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Author's Note: There is sex in this story. Some of it is explicitly described. I've seen folks post in the comments of other stories they were surprised or unhappy with this. Be forewarned.
Bodyswap stories have the difficulty that pronouns could refer to the body or the mind in the body. I generally do the latter, the pronoun referring to the mind of person acting or speaking. But not always. Please accept the fact that there might be some confusion on the reader's part for a few sentences when swaps happen. I promise it can be figured out and the confusion is usually there for one of two reasons: 1) the character is confused, so letting the reader be confused seems appropriate, or 2) it would be really ugly to write "He saw the body he usually wore..." or similar constructions with a lot of frequency.
Anyway, if you don't think you can deal with a little confusion, don't say I didn't warn you should you continue reading.
The woman saw her friends sitting at a booth at the bar. She got a beer from the bar and joined them in the booth.
“Sylvia?” Robert said. “Is Eric parking the car? You don’t usually come to these boy’s nights out.”
Sylvia took a long drink from her beer. “It’s a long story.”
“You drink beer?” Said Timmy. “I’ve never seen you drink anything but wine or a margarita.”
She took another drink. “The short story is I’m Eric.”
“Eric isn’t that good looking, Syl.”
“Haha. Sylvia, Eric at the moment, got her hands on some magic thing that swaps people’s minds.”
“Where did she get such a thing?”
“There’s this place called the Magic Shoppe downtown.”
“I’ve seen that place,” Robert said.
“Yeah, didn’t Tony’s wife go there for her Genie costume last Halloween?”
“Oh, right. That was how she was able to appear as smoke from a genie bottle.
Sylvia took another drink. “Be that as it may, I’ve been in her body and she’s been in mine every weekend ever since.”
“You better ease up. Sylvia’s body probably can’t handle more than one of those beers.”
“I know.” She said, finishing off her beer. “I don’t mind indulging her. Being a woman has a few perks. I didn’t pay for this beer, for example.”
“Is that why that guy at the bar hasn’t taken his eyes off you?”
“Probably,” she said without looking over at the bar. “I told him I was meeting friends. He and his buddy probably assumed my friends were other women.”
“Not unless Sylvia, or Eric, gets our wives to convince us to do what you did.”
“At least, we know who wears the pants in Eric’s marriage.”
“The other advantage is sex. Eric doesn’t always get me off when we fuck. The first time we had sex swapped, he was totally shocked that he couldn’t last as long as it took to get me off. He apologized for like three days about ever giving me shit for finishing first on her.
“When I do orgasm, it is ten times better than when I do as Eric. No contest. I don’t know if that’s all women, or just my nympho wife.”
“You’re saying Sylvia could easily be a slut and you’re her now.”
“I saying she has infinite restraint that I don’t possess. And right now I’m buzzed and you two look delicious.”
“Wait, you want us to fuck your wife?”
“I want you two to fuck me.”
“While you’re wearing your wife’s body?”
“I suppose that is also true.”
“Wait, you want both of us to fuck you? Who goes first?”
Robert jabbed a fist into Timmy’s arm. “Ha, he almost got us.”
“Um… yeah.”
“This was a test to see if we would dishonor his wife.”
“Of course, a test. And we passed.”
“Oh, my fucking god,” she said standing up, a slight sway to her step. She poked Richard in the sternum. “I want your dick in my mouth.” The finger that had poked him in the chest was now inches from her mouth. With her other hand, she pointed at Tim, “And your dick in my pussy.” That hand swung down to her skirt and then she crossed arms to point the men. “And then after we all cum, you two swap and we do it again. Now, let’s go. Sylvia, I mean, Eric won’t be home until tomorrow afternoon.”
The two men shrugged and the three of them left the bar earlier than normal.
* * *
“I can’t believe you both fucked me.” The three of them lay in bed together in Sylvia’s and Eric’s apartment. Sylvia was spooned up against Richard, his cock limp against the small of her back. Tim was facing her, his index finger tracing a circle around one of her erect nipples. She wiped something wet off the corner of her mouth and sucked it off her finger.
“No.” Robert wagged a finger in the air.
“No, no,” Tim said.
“You don’t get to say that,” Robert said.
“I was drunk.”
“You were not.”
“You were barely buzzed.”
