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Chapter V
“Doctor Pope?” The admin said, pressing the intercom button on her phone.
“Yes, Miss Lindsay?”
“Miss, I mean, err… Sorry sir. Mister Morgan is here.”
The door to the head master's office opened less than a second later, and before any other sound came from the phone on Miss Lindsay's desk. Mrs. Pierce popped her head out of the headmaster's door.
“Chris. Thank you for coming so quickly. Would you come in, please.”
I left my things on the admin's desk, at her kind direction, and taking only the small purse, I crossed my hands in front of me and walked through the door.
The headmaster was digging in a file, so he had his back turned, as I entered.
“Headmaster?” I asked quietly as soon as I reached a spot three feet in front of his desk.
Miss Lynn was rising from a chair at the small conference table in the corner of the heads office, which was as large and as lavishly appointed as you would expect of one of New England's oldest and most prestigious preparatory schools.
I was a little comforted by the fact that she seemed to be mostly staring at me for the way that I was dressed, but her eyes had that flat dullness that couldn't make me feel anything but sick.
“Ah, Mr. Morgan. Thank you for coming so quickly, I…”
It looked like everyone was going to do that very thing today, I thought.
“Excuse me, Mr. Morgan. I was of course told how enthusiastically you've thrown yourself into Mrs. Pierce's dance preparations, but seeing it is yet another thing entirely. You've outdone yourself.”
“I'm sorry, Headmaster. I didn't mean to startle anyone.”
The carpet suddenly felt much deeper and much spongier to me than it had as I'd walked in.
“It would seem that after having done the same to several members of my staff, you at least, would be used to it. However, I can see that you look at least as startled as everyone else. Relax Chris. Have a seat. Miss Lynn, if you'd excuse us?”
“She can stay, Sir.” I wanted her there.
“No she can't, Chris.” Mrs. Pierce said, as Miss Lynn closed the door on her way out.
He grimaced, somewhat sympathetically, toward me as I walked to one of the red leather chairs in front of his desk, and gingerly gathered my skirt again before sliding the minimal area of my rear onto the edge of the seat. None of these people had ever called me 'Chris' so much, in the entire time I'd been here and every time they did so now made it feel like my knees might give way. I felt as if I were a patient whose doctor suddenly became far too kind and considerate.
“Well! As I was about to say, I've called you here because…”
At that moment, Doctor Cross chose to enter. He was a younger dark-haired man who I'd only met briefly before.
“Sorry, Headmaster.” he said, much as I had, as soon as he entered. “I came as soon as I got your message.” He greeted each of us in turn with at least a brief murmur or nod as well.
“Well,” the Head began again, I hoped for the last time, “there are several reasons why I called you in today, Chris, but first I have to ask a question that might seem a bit personal, and for that I apologize in advance.”
I nodded to let him know I was ready, which of course I wasn't.
“Miss Lynn has told us that you were notified by your parents this past Friday that you'll be spending Christmas here with us again?”
It was like a sucker punch to the stomach! On Friday afternoon I'd have been expecting it, but now, I'd never seen it coming and all I could do was exercise my jaw helplessly.
'Jesus', I thought, and for the first time it was a only a prayer. Please don't cry. I'll cry tonight in my room but please just don't cry now.
Dr. Pope didn't see the need to wait for me.
“It's alright. I can see the answer in your face, Chris, and must tell you how very sorry I am to hear of it. I'd like to ask if you are all right but you've answered that question quite plainly as well.
"We all understand that these things sometimes happen, and it is one of the services this school provides to its patrons, to create as much of a homelike atmosphere as we possibly can for the young men entrusted to our care. More than that, though, I wanted you to know that you are always welcome here.
"On the other hand, given that this is the… third?” he looked in Mrs. Pierce's direction for a moment, “year in a row, I hope you'll understand that I fully intend to take this up with your parents as soon as that can be arranged. Our obligations to you are simply greater than our obligations to your parents.”
I was able to nod my head this time. I did understand and, as bad as it made me feel, and, as much as I wanted to ask him to please leave it to my family, the look on his face said rather bluntly that it was already out of my hands.
I shifted the small purse off of my shoulder and held it to give them something else to do. I could only look at him.
“So you spent your first Christmas at Saint Andrew's with Mrs. Pierce and last year with Mrs. Laurie?” He made a quizzical face in her direction for a moment before looking at me again.
“Yes sir.” I had to clear my throat. “That first year Mrs. Pierce was kind enough to invite me to her home, and last year, because Mrs. Pierce was traveling, Mrs. Laurie invited me to have dinner with her family. Both their families were very, very kind to me sir.”
He smiled or grimaced under his white mustache. I could not quite tell.
“Well, Chris, unless things change of course, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to dine with Mrs. Pope and me this Christmas. It will be just us and my eldest daughter but we would certainly love to have you. In fact, I was just noting in the summary of your record that you have never had a single disciplinary note added to your file, minor or otherwise, and that you have maintained a near four oh average in some fairly advanced course work for your age.”
“I ha… thank you, Headmaster.”
“Don't thank me, Chris. It's your record, and it has been our pleasure to have you here with us and we are very proud of the work you've done. Your instructors expect the greatest of things from you in the future and I for one would very much welcome the pleasure of getting to know you better than I have been able to these past two years. I could of course have suggested that you get into trouble a little more often instead, but I doubt if Mrs. Pierce would leave me with two good legs if I did.”
Mrs. Pierce was all smiles for some reason and speaking while she walked over to a notebook computer that lay open and flashing on top of a tall filing cabinet, where she began tapping various keys. “It is good that it has only taken you ten years to become aware of the limits of my personal patience, Headmaster.”
He never really lessened his regard of me to look at her as he replied. “I am indeed, as I'm sure my wife will also attest, who is by the way, very pleased by the prospect of our little invitation, and who is also looking forward to your visit most eagerly.”
“Thank you, Headmaster. It would be my very great pleasure to come.”
“Good.” He smiled again, before leaning back in his chair.
“I am very curious about one thing, though. Did your parents ever tell you why they were so seldom available?”
Please god. Don't let me cry.
“No sir, not really. Both notes said that they were busy and couldn't get away just now but there were no details. They did say that, although it was most unlikely that they would be able to make it, they promised to try.”
