Twisted Dreams Chapters 9 - 15

Alexander, at 16 is the only son of an aging criminal, and is left alone for most of the time. He has a secret, and lives in a fantasy world of the internet chat rooms where he can be Sandi, the vivacious and sexy pretty girl of his dreams.

But events catch up with his father, and Alex is forced to become Sandi to escape the gangsters who are after his Dad.

But Sandi does more than be a disguise. And the girl is here to stay.

Tanya's Book Shop where she is selling her works in book form is at . Please Visit!

Originally written in 2004, revised in 2009.
Unfortunately, no politicians were injured or killed in the writing of this story, and no one else was either.
The Legal Stuff:Twisted Dreams  ©2004, 2009 Tanya Allan

This work is the property of the author, and the author retains full copyright in relation to printed material, whether on paper or electronically. Any adaptation of the whole or part of the material for broadcast by radio, TV, or for stage plays or film, is the right of the author unless negotiated through legal contract. Any commercial use by anyone other than the author is strictly prohibited.
This work is fictitious, and any similarities to any persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental. Mention is made of persons in public life only for the purposes of realism, and for that reason alone. Certain licence is taken in respect of medical procedures, terms and conditions, and the author does not claim to be the fount of all knowledge.
The author accepts the right of the individual to hold his/her (or whatever) own political, religious and social views, and there is no intention to deliberately offend anyone. If you wish to take offence, that is your problem.

This is only a story, and it contains adult material, which includes sex and intimate descriptive details pertaining to genitalia. If this is likely to offend, then don’t read it.
Chapter 9
The show was held in one of the hotel’s banqueting rooms, with the catwalk stretching across the room and chairs placed all around. There was a small raised platform at one end, and a door leading back to another antechamber, which I used as the dressing room.

The place was packed, numbers no doubt added to by press anxious to see the girl who took out a mugger.

I strutted my stuff, and there was an explosion of flash bulbs every time I appeared. I found it all very amusing so the smile was completely natural. The make up girl was not as good as Hazel, but together we did okay. I had the hang of what Hazel did, so I took it as a personal challenge to manage my own make up.

About half way through, I saw Dave and Mike appear. Both were looking really tanned and healthy, wearing American football shirts and shorts. I blew them a kiss, which caused some press to glance their way. It was really strange, as I was unsure as to how I would feel seeing him again, but now I did, I felt all warm and fuzzy.

Having him watching me gave me an extra spring in my step, and my smile was even bigger. I flirted with those males I could see, and really enjoyed the second half.

The show was a success, and it was ready to go on the road. Natasha had six to do over the next couple of weeks; in Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, L.A., Miami and ending up at Washington D.C.. As I sat and changed into my own clothes backstage, I wondered how much time I would get to myself.

Natasha breezed in.

“Alex, Darling. You were fabulous, where you got that extra from in the second part, I’ll never know, but everyone is raving about you. I have record enquiries and the orders are flooding in already.”

I simply smiled, and she retreated back to talk to her many admirers. I was wearing a beautiful fawn dress, courtesy of the Kysinski label, and matching shoes. Natasha had given me several really nice outfits from the summer range, just to give her added publicity if I was photographed ‘off duty’.

I had two days in New York before we set off for Chicago, so I intended to spend some of my ill-gotten gains on clothes.

Dave was waiting for me by the door. We stared at each other for a few moments.

Then I was in his arms, and it was as if that was where I was meant to be.

We just held each other for quite a long time, finally he held me at arms length.

“Look at you. Shit Sandi, you have changed.”

“You look good too.”

“Not like you. Bloody hell, you’re amazing.”

“Thanks, but it’s all in the makeup.”

He shook his head.

“Don’t be daft, it’s all of you. It’s as if you have blossomed while we have been apart. My God, Sandi, I have missed you so much.”

He drew me close, kissing me, so I tingled all over. That yearning I had for him before returned, but tenfold. The kiss went on, and on, and on. The passion mounted and I felt him becoming aroused, as I was. I broke off.

“Thanks,” I said.

He frowned.

“What for?”
“Reminding me.”

“Of what?”

“That I think I love you.”

He drew me back in to him.

“Did you ever doubt?”

“I don’t know, possibly. I was so alone. You went away, Dad is still away, and Jenny’s dad chucked me out of the hotel. I just felt left out.”

“Were you really chucked out?”

“Not really, I volunteered to go. After the kidnapping I was under police protection and I didn’t want to bring trouble to the hotel.”

He stroked my hair away from my face.

“You are so beautiful. I can’t believe I went away and left you. I love you so much.”

He kissed again.

Mike came in, and grinned.

“Thank fuck. Sandi, he has been bloody useless ever since we arrived. He kept pining for you, and when Jenny told us about the kidnapping, he was ready to jump on a plane then and there.”

I looked at Dave and he nodded.

“Sweet Dave, you would have done that for me?”

“If I thought I could have done any good. But to be honest, I got to the desk and the price was too much for me.”

“You went to the airport?”

He nodded, sheepishly.

“Oh Dave,” I said, and hugged him.

I broke off after a while.

“How long are you here?” I asked.

Mike shrugged and looked at Dave.

“We’ve no plans. We were in a 7/11 and saw the papers this morning. So I thought we would have to catch up with you. Jenny said you were modelling, and I was gob smacked when I saw you today. You look so professional,” Dave said.

“Well you found me, so now what?”

“I dunno. How long are you in New York? We were going to hang around for a couple of weeks, and then head south to Florida for our last couple of weeks. That will give us a couple of weeks before uni,” Mike said.

“What are your plans?” Dave asked, so I told him my schedule.

“We can’t cover that sort of ground, although it sounds fun.”

“I’ll be busy for most of it anyway,” I said.

The door opened and Simon appeared.

“Hey Sandi, they want you,” he said.

“Okay, Simon, thanks. This is Dave Carter, my boyfriend from England. And this is Mike, his friend. Isn’t it great? They saw the papers and tracked me down,” I said.

“Hi Dave. I heard about you,” Simon said.

“Dave, this is Simon Haddow. His mother is the designer whose clothes I’m modelling. Simon was in the carriage with me when we were mugged last night.”

The guys shook hands, but I had to smile as they eyed each other dreadfully. I had never experienced male rivalry on my behalf before, and it was quite flattering.

Simon was bigger than Dave, actually he was bigger than anyone else I knew. But Dave was lean and looked a lot more with it. Simon had a slightly lethargic look about him, as very large guys sometimes had a tendency to.

“Hey are you guys coming to the party tonight?” Simon asked.

“Party?” all three of us said in unison.

“Yeah. There is a party at Flames, it is a nightclub downtown. Didn’t you know, Sandi?”

“Nope, you just told me.”

“Hey, it isn’t too late to rent a tux, so come on, join us,” Simon said. I was amazed, he hardly spoke that much in the entire previous evening.

Dave and Mike looked at each other, and I knew the problem.

“Hey guys, I’ll pay for the suits. Okay?” I said, “Besides, it will give you something to so while I finish up here.”

“Hey, why don’t you come with me? Sandi has a press call and Mom wants her close by for the publicity. So, I could do with getting out and this is as good excuse as any,” Simon said.

Dave gave me a kiss and a squeeze, and left with Simon. I was sad to see him go, but as soon as they were gone, I found myself plunged into the press arena.

It was hectic, as I was surrounded by reporters and photographers. We moved into Central Park, where they asked me to pose for hundreds of pictures. Meanwhile, they bombarded me with questions, from what I ate for breakfast to which sexual positions I enjoyed. My father was also a keen topic, and I tended to blank them. I saw the FBI agents hovering at the sides, looking rather nervous and unsure.

Finally, they decided that they had milked me for everything they could, and I retired to the relative safety of the hotel. Natasha gushed with praises for me, and was totally over-the-top as always, but I felt it had gone really well.

“Have you seen Simon?” she asked.

“Yeah, he took the guys to rent some tuxedos,” I said.

“The guys?” she asked, frowning.

“Yes, Dave and Mike, my friends from England. They just happened to be in town, and dropped in. So, Simon asked them to the party tonight. I never knew about the party,” I said.

“Oh, I must have forgotten to mention it,” she said, but she seemed rather put out.

“These friends, who are they exactly?” she asked.

“David Carter and his friend Mike, they used to go to my school, and they are over here until they start university in the autumn. I suppose Dave is the nearest thing to being my boyfriend.”

“Your boyfriend? You never mentioned a boyfriend?”

“Sorry, I did actually, but it didn’t seem relevant. Besides, they are heading south in a few days, and we are heading west.”

She frowned, but then smiled, as if working out how to arrange to get Simon closer to me over the next few weeks. She was so transparent, she liked everything to go her way, and I began to feel very sorry for Simon.

“I want you to wear one of the evening dresses from the collection tonight.”

“Fine, can I choose?”

“Of course.”

“Then I’d like to wear the black one with no back. It is lovely,” I said, without hesitation, as it was a dream of a dress.

She smiled, as she adored having her creations praised, knowing that the extra publicity would help establish orders.

I collected it from the place it was being stored, and on my way back to my room, at about six pm, I met the guys. They were in high spirits and had managed to secure decent evening attire.

Simon kept looking at me strangely, and I was uncertain what I felt about him. He was just such a gentle bloke, but by feeling sorry for him, I found I had a tender spot for him in my heart.

We all went to my room, and Dave and Mike went very quiet when they took in the splendour I was living in. Dave took one look at the double beds and then at me. I blushed and looked away.

I had often imagined him in bed with me and making love to me. But now that it was a real possibility, I found that I was a little scared. I had been to my doctor, and had been on the pill since my last period, but that was in case, rather than for anything planned. Things were moving so fast in my life that I was less in control now than I had ever been.

Mike turned on the TV, and an American baseball game was on, and Simon started telling them what was happening and why. I was forgotten, so I felt a little miffed. All this time without seeing him, and now Dave was watching some silly game.

“Ahem,” I said, and only he looked up.

I was standing with my hands on my hips, and he got the message. He grinned sheepishly, stood up and came over to me.

“Sorry. We got on well with Simon, he’s cool.”

He wrapped his arms around me, and I smiled. This was better.

“So, what time do we have to go out?”

I shrugged.

“It’s an after dinner thing, so I thought we could go and have dinner somewhere, and go on from there,” Simon said, without turning round. I smiled, he was always aware of what was going on around him, he was a lot more astute than he looked.

“Do you know a fancy restaurant that we could go to?” I asked.

He nodded. “I’ll make a reservation for four, if you like?”

“Aren’t you eating with Natasha?”

He coloured slightly. I understood and smiled.

“Oh, I get it,” I said, and he went redder.

“What?” asked David.

“Nothing,” I said, and smiled at Simon.

“Come on, what?” Dave said, frowning.

“My Mom wants us to get together,” Simon explained.

“What, you and Sandi?”

“Yeah,” he said, going even redder.

Dave looked at me, and I smiled, I still had my arms around him.

“What do you feel about it?”
“I’m fine, I have my bloke, and Simon knows that and respects it.” I said. He smiled, but he I could tell that he was not entirely happy.

Simon went to the phone and made a reservation for the four of us at La Maison. It was a French restaurant not far from Flames.

I went into the bathroom and had a shower, I had worked hard all day, so was gently glowing, as polite ladies said. Actually, I had been sweating like a horse, but the antiperspirants had worked a treat. I took my evening clothes in with me, and was going bra-less tonight, as the evening dress displayed my naked back, so I could not show a bra strap.

I slipped on my stockings and suspender belt. I loved the feel of the stockings, as the sheer smoothness was mildly exciting. I slipped on some black lace panties, which were so small as to be a token covering only. By the time I slipped on the dress, I was partially aroused. I came out of the bathroom, and the boys were still engrossed in the game.

I sat at the dressing table, and concentrated on getting my make up just right. I went from a damp seventeen year old to looking like a twenty five year old vamp.

The dress was amazing, and I simply adored it, it was so elegant and felt wonderful against my skin.

My hair was flowing across my shoulders, and I knew that I looked pretty damn hot. I put on some of the diamonds that Dad had given me, and I nodded at the result. The drop earrings, matching necklace and a lovely ring looked just the ticket with the black dress. I was a far cry to that miserable boy of a few months ago.

I turned round, and found myself staring into Simon’s eyes. He had been watching me and not the game. Dave and Mike were oblivious, and I experienced a strange tug on my emotions.

I smiled, and he smiled back, then he looked down, only to look up, with a faintly sad expression on his face. Dave turned round and saw me.

“Wooah. Sandi, you look scrumptious, babe,” he said, and would have come and messed up my carefully applied make up.

“Dave, anything but ‘Babe’, okay?” I said.

“Okay, anything you say. Should we get changed now?” he asked Simon.

Simon was still looking at me, and I felt the colour rise in my face. I licked my lips and he reddened, and shook his head slightly. Then he turned at spoke to Dave.

“Yeah. If you guys come to my room, we can change there.”

They left, and I found myself in a rather confused state, I had fallen for two guys, and they were so different.

Dave was my rock, the boy who had been there for me when I went through my troubles, and yet although I loved being with him and he made me feel good, he was from my home town, and was a ticket to a secure but possibly a rather dull existence.

Simon was something else, I found him charming and gentle, and he made me feel safe. He represented a different world, and one in which I had never been anything other than who I was now. I found that appealed to me, for Dave would always remember Alex, and that was not something I wanted to have in my life anymore.

I stared out of my window, and tried to get my thoughts in order. I thought that I loved Dave, or was it just a sex thing? Well, I didn’t have to do anything, did I? I could just play the waiting game, and see what happened. Perhaps Mr Right had yet to come into my life, or perhaps it was Dave, or even Simon.

I felt frustrated, and then I thought of Natasha, with her scheming ways. I almost decided not to even consider Simon because of that, and then felt sorry for him again.


Why couldn’t life be easy?

On a whim, I called Jenny in England, and to my delight she was still up, as it was around midnight at home.

“Hi Jenny, it’s Sandi.”

“Sandi? Oh my God, where are you?”

“In New York. I’ve met up with Mike and Dave. We are all going out to dinner together, and then to a night club.”

“Oh that sounds great. I spoke to Mike a few days ago, and told him about you. How is he?”

“He’s great. He misses you, and Dave is the same old Dave.”

“That sounds ominous. What’s up?”

“I don’t know, if I did it would be easier. I suppose Dave knew me as Alex, and I have left all that behind me. I still feel a lot for him, but I think I’ve changed too much. He seems to be the same, and I have moved on.”

“Don’t make any mistakes, just see what happens,” she suggested.

I smiled. “That’s exactly what I plan to do.”

“Have you met anyone else?”

“Sort of. Not really, it’s just the son of the fashion designer, he’s quite sweet, and I think he has fallen for me big time.”

“Is he hunky?”

“Jenny, he’s massive. He must be about six-six, and built like a brick shithouse. But he’s very sweet and gentle.”

“Uh-oh. Careful girl, you’re getting complicated.”

“Tell me about it. So the way I see things, I plan to stay neutral and let them fight it out.”

She laughed.

“I wish I was there,” she said.

“So do I. How’s the hotel?”

“Very busy. I’m working full time, and even Dad misses you. We’re so short of waitresses.”

“My waitressing days are over,” I said.

“Lucky you.”

At that moment Simon and the guys returned. I waved at them.

“Mike’s back, do you want to talk to him?”

“Oh yes, please.”

“Take care, and wish me luck.”

“I do. May the best man win,” she said, and giggled.

I gave the phone to Mike.

“It’s Jenny. I thought you would like to speak to her.”

He grinned and took the phone.

I turned to look at the two men in my life. They both looked very hunky and handsome. Both were six foot, and blond, both filled their tuxedo’s well, and looked fit. I smiled, as this was a really tough one.

“You guys look fantastic. I fancy you both,” I said.

Dave grinned and Simon went red and looked at his feet.

“Let’s go to the bar and wait for Mike to catch up with us later.”

Now the drinking ages in the States vary, but I was seventeen, and everyone knew it, but Dave was under twenty-one as was Mike, so they couldn’t drink, but Simon could.

We sat at a small booth, so Simon ordered the drinks. I selected an OJ, as I knew that it would be a long evening, and I did not want to lose control. I excused myself and went to reception and booked the boys a room on the same floor. I then rang the FBI and told them my plans for the evening.

We arrived at the restaurant in time for the booking, to find it was one of the most fashionable in town. There was a line outside for hopefuls, which we casually strolled past. We were shown to our table by the Maitre de, who spoke with an outrageous French accent.

He made a great play at pulling my chair back for me. Many heads turned as we entered, and I was conscious of being the single girl surrounded by three gorgeous men.

“Merci beaucoup, vous áªtes trá¨s gentille,” I said to the Maitre d'. He looked at me sharply and then smiled.

“Il est un plaisir, Mademoiselle,” he said, in flawless French.

We were given menus and Simon took the wine list. I saw the prices, they were mostly in three or four figures.

Dave and Mike were in a completely alien world, and it was a world in which I was becoming increasing familiar, and one in which Simon was well used to.

We ordered our food, and Simon ordered a couple of bottles of wine. I persuaded the lads that a couple of Buds would not be the best things to ask for. The food was a long time coming, but was brilliantly presented and superbly cooked. The portions were not that generous, but then one wasn’t paying for quantity but the quality.