“This could be considered gaslighting.”
“Except we asked you a dozen times between the bar and the bed if your were sure.” Robert took out his phone and played a video. The two men can be clearly seen asking if the woman in the video consents, clearly reminding her that she’s in her wife’s body, warning her that if her wife finds out she’ll kill her, etc. The video goes on for ten minutes repeating the questions over time.
Timmy took out his phone and recorded Sylvia watching Robert’s video
“Okay, I consented.”
“You instigated.”
“That, too,” Sylvia said. “Ready to go again?”
Timmy tapped record on his phone. “Are you sure you want to have sex with Robert and Timmy even after having watched yourself consent to sex in the prior evening?”
“Are you sure you want to have sex with Robert?”
“Are you sure you want to …?”
* * *
“Thanks for fucking me a third and fourth time.”
“You are a good lay. Never thought I’d tell you that Eric.”
“I married Sylvia for a reason.”
“Where was she tonight and this morning?”
“Eric is with Sylvia’s best friend doing what we’ve done here.”
“Elaine?” Timmy said.
“Yes. I can’t wait to ask her about it.”
“You aren’t telling her about this, right?”
“I probably will.”
“Look. She’s going to know we fucked. When I went out she said, ‘Don’t do anyone I wouldn’t do.’ Now, I don’t think she would fuck you two. But I don’t want to tell her I fucked a random guy. She’d have a lot of questions. She knows you two. No questions needed.”
“You hope.”
Timmy looked at his phone. “I gotta go. I promised Laura we’d do some gardening after going to the garden store.”
Sylvia sat up and pulled Timmy into a kiss. “Thanks for being a good friend.”
“I have no idea how I’m going to look Eric in the eye after this.”
“I could show up to our weekly bar nights like this from now on.”
“Please don’t.” He left.
“You have to leave, Richard?”
“Actually I was hoping Timmy would leave so I could solve a personal issue.”
“I take a lot of pride in my bedroom etiquette. I can’t sixty-eight in good conscience.”
“You do me and I’ll owe you one.” He said, his hand slid down her stomach and his finger slipped into the folds of her labia.
“You want to eat me out?”
“What are you waiting for?”
“The slut has to open her legs first.”
“Are you calling me a slut?” she said as she did as he told her to do.
“You are a slut,” he said, moving to get between her legs.
“I am a slut. What are you going to do to your naughty slut?”
“I’m going to prove just how slutty she is.”
“Oh god, how did? Oh!!”
After fifteen minutes, he had brought her to the edge of coming and stopped. The second time she said, “Aren’t you going to finish me? This slut needs to come.”
“Not like this.” He got off the bed and pulled a straight-backed chair over. He sat down. “Lay over my lap.”
“Oh, god, yes, punish this slut.”
“Shut up and get over here. I haven’t got all day.”
“Yes, sir,” she said. She lay over his lap. A small shutter ran down her body.
“Did you just orgasm in anticipation?”
“Not a big one.”
He put his finger into her vagina. “I swear you are wetter now than when I was licking you.”
“I’m a naughty slut.”
A crack of the air resounded through the room as his hand slapped her ass cheek.
“I’m a naughty slut,” she said again.
He responded with another firm slap on her other ass cheek. “Keep saying that until I command you to stop.
“I’m your naughty slut.”
“I’m your naughty slut.”
“I’m your naughty slut.”
Each time she repeated the phrase, he delivered a slap to her ass.
“I’m… fuck… fu-u-uck!” The orgasm she experienced lasted for a good moment. Robert slapped her ass twice during it, prolonging the ecstasy.
She panted for several moments afterward. His hand rubbed against the tender skin of her ass giving her a mixture of painful and pleasure-filled sensations. “This slut doesn’t deserve such relief.”
“No, she doesn’t. Do you have handcuffs?”
“The dresser, bottom right drawer. What do you have in mind?”
He grabbed her by the shoulders and stood her up. She wobbled on weak knees, her body was a rag doll in his hands. He stood and planted her on the chair. Pain flared in her mind as her red ass slammed down onto the hard wooden surface.
When she opened her eyes after wincing from the pain, Robert was holding a few items he’d found in the fun-times drawer. He was looking at her. “Don’t squirm on the seat. You’ll get used to it faster.”