He looked as displeased as ever I'd seen him. It was how I'd always imagined he would look when dealing with a major infraction of the honor code.
He shook his head, and reached to look at something in the file, before he put it down again to stare at me. It caused me to look uncomfortably away, only to see from the corners of my eyes that all of the adults had the same expression.
“So you heard from your mother as well?”
“Yes sir. She writes to me every month, sir.”
“Well…” He folded the file closed. “I'm impressed that you neither try to make excuses for them, nor try to convince us you are abused. All I can say is, that if my lawyers had not constantly assured me over the years that leaving students here with us does not constitute child abuse, I'd file a complaint against them myself for reckless abandonment.”
I knew he meant it well by the small smile he gave me but I was only really convinced that he did not like the color of his office carpet. I felt like I might have changed it for him right then and there, but he asked me another question that took me totally by surprise.
“Chris, I'm sorry, but I have to ask. You mean to tell me that you really don't know why your mother has not come to see you? You don't need to be shy about it with us. There are some people in this room who are very fond of you, you know.”
Shit. He handed me a tissue.
“No, sir.” I had to dab my eyes carefully at the corners, but at least they cleared again. “Can you tell me anything, sir? You've obviously been told more than I have.” My voice sounded hollow, and far away, and very much younger than I thought I was.
It was his turn to look down now. No one else was looking at me either when I instinctively glanced around.
“No, Chris, I truly can't, right now. I can only promise that I will do everything in my power…”
I tried to stand up but my legs felt too shaky.
Mrs. Pierce was on me before I could turn to look at her hand on my shoulder. “Excuse me, Headmaster. Chris, have you eaten today? I just got a note from the ladies in the dining room informing me that you have been scarce around there the last few days.”
I really had no idea what to expect next. “Ye… Yes, Ma'am. Mrs. Kluge made me eat…”
Mrs. Pierce finished it for me. “Three bites of a bagel, and half an egg?”
I nodded, and so did she. When I turned back to the Headmaster he seemed to nod at Mrs. Pierce, before looking at me, which almost made me forget what I'd been about to jump up and ask.
“Sir? Do you really know why this has been happening and all the while no one's telling me?”
He just looked at me again for a long moment. “No. I really don't know the half of it, but Chris, I promise you by the time we sit down to Mrs. Pope's famous Christmas turkey, you and I both will. I can give you my word on that. Mrs. Pierce has put in two calls to your father since Miss Lynn informed us of the situation and I am sure she will put in one more the moment you leave here.”
I knew that whatever the reasons for all of this, that it certainly wasn't his fault but I couldn't even nod. They knew something that they wouldn't tell me. Everyone in this room had always been so very nice to me, even the psychologist to whom I'd only spoken once before. I really didn't understand any of this.
From behind me came “Headmaster?” Doctor Cross spoke in the lull. “May I ask a question?”
“Of course, that's why I asked you to be here even before you insisted..”
“Chris, did you go to Miss Lynn about this?”
Sure. I brought my teddy bear along with me too. I didn't bother sliding around so that he could see me, I didn't want to look at him, and so I just bowed my head.
“No sir. Miss Lynn was walking down the hallway and ran into me just after I got my mother's letter. Miss Lynn took me to her office so that I could wash my face and then walked with me to dinner to be sure I didn't just go back to my room. She was very kind.”
He still wasn't satisfied obviously.
“Chris, if Miss Lynn had not run into you just then, would you have sought her out and confided in her?”
I was really beginning to dislike them all.
“No. I wouldn't have told anyone. I'd have had to tell Mrs. Pierce this week that I would be here over the holiday break but I wouldn't have done that ‘til I had to.”
I turned around then. I suppose I could honestly tell him it was none of his goddamned business but I couldn't do that. I don't know why, but suddenly, all of the anger that I had been feeling for them just suddenly receded into a strange calm when I realized how dense they were.
I was stuck here. I had nowhere else to go. I took a deep breath.
“Because you can't do anything about it, Doctor Cross. Because it’s embarrassing and I didn't want anyone to know.”
He looked like he was going to say something else but I turned around before he could. I couldn't believe I'd e-mailed him on Sunday.
The headmaster held up his hand in Doctor Cross' direction, and there were no more questions.
“Chris, there is another matter I have to clear up and, although I'm still hopeful that it will be far less painful for all concerned, I'm afraid that it is potentially more serious for us than Christmas. I need your help in clearing it up as quickly as possible.”
I found myself looking him dead in the eyes just then. “My help, sir?” It came out while his features took on that same fuzziness I was constantly dealing with of late.
The headmaster just looked at me for a few moments, and even though I could have sworn I heard Mrs. Pierce grunt, I could only stare at him.
“Point taken,” he said, “but I still need your help.”
I had to lean back in the chair now, already sorry for being rude to him. “You'll have it, sir.”
“I believe I will.” He shook his head a little but he continued “There is a matter that has come to my attention, of which I need to hear your side. That’s why I asked Miss Lynn to step outside whilst we talk…”
I may be only sixteen but I'm not actually dumb. I suppose that it's not something a person can be unaware of. I wasn't sure how much more of this I could take, so I just wanted to finish it. I tried to sit up a little straighter, just as Mrs. Pierce reached over my shoulder with a cup of water.
“Thank you, Ma'am.” I said sipping, as grateful for the water as I'd been for anything in my life.
“You’re welcome, Chris.” She said patting my shoulder.
“Sir. I know what's going on. I know a little of how things work, and how things get blown out of proportion. I'm not unaware that you probably think that Miss Lynn or I might have committed ... an error in judgement. I'm very sorry if you've been given that worry.
I can tell you that she's only ever been nice to me. I didn't like the look in her eyes or the fact that you need Doctor Cross here. Besides, this whole thing feels very scary, and I believe the easiest way to fix whatever is bothering everyone is to tell you what you need to know.
I also think, that even though I am trying very hard to believe you must have some valid ethical reason for not being able to tell me what's going on with my mother and father, I have no such dilemma, sir. I just can't think of any reason why I can't answer any question you might feel the need to ask.”
I deliberately turned away from the headmaster's profoundly thoughtful face to look at the other two.
“Very well then. Would you like to tell me what happened here this past Friday night, Chris?”
“No sir.”