I sipped one glass of wine, and the lads demolished the rest. I watched, and saw that Simon was drinking water. He was a shrewd one, that’s for sure. He saw that I had seen him, and he raised his glass of water to me. I smiled and looked away.

When the meal was over, Simon and I fought over the bill, and I let him win. We then took a cab to Flames. Dave and Mike were happy, bordering on very happy. It wouldn’t take much to render them legless.

We arrived at Flames, and once again walked straight past the line of ‘ordinary’ folk, all queuing to get in. We found Natasha acting as queen bee surrounded by worshipping admirers.

The music was loud, the lights were bright, and the drinks were very strong and very expensive. I started dancing with Dave, and after a few drinks, found myself with Simon, as Dave was ‘having a little rest’.

He and I stuck to water, and after another hour, I saw that Mike and Dave had indeed reached the legless stage. Natasha had started strong, but even her tolerance to alcohol had slipped, and she was wrapped round her current paramour.

The music slowed, so Simon’s strong arms encircled me, and we danced very close for a while. I felt safe and secure, and he was so damn gentle.

He was so tall, that I was staring at his bow tie, but he bent towards me and started nuzzling my neck. It felt very nice, but I saw Dave sitting, semi-comatosed by the table, with Mike asleep with his head actually on the table.



“Enough, Honey. Not the right time or place,” I said. Honey? Where the hell did that come from?

He straightened up and looked at me, then at the table.

He smiled, a little sadly, nodding.

He took me back to the table, and I glanced at the two sleeping beauties. It was nearly one o’ clock in the morning.

We gathered up our two wayward children and left. Natasha was out of it completely. I flagged down a cab, while Simon held up the boys. We travelled back to the hotel, where he even helped me put them to bed.

When I went to my room, he followed me. He watched as I checked in with the FBI, but then he started to laugh.

“What?” I asked, as I put the phone down.

“You are the most amazing person.”


“You’re so calm and collected, yet so loyal, so true. Sandi, I never believed that anyone could be as wonderful as you.”

“Oh, Simon, you poor schmuck. I’m not really.”

“I love you, Sandi.”

“I know.”

He nodded. “Is there a chance that you could ever love me?”

“Yes. I do a little already.”

“Really?” he asked, looking hopeful.

“Oh yes, but I’m torn, as I think I love Dave too. And I don’t want to hurt either of you.”

“You wear his ring.”

I smiled, looking down at my right hand.

“Well, you haven’t given me one yet.”

“Would you like one?”

I smiled again. “Simon, I’m not sure that I’m ready for a serious relationship. I need to stop the world and get off for a while first.”

“Hey, you’re the first girl I have ever met I feel that I could grow old with, so take all the time you need.”

“Oh Simon, why are you so bloody lovely?” I said, and started to cry.

“Hey, why the tears?” he said moving over to hold me.

“Because I can’t choose.”

“You will have to eventually.”

“I know. But I’m only seventeen, and I’m not ready to yet. Is that a crime?”

“No. It isn’t a crime. But us guys like to have things straight.”

“And I don’t?”

“You can’t have your cake and eat it.”

“Bollocks, what else do you do with cake?”

He laughed.

He was still holding me, and it felt good.

“Simon, why do you guys like me so much?”

“Because you are honest and true, intelligent and funny.”

“What about my looks?”
“They’re okay, I guess,” he said, smiling, and I punched his arm. It was like hitting a brick wall.

“Seriously, we love you because you are just a lovely person, and you make us feel good.”

I felt so torn. It was awful.

“Well, I’m going to bed, if you want to stay, there is a spare bed.”

“Do you mind?”

“If I minded, I wouldn’t offer.”

“Okay, I’ll stay, thanks.”

I kissed his cheek.

“Goodnight, sleep tight,” I said, and went into my room.

After undressing in my bedroom, I went into my bathroom. On looking at my reflection in the mirror, I tried to see myself as others saw me, but couldn’t. I was just me, a crazy mixed up kid, who had been through a hell of a lot, and probably had more to come. I cleaned my teeth, wiped my face with cleanser, and brushed my hair.

It was two a.m. when I finally slipped into my bed.

*          *          *

I was aware that something was tickling my feet, and came fully awake. Simon was sitting on my bed, and tickling me with a leaf from a flower arrangement. I had slept in the nude, so was immediately afraid I had given him a free show, but I was covered up.

“Hi,” he said.

“Hi. Do you normally just barge into strange women’s rooms without knocking?”

“One, you ain’t strange, and two, I knocked, but you were asleep.”

“What time is it?”


“Oh, are the others up?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t care.”

I looked at him. He sat there on my bed, looking at me in such a loving way, my heart ached. I almost wanted him to just take me. Almost. He had a blue and white checked shirt on, and blue jeans. He was wearing the most amazing cowboy boots, with really pointy toes. They really suited him, so he looked really hunky.

“Well, I have no clothes on, so are you going to let me go to the bathroom, or what?”

He grinned.

“Or what.”


“Okay, but it’ll cost ya.”


“A kiss.”

“Hmm, oh all right, it’ll be better than wetting the bed.”

He moved up the bed and lay beside me, and kissed me, and it was lovely. I put my arms round him, and I could feel my body responding, and knew if he didn’t stop soon, I would drag him into the bed. But bladder pressure won, fortunately.

“Okay. Now I have to go,” I said, so he smiled, rolling away and standing up.

“Thanks, I enjoyed that.”

“So did I, now bugger off before I have an accident.”

He kissed my forehead and left me alone.

I had a shower and got dressed. I wore a skirt and a pretty little top. It was my free day in New York today, so I was hoping to get out and see the sights.

Simon returned to watch me put a little make up on.

“Sandi, you are so beautiful.”

“You ain’t so bad yourself,” I said, watching his expression in the mirror.

He moved so he was standing directly behind me, and placed his strong fingers on my shoulders, and started to gently massage me. It felt heavenly, and I rolled my shoulders, and purred with pleasure.

“Is that nice?”

“Mmm, wonderful,” I admitted.

He massaged me for several minutes, and I could not take any more, as my body responded with everything it had. I stood up, turned and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me, and we lost ourselves in the kiss.

I had my eyes closed, and I had my arms around his neck, pulling him down towards me with my hands behind his head. He was just so damn big.

The phone rang, so we broke off.

I answered the phone.

It was Natasha.

“Hi Sandi. I’ve lost Simon, do you know where he is?”

“Yes,” I said, as he kissed my neck.


“He’s with me,” I said, as he started to nibble my ear.


“He slept in my spare bed last night. We got in at about two, so he stayed over.”

“The spare bed?”

“Yes, Natasha, the spare bed.”

She chuckled, so I knew she didn’t believe me.

“Okay, what have you planned today?”

“Simon is taking me to see the sights.”

“What about your boyfriends from England?”

“There’s only one, and if he wakes up in time, he can come too, if he wants to.”

“Okay, say no more. Don’t forget, we go to Chicago tomorrow.”

“I won’t.”

She rang off, and I found myself kissing him again.

I felt the passion mounting, and I knew that I was in danger of letting this go too far. The awful thing was, I actually didn’t care.

There was a knock on the door.

“Sandi, are you decent?” it was Dave’s voice.

We broke off, and I giggled as Simon had my lipstick all over his face.

I gave him some tissues and pushed him into the bathroom, and then I cleaned myself up as I walked to the door.

“Coming,” I said.

I opened the door, and found myself in his embrace.

“Hey, what the hell happened to you? I thought the least you could have done was to stay sober for me,” I asked.

“Sorry babe, I just got carried away. I’m not used to wine.”

The word ‘babe’ annoyed me, but I didn’t say anything, for fear of sounding like a nag.

Mike followed him in, and Simon came out of the bathroom. There was a dreadful silence. I almost expected Dave and Simon to start to slug it out any second. Mike looked at the pair of them, and stepped in as if to keep them apart. I suddenly felt my frustrations bubble over. I stamped my feet and stepped between them.

“Okay, guys, put your hormones away for a moment. Firstly, Dave don’t jump to conclusions. Simon helped me put you both to bed last night, and then he slept in the spare room because it was gone two in the morning. And secondly, I’m getting a little bored with this jealously thing. So, is there any way that you two can accept that I like you both, and I have no intentions of doing the dirty on either of you?

“I’m just not in the market for a steady boyfriend just now. My career has just started, I have to choose whether to go back to school in a couple of weeks, so I need good friends, and not over excited, prospective over-protective lovers. So, please, please, can’t we just be friends here?”

They all looked at me, as I had been speaking rather loudly. Then they all smiled and looked equally sheepish, even Mike, who had no reason to.

“Sorry babe,” said Dave.

“Dave, anything but, Babe. Please.”


Simon grinned and held out his hand. Dave took it and they shook.

“You have real cute boxers,” Simon said, and Dave glanced at me.

I held my hands up.

“Simon did that bit, I just opened the door,” I said.

“So what now?” Mike asked.

“Let’s go down for breakfast, and then Simon is showing us the town. Today is my only free day, as we set off for Chicago tomorrow. What are your plans?”

“Once you head off to Chicago, we are off to Florida. We want to do the Disney thing before we have our own kids,” Mike said.

“Oh, does Jenny know you plan kids?” I asked.

He grinned and had the decency to blush.

We went down in the elevator, and sat together for breakfast. The boys ordered the most enormous helpings of everything, claiming that the restaurant sold them short.

I had some waffles and maple syrup, and some toast. Simon and Dave actually got on very well. In fact, they spoke to each other more than with me. I knew that I had only postponed my own problems. I would have to choose, and it was very hard. I had to admit, I didn’t fancy having Natasha as a mother-in-law, but then, I knew that Simon and I would live as far away from her as we could.

The thought upset me a little, as I couldn’t picture Dave and I in a lasting relationship. He had been my strength when I needed him, so I was very fond of him, and always would be, but I was an attractive accessory for him, and I had discovered that he was very motivated and single-minded.

We both were strong people, so living with him would require compromise on both parts, and I could see real conflict further down the line.

But dear Simon, he was just like the rock of Gibraltar. Dependable, easy-going, gentle and willing to put himself out for me. They were chalk and cheese, and I did love them both.

I smiled as I described them both as ‘Rocks’. Still, time would tell, and maybe fortune would help me out so I didn’t have to choose.

Eventually they finished the huge plates of food, and we set off for a day in New York.

*          *          *

We returned at about eleven o’clock in the evening. My three slaves were laden with bags, as I had spent a fortune on clothes and gifts. They moaned at me from the first shop to the last, so I bought them all presents to shut them up.

We had eaten vast subs for lunch, sitting in the sun in Central Park. And gone to a fantastic pizza place for supper, and Dave and Simon had gone in for a Pizza eating competition with six other guys.

I had cheered them on, and drunk far too many bottles of Bud. For the first time, I was a little tipsy, but I was really happy.

Neither of them won, but they had matched each other, and I was taking side bets on which one was going to throw up first.

We sat in my room, as it was bigger, and emptied the mini-bar. It was Dave who suggested strip poker, and like a fool I agreed. Needless to say, I was crap at poker, so within a very short time I was down to my underwear.

I was dealt three fours and a pair of twos, so was quite excited, but Simon had four queens, while Dave had three aces over sixes, beating Mike’s nines and a pair of kings. So my bra came off.

At this point, the guys became embarrassed, so Mike decided he wanted to go to bed. I was left with my two dream men.

“I ought to go to bed, we’ve a long day tomorrow,” I said.

Neither of them moved.

“I’m sleepy,” I said, and went to the bathroom. I went to the loo, cleaned my teeth, and looked at myself in the mirror.

I was standing there in my knickers, and I knew I wanted them both. But that was not an option.

I put on my nightdress, returning to the main room.

“Well, are you staying there all night, or what?”

They looked at each other, and then at me, both saying in unison,

“Or what.”

Visions of being made love to by these two at the same time flitted through my brain, and I was sorely tempted. But, once again common sense prevailed.

“Much I would love to be taken to bed by such hunky guys, I’m still a virgin, and a threesome is not on my agenda tonight.”

They both kissed me goodnight, both reluctantly leaving me alone.

*          *          *

It took me ages to get to sleep.
Chapter 10
Chicago, Seattle, and San Francisco were all places on maps. We flew in, checked into the hotel, unloaded the clothes, I did my stuff over a couple of days, and then we packed up and flew to the next place. It was windy in Chicago, wet in Seattle and humid in San Francisco. I had very little time to myself, and no time to see the sights.

Dave and Mike said goodbye to me in NY. I was sad to be leaving them, but excited about the tour. Dave took me to one side in the bar, and we sat close together.

“Sandi, I don’t know how to say this.”

“Oh, Dave, that sounds ominous?”

He smiled, a little nervous smile.

“Not really. It’s just that I feel something has changed between us. It isn’t Simon, as he is a good bloke and I like him. I don’t blame him for fancying you, as it would be strange if he didn’t.”

“Dave. Don’t get jealous. I told you how much you mean to me.”

“I know, and I think you’re the greatest, but we are very different, you and I.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve moved into a different world, and I don’t feel I belong in it.”

“I’ll be home in a couple of weeks.”

“Yeah, and then I’ll be off to uni, and you may or may not go back to school. I still think you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever known, but I’m not sure that we have enough in common to get it together.”


“No, hear me out. I’d love for us to get and stay together, more than anything. But you say that you aren’t after a serious relationship, and I accept that. I can see that you have a career, and although there is room for a social life and a steady boyfriend in most careers, I accept that you’re not ready for one just yet.

“I want to be a pilot, so that means three years at Uni, and then pilot training, followed by an overseas posting, or the wilds of Scotland. I want you to know that I don’t have a hold on you, but if we get it together later, then I will be the happiest man alive. If we don’t then you know I will be your friend for life.”

I flung my arms around his neck and cried. He was a real sod, but in a beautiful way, as he was taking away my need to choose. But in doing so he put himself back at the top of my list. They were not making it easy on a girl.

I told him that he was lovely, and that whatever happened he would always have a special place in my heart. We both ended up in tears and hugging each other for all we were worth.

We then set off for the airport, and he waved goodbye. I wondered whether we would end up together or not. I thought about what he had said, and decided that I was not likely to become a pilot’s wife.

Simon, however, became my constant companion, and he really started to open up to me. We sat next to each other on the planes, invariably having adjoining rooms in the hotels as well. I recognised his mother’s controlling hand in all this, but couldn’t have cared less.

The FBI had different people in each city, and as the tour went on, I became more and more relaxed.

We landed at L.A. sometime after ten p.m., to be taken to the most garishly luxurious hotel in Beverley Hills by stretch limo. Dad would have loved it. I met the FBI agent, Richard Curtis, at the airport, and he followed us to the hotel.

My suite was superb, but I ached to swim, so I changed into my swimsuit and went to the Spa Centre, dropping off at Richard’s room to tell him where I was going.

There was a lovely pool and Jacuzzi, with steam rooms, saunas, sun beds and everything one could wish for. The place was deserted, and it was very peaceful.

I dived in and swam a few lengths front crawl. It was lovely to be free and the water was so refreshing. After half an hour, I got out and went and sat in the Jacuzzi. The bubbles tickled, and I giggled when a jet shot between my legs and gave me a real thrill.

Two men came in, they were in suits and I immediately got a bad feeling about them. They were obviously looking for someone, so I took a deep breath and sank beneath the surface of the Jacuzzi.

After a long time, I could not hold my breath any more, so I slowly surfaced, and looked around. I couldn’t see anyone, but heard the sauna door bang. I took another deep breath, and sank again.

I surfaced and took a gasp of breath. I could not see them, but I heard their voices. I was afraid now, and wondered what would be the best thing to do. I couldn’t stay here, as I was slowly turning into a prune, so I slowly got out and cautiously made my way to the main doors.

They were standing just the other side of the door, and a third man had joined them.

“I don’t understand, I saw her go in,” one said.

“Okay, are you sure she’s not in the pool?”

“Positive, we even checked the john.”

“Shit. Frankie was adamant, he wants her real bad.”

“What’s so important about this English chick?”

“Her father owes the man a whole lot of cash, and the man needs a lever.”

“So, she’s the lever?”

“Something like that?”

“How about we just wait for her in her room?”

“Nah, there are too many people looking after her, so it needs to be away from people. The pool would have been perfect.”

“Well, she went in and hasn’t come out. She has to be still in there.”

“Okay, I’ll watch the door, you check it out, and I mean, check it all out.”

I ducked into the janitor’s cupboard. There was a set of maid’s overalls hanging up and a wheelie tub full of old towels. I put on the overalls, and stuffed my damp hair under a baseball cap. I put on the sandals I had brought with me, and pushed the bin along the corridor. Two of the men were coming out of the steam room.

“Scusi, Senors? You looka for someone, si?” I asked, in the most ludicrous Spanish/Italian accent.

“Hey, you work here?” asked one.

“Si, senor.”

“Have you seen a tall English girl in here?”

“Si, she take a telephone call, and go onto the patio,” I said, vaguely waving my arms in the direction of the other side of the pool.

They raced off, so I pushed my way through the doors and faced the last man. I just pushed past him and walked slowly away.

“Hey, you, wait!” he shouted, and I turned and saw that the others were back, I just ran, losing my sandals, and sprinted for the stairs.

“Get her!” I heard one of them shout.

I tore up the stairs, hearing the sound of pursuit.

