the room, giggling. Laura smiled broadly at him.

"You think you can get those girly little panties and pink pantyhose on by yourself? I can give you a hand, if you want..." Her head cocked to one side as her beautiful hair cascaded over one shoulder.

"I think I can do it. I can try, at least." He was completely pink in the face at this point. Laura waved and left the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

Jimmy took a moment to breath, and then stood up and took off everything except Jenny's bra. Without hesitation, he pulled on the white panties and did his best to stretch them over his full erection. Ignoring that little problem, he pulled on her pink ballet tights, enjoying the slight scent of perfume that seemed to permeate all of Jenny's clothing. He took his time, especially in getting the panty portion seated properly over his hips. The tight nylon helped mask his excitement, but only slightly. His body reacted to the tights every time like it was the first.

He decided to plunge ahead into the leotard as well, even though the girls were still away. Anything to hide what was happening below his waist. He gathered it up and pulled it on like a pair of panties, then slowly and carefully wriggled and wormed his arms into the long pink sleeves. A fair amount of lace from the bra cups peeked out over the neckline, so he did his best to stretch it higher. As he heard the girls approaching, however, he was aghast at the obviousness of his physical excitement. In a panic, he sat down and put a pillow on his lap, the way Laura had shown him the other day.

The girls walked in, both wearing similar pink leotards and tights. Jimmy was simply stunned by how beautiful they were. He wondered whether they'd all put on ballet shoes, but for the moment everyone was in their stocking feet, and he found that even more exciting for some reason.

"Oh, you've already put on your leo! How awesome to have a boyfriend who can figure out how to get into one of those!" Jenny was glowing with delight. "We brought a few different things to try. I don't really have a plan, here, I just wanted to see what you looked like. Stand up and let's see!" He was almost in pain from the strength of his erection, and hesitated, glancing briefly at Laura.

"Uh, Jenn, maybe you should put on some music." Jenn happily agreed and pranced over to her little stereo for a moment. Laura sidled up to him and gave him a knowing look. She bent over and whispered, "let me put this skirt on you real quick!" As he reluctantly stood, she grabbed the pillow and tossed it on the bed. She smirked at the sight of his bulge, plainly visible under the leotard. Just as Jenn turned around, light new age music drifting across the room, Laura had him turned away from Jenn and a wrap-around ballet skirt halfway around his waist.

Jenny ran over to help, and as Laura tied it off, Jenny adjusted it and pulled it higher on his waist. It was so short and sheer, it barely covered anything down there, but he was vaguely relieved to see that it did somehow camouflage his anatomy just barely. "This is just so pretty on you! I love wearing these -- I wish I could be dressed like this all the time!" Jenny put on another skirt, but Laura opted out.

"Oh Jimmy, how does it feel to finally be dressed up in a ballet costume? Are you sorry you didn't sign up for that little ballet recital now?" Her eyes gleamed at him.

"I, uh, well I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been wearing stuff like this." He picked up the hem of his skirt and played with the pink material.

After a pregnant pause, Laura asked "so what should we do? A ballet dance or something?"

"I don't know," Jenny said. "I don't really want to make this like school. I kind of just want to have fun and enjoy this. Maybe we could just hang around the house, watch TV or something?"

"Mom might not be into having us parade Jimmy around the house like that," Laura said. "I mean, she's letting us dress him up, but I don't think she wants us to push it. Somebody might see us through the window. And besides, I think you just want to sit under a blanket on the couch next to your boyfriend and play footsie!"

Jenny's face went bright pink as she laughed. "Well? Is that so bad? Can't I spend a little time with my wonderful boyfriend?" She put her arms around him and went in for a lingering kiss. He could feel her skirt brushing against his, and then her bust squeezed against him. More importantly, he felt a warm flush every time he heard her use the word "boyfriend".

Laura cocked her head again as she looked at them. "You know, we've got this nice music on. We could just stay here and play the ballet game..." She bit her lip and looked at her sister.

Jenny jumped slightly and turned around. "The what?"

"You know. The ballet game. Remember?" Laura picked a piece of lint off Jenny's shoulder. "Don't tell me you forgot."