I thought he was going to fall out of his chair. His mouth tightened and his eyes darted around the room as if to be sure that everyone else had heard it too.
At least he did until Mrs. Pierce chuckled behind me.
“I beg your pardon, Mister Morgan?”
The anger in me was not gone, but it was ... redirected.
“You have it, sir. Please ask me any question you like, and I will answer any that you put to me as honestly and as completely as I possibly can.”
Now he really couldn't believe I said that, but Mrs. Pierce did. She snorted even more loudly behind me. The head did not look happy, and he just sat back and said nothing for a good ten seconds. He did wave Doctor Cross into silence again.
“Well, I can see that your intelligence quotient is not the anomaly that some of my people thought it was this morning. Not any of the instructors who know you best, mind you.”
When he glanced again at Mrs. Pierce, she simply said: "It's easy to forget just how very smart he is, when all you can see is how young he is, Headmaster."
The head might have nodded slightly, I wasn't sure. I didn't feel any need to respond, even if I'd known how. After all, as nice as they had been, and even though I had nowhere else to go, I couldn't help thinking that all they could do was to throw me out.
“You are very mad at me right now, aren't you, Chris?”
“I'm sorry sir, but I am. If you'd like, I probably won't be in an hour. I know this is not your fault and I never stay mad at anyone very long. Would you like to put this off till this afternoon?”
“That won't be necessary. I don't blame you for your anger. I'd feel the same. Besides, I think you are giving me some very honest answers. I'll try equally hard to accord you the same privilege wherever it doesn't violate other ethical considerations.”
I nodded again . “I'd very much appreciate that, Headmaster.”
“Chris ... I hope you don't mind my calling you by your first name? I know it's not the standard practice.”
“I don't mind, but I was beginning to feel a bit ... condemned.”
He smiled a very kindly smile then. “Look in the mirror, Chris, calling you Mister Morgan is not the most natural thing to do right now. Which brings us to the point again, finally. Did you hear the rumor about a girl on campus, Chris?”
“Yes sir. Yesterday after my first class. Fred Thomas mentioned it to me between classes.”
“Is that why you skipped your other class?”
“Yes sir, it was. I was in my room being sick to my stomach.”
“You were throwing up?”
“Yes sir, twice.”
“Why? Were you ill?”
“I not quite sure what you mean, sir, but no. I was afraid that I might have gotten Miss Lynn into trouble.”
“Did you or Miss Lynn do anything that she should be in trouble?”
“No sir, we did not.” It was hard but I made sure that my voice had not changed too much and that I didn't use any sentences with 'and' or 'but' in them.
“Chris, do you know who that girl was?”
Did I? I didn't know what was going on right now, or if Miss Lynn had even told them. Unfortunately, even if I wanted to try and lie, I couldn't see how it could possibly hold up. I'd already realized that everyone would probably find out everything before I even walked out of the theater on Friday to get something to eat. There was only about a second between the time he asked the question and my answer.
“Yes sir. I believe it was me.”
He was nice enough to nod. He had known.
“Yours was the only card key that passed the locks in that end of the building that night, Chris. Can you tell me how it was you came to be dressed so that everyone would think you were a girl?”
“Yes sir. Mrs. Pierce wanted Ginger, Ginger, and me to wear skirts so that the other guys wouldn't be ripping them off the Saint Mary's girls every time they tried to dance with them. I thought you knew.”
Mrs. Pierce laughed.
“Mildred, please.” The head said in frustration.
He sounded as pained as he had when he first addressed us about the dance. I felt sorry for him. I had been honest;I never stay angry for long.
Mrs. Pierce spoke abruptly. “Funny, Chris, but I'd advise that the simple truth is your best strategy.”
I smiled, apologetically, for the first time since I'd entered the office. “I'm sorry sir.” I sighed more loudly than I meant to and took a sip of water before I could continue.
“I helped Miss Lynn with the dancing last Friday. She showed me some of the steps and things that she expected me to help with and then we worked with our group until we were too tired. After we were done, she told me of the plan for we three surrogates to wear long skirts or dresses to help the guys.”
“How did you feel about that?” Cross asked.
The head did not look happy but he let it go.
“I don't know really. That's one of the reasons I sent you the e-mail on Sunday. I didn't exactly hate the idea. I was afraid to be singled out, though, because I'm… I was a little sensitive about it.”
Cross interrupted again. “Sir, perhaps this isn't the proper venue…”
The head didn't look happy but I answered before he could, speaking directly to the headmaster.
“Sir, I'll only tell you what I'm comfortable telling you. I really don't mind.”
The headmaster looked like he himself was torn but he only said, “Go on then.”
“Well, I know Miss Lynn was uncomfortable with it, in part because she'd roped me into helping her, and in part because I probably made her think that I was going to implode at eleven pm on December twenty-fourth,” I smiled even more weakly in apology, “but I think the biggest reason she was uncomfortable with the whole idea is because she had caught me earlier that afternoon looking through the dresses in the theater. She knew she'd hit a nerve.”
“Looking at the dresses?”
“Yes sir. I was looking for the ones I liked and holding them up in front of me in the mirror and things, to see what they would look like.”
“Because of the dance classes?”
I sighed even though I didn't want to. “Yes sir, but also because they were pretty.”
“Oh, I see.” He said looking like he wanted to change the subject. I'd always been good at knowing what people’s feelings were toward me. I hated the look of disappointment I saw in his eyes then but simply would not lie. Truth was all that I had left.
“What happened after the class?” He finally prompted.
“Well, sir, Miss Lynn gave me the choice of not doing it, but I thought it would be best just to do what would help everyone out the most. She brought me one of the dresses I had liked and helped me by telling me how to put it on.”
“Was she in the dressing room with you?” Mrs. Pierce asked, causing everyone to jump almost as much as I did.
At least, though, the question was as honest as my answers had been.
“Not when I changed, Ma'am. The dress did have about a hundred buttons on the back, I think, which she had to button for me. Later she unbuttoned them, but she did that on the stage. The only time both she and I were in the small dressing room was when we were talking in there for a couple of minutes.”
“What were you talking about?” The head asked.
“Lots of things sir, about how I had been feeling mostly but also about the dancing.”
“Did she ask you to wear makeup?” Doctor Pope asked.
“Not really. She had to help me with that at the makeup mirror, because it's not something I'm very good with and I didn't want to embarrass anyone by looking silly in the dress.”