“Shit,” I said, as I dashed along a corridor. I had no idea where I was.

I saw a fire alarm button on the wall, so I broke the glass with my elbow, and pressed the button.

Then I dashed out of the fire escape and ran down to the ground floor. I had seen enough movies to know never to run up.

I dived into some bushes, and lay quite still on the ground.

I could hear the alarm bells, so gradually people started to appear. I saw the legs of my pursuers, and almost stopped breathing.

“Where the fuck did she go?”

“I was right behind her, she can’t be far.”

“Fuck it, here come the cops.”

The welcome noise of sirens filled the evening air, and a fire truck and two police cruisers appeared.

The legs disappeared and I saw them get into a car, and drive away. I memorised the licence plate.

I then emerged and two local cops almost shot me.

Eventually Agent Curtis found me, so I told him the car number.

Apparently, when the alarm went off, he thought it might have been me, and immediately went to the spa centre. He found my shoes and assumed the worst and called it in as a possible abduction, hence the cops.

The cops tore off in their cars, having circulated the other car’s details, and went hunting for it.

“Are you sure about the conversation?” Richard asked me.


“Okay, you did well.”

“I’m getting used to it now,” I said, “but it is screwing up my personal life.”

He smiled.

“Are you okay?”

“Fine, I’d better go for a shower now, as I’m covered in earth, mud and crap.”

He laughed at my somewhat earthy language, and handed me my shoes. He escorted me to my room.

“I’ll be right outside if you need me.”


I opened my room and nearly died of fright.

*          *          *

My father put his finger to his lips.

I shook my head, walking straight past him to the bathroom. I started the shower and turned on him, punching him as hard as I could. I was so bloody angry.

He held my wrists until I just ran out of steam. My energy spent, I broke down into tears.

He held me close as I sobbed.

“I’m so sorry, Sandi. I never meant for you to be put in danger.”

“Well I fucking well am. Who the hell were they?”

“Frankie’s boys.”

“I thought we’d done for him?”

“We have, only he doesn’t know it yet.”

“Oh, brilliant,” I said, and took off my damp swimsuit. My father turned away.

I got into the shower and washed my hair angrily.

“So, what the fuck is happening?” I asked. Through the cascading water.

“Sandi, language.”

“Dad, go fuck yourself. If you fucking cared about me, you wouldn’t have dumped on me so every gangster from here to London wants to kidnap or kill me. So poke your parental advice right up where the sun doesn’t fucking shine. In case you hadn’t gathered, I am well and truly pissed off with you.”

He shook his head and smiled.

“I’m sorry babe.”

“Not you too. Fuck Dad, why can’t you people call me by my name?”

He looked at me rather shocked and surprised. I couldn’t be bothered to explain.

“I’ve done a deal with the FBI, and with any luck I should get onto their witness protection programme.”

“Whoop-de-fucking-doo. What about me, are you going to get me nice and safe too?”

“Once I nail Frankie, you will be safe.”

“Oh, pardon me if I don’t fucking believe you.”

“Sandi, honestly, you will be safe.”

“Don’t you dare use that word. You don’t deserve to.”

“What word?”

“Honestly. You have never been honest from the moment you first shit yourself.”

“That is not fair.”

“Fair? Fair, oh come on, don’t give me that crap. What am I supposed to be doing? Enjoying being seventeen and having fun, or being chased around by armed thugs who only want me because of what my dad has done? If you ever thought about anyone else, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Hand me that towel.”

He handed me the towel, and I got out. I smiled when I saw him avert his eyes.

“Yes dad, I am a girl, so get used to it.”

“I had noticed,” he said, still not looking at me.

“Gosh, the big bad nasty man is afraid to look at his daughter in the nude. What is going to happen next?”

He looked at me then, and I saw the anger beneath the surface, and just as fast it went.

He took my hands and kissed them.

“You’re a brave and wonderful girl, and I don’t deserve you.”

“No, you don’t,” I said, half-heartedly.

“I’m so sorry.”

“What are you doing here, it isn’t my birthday.”

He sat down on the bed.

“I wanted to see you. I didn’t know they would try anything with the FBI so close.”

I dried my hair and put on my nightie. He watched me then.

“Well, like what you see?” I asked.

“You’re very beautiful.”

“Thanks, but I’m still in the shit.”

“I want to trap Frankie, and you may be the only answer.”

“Oh Dad, no. Not again!”

“It isn’t my idea. But we needed to know that he was still interested. Now we know.”

“Yes, we bloody well do. Who is this ‘we’ anyway?”

“An FBI Deputy Director. Apparently, Frankie may have at least one US Congressman in his pocket.”

I sat on my bed. There was a knock on the door.

“Sandi, are you okay?”

It was Simon.

“Are you here?” I asked my Dad. He just shrugged.

“Who is it?”

“Someone I trust.”

“Will he keep quiet?”

“He loves me, he’ll do what I tell him.”

He nodded.

I went and opened the door. Simon came in and looked at my Dad, who paled a little on seeing the size of him.

“Simon, meet my dad, the gangster. Dad, this is my other boyfriend Simon Haddow, the pro-football player.”

I sat on the bed, munching an apple.

Simon had heard all about my father, so was under no illusions. He glared at Dad, and then turned to me.

“Are you okay, Honey?” he asked.

“Yeah, no thanks to him,” I said, and my dad rolled his eyes.

“I heard there was some trouble, were you involved?”

“Do bears shit in the woods?” I said, and he smiled, just a wee one.

“What happened?”

“Well, it seems that the guy who thinks that Daddy dear owes him some money, wants that money back. And he also wants to mount Daddy dear’s balls on his fireplace, so in order to get at him, the bastard is trying to get me.”

Simon turned his glare up one notch.

“Simon, sweetie, don’t bother, really. I’ve seen him kill three men in less than two minutes. So just come and sit by me,” I said, and he did. He put one arm around my shoulders, and Dad raised one eyebrow, but simply smiled.

Dad then stood up and helped himself to scotch from the mini-bar.

“Okay dad, what’s the plan?”

“Are you going to help?”

“I have a choice?”

He shook his head.

“I suppose not. Not really.”

“Then I’ll help.”

He walked over to the phone and made a very short call. A few moments later, there was a knock on the door.

Dad went to the door, and opened it. A tall black man in a charcoal grey suit entered.

“This is Deputy Director Robert Garside, of the FBI. He is looking after this case,” Dad said.

“Miss Lake. You’ve had a time of it.”

“No shit Sherlock,” I said, and Simon laughed. Even the FBI man smiled, but dad shook his head, but at least he smiled too.

He looked at Simon.

“This is Simon, he is someone very special, and I want him with me,” I said, and I felt his arm give me a little squeeze.

“Okay, as from tomorrow, Sandi, you will have a covert team following your every move. I want you to tell everyone that you are expecting to meet your father in Miami, and that you are really angry at him.”

“That shouldn’t be too hard.”

I was rewarded by a vague smile.

“Tell them that you got a phone call from him tonight, and that he has arranged to give you some cash or documents in Miami. That’s all you have to do.”

“Oh yes? And what happens when the bastards come after me?”

“The FBI will get them.”

“You mean like they did tonight?”

“Tonight was not planned, we weren’t aware of the lengths these people were prepared to go.”

“In other words, you didn’t believe that I was in that much danger?”

“We under-estimated the threat level, yes.”

“They damn nearly got me.”

“They didn’t, because you’re a smart girl, and a very brave one at that,” said my Dad. I stuck my tongue out at him, and he grinned.

“Your father is right. You did remarkably well, and used your brain. I don’t want to put you in a situation like that again, so we will be very close to you from here on in.”

“So, where in Miami are we supposed to meet?”

“Due to your tight schedule, it will have to be at your hotel.”

“How close are you to actually getting Frankie?”

“We have nearly all the evidence we need. There is a shipment of coke coming in from Columbia sometime in the next ten days, and we need to tie him in to that if we can. We need to find it before it gets into the dealers’ hands, and then onto the streets. So we are just biding our time.”

“Do you know where he is?”

“More or less, yes.”

“In other words, you have someone on the inside.”

He looked at me, and then at my Dad.

“She is my daughter.” he said, and shrugged.

“Can you use a pistol?” Robert asked me.

“No, and I don’t want to, thanks.” I said, and he nodded.

“I can sir,” said Simon.

Robert looked at him.

“Do you spend a lot of time with her?” he asked.

Simon looked at me, and smiled.

“Yes, and I’d spend my nights with her, if she’d let me.”

Dad frowned, shaking his head.

“Have you a permit?”

“No sir.”

“Then I’ll arrange one, and make sure you get given a gun once you get to Miami. Hopefully you won’t have to use it, but every little helps.”

Dad gave me a kiss on the cheek, and he and Robert left. Simon went to leave too.



“I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

“Would you like me to stay with you?”

I nodded.

He came over and held me in his large arms. I felt safer now.

“Then I’ll stay. There are two beds. I’ll go get my things.”

He went off, and returned with his bag. I got into bed, and he went into the bathroom, and came out wearing just a pair of shorts. He turned out the main light, and checked the door. Then he went towards the other bed. I slid over in mine and lifted up the covers.

“I need a cuddle,” I said, so he smiled and joined me.

I was not that afraid, but as soon as he enveloped me in his arms and I smelled him up close, I relaxed and snuggled up against him. He turned the light off.

He was so good, Dave would never have been able to cuddle me without getting randy, and letting me know he was. But if Simon was aroused he didn’t let me know.

I lay with my head in the cleft of his shoulder, and I had one arm across his enormous chest. Sleep was not coming easily, but I was content.

He was obviously not sleepy either.

“Sandi?” he said, softly.


“Are you okay?”

“I am now.”


“Thanks,” I said.

“What for?”

“Being here for me.”

“Believe me, it’s a pleasure,” he said, chuckling.

I laughed and squeezed him with my arm. He kissed my temple.

“I love you Sandi.”

“I know. I love you too.”


“We’ve been here before,” I said, and he laughed.

“Yeah, I remember.”

“This is the bit where you kiss me,” I said, and he moved slightly and kissed me. He tasted of peppermint.

He held me gently, and we lay kissing, letting our tongues explore. I felt the now familiar feelings of arousal, and he gently rolled one of my nipples between finger and thumb. I then felt his hardness, and smiled.

I broke off, and he seemed embarrassed.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“You are,” I said, and he smiled.


“What for, if you weren’t I’d worry that something was the matter with me.”

“Do you want me to sleep in the other bed?” he asked.

“Simon, I want you to make love to me.”

“What?” he said, very surprised.

“I have been pissed about with by everyone under the sun, and I want something nice to happen, so, I want you to do to me what you and I both want to do,” I said, as I reached out and held his very hard and rather large manhood.

“But, this is the first time for me, and you are quite big, so be gentle,” I added.

“What about, you know, protection?”

“I’m on the pill, and unless you have been with loads of prostitutes and have several nasty diseases, a condom is optional.”

“I’ve not been with anyone before,” he admitted.

“Then let’s make it a double first,” I said, and pulled him towards me.

He started to kiss me, and worked his way down until he did things with his tongue that sent me wild. I had had two or three orgasms even before he parted my legs, and positioned himself above me.

I looked up at him.

“Are you sure?” he asked, hesitating.

I reached down, guiding him into my very wet little crevice, into which he slid home easily, making me shudder as he impaled me up to the hilt. I wrapped my legs around him, and he started to fuck me.

I clung to him so hard that I probably drew blood with my nails on his back. I had never imagined pleasure like this, and I was lost in a completely different world.

As he went faster and faster, I was gasping and crying with pleasure.

I encouraged him and told him I loved him, and came again and again.

Finally, with a grunt and a final thrust, he went deep inside me and came at the same time as I did. I was very wet indeed, and we were both very sweaty and it was wonderful.

I kept a tight hold of him, flexing my vaginal muscles, feeling him subside and slip out of me.

We showered together and soaped each other clean. We both went to bed again, naked, and went to sleep, tightly embraced in each other’s arms.

*          *          *

I awoke when he moved. He slid out of bed and went to the bathroom. I glanced at the clock, it was seven a.m.. I felt wonderful. I smiled, I was no longer a virgin, and my first time had been brilliant. I got up and followed him to the bathroom, and made him jump, and I reached round him with my arms, and held his willy in mid pee.

I directed the stream, and felt him get hard under my touch. He finished what he had come for, and in good time, as he was now fully erect.

I sat on the loo, and he stood over me. I took him in my mouth, and licked the enormous pink head.

I finished what I had come to do as well, and wiped. I led him back to bed, and pushed him back onto the bed, and sat astride him. I felt him impale me again, and I rode him hard and fast. It was as good as before, if not better, as I was not pinned to the bed by his huge bulk.

We screwed for what felt like an age, and he finally arched his back, reaching so deep inside I thought he would split me apart. I had the most amazing orgasm as he injected me with his seed.

We lay together, breathing heavily and enjoying the feel of each other close up. I felt very carnal, knowing that things were never going to be the same between us.

“Fancy a swim?” I asked.


I washed my nether regions in the bidet, and put on my swimsuit. He put on his swimming shorts, and we went down to the pool.

There were a handful of people already in the pool, but we had a good swim. He was a good swimmer, but his general size was not really the best for streamlined swimming. I was much faster than he was, and we had several races.

We went into the steam room, the sauna, and ended up in the Jacuzzi.

We had the Jacuzzi to ourselves, and I reached out and found he was big again.

“What are you like?” I asked, and he just smiled. I slipped out of my swimsuit and lay on his lap, and he entered me from behind. With the jets and streams of bubbles, it was just fantastic, and I had to bite my lip to stop from screaming out each time I climaxed.

We showered and went back to the room. There was an FBI man just outside the door of the Spa centre, and he gave us a small knowing smile.

We went down to the dining room and sat together, and ordered breakfast. We both ordered the mega-big breakfast, as we had to stoke up the old energy levels.

We were just finishing when Natasha and Wayne entered. She had this knack of entering any room like a galleon under full sail, so that everyone stopped and watched her. She was a very attractive woman, who, although passed her prime, still captured the attention of most mature males.

Simon, however, was holding my hand, and gazing at me like an eighteenth century poet.

Natasha breezed over and sat at the same table.

“Good morning, darling girl. I hear there was a bit of a commotion in the hotel last night. Hope it wasn’t anything to worry about?”

“No, I don’t think it was,” I said.

She looked at her son.

“Good morning Simon. I notice your room wasn’t used last night,” she said, with a huge smile.

“So, Simon where did you sleep?” I asked in mock anger, and she looked worried for a moment, but then she saw her son’s expression, and realised instantly the situation.

“How sweet. Right, where is that waitress?” she said.

*          *          *

The day progressed, and the fashion show was a great success. There were a lot of press, and the police had obviously released a little information about the previous evening’s fun and games. I was a little nervous, but when the reporters asked me questions I was able to spin them the line about my father. I knew now that the plan was on its way.
Chapter 11
Miami was hot. I stepped off the plane, and very briefly, as it wasn’t far to the air-conditioned terminal building, I was turned into a sweating wreck. California had been less humid, and there had been a breeze. I was grateful to reach the cool of the building, and we made our way through to collect our luggage.

There was a small contingent of press to meet us, and I was asked to pose and smile. The covert FBI team were conspicuous by their absence, but I was held closely by Simon, and felt safe with his arm around me.

“It is apparent that you and Mr Haddow have a closer relationship than in New York, is there anything between you now?” asked one reporter.

“Simon and I are quite close, as close as this business allows. There are no plans for marriage, if that answers your question,” I said.

“Are you lovers?” came a voice from the back.

I looked at Simon, and he smiled.

“Maybe,” I said, and smiled back. The photographs in the papers the next day said it all.

We weren’t due to start the show until the next day, so we had the afternoon and evening to ourselves. Simon and I went to the beach, and made love in the rolling surf.

As we lay in the sun, I enjoyed being topless for the first time. We actually made a really lovely couple, as he was just so hunky. We just chatted away, and I learned more and more about him. I shared much of my life’s little secrets, and he was so accepting, I loved him the more for it.

“I can’t see you as a boy.”

“I’m not, and never really was. So don’t worry about it.”

“I’m not worried. I just love you so much.”

I smiled and kissed him. I felt good with him close.

I knew that we were under surveillance, so I didn’t get too heavy with him.

“Fancy an ice cream?” he asked.

“Yeah, that would be cool.”

He got up and wandered of in search of some.

I lay back and dozed in the sun.

I became aware of someone blocking my sun. I opened my eyes and saw a complete stranger looking at me. He was wearing a pale suit, but had the jacket over his shoulder. He was in his late fifties I supposed, and he looked pale and rather seedy.

“Hello darlin’. You ain’t ’arf a difficult girl to get a hold of.” he said, with a very East End London accent.

“Frankie, I presume? I’m quite glad to know what you look like,” I said.

He laughed, sitting on the hot sand next to me.

“You ain’t your old man’s daughter for nuffin’. Word has it you are as pissed of wiv ‘im as I am.”

“You could say that. But I don’t know how pissed off you are.”

“Mightily, darlin’, mightily.”

“So, why do you keep trying to fuck up my life?”

“It ain’t nuffin’ personal like, but I need to get a hold of your old man. He owes me a lot of dosh.”

“So he says.”

“I hear he called you?”

“How did you know?”

