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to see if they make him look thinner. Unfortunately, they have the opposite effect.
It's time for the Halloween party and time to see if Gerry can pull off the pregnant
bride persona and win the hot tub.
Author's Note: Please let me know if you enjoy this story? Consider leaving me a review? ~Clara.
This version of Positively Glowing: 8 Final has been updated with many corrections towards spelling and grammar.~Sephrena.
Image Credit: Image created through the use of ai at .~Sephrena.
Chapter 8
"No, wait," Taylor was nearly giddy with excitement, "let's get a picture of us both getting ready. Just like I did with Stevie on your wedding day."
She placed her phone on her dresser, set the timer and hurried back to stand next to Gerry. "Three, two, smile!" she said as the telephone imitated the sound of an SLR camera taking a picture.
"Let's see it!" She grabbed the phone and looked at the photo. "Aww, that's great!"
She showed Gerry the photo of himself and his sister, both in lacy bras, garter belts, panties and shear stockings, Gerry's white with lace around the top and Taylor's shear, flesh toned, and both of them smiling at the camera. Taylor's grin seemed much less forced than Gerry's, though.
"Don't you like it?" Taylor asked, incredibly wound up.
"No, I like it," Gerry smiled. "It's just... I don't know."
"Oh, stop being a spoil-sport. Let me have some fun with you. You look adorable, you know."
Gerry looked in the mirror at the feminized, youth-en-ed image of himself. He knew that he looked lovely, perhaps much more lovely than he should, but...
"I hate to ruin the flow of pretty lingerie, but you do need to wear your baby belt, tonight. I bought you the prettiest one I could find, though." She pulled a new support garment from a bag. It was quite pretty, covered in lace and flowers, but it's functionality did remove some of the romance of the other garments.
Once the last piece of underwear was in place, Taylor removed the bridal dress from its bag and prepared for Gerry to put it on. She bent low and arranged everything just-so and said, "Are you ready? Time for my little brother to become a beautiful, blushing bride."
Gerry chuckled as he put a hand on his sister's shoulder to steady himself as he stepped into the center of the dress and it's built in petticoats. "'Blushing?' Isn't the bride typically 'blushing' because she's about to lose her virginity and everyone attending the event knows it. I look like I'm six or seven months pregnant, so I guess I'm blushing for a whole different reason."
"Oh, stop it. You won't look that way for long.. Six months, tops," Taylor laughed. She turned him away from her as she adjusted the dress around his feminine form and began buttoning the dress.
"You know, Gerry... I'm really very jealous of you." Taylor's tone was suddenly serious.
"Jealous of me?" Gerry scoffed. It was an inconceivable idea. "Why would anyone ever be jealous of me?"
Taylor shook her head. "Why!? Gerry, you have everything. You have a wife who adores you almost as much as your niece does, and look at you... you're gorgeous."
"Taylor... I'm not supposed to be gorgeous... well... I guess I am for this party, but... you know what I mean... I'm not supposed to look like this and... I'm kinda scared that I'm not going to be a good father for my daughter when we get her."
Taylor's heart nearly broke. "Oh, Gerry... baby... your daughter isn't going to need a tough, construction worker type father."
"No, baby. Your daughter will need two, loving parents who will care for her and give her the best life possible. You can do that for her, Gerry, can't you?" She hugged him from behind and pressed her cheek to his temple.
"I hope so, Taylor, I really do. I mean... I've messed up so many times... I would never forgive myself if I wasn't a good parent for Marni."
"When have you ever messed up?" Taylor spoke to him in a patient, sisterly tone.
"Don't patronize me, Taylor. What have I ever done right? I mean... I tried out for every sport in high school and never once made a team. You went to a great college, I went to a state college that didn't even allow me to major in computer programming. I quite a good job to start my own business and after, what, six or seven months, what did I earn? Two thousand dollars? Three thousand? Not much that's for sure. I'm not even good at being a man. My own body has betrayed me there."
Taylor turned Gerry to face her. "So? What is a good example of a man?"
"You know... tall, strong, smart, successful, handsome, broad shouldered... stuff like that. Like Russ, I guess."
"Ok," Taylor nodded, "I'll agree that Russ seems to fulfill all of those criteria, but so does Fred, Gerry. Fred is all of those things except he's not much of a man, in my opinion. He's a slimy asshole who walked out on his daughter and her mother. A real man doesn't do that. A real man takes care of his family - like you do. A real man lets his partner know that she, or he, is loved and cherished every moment of every day - like you do. A real man knows how to love - how to love his wife, his mother, his niece, his sister and especially his child, and that's you, Gerry. You're going to love your baby just like you love Mila. You love so well and so fervently that your body made it possible for you to express that love in ways that very few men ever have. Your body didn't betray you, Gerry. Your body elevated you to make you more than a father... more than a mother... you are the embodiment of love, Gerry. Love for me. Love for mom. Love for Mila and, more than anything, love for Stevie and that precious little girl that will be yours to raise. That's what you are, Gerry. Not a failure. You are love."
