Gender and Ethnic Studies

Gender and Ethnic Studies

This story is a homage and tribute to the absolutely wonderful recent story "Gender Studies" by Karen Elizabeth L., which is to be read in Conjunction with this.... this is basically a tribute to this.

I tittered in my pink high heels, nude tan pantyhose, white granny panties, and pink floral print 50's housewive dress, as my former wife was in the other room, coming over as I called her to help zip me up. So much has changed in the last few years. In a reacton to the "Misogyny" of the Trump years, I thought about how the global permanent woke state had violently retaken power, and someone like me, Precious Williams, was an unfortunate casualty of this.

As we stood together in the mirror, I actually now felt complimented when my wife, who I once ruled as the man, now would compliment me on my beauty and my huge poufy and curly jet-black hairstyle, and we'd pose and match each other in our nice pleated dresses, and nude-pantyhose; with our ample breasts equalling each other's. Of the two, I wasn't sure, but physically I may now be weaker than her, despite being a genetic male. Things had devolved to such an extent, that neither of us no longer thought anything of all of this.

I ran my hands over my male member that was a bit aroused but safely and properly tucked away inside my dark brown pussy-panties that gave me a proper flat front and had a padded butt, and over were my nude pantyhose and white panties that I was wearing. It seemed my new getup like this kept me properly held in and submissive, and reminded me of my place. I thought about all that had happened, that basically about how Trump and his "alt-Right ideas" had won again, and all the global elites had pretended like they were accepting it, but then after a couple of years it was like they all connived to collapse the world again like with covid, and they came and started getting all their "experts" shouting that because of "climate change," Global Industry had to be cut by 40%, which could of course ruin Trump's economy. With this Dr. Fauci-sabotage kind of thing, the effect, ultimately, was never in doubt.

I was also one of the casualties of this, as even with my degree, the job I had in my field completely went by the wayside, as did those of two of my best friends... We became sullen, bitter, and angry, as did by boys. In a way, we felt like our manhoods had become seriously stripped from us. Dave, who had been an accountant at the firm I worked at, was reduced to managing a Taco Bell.

The effect though of all these "lockdowns for Climate Change" and the liberals saying that they were the only ones they could reverse the situation left the outcome in no doubt, but much greater than before, like when Biden "winning" was inevitable in 2020 because of the covid bullshit... and the liberal government stormed back in 2028 with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Jasmine Crockett and a bunch of these fools who won with about 62% on a fooled public and then claimed they had a mandate, but funnily enough the instant they got in they seemed to instantly forget everything about "climate change," but they then seemed to be mostly only into undoing all the "toxic mysoginy" of the Trump era, like with making sure to have Drag Queens at the White House all the time dancing around Vice-President AOC, and imprisoning Trump vengefully even though he's 85 years old, and also JD Vance as well, just purely for vengance and to prevent any threats.

Worst of all, despite the 1st Amendment, they also seriously started going after Free Speech and the "Tribunals" started, and it seemed I was one of the first cases.

It had been a more banal thing where I had had an incident at the DMV with some black ladies that worked there over some exceedingly slow service and I got upset with them after they made me sit back down again after they skipped over calling my number, so after an incident and a police report, I was actually given a charge and told to appear before this new "Gender relations Tribunal," that had been set up extra-judicially despite the Constitution, to rectify cases in these regards of "injustice" from people with privilege towards women and ethnic minorites.

It turned out as well becuase of the job troubles, my boys Jason and Tommy had been a bit more agitated than usual and had taken to bullying some of the black girls at school, taunting them about their curls and their elaborate hairstyles, and apparently "why they can't speak good English." Because of this, apparently the state got involved and we were referred to this new "Tribunal," combined with the fact they found about about my recent status of unemployment.

We arrived there for our hearing and it was staffed by two homosexual men and seven black women, who looked at our files and decided that for the boys, it was either Juvenile Hall, or a period of two years where as reciprocal punishment for the bullying they'd inflicted and how it was classified, as empathy training they'd have to live for two years as African-American females, to successfully complete their punishment.
As for me, I was given the option to refuse, but it was suggested that with my unemployment status, my unemployment would be revoked, or I cuuld accept the program, and also my incident at the DMV would be dropped and forgotten about.

Me and the boys were all shaking when this was all explained to us in detail. I started cursing and shouting and screaming, but all that did was get the big fat black bitch that was clearly the head goon on this thing to slam her gavel and say, "Mandatory, 2 years, Mr. Williams.".... I was then told that my male pride and arrogance was what had sealed me into this.

My wife, Chloe, was stunned when she heard about this... "I heard of a few trials they did this to of celebrities and people of importance like politicians to make this point, but I'd never imagine they'd take this this far, on you, Jim, just a regular Joe.... Still though, maybe it's for the best, as you're not working, things aren't going to turn around any time soon, and the mood and behavior of you and the boys has been utterly rotten... I see no way things are going to get any better, so maybe this should just be your and our new lives now ?"

"I don't know how I can accept this, but what can I do ?... I don't know how our sons, that always liked girls, can go to being the girls ? I was always the one putting the moves on the girls, but how can I now BE a black woman ?"

Actually, a ton was explained in this huge booklet they gave to us to study, where we were told we should start dressing at home for a few weeks and were given a small stipend to buy female clothes and stuff like maxi-pads to practice wearing, around the house. In a few weeks, a new session would start at this huge Gender Center-Facility where we'd be brought in and trained, and new-names selected, and we'd be given full-makeovers, and lessons on makeup, female comportment, how to act as women, etc.... The girls would do activites like ballet
classes while I and the other men would spend our days basically wearing nice dresses and acting like Donna Karan, swishing around in a big house. Honestly, compared to the kind of hard work I was used to before as a man, in a lot of ways it maybe didn't sound that bad.

It was explained that we would start a regime of female hormones to help us develop breasts, and we'd wear a female garment that basically hid our male member to the front in a tube, that would force us to sit to pee. We were told we should start doing stuff like sitting to urinate in the house, shaking hands with limp wrists, and reading magazines like Cosmo, Good Housekeeping, and Essence, and stuff like this... I very much doubted that I'd be doing THIS !!

We were also told that when we turned up to start our mandatory training at the Gender Centre in a few weeks, we should do our best to turn up to present ourselves dressed as women and in full female attire... so we'd have to be dressed and they suggested to be dressed in wigs, dresses, heels, pantyhose, skirts, and to have our eyebrows done and shaped, and to try doing our makeup.... and at the home,to try doing female exercise and stretching routines, adn practice things like ballet barre exercises.

The booklet also even suggested that even still "as men," we should practice "planning our periods," and for a week or so, wear a pair of our wife's Kotex or one of her Maxi-Pads, in our new panties or in our briefs ! I didn't think I'd be doing this, or having to dare go buy a pair of these at the store. The booklet suggested we should go to the store and buy a package of these either in male or in our new female attire, as practice to humiliate us by having to walk down an unfamiliar store aisle like this.

I showed my wife all of this, and she looked absolutely fascinated and said she would do her best and try and help.

"Maybe it's not so bad, Jim," said Chloe, "You were terribly overworked at your two jobs before, and you even said you thought you were going to die of stress and excess bodyweight, at a young age.... Now, instead, you'd get to be a housewife and relax at home all day, it seems.... this really doesn't seem so bad."

"It's only this training seems like a nightmare... and for the boys."

"I can help you," said Chloe, "I know what to do."

"I suppose I should start dressing," I said, "I used to be a regular guy, playing sports, playing baseball, watching football, but not any longer.... no more sports or male networks for me. From now on it will be all ladies' stuff.... Will you make sure of that for me ?" I asked ?

"Of course," said Chloe, "I want you to succeed.

Soon i was up in the bathroom showering and shaving my legs, and I made sure I shaved my face as closely as I could with a new razor to get it very tight, and shaved my sideburns very high up. I wouldn't really go all the way with my transformation today, but it would just be some preliminary stuff so I could turn up for training to satisfiy their demands that I turn up looking like a female, so I don't get in trouble !!

Chloe looked pleasntly surprised by how smooth I was looking, and she got out for me a pair of her pink panties, and her tan pantyhose, which she cheekly helped me get into. I felt so awkward as I stepped into these, one ankle at a time, sitting on the side of the bed...... and she helped me pull these up over my shaky nimble knees and then over my waist, as she collapsed into a laughing fit, from helping her once macho husband into these things.

I was absolutely fascinated by the look of my new pink panties through my nylon hosiery, and checked out the look for more than a few seconds in the mirror.

"Do you really think I'll make a nice looking black woman ?" I asked ?

"I don't know," she said, as she rached for a pink bra.

I was soon in this bra, which she stuffed with two more pairs of tan pantyhose each, as she said I'd probably have huge breasts as a future African-American woman; and then in a red-velvet 50's housewive dress with a Peter-Pan collar that I had seen Chloe wear before, when she had wanted to look nice in something that was going on just around the house. I couldn't believe that she had chosen this for me... and with how my boner was rubbing against my pink panties and the tight synthetic tops of my pantyhose. It was the same sensation I had before when I was lusting after a hot girl, but now I felt it just when I was dressed i this cute outfit, and tightly encased in this silky stuff, as Chloe tied the white sash of the bow of the silky dress against by back. I stepped into matching white heels to complete the look, and Chloe also gave me a white purse to hold, just for fun.

Chloe then had me sit at the vanity, and she trimmed my eyebrows down to a smaller size, but not too small becuase I'd still have to go out as a man a few times in the next few weeks, but small enough so that I'd look better for these exercises. She applied an all over foundation to my face, and then she put a powder on it that she said "sets" the foundation, so it doesn't run, and then she applied a blush on my cheeks which she said is important so I don't look pale !

I was amazed at just how much detail went into this, that I never knew was here before.

Chloe then worked hard on my eyes and eyelashes with mascara, and eye-shadow, taking a long-time to give me lashes !! I couldn't believe it, seriously... and then I really was beside myself as she made me feel like a literal whore, putting hot red lipstick on my once-male lips. For the first time, I actually had this image creep into my brain, where I was now the woman, but with a man !! I have no idea where this mental image came from with me, as before I was the macho man, and a father, with two sports-playing boys... but instead I imagined myself now as the wife, who would put on lipstick so she looks attractive for her husband,and all the works with a pearl necklace and such.

In anticipation of my future look, Chloe then took a Jet black wig she had had for costumes and Halloween and placed it on my head !!

Actually, the look made me look like a complete woman !! Honestly, there wasn't much, if anything, that would have given me away as a man, except my male bulge pressing against my tight velvety dress against my belly and my tan pantyhose and panties, and this was just amateur makeoer. Honestly, even Chloe I think was more impressed than even she anticipated from all this.