"No, I didn't forget. I just, I just didn't think of it. I mean, maybe."

Jimmy asked "what's the ballet game?"

"Oh it's just this silly game we used to play a couple of years ago." Laura laughed. "We got so into this ballet stuff, and we made up a little game just for fun. It's no different from a hundred other silly games girls play when they get together. It's kind of a cross between ballet and spin the bottle."

Jenny's blush was vivid. Laura noticed this, "Or we could do something else. We could..."

"No! Let's do it! I want to." Jenny was taken with sudden enthusiasm.

"I'll start," said Laura. "I'm the leader now, and you both have to do whatever I say. If you do it right, then one of you gets to be the leader. If you do it wrong, then you have to tell us a secret. Ready?"

Jimmy was nervous, but glad for a chance to move around and hopefully shake off his erection. Jenny seemed quiet.

"Oh, and I should probably warn you, the stuff we made each other do was usually a little -- racy." Without pausing, Laura told them to start doing a waltz together. She watched them closely, and gave them numerous directions on exactly how to dance. "Hold your elbow up higher. Slow down a little. Closer. I want to see your toes touching when you step. Closer!" This went on for a couple of minutes, and by the end, Jenny and Jimmy were in a near embrace. Their movements pushed their hips together numerous times. Even with the skirt, Jimmy was convinced that Jenny and Laura could see his excitement pulsing away.

"Wow, guys! Great job! You both win! Now who wants to go next?" Laura went to close the bedroom door, quietly.

"Let Jimmy go next." Jenny rubbed his pink arm.

"Oh, no. I don't know what to do."

"Oh alright, I'll do it next. Let's see -- you and Laura have to twirl each other like disco dancers..." She went on to have Laura hold one hand up with Jimmy hold it, so she could spin. He wasn't really tall enough to do this, so they kept bumping into each other and laughing. Then Jenny had him hold Laura in a dip. They fell, him on top her her, almost immediately, and he could feel his body sliding against her silky thigh. Against his will, his own legs clamped onto her for a split second, before he jumped up.

"No, you have to try again! Don't let her fall, silly! Get your balance and hold her closer, there, like that!" They held the pose for a moment, and Jenny issued her final instruction. "Now you have to kiss her!"

Jimmy was shocked. "Uh, is this what you guys used to do when you played this game before?"

"Oh, we did some crazy stuff, Jaybird." Laura giggled as she nestled against him. "Come on and kiss me -- I won't bite! Jenny and I have kissed hundreds of times!"

Jimmy gave her a quick peck on the lips and then hoisted her back up.

Jenny complained, "Hey, no fair! First you drop her and then you cheat on the kissing? Come on, Laura, show him what to do."

They reversed roles. Laura lifted Jimmy's hand high, and he tried to spin. He laughed and tripped a few times, but soon got the hang of it. Then, abruptly, Laura pulled his arm around and expertly spun him down into a dip with perfect grace. She looked straight into his eyes, smiled, and gave him a full lipped kiss that seemed to go on for half a minute. She punctuated it with one quick peck, and lifted him back up, laughing.

"Now see? That's what you were supposed to do, Jimmy! So now it goes back to Laura, because you have to do better than that." Jenny gave him a quick hug and a pat on the bottom.

"See, Jimmy, we came up with games like this to embarrass each other, play with hormones, you know. Typical teen girls." Jimmy managed a slight nod, but was rather shocked by this statement. He had no idea girls felt as stricken by puberty as boys.

Laura hummed and squinted at them, trying to think of another suitable task. "How bout one of our old favorites -- you have to put bras and panties on each other, blindfolded!" Jenny was immediately delighted and ran to her dresser to grab some undergarments. Laura tied a scarf around Jimmy's head to cover his eyes, saying "don't worry, Jimmy, this will be on top of your leotards!" When she finished tying another scarf on Jenny, they got started.

"Jimmy, let's do bras first. Let me get this one on -- hold out your arms." He did so, and bumped straight into Jenny's bust, eliciting shrieks of laughter. She managed to loop the straps onto his arms, slide it into place, and strap it tightly around his chest. She even reached around from behind to smooth out the cups, while Laura did a wolf-whistle. "Now do me!"