“Had you worn makeup before?” Was Doctor Cross's follow-up.
It was quiet for several breaths then.
“Did Miss Lynn suggest you go with her off campus, Chris?” The headmaster asked.
I looked him in the eye, even though the disappointment I saw there made that very, very hard. “Yes sir, she did.”
“Why did you go?” He asked.
I sighed again. “Sir, may I ask if you could possibly stop looking so disappointed.”
I had no idea where that had come from. He started to object but didn't because I didn't give him a chance.
“I'm not cracking up and I'm not some weirdo transvestite or something. Believe me, I know how strange that statement may be to you but it's true.”
“Chris, I've had a little training in dealing with people myself. They didn't just pick me off the street because there happened to be a bus stop out front. I don't think you are a transvestite. You don't look anything like one to me. If I made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry. I'm really am only worried about you ...”
He had to think about it before he continued, but I gave him credit for keeping his promise.
“... and for some very valuable members of my staff as well.”
I smiled in appreciation of his honesty and in his eyes I could see that he understood why I had.
“So why did you go?” he continued sounding more like he was mad than concerned.
“One of the things that came up when we were talking was that my parents had given her permission to take me to go and do any Christmas shopping I might need to get done, or just to be able to get away and talk. They were right. I wanted to go.
"We'd run the practice too late to be able to get anything to eat, and she had offered earlier that if that happened, she'd take me with her on an errand she had to run to grab something. I think she was afraid I'd wind up starving until breakfast or lunch on Saturday if she didn't.”
“Did she give you the clothes you were wearing?” He asked it just the same way, but his voice sounded different to me.
“Some of them. I'd found some the stuff I needed in the dressing rooms and I think she wanted to make sure I'd be safe so she helped me.”
“You could have worn your uniform.” He was not happy and everyone knew it.
“Headmaster…” Cross tried to break in but we both ignored him.
“Yes sir. I could have worn my uniform ... again. I really had been feeling sad, though. It wouldn't have bothered anyone, but me. I really didn't want to wear the uniform just then.”
I think he understood but he was looking at Doctor Cross over my shoulder who was shifting around loudly.
“If you ask me, sir, I'll go and change when we are done.”
It really wasn't that bad a carpet, I thought suddenly, not feeling as ill as I had been because of being able to get all this off my chest but I still wasn't feeling well either and I really didn't feel like looking at them just then.
Mrs. Pierce asked. “Chris has anyone been mean to you about the way you are dressed? I'm sure I made it clear that you boys were doing this for me and for the school.”
“You mean besides Professor Hammond, ma'am? No. Not at all. Everyone's been really nice to me. Funny too.”
She sighed openly. “Well, good. I've spoken to several of the boys and no one seems to mind. I'll speak to Mr. Hammond but, if anyone does say anything, I want you to come straight to me.”
The Head spoke up then, still accompanied by noises from Doctor Cross, but he wouldn't dare to interrupt Mrs. Pierce or the Head.
“Perhaps you'd be kind enough to pass long my own recommendation for more dietary fiber to Professor Hammond.” He looked at her then. “Mildred, I understand your very good intentions in making sure the boys are as well rounded as we can make them but perhaps this thing has gone on long enough.”
I suddenly heard some idiot speaking. “Sir, I don't want to cause….”
Mrs. Pierce was on my shoulder again, as she answered him. “I'm not so sure, Headmaster but, of course, I would be happy to hear your thoughts when we are through here. For now though, not only are the ladies from Saint Mary's due here around two this afternoon, but I still fully believe there really have been no problems with the boys. I think it's only given them something to distract them from the fear of dancing.”
The head nodded that he understood.
“I would also like to point out that Chris is not only the best dancer among us but, as I told you earlier, he helped both myself and Tom Anders out of a very uncomfortable situation that I'm afraid I was handling rather badly.”
Doctor Pope actually began to chuckle. “You know how much I wish you'd sent them to me.”
I felt her squeeze my shoulder before she answered him. “I considered it, sir, and I regret missing the opportunity, but the head of our athletics and health department was a colonel of marines, sir.”
He chuckled again and she patted my shoulder before letting it go.
He looked at me and I tried to look as calm as possible but what I really wanted to do was look at Mrs. Pierce.
He was still almost smiling. “So what errand did you run and where did you go?”
“I…” I had to swallow more water. “Miss Lynn had given me a package with a long slip in it…”
“A slip?” he interrupted.
“Yes sir. It's a type of …”
“I know what a slip is, Chris. She gave you one.”
“Yes, Headmaster. She had two new ones in packages. She gave me her last one when we were trying to find a dress for the next class. You need it, because it keeps the long skirt from getting so wrapped up around your legs as you dance. No point in teaching the guys not to rip them off, if you wind up falling over it anyway. I took her last one.”
He did not look very pleased. “And did you think that wearing makeup, perfume, and a bow in your hair would make your classmates more steady on their feet?”
Cross was on his feet. “Doctor Pope, I'm sorry to interrupt sir, but I really must remind you that I need us to table this aspect of the discussion until Chris and I have talked.”
The head didn't look mad at him like I expected but he didn't look happy either. “I understand that Doctor, but you realize that this isn't the first time I've had to speak to a young man with a problem. I'm…”
Mrs. Pierce stopped them both in their tracks. “With questions, Headmaster. Chris has questions.”
“You are right, of course, Mildred. Thank you. Questions.”
She continued to everyone's surprise, “And I for one agree with Doctor Cross in his request.”
The head just nodded, surprising me again when he actually said “Thank you, Mildred." He looked back at me. “So where exactly did you go?”
“We hit the burger drive through. It was awful. And then we went straight to the mall.”
“You went into the mall?”
“Just the one big store at the end. We never went inside the mall proper. Miss Lynn told me I could stay in the car and had parked right next to the store under the light but I think that she was uncomfortable leaving me alone. I wanted to go in anyway. I needed to get some things for the classes too, and I didn't want her to have to pay for it. Once we got inside we just ... had fun”
I blushed again and he just looked at me some more. I don't think he knew what to ask.
I continued. “Well we were talking and giggling by then and I was feeling much less depressed, so I bought some things I needed.”