"I can't believe the job you did," I said to her, stuttering.

"I think we should go show the boys... I mean, girls," said Chloe...

We went and got Jason and Tommy who were in their rooms watching some Minecraft thing and we told them they couldn't watch that stuff any longer, and told them it all had to now be girls' shows and stuff like this from now on. Seriously though, I think they paid less attention to this as opposed to seeing two jaws hit the floor to seeing how their "Father" was dressed !

I told them to go get showered and to go shave, and to go with Chloe, who would go dress them as well.

i had to suffer the indignity of sitting there and seeing my two sons getting changed, into the beginnings of pretty teenaged girls. Chloe had two more black wigs, and each of the girls got a pair of black pantyhose, and cute little outfits with white and black tight tops, and cute black polka-dot short skirts, and black high-heels. One thing was honestly clear though, I didn't think this project was going to be too much of a stretch, for these transformations to succeed, but the boys grumbled about having to sit there and pull on tights, when Chloe told them all about that from now on they could only sit there and watch "girls'" programs on the TV and stuff like this.

"Oh yeah, Jim, I have something for you too, I just thought about," said Chloe.... She went into a different room and was taking a while.

While she was in the other room, the boys started rubbing their fronts and were saying, "Dad, these pantyhose feel SO good.... I think we might actually like this !!"

"Believe me son, I understand... but don't do that where anyone can see you. This bulge like i have is not particularly flattering."

Chloe came back with a few books and explained she had bought some of those romance novels in bulk, and she handed me few Danielle Steele=type Titles like "Hot and Heavy", and "Sins of a Black Woman," that were clearly these romance novels written for Black women, that had an attractive black women on the cover, and a studly black cowboy with a six-pack, or a hot black attorney. The boys saw her hand these books right to me and Chloe said, "I never had any use for these, but you should definitely be reading these... in fact, you should start reading these right here"....

I started thumbing through the pages, as the boys just looked dumbfounded at what their mother had said and handed to me. I couldn't actually imagine myself enjoying these books, but I was supposed to imagine myself as the main lady in these titles, being swept off her feet by this studly black guy !!

The rest of the evening, our media was limited so I read my black lady romance novels in the living room while the boys watched me, or some of Good Housekeeping, and I tried to get through it and got to some of the parts with the sex scenes where the sexy black lady with her huge palpitating breasts was riding his 13 inch cock !! Although, I still at this point tried to picture myself more as the black guy who was taking this kind of black lady that looks like Angela Bassett or Toni Braxton for a ride.

I couldn't even imagine it really, a 13 inch cock... once I saw this, I put the book down just in utter shock, and tried not to think about it, compared to what I had between my legs... I picked the book up though and kept reading... "DeAndre put his hand on her chest, he could feel her heart beat beneath her breasts...." I never imagined this could actually be me.

Eventually though, while I busied myself with this, Chloe put on female movies for the boys and had them watch the lady actresses in a film like 27 Dresses, and how she decided "Which guy was right for her," and stuff like this, and pointed out things like tutorials.

I didn't go out much the next few weeks, except I made a trip to a CVS my wife suggested I should do for all of us to pick up a huge package of Kotex, and after I did this my wife showed me how to take down my dress and stick the "angel wings" insde of my pantyhose and panties !! I actually really liked this, as wearing the Kotex helped mop up the "drops" from my urine so I didn't stain my own panties and tights, and I got in the habit actually of wearing my maxi-pads all the time, even when my periods weren't marked on the calendar.... (It's a guy thing, only guys can understand... LOL)

I suggested to my son's, that they do the same and wear a kotex all of the time under their hosiery, to deal with this kind of dribbling. I didn't know if this is the kind of thing that genetic girls have to deal with in the same way.

When we banned all the guy channels in the house, the boys took up studying ballet on this channel that was doing these videos, and soon Josh and Tommy were jumping into purple leotards and pink pantyhose and white panties every day and were doing stretching exercises, and pointing their toes in their pink ballet slippers. I could only read so much of ladies' magazines or these black lady romance books or do light-dusting, so I was soon also jumping into leotards and tights with my panties and kotex on underneath for support and to hide my bulge, and joining them for this stretching, and just to get some exercise !! Soon, I was getting really good at all the positions, although I had no way of knowing how good or graceful that I or all of us actually were, compared to other ladies.

Chloe even just made a remark that now she was really "losing her husband." I also noticed I hadn't seen my mate Dave for a few weeks for drinking and carousing, but somehow I hadn't even cared.

The boys and I even though it would be sweet to perform a pretty little dance routine in the house for Chloe that the tutorial offered for girls, singing about going to a tea party and being all dressed up... "We're all dressed up in pretty clothes, and going out to tea !!... and then we spin around and around, and all the boys look at me !!".... and we spun around in our tights and light-blue short ballet skirts and leotards, and Chloe laughed and laughed. It was all just fun cute role play, and we knew we were still men underneath, but we knew it was necessary practice, for the next two years and what was awaiting us, based on the booklet. I reassured my sons we were doing the right thing.

The big day finally came of reporting to the Gender Center with the requirement dressing like women, and my sons were of course freaking out, but I reassured them that everything would be ok... but we of course had to turn up dressed. This was the first time they'd be out dressed in public as well, but we decided on some pretty casual outfits for them, of just regular pink tops but with tan skirts and tan pantyhose, and bloc heels. I, however, decided it would be best to show the effort I had been making, in an effort to perhaps somewhat mitigate things, so I went for it with my short pink flowery dress with white flowers with poufy sleeves, white peter-pan collar, thick tan pantyhose, white full-butt panties, white strappy-heels, and I had Chloe style my black wig into a nice updo with front-bangs like a 50's housewife, and pin it to my head so it would last for the day !! Chloe also spritzed me heavily with perfume, and I had my face closely shaved and heavy makeup done, and my eyebrows whittled down even more to almost nothing. "It was by far the most detailed I had been done yet," I thought, as I swung my pantyhose legs in the car, as Chloe drove me to my fate.

We got there and I was determined to show confidence, and somewhat ironically, keep some of my masculinity inside of this this huge imposing building. I felt the click of my heels on the tile as the signs guided the "students" with huge arrows right to the desks, that indicated where the "Men" had to check in. I handed over the pack of papers. As confidently as I could, I introduced myself as JIm to this extremely attractive lady at the desk called Gillian, and I held out my hand for a firm handshake. She instead took it limply, and corrected me to severly limpen and bend my wrist and shake hers limply, with my hand angled downward ! I had to shake hers, with the shafts of my fingers, with barely any motion, and then release her grip softly.

I even made my moves to start coming onto her and flirting with her as the confident Alpha man, like back in the old days, even in my pantyhose, but she was having none of it, and my pink dress, tights, heels, ridculous white and gold purse, and perfume were clearly saying quite the opposite and pouring cold water on any luck and chance I could have with this, as a "man" with a girl like her. She just looked at me and laughed a little bit, like "these days are clearly over," as she clearly was reading about how "Jim Williams is now going to be transformed into a Black Woman." There was certainly no way I could "do anything" with her, in my pantyhose and panties, anyway, and it seemed like my old penetrating power was now wrapped up and concealed in so many soft layers.

I told her I'm still a top-dog Alpha-male despite my dress and that Gillian is a very attractive lady and in any other time I'd be instantly taking her out and showing her the night of her life in the bedroom, but she just laughed at me though, like i was now the lady, it was by far the worst I had ever been rebuffed, for something like this. The humiliation was utter and total.

Finally though, she reached out to take my hand, and said, come with me, back to the orientation room, as the others in your class will get started soon.

One thing I noticed was that there seemed to be signs and arrows literally everywhere on the pink walls directing people or "the students" where to go, and all these had lots of VERY detailed instructions, almost like it was a preschool or something, like everyone here needed this kind of detail about their outfits and "how to walk, hold your hands at your sides," etc... I thought, "I better do what they say," but I just clutched my matching white purse.

We took our seats and there were about 16 others in the class that were all dressed in various stages of female attire, some barely done at all, but only one other pair was equally as well dressed as us, what seemed to be a father-son pair... The father was wearing a velvet-green dress that was actually quite like mine, and also with pantyhose, and his son was matching him in a similar dress for kind of a miniature 50's housewife look, for a cute Mother-Daughter thing. Clearly, these two seemed by-far to be the most into this and enjoying this, while the others were a mix of adults and adolescents and some looked like they had only just hardly slapped on a pink top, but had been coralled by force to be here.

Anyway, I couldn't believe it when the dad of this duo waved at me excitedly, "Jim !!"

"Dave ?" I said, recognizing the voice of my former work chum... "What are you doing here ? Did you get in trouble. ?" I asked this sadly.

"Well, uh, no, not really... Jesus Jim, you look great," said Dave.

It was suddenly strangely comforting to now have a familiar face there. I felt way more relaxed.

"So what happened ?" I asked, "You didn't get in trouble, like we did."

"Listen... things changed and the old businesses were never opening up again, and the old opportunites were never going to be there again for men like me, so we came here willingly."

"You can come here willingly ?"

"Yes, of course... We heard about it, and jumped at the chance.... with hiring quotas, there's so much that's available job-wise and white-collar for a black woman these days, that's just totally closed off to a white man. Me and my daughter here Emshonique have decided to take full advantage of it and go for it."

"I can't imagine anyone being here, except as a punishment."

"Well, maybe a punishment at any other time, but my former son has always kind of been this way with wanting to dress in his sister's clothes, and like I said, the same opportunities just aren't there for me, any longer. By the way, you can now call me La'Quishira, as this is a specific programme to turn you into a ghetto African American girl, from the inner-city, and have you adopt this background and persona, for this period of time. We had to pick out names like these."

"We didn't pick out names yet, or honestly even want to think about it."

"I think you do, the first day," said Dave/La'Quishira.

Suddenly then we were interrupted in the auditorium by two ladies that came out demading strict silence, like drill instructors. We were told to sit demurely and cross our legs at the hips, and only sit in the front 2/3rds of the chairs, and to not slouch back, and to stop manspreading !!

One of the instructors was Gillian, and it was announced that she would be our main instructor overseeing our "trans-formations" for this period... which Gillian said as she looked at me right in the eye, now having singled me out for having made a cheeky come-on to her at reception and telling her she was attractive, and trying to still act like a man ! Now I was in trouble, as now it seemed like she might go extra hard on me and single me out for extra punishment and stuff like this.