“I read the papers, and you’re a famous person now.”


“Your boyfriend is comin’ back. So I’ll be brief. Here’s me mobile number. If you get a meet wiv yer old man, give us a nod, and I’ll make it worth your while.”

“How much?”

“Twenty grand.”


“Done.” he said, and dropped a card on the sand.

“When will you pay me?”

“Any day, except Tuesday, I’m busy Tuesday.”


“Good girl. Now no cops, okay?”

“If I tell them, I don’t get the dosh,” I said.

“Too true. See ya,” he said, and walked off.

Simon returned carrying two rapidly melting ice cream cones.

“Who was that?”

“The opposition.”


I took my cone and started to lick it. A dollop of ice cream fell on my bare left breast.

“Allow me.” said Simon and licked it off. Then he made a face.

“Urgh. It doesn’t go with sun cream.”

We walked back to the hotel, and I let the FBI know of the recent meeting on the beach. They already knew, as we had been observed all the time. Robert Garside started to set things in motion.

“Okay we now have a tail on Frankie, so we can put a tap on his cell phone. Call the man this evening, and let him know that your Dad is meeting you here in the hotel at 11 p.m. tomorrow night.”

“Won’t he realise I’ve set him up?” I asked, suddenly worried about consequences.

“Not the way I plan it. What I want to happen is for Frankie to think your dad is dead. Then he will go away, and carry on with the drugs deal. Leaving us to walk in and make the bust.”

“Do I get to kill my dad?” I asked, and he smiled.

“No, we’ll do that. Hopefully, Frankie will see it. We’ll arrange for your dad to be carrying a briefcase with a substantial amount of cash in it. We want Frankie to get his hands on it, and if caught with that, then we have him by the real shorties.”

“Is it dirty money?”

“More than that, each note is UV marked as being DRUG MONEY. It was taken off some Yardies a few weeks ago. The case has a transmitter in it as well.”

They all went off, and Simon and I joined Natasha for dinner. At one point in the meal, she leaned over and took my hand.

“Sandi, honey. I gotta know, are you and Simon lovers?”

“Yes, Natasha, we are. Have you a problem with that?”

“Oh thank God. I was terrified he was going to turn out gay, and I’d never have any grandkids.”

“You have other children,” I pointed out.

“Sure, Michael is a hairdresser, and as gay as they come, and Rebekka is so tied up with her job as an attorney she has no time for men. She doesn’t know that I know she prefers women in any case. No, Simon was my last hope.”

“Just as well I am on the bloody pill then,” I said, and she roared with laughter.

From then on, she treated me like a daughter, and poor Simon was almost ignored. He was actually quite pleased, as it meant he was free from her manipulative control.

Simon moved all his stuff into my room, and we were quite open about our relationship. I adored him, and our night was spent exploring a sexual world of delights.

He had changed considerably since that first evening in New York. Gone was the shy and quiet young man, and in his place was a confident and erudite man, who calmly turned round and told his mother what he thought. He treated me like a lady, and I felt cherished and adored. The feeling was mutual, and I knew that no matter what I did, or where I went, Simon would always be there for me.

We had breakfast together after our early morning swim, and we made sure we had a table for two.

*          *          *

The show started at 2 p.m., and once again was a great success. I strutted my stuff, and Natasha was delighted with the response from the buyers. The press were more interested in me, but the publicity for her clothes was exceptional.

I had called Frankie, and told him that my father had called and would be meeting me in the hotel parking lot at 11 p.m. He said nothing, and just rang off.

I had dinner with Simon, and was getting nervous. They had given him a small .38 revolver. Just in case anyone tried to get to me. We went for an evening stroll along the beach, and I just held his arm and took my strength from him. So many things could go wrong, I was always seeing worst case scenarios.

Finally, we were in our room, and I was fitted with some lightweight body armour, and pulled a baggy sweater over the top. I had a wire put under my bra, and was all set.

I walked out into the parking lot, and looked about. I couldn’t see anyone, yet I knew at least six sets of eyes were on me.

I was standing by a large palm tree, and just when I thought nothing was going to happen, I saw someone walking towards me. It was my father, and he was carrying a briefcase.

“Hello love,” he said.

“Hi Dad, you sod,” I said, and he grinned. Suddenly I saw a little of what my mother must have seen in him, for he had a charming smile.

“So, what happens now?” I asked. We were standing about six feet apart.

“Look as if you are pissed off with me,” he said.

“So, you selfish, pig headed bastard,” I shouted. “Why the hell should I believe you?”

“Brilliant. Keep it up,” he said, making it look as if he was pleading with me.

“Bugger off, and leave me alone. You’ve brought me nothing but misery, and that’s the truth,” I screamed.

“Yeah, I know, but it will be over soon.”

“Oh yeah, I’ll bloody well believe that when it happens,” I shouted, I was getting into this now.

A police car pulled up alongside us, and two officers got out.

“Are you okay Miss?” one officer asked me.

“Yes, fine. I’m just having a domestic with my dad,” I said, uncertain whether this was part of the act or not. Then I recognised one of the police officers as being an FBI agent.

“Sir, step back one pace, please, and put the case down,” the other officer told Dad.

Dad put the case down, looking very nervous. He was a good actor.

“Sir, what is your name?”

“William, ah Smith,” he said.

Not so good, no Oscar here.

“Do you have any I.D.?”

He patted his pockets, turning slightly, as he started to produce a gun.

I screamed (no act) and one of the officers shouted, “GUN.”

The other officer drew his side arm and fired twice, and two holes erupted from my father’s chest, and I was covered in blood. I screamed as my father fell back into the bushes.

One officer held me back, saying, “It’s okay, Sandi, really its okay.”

The other officer walked towards my father, still pointing the gun, and he bent over the ‘body’.

“No pulse, call it in,” he said, and I wailed, “No. Daddy.” The officer had to hold onto me really tightly. Reality and pretence had blurred and my tears were for real.

The case was left forgotten on the ground, and as I was placed on the front seat of the cruiser, and the officer marked off the area with tape. I saw Frankie surreptitiously walk through the parking lot, pick up the case, and walk off.

An ambulance arrived, and Dad was strapped to a trolley and lifted in. I wasn’t allowed to ride with it.

*          *          *

The charade was played to the hilt, and it was not long before reporters arrived, and a photograph of me sitting in the front seat of the cruiser with the door open and covered in fake blood appeared on the front page of the morning’s papers.

Superbabe’s father gunned down by police
     Late last night, in the parking lot of the Hilton Sands hotel, Miami Beach, British underworld figure Jonathon Lake was meeting his daughter, the stunning young model, Sandi Lake (17), nicknamed Superbabe, when a routine police patrol saw them arguing. The officers demanded I.D. from Lake, who attempted to draw a firearm on the officers. Thirty one year old Officer Bruce McFadden, drew his side arm and shot Lake twice in the chest. The man was pronounced dead on arrival at the Miami General hospital half an hour later.
     Lake is connected with various dubious business deals and is currently circulated as being wanted by the British police in connection with three homicides in Sussex.
     Sandi, over here to promote and model the Kysinski range of clothing, was said by friends to be in shock today.
     Seen last night, still with her father’s blood on her face and clothes, the young supermodel was almost hysterical, having been only yards away from her father when he was shot.
     Natasha Kysinski, her current employer and close friend, said, “Sandi is a darling girl, and she has not seen her father for a long time. They were not close, as she hated everything he stood for. They were arguing over his current business deals, which Sandi felt were illegal, and she resented his ruining her life with his activities.”
     Simon Haddow, Natasha’s son, and Sandi’s current boyfriend, was said to be deeply hurt by the intrusion into their lives by her father. He told us, “Sandi has achieved everything through her own hard work. This man has brought her nothing but grief and sorrow. Even her mother was forced to leave, and died in tragic circumstances because of this man. She just wants to live her own life, and forget he ever existed.”
     Asked whether she wanted to call off today’s fashion show, the plucky English girl was said to have declined, saying, “No, I need to keep going, there is nothing I can do about him now, and I don’t blame the officer. He simply protected me and himself. It is just such a tragic end to a tragic life.”

More on Page 4.

I did what was expected of me, and the press were very much in evidence. I actually didn’t feel much like smiling in any case, as everything was so real. I still didn’t know whether Dad was alive or dead.

The show went beautifully, and Natasha was wonderful. She had no knowledge of the little charade, as was everyone else, with the exception of Simon. Simon was great, he was next to me at all times, and every time I looked for him, he was there.

After the show, I was picked up by the FBI, and with Simon was taken downtown. We went into a large anonymous building, which I learned later was part of the hospital which housed the mortuary. We did not go to the mortuary, instead we went up, and into a part of the building which had strict security.

I was shown into a room, Simon and the agent waited outside for me. Deputy Director Garside and my Dad were in the room. Dad had had all his hair shaved off, and looked very different. His hair had always been his particular point of vanity, and he used Grecian 2000 to keep it coloured the nice blonde colour of his youth.

He came over and gave me a huge hug, and I stood there, relieved to actually see him alive. Although I knew it was all a sham, it had been so realistic that I partially believed it to be real.

“Sandi, you should consider taking up acting. That was quite a performance,” Robert said, and I just smiled.

“You did great, kid.”

“I’m not a kid anymore, Dad. In case you hadn’t noticed.”

“You’ll always be my kid.”

I reached out and touched his chest, which I had seen erupt with blood the last time I had seen him.

“We used the same things they use for the movies, quite realistic, wasn’t it?” asked Robert.

“I suppose. But then I’ve seen too much death already.”

“I can’t tell you how pleased we were with how it went. You did so well, that even the ‘officers’ thought you weren’t acting.”

“I don’t think I was. Reality and falsehood seemed to merge for me. It was horrible, and I’ve had enough,” I said.

“That’s fine. You are due to fly up to DC tomorrow, so hopefully that will be the end of it.”

“What happens next?”

“We take out Frankie, and hopefully seize all the cocaine he is brining in.”

“And my Dad?”

“Your Dad is dead. This is Charles Armitage, a retired British Engineer who is about to settle in Snomish County, Washington State.”

“You’re an arse Dad, you’ll just have one more flutter, and someone will shoot you.”

“No, it’s over, love. I’ll see this job through, and then I’ll retire. In a few months, you can come and visit me.”

“Why should I?”

He smiled.

“Because, deep down you still love your old Dad.”

“Do I? Then why can I find it hard to sleep at nights, I keep seeing what happened on the road that day at home.”

“That was to keep you safe.”

“Maybe, but I hope you can live with it, because I find it hard.”

“Jonathon Lake is dead, it’s history.”

“God knows, you will be called to account,” I said, and Dad looked really shocked.

“I didn’t know you were religious?”

“You don’t know anything about me. I didn’t have a mother, or a father, so all I had left was prayer. I’m not very good at it, but I know the difference between right and wrong.”

He looked so shocked and hurt, I realised that he actually had a conscience.

I felt the anger dissipate, and my face must have softened.

“I’m glad you are alive. You’ve got another chance. You don’t deserve it, but don’t screw it up,” I said, kissing his cheek.

“Goodbye, Mr Armitage, I may see you again, sometime.” I turned and walked out. Simon was waiting in the corridor with the other FBI agent. They had to run to catch up with me.

“Sandi, wait up,” he said, but I kept going, so he had to run to catch me. He took my arm.


I wrenched my arm free, and ran out of the building.

I stopped by the car, and found I was crying. Simon came up to me. I let him hold me and sobbed into his chest.

The FBI agent opened the door and I got in. As we drove away, I saw Frankie sitting on the park bench. He waved at me and smiled.

“Can I use your car phone?” I asked.


I called Frankie’s mobile phone.

“It’s done. The bastard is dead,” I said.

“Not what we planned, but satisfactory none the less. Your dad paid part of his debt, so we’ll call it quits. Do you still want your money?”

“No, keep it, I just want to get on with my life.”


“Positive. It’s dirty money anyway.”

“Nah, its just money, darlin’. It’s people who are dirty.”

“Bloody right. So that’s it Frankie, we’re done.”

“Yeah, unless you want to come in as a partner, I could do wiv an intelligent girl like you?”

“No thanks. I’ve better things to do.”

“Okay. Been a pleasure. Bye,” he switched off.

I put the phone down and sighed. Was this the end?

I doubted it, but hey, life went on.

*          *          *

We were taken back to the hotel, where I found a huge bunch of flowers in my room. It was from Natasha. I went and thanked her. She surprised me by bursting into tears and hugging me in a vice like embrace. Simon had told her that we had been to view my Dad’s body.

“Oh you poor girl, I just can’t tell you how I admire your courage. You did that show knowing that only hours before, your father died in a hail of bullets right in front of you. You are the most professional model I have ever worked with.”

I managed to get caught up in her mood and managed to squeeze out some tears. It was infectious and soon we were both blubbering away.

“So now you have no one. You poor girl. If ever you need anything, then please don’t hesitate, just call me.”

“Thanks, but I will do just fine.”

“Sandi, don’t try to be brave, I want you to think of me as a friend here, I feel responsible for you, so let me help you.”

“Natasha, I really appreciate your offer, and I value your friendship, but I need some time and space to think. I have some major decisions to make in my life, and, well, now is just not a good time.”

She agreed and smiled at me.

“I also want to thank you,” she said.

“Thank me, why?”

“For Simon. You have been the making of that boy.”

“No, he has made himself. I just fell for him.”

She held my hand, and looked serious for a moment.

“I know that I am a brash and bossy woman. I also am intelligent and sensitive, but no one sees that. Simon was hurt by what happened between me and his father, and in a way he blamed me. The fact his Dad couldn’t keep his dick in his trousers, and went through more models than anyone else, is another matter.

“But I wanted Simon to take control of his own life, and he showed no inclination of wanting to. Just today he came to me, and told me what he wanted to do. He has changed, and all because of you.”

I was curious. I knew that he had played football through college, and was contemplating going into pro-football. But other than that I hadn’t a clue. He had often told me that he hadn’t a clue really either, and his time studying Art was just to fill the time. He had no inclination to go into the family business, and was just waiting to see what came along.

“So, what does he want to do?”

Natasha just smiled, and said, “Ah, that is between him and me, for just now.” Which left me wondering.

I sought him out; he was in the pool.

“Are you coming in?”

I nodded, so went and changed. I joined him in the water, and we swam for a bit. I took the stresses out by really swimming hard and fast.

Eventually we met at the shallow end, and he took me in his arms.

“How are you now?”

“Better, thanks. I’m sorry about earlier, it was all a bit fraught.”

“Your dad?”

“Jonathon Lake is dead,” I said.


“He calls himself Charles Armitage now, and they have got him a place in Washington State. But he’ll fuck it up, just you watch.”

“How come?”

“Because he’s a foolish git, and can’t leave well enough alone. He will just try one scam too many, and end up upsetting someone again. Or else, Frankie’s men will find out, and leave a legacy to end all legacies, and have him bumped off.”

“Oh. What do you feel about it all?”

“Oh Simon, I really don’t know. It’s as if I am numb to him, and everything to do with him. What I really want is to forget about him and get on with my life.”

He took me in his arms, and we cuddled for a moment. Then we went for a sauna.



“Your mother was really odd. She told me you went and told her what you were going to do with your life. So what is that?”

He smiled.

“I can’t tell you yet. I have to wait a while.”

“Why not?”

“I’m waiting on certain decisions.”

“Oh. What do you really want out of life?”

“Simple, you.”

“Don’t be soppy, I mean really?”

“I am serious, I want you. It’s all I want, I just want to have and to hold, for richer for poorer, and in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

“You daft brush,” I said, and kissed him.

“How about you?”

“Oh, I don’t know anymore. I used to want to finish my A levels, then go to university or college. But now I find I like being a model, although I realise that it is a very shallow lifestyle, and very exhausting. I find I like the international life, yet I yearn for stability and something else. I’m very confused.”

“Well, I used to be confused, and I’d like to give you some advice.”

“Oh, oh mighty oracle, pray enlighten this poor girl,” I said, sarcastically.

He laughed. “Seriously, stay at school, do your A levels, and then see what happens.”

“Oh great. Simon, why the hell should I stay on at school when I can model and be with you?”

“Trust me. I’ve been there, your qualifications are a small price to pay for greater advantages later.”

“Oh, hark at you. The only pro-football player with a BA in art.”

“As it happens I am using that BA in my current job interview.”

“No, really?”

“Well, it is more than just a BA in art. I also did my teacher training course too.”

“Cool, so you are going to be a teacher?”

“Maybe, we’ll see.”


“Down south.”

“Oh, I wish you were my art teacher.”

“That would be something.”

“Now I know why you mother was so secretive. You told her about this?”

“Yeah, she is pleased that I’m doing something constructive. You see, my football training will be good for sports coaching as well.”

“That’s great Simon, but where does that leave us?”

“Hey, we’ll still get together. It won’t be for long.”

“Maybe. I suppose if I was modelling, I’d see even less of you. Unless I work for or with your mother.”

“Has she asked you?”

“Not yet, but I have a feeling she is working up to it.”

“She won’t. You are good, but she will only want you if you are qualified and talented. Your talent is not enough on its own.”

“How do you know?”

“Trust me, I know my Mom.”