He looked at me again and, I swear, I heard Miss Pierce make another weird noise but, with the face that Doctor Pope was making, I couldn't tear my eyes away.
“And you spoke about?” He asked slowly.
“About me. About how I'd been feeling so lonely. About why I check out romantic stories every weekend, and read books and article reprints on makeup and fashions…'
As soon as I realized that the carpet might be due for a vacuuming, I forced my eyes back up to look at him.
“Chris, did you discuss anything of a personal nature with Miss Lynn. I will tell you in fairness she has already told us she did.”
“Yes sir, she would. She told me a little about when she was a girl and a little about her brother, so that I'd know she really understood. She told me that her biggest fear, other than for me, was that she was afraid that her experiences with him might have colored her judgment. She told me that Doctor Cross, and Mrs. Pierce, and my parents were very nice people, and that I really needed to talk with them. That's why I wrote to Doctor Cross on Sunday, and asked if I could come and talk to him about some gender questions.”
“You contacted the doctor at her request?” His tone made it clear that Miss Lynn had not shared that part of it, but it also gave me the impression that he understood that she had only done so to protect my privacy.
I nodded to him. “I contacted Doctor Cross, sir, because I wanted to, and because she thought it was a really good idea too.”
Doctor Cross spoke. “I'm sorry head master but, because Chris had asked some very specific questions in his e-mail, I didn't feel I could discuss it with you, but he did make the appointment, and he did say it was at the urging of Miss Lynn. He wrote very clearly that she had made him feel much better and had given him the courage he needed to speak with me.”
The headmaster nodded to Doctor Cross, but I think he was looking at Mrs. Pierce when he spoke. “Thank you for the corroboration doctor but I was quite comfortable taking Mr. Morgan at his word.” He leaned forward to look at me very closely then.
Much more closely and I swear he took a deep breath.
“Chris, did Miss Lynn do anything on Friday night that made you feel bad or uncomfortable. Did she coerce you into doing anything, or did any of the more personal questions that she asked you upset you in any way.”
I hoped that his leaning closer was helping him see me because I couldn't see him at all. Shit. I felt tears begin to leak onto my cheeks.
“Sir… No, sir!” I tried to dab them away with the now badly crushed Kleenex but it was too late, and the single Kleenex was too small. “Miss Lynn is like a big sister. She talks to me. My father is so busy, and when I tried to write to my mother ... but her letters were confused and distant, she doesn't really answer the questions I ask her, my dad does. Miss Lynn is the nicest…”
“Chris, I didn't…” The head said, but it really was far too late.
“I think that's all we needed to hear.” Mrs. Pierce was lifting me under my arms, whilst I fumbled with the Kleenex and the little purse.
I didn't look at anyone as she steered me through the office. I'm sure the girls in the outer area were watching me but I didn't look up. Before I found myself all away across the common area and into Mrs. Pierce's office.
“Here, Chris.” She handed me a fresh bundle of tissues, and said. “Have a seat, Chris.”
I moved toward a chair but she steered me by my shoulders again.
“Not there, Chris. Here at my desk. I had the ladies in the dining room send you over some hot food. You can't be skipping meals like that. You should have come to me. I'm very sorry I didn't know until Amy came to me this morning. You should have come to me, Chris. Here, you need food.”
“I'm sorry, I…”
“I know, Chris.” She lifted my chin with her fingers to force me to look at her. “I know. Just remember that just because I've never hit you before, it doesn't mean that I won't if you ever do that again.”
I was helpless to hold it in any longer.
“Oh Chris…” she whispered, pulling me to her…

My very special thanks to Geoff for his invaluable time and advice.
Sarah Lynn Morgan
and appreciated! Including our Guests, who may login as guest reader, password topshelf.
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The complex emotions of the long scene in the Head's office are a bit hard to follow, but very rich and well-drawn. Obviously, there's a big shift in assumption from the beginning to the end of the scene, as Chris makes clear that Miss Lynn was only being helpful and supportive. Of course, by the end of the scene, we're still not certain that Miss Lynn is out of the woods.
That, will have to wait until the next episode for us to find out. And, whatever we find out there, will strongly color however we interpret what we've just read here.
Mrs. Pierce does seem to have been revealed as a strong ally. For some reason, I'm seeing her in scenes in my head of a movie I barely remember from years ago, "The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie," although I'm not absolutely certain I'm remembering the Maggie Smith character in the right context...
This would make such a great movie! This story is practically a script that's vibrantly alive already.
This just keeps getting better and better.
Now the relationship of big sister and little sister/brother has come out. It looks like Amy could be censured for her part in taking Chris off grounds. I understand that in boarding schools that is really frowned upon. But seeing as how Amy just wants to be there for Chris to have someone to confide in, and talk to about things, I don't see how Amy could be in trouble for that, because Mrs. Pierce has done the same thing, but not as a big sister though, but maybe more of a mother type.
It will be interesting to see exactly what happens because of this meeting. Thank you for sharing.
Love & hugs,
"With confidence and forebearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Amy knew...
She knew what could happen if everything unravelled - as it obviously did, but she seems to fit in with the 'too few' teachers that actually cares about the kids beyond their own classroom. Chris and Mrs. Pierce seem to understand Amy's motivation and Chris I hope will rise higher as her stanchest defender.
The big question is, is anybody in the administration, listening?
Love the story....
Great stuff
Well written, strong emotions, great depth of feeling, advances the plot: great stuff. And even better than all that, I liked it a lot. Thanks for writing and sharing with us.
Sarah, Reading this... is so hard not to identify with such a lovable central character and feel yourself in their place. So much so that I can almost sense the care in those much-needed hugs of support that Chris so desperately needs. You have left her so vulnerable after having her drop her shields and I strongly suspect that there is more for her to deal with ahead.
As usual with your works I am torn between needing to know what will unfold and not wanting this experience to end in any sort of hurry. That's not to say that the next chapter isn't eagerly awaited!
Yours on the edge of an over-stuffed leather chair (See, still identifying)
Stillian (on the outside but a Softie at heart - sounds like a Baked Alaska)
Dazed and Confused Characters
Everyone is so accepting and trying so hard to understand. I mean the characters of course. I'm following everything so far.
Everyone wants to help Chris and between the lot of them, I think they'll figure it out and get the job done. Of course Chris might not wait. Chris seems to know what she wants and she's tired of waiting for everyone to catch up.