I also felt extra ridiculous, clearly being the most girlishly dressed lady here, although at least Dave was matching me and not making me feel like I was standing out SO much in front of all these other guys.... although this clearly mocked my pretentions to "still be a man" even more, and especially in front of Gillian !!.... Like, how could I even do anything to her, with the thing i earlier boasted about having inside of my panties, tan pantyhose, and kotex, hidden fully all the way underneath all of this, that she'd have to somehow get to.

Gillian started though and had us follow along in our booklets, and we were told how we were going to begin the process of all starting a two year journey of living as black women, after a 14 week total immersion course, where we'd be going home on weekends, and then afterwards living full-time in public and getting set up with jobs, and we'd atone for our crimes and live the lives we'd live after mocking the people we mocked or abused like I did to the black ladies at the DMV, the kind of thing that I would now become. We were explained in detail that the first thing we'd do is that we'd all go back and choose our new names (some like Dave and his former son Ricky, now Emshonique, had already done this and had been approved), and we'd be measured and fitted for all our new clothes in female sizes of which they had ample wardrobe, hairstyles planned, full-body perma-tans, temporary busts, and eventually at week 6 we'd have to wear vaginal-gaff panties with a padded butt, and a device where our male members get stuck into a tube in the front, and fitted to the front, but it creates the appearance and opening of having a vagina, and allows us to sit down to pee, and also so we can wear tight fitting shorts and leotards and have the appropriate thotty shape "down there."

All us guys shut the fuck up and listened with utter fascination.

We were told our lessons will start with Female comportment, deportment, ballet, and we'd learn how to behave and carry ourselves as women, and housewives, and interact in the world as attractive and functional women, that way we'd succeed in the real world. To do this, we had to bascially go back to Square-1. We were told it would be very thorough and all about dressing in skirts and dresses, and learning to walk in heels. Our eyes went even wider when Jillian even explained to us and looked me right in the fucking eye when she explained we'd all start full regimes of Estrogen that would suppress our testosterone down to the natural level that a natural woman produces, that way we'd start developing breasts, and wider hips, and softer voices.

She explained that, "Besides the Estrogen and testoesterone suppressors that you guys desperately need, you will also take medications that fool your bodies into thinking you are having your periods, so you will have the same mood swings, menstrual cramps, and discomfort at this time of the month that any other woman has. We'll give you a list of all you're taking, but expect to develop enormous breasts, wide hips, and to see all of your male secondary sex-characteristics essentially disappear, and to start talking with much lighter voices.

Some of the other guys seemed like they were absolutely shaking, but they must have done some pretty bad stuff to be stuck in here. I imagined it was either being stuck in here, or being on the low end of the totem-pole as some pasty white guy in prison !!

We were then taken back and Gillian gave us all long lists of "Ghetto Girl" names as suggestions, for what to pick. Honestly, all of these were pretty bad and all stuff like La’Quishraniqua and Shaqueeshia and LeVondia and stuff like this. I had a hard time imagining functioning in public with any of these names, honestly. In all honestly, I didn't even want to be in public with any of these names, or even work in an office job or at the DMV, I thought as I sat there pondering this stuff in my tight tan pantyhose, which were quite cold and constantly tugged at my legs and tight crotch, and went all the way up to just under my breasts. I was thinking it would be much better to just stay at home and instead be a housewife, if I had to.

"Well, girls, don't take too long," said Gillian harshly,... "and look at the sign, keep your legs crossed, at the hip !" I obeyed dutifully.

I saw the name on the list "Precious," the movie with the overweight black girl, and somehow this seemed less bad than than all the other super-crazy names, and I don't know why but it just seemed a bit better than the other things I might have to be called. I had a quick mental flash image in my head now, of me as that heavy-set black girl in that movie, living that kind of submissive life that she led where she was not in charge, instead of mine as a priviliged career-driven white guy, that likes to look at and go after attractive women.... I demurely raised my hand and said, "Miss Gillian, I'll be Precious !"

"Very good, Precious, that suits you much better than Jim."

I then looked further down the list and took Flanasha, for my new middle name.

When I was the first to pick my names, it then made me wonder if some of the other guys were all there then looking at me and then snickering like I was some kind of sissy, that actually wanted to be there !! I hoped they weren't thinking that. I was probably the most macho of all of them, in my opinion.

My sons didn't want to pick names, but Gillian said, "It's only for two years," so I was a bit surprised when Tommy, my oldest, actually went with the name "Watermelondra," which was a name they actually put on there. I hated it at first, but once he took it, I kind of liked it and thought it started to actually show some real Ghetto-girl personality. Jason, my youngest, was about to become Bufaquashira, which to me sounded a bit Middle Eastern.

I could imagine Precious, my new black-lady persona, actually choosing these names for her two darling daughters.... somehow in a completely different life, that was now merging with this life.

After we had been measured and consulted, we were taken back and given very dark spray-tans in huge-tanning-stations, and were told that it would take equally-strong tanning solutions for this paint to wash off. It was amazing how real it felt, as we all stood there just studying ourselves, and got used to our new breast forms.

The next morning, after spending the night in our dorms, we had to put on pink nightgowns and tan pantyhose, and we went for our makeovers. I hadn't had my guy hair cut in about four months now, so I discarded my black wig for good and was led to a station in a beauty salon room, where they put a solution in my regular brown guy hair to make it all nice and frizzy, where they brushed it up into a rudimentary afro, and then put a white bow in it. I actually now looked basically like a black lady, as they started doing my makeup, now with darker cosmetics, meant for black women. Gillian and the black lady supervising me told me that later on as my hair grows out, they will do my hair differently from a rudimentary Afro, into a more bouffant and longer hairstyle, that will even make me very attractive to black men !

"I'm not sure I want to be very attractive to black men."

I had the same makeup routine done to me that my wife Chloe did, that thankfully Chloe had already done to me, so I was able to look like a bit of an expert in front of Gillian, explaining how the dark foundation goes on first on my face, and then the powder to set it, and then a nice blush... and then doing my dark eyes and giving me nice fluttery lashes, and then completing the job with ruby red lipstick to really make me stand out and look kissable, and being very careful not to color outside of the lines. For a "guy" that was trying to come onto her just yesterday, I think Jillian was a bit impressed by my feminine know-how.

Getting my nails done into long matching pink ones, on my black hands, also took another hour. We were also told that later, we'd be gone back over with more dabs and more tanning solutons, to get any areas that the first coats missed !!, and get some more at the top of the head, underneath our new frizzy and nappy hair !

i had to suffer, though, the utter indignity of watching the masculine remnants of my sons getting made over in other chairs with their "do's" getting long curly hair with jet-black extentions, and getting their makeup done, while they sat there quietly and took it. There was little they could say, at this point. They felt a little bet better though, becuase Emshonique was also there with them, who had been their best friend before. They were told that they would get changed into pink leotards and pink tights, and head off for ballet lessons, while I would go back up to my dorm and get changed into my dress and appropriate attire for female deportment lessons, and after a hug we would be allowed to see each other again at dinner in the canteen.

Back up in the dorm, I noticed that the closet had already been stocked with dresses that seemed to have been tailored for me, and the room had been furnished with kind of feminine looking furniture with flourishes, and pink flowery wallpaper, and the drawers were filled with clearly female lingerie and bras and panties, and no masculine clothes in sight, which clearly I should not have been surprised to discover. The bathroom had a sign on it telling me I had to sit down to pee and to not leave any drops on the toilet. I explored some more and there was no Internet or TV, clearly not really wanting us to do anything up here, except really to "be women," and only really to come out for training. I did not have time to explore more though, as I had to change and it was hard with my new long nails to get into my new pantyhose, and to find the right dress.

Eventually though, I freshened up and made sure I looked right enough in a short white 50's housewife dress at-mid thigh with pink flowers on it, and underneath I had on my tan pantyhose, white undies, and a kotex pad, and I put on pink high heels. Like I had seen my grandmother do who had been a housewife back in the 50's, I completed the look with a large pearl necklace, that had been left for me on a bust, along with a selection of some other gold and pearl jewelry for me to try and other times... and I also selected a gold bangle, for my limp wrist. I hoped Jillian would approve of my look. I noticed how my dark-skin looked, underneath my tan tights !! The colour effects were like nothing I had ever seen before. I almost rushed off in my heels, as I was late for class.

"You're late, Precious !" Jillian scolded.

"Sorry, I was just getting ready."

She must have been mad, as the training literally then made us all feel like we were little girls back in some kind of etiquette class, even though we were grown men, where we had to act SUPER demurely and pay attention to exactly where we placed our hands, held our limp-wrists, and stuff like this, etc. Gillian couldn't miss the occasion to mock me and said, "I thought you said you were going to be the man to "rock my world," but here you are teetering in your tights !" She said as I did a very basic dip-curtsey in front of her, delicately putting one of my high-heeled feet behind the other, as I nearly tripped as I bent my knees and plied.

Gillian then explained to the class that I was the guy who "came on to her" with a crass come-on at reception, and showed my toxic masculinty, but now she was showing who really runs things in this world, and now what place a sissy and a lady like Precious here really has !! I couldn't have been more humiliated, literally. I alreadly felt like the class loser-and screwup, and I hoped the other ladies wouldn't hate me !

"Let's see just what we were working with here," laughed GIllian, when you said you were going to 'Rock my world,' as a man; as she came over and humiliatingly lifted up the bottom of my dress to show off all of my tan pantyhose and my white full-brief panties on underneath, and the hints of my bulge. I wonder if anyone culd perceive that I was also wearing a Kotex pad. "Yeah, not so impressive now," she laughed... "I need a real man, someone who would never wind up someone like here !"

I felt so humiliated about having all of my tights and the full butt of my panties shown to the entire group !!

As we went back to practicing walking across the room and holding the ends of our dresses demurely with our thumbs and index fingers, and walking in heels, another lady called Bufanda came up to me when Gillian was on the other side of the room correcting La'Quishira's sroop-motion and said, "It's ok bro, we're all in this shit together... She's just trying to get to you."

"Thanks, just hang in there."

I had no idea though there was a right way to do all this stuff, just walking across a room and having to hold one's arms nearly motionless at one's sides, without wild arm swings, in order to look demure and ladylike, and to have to take tiny steps and point ones' feet at exactly the right angle, and give a nice sway to one's curvy butt, which the heels also helped to push up. And then by the time we had to practice bending over to pick up objects off the ground, my heels in my pantyhose were absolutely killing me !! This was harder than sports !! I was using muscles and parts of my body I had never used before. I also wondered how my new daughters were getting along at ballet, and I wished I could see them.

I actually now felt like a little girl, with her hair in beads and braids, growing up and becoming a woman, and going and trying on her mother's clothes and her fancy dresses and her pantyhose, and all the mysteries she had in her drawers, and on her way to learning how to become a woman... an African-American version of course... but apparently it was my fate in life to become a woman, nonetheless.