We finished our session, and went up and changed for dinner. We were somewhat subdued, as we were setting off for Washington in the morning, and then I would be flying home. I was already sad about leaving Simon, and to make matters worse, I came on.
Chapter 12
I loved Washington, but found it a city of contrasts. The city centre was really nice and all the various historic buildings were really cool. But beneath the surface, there was almost a third world lurking behind the thin veneer. It was strange to me to see the difference between the rich and the poor, mainly ‘African-Americans’, and in a land which was supposed to promote fairness and freedom, there was a real gulf between the rich, mainly white, and the poor, mainly not.

The show was a success, and as we wrapped up after the second and last day, I felt very melancholy. It was about five in the afternoon and I was sitting in my room, just reflecting on the tour and looking at some of the many photographs that had been taken of me by Natasha’s photographer. I was going to be able to use these in my portfolio, and I was very pleased with them.

There was a knock on the door. I frowned, as this was unusual. I went and looked and there was a man in a suit on the other side.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“FBI, Miss Lake.”

“Badge please.”

He put the badge up so I could see it through the spy hole.

I opened the door.

“His, I’m Special agent Jim Ryan. Deputy Director Garside send his regards and thought you would like to see this.” he said, handing me a single piece of A4 paper.

I invited him in. He came in and looked at my case and clothes on the bed.

“Going home now?”

“Yeah, it’s been fun.” I said, and started to read the paper. It was a report.

     Re: Case GD/94658/02

     Director of the FBI.

  1. On the 20,sup>th July 2002, I was approached by one Jonathon LAKE, a UK national, who stated he wished to supply information relating to the illegal importation of narcotics into the United States by one Francis HOLLAND, another UK national. In return LAKE requested immunity from prosecution and entry into the Witness Protection Programme.
  2. I initiated background checks of both men, and HOLLAND has a lengthy record with the UK Police, for offences as diverse as armed robbery, prostitution, supply of drugs and extortion. LAKE has no convictions but is currently under investigation for three homicides of men believed to be working for HOLLAND.
  3. LAKE is also suspected of various business dealings which are spurious in nature, and UK Trading Standards Officers are anxious to talk to him. It is understood that HOLLAND lost a deal due to LAKE, and believes LAKE owes him a substantial amount of money, in the region of $8,000,000.
  4. LAKE has one daughter, Alexandra (Sandi) who is seventeen. His wife is deceased, and he has no current partner. HOLLAND employed three men to locate LAKE’s Daughter, and whilst holding her, the three men met their deaths at the hands of a person unknown, but suspected to be LAKE.
  5. LAKE then provided the British Serious Crime Squad with information, using his daughter as a courier. I stress, his daughter has no knowledge of her father’s activities, except she guessed them to be illegal. As a result of this information she was given protection by the Metropolitan Police.
  6. In order to attempt to force LAKE to hand over the money demanded, and force him to reveal his whereabouts, HOLLAND arranged the abduction and kidnapping of ALEXANDRA, which was witnessed by police, and armed units contained the stronghold. Miss Lake was freed by police, and one perpetrator lost his life having opened fire on police, while the other men were arrested.
  7. Now wanted by the UK Police, HOLLAND fled to the US under a false passport. LAKE’s information related to a single shipment of Cocaine estimated to the value of $16,000,000, which was expected to enter the US through Florida.
  8. HOLLAND attempted the abduction of Miss Lake as she was in the US working as a model. This was thwarted by the brave and quick thinking young woman, and the FBI undertook close protection of her.
  9. LAKE’s application for the witness protection programme was considered and approved, pending the successful execution of the operation against HOLLAND.
  10. HOLLAND made contact with Alexandra, who, in conjunction with the FBI and her father, initiated the first phase of the operation. LAKE attended the parking lot of the Miami Sands Hotel, and initiated a staged argument with his daughter. Police officers interceded, and LAKE attempted to draw a concealed weapon, and was shot twice by one of the officers. A decoy bag of marked money($2,000,000) was left and HOLLAND collected it during the confusion.
  11. With LAKE now believed to be dead, HOLLAND proceeded to import the Cocaine. However, undercover agents tracked the shipment, and there was a large-scale interception made at the point of pay off.
  12. Eight men we killed, including HOLLAND, two of his lieutenants, Winston GALE and Michael MOORE. Five unknown Jamaicans were also shot dead and four men were arrested.
  13. The Cocaine was seized, and was in excess of the initial estimate and has a street value of over $20,000,000. The cash picked up by HOLLAND was also located intact together with a further $10,000,000 in used $100 bills.
  14. I wish to bring to your attention the courage and selflessness of ALEXANDRA LAKE, who for a young woman of only seventeen years, has displayed enormous integrity and loyalty in the face of personal danger and difficulty. Her relationship with her father is difficult as she distances herself from his dishonest and amoral dealings. She is, in short, one heck of a girl.
  15. JONATHON LAKE is now in the witness protection programme, and as far as the rest of the world is concerned, died in the parking lot that evening.

    Submitted for your information, and dissemination as appropriate.

    Robert L. Garside

    Dep. Director. FBI

“So, it is all over?” I said, giving the report back to him.

“Looks that way. I have to give you this.”

He handed me a death certificate. My father’s death certificate, and it was signed by the official in Miami.

“What about a funeral?”

“We are arranging for his ashes to be delivered to your home address. That is the official line, as you requested cremation.”

“I did?”

“So my boss said.”

“Then I must have done. Do I have to report this to my consulate, or something?”

“There is a covering letter, we have notified the consulate, but you’d be advised to drop into the British Embassy here in Washington before you fly out.”

“Thank God. Am I allowed to get on with my life now?”

“Sure. And my boss says, ‘Thanks and good luck’.”

I smiled, feeling very weary. It was all so clinical, just seeing it written in a report like that. It was rather an anti-climax somehow.

The agent left, so I went to find Simon.

He was on the phone in his room. I frowned, as he hadn’t used his room at all, since he slept with me.

He finished his call and smiled.

“Hi, I saw you had company, was he FBI?”

“Yeah, it’s over at last. Holland is dead.”

“Oh, great. So life can carry on as usual.”

“Some life. I’m going back to an empty house, and an empty life without you.”

“When does school start?”

“Next week. I think I’m going to drop out. I’ve enough money, maybe I can get a job near you?”

He held me in his arms.

“I don’t know where I’m going to be.”

I frowned, he was being uncharacteristically secretive, and having lived with Dad for so long, I knew when things were being kept from me. I let it go, as I was too tired to make an issue of it.

“Fancy a walk?” I asked, and we went for a last walk.

*          *          *

“I’m going to miss you so much,.” I said, with my arm wrapped round his waist.

“You’ll get stuck into your studies, so you won’t even notice the time.”

“I bloody will. Every night as I go to bed alone.”

He smiled and held me close. I appreciated his size now, and smiled as I had disliked it when I had first seen him.

“What time is your flight?”

“Eight in the evening, it gets in at seven am UK time.”

“Well at least you can get some sleep.”

“Wow. What fun,” I said, and he laughed.

“So what are you doing tomorrow?” I asked.

“Mom flies back to New York, and I’m flying to start my new job.”

“Oh yes, what is it?”

“Teaching art in a high school.”

“Lucky buggers. I wish you would come to Britain. I’d stay on at school if you were my teacher.”

“That would be cool, but hardly professional.”


“Sleeping with a student.”

“We wouldn’t do much sleeping,” I teased and he laughed.

“I am going to miss you so much,” I repeated.

“I know, me too. But, we will get together real soon.”

“Yeah, fat chance.”

We looked at the White House, which was all lit up, and walked back. I didn’t feel like talking, as I was feeling bloody miserable, for two reasons, my period and I was leaving.

We went to bed. I just wanted to be held, so Simon cuddled me all night. I cried a little, but eventually dropped off to sleep.

The next day, after breakfast, Natasha came and hugged me, and gave me a huge cheque.

“I want to book you for next year. And if you ever get qualifications in design, you will come and work for me,” she stated, and I smiled. Simon certainly knew his mother.

She gave me any of the clothes from the collection that I wanted, so I took eight pieces. It was very generous, but she explained that this show tour had gleaned record orders, and she felt that it was wholly down to me.

“I can’t guarantee the same publicity next year,” I said, and she laughed.

“Next year we will be planning a wedding,” she said, and I laughed, but uncertain whose wedding she referred to.

Simon held me for ages, while I wept unashamedly.

I watched them all depart, feeling really miserable. I packed, and went to the Embassy and registered my father’s death. It was surreal, as the clerk was very sympathetic and obviously was only aware of the story from the newspapers and TV. It had made the TV news in the US, and also in the UK. I then spent the rest of the day wandering round the Smithsonian.

Finally, I took a cab to the airport and checked in. I had to pay excess for my heavy luggage, but what the hell, my dresses were worth over $15,000.

I went to the first class lounge, and waited for my plane. A couple of people recognised me, so I signed autographs, but I was mainly left in peace. The flight was announced, and the first class passengers were boarded last. I made my way to the aircraft, and was shown to my seat. The seat next to me was unoccupied. I hoped it would remain so.

I sat down, and leafed through the magazine. Someone arrived and put their bags in the overhead locker. Damn. There went my solitude.

I looked out the window at the ground crew getting ready to push back.

“Does this plane go to London?” this voice asked.

Silly fool. I thought, and then recognised the voice. I spun round and saw Simon smiling at me.

“Surprise,” he said, as I punched him on the jaw.

He rode the punch and I hurt my hand.

“You bastard!” I said. “I was bloody miserable, and you fucking well knew.”

He grinned, opening his arms, and like a complete idiot, I went to him.

“I couldn’t tell you, I wanted to surprise you.”

“One thing you need to know about me. I hate surprises.”

“And you have a mean right hook.”

I smiled, and kissed him better.

“So, how come you are on this flight, I thought you were heading south?”

“Well, I’m taking a little detour.”


“So I could be with you.”

“Some detour.”

He took out a piece of paper.

“Here, this is my temporary appointment to teach art at a high school during a female teacher’s maternity leave. I am there for three terms only. Is a term the same thing as a semester?”

“What is a semester?”

“It is what we have in American schools.”

I frowned, I was being a bit thick, but the penny slowly dropped.

“It’s for the Brighton High School, Sussex, England.”

I stared at him, and broke down into tears.

He held me, as I was just overcome. A stewardess came over.

“Is she all right sir?”

“She’s fine, we’ve just become engaged,” he said.

“Oh, how wonderful, congratulations.”

That stopped me crying. I sat up and stared at him.

“What did you say?”

“Well it stopped you crying.”



“You can’t go around saying that.”

“Why not?”

“Because it isn’t true?”

“Will you marry me?”

I stared at him.


“I’m six years younger than you.”

“So, marry me?”

“You’re my art teacher for God’s sake.”

“So? Marry me.”

“I’m going mad.”

“Then marry me before they lock you up.”

Everything that was in me that was labelled ‘Common Sense’ screamed ‘NO’ at me. But everything else wanted to be with him forever.

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“I just can’t.”

“Yes you can.”

I looked into his eyes, and saw all the love in the world.




“Because I love you with all my heart, all my soul and all my lower intestine. I want to grow old with you, and hide your teeth.”

I started to laugh, and he held me close. I only just realised, but we had taken off.

“Well?” he said.

“Oh all right, but we can’t make it official, the school wouldn’t allow it.”

“I don’t have a problem with that. As long as you wear the ring.”

He handed me a box, and opened it. I gasped in surprise, for inside lay the most enormous diamond I had ever seen.

“Simon, I can’t wear that. It’s massive.”

He took it out and slipped it onto my left ring finger. Then he gently kissed me on the cheek.

“Thank you. You have just made me the happiest man alive.”

I went from an extreme low to the dizziest high I had ever experienced. My brain was telling me that I was a fool, but my heart and soul soared along side the Boeing 747.

The cabin crew brought us champagne, and I showed my ring off, I had a huge grin stapled in place, and I was so much in love that I ached inside. I had a fleeting thought of Dave, and with it came a pang of guilt, but then I realised that he knew me better than I had anticipated.

The flight went like a dream, and Simon and I just talked all through the night. We made no plans, as both of us knew that plans were fickle things, we just were prepared to take one day as it came.

“So, I take it you are going back to school now?”

I grinned.

“I hear there is a really hunky new art teacher, so I’ll have to check him out.”

“I’m jealous,” he said, and I kissed him.

“Where will you stay?”

“I hear there is a nice house on the Eastbourne road, some girl is looking to take a lodger.”

“Oh, I don’t know, her fiancé is a real big guy, he might get jealous.”

“Settled then,” he said, and grinned.

“The school are going to go spare. I’m still only seventeen.”

“Going on twenty-five. You haven’t looked in a mirror recently, obviously.”

“What do you mean?”

He picked up the Washington Post, and turned to the fashion pages. He folded it and passed it to me.


I looked at it.

I was on the catwalk and was wearing a dress that was now in my suitcase. I looked very different to how I thought I looked from the inside, and he was right, as I looked over twenty. It was the eyes more than anything else. Those eyes that had seen people die, and they reflected the pain that I had undergone over the past few years. But there was a confidence and joy, which sprung out of being the person I wanted to be, and the girl in me was just ecstatic to be just that, a girl.

“Hardly a schoolgirl, huh?” he asked.

I smiled.

“Inside I am.”

He gently kissed me.

“You know it and I know it, and we both know you have seen and done more than most thirty year olds.”

“Maybe, but I haven’t had much time as being me.”

“Then we can enjoy that together.”

I snuggled against him, and just enjoyed him holding me. I actually dozed off for a while.

*          *          *

We landed on schedule, at Heathrow Terminal Three, and slowly walked along the piers towards the immigration desks.

We had to split up as he went through the long queue for Non-EC passengers, and I whizzed through and went to the baggage hall. He wasn’t that long, so soon we were locating and heaving the cases off the conveyor.

He laughed at the amount of luggage I had, but then realised that he was going to be the one pushing it. We managed to balance it all on one trolley, and went through the ‘Nothing to declare’ door, and onto the concourse.

“I’ll hire a car,” he declared, and he made for the car rental desks. Being twenty-three there was a real problem, so we took a cab in the end. The black cab driver was delighted, as he would make enough from us to take the rest of the day off. I negotiated a reasonable fare with him, and while we were doing so, he looked closely at me.

“’ere, are you that model they call Superbabe?”

“Yes, I’m Sandi Lake.”

“Shit, you made the papers over here, your old man was shot by the old bill, or something?”

“That’s right. Look, do we have to go through all this again?”

“I’m sorry, but my son has your pictures all over ‘is bleedin’ wall at home. He’ll be chuffed to know you’ve been in my cab.”

“What is your son’s name?”


I signed the photo from the newspaper, and gave it to him. I had written, To Mikey, with love from Sandi Lake.

He then knocked off a few quid from the agreed fare, and we were off. Fame has its advantages.

Simon was still cross about not being able to rent a car. I smiled, and thought of the cars in the garage back home.

“Simon, do you like Jaguars?”

“You bet. Why?”

“There is a brand new one in the garage. I suppose that it’s mine now, so all we have to do is get a mortgage for the insurance.”

“Do you drive?”

“Only a motorcycle. I’ve not had a chance to drive a car. I do have a provisional licence.”

“I’ll teach you.”

“I take proper lessons first, as you may find driving in England very different to America.”

He grinned, and held me close as we sped out of the London sprawl, and made our way south.
Chapter 13
The house was as I had left it. The cabbie came in and I made us all a cup of tea. He was over the moon at being invited in, so I am sure he would dine out on it for the rest of his life. I could see him now, boring the pants off his punters.

“I’ve had that model, Sandi Lake, in my cab. She is a right darling, gave me a cup of tea and everything. She has a real nice house overlooking the sea down on the south coast. She is a nice one, she is.”

He was anxious to return to London, so Simon and I were once again alone. I felt shattered, as it had been a very long time without sleep, so I went and had a long bath, while Simon explored the house and garage.

He came into the bathroom as I was getting out.

“There are three cars in the garage.”

“I know. There’s the Jag, the Mercedes sports and the Range Rover. My dad liked cars, so he kept buying them.

“So, they’re yours now?”

“Yup, everything is. Dad is officially dead now, so it was all in my name anyway. I suppose I’ll have to find a solicitor, and have all kinds of shit with death duties.”

I got dressed, the bath had made me feel much better and I was reluctant to go to bed, as I wanted to sleep at night. It was really nice to wear jeans and an old tee shirt for a change. I had been glamorous for the last month, even when off the catwalk.

We spent the morning going through Dad’s stuff. For all his villainy, he was methodical, and had planned this well. I simply called the solicitor Steven Granger, and he took control of everything. The house was already in my name, but as the transfer occurred within seven years of his ‘death’ I had to pay capital gains.

Most of his money was in cash, and invisible as far as the Inland Revenue were concerned, so for that I was grateful. Dad loathed taxes, and avoided paying them as much as he could. Steven simply organised everything, including probate, valuations and tax. As the sole beneficiary I was now very well off, but recognised that I needed organising.

Steven knew a financial adviser and set up a meeting, so that the three of us could make some order from the chaos. I felt quite overwhelmed, and was very grateful that Simon was with me.

There was no food in the house, so once I had contacted the insurance company, and ensured that Simon was insured for all the cars, and me for the Mercedes only, we set off for the shops.

I had not been shopping properly for ages. Dad had been hopeless, so I had done most of the shopping. It had never been that hard, as I lived off precooked meals, as Dad was rarely at home.