“Yes, sir. What are you going to do to your slut?”
He came back to the chair. He put her shoulders flat against the back of the chair and locked her arms behind her. He put leg cuffs on her ankles and locked them in place tucked under the chair. He went back to the drawer.
She could not lift herself up leaving her raw ass firmly situated on the chair. “If you care at all for your slut, you’ll grab the vibrator too.”
“I was planning to include that.” He tossed a couple things on the bed before putting the vibrator between her legs. He lifted her slightly so the round head of the ball vibrator was pinned against her pussy. He turned it on low.
“Oh god.”
“Does Eric do this to his slut?”
“Eric’s never spanked me.”
“Will he?”
“Depends on what you do next.”
Robert straddled the chair. His erection was in her face. “I’ll stop if you say Red Rum.”
“That’s not disconcerting,” Sylvia laughed. “If I blow you, won’t you owe me one, again?”
“That would be true. But you aren’t blowing me?” He grabbed her by the hair and shoved his cock in her mouth. “I’m fucking you slut face.”
The assault on her throat was harsh. He let her up for air frequently at first until he pressed her face against his crotch. “Do sluts breathe?” When he pulled her off he didn’t immediately push back into her until he made eye contact with her. She winked. He mouthed the word, “Okay,” and continued fucking her face.
“Deep breath,” he said as he pulled her off again. After he heard her inhale, he pushed her flat against his crotch and said, “Don’t let a drop escape your lips.” His body shuttered and warm cum filled the back of her throat. More than one release filled her mouth. After a moment he pulled out of her throat but remained in her mouth. She audibly was breathing through her nose. “Show it to me.”
He pulled out and she opened her mouth to show it was full of his cum. He reached down and turned the vibrator up a couple notches.
“Swallow?” She managed to say without any dripping out of her mouth.
“One sec.” Richard put his phone in her face and took a photo. “Okay.”
She swallowed. “Yummy.” Richard was showing her the photo. “Oh god, look at all that snot. That was fucking incredible. Send me that photo.”
Richard grabbed some tissues and wiped Sylvia’s face clean.
“The keys are…”
“I don’t need to know that.” He pushed a ball gag into her mouth. “I’ve got to go. I bet Eric will love finding you like this.”
She squirmed in the chair.
After he got dressed, he noticed Sylvia’s head was lolling to the side a bit. He put his hand on her chin and tilted her head so she was looking at him. “I’ve changed my mind. You aren’t a slut. You’re a whore.” He waved several bills of money in her face before dropping them on the bed. He left the room without another word.
* * *
“I don’t know if I should laugh or be concerned,” Eric said as he found Sylvia still tied up in the bedroom. He removed the gag first and rushed out of the room, returning with a bottle of water.
“Where’d you go? Oh, water. Thank god.” Sylvia drank from the bottle greedily.
“I see you had a good time.” Eric removed the vibrator and turned it off.
“Look at your ass.”
“It’s not my ass at the… They spanked you?”
“Robert did. Timmy had already left.”
“I was planning to swap back as soon as I got home. But now I think I’ll wait,” Eric said unlocking the cuffs. When she was free, he picked her up and placed her on the bed face down. “I’ll get some cream for your ass. It’s still beet red.” When he returned with the cream, Sylvia was asleep.
Eric couldn’t take his eyes off her red ass. He started stroking his cock wondering how it would feel to be spanked.
* * *
Sylvia woke up around five. She dragged herself into the bathroom and felt less like a chew toy after showering. She was drying off in the bedroom when Eric returned.
“Why was there three hundred dollars on the bed?” Eric said as they went out for dinner, still swapped.
“After Timmy left, Richard and I did a little role playing. When he left, I had graduated from being a slut to being a whore apparently.”
“Maybe we should rent you out again.”
“I don’t think you’d want to deal with the long term effects of that.”
“Probably not.”
“But I should perhaps be charging you.”
“Lucky for me I found three hundred dollars earlier today. How’s my ass?”
She removed the towel and turned so he could see her ass. “A little tender still. Nothing to worry about. How’s it look?”
“We might try that when we swap back. But baby steps.”
“We’ll discuss it then. We aren’t swapping now?”