As a guy, I always enjoyed ogling, and looking at women, but I never realized on the other hand just how hard it was to become one, and to become the submissive one and get that delicate demure walk, with that sway to my butt, and also hide my erection I think I was sporting, that thankfully my Maxi prevented Jillian from seeing and brutally scolding me on.

Jillian was a harsh taskmaster, and especially rough on me, as I tried to walk delicately in heels and with a pink book balanced on my head !!... Far from my earlier masculine swagger, she took a delight in telling me to "try harder, Toots !"... and when the book fell off my head yet again, I started to cry and said, "Miss Gillian, I'm doing as hard as I can," and Bufanda came over to comfort me. If all this wasn't bad enough and my posture wasn't good enough, Jillian also started telling me I had to talk in a lispy little girl voice, and would get angry when I would not easily break my male tone into a lispy falsetto to do this.

"Yes, yess, yesshhh, missth Gillianss.. Cannns, I ...goes to da' bathroommmsss ?", I said with a squeal as I finally broke my male voice into a squealy little girl squeak. I took my white gloved hands and grabbed both of them down at my tighted crotch and gave a tight squeeze at my male member, for added theatrical effect, and did my best potty dance in my tights in front of Jillian, like I remembered doing, like I might have been outside the bathroom door as a little girl, in a crowded house waiting for my older sisters to get out, who were taking forever to get their hair ready for school. After all morning of training, my poor bladder was starting to send me that familiar signal, no matter if I was dressed in ladies' clothes.

It was getting to be about lunchtime and I was ready for a break. I was honestly curious now as to which restroom facility I would use, so I went out and I walked with a now feminine-swish down the hall once Gillian finally gave me permission, towards a side-by-side men's and a women's room. Feeling like my little bladder was about to burst, I was nearly sprinting, but still taking the smallest dainty steps I could in my pink heels, towards the lavatories. There was another female instructor standing there, guarding the facilities, and despite my increasing urge to urinate, that as a man I could have just barged in and relieved myself brusquely; I instead stopped and put one ankle behind the other and grabbed both sides of my dress and did a delicate curtsey in front of her, like all students had been instructed to do before we were allowed to adress or proceed past any female instructor or authority figure here. She acknowledged my presence, and I made an unsure stilted motion to go into the men's room, but she said, "No, the ladies' room for you now; while you're here you always sit to pee !"

I went into the bathroom and it was all in pink with nothing but stalls and a row of mirrors and hooks, and I was amazed as there were, yet more, a bunch of signs with a lot of very detailed instructions telling me exactly what to do and how I should behave and comport myself in here and conduct my hygiene in relieving myself, which made sense, I suppose. It was just so much unlike what I was used to in a "men's room". I noticed the tampon and Kotex dispensers as well. I went into a stall and hung up my white purse with gold flourishes on the hook, and hiked up my dress and lowered my pantyhose and panties to do my business, sticking my penis in the toilet as I sat like a lady, and I looked at the sign warning me in Capital letters to not Dare leave any drops of pee on the seat, or else there would be trouble, and I should wipe my urethra (unlike how as a man, I'd just easily do a final shake in the urinal, and barge out of a bathroom like this without even fucking thinking)... But now though, i had to be extra delicate. Fortunately, that's why I think ahead and wear Kotex, although I'll still wipe myself !

As I did my thing though, I laughed about how far I've come so far, and I couldn't help but notice the tights and panties that I was wearing, and I began to think that maybe I'd play around and wear black tights or white tights instead of tan pantyhose, and that maybe I'd go for something at the next level of cuteness like pink panties with ruffles and/or lace-trim, or white panties with red hearts on them, instead of plain white ones !! Now I was thinking about just how funny it would have been had Gillian lifted up my dress and shown my peers something like that I was wearing, instead of just regular white panties (instead of me even just being embarrassed about that in the first place; I had come this far to where I was thinking about something like this, like a girl wanting to show her thong !)....

I then realized that the plain white panties with the full butt I was wearing were in fact just "Granny Panties", which always made me laugh from before... especially as I'm not a black Grandma, at least not yet, anyway.

I had to be careful to follow all the instructions on the door as to not get in trouble, so I took a wipe out of my purse and carefully wiped my penis off once I was done urinating, while my panties and pantyhose and my kotex were still awkwardly down around my knees. I figured I'd dispose of the wipe in the bin outside by the sinks, but I also had to be very careful not to get any of my male pee drops from the wipe or my penis on the floor, as the way they were monitoring this place, this would also be trouble.

Just then, the door also opened, and Bufanda came in the room, heels clicking. I now couldn't easily leave the stall to throw away my wipe, as I'd make the mess, and Bufanda would see me with my hosiery down at my knees awkwardly waddling out of the stall in an unladylike and ungirlish way.. Bufanda went into another stall to do her business, and I heard her doing a poop. I sat back down on the toilet seat, feeling utterly defeated, stuck in here and not able to leave.

"Bufanda," I asked rather unusally softly and sweetly for me, "It's Precious... Can you come over and help me with a "problem," when you are done ?"

"What problem ?"

"I went pee pee and now I am worried I can't get my pantyhose back up again without getting pee drops and making a messy-mess on the floor, and I can't walk out with my tights around my knees to throw my wipe away."

"Ok Precious, I'll be over to help you...Just hold tight." I couldn't believe I had to sit there and wait patiently, needing help with such elementary, basic, little-girl things, as to not make a messy-mess.

"I'll help you if you help me. I have a wipe."

"I'm worried I'm not going to wipe my butt good enough for this place," said Bufanda.

After a few minutes, Bufanda came over from the next stall, and opened my stall, and she stood me up like I was absolutely helpless, and she was able to get my pantyhose and panties at my knees, and she clearly saw the kotex pad I was wearing. I felt so weak-kneed and humiliated. She took a piece of toilet paper and got my penis wiped off, in a way that made sure none of my male spray was going anywhere, which I couldn't do on my own, which I thanked her profusely for, as the wipe wasn't flushable. Bufanda got my tights and pantyhose pulled up for me over my now dry penis, and first fixed the kotex properly in place over my male member to where no more of my dribble might cause a problem. We got my panties back all the way on and my tights wiggled and pulled up all the way over my hips and to the bottom of my breasts, and my dress smoothed back all the way out and down to my thighs, and made sure there were absolutely no pee-drops anywhere on the floor or on the toilet seat. "Ooh, these ladies are going to be a real bitch, if all this isn't absolutely correct," said Bufanda as she gave the tops of my tights and my panties a final smooth.

"Tell me about it," I said, "Do you still need help, with your poo-poo ?"

"Yes, can you come check me ?"

I minced over into Bufanda's stall and gave her buttcrack a few thorough wipes, after I saw the sign that read how crazy they were going to get about soiled undies, which I guess meant brown stains ? Better safe then sorry, I suppose, and guys always have a much harder time with brown stains, if you know anything about guys, compared to girls !!... so combined with women's underwear, we're in a tough spot with this stuff.... Before I got Bufanda's pantyhose back up, I went and got her a pink Kotex out of the dispenser which happily there is actually a use here for this for us as genetic men, and showed her how to tape the angel wings of these in her white panties, of which she was so grateful for the help, and I was glad to help out a fellow friend.

"It will come in use, especially if you get a bit excited have a "male mess" wearing all this silky stuff, these pads just soak it right up, if you know what I mean."

Once we were finally satisfied and after all that and checking for our rogue male pee dribble and everything had taken far too long, we went out and threw away our wipes in the recycle bin, and we freshened up the mirror together, and brushed out our hair for lunch and touched up our makeup and lipstick and then grabbed our purses. We actually then had a cute giggle about all that, which kind of relieved the tension. I thanked Bufanda again profusely, as there was no way I could have not made a mess in there and not messed my panties and such.

It was now time for dinner so we both stepped nervously out of the bathroom, with that instructor surely wondering what the hell took us so long in there !! "Girls take a long time though," I laughed to myself, so we had an excuse for that one !

After wanting to come on to Gillian at first, it was great to finally get away from her, so we headed to dinner and got to the canteen, where me and Bufanda each took a tray, and we waved excitedly to La'Quishira and Bonquisha another new lady in our class. They both waved back. Sadly though, the dinner was a disappointment... baked chicken and a salad, rather than my usual Steak or Double cheeseburger - but now a lady like me had to watch her figure !

There were yet more instructions, like in the bathrooms telling us how to wipe and everything... here we had to sit and keep our legs crossed at the thigh, take small bites, chew with our mouth closed, where to place the knife fork and spoon exactly parallel with the tray, put our napkins in our skirted laps... basically not eat like cavemen. The level of detail was insane, like a finishing school, for young girls, of which we were the young girls having to re-learn everything.

As we ate, Gillian came by to ask us to see how we were doing, grilling us like Christopher Walken's Drill Sergeant's character in Biloxi Blues as to the challenges of the next day, about how hard our ballet exercises would be tomorrow... I thought about trying to snap at her that I'm not some kind of queer, that enjoyed wearing dresses and cosmetics on his face, and being on a strict diet, and that I'm a macho man, but at the last second, I wisely held my tongue and shut up, afraid of what the consequences and punishment might be to a lady like me.

I instead turned my thoughts to how my girls were doing, and asked in my best sweet little lisp like i was being trained to do as the new little girl I'm being trained to be, "Whens cans I seess my daughter's again ?"

I was excited to see how the girls did in ballet, and they came running up as their hour for dinner was commencing, each of them were in their pink leotards with pink tights, and pink starched tutu skrits. Apparently, we, as the older ladies, had our first ballet lessons tomorrow. The girls said they absolutely loved ballet and they wished they could do it again tomorrow,instead of starting deportment.

The girls would also get to try tons of different fashions in ballet and pointe class, in the main kind of activity like this that made them more feminine. For example, for Watermelondra, my former oldest son, since she had chosen that name, in the 2nd week I thought it was so sweet the centre went through the trouble of coming up with for her a white leotard covered with a watermelon motif !... and she could wear this in dance class with a pair of pink matte ballet tights, and a pair of panties with watermelons on them, to help her with her name sake. It was so sweet !! ... It was so sweet and the sweetest and unexpectedly the most sweetest thing ever when Watermelondra came running up to me in the canteen one day wearing her new watermelon-themed ballet outfit with her pink ballet slippers, to give me a twirl and show me how they dressed her just for her name, and to show me all of her tights. I couldn't believe just what they had done, to my son !! And for Bufaquashira, they came up with for her a pretty awesome animal print leopard-print leotard, with some frilly sleeves, that she could wear with white tights and definitely reflected her exotic name very well, definitely kind of turning her into a little future exotic heartbreaker, IMO.