Now I felt strange and house-wifey, and wanted to try to cook for my man. But understanding my limitations, we were sensible. We still managed to collect a pile of produce from the shelves in Tesco. I really enjoyed just wandering up the aisles with Simon. He found it different to the States, and admitted to have never really been shopping before.

I couldn’t see Natasha with a shopping trolley somehow.

We were looking at ice creams, a weakness we shared, when I heard a female shriek.


It was Caroline from school. She always managed to catch me when I least expected or wanted it.

“Hi Caroline.”

She rushed over, and as her mother was obviously with her, she came too.

“My God, you look fabulous. When did you get back? We saw the news about your father, how terrible, but you have also been in all the fashion pages, you are so famous now. Are you going back to school?” she gushed, hardly drawing breath.

“I got back this morning, and yes, I am going back to school. Hi, you must be Mrs Warren,” I said, as her mother arrived, pushing her trolley.

“Mummy, this is Sandi, you know the girl from school who is the famous model they call Superbabe.”

“”Hello dear, oh yes, you lost your father in tragic circumstances, I am so sorry. It must be awful for you and your mother.”

“My mother died several years ago.”

“Oh, I am so sorry, so are you alone?”

Simon chose that moment to return to me, carrying assorted ice creams.

“Yes and no. This is Simon, he is my boyfriend. Simon Haddow, this is a friend from school, Caroline Warren, and her mum.”

Simon shook their hands, and Caroline’s jaw dropped, and she looked a little pale as he took in his size and incredible good looks.

“How are y’all?” he said, putting on an outrageous accent.

“Ooh, you’re American,” said Caroline, the observant one.

“Sure, I met Sandi when she came over a month ago.”

“Where are you staying?” her mother asked.

“With Sandi,” he said, so I just smiled, while Caroline’s eyes widened.

“Are you going back to school?” she asked.

“Yes, I may as well finish the year, and then see what happens.”

“You’ve heard Mrs Simmonds is off having a baby?”

“So I gathered,” I said, and Simon smiled at me.

“I wonder who they will get to take art. I hope they get someone nice, Mrs Simmonds was okay, but very dippy.”

“We’ll have to wait and see.”

“I took my test last week, so I’m driving now,” she said.

“Congratulations. I suppose I’ll get round to it. I still have my bike.”

“Not the same really,” she said.

“Maybe, but I like it. Besides Simon is driving the Jaguar, so he takes me where I want to go.”

“Well, I’ll see you later, only three days to go now. We are the upper sixth now, and it will be great wearing own clothes.”

“Yeah, see you.”

I was glad to see the back of them. Nice, but busybodies.

We finished our shop and returned home.

I called Jenny at the hotel.

“Hi Jen.”

“Sandi. Where are you?”

“At home. We flew in this morning, and we’ve just been shopping.”

“I heard about your Dad. I am so sorry.”

“Yeah, thanks. That’s life, isn’t it?”

“Dave and Mike are back.”


She laughed.

“Dave knows.”


“I saw him yesterday. He’s okay about it actually. I think in a funny sort of way he is relieved. He and Mike are off looking for accommodation in Bristol.”

“They are both going to Bristol?”

“Yes, The Royal Navy have offered Dave a scholarship, but he has to get through the first year, and thereafter they pay him. He passed his interview and is all set to be a pilot.”


“So what is he like?”

“You want to meet him?”

“He’s with you?” she almost screamed.

“Book us a table for two in the hotel for dinner tonight, or three, if you can join us.”

“Bloody hell, you didn’t bring him back with you?”

“I can’t leave him. Besides we’re engaged.”

There was silence on the other end.


“Sandi, you’re only seventeen.”

“Going on twenty-five.”

“You’re really engaged?”

“Yes, I have the ring and everything, but it has to be a secret for a while.”


“I’ll tell you when I see you.

“Are you staying in modelling, or going back to school?”

“I’ll do both. I will go back to school, and do the occasional job for Jemima.”

“Why bother with school?”

“Ah, I’ll tell you that later as well.”

“You are so mysterious.”

“Yeah, good isn’t it?” I said laughing.

“How are you?” she asked, serious now.

“Jenny, I am fantastic. I have a wonderful man, a wonderful job, and I am almost free of my old man.”


“I just know things will emerge that need dealing with. I’m sorting through his stuff now, so I know there will be ghosts.”

“Oh, I understand,” she said, but clearly didn’t.

“Anyway, I need to call Jemima, so I’ll see you later, okay?”


Simon gave me a cup of coffee, and kissed my neck.

“I’ve put most of the stuff away. I like the house, but some of the fittings. Urgh.”

I laughed.

“We will have fun getting things nice. My Dad had awful taste.”

I rang Jemima, and she was delighted to hear from me.

“Natasha has already called me, and can’t sing your praises enough. When are you coming back to work?”

“I’m going to finish my A levels. I need to get qualifications, and I do want to work as well, so anything you get for weekend work, or in the holidays, I’ll do. I have loads of stuff for my portfolio, so if you want I can let you have a copy?”

“Sandi, you don’t need a portfolio. With the publicity you have had in the last few weeks, everyone knows and wants Superbabe. I could get you enough work to keep you working every day for three years.”

“Gosh. Really?”

“You were in the papers several times a week. If not on the front pages, then inside, with all that stuff about you and your father. I am so sorry, by the way.”

“It’s okay, I have sort of come to terms with it now, it is just getting back into things I am finding difficult.”

“I understand that Natasha’s son is someone special now?”

“You understand right, but it is not really official.”

“You haven’t read the papers today?”

“No, why?”

“Well, you are definitely an item, according to the Daily Mail.”

“Bugger!” I said, and she laughed.

“So how serious is it?”

“Not really serious, we are only getting married.”

Silence reigned on the other end.

“Sandi, are you joking?”

“Nope. He asked me last night, and despite me trying to say no, it came out as yes.”

“You realise what this means?”

“Yes, I will have the most outrageous mother-in-law.”

“Not only that but you will be marrying into one of the wealthiest fashion families in the States.”

“Then I might be okay for a job,” I said, and she laughed.

“I should hope so. When’s the day?”

“We are having an extended engagement. It is not official yet, I want to finish my A levels, and then see where we are. I need to know he is the right one, so I’m not rushing into it.”

“Sensible girl. To be honest Natasha would drive me mad in large doses.”

“Me too, and Simon.”

“Well, I will defer the jobs I have ear-marked. But if you’re willing, I’m sure weekend work will be possible.”

“Fine, but let me settle back into the routine first.”

“No problem, and well done, the American tour was very successful. You’re well and truly on the map.”

“It’s all thanks to you.”

*          *          *

We rang off, so I sat back and drank my coffee. Simon was nowhere to be found. I went looking for him, and found him in dad’s study. He had switched on Dad’s PC and was trying to get in past the security.

“Out the way,” I said, and took over.

I was in, it took me six seconds, so he looked miffed.

“I’ve been doing this for years,” I explained. “Besides my PC is far better than this heap.”

We went upstairs, and we moved into Dad’s bedroom. Simon took Dad’s dressing room, and I took the walk-in wardrobe. I also had to take the wardrobe in my old room, as suddenly I had one heck of a lot of clothes and shoes.

I was still having my period, which was a shame, as I really fancied going to bed with Simon and doing nice things with him. Instead we played some silly computer games, and enjoyed being younger than our ages for a change.

“Are you cooking dinner or what?” he asked.

“No, I’m taking you out to dinner, so dress nice,” I said.

We arrived at the hotel at seven thirty. Simon looked really smart in a collarless white shirt, and a dark high collared jacket. He had a single onyx stud on his shirt, and it looked really cool. I wore one of Natasha’s black dresses, and I know I looked good. I spent ages on my makeup, and thought that Hazel would have been proud of me.

We parked the Jag and walked into the hotel reception. Jenny was behind the reception. She glanced up, but didn’t recognise me.

“Good evening, may I help you?” she said.

“Hi, we are here for dinner,” said Simon, his American accent, very obvious.

“Certainly, sir, what name please?”

“Lake,” he said. Jenny looked down at the book briefly, and then the penny dropped. She looked up again and straight at me.

“Hi Jenny. I haven’t changed that much, have I?” I asked.

“My God. Sandi?”

“Yup, me.”

She squealed with delight, and came rushing round and gave me a big hug.

“I can’t believe it. I really didn’t recognise you. Shit, you have changed so much!” she said.

“This is Simon. Simon, this is Jenny, she is my best friend, and Mike’s girlfriend. Or rather she was Mike’s girlfriend.”

“Still am. Hi Simon. Pleased to meet you.”

She shook Simon’s hand and stared in awe at his size.

I was almost six feet with my heels on, but he was still almost six inches taller than I. I was aware of just how striking a couple we were.

“I can’t believe how different you look,” she said, and noticed my left hand, and the ring.

“Sandi. My God. It’s enormous!” she said, grabbing my hand for a closer look.

“Simon asked me to marry him last night. I appear to have accepted.”

She stared at us, and smiled.

“Well you look as if you should fit together beautifully.”

“Oh, we do, believe me, we really do,” I said, with a grin, and her eyes almost popped out of her head.

“Come on, come and see Mum and Dad,” she said, and dragged us into the kitchens.

Her mother recognised me, but it took her dad a few moments. They went through the statutory ‘I’m sorry about your father’ bit, and I felt a real fraud. But we ended up in the dining room, and Jenny joined us for the meal.

The food was good, not perhaps on the same level as some that we had eaten, but then we weren’t paying those prices. It was good solid home cooking, and Simon and I really appreciated it. Jenny kept me up to date on everything that had happened in the last month, which wasn’t much. The main topic of conversation appears to have been me, my career and my father’s death.

“You’re going to be mobbed when you get back to school.”


“You don’t realise it, but you’re so famous.”


“Your picture has been in all the national papers, I’m surprised the local press haven’t been hounding you.”

“They probably don’t know I’m back. Long may it last.”

“So, I now know you ‘e engaged, what was the other secret?”

“Jenny, meet our new temporary art teacher.”

Jenny did a wonderful goldfish impression, and we both laughed at her.


“Yup, just one year. While Mrs Simmonds has her baby.”

“And you two are living together?”

“Yup. That’s why we’re keeping it very quiet.”

“With a ring that size, who needs speech?”

I smiled, glancing at my ring. It was so beautiful. Simon took my hand and gave me a squeeze.

“I got the job by chance. I knew Sandi went to school down in Brighton, so I searched the Internet for teaching jobs in the area. I graduated earlier in the year, so was hoping to be close to her. I saw the one job, and went for it. I emailed my qualifications, and they ran a phone interview. Only then did I realise that it was for her school. I passed and here I am. Visa and work permits all up to date. Fate decreed that we are stuck with each other.”

“It’s so romantic,” Jenny said.

“We’re going to be up front with Mr Goodson. If we try to be sneaky, then things will come unstuck,” I said.

“I agree. I have to go see him tomorrow, so why don’t we both go?” Simon suggested. So that was agreed.

*          *          *

It was strange, but the house was a completely different place now. We changed things a little, but it was as if it took on a new character altogether. I had decided to sell it, but now I was happy, and Simon was the main reason for that.

We drove into Brighton, and went to Brian Goodson’s office. He was surprised to see me, frowning as we both came in together.

“Mr Goodson. We need to be honest with you,” I said, and he frowned some more.

“I know that I’m rather a one for weird revelations, but I know you have been supportive in the past, so you know that I will not hide anything from you.”

He looked at me, and then at Simon, who had yet to open his mouth.

“Sir, I met Sandi while she was in the States. I had no idea she was at this school when I applied for the job, and only recently discovered that we are now both here, in different capacities, of course,” Simon said.

“Do I understand that by ‘met’, there is an implication that a deeper relationship has developed?”

“Yes sir,” Simon said.

“By coming here together, and having read about your unpleasant experiences in the United States, I assume you are cohabiting?” he asked me.

I winced at the word cohabiting, it sounded smutty, but then I think he meant it to.

“Simon is staying with me. We are engaged to be married. But I want to finish my A levels, and do things properly. So, yes, we are cohabiting, sleeping together, and happen to love each other very much,” I said, finishing up rather sharply.

Mr Goodson smiled.

“Sandi, you are right, you have this knack of stretching the bounds of what I hope to expect from my pupils.”

“I know this is rather unusual, but we don’t want to cause undue embarrassment, nor bring adverse publicity onto the school. I am willing to leave, if necessary.” I said.

“No honey, I’ll just not take up the post.” Simon said.

“Listen you two. No one leaves, and I can’t afford to allow you not to take up your post. You’re seventeen Sandi, and I have no power over your private life. I have one rule, and one rule alone. While in school, you both behave with the utmost decorum, and if not, then we will review the situation.”

We stared at him.

“Do you have a problem with that?” he asked us.

We didn’t.

“And Sandi, please, don’t wear that ring to school. If you lose it, I will not have the school bear that level of responsibility. And by the way, our levels of applications have doubled because of your exploits in the modelling field, so well done.”

We walked out very much happier than when we walked in.

Mr Goodson showed Simon round the school, and I followed along. I was actually looking forward to school, which was strange in itself. We spent a lot of the time in the art room, and Simon seemed happy with the layout.

I felt like a wife, and just enjoyed not being the centre of attention for once.

We went into town for lunch, and I was recognised in the Pizzahut. I had a mad few minutes of signing autographs, and then someone must have called the local paper, for as we were leaving a photographer turned up. I posed for a couple of shots, and Simon disappeared into WH Smiths, on my instructions.

We then went home and I made us spaghetti bolognaise for supper.

We sat together in the enormous dining room and ate it, and he smiled.

“Why do I feel like we are married already?”

“I don’t know, but I feel the same.” I said.

“Any second thoughts?”


“I love you so much.” he said, taking my hand.

“That’s just as well,” I said, and he laughed.

“You make me feel so good.”

“I’ll remind you of that when I am nagging you about bringing mud across my clean carpets.”

“Why don’t we get married sooner?”

“Because I want to wait. At least one year, okay?”

“Why a year?”

“I want to finish school, and make sure we are right for each other. I’m not going to be rushed into this, Simon. I intend to only get married once, and it will be right.”

“Okay. You are right, but I want to be your husband.”

“Sweetie, I am your wife, but not yet.”

We finished our meal and washed up. Then we sat and watched TV, snuggled together on the sofa.

I was just coming to the end of my period, so we had a cuddly night again.
Chapter 14
We gave Jenny a lift to school on the Monday morning. We were a little early as Simon did not want to be late on his first day. He drove the Jag, and parked it next to the art room, which was set apart from the main school buildings.

I decided to dress appropriately as a model, and wore a stunning gold and black dress from the Kysinski collection. Simon gave me a kiss and disappeared to the staff meeting, and Jenny and I walked into the sixth form block.

Heads turned, but I ignored them all, and we went and looked at the notice boards where our class timetables and other notices were on display.

“Shit, they’ve made you head girl, Sandi.”

I gasped, as I had not even considered that. We had a head boy and a head girl every year, and some responsibility went with it. Brian Goodson was going to make me pay for being a pain. I smiled, he was a crafty bastard, that one.

I copied down my class listings, and found that Fridays were clear. Mondays I had art, Tuesdays and Thursdays I had French, and Wednesdays was design. That meant I would be able to model on Fridays as well as the weekends.

The bell went for assembly, and we slowly made our way towards the big hall. The staff collected on the stage, and the sixth formers stayed at the back. But the head boy and head girl had to stand on the stage with the staff.

I felt very nervous as I went up onto the stage, and noticed that Errol McFadden, the head boy, was already there. He stared at me for a moment, confusion painted across his face. Then he realised who I was, and he went red. Most people remembered the androgynous child I had been, and few connected the new me with her/him.

I was in heels, and stood a shave under six foot. He was five nine, and although stocky, I was still a few inches taller than he.

The head entered and everyone stood up.

We sat to the left of the stage.

“Welcome back to another year. It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you your head boy and girl for this year. Errol and Sandi, please stand up.”

We stood, and were clapped. I wasn’t sure why, we hadn’t done anything, yet.

“I am sure it has come to most of your attention that Sandi has made quite an impact as an international model recently. It is to her credit that she is returning here to complete her A levels, and I am sure it will pay off in the long run. I know she wants to lead as much a normal life as possible, so please let her do so.

“We welcome two new members of staff. Mr Dewar replaces Mrs Hind in the Geography department. And Mr Haddow will be filling in whilst Mrs Simmonds has her baby. So a big welcome to the pair of you.

“For those of you who are new this term, this school prides itself at being progressive and moving with the times. But we have rules, and these rules will be maintained. Cross them and you will be sorry, as they are all there for good reason. Now, as you are all no doubt aware, this government is planning to reduce cannabis from being a class B drug to a class C drug. This means it is still illegal, and anyone caught with it will be suspended and probably expelled. I have a zero tolerance towards drugs, and I will insist that all pupils here are aware of the penalties of possession. I will call the police in, and you will get a criminal record.

“This year, as we are fortunate to having an expert American football coach on the staff, we will be running a football team for those who may be interested. Mr Haddow will run this on a Friday evening, so sign up as soon as you can. Mr Haddow played for his University in America, and declined pro-football as a career to become a teacher. So let’s make use of him while he is here.”