“No, not until the redness is gone. Besides, you like getting dolled up for a dinner date far more than I do. I got us eight o’clock reservations at Le Monde.”
“What time is it?”
“Nearly six.”
“Okay, get out of here. That’s just enough time for hair and makeup if you leave me alone.”
“Okay, Eric.”
* * *
Though she loved to tease him, the one who was normally the wife had to admit her normally the husband knew how to make her body stunningly beautiful. She knew exactly when she’d purchased the dress adorning her body and she could not remember ever looking half as pretty when she wore it.
“How do you do that?” Eric asked.
“I don’t know. After our first swap, I spent a lot of time watching online videos. I didn’t want to disrespect your face by making you look like a clown.”
“I’ve watched videos. I can’t do that.”
“You could if you watched more.”
“Maybe I should just have you do my makeup the next time we go out and I’m me.”
“I’d be delighted to make my wife even more beautiful any time she asked.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
“How’s the dress look?” She did a little turn.
“Wonderful. Oh, my, your feet. Don’t tell me you’ve practiced wearing those heels.”
“Okay, I won’t tell you that.”
“Should I sell the swapper? Apparently you’re very good at being a woman.”
“Don’t get weird. You always have this existential crisis when we swap.”
“I’m mostly teasing. Tell me about your night. I assume before Timmy left, your menage-a-trios was a bit more vanilla.”
“Yes, just two guys fucking one woman at once. Totally vanilla.”
“Which of them is better?” he asked her.
“Better at what?”
“Whatever they did to you?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“I want every juicy detail. Leave nothing out.”
“Let me start with the video.” She played the video Robert had played to her the day before.
“I’d say they need to loosen up. But I’m sure Robert was pretty comfortable given how he left you.”
“I thought it was sweet that they worried about your reaction. Robert may have had a little too much fun.”
“You thought they were sweet interrogating you.”
“No, I was horny as fuck and it took forever to get fucked.”
“That makes more sense,” she said. “I’m disappointed. I’ve never done a threesome.”
“I wonder if Elaine is busy later.”
* * *
At the restaurant, they sat opposite one another. “I still can’t believe you didn’t wear anything under that plunging neckline.”
“And ruin the look? If I have it, I’m going to flaunt it.”
“Tell me more about the guys.”
“If you insist,” she said. “Robert’s dick is thicker and eminently suckable. Tim’s is actually longer. Too long for your throat.”
“Thanks for the heads up.”
Although she was paying rapt attention to every copped feel, stroked cock, licked body part, and thrusted groin, she managed to send a text. Toward the end of his description, she received a text. “Good news. Elaine is interested.”
“Are you kidding?”
“But only if she gets to be you and you’re her.”
“You want Elaine to use my body to fuck you and to fuck her body if I’m in her body.”
“Can’t say I had the idea before a moment ago, but I’m really turned on by the idea of watching you suck your cock while I’m licking her pussy.”
“My pussy.”
“Oh. Right.”
“Tell her we’ll be home by ten?”
* * *
‘Eric’ said, “That was great.” His head rested on Elaine’s stomach and he was gently flicking her nipples.
Sylvia was still fondling his balls. “I didn’t know you were a screamer, El.”
“I’m usually not.”
“I couldn’t help myself. When I’m Syl I don’t scream.”
“From what you said, that’s because you’ve had a cock in your mouth.”
“That wasn’t it at all. Elaine doesn’t ramp up as fast as you, Dear. But she explodes harder.”
“Told you Syl,” he said. “Longer burn means better orgasms.”
“I’m fine with my orgasms.”
“Yeah, Eric, yours are good but nothing like mine.”
“I know.”
“Is that why you agreed?”
“I will take any opportunity I can to have a vaginal orgasm. They rule.”
“Well, you can’t keep my body. Male fashions suck. I wouldn’t want to go out wearing your crap. No offense.”
“None taken. I have to admit I like a fine pair of legs in sheer stockings whether I’m looking at her or I am her.”
“We could go on the swapper website and look for someone to swap you with.”
“As much as I’d like to jump at that idea, there are too many non-sexual problems with that idea. And I suspect you would eventually leave me if I weren’t bringing a cock to the marriage.”
“It might take a year or two. I doubt your friends wives would let Robert and Tim do us as often as we would want it.”