There were other times as well, they also came up with Disney-Princess themed leotards for the girls, just to make them feel uber-feminine at ballet, like Watermelondra was floored when she got to wear a Black-barbie pink leotard with pink tights and pink ballet slippers, before doing a bunch of litle-girl dance moves, and Bufaquashira got to wear one that was light blue and themed with Tiana from "The Frog Prince... and their days when not in training or classes were filled with stuff like getting to play with dollhouses filled with black barbies, even though they were a little old for this, but just to give them these experiences... and also throught all this time, tons of pictures of us were snapped in all this training, so we'd have lots of pictures and a scrapbook of all our development and our new lives as women.

My "new diet" though was the only thing that had me upset here, really, now the feeling of my stomach insanely shrinking !! But perhaps, the beauty will ultimately be worth it !!

We had more training Wednesday in our flowery dresses and heels back at Deportment and we practiced all sorts of things like greating each other as ladies, smiling with wide smiles, making eye contact, to let each other know as women that we as "the weaker sex" are not threats, and to shake hands with limp fingertip handshakes, all of which Gillian was very strictly observing to make sure we did correctly. There were also the signs with arrows all over the place telling us exactly where to go and what to do like we are little girls, and Gillian insisted we try and say evey word we say like we are very young girls, which we all tried to do. La'Quishira was really catching on, as my once softball-buddy was lisping every word severely, like a very young girl, as he did his curtseys, and I did to, as I did curtsey after curtsey in front of Gillian in my pink dress, and lisped severly about, "Cans I's go plays with my barbies, can's I goes plays at my dollshouse !", as I tried desperately to please her so she'd let up on making me curtesy so much, to give my desperate ankles a break !.... It was of course explained that we had to re-learn a lot as younger girls, which we all begrudgingly understood, and as punishment if we did something wrong, someimes we'd have to go in "time out," where we'd sit in the corner at a huge pink dollhouse, brushing the wild nappy hair with a pink brush, of a black barbie doll, as we softly cooed.

During all this, we'd have a lady trainer often filming us, so we'd have tons of content for our scrapbooks like I mentioned, for our future photo-albums for our future history as women and little girls, and others would be constantly snapping pictures of us in various stages of doing things, like trying on oversized tights and our various frilly ballet costumes, like a younger girl would wear to a ballet recital, so we had images of when we were little dancers. Nothing was left to not getting recorded and logged, for our own records (and humiliation)... We were also told as well that there were cameras on us as well 24/7, and in our dorms, so they could watch everything we were doing, and if we were sitting to pee, and making sure we did not "break character" and did not start acting like men again in our own privacy at night. If I had to masturbate, at least I had plenty of kotex I could orgasm into, as so to not leave any male stains on my pretty pink bedsheets or tights or panties that they'd absolutely freak out about, and I'd keep the black dildo alongside me and would make the show of rubbing the huge phallic object against my backside and buttcrack while I did my little thing like I might have once done to Gillian, and grinded on the bed while wearing my tights and granny panties and two kotexes, so the cameras would see me "pretending to be a lady" while I still saw to my still-unavoidable male needs, so they would not freak out on me.

I was amazed at the endless depth of stuff that Gillian would explain to us, that I'd shut up and stop trying to "be a man", and just take it all in and try and listen, and learn. She told us that women "talk with our hands," so when we practiced having silly conversations between us new girls, we were coached to always make exaggerated and even flailing hand gestures to match the ideas and moods of what we were saying and express ourselves better, with hitherto had been alien to me and I had to work at, but I was getting good at, and Gillan told me that I looked flirty ! One other thing was that I was told was that as a man, when I'd have a conversation, I'd always stand with two flat feet directly pointing forward, but instead two girls have to talk to each other with a "supermodel pose", with one foot behind the other and pointed at certain angles.... there were variations, but the most common was with the right heeled pantyhosed foot in front pointed at 2:00, and the left foot in back pointed at 11:00, tht way we were always standing in a glamorous position, which I now had to consciously work on, in addition to my feminine arm gestures. I was told about how things like how girls would clutch both gloved hands at their chests, like the reaction to having heartburn or being proposed to, when they were suprised, which for me as a man was an alien reaction to feeling shock.

With sitting etiquette, I was also amazed by the variety, as I'd cross my legs very highly up at the hip, to hide the opening of the top of my dress with my pantyhose as to not show my panties, and Gillian also taught me "The Duchess slant," after Kate Middleton and the Duchess of Cambridge and how she sits, with her legs demurely pressed together. It took so much work to constantly practice effortlessly brushing my skirts all underneath me all in one motion, so I sat down quickly and gracefully, so no one would notice anything untoward and I didn't show any of my white panties or the gusset of my tights, or even worse, my penis !! Gillian explained to me that with my knees together and ankles pressed tightly together, when I was in pantyhose and a skirt or dress, I'd stop any curious men from being able to get the cheeky glimpse they were surely wanting to get of my panties.
Gillian also told me that when I twirled my hair, that meant I was giving off an unconscious sign to a guy that I liked him, so then he'd consider coming and trying to approach me... as I was absent-mindedly twirling a lock of my new frizzy hair in her presence, as I was taking a moment's break !

Later, at dinners, the my new daughters were amused and laughing when I'd set my purse down next to them, and tell them all about how hard my training was, and how I'd be in class and go and sit and play with black barbie dolls at a dollhouse. They thought this was the funniest thing ever !

My daughters were even more amused to hear about when in our early training at deportment this first week, we spent all morning as Gillian watched as we all sat around and did our now long black hair up in huge styles with braids and beads and barrettes, sitting back to back with our tighted legs rubbing against each other, with Gillian saying "this is what black girls do for fun !" Bufanda put a ton of pink beads and barrettes in my hair and made me look so cute, like the style you'd see on a much younger girl, and then Gillian explained to me what I should do to Bufanda, how to twist the hair in three strands for a braid, and then stick the bead in, to give her the cute updo... and then we all started training more to pose like pretty little black girls and learning to do twirls, perhaps practicing for our first steps at a young debutante's ball.

As Bufanda put my hair in beads and barrettes, all I could do was sit there and think about what I a predicament I was in, interspersed with the helpless feeling I had to take of the hard tug on the back of my head when Bufanda would pull hard on a lock of my hair, which I had to take without complaining. I hoped the uber-cute style would be worth it, at least !!

When the instructors weren't around, we, as the new black ladies, would also compare our new very dark skin tones with utter fascination, and compare our ashy colours to try and see who is the darkest !! I thought they somehow had turned me into the darkest lady there.

I actually read some more of my black-lady romance novel these early nights, more about a young black-female up-and-coming lawyer who gets into it with an entanglement with a black guy who's a total stud who's the Lieutenant Governor or Maryland. After awhile of this now, it's amazing how much more I'm identifying with this story. Just from lack of stuff to do, I also let the girls read some of my other reading material, when they got to visit me in my dorm, and I called Chloe and let her know how we were doing and all the juicy details of what was going on, and that we'd be home on weekends.

Some service people came by my dorm, and fully stocked me up with MiDol, my 4 hormones I had to take, ColdCream, Maxi-Pads in the Vanity, hairspray, and full makeup kits, and every other feminine hygiene product on the list. It was utterly devoid of any masculinity at all. Some guy that was working there doing the delivery just looked at me in the face and laughed, before he walked off.

I got to explore some more of my new dorm though, and even I blushed when I realized at the back of a drawer, I had clearly been given an absolutely enormous black dildo !! I wondered, "What exactly will I do with this ?" I questioned if I should dare ask Gillian about it, a question I think I already know the answer to.

We started ballet the next day and had 4 hours of stretching, in our tight pink leotards and pink tights, and showing off all of our panties as we stretched !! I liked ballet a lot more than Comportment, and another female instructor, Kelly, taught this. I started wearing different and sexier panties, like a pair of pink panties with a heart pattern on underneath, that would give glimpses as I stretched and posed in my leotards. Even some of the other guys/girls thought I was being a bit flitty, but I was getting a bit into it... and we started taking our hormone pills as well, and I was definitely noticing a few "changes,"... like, it was impossible for me to go test how much I could go bench press or anything like this, but I felt my arms were getting way flabbier and I felt I was getting some of that "arm flab" underneath like you kind of see with any 40+ year-old woman, and other changes as well, like my hips and butt were rounding out a bit, and my skin was getting a bit softer, and I seemed to feel a bit more "emotional" for a reason I couldn't explain.

We also figured out as well to tag-team the bathrooms, so to do all these stupid rules about freshening up in the bathrooms and leaving them clean and everything and no hairs anywhere, and no pee on the seats and stuff like this. Don't laugh, but it was fully necessary, and we'd have to wipe each other's crotches and butts and they also were insanely particular about not wanting soiled panties and poop on the backsides and such, insisting about how "ladies always have clean backsides" and such. With our diets and such, it's true we weren't having as many huge poops as before and stuff like this, but it was still kind of important that when we'd do our tag-team lady routine on the bathroom, we'd have to help each other pull our tights and panties back up, and check and make sure everything is perfect, before we just left, that way we didn't get in trouble from someone like Gillian... or once someone like Gillian half-jokingly offered to assist us ladies to help at using the toilet, and to help us pull our hosiery up and down and to wipe off.

Apparently so far, it was an evolution they had actually never seen before, that the guys started helping each other use the bathroom, to get around the insane hygiene rules they were otherwise punishing people mercilessly for. I felt a bit proud actually, for seeingly being the one that was smart enough to basically start doing this and beat them at their own game !!

Besides the physical stuff like dance training and behavioral training and lady-etiquitte and comportment, we also had to do stuff like classes, where we had to read books from people like Ibram X. Kendi and Robyn D. Angelo about topics like "African Supremacy" and all about stuff like about how Black guys natrually dominate White guys (a lot of horse rubbish, but whatever, and we couldn't say anything), and we had to do stuff like learn 200 different Beyonce songs or 200 different rappers and recall them instantly, so we'd fit in easily with our new culture. We also had to do stuff like practice sitting there back to back and practice braiding each other's hair or doing hair in barettes, and then even if it was perfect, we'd have to take it all out and do it over and over again.... We also had to sit through a bunch of shit like how great and attractive Kamala Harris is, how we must all try and "be like her," how she would have been a much better President had she won that one time, etc... "We should all try and comport like 'mini Kamalas'."

We had lessons on "Female conversations," and "how to be good listeners," and how we should do stuff like avoid any and all controversial or political topics, and tilt our heads back and playfully laugh, and focus on "active listening" to what the other person is saying... and that if we can't say anything nice, we must quietly keep our opinions to ourself and not say anything at all !!... things we probably never did as aggressive men, just trying to get our points of view across.