So tune in again for the wonky auto poster time, whenever it is!
I'm just back from playing out in the snow so don't mind me. Just passing by ... just passing by .... :)
Thanks, Sarah! You're a snow angel!
- Terry
Actually, the 'autoposter', or the scheduler, is working great. Erin did a really thorough job
on putting it back up for me. I love that thing. Only problem with seen, was that something
got changed somehow as in human error, and I had such a high fever at the time I couldn't fix
it. Other than that, this thing is the only way to go. No having to worry about missing
a post, and dissapointing such nice people, is just one more thing that I don't have to manage.
I don't kow about you guys, but I need all of those that I can get!
Thank you, everyone, for reading along. I'm enjoying the comments as well. A Lot.
Sarah Lynn
The Headmaster Owes Chris An Explanation
I think by virtue of the fact that the parents have left Chris there for three Christmases in a row, the headmaster owes her more of an explanation than she is getting. When the parents did what they did all right to privacy about it went out the window. The headmaster knows more than he is saying and Chris has a right to know. She is the one who is being treated so badly by her parents. The headmaster needs to realize that Miss Lynn is being more of a friend and support to her than her own parents. He should just let the whole thing go and be grateful that she cares so much. Her parents obviously don't think she is important enough to be dealt with honestly. They should be hauled before a judge and given a choice, they either explain what is going on or they lose their child and go to jail for reckless abandonment.
Jengrl, did you stop to think, that maybe he will open up
to Chris, in a more private setting?
Yes, Chris has a right to now, but, there were a lot of people in that office, and he may have just been protecting Chris' privacy the best he could by saying nothing in front of everyone.
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Could do..
Like over Chris' Christmas stay?
Here's One Theory
This is a fun story to speculate about. It's so mysterious in some aspects, that the curious reader can't help but indulge! Please forgive me my indulgence.
Before I tell you, I should admit there's a major failing with this particular theory of mine, in that we don't know what's been happening with Chris and his parents in the summer. A U.S. boarding school would typically have a long break in the summer, for students and teachers alike. But, I've just gone back and text-searched the first 5 episodes, and I either did it wrong, or the word "summer" just doesn't appear.
Still, the text is pretty clear, excepting the unmentioned summers, that Chris has had visits with his father, but not at Christmas, and no contact with his mother, other than by the monthly letter.
The father is running a multinational business with offices in Europe, but the mother is not with the father, and is instead holed up somewhat semi-permanently in Switzerland. Why? And, what happened to her since the hysteria following the swimming pool incident? Here's my theory, or more accurately, just a question:
Is it possible that Chris's mother is in a private sanitarium in Switzerland following a mental breakdown, simply unable to travel, and that his parents don't want him to know about it?
Of course, if they're reuniting every summer, this is a silly thought on my part, but the story doesn't seem to mention that.
Chris's mother
I also thought that Chris's mother may be in a private clinic in Switzerland. Her reaction to the swimming pool incident made me think that she was reliving a prior attack and was desperately trying to get free. The fact that she connects her son with an attack she has still not recovered from would seem to explain her absence.
Michelle B
I have thought this too
That mom is in and out of a mental clinic and the monthly letters are by someone hiding the painful truths or written by dad.
But the lies, even if to protect him are hurting him. Their shunning him because of his TG leanings seems unlikely as it all went to hell after the incident in the swimming pool. Still, whatever the truth, his parents are a poor excuse for parents.
As to the head of the school being able to *open up* in the relative privacy of Chris staying at his home for Christmas, I'm sorry. I also believe he must know more about what is going on between Chris and his parents than he lets on. A Christmas with the head would be only to stave off a lawsuit or easy the head’s guilt.
The *flurry* of phone calls* -- several, WOW! -- , to Chris’s parents is a feeble attempt to get to the bottom of it all. Does the head really care or does he fear the boy will get a lawyer and sue him and the school for their negligence in noticing he is all but abandoned at school.
And as to the three boys having to dress as girls for the dance training, what the hell were thinking?
Terrific stuff, got us all guessing .
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
That is a wonderful quote…….
I am a fan of David Weber’s writing, but I have not read any of the Honor Harrington series of books - hence my unfamiliarity with the quote.
I have added it to my list though as it is very, very true and strikes a chord within me.
It reminds me somewhat of the song “My Way” - “Regrets, I’ve had a few. But then again, too few to mention. I did what I had to do, and saw it through without exemption.” Another line that has always meant a lot to me.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Poor Chris
I feel so bad for Chis, having to go through all that turmoil. I realize it was bound to happen eventually and everyone could have been a lot less sensitive, but it's still a pretty rough thing to go through. I just hope things start looking up soon. I also hope things will turn out okay for Miss Lynn. She really seems like a wonderful person, and I'd hate to see anything bad happen to her.
Sarah I love your story and
I love your story and look forward to more to come
I wish you enough Mickie
Whoa! Something in the way
Whoa! Something in the way this entire meeting went down, tends to make me believe that Chris is at this school because his Mother and Father know about his other self and they are not happy about it; especially his Mother. Their "logical" choice to straighten him out was to send him off to the school and leave him there to "make a man" of him. I kinda think that this is the information the Headmaster has and knows about. Now I wonder if the Headmaster's oldest daughter is like Chris and that is why the sudden offer from the Headmaster. J-Lynn
Now we have to wait 2 more days for the next part, pleaaassssseeeee can you post the rest later on
This is one of the only stories I am currently following as it is that good, there are about 4 others but this is one of the highest on my list
Great story well done. I hope Amy does not get in 2 much trouble...It seems the head master is not really aproving of children who explore their fem side. Looking forward to next chapter....Hoping to see it soon ...Oh and what is the mystery with his parents that he is not allowed to know. Its going to be a hard wait until I can read the next chapter...Thank you for a wonderful story.
Writing and Emotion
Such a talent. The words, the pauses. You convey so much using so little. I love it. :)Portia
An extremely enjoyable story
Chris is really good at handling him/herself at the meeting with the headmaster trying to implicate Amy. The headmaster finally felt compelled to start addressing Chris as Chris instead of Mr. Morgan. I am really enjoying the story and feel privileged to be able to read it.