They lay there for a while as the sun rose. “Ready to swap back?”
“Syl, do you mind if I do me again? I want to hear my body scream again.”
“I’m always game. Syl?” ‘Elaine’ replied.
She kissed ‘Elaine’. “I’ll go shower, Hun. Have fun.”
* * *
“Sylvia, I know we usually swap on Fridays but I thought you wanted to experience what I did from Robert.”
“Oh, I do. Finding you tied up like I did made we want to feel what happened to my body myself.”
He pulled the chair closer to the bed and sat down. “Strip. Your safe word is Red Rum.”
“Have I been bad?”
“You are a most naughty slut. Each second you are still wearing clothes is another spank.”
“Oh, my.” She quickly removed her clothes and approached him.
“I said strip. I didn’t say come here.”
She stopped and put her hands behind her ass, showing off her naked body. “I’m a bimbo slut who needs to be educated.”
“Yes. Now come here and lay over my knee.”
She lay over his knee.
“Put your hands on the floor. If you pick them up, that spank doesn’t count. After each spank, say, ‘please, may I have another.’ Do you understand?”
“Yes, Master.”
The room was silent until the crack of flesh striking flesh reverberated through the room. The pain was instant and she wasn’t sure this was as fun an idea she had thought it would be a moment ago. She heard him clear his throat and she remembered her instructions. “Please, may I have another?”
The pain rushed through her from her other ass cheek.
“Please, may I have another?”
She felt the next one rattle in her vagina and the pain mixed with pleasure in an unexpected way.
“Please, may I have another?”
“Please, may I have another?”
“Please, may I have another?”
She lost count of how many spanks she received. When another spank didn’t happen she was mildly disappointed. His hand rubbed her ass. It hurt but the rubbing felt nice. Was that it?
“Stand up.” He helped her stand and in one motion got up and sat her down on the chair. That stung, she cried out in pain. He cuffed her hands behind the chair as she recovered from the throbbing of her ass against the unyielding surface of the chair. Leg cuffs followed.
The pain fogged her mind and she couldn’t remember what happened next until she found his dick throat deep in her mouth. She wondered why he enjoyed being face fucked. He had sounded like he wanted it again and again. She was glad when it was over. She was gasping for breath when she found herself standing in front of the chair looking down at her ruined body. Her face was a mask of tears and snot. Cum leaked from her mouth and one of her nostrils. Her hair was sweaty and matted to her head. And she was Eric and he was in her. Eric held the swapping charm.
“What?” Cool air blew against his wet cock and she was aware that it had just ejaculated.
“Swallow?” the body in the chair asked, its mouth open so he could see the cum.
“Yes, yes. Swallow.” Eric left and came back with a bottle of water.
She drank it as he poured some into her raw throat. “Have fun with Robert and Timmy tonight.”
“You want me to leave you like this?”
“You could clean my face. But otherwise, yes.”
“No, I’m going to uncuff you. When you can walk, take a bubble bath. You should enjoy the relaxing parts of being me that don’t involve getting fucked.”
“As you wish.”
* * *
‘Eric’ arrived at the bar and joined the guys in the booth. He had a glass of wine.
“Sylvia?” Timmy said.
“You can tell?”
“The wine.”
“Oh, shoot. I meant to get a beer but totally forget when I got here.”
“What’s Sylvia doing?”
“Recovering from a spanking and a face fucking with a bubble bath, I hope.”
“Eric really digs that.”
“No, he did that to me and right as he came he swapped us.”
“Did you enjoy it?”
“No. There won’t be a next time unless we’re already swapped.”
“That’s weird that it’s the mind that enjoys that kind of thing, not the body.”
“I was surprised by that myself. Or maybe I was just on edge from the spanking.”
“It’s not for everyone.”
“Laura would cut off my dick and feed it to me if I suggested spanking her,” Timmy said.
“The shoppe where I bought the swapping charm, the proprietor suggested such a thing to me,” Eric said.
“Ripping off Eric’s cock and feeding it to him.”
“Not is so many words. But that he had a charm where that would be possible without the expected blood and death.”
“Don’t tell her.”
“Robert, I tried spanking. It’s not for me,” Eric said.
“Have you spanked Eric?”
“Do you mean him being him or him being me? I’ve delivered no spankings in any form. And I’m not sure I could spank my own ass in this body.”