There was also so much in the instruction I never even thought about, like in the classes, once we learned basic feminine comportment and behavior like actual ladies, they then had us working on ghettoizing our voices and oddly enough working on incorrect grammer, so I'd start saying "Why's I' be needin' to do dat," and Gillian would be more happy with me, as opposed to if I'd reply to something in proper English, like in my birth gender. Eventually, me and the girls all really caught on and were bantering regularly like proper ghetto girls !!...

One time early in the training, when they started really had us working on our ghetto girl speak, Bonquisha got frustrated with me and we nearly got into a "catfight," and I felt so helpless and nearly started crying, becuase Bonquisha said I "kept fucking up," becuase Gillian kept singling out and punishing me ridiculously, which was punishing the rest of the group by making us dress alli in pink more often and making act and simper like little girls. I just swished my wrist and said, "Baby gurl', don't even play !"... as opposed to having any kind of confrontation, like I would have had as a guy !!

Rather than responding like a guy, Bonquisha responded with equal sass, and got up all in my face, and I was just like, "What you mean, why you even be playin' !" Bufanda, my BFF, had to hold me back so I didn't scratch her, but as women, unlike men, there was now no threat of real serious physical violence or coming to blows, but it would now just be passive-aggressive ways we'd interact and such, unfortunately. We were even told that as women of coming from a lower socio-economic status, we were expected to have much stronger reactions to "bing dissed," and react this way on very small points of pride, to our appearances and such, and slights on our femininity and slutty behavior !

Later, it was all ok, as Bonquisha forgave me and realized how Gillian was unfairly singling me out to consistently make an example of.

Like when I talked about earlier how I was in the bathroom and noticed how I was wearing my big white granny panties underneath my tan pantyhose, I felt like in a lot of ways, becuase I had my two teenaged daughters and I could literally become a grandmother or Granny soon, I was literally feeling like a Mammy when I'd wear big white underwear and a fun colourful headwrap, and I'd get a kick out of calling Watermelondra Sweet Pea and stuff like this, and their new names and looks really suited these new behaviors and modes of speech, and them not doing male activities and sports, but rather ballet dancing and black girls' stuff.

Things started to get more fun though, as we were introuduced to things like our new business wear, two piece pinstripe skirt-suits with gold buttons, that we'd wear with our brown-sugar pantyhose that matched our leg skintones, and with our long curly hair in back, for now when we wanted to look "empowered" at our new jobs... and we learned all about the 1000 different brands of cosmetics, and which exactly matched our skin tones as black women, and which were eco-friendly, and what exactly to buy when we went into Sephora, and all this sort of stuff, that we literally had no idea of as men. Thank God Gillian was there with so much knowledge on this. For me though, probably no more business wear or being a "high powered black lady," but probably at my age, heading more to being a sweet black granny in my big white granny panties very soon !!

I even asked Gillian if I could be excused from the business classes and such as I didn't think I would be needing these any more at my age, and with my daughters, and she said OK, and instead Gillian watched as I was soon in the kitchen in a frilly flowery dress and flowery apron and with a headwrap, and I was being instructed by Gillian and two other black ladies on baking things like peach cobblers !! All the other ladies were loving and appreciating my creations...

"I think this is so much more useful, towards me becoming a Nana," I swished to Gillian, during my lessons. "Doing the things like the hours I now spend steam ironing is going to be so useful when I go home and keep house," I said to her.

I was also amazed at in my lessons, just how much there was in dress detail, about my dress, like my 50's housewive dress and the tight fit around my ever-growing black bust, + my tights, was to give me the feeling of being fully encased and to give me the feeling of being the property of my husband, like I couldn't just run away whenever I wanted... as were the high-heels and how they were to force me to take tiny delicate steps and limit my pace, thus restricting my range of travel.... and also to push my butt up and give me even more of a permanent feminine contour. The dresses I wore were designed to catch any splatter and hot grease, and I even blushed when Gillian even explained that back in the old days, dresses like these were for after a husband would come home after a long day and find his happy waiting wife in the kitchen, he could quickly flip her dress up like this for "easy access." And she advised me to quickly be ready and be aware of 2 or 3 handlebars in the kitchen, that I knew were sturdy, just for my own benefit in the future.

I used to always tell my wife her place was "in the kitchen," and now I got a kick of it when Gillian would call me Toots and tell me my place is "in the Kitchen !" My old masculine life was so far gone now, as was the need for any of that, so all this was necessary, learning how to keep my hair up, and run the oven, and making sure I could put a meal together.

"No ! I have to forget this," I protested to myself, as Jim Williams came fighting back... "I'm a guy, and I have two sons !!...I can't be here, prancing around in a cute dress. I like girls, and I should be trying to go after girls, and not be here trying to train to be some kind of domestic housewife."

My new me, however, fought out the old me, "No," my new brain said to myself, "You have to be here, learning how to like black guys, and cook and clean and dance and pose and look prissy, and to make a happy home for your husband. This is what you have to be, and you will learn to be this and like it !... There's a larger reason, why you are here."

I had to force myself, to get it together, and suck it up, to go back out there and be a big girl, as I composed myself in the bathroom.

I stopped my crying, and gathered myself, and gathered up my tights in the bathroom.

I told Gillian how "the old me" that was a man was trying to take over and come back and fight this training, but the new Precious is trying to repress him and continue to learn to be a woman, as I adjusted my huge new black breasts in my pink bra, and got my tanned tights pulled back up, over my white panties, all the way just under the underside of my huge mammy boobs.

"You have to fight these urges you feel, and stay this way, for your term here," said Gillian, "So you can learn to be better."

"I'm sorry for my earlier rude behavoir," I apologized profusely to Gillian... "I'm so glad for what you are trying to teach me, and what you are making me into. I would never make a proposition like that on you again, like I made when we first met."

"It's so important for you that you utterly give up your penis power, that way you can never threaten a woman again, which the hormones and period simulators are fully on their way to working their magic on you."
Gillian further explained... "When women know you can penetrate them and have that penetration power, that's when they feel threatened.... but if they do not feel this or know you do not have this ability, then they will open up to you, and let you in their circles."

She was right, even if I wanted to, I would certainly not be coming up to her, and doing ALL the steps of pulling up my dress, and taking down my pantyhose, big white panties, and kotex, just to pull my little guy out for her, even if this was somehow still possible. Instead I found myself thinking much more about Tyrese, from the Real Housewives of Atlanta, as I happily slaved away in the kitchen.

Slowly over time, we became more and more feminine, and all this became instinctive, and the classes became easier and easier and we started moving and thinking more like real women. When we went home for weekend-furlogh, Chloe was completely shocked by the transformation and transiion. All my male clothes and my jeans, dress-shirts, and slacks, were put into storage, to make way for my drawers of pantyhose, panties, and two huge closets of pretty dresses. I also had tons of gym-wear, sports-bras, matching yoga tops and bottoms, and all this sort of stuff, and tight little shorts that spelled stuff like "Juicy"... plenty for me to wear in any situation !! And also I had waiting for me in the spare bedroom where I was now to sleep an entire bookshelf of black-lady hot-and-heavy Romance novels, that Chloe had somehow ordered for me off of Amazon.

"It sounded on the phone like it was going so well, that I really wanted to help out as much as possible !"
We decided that for now, when I returned, I wouldn't be needing to work outside the home, as Chloe had been promoted to Executive Vice-President, and I would be instead presented as a live-in maid and stay-at-home housewive. Basically, not many people even remembered me anyway, so it would all be ok. With plenty of leisure, I would take care of the home and busy myself with random tasks, but otherwise could devote myself to doing what I pleased in the next two years, as long as I stayed within the rules of presenting myself appropriately to the world within the confines of my sentence as Precious Williams, a black lady !! Apparently, there would be state officers around to check on this and everything.

The best part about weekend furlough, was it was the perfect occasion in my new identity as Precious Williams, was that I'd get to put on a fun colourful dress with lots of colours and flowers, a huge headwrap, pantyhose, and go to a black church, where I made tons of new friends, and La'Quirisha would come along with me, and no one knew that the two of us used to be two regular white men called Jim and Dave, and we inteded to keep it that way, as we sat there with our fat butts and arms in the pews !! They would never know that I was once a dyed-in-the-wool racist white man called Jim Williams, before I had my cock properly encased in pantyhose and panties, that would have told a joke like, "What's purple and green, orange and gold ?"... a black woman in church !!... And also, I had only been able to go a few times, but there were no shortage a of a few bruthas' married or not, who seemed to be looking our way, as I'd demurely wave myself with my church fan.

Eventually, after furlough, we sadly had to return to the Centre, but our privileges started getting increased, and we started getting allowed TV and started getting allowed shows like "Real Housewives." Our "development" was now definitely coming to another level, as we definitely started to develop breasts !!.... Clear signs our hormones were working. Bufanda, now my best friend there, easily talked to me like a lady, and we always went to the bathroom together and wiped each other off, and then freshened up each other's makeup, without even thinking. Our hair also got long enough, that my daughters had their hair put up into uber-cool styles with beads and braids, while mine was done up in a great bouffant hairstyle with a huge pink bow in the Centre, like a perfect housewife from the 50.

"You're so precious, Precious," teased Gillian at me, as I just flitted in my tights. Any chance for me for me to "talk to her like a man was hopelessly gone now.

All this and the hormones and constant training was also clearly having it's effect on the other once-male students as well, as one day when we were freshening up in the bathroom, Bufanda was confiding to me about the fantasies she was having about the black guys on those shows like the Real Housewives of Atlanta, and what it would be like to get with them, and that she found this was making her get excited !

"Believe me, I understand"... I said with a laugh as I rubbed my kotexed crotch.

One day, we were also finally taken and shown how to step into these black garments that were essentially "pussy panties," that finally fixed our crotches and gave us nice and smooth fronts, and put our penises in a nylon sheath tube in front, and still let us sit to pee ! We could also be penetrated with these, with the tube underneath. The thing I liked the best about them was that as the tube was nylon, when I wore my tights, I honestly didn't feel much difference from when the underside of my cock would rub up against the fabric earlier, a feeling that I loved so much, but now I worried was going to be taken away from me by giving me a vagina. This prosthetic was absolutely top of the line and only had to be taken off every couple of weeks or so for cleaning, but besides that could be worn easily and I could fit right into an absolutely smooth leotard and tights or tight pair of shorts around my crotch, and show absolutely no bulge at all !! It even gave me a perfect ladies' camel toe.