Miss Lynn
While Miss Lynn's actions may have been appropriate at certain levels, she certainly failed in many regards in her fiduciary duties to her employer.
Like Pippa -- I love the complexities of this story. I also love the negative space the author has created by failing to go down the traditional roads. For example; by failing to have the hero comment throug internal thought about her feminine attire during the scene in the headmaster's office, we are subtly told she is comfortable with her clothing and make-up. This is beautiful writing.
I'm curious to see what resolution can be made of so many subplots and nuances.
Well done, Sarah.
In this one instance I believe the votes do match the quality of the writing.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
There is sometimes a conflict between doing the best for a pupil (or customer) and following the dictates of a school or employer.
It seems that Miss Lynn may have been blinded a little to the latter by the need to support Chris's best hope of happiness and development.
The scene in the headmaster's office was outstanding, but I can't imagine having the courage to speak in that fashion to 'Old Nunc', (so called because of his opening words when addressing his charges; 'Now Boy...'. He did have a tendency to shoot first - and not ask questions afterwards).
Again, I am riveted by the tension and the quality of writing. We are halfway through and, although we have an idea of Chris's needs, there are still a few unknowns - no doubt to be revealed in the final chapters. We have had a few glimpses but little definite as yet.
I will be here on Tuesday - eagerly awaiting part 6.
Very well written
Sarah, this is excellent. You are keeping us all on the minimal area of our rear on the edge of our seats as we await the next chapter. As has already been written, please hurry the next chapter, but don't let this story end too soon. It is too good.
Wendy Marie
Wendy Marie
I Was Sure
That I would not like this story even though it is written by Sarah Lynn Morgan. You know, stereotypical story of boys' school, protagonist duped into girls' clothing, petticoat punishment and all that.
Well, how wrong can you be?
Here we have something entirely different; every character developed and portrayed with love and sympathy (except for those dumb bible-bashers), a school where the staff don't even notice what Chris is wearing, the story being of a child's hurt, loneliness and puzzlement over his parents' apparent lack of affection, but all treated with such a delightfully light touch. Freddy with a Jack Lemmonish (a la Some Like It Hot) attitude, Mrs. Pierce; much more than your stereotypical dragon-lady school-mistress, Miss Lynn, uncrushed by the adoration of her charges, and all the others, not forgetting Chris, bright, vulnerable, torn by his desires and aching with a loss he can't understand.
And all this written so well I am laughing one moment and close to tears the next.
Aahh, Sarah Lynn, just brilliant,
** “I'm not cracking up and I'm not some weirdo transvestite or something. Believe me, I know how strange that statement may be to you but it's true.â€
“Chris, I've had a little training in dealing with people myself. They didn't just pick me off the street because there happened to be a bus stop out front. I don't think you are a transvestite. You don't look anything like one to me. **
What does a transvestite look like? The exact translation is crossdresser; I am one, and would not call myself weird:
I would be careful with the term transvestite, as some see it as a synonym for crossdresser, while others see two different meanings. My guess is that both Chris and The Head are either thinking of transvestites as flamboyant show biz drag queens or as men who only fetish dress for sexual release. Perhaps both have formed their opinions from Jerry Springer et. al.
If one takes the term denotatively - crossdresser - I don't think there should be anything negative if Chris is found to be one rather than a transexual; both are on the TG spectrum.
"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show
BE a lady!
Careful, Jezzi
The way that you and I would use the term, is not the way that a child who just had to look it up necessarily would. Don't confuse the mistakes of a child character, with the intend or understanding of the author. I looked the terms up a long time ago. In the story, Chris has already shown that he really does not know what a transexual is, and his limited understanding of Transvestism centers around some men who get excited over women's clothes.
Note, that none of the adults have acted with Scorn. They are big people, and so are we.
Fabulous picture though. Of all the ones I've seen, Jezzi, that one is my favorite. Bet you just wanted to post it.
The Kid is simply ignorant
He was only responding to the best of his ability based on the biases he had learned to this point.
...this seems to be sort of a "They're using our word" situation.
There is, as has been pointed out, a difference in the way someone on the TG spectrum might use "Transvestite" and how someone else who isn't, and who isn't particularly knowledgeable about us, might do so. Part of this has to do with accepted social mores across a generalized population, and part to do with the concept of "reverse prestige". It is a little similar to the way many Black speakers of English will utilize the term "N***a" with and to each other, but (rightly) find it offensive when a White speaker does so. (Not exactly the same, but similar conditions and results apply.) I'm occasionally offended when a NT uses the term "Aspie", but I describe myself that way frequently.
Part of the reason, as I said, is "reverse prestige". Essentially, people like to belong to a group, but don't like to be "pigeon-holed" into one. Therefore, people are usually relatively comfortable using a term to self-identify with a group they feel some degree of pride in, but are also >very< uncomfortable with someone else using that same (or nearly the same) term to associate them with that same group (especially if the group is perceived to somehow be in opposition to the norms of the larger society).
In this case, Sarah has very adroitly used this specific term in this way to introduce three different things. One, she is further cementing the perception that Chris is not yet fully identifying "him"-self as transgendered, or at least is not very comfortable with the identification. Two, she is elaborating on "his" unfamiliarity with the specifics of transgenderism, which, as a hole in the knowledge of a character that is described otherwise as very intelligent and knowledgeable, is a critically important flaw that allows the character to be, in a covert way, much more believable and with whom her target audience can, in an interesting, backwards way, identify and sympathize with. Third, by having the other person say "I don't think you are a transvestite. You don't look anything like one to me." she introduces the common theme (again, for this isn't the first time she's inserted such in this story!) in TG stories that people around the TG protagonist spot the character's inner gender sometimes before she does. Further, it plays with, as has been said, the same character-rounding ignorance as in point two, but to establish the believable protagonist in a milieu of other believable characters. Quite a clever literary device. :-) And a wonderful sort of [name left out so as to not spoil for those reading the story for the first time] story. Thank you!
Of course, I >could< be over-analyzing this. Sarah might not have put any such device in this conversation. But I think that even if it is just the working of her subconscious, and that she wasn't aware of it in those terms, she still put it in. And it works!