“Let’s make this term a good one, work hard, play hard and enjoy yourselves. Thank you.”

Assembly was over, and we had a prefects’ meeting before classes.

First Mr Goodson had Errol and I alone.

“Right, I am expecting great things from you. Lead by example, and you will be my lieutenants in running this school. The most important thing is that you two talk to each other. Regardless of what you know or think about each other, you are here to do a job, and you will do it well. You will do it better if you work as a team, so every week, on Monday mornings, I want you two to get together and talk through anything you have to do in the week to come.

“Neither of you are children, you’re adults, so I expect you to behave as such. So, no smoking, drinking and no drugs, especially from either of you. Get me?”

“Yes sir,” we said, and left.

Eventually I went to my art class. Everyone else was already in the art room, and I came in late and apologised to Simon.

He smiled and told me to take my seat.

Caroline was beside herself, she was staring at Simon as if he had two heads. When I came in she was dying to speak to me, and couldn’t. Jenny watched and grinned. All the other girls were looking at Simon all gooey-eyed.

He was actually very switched on, and in a short space of time we were all busy. He wanted us to think about planning, and less about the execution of making a work of art. As with many things in life, adequate planning ensured perfect execution.

The time flew past, and I just enjoyed being a normal person again.

After the break, we had to go to the library and research certain artists and styles of art. The project was quite complex, so we had an afternoon of research and reading.

Needless to say, Caroline came up to me as soon as she was able.

“Sandi, why didn’t you tell me your boyfriend is the new art teacher?”

“I thought you’d appreciate the surprise.”

“Is it a secret?”

“What, that we are lovers? No, but then I don’t really want it broadcast everywhere.”

I walked off, and she just gaped after me.

*          *          *

The term settled down into a pleasant routine. So many people came up to me and told me that they always knew that I was a girl. A few were a little confused, as they had thought me to be a boy. But I had no troubles, and explained to most people that I had suffered from a hormone imbalance, which had caused me to develop late, and I had been very self-conscious.

The work was not hard, but there was more than enough of it to keep me busy. The novelty of being a model wore off, and I was soon wearing jeans as the weather deteriorated.

Jemima kept me in modelling work, and I found some Fridays and Saturdays were very busy times. The solicitor and financial advisor took me in hand, and gradually we made some order out of Dad’s affairs. The taxman was paid, and I found myself with a very healthy portfolio of investments and properties. In short, I was worth several millions.

I started taking driving lessons. The instructor had a Fiesta, and asked me what car I had. I showed him the Mercedes Sports car, and he was speechless.

As the winter approached, the modelling work dropped off. I actually started watching the guys practising their American football. I had ‘donated’ a sum to the school for the purchase of uniforms and kit. So at least they looked the part. There were a few clubs and schools who played, so they started to line up fixtures.

I was approached to head up a cheerleader squad, and it tickled my fancy. I had no idea, so I went to the nearest US Air Force base, and found some experts amongst the women there.

Very soon I had a squad of twelve girls in full yellow and red kit, practising along side the blokes. It was harder than I thought it would be, and was a good way of keeping fit.

Needless to say, the press got to hear of it, and Superbabe got into the news again.

Simon and I settled into a very pleasant, but hectic social life. We were manic during the day, and spent most evenings in, just enjoying being together. Our relationship deepened, and we found ourselves even closer than ever.

It did not take long for the truth of our relationship to become common knowledge, and yet, surprisingly, no real comments came of it. We were discrete and, in school time, we behaved with the utmost decorum, as demanded. We began to be invited to dinner parties with other staff members, as if we were already married. It was weird calling staff members by their first names on one day, and having to call them Sir or Mrs. Smith the next.

One Saturday, Simon and I were shopping in Tescos, and we met Dave. He stared at me for a second, and then looked at Simon, and then grinned. He gave me a huge hug and shook Simon by the hand.

“I heard about you two, and wasn’t surprised. I understand congratulations are in order? Whatever happened to not wanting a steady relationship?”

I blushed, and he laughed.

“Seriously, Sandi, I’m really pleased for you. You two are made for each other, so I have no hard feelings now. I admit, at first I was pissed off, but then I met Gail.”

“Gail?” I asked.

“Yeah, she was on the same interview board for the Navy. We are even at Uni together, and we are as steady as you two.”

“Oh, thank God. I felt so bad over what happened, and I was afraid of hurting you,” I admitted.

“You must come and meet her at Christmas. She is at Uni at the moment, while I came home for a family birthday, and she is tied up with some work, so she stayed behind. You are looking really good, Sandi.”

“So are you, babe,” I said, and he smiled at my choice of words.

“I’m very good. How’s school? I hear your new art teacher is a bit of a twat.”

“He’s a real twat,” said Simon with a grin.

We all laughed.

“Hey, how about we go for a pint and some lunch. I’m not due home for a while, it’s pretty gruesome there at the moment anyway.”

So after shopping, we all went to the pub and had lunch. It was really odd being with him again, and when I looked at the pair of them, I wondered what the hell I had seen in Dave in the first place. He was good looking, but we had very little in common, and compared to Simon he was nothing. And yet, part of me would always love him a little bit. He was the first person to treat me as a girl, and I would never forget that.

I told him so, when Simon went to the loo.

He smiled, and kissed my cheek.

“Sandi, you are very special, and I still love you. But you and I know that we would never be able to live together, we are too different.”

“Friends?” I asked.

“Always, and if He-man there gives you the push, look me up.”

He-man returned, and I was feeling very content. I had been so worried about Dave, and now I was satisfied that we would always be friends.

Christmas approached, and I was wondering what to do about it. Natasha had called Simon and told him she was off to the Caribbean, so there was no point going there. She would be either in bed with Wayne, or in the bar half pissed. Or both.

“Why don’t we go skiing?” he suggested.


“Does it matter? We could go to Switzerland, Austria or even the States.”

It was a thought, and I was tempted. I didn’t really want to stay in the house, just the pair of us, it should be a time of families, and we were all we each had.

I took and passed my driving test, and started driving the Mercedes. The insurance could have bought me another car, but I didn’t care.

Out of the blue, a letter arrived from my aunt. I had not heard from my mother’s older sister, Amanda, since Mum left. She was writing to express sorrow and regret over hearing about Dad’s death, and also for failing as a Godmother. Once Dad moved away, the family seemed to cut us off. She was a little confused, as she had been convinced that I had been a boy, and yet, the papers clearly showed me as a very attractive young woman.

She was very apologetic, as clearly I had had an awful time, and was now all alone in the world. She invited me to her home, and even for Christmas, as I was her only niece.

She lived near Maidenhead, in Berkshire, and I could hardly remember her. I knew her children were older than me, and that I didn’t particularly get on with either of them when I had last seen them. Admittedly, I had been about seven at the time, but still, memories are strong things.

So I wrote back, a nice letter stating that my fiancé and I would be spending Christmas abroad this year. But, I thanked her very much for her thoughts, and explained that I was very independent now, and perhaps we could meet sometime after Christmas.

It made me realise that there was some family out there, but they had not helped when I needed it, so sod them.

*          *          *

Simon booked us a skiing holiday to the Pyrenees, and on the 20th of December, we caught a flight for France. The resort was called La Mangie, and it was a few hours drive south of Lourdes Airport.

I had had a few hours skiing when younger, but nothing really. Needless to say, Simon was an advanced skier, and was happy to teach me. We had a lovely room in a sweet little hotel, and it was all very cosy.

The resort was purpose built, and fortunately they had an early fall of snow, so all runs were open. I had spent a fortune on some really showy ski clothes, and looked really professional right up to the moment I first snapped on my skis.

Simon was really patient, and by the third day he took me up the chair lift, and we had a gentle ski back down. I remembered all my very early lessons, and could snowplough, and even just about execute a parallel turn. Many a time we ended up in a heap in the snow, convulsed with the giggles.

It was super fun, and I learned I had muscles that I had never used before. The aprá¨s ski was superb also, and we had wonderful meals, with far too much wine and beer.

We had two weeks of constant companionship, every minute of every day. The days were spent on the slopes, and the evenings in different restaurants. Every night, we spent in each others arms, making love for as long as our stamina would allow.

Being December, it was very cold, but still we managed to improve our suntans. Christmas day was a special time, and we exchanged stockings in our bedroom at about eight in the morning.

I bought him a man’s ring, with my name engraved on the inside, and he placed it on his ring finger. It had two diamonds set in it, linked together by a stylised chain. I also bought him some little jokey things, like a set of playing cards with my photograph on the back, and a willy measurer, that had inches that were rather shorter than standard.

He gave me a set of really sexy red and black underwear, a basque, with bra, knickers, suspender belt and several sexy stockings. I immediately tried them on, and the result was eminently predictable.

We ambled into the little church, and sang some carols in French. I held Simon’s arm, and was about the happiest I could ever remember.

The atmosphere in the resort was so friendly it was one huge family party, and we made lots of friends. A few people recognised me as a model, but mostly I was as anonymous as the next person. And it was brilliant.

New Year was equally fun. And we saw it in at the hotel, and with an awful lot of alcohol.

I dimly recall stripping down to my new underwear, and dancing a Cancan on the table. I do remember waking up with a terrible head, and still wearing some of the underwear.

I grew up a lot on that holiday. I learned how to be grown up, and how to love my man with my heart, soul and body. I gave my all to him, and he to me. We accepted that we were true soul mates, and we returned refreshed and renewed to our rather dull scholastic existence.

*          *          *

School life droned on. I was accepted by everyone without exception, and even made some really good friends. But in many ways, I was older than all of them, and only stayed to get my qualifications. I was granted permission to use my car, as I had no parents I was considered an exceptional case. It was mildly amusing to see me, a sixth form student, parking my year-old silver Mercedes cabriolet sports car next to the headmaster’s five year old Vauxhall Omega.

I became involved in some school activities, but gradually bowed out in favour of younger girls who needed experience in interaction with peer groups. The cheerleader squad was the first to go. I still watched and helped coach, but it wasn’t really my thing. I would go home and prepare a meal for Simon who was inevitably later than I.

My modelling gradually encroached on my time, and Jemima did try to restrict the hours I was given, but I found myself in demand more and more.

We completely redecorated the house, and gave all Dad’s hideous fixtures and fittings away to charities. It felt like home now, and we were very happy. Simon never mentioned marriage again, but I knew he wanted us to get married as soon as I finished school.

My eighteenth birthday sort of arrived while I wasn’t looking, and Simon, knowing I had more jewellery than I needed, bought me some more sexy underwear. I teased him that he bought it for me to wear, but for him to appreciate. He didn’t disagree, and it led to the usual amorous interlude.

Easter came, and I surprised Simon by booking seats on the Eurostar, and taking him to Paris. I had an apartment and had never seen it, so we went and had a week overlooking the Seine.

It was a really nice old-fashioned apartment, which had been recently redecorated. It was a little sparse, so we spent the first couple of days furnishing it to our standards.

We toured the art galleries, and bought loads of stuff he could use in his art classes. It was a cultural week, with the ballet and opera thrown in. We both had our portraits painted by pavement artists at Montmartre, and then Simon borrowed an artist’s easel and painted him, and then he tried me. He was actually better than the artist, and I loved him all the more.

I loved Paris, and so did Simon, and we were reluctant to leave. My French was actually very fluent, as we habitually used the small cafes and bars used by local people and not the tourist places.

But we had to return, and with some relief, I realised that this was my final term.

I worked hard, and within a few weeks all my exams were over.

Simon, however, was still working a long five-day week, whereas I was now a lady of leisure. Jemima soon filled my time, and I was all over the place modelling anything from clothes and make up to shoes and even sports equipment. I was then signed up to do my first T.V. commercials.

They were very slick, and the anti-perspirant company used my profession as an active model as the backdrop for the product. Sales went up, and I was more in demand. I advertised soap, shampoo, and even pizza.

I loved that advert, as I played myself as a pizza delivery girl to four loutish lads, who couldn’t believe that it was me. The pizza was called the Super-pizza, so Superbabe was brought in to deliver it.

Sales of that particular product soared, and Superbabe became hot property. I even registered the name, with a view of using it with my own products in the future.

I was approached by a well-known soft drinks company, and did a set of commercials for them. They were mini movies which all ended up with me flying through a window or similar, and quenching some poor schmuck’s thirst.

Then came the seductive chocolate bar, which, quite frankly was overtly phallic, and sexual. And then trainers, tooth brushes, ladies shavers and even tampons.

I had a ball, and most evenings would be home in time to cook supper, and spend the evening with Simon.

Simon was equally content. He adored teaching, and really had a gift. The students loved him, and the quality of the art exhibitions said it all. He knew how to bring the best out in people, and he just was a born teacher.

He was forever telling me that if it hadn’t been for me, he would probably have gone into pro-football, and he’d have never known the joys of teaching. It wasn’t all roses, as we both had our off-days. He was under pressure and stresses, as was I. And if it coincided with a certain time of the month, things could become very heated in our house.

Many times he would stomp off, and go for a drive to cool down, and I would chuck things about. But we always made up, and there was always a longer gap between bouts such as these.

Natasha flew in towards the end of the summer term, and came to stay without Wayne. I gathered that Wayne was history, and she was in the market for another man. I took a week off, just to spend some time with her.

Strangely, she adored our home, and could not believe the change in her son. Simon would go off to work each morning, and came home shattered to a meal I had prepared. It was very domesticated. After a couple of days, Natasha shed the expensive clothes, and all the jewellery, and wore jeans as I did, and helped me redecorate my old room. In doing so, she shed some of her brash and abrasive nature, and I got to know the sensitive and rather bruised individual that she was under the façade.

“This is going to be the nursery,” I explained, so she immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion.

I had to assure her that I wasn’t expecting, but we were definitely going to have children eventually. It was nice to see my room disappear, as my old personality and memories faded as we went. Alex was dead, long live Sandi.

I had to attend the school prize day, and came away with a few prizes. As head gir,l I had to make a speech, which I did, and everyone was polite enough to clap. But I had already moved on, and I could see that Mr Goodson knew it.

Leaving school was an anticlimax. I entered three garments into the fashion show, and won two categories with two and a second with one. I had someone else model them, as I thought that I had an unfair advantage. Jemima judged the show, and told me that I had done the right thing. I attended the leavers’ ball with Simon. I thought back one year, and only then did I appreciate how far I had come in that year.

Simon then dropped his bombshell.

“They have asked me to stay on full time,” he told us.

Mrs Simmonds had had a hard time having her baby, and didn’t feel up to coming back just yet. Her husband had a promotion, and she didn’t need to return to work. So she resigned, leaving a full-time vacancy. Simon had been so popular and successful, that there was no hesitation on behalf of the board of governors to offer him the full-time post.

Natasha was thrilled, but I had mixed feelings. We had made no plans, but I had agreed to model Natasha’s Fall range again, and would be doing the same tour as last year.

“Look, I’ll come with you, it will be our summer vacation, and then we can get back into me teaching, and you modelling.” he said.

“But I want to try designing, and I may get work in the States,” I said.

“Then I’ll quit and come with you. But at least let’s try.”

I had agreed, and I simply rethought our future.

The Kysinski range was even better than the previous year, and I was a lot more professional. My face was known, and the impact was just as good, if not better too. The London event set the tone for the rest of the tour, and we took the opportunity to announce our engagement at the first press conference.

This time, there were no police, no FBI agents, no gangsters lurking in pool, and we were able to appreciate the whole affair. I was so much more relaxed, that it was very apparent, and the show was much more effective. We managed to take time out in each city, and saw some sights, particularly looking at the art side of life, with a view to seeing what Simon could take back for his art lessons.

He was inspired by several different artists and styles, and was quite excited about it all. I was as excited for him, as I knew how serious he took his work.

It was in L.A. that things happened to change our comfortable little life.

I had just completed the first day’s show, and had just changed and was looking forward to an evening on the town. Simon had met up with some old University friends, and we were all going to try out a seafood restaurant that had been recommended.

I was walking down to meet Simon in the lobby, when I was approached by a well-dressed woman, who obviously knew who I was.

“Miss Lake, have you got a few moments?”

I looked at her. She was dressed in a smart suit, a skirt and jacket, and looked to be about thirty or so. She was quite attractive, and in the land of the beautiful, I gauged that she had more brains than average. She had the appearance of a PA or lawyer, but there was something else.

“You aren’t the press, are you?” I asked, cautiously.

She smiled and shook her head.

“No, I work for a studio casting company.”

“Oh yes, don’t tell me you want to offer me a part in a movie?” I said, sarcastically.

“Well, actually, that is what I was hoping to talk to you about.”

I looked at my watch, as I was late already.

“Look, I’m meeting my fiancé and some friends to go out for an evening. Can we do this tomorrow?”

“Sure, what time?”

“Mornings are best, I finish my work-out by nine, so ten would be good.”

“Okay, here’s my card, my name is Marianne Hooper. I’ll see you at ten tomorrow morning,” she said, turning to go.

“One thing,” I asked.

“Yes?” she said, turning back.

“Is this for real, or a wind up?”

She smiled. “Oh, it’s for real.”

I smiled and walked off.

*          *          *

As it happened the meal was brilliant, and Simon’s friends were very nice and made me feel welcome. There were three guys and two girls, all five had been at the same college, and both girls were going out with two of the guys. The odd man was called Kyle, and he was gay. His degree had been in Film studies, and he was now a hairdresser for one of the movie studios.