We each drank three full cups of water so we'd get to try these, and I was soon in the ladies' room to try and sit to pee through our new devices, and across the stalls Bufanda and I were amazed as we emptied our ridiculously full bladders through our manhoods that were now safely concealed in their new nylon sheathes, that went through a tube that emptied through our new vaginas and into the toilet bowl. With how all my urine just sprayed out like a gush everywhere with no control through my new pussy, any kind of standing up to do my business certainly would have been impossible. I also had a lot more wiping I'd have to do. Sitting down though, I was peeing just like a woman !! And with how it just came out and I was just sitting there with my pantyhose and white panties and my knees and waiting for my business to get done, I felt so helpless, and more so than ever.

Rather than being upset about seeing my once proud manhood finally disapper, underneath it's new black cover with it's new slit, I could only think about how much some black guy like Tyrese on the show I loved would love seeing this from me, if I could somehow be lucky enough to show him my goodies in real life. (In classes, we had also been told that in real life, black ladies are also a bit freer and less conservative in social interactions and in flirting, compared to white people)..... In the ladies' bathroom, as we helped each other get our tights and panties back up and clean our seats, me and Bufanda compared our bumpy new snatches, and we laughed about which guys we'd love to show our stunning new crotches to, as we slowly took our time getting our pantyhose and big white panties back up and over them, after for the first time ever, we had gotten some tampons to try out of the dispenser and had inserted them into our new vaginas.

Bufanda laughed, "Tyrese is a little young for you.... You're a Nana, you need someone a bit older."

"I can still get a young buck going as well as any young lady in her 20s," I laughed.

"Are you sure about that, in those huge white undies... I's thinkin' back to lacy cut ones, for you."

I reached in my white purse and handed Bufanda one of the black lady Romance novels I had finished with, as required reading material... highlighting all the "very important parts," where the succesfull black attorney took his lady conquests that were ladies like us up the bum !! I apologized that the pages might be "stuck together."

Gillian came in the bathroom and said, "Girls, what is going on in here ?"

"Nothing, Gillian," we laughed. Gillian could say nothing, as we were just laughing about guys, which was exactly what they wanted, I supposed !!

I blush to even admit this, but I got a bit more exploratory with the big black veiny dildo I was issued, even sticking it in my pussy panties, and even, probing it a bit in my backside... even though I didn't stick it all the way in !! I never imagined I would have done anything like this earlier, on day one of this. Even though I didn't go all the way in, I still imagined I was the lovely black lady, just being toyed with and playfully flirted with in foreplay by her man.
As we got along in training, the girls loved it when we were allowed to spend more time together in my dorm, and we'd spend most of the nights and mornings predicting and planning what dresses and outfits and pretty leotards and tights we were going to present ourselves in for that day, and how we were going to find clever ways to style our hair. At nights, the girls would eagerly peruse my shelf of romance novels for black ladies, and digest sections of their now favorite titles, where the black lady got taken by the hot handsome hunk; and they would read their favorite parts of these titles there, or take them back to their rooms ! I couldn't believe it when Watermelondra also went through my undies drawer and pulled out the huge black dildo I had and looked at it, and I blushed so hard like never before, about what I had, and had to explain it... The girls (former boys) also no longer talked about what girls they had a crush on, but they talked about what types of boys they now crushed on (all black boys of course), and talked about whether they preferred more of football or basketball players !!

"I advise basketball players, because basketball players are taller, and thus have "bigger shoes", if you know what I mean," I said with a cheeky laugh.

We'd look through all the clothes and jewelry I had and that was generously given to me, and I'd wear the red velvet dress that Chloe had me wear when I first started dressing, or usually the various pink and white floral and frilly dresses..... and I took back here the red velvet housewife-dress and a few others with me from home from weekend furlough, as well as a bunch of my other pantyhose and some underwear and panties that Chloe gave me. The girls also were so happy when I'd go in the bathrooms with them after dance classes and help them get the seats wiped off and their tights pulled back up, as they had been getting in a lot of trouble for leaving pee on the seats before, and it was one thing that as boys, they had felt hopeless at knowing how to control !

"Thanks Mommy," that was so helpful," said Watermelondra, as I gave her extra drops that she couldn't shake off a wipedown with some toilet paper inside the pink bathroom stall, so she'd leave no mess, As I wiped her where before she was having trouble, like me, with the dribbling, she seemed seriously relieved that now she would not get barked at like she had been before for leaving pee on the seat, which would make a little girl like her helplessly burst into tears. Before I got her Kotex back on, and then I pulled her pink full butt-panties back up over her now big black butt, and then her pink ballet tights, and then got her favorite Watermelon-themed leotard pulled all the way back up and over her green sports-bra, and adjusted correctly at her thin shoulders; and she put her now delicate thin black arms through the green cap sleeves, now completely unsuited for competing in any kind of contact sports. I noticed her hair, which was done in two huge pigtails called Bantu-Knots with huge green beads on each side, and underneath the dark hair I could not even see a single hint of her former light-coloured scalp ! I gave her another compliment on just how pretty she looked, as we exited the stall together and held hands. It was honestly such a cute mother-daughter bonding experience ! I felt so happy and proud.

"It's no problem, Honeychild... Girls, especially like us, have to know exactly what to do to get by, and we help each-other in the bathroom and to "freshen-up.... Now, run along back to dance !!" Watermelondra pranced out with a mince.

You will not believe it, from how much I miserable about all this earlier and feeling like this was completely infringing on my masculinity, and I was struggling in the initial training; as the courses were coming down to the last few weeks, i was somehow actually not wanting it to end and not wanting my stay at the Gender Centre to end, and I was sadly counting down the dwindling days on the calendar.

From how much I dreaded all this earlier, I almost even forgot all this was a punishment, and as graduation approached, we were told that we'd be doing a cute litle dance recital for our familes and the people that know us, and all our families were invited... Me and the other black ladies were all in light pink poufy leotards with tutu skirts and light pink tights and pink pointe shoes, and all with our done up in curly buns, to prance around on stage with a cute little dance number that Kelly had taught us, and to show just how feminine we had become. I was honestly a bit glad though that for me, it was just Chloe there, and Dave, or the lady he is now... (LOL). I really didn't want anyone else I would have ever known seeing this.

I felt so flattered actually as Chloe clapped wildly for me, and also for the girls when they did their similar ballet recital (but was a bit more athletic than ours).... I couldn't believe how happy I was actually being accepted in this way. As the mothers and daughters, we then went and changed into different leotards and tights together, and came back out together and did twerking and a pop and lock routine, to a Megan the Stallion song, and in this next song our poses and looks to the audiece and shaking our butts were quite a bit more provocative than in our first display, and we received even louder applause, that we swooned to.... We also had another routine that Jillian taught us where we all came out and posed in dresses and pantyhose like we were in beauty pageants, and we got to show off our talents, which I really liked.

It was also amazing to me when back stage, my former sons, now my daughters, were changing their leotards and tights with expert skill level, and did not need any help at all... and all they did was chat about boys; which ones they thought were the hottest, which ones they'd like to kiss... Clearly all this had really done a number on them, and for a lot of it, I had been training so much with the adults, that much of what they had been up to I hadn't been able to see !! I think that was really the point, that they didn't want the dads to see what they were teaching their daughters.

One thing I thought was pretty cool about our final performance in front of our families was that my now-daughters had to go out on stage and sweetly tell the audience what had been their former names, and why they were here for harrassing and bullying black girls, and how much they had deserved this for what they had been done, and how much they had loved what they had been turned into !! My heart actually now beamed with pride, from the side of the stage, as they announced their new names to the world, of Watermelondra Shaniqua Williams, and Bufaquashira Fashionette Williams. My turn was next, as I sweetly told the audience just enough they needed to know about the bad boy I had once been, but now I was Mrs. Precious Flanasha Williams, the proud mother of two darling girls, of which I gave much more detail.

After all this, we had a reception afterwards where Jillian put her arm around me and told my wife that I was "the worst student she had ever had," but now i became "one of her favorites"... Honestly, this flattered me so much. She also told my wife all about everything about how I came up with tag-teaming to freshen up at the bathrooms and all of this, and that I was the best student at ballet... and also that "Jillian would never have any interest in me as a man, sexually, but that I make a superb woman." All I could do was blush.

I told Gillian how much I liked that they came up with a Watermelon leotard, just for Watermelondra, which my daugther wore just for her individual talent portion.

For La'Quishira and me, our wives even had to laugh when me, her, and Bufanda were unironically standing around taking small feminine sips of punch, and talking about how we were having what felt like hot flashes and were flushing at our face, and were feeling like we were actually having the cramps and the mood-swings with our periods !! I seriously think those hormones they were giving us to trick our bodies were actually working. Now we had to know what the women actually felt, instead of being able to be dynamic men all the time, always rip-rearing to go.

The next day, I complimented with full sincerity my two best friends Bufanda and La'Quishira on the final outcome of their beauty and femininty, as we were getting ready in our flowery dresses at the pavillion. We had another small ceremony for Graduation where as they announced my name "Precious Williams", I VERY demurely walked across the stage in a white flowery dress, heels, white pantyhose, in front of my wife, and I curtseyed as a tall beautiful black woman to the crowd, and then Jillian, before I accepted a diploma tied up with a pink ribbon. I was now Free !!... and I would now be a lady for almost two years, before I would now be free, I think to remove my fake fucking dark spray, and resume dressing as a man and being one !!

Back at home, it was amazing how much things had changed, as the girls became enrolled at the local ballet studio and became two of the leading local prima ballerinas, competing in a national level at major ballet competitions. My main "job" became to drive them to and from pointe-class every day, dropping them off in their pink leotards and tights, and often Watermelondra in her pretty watermelon leotard, that she just loved wearing.

Besides this though, all was not well in paradise. Since I had transitioned to becoming an effective woman, though I was still a man underneath, I found I could just not please my wife like I once had, despite some attempts at scissoring. I spent more time reading my black lady novels, and frankly, if you must know, fondling my big black dildo, while I wore my tights !

We were still BFFs, but we were drifting apart, at least in this areas. There was no way I was still at all "the man," as 3 days a week or so, I'd be at the church or a Bible study, just to get to wear my huge dress and a pillbox hat, whlle for Chloe I was just "no longer the man she married."

As I felt like I was getting fat, soon 4 days a week, I was at the ballet studio in an adult ballet class, in my powder blue leotard with a lace blue top and short sleeves, and pink ballet tights, and pink ballet slippers, doing the same stretching and fitting right in, completely indistinguishable from all the other ladies

The 14 weeks at the Centre had completely done a number, on my once-male brain. I wondered if it was possible if the estrogen could seep into your brain too, and somehow change it ?

One day, Chloe came in and saw a lot of my literature clearly strewn on the floor, and she said, "Precious, I think you should really consider maybe looking at dating other men !"