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
This was a very emotional
This was a very emotional part and I enjoyed it very much, but it did take me a few tries to start because I felt very bad for Chris. All those people in there at once, I wouldn't have been able to open my mouth. And it is very touching to read that they are all so concerned about Chris. :)
Thank you for sharing this, I'm very much looking forward to the next part. :)
That carpet sure looks thick to me
I bet Chris wished he could disappear into it.
Hello Sarah!!! ^____^ ;-D
This chapter apparently has come forth to verify the rumors that the Head and staff have heard. Now that has been explained. Now Chris is faced with the possibility of losing a friend and his parents before the Christmas Holidays. Hopefully he will be able to recover. We'll just have to wait until the next chapter and see what portends. Perhaps he might meet a beautiful girl at the dance that will see him through the rough times and into the future.
Thanks for another emotional filled chapter Sarah. Have a wonderful week.
Thanks Sarah
The rest I put into the email to you. (Thanks for he reply by the way)
Just a quick question; How many chapters are there?
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
It's In the Header...
This was the fifth of nine.
(Sarah, I'm enjoying this as much as I'm trying to figure it out. Looking forward to more.)
Sounds like there actually
Sounds like there actually may be support for her at school :)
I love the emotions and honesty Chris is displaying. One of the best chapters yet (which is hard since the rest were damn good as well).
I'm looking forward to how the girls from the other school will react to her.
Seeing the bias
I'm aware that the world at large is a pretty vicious place and only in some countries are gender confused people regarded as part of normal social patterns.
Often we find that bias and bigotry are not surface elements of a society but an undertow of bad thinking passed from generation to generation.
We're seeing here, educators that have little or no knowledge of Gender Identity trying to lay a veneer of patterning on a guilt free and open minded child, thus are we all corrupted.
This really is excellent - Chris has the measure of them all and is going to win -
I'm really wondering what the reasons mummy has for abandoning her little boy. I'm sure they'll come out in the wash, but in the meantime I can't work out whether the teachers are guilty of knowledge about the circumstances which they are not passing on to the hero/ine
Keep writing - I love it
This has a very interesting build up...
You have tension growing at a nice pace (a bit here, then a relief, then a bit there. nice). The main characters seem distinct. I'm enjoying this a lot. I know I complained earlier about the ease with which Chris was dressed, but I think you've addressed the source of my concern there. Things are set up nicely, and I'm looking forward to you bringing stuff to a conclusion. :-) If there's a complaint, it's that some of the minor characters don't "feel" as real to me (yet... And this may be intentional, or just my perception).
I have a few ideas about where things are going, and will be very curious to see if I'm anywhere close, or way out in left field (or even in the ball park, to continue the sports analogy, in honor of the Col./ Coach. LOL).
Looks To Me As If
The Headmaster does not care about Chris. If he did, then he wouldn't be bullying Chris. Mrs. Pierce had to curb him way too much. If Miss Lynn gets canned, Chris will suffer.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
To some of my "Intellectual" Associates!
And I say that with tongue in cheek.
Dear Sarah,
I have read pretty well all the comments on this story, and I don't think you need any advice from Xperts.
It's a good story well written and thought out!
I'm just a reader of stories, probably like 90% of readers who enjoy a well written book who don't need to critique.
I'm enjoying this immensley, keep it up!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Sarah, I am really enjoying this story!! I am reading it now after it seems to have been fully published. So I am not commenting after each chapter.
I really like Chris and think she is a very strong person!! I fully expect her to achieve her true self!!! When that might happen is still left to be discovered!!
I must rank you with the best authors of TG fiction I have read!!! Also I am feeling a kinship with all the others who post comments here!! I just wish there was a way we could all connect!!
From the fire into the furnace?
Well, since my last comment alluded to "From the frying pan into the fire", and the situation's got a lot trickier...
Another excellent chapter - and very realistic (although cringeworthy) that the Head was trying to ascertain if there was any degree of inappropriateness with the interaction between Chris and Amy (and almost implying that he thought there was).
Hopefully Chris will make it to the library before Chapter 9!
I'd love to continue reading, but as it's ten to one in the morning, my eyes are drooping and I've work tomorrow (well, later on today if you want to be technical), so I'll have to save the final three chapters for tomorow evening (well, this evening, but you know what I mean...).
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
XMas Vacations - TV vs CD
#1 - First, i'm curious like a couple of other commenters, Why all the hub-bub over a simple xmas vacation. what did he do over summer break? Turn into a lawn orninmate ? if not where did he go ? He's been there three years or least on his 3rd year. the storyline hits a BIG TILT for not explaining all this summer beak time he had to be going some place.
#2 - TV vs CD - depending on location on planet you life - translation on transvitte (TV) vs crossdresser(CD) can varry dramatically.
In the UK, as I understand it. the term TV is litterly a crossdresser no more connotation that that. Where in the USA the TV prob. means a messed up drag queen or even litterly a drag queen depending where you live. generally gay also... where usually one refers to the crossdresser as a otherwise normal hetro person.
GAWD - on msn chat in the older days of internet. We had serious implosions on LABELS of what & whom was such. NO ONE really came to terms. AND you know what - (that was in mid-late 90s), and this is 2011 currently as I write. and there is STILL frickin confusion over such stupidity and labels on how to address different segments on the transgender community ... no wonder why the GENERAL POPULATION figures we're all nut cakes.
LABELS aside tho, I like this story - I'm surprized how quickly this boy is outing himself & placing himself into jepordy & dammit if that teacher (amy) gets into trouble. I say we burn the school down, because she exemplifies what a caring teacher is all about and DAMM the lawsuits idiots would want
Boys School ch. 5
The inquisition. Chris is taken before the administrators and
put through a series of questions that in total help to explain
current and past events. Perhaps it also provides information and
background as to what follows. Interesting story and chapter, and
again you get the feeling you are going through what Chris is going
through in answering their questions. Excellent story and chapter.
Pivital chapter? Damned if I know.
I'm now halfway through the story and I still don't know where you are taking Chris or what's going on with his parents. You sure don't write to formula. Thank you! I love reading a story that I don't figure out in the first few paragraphs. This is the best story I've read in a long time!
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Nobody expects The Spanish Inquisition! He could be traumatised by it, it seemed a bit heavy with three staff in the room. I am surprised that poor Chris didn’t throw up on the Headmaster’s carpet, I think that I would, my stomach was churning all through the interview.
This is the power of great writing!
Glenda Ericsson