Jimmy knew a little something about bras, having worn them the past few days, but it was still very difficult without being able to see. He got the straps onto her arms and pulled it tight around her, but she told him the band was too high and was running right over her breasts. So he gingerly pulled it lower and had to feel his way a bit, touching her leotard a number of times, eliciting shrieks of laughter from both of the girls. But when it came time to close the clasp at her back, he couldn't do it. He still didn't know how these clasps really worked, and after struggling for a few minutes he allowed Laura to help him get it done.

Getting Jenny into a pair of panties was much easier, and afforded him the chance to run his hands up her soft legs, feeling her warmth. His body ached with excitement. When Jenny started pulling panties up his own pink legs, he felt a dangerous surge of tingles coming on. She groped his rear laughingly as she pulled the panties up snugly under his skirt. He was deeply grateful for the fact that she was blindfolded, and he shuddered at the thought of what Laura must be seeing.

When they were finished, Laura had them kiss before taking off their blindfolds and extra lingerie. Jenny's tongue played along his lips, and again he wondered what Laura must be seeing. He asked for help in getting his extra bra off, which Jenny was all too happy to do. He was about to offer to unsnap hers, but she expertly popped the clasp herself. Seeing her take off a bra, even on top of other clothes, made Jimmy dizzy with tingles.

"Now Jimmy, you're not trying hard enough. You couldn't get her bra on, so you lose. Jenny, it's your turn again!"

Jenny jumped up and down. "Okay, freeze dance!" For this game, Jimmy and Laura were guided through an abstract dance, but had to stop and hold their position whenever Jenny said "freeze!"

She had them kneel down and pretend to be flowers, petals blowing in the breeze. She even kissed them both, saying she was the bee looking for their pollen. Then she had Laura stand like a tree while Jimmy pretended to be a vine growing up her legs. "Freeze!" She giggled as Jimmy waited, clutching loosely to Laura's thigh. He could feel his waist sliding slightly against her nylon legs as they breathed. Then she had Laura be a jellyfish, wrapping her tentacle arms around Jimmy's waist, and stay frozen with her face inches from his ballet skirt, and what lay beneath.

Finally she had Jimmy roll around like a log while Laura jumped over him. When Jenny yelled "freeze" in mid jump, Laura just fell belly down on him, straddling him playfully with her legs. They had to remain motionless, but Jimmy pulsed beneath her. His penis had a will of its own and pushed vigorously into Laura's hips. She was quite aware of this, as her eyes widened a little and she broke a smile.

"Gravity! You are getting heavier and heavier!" Jenny pushed down on her sister's body, eliciting more giggles. Then she sat lightly on top, straddling Laura, who quaked with laughter.

Jimmy was out of his mind trying to hold himself together, but it was a losing battle. He was pinned down, wearing the sexiest things he could imagine, with two beautiful girls on top of him. He had been kissing and touching all evening, and could smell their sweet perfume and the scent of Laura's chewing gum wash over him. And now that she kept laughing and shifting under Jenny's weight, rubbing her thighs unintentionally back and forth over his -- he was dangerously close to an eruption.

"Wait! I'll go get the bean bag!" Jenny raced out of the room, and Laura took the opportunity to lift her body off Jimmy. He tried to straighten up, but became stunned when he looked down between their bodies and saw nothing but stretchy pink nylon -- with the front of his skirt twitching as if asking for the horseplay to resume. He looked up at her and caught her eye just as she swooped in to peck him on the lips. "You're sweet. But I have to wonder if there's still a boy down here..." She sat up on his thighs, and after a quick glance at the door she looked at him up and down. "Yes, there is definitely a boy down here under this little skirt! But I have a feeling Jenn's going to make you wear something girlie tonight!"