"You really think ?"

"Yes... as a husband, you are just not suited any longer."

"But I will be going back, in a year or so"

"Why don't you just try it ?"

"I don't even know where to begin ?"

It wasn't long though that I was explaining to the girls that their "mother" is now moving on and is maybe going to start dating other men, and they were like "duh" and of course they understood, like this was "obvious" years ago.

One day, I put on a pretty outfit and went down to the mall bookstore and was just sipping coffee, when I was approached by this absolutely studly 6'4'' black guy.

The last year or so of all this had fully prepared me. I sweetly opened myself up to his charms and put Julius's number in my phone, and called up La'Quishira and Bufanda to tell my girlfriends all about my conquest. I planned my hottest outfit with pantyhose, and asked for Bufanda to be there just initially as my safety, in case he's not a gentleman and things got out of hand.

It turned out, Bufanda did a great job mointoring the date at the restaurant, and Julius was a perfect gentleman and there was no danger of him raping the living daylights out of me and leaving me abandoned in some trash bin somewhere, and I let him take me home after our third date, and we sat on the couch together but ignored the Tyler Perry film, and started kissing !! "If only the girls I had been with, when I was a guy, could see me now," I laughed !!... "Or Jillian, for that matter. Probably Jillian would be especially entertained, given how I came onto her and tried to be a man on our first day to see what happened when he took out his 13 inch black mamba and started stroking it and, I just went to work on it licking it (my own pussy pole clearly just absolutely paling by comparision, and deservedly so, and totally and safely hidden away and where it should be in pantyhose and kotex).

All the training at the centre turned out to be so apt for the date, as just like how Jillian has so humiliated me in front of all the guys, it made it so easily for me to be a weak limp-wristed little wimp in front of Julius, without even trying !!

The kissing though was so amazing. Me being a submissive and glamorous black lady for this, was WAY better than anything I had ever done with a girl, when I was a guy. I was also so TINY, next to him. This was like everything in my romance novels. Julius was now so erect, I was wondering if he was going to start to buck ?

Finally I said, "I want you to do something for me, extra special," I said as I stopped licking, and i took down my tan tights and I showed him my butt, where the pussy panties I wore had the slit for me to poop out of... "I want you to take me here, all the way !!"

I had never been taken up the arse before ! I don't know what was now even pushing me this far. I mean, i was still going to be a man agian, in a year...

"Oh yeah, my dear," said Julius, "You's so sexy," said the big football playing stud as he treated me like his plaything and got to work, as I completely lost control of the dynamic. I couldn't believe just how far he went up inside of me ! It was the most amazing thing ever. Now this was my true state in life, something I never wanted to end, as he just rode my big butt.

I think he speared me about 25 or 26 times, hitting my G-spot in there, and he could have easily gone way past that, before he finally came and exploded, and hilariously left me absolutely dripping, which I showed him as he was laughing, before I meekly excused myself to go get myself cleaned up.

"So that's what it's like !?" I thought... And to think, I used to be the guy that could rock a woman's world...
I came back out again shortly, wearing another delicate frilly little pink flowery outift, with tan pantyhose. We sat back down again and cuddled for hours, watching another Tyler Perry film.

My wife agreed not long after that I would move out with all my stuff and move in with Julius as his fiancee, and I would stay as a black woman named Precious Williams indefinitely. The girls were enrolled in high-end ballet programmes with scholarships, and thus at least for the immediate future, would also stay as girls, and it seemed would now go to college as girls and stay with the Gender centre. It seemed a good idea for them to now stay with me and Julius a lot, to get more full immersion in really becoming black girls.

I would regularly have a laugh telling Watermelondra and Bufaquashira how I can't believe they were once "Jason and Tommy," regular white boys that played baseball and basketball, especially when Watermelondra will spin around in her favorite leotard and white tights, and talk about what studly boys she has crushes on, just like any other teenaged girl her age... and with her sister, plots her next cute hairstyle at the African hair-braiding parlor, what massive updo she's going to get next, that will really flatter her ! I get a kick joking with them that there's "no way, like me, they could ever come on to a regular girl again !" Watermelondra can't say anything, as she's certainly far more interested in what tight tutu she's going to wear at her next ballet recital, than anything to do with sports. I do like to still see the bit-reactions on their faces though, if there's any feelings of their former selves that might still come through.

For my part, I was extraordinarily flattered, more so than I had ever been as a father, when both of my daughters said I was the most wonderful mother ever, and I was doing the best job ever as a mother and I was the prettiest lady ever, and they would not change a single thing in the world ! No achievement I ever had as a father or anything to do with sports came close to this and how I felt about this, with stuff like seeing how pretty my girls regularly looked when they got all dolled up in their nice dresses, before a big event they were eagerly awaiting.
Because of the nature of what happened with the programme and effectively changing my identity, it was easy to agree to a legal separation of my marriage with Chloe, so I could become bethrothed to Julius, similar to the legal recognition of someone's new gender.

Two years later, I had had my release from the final parole part of the programme and was authorized to return to being a white man, but I didn't, and instead now am happily married, as Mrs. Precious Adams !! As you can guess, my two daughters, and Bufanda and La'Quishira were my happy bridesmaids, and I made sure we'd all have our hair up in huge wraps, and all be wearing pantyhose !!

Both my daughters got to be escorted as bridesmaids by handsome young men, and they started to have no shortage of handsome young men to possibly date, even though they wanted to "concentrate on their ballet traning"... even though it certainly wasn't long before Bufaquashira and Watermelondra were talking out two black guys who played on the football team and were 5 or 6 inches taller than them each from their new high-school class downtown, and were planning on going to their homecoming.

As Julius had me in my new bedroom like a concubine, I called the girls in one typical slow afternoon and told them to be careful, and I sat down with both girls and we had a long mother-daughters talk on what exactly to expect, and we all collapsed into full laughing fits, when we got to talking about "what to do with the size of their huge black penises !" It turns out they had also been over this topic a little bit in their classes at the Center.
Julius kept me plenty happy now as a delicate demure little housewife in a flowery dress, after I moved out from living with Chloe. I'd cook, and clean, and make a happy home, and get dressed up in a different colourful dress every day, while Julius was off to work at his law firm. My jewelry was a must, and Julius would even take to calling me his "little whore," and would come home early and greet me in the kitchen. It was no problem for me to service him there or in the bedroom, as I'd now eagerly start sucking his huge 13 inch dark black cock without even thinking... and I also now had my huge own personal collecton of huge black dildos, right next to my enormous stash of pantyhose that Julius always kept me in.

He told me also he got a kick out of it, that he now had such a bride like me that's a lovely lady, that had been a former white guy, that now acts so demure and swishy around him. He didn't see anything "gay" about it at all, but rather it was a completely dominating thing for him, and he saw me as a full woman... and he could also fully take me in the front of my pussy panties, and rub his cock against mine in my shaft, and also get what was left of my male member going inside there as well.

At will, he could also surely take me from behind, or the huge black dildos I had could also now surely do the job on me !! Other times, I'd give Julius a handjob, or he'd come right and all over my black face, joking about "leaving me with a face like a painter's radio," I'd sit there and have to completely redo my fully spoilt makeup, but it was worth it... and what else did I have to do all day, but sit there in my vanity and try and look lovely, and freshen up. I just had to be quick about it though, before the girls wondered what was going on, or caught us in the act... this was the only slightly bad thing.

Eventually, people had forgotten all about a man named Jim Williams, and I'd venture out on trips to the grocery store, my heels clicking on the tile; and to the department stores, where Julius would give me his credit cards, and no one thought anything of it as I was a a black lady selecting all the various packages of pantyhose, and deciding which ones would look the best on me... and quietly looking at new sundresses, and finding new ones to choose and try on.

Many days if I really didn't want to bother with doing my hair up in a nice do, or I hadn't been able to get to the African hair-braiding parlor for my regular appointment, I could just put my hair up in a nice tied up Kente-cloth wrap, and this would do great to keep my hair off of my pretty face.

I even got to make extra money, modelling for a Nigerian bridal boutique, where I'd get to get all dolled up in pretty flouncy curve-hugging dresses with bright colours and African tribal patterns, and they'd do my heavy pancake makeup and purple lipstick, and would do my hair up in huge Gele headwraps, and take plenty of pretty pictures of me for a youtube video site and a catalogue, both of which I could spend hours checking out, and I proudly forwarded to Chloe and all my new friends. One time, they got to take pictures of me with another black male model !!

I thought and wondered, what would my old girlfriends from school and such that I had taken out on dates would say, if they could see me now !

For awhile though, I'd have to end my part-time jobs and shopping excurisons and be sure to be home early, to shuttle my girls to ballet classes, at least until they finally turned 16 and Julius could buy them both tiny cars, and then this was something I didn't have to worry about any longer. I could stay out in my little pink mini, and I didn't even know what had happened to my old truck that had been traded in. Even if it was at all possible, in my little pink mini and such, there's no way at all that any kind of lady in public would see me, at-all, as any kind of threatening "man" that might try and flirt with her and pick her up and such, nor would I dare even try !.... Instead I'd just happily click in to my appointments at the hair-braiding studio, and let Bufanda, who got a job there now as a stylist, select fun new styles for me she happily went out of her ways to try and find; like one with a huge enormous swooping curl right on top of my head, that drove Juilus absolutely insane the first time he saw me with it.

That night, it "gave him something to hold into in the bedroom," while he took me absolutely mercilessly from behind, like never before, after he laid me down on the bed face down like a little doll, and then flipped up my red and white dress with hearts on it, pulled down my light pink tights and white panties, and clearly had the time of his life like never before. My neck was more sore, seriously, than my behind. With his football player strength and how my neck was feeling, I had no doubt he was the kind of guy that could upright row the entire stack at the gym like a gorilla; something I could certainly never do.

My daughters the next day were wondering why I was so sore, but I just said nothing as I took some extra tylenol and took an extra dose of my lady hormones. A lot of times now, they never exactly knew what was up with me.

As I sat in the audience a few months later as my daughters won first and second prize at the leading ballet competition in the USA, with their Sleeping Beauty and Raymonda Variations, in their tight pink and light-blue tutus and white tights and tiaras, I was welling up with the most pride I had ever felt.... There was no relying on their former male athleticism for them to get the edge in this; their dancing was all delicate, graceful, and utterly female, and they reveled in the displays they were giving, as their extremely high arabesques liberally showed off the very tight crotches of their tutus !.....and when I was interviewed afterwards, knowing that their futures as happy, successful African-American young women with full scholarships to prestigious universities was assured. I could finally and proudly say, that I had done my job !!

The End.

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