“That’s too bad. Sylvia’s ass is made for spanking.”
The topic shifted. Sylvia had no problem talking about things Eric enjoyed with the guys. Timmy had to leave early.
Robert said, “I have a request.”
Eric finished his wine. “Jodie called Sylvia a couple days ago. I’m ready.”
“Oh, good. I wasn’t sure how to ask you after the spanking thing.”
“After tonight, we may have to start referring to the four of us as swingers.”
“Do people still use that term?”
“I think so. Let’s go. I still want to fuck my wife later.”
Robert and Eric found Jodie in bed wearing a red lace teddy, a matching garter belt and stockings. Richard kissed her as she sat up. She got up and gave Eric a hug.
“You are Sylvia, right?”
“Would you put a stop to this if I were Eric?”
“I… No. Are you?”
“No, I’m Sylvia. I was just curious.” Eric looked at Robert already naked sitting toward the end of the bed. “I need to get naked.”
“Yes, you do,” Jodie said. She helped Eric disrobe.
“I’ve never done this. How do I sit here?”
“Make out with Robert with your dicks pressed against on another. Then I’ll climb on,” Jodie said.
Eric sat in front of Robert facing him. They kissed and Robert immediately slip Eric his tongue. That revved Eric up. Eric felt a hand on his cock and reached out to put his hand on Robert’s cock. As soon as they were both erect, Robert leaned back as Jodie inserted herself between them, facing Eric.
“Pull it out,” she said over her shoulder.
Robert let go of Eric and removed the butt plug from his wife’s ass.
She easily sat her ass down on his cock. Once he was in, she helped guide Eric into her vagina. Slowly she rode up and down on the two cocks.
Robert’s hands massaged her breasts as she and Eric kissed. His hands were under her ass so he could help her rise up before she dropped back down on the two cocks impaling her.
Each downward thrust was also accompanied by her crying out, “Yes,” two or three times.
Eric lost control when Jodie let out one long yes and he felt her vaginal walls squeezing his cock. “Fuck, yeah,” he said as he came inside her. Robert thrust into her ass a few times before he filled it with his cum. She collapsed forward onto Eric.
Robert said, “Hold her.”
Eric put his arms around her and she snuggled up against him, weeping on his shoulders. Eric mouthed the words, “Is she okay?”
Robert pulled out of her ass and gave it a spank. “She’ll be fine in a moment. She gets extremely emotional after an orgasm.” He walked to the other side of Eric and gently lifted his wife’s face to wipe her tears away and kiss her. It was the tenderest kiss Eric had every witnessed this close without being part of the kiss.
Jodie broke her hold on Eric and he let her go. She sat back and gave Eric a similar kiss. “You were awesome,” she said afterward. “When I get up, there will be a mess. I squirt.”
She got up and a mess poured out of her.
Eric stood up immediately. Robert patted Eric’s ass. He was holding a towel. “Go shower. We’ll clean this up. You probably want to get home to Sylvia.”
“That was beautiful. Thanks for sharing.”
“Thank you. We’ve been looking for a way to do that for a while now.”
* * *
A few days later, Timmy found Laura wearing only a fishnet bodystocking when he got home from work.
“What’s the occasion?” He said.
“I need an occasion to do this to my husband?”
She knelt down in front of him and removed his pants. Her tongue flicked across the tip of his cock. She sucked up and down on his erection once he was hard enough.
It was a rare treat when she would do this so he said nothing so as not to jinx it. Eventually, he said, “I’m close.”
Without warning, he felt something that wasn’t her mouth run down the length of his cock. Suddenly, Laura stood in front of him and shoved something into his mouth. She held his head and the shaft in his mouth moved inward and outward until it ejaculated.
He stood there stunned, cum dripping out of his mouth. He had felt it all. It felt no different from when he ejaculated into her mouth. The only difference was he ended up with a mouthful of cum.
He took the cock out of his mouth and grabbed her. He pressed his mouth against hers and pushed whatever cum he could into her mouth. The sloppy kiss continued for a moment.
She broke the kiss laughing. “Fair.”
He was laughing, too, as he swallowed down what remained in his mouth. “I guess you’ve spoken with Sylvia since Friday.”
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