She playfully flounced his skirt around his waist. The sheer material was barely touching him, but it sent lightning bolts of tingles through his body. "Our guest still has no pajamas, so he's going to have to wear beautiful things to bed again tonight! Does he mind wearing pink pantyhose? Such cute pink panty tights for a ballerina? Poor boy has to wear girls tights! But they make his buns look sooo cute!" She bent over to give him a peck on the nose. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't do this to you, but it's so *easy*!"

With a grunt she launched herself off of his legs. He was dazed and in agony from intense, prolonged arousal, and continued to lay prone on the floor though instinct told him to sit up. "Jeez, Jimmy, you better use that pillow trick again before Jenny gets back!"

His orgasm came swiftly and without warning the moment the pillow landed on his hips. Having tossed it over, Laura was now straightening out her hair in one of the mirrors. He curled up on his side, turning away from Laura and the door, feeling intense embarrassment along with his climax. Daring not to move or even look, he tried to focus his mind on baseball. To his surprise, the shudders within his panties ended early, though it probably had more to do with the halt in direct stimulation than with sports statistics. It was over in a brief moment. The gods *were* merciful, sometimes.

Seizing the lull, Jimmy rolled over onto hands and knees and stood up, trying to lean forward and allow his anatomy to take shelter within whatever folds and drapes his sheer little skirt would provide. His face was awash in pink. Laura did not notice -- she seemed preoccupied with the mirror -- but did comment "I swear, Jimmy, I see horny boys all the time, but never anyone as *perpetual* as you. I think you're going to make my sister very happy one day. Just don't tell her I said that -- hey, where you going?"

Jimmy was slinking toward the door and muttered a reply without stopping, "have to go to the bathroom." He couldn't feel much wetness yet, but kept his body turned slightly away from Laura just in case. He also gave the hem of his skirt a tug, smoothing it down and then fluffing it in front. His tingles jumped as he neared the door, however. His own body now seemed to expect surprises whenever he walked out into that hallway, and that was hammered home vigorously when he ran into Jenny with a white bean bag clutched at her waist.

"Where are you *going*, Jaybird? We're not finished with the game yet!"

"Just need to go to the bathroom..." His blush turned a darker pink as he dashed for the cover of the bathroom door. Somehow he maintained enough control to avoid slamming it. He turned on the fan, locked the door, and finally felt some relief from his sense of impending doom.

He was totally committed to being honest with Jenny now, but that just didn't apply to surprise orgasms. Up came the front of his skirt -- thank the gods there was no stain visible! Not yet, anyway. Hastily, he pulled off the skirt and wriggled the leotard down off his chest and hips. He meant for it to drop to the floor, but the material was so stretchy that it clung to his thighs in a bunch. Still no stain! Gingerly, he pulled the waistband of his tights out then down. The white panties seemed to have held it in. The nylon material was opaque, if thin, and did not have lace over the part that held his still-erect anatomy in place. When he peeled them down, he was relieved to see that the size of the spill was relatively small. The panties were stained for sure, but after vigorously applying wads of toilet paper Jimmy could not really tell where the accident happened.

He took a few more moments to use the toilet, clean himself up, and carefully reapply his ballerina outfit. His penis had shrunk back almost to normal size, and he did what he could to tuck things down and out of sight. His heart rate was still high, but on the outside things looked normal. He chuckled at the thought of looking "normal" while dressed in such insane clothing.

When Jimmy returned to Jenny's bedroom, he found Jenny lying face down on the bed, reading a book. Laura had left. He paused for a moment to stare in amazement at Jenny's curves, and the way her feet played with each other. She was stunning. Her tiny ballet skirt had bunched up over her hips, leaving her pink rear exposed, and he could see one white bra strap peeking out from under the scoop-neck of her leotard. He marveled at the thought that she could walk around like that -- essentially wearing a pair of panties -- and yet still be shy about being seen in her underwear. A leotard, or a bikini for that matter, was modest enough for public display, but the moment a touch of lace came into the picture it had to stay hidden, secret.

"Oh! I didn't hear you come in! Mom said we had to stop messing around and do some studying now. Want to break out your books and come sit with me? Please please don't change out of your ballerina clothes, okay? Just stay the way you are and come over here..."

Jimmy could think of absolutely nothing he'd rather do.

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