He was very precious and his current boyfriend was off on location somewhere in the Arizona desert.

When I asked him about Marianne Hooper he was quite impressed.

“All the major producers and directors use her to select particular actors, for specific parts. If you get a call from her, then someone important wants you. So where did you see her name?”

“I didn’t. She came to see me today about a part in a movie, but I was coming out with you guys, so I told her to fuck off,” I said casually, as I helped myself to another prawn.

Their expressions were a joy to behold, all except Simon’s that is, as he knew me only too well.

“Oh my God. Please tell me you didn’t really tell Marianne Hooper to fuck off?” said Kyle, looking aghast at me.

“Why, is she important?” I asked, all innocently.

“Important? She is almost capable of walking on water as far as actors in this town are concerned.”

“Just as well I made an appointment for her to see me at ten tomorrow morning, then,” I said, and Simon laughed at me.

“You are so cruel sometimes, honey.”

“I know, but it is such fun.”

There followed a period of speculation about what part they could possibly want to cast me in. I sort of remained detached but saw Simon frowning.

I leaned across and said.

“Penny for them?”

“I don’t know if I want you dragged into Hollywood.”

“Neither do I, so let’s wait and see what the woman wants.”

“Okay, it can’t hurt.”

“Listen, you know I’m not interested in the money, so I’m not about to sell my soul.”

“I know, but I know you can never resist a challenge.”

I kissed him, and he looked a little happier.
Chapter 15
We met Marianne in our room. Simon stayed with me, which made me feel a little happier.

“Thanks for seeing me, I am aware that you have quite a punishing schedule,” she said, as we shook hands.

We sat in the comfortable chairs.

“Okay, I’ll get straight to the point. A certain movie producer is very interested to offer you a screen test for a part in a forthcoming major production.”

“What kind of part?”

“Female lead.”

“What kind of movie?”

“A romantic thriller.”

“I’m not an actress. I’m a model. I can look pretty for the camera, and advertise clothes and other products. I have no training, and no experience. Why me?”

She smiled.

“You got me. I have never come across someone who doesn’t want to sell themselves, and asks these sorts of questions.”

“Well, why me?”

“Look in the papers, your face is there, day after day, you sell clothes, soap, shampoo, root beer and even tampons for God’s sake. Your face is one of the most valuable commodities in the Western World at the moment. You can’t open a magazine anywhere without seeing you looking out from the pages. And you say you aren’t an actress, did you realise more people tune into your pop commercials than the movie channel?”

I laughed, for now she was being silly.

“Seriously, you have talent, guts, determination and more personality that half the supposed stars in this goddamn town. I’ve read your story, and it’s some tale. It’s almost enough for a movie in its own right.”

“It isn’t finished yet,” I said, and she smiled at me.

“Okay, but will you do a test?”

“Who’s in the movie?”

“It hasn’t been finalised yet. Matt Damon has been approached, as has Ben Afflick.”

“Look, it all sounds lovely, but there is a scheduling problem. I have the show this afternoon, and then we are off to Miami tomorrow. So maybe you will have to find someone else.” I said.

“The fee would be at least one million dollars,” she said.

“Marianne, I make more than that selling toothpaste. I have more money than I can spend in a lifetime. I do things because I want to, and because they are fun. I rise to a challenge, and like doing things with the people I love near me. Being stuck in some studio or on location somewhere for months at a time, when the guy I love is working teaching kids how to paint properly, is not my idea of a good time.

“I like being home every evening, so when Simon gets home after a hard day, we can make dinner together, and talk through what has happened to us both. I like to sleep in my own bed, and feel him close to me. I hate trailers hotels and tents, but they are bearable with him there with me.”

“If we set up the test tomorrow before you leave, and arrange transport and everything, will you at least give it a try?”

She was desperate, and I wondered why.

“Why do you want me so much?” I asked.

“Because you have the look.”

“What look?”

“Beats me, but I am told, ‘Get Sandi Lake, she has the look.’ So, here I am,” she said with a smile.

“Okay, but Simon comes too, and all arrangements thereafter will be through my agent.”

“Of course. I didn’t know you had an agent.”

“I don’t, but it looks like I may need one.”

The limousine arrived on the dot of nine the next morning. Simon and I were whisked to the studio where Marianne met us.

“Good morning Sandi, and Simon. Thanks for coming. Miles Norton is the producer of this movie, and he wants to speak to you first.”

We were taken into some lavish offices, where I was introduced to the producer, the assistant producer, the director and all kinds of people. I instantly forgot their names, as I had a habit of doing when given too many at once to remember.

The director, Tim something, took me to one side.

“Okay Sandi. This movie is based on a computer game, similar in a way to Lara Croft’s Tomb raider. It is all about illegal arms deals, and you are an East European model whose boyfriend gets caught up with the Russian Mafia. He is killed, but gives you details, on a computer disk, of a big deal that is going down in the London Docks. There is a race on to get the information from you, and it starts in Eastern Europe, and comes through Hungary, Austria, France and then finishes up in the UK.

“You meet up with a CIA agent, and together you have to evade the enemy, and deliver the information to the only person who can decipher the code. The scene I want you to try for is the one just after the first attempt on your life, and you have been fished out of the Danube by the hero. You are in a cheap hotel room, and you are cold, wet and very frightened. Okay?”

“Okay,” I said, reading the page and a half of script.

I was taken into the sound studio, and there was a crude set, which was enough to pretend to be a bedroom. I read through my part, and it didn’t seem too difficult.

A technician came in and told me he would read the hero’s lines, but the camera would only be on me.

I held up a hand, and went to the loo. I stuck my head under the tap, and soaked my hair and face.

Then I returned, and read through the script once more. I had an ability to memorise stuff, so I put the script down, where I could see it if necessary, and nodded.

“Okay,” I said.

A lad came out with a board, and said, “Sandi Lake, screen test, take one.”


Him “Hey, you are safe now.”
Me (heavily accented) “For how long?”
Him "I don’t know. We must move out soon, and try to reach London. But they will be watching the airports and stations.”
Me “Just who are zese people?”
Him “You don’t want to know.”
Me “Yes I do. Ze bastards have just tried to kill me, you owe me zat much.”
Him “I suspect they are Russians, probably the Mafia, and with links to the old KGB. They are trying to sell arms to interested parties, mostly terrorists in the West. Rudi (my boyfriend) was involved.”
Me “Rudi? Never, he vas a gentle boy. He vas an artist for God’s sake.”
Him “He was blackmailed. They used his sculptures to ship arms and explosives through the border checks.”
Me “So, vy are zey trying to kill me, is it zis?” (Holds up disk).
Him “Probably.”
Me “Vot is on it?”
Him “I don’t know.”
Me “Just who are you anyway, and vy do you know so much about me?”
Him “I’m the only friend you’ve got.”
Me “How do I know I can trust you?”
Him “You have no choice.”


I started in surprise, as I was just getting into it and had started to enjoy it.

“Sandi, did you memorise the whole damn section?” the director asked.

“Yes, why did I miss something?”

“Not at all, in fact you altered some of the dialogue.”

“Well, it didn’t sound like an east European, it was too Americanised. I just wanted it to sound real.”

There was some muted laughter, and I felt embarrassed.

“Sandi, you told Marianne that you couldn’t act. Well, you’re wrong, you can and did, brilliantly,” the director said.

“Oh,” I said, somewhat shocked.

“Okay people, that’s it!” someone shouted, and we were taken back into the office. Marianne was smiling.

“Okay, Sandi, I liked the test, I want to see how it comes out, so we will have a coffee, and then if you want you can view it with me,” said Tim.

I went and sorted out my hair, and then was given a coffee.

About half an hour later we were ushered into the viewing room, which was a small cinema with a dozen seats.

I watched as my small scene unfolded in front of me, and was surprised as how I looked. My voice surprise me the most, it was very sultry and sexy and didn’t sound like me at all. It was very east European.

“Well, how do you think you did?” the Producer asked me.

“She didn’t look like me.”

“No, she looked and sounded like an East European model. I’ll be honest, I want you for the part, and I think you are made for it.”

I turned to Simon.


“You were amazing. Go for it!” he said, with a grin.


“Look, I know I was not convinced before, but having seen that, I am now. You were very believable. Even if this is the only one you ever make, how many people get this opportunity?”

“Okay, I’ll do it.” I said.

There were smiles all round, and we then discussed terms. I rang Jemima in London, and she agreed to talk to a friend of hers who was an agent. She also advised me to join Equity, and to tread very carefully.

As the movie plan was in its infancy, there was no great panic. Most of the cast had yet to be selected, and there was an awful lot to do before shooting started.

Most of the shooting was to take place on location across Europe and in Pinewood studios in Buckinghamshire, England. They were hoping to start in the back end of September. I hoped the Danube was warm at that time of year. We shook hands, and were taken back to the hotel.

It was all rather surreal, and by the time the next day’s papers came out, so did the news that Superbabe had been head-hunted for a lead part in a new potential blockbuster.

The press were once again interested in me, and the fashion show received added publicity because of this. I was unable to go anywhere without the press asking me silly questions, and I began to regret being so well known.

Returning to the same hotel in Miami was hard, as memories came flooding back. Simon and I used the pool together, and I never went anywhere without him. We were relaxing in the Jacuzzi on the last evening, when I heard a familiar voice.

“Hello girl.”

We turned, and there was my father. I had a lurch in my heart, as part of me was pleased to see him, and another part dreaded his presence and all it meant to me.

“Hello Mr Armitage,” I said.

He was dressed in casual slacks and a polo shirt. His hair was cropped very short and almost all grey. He looked thin and tired, with great dark bags under his eyes. I had never seen him look like this.

“I see you’re going to be a movie star,” he said.

“Perhaps, how have you been?”

He sat on the step. “Not bad. I have a nice house in the middle of nowhere. But I miss you, Sandi.”

“You should have thought of that a long time ago.”

“I know. You two engaged yet?”

I held up my hand and wiggled my ring finger.

“Splendid. You both have my blessing, for what it’s worth.”

“Are you ever going to be able to go home?” I asked.

He shook his head. “No. If I leave the States, then I lose the protection. If I appear in Britain, then the old bill will have no qualms about nicking me.”

“But what about what I gave to the police?”

“They didn’t need it in the end. The Yanks shot the bastard.”

“Are you sure? He may be your next door neighbour and calls himself Mr Smith.”

“I saw the body. I was there.”


“It’s funny, I’d like to go back and change so much.”

“Hilarious. You can’t, Dad.”

“I know. I’d like to see my grandchildren though.”

“Dad. I’m eighteen, and we are not having babies yet. So you will have to wait.”

“Don’t leave it too long,” he said, and I caught a tragic undercurrent.

“Oh, Dad. You haven’t?”

He looked down and nodded.

“What?” I asked.

“Cancer. I’ve had my last lot of chemo, now it I am waiting to see if it worked.”


“Bowel and Lymph nodes.”

“Oh shit.” I said, and he laughed.

“You said it, girl.”

“I’m sorry. When did you find out?”

“Three months ago. I went for a routine check up.”

“You should have called.”

“What good would it have done? You were busy with exams, and I have no hold on you.”

“I am still your only daughter.”

Tears came to his eyes, and Simon took my hand.

We got out of the Jacuzzi, and slipped on the towelling robes.

“You have this annoying habit of appearing and fucking up my life, Dad.”

He smiled, but it was a sad smile.

“I know kid, I’m sorry. But I had to see you.”

I hugged him, and found he was very thin under his clothes.

“Oh Dad, what are we going to do?”

“Not a lot we can do. I’m dead, remember?”

“How long?”

“A year, maybe a little more.”

“And the chemo, what if it works?”

“Once it’s in the lymph glands, it is hard to eradicate. The specialist thinks I may have a year to eighteen months.”

“Fuck!” I said, feeling very depressed.

“Hey, I won’t die in bed.”

“What you going to do, rob a bank?” I teased.

“Not quite. But I have a plan.”

“Oh Dad, no. Not again, please.”

“Look, I hope to give back something. I gave the world the prettiest girl there is, so I can’t be all bad.”

I started to cry. He had never been there for me, except when he killed people, and that was hardly sound parenting.

Simon held me, and said to Dad, “Sir, I think you’d better go.”

He nodded, gently kissing my cheek.

“Goodbye Sandi. Remember I have always loved you, and always will.”

Then he was gone. It was the last time I saw him alive.

*          *          *

We completed the tour and returned home. It really felt like home, and it was lovely to be somewhere familiar after a month of hotels.

I was sent the entire script, and Jemima introduced me to an agent, Richard Scott. I had a meeting with him, and he arranged to scrutinise my contract and sent off my Equity application. The contract was actually straightforward, but I was careful to ensure that Superbabeá“ was my property, and no use could be made of it in the publicity, without my permission, and to my benefit.

On his advice I signed a slightly amended contract, and stood to gain over $1,000,000 before the shooting even started. I was also due a percentage of any profits, which could take me into silly figures.

But, this was irrelevant, as my investments had gained, and money was the least of my problems.

We were watching TV one evening, and a documentary about the third world came on. The sights and sounds of the suffering in different parts of the world drove me to tears, and I decided to do something about it.

The next day, after Simon went to work, I went to see my financial advisor, and I asked about how I could help ease the suffering in the world. He was somewhat bemused by this, as his job was to build the wealth of his clients, not to help to give it away. He told me he would look into it.

I was reading a magazine and it featured a charity called ROPE (Relief for Oppressed People Everywhere) and arranged to covenant a sizeable amount of money to aid the setting up of schools and clinics in Africa. I felt happier knowing that some of Dad’s ill-gotten gains were going to people who really needed it.
Wrapping Up
I paused in my tale, and looked at Lieutenant Collinson who was sitting opposite me.

“Well, the rest you know. I made the movie and it did pretty well, even though the Lord of the Rings came out at the same time. I turned nineteen just before we finished shooting, and signed up for a fashion designer course, which I am still doing.

“Dad called me a few weeks ago, and told me that the chemo hadn’t worked, and he wanted to make sure that he wasn’t going to die in bed. So, what more can I say?”

“Why did you come to America?”

I looked out of the window, and watched the raindrops racing each other down the pane.

“He asked me to see him one last time. I couldn’t leave at that moment, but I came as soon as I could.”

“Do you know why he wanted to see you?”

I shrugged.

“I think he was a sentimental old sod and just wanted to see me again. But he was a devious bastard, so there may have been an ulterior motive.” I said.

“Sandi, what I am going to tell you know goes no further, and I may be way out of line for telling you in any case. But I guess after what you’ve been through, you deserve the truth.”

“Go on.”

“Your dad was found on the lower east side, in a warehouse, lying on the floor with a bullet in his heart. In a back room were six men, all dead, and on the table was over $2,000,000 worth of cocaine, and enough boxes of automatic weapons to start a small revolution.

“We got an anonymous call from a male with a pronounced English accent giving us a time and place of a major drugs deal. When we got there, that was what we found.”

I stared at him in silence.

“Your father had a gun in his hand, and we believe the wound to his chest was self administered. All the dead men had been shot with the same weapon, including your father,” he added.

I nodded.

“Who were the other men?” I asked.

“Two of them were Columbian couriers, and the other four were Jamaican Yardies. One of the Yardies had a London connection, and that connection was Frankie Holland.”


“The FBI were less than forthcoming with information, and denied any knowledge of anyone called Lake or Armitage.”

I smiled. “He was in their witness protection programme,” I said.

“Yeah, I know that now.”

“So, what happens now? As I said in the morgue, I’ve already ‘buried’ the bugger once, it will look bloody farcical if I have to say I made a mistake the first time.”

He smiled.

“Well, that is really up to you. In a way, he has done us a favour, and as far as we are concerned he is Armitage. To be honest, we would rather the Columbians and Jamaicans believed that the NYPD got to their men, and not some dying retired English gangster.”

I smiled too, how bloody typical of Dad. He could never just curl up and die; he had to be difficult.

“Look, Lieutenant. I’m getting married soon, and to be honest, I thought my father was out of my life. I know this sounds callous, as he may have been my father, but he was bugger all else. He actually made a tough time of my life one hell of a lot tougher, and to be honest, all I want is to get on and live the rest of my life in peace.

“I have a lovely man, superb prospects, and an awful lot to be thankful for. He was not one of them. If it is okay with you, just cremate the old sod and send me the ashes, as was supposed to have happened after the last time. I will spread them where he would have liked to have been scattered.”

The Lieutenant nodded.

“Are you sure?”

“Yup, I’m sure. This marks an end of this chapter of my life, and to be honest, I think it is for the best.”

The Lieutenant had me sign a couple of forms, and then he took me to the hotel. I called Simon, aware that it was early in the morning.

“Hi sweetie. I’m coming home. It’s finally really over.”

“Was it him?” he asked.

“Oh yes. This time he is really dead.”

“Oh. I’m sorry Honey.”

“I’m not.”




“Can we get married soon?”

“How soon?”

“As soon as I get back.”


“Why the hell not?”

“Because my mother would never get it arranged in that time, she’ll need six months notice.”

“Fuck your mother.”

“No thanks.”


“How about Saturday?”

“See you in church.”

“I love you too. Can I go back to sleep now?”

The End

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