A tear ran down Gerry's cheek.
"Oh, my god!" Taylor laughed. "Don't you dare cry! I can't fix that makeup for you!" She grabbed a tissue and dabbed carefully. "Now, just stop it." She laughed some more.
"Tay..." Gerry said. It was unusual for him to call his sister by the shortened version of her name. He nearly always called her 'Taylor.'
"Yes, honey?"
"Thank you for being so good to me."
She smiled. "Gerry... I owe you more than I can ever repay. You are everything to all of us, honey. Please remember thank."
She kissed his cheek.
He smiled.
"Now, let's get you into your pearls."

"Russ?" Kate said, genuinely surprised to see the man Taylor had been dating for the last week or so. "Taylor isn't here right now. She's helping her brother get ready for tonight's party. I was just about to leave, myself, but I can give you her address, if you'd like... or I could call her..."
"No, no, Kate," Russ laughed. "I actually came to speak to you, if you can give me five minutes."
"Oh? Well... of course, Russ... I mean... please, take a seat. What can I do for you?"
As he sat, Russ placed a rather thick, Manila folder on Kate's desk. "What's this?" She asked.
"My most recent financial statements." He took out a handkerchief and dabbed a little sweat from his brow. ""Sorry, Kate... I'm just a little nervous. It's been a long, long time since I've done anything like this."
Kate glanced at the folder, confused. "Like what, Russ? You don't need a an investment firm, your firm does that in-house. What do you want me to do with this?"
Russ let out a long, tense sigh. "Kate... It's all there. My most recent bank statements, last years tax returns, last quarter's investment reports. What I want you to do... What I'd LIKE for you to do is review them so that you have a rough idea of my current financial footing."
Still confused, Kate asked, "Why on earth should I do that?"
"Look, Kate, I'm at least eight or ten years older than Taylor and I want everyone involved to be comfortable with this before it goes any further. I know you and I know you're all business. I want you to be one hundred percent comfortable with my finances and if you or Taylor want a prenup drawn up, then that's fine with me, but I don't feel the need. I mean, we can file separate returns..."
"Wait, just a minute, Russ!" Kate was shocked. "Let me get this straight... you intend to propose to my daughter after only a week or so of dating?"
"Umm... well... yes, Kate, that is my intention. I mean, yes, I know that I'm moving quickly, but, well, I'm not as young as I used to be and I am really attracted to Taylor... I mean, she hasn't even met my daughter, yet, but I think that Evelyn would love her..."
"Now, just stop right there, Russ."
He stopped a little stunned by the ferocity of Kate's voice. They sat in silence for a few moments before Kate finally asked, "Do you love my daughter?"
"Had I not made that clear?"
"No, you had not and you still have not. So...?
"So, what?"
"Do you love Taylor?"
"Oh... yes, of course. That's what this is all about. Kate, I thought that my days of being in love were over when my wife died, but Taylor... Kate, she is amazing, and... yes... I love her truly and deeply. I want nothing more than for her to be my wife."
Kate's right hand flew to her mouth as she stood and hustled around the desk. "Oh, Russ, That's wonderful! Of course, I can't speak for Taylor, but... well, it is all just fine with me." Then, unexpectedly, Kate hurried you the office door and called out, "Stevie! Stevie, come in here, immediately!"

Gerry stared at himself in the mirror while Taylor touched up her own makeup. The expectant bride that stared back at him was truly lovely. She looked younger than he was. Seventeen? Eighteen? Nineteen? Twenty? Certainly no older. The bride's hair was piled just high enough on top of her head, with the hair not used in that structure flowing in waves down his back, a petite, pearled hair comb decorating the chestnut brown locks and a subtle, white train falling down his back from the comb to his waist. Beneath that beautiful, brown hair was a pair of enormous green eyes with long, curled lashes and very subtle eye makeup. Plump, apple cheeks, plump, cherry red lips, a soft chin, long neck, small, creamy shoulders, elaborate, lace sleeves that barely covered the tops of his arms, simple, virgin-white silk embraced the brides plump, perky, milky breasts, then gently swelled over his belly and flowed in a feminine arch over the layers of silk and tulle petticoats that supported it, ending just at his knees. Beneath the hem, smooth, shapely legs, adorned with a very subtle frost from the stockings, led to silk, pointed-toed white pumps with a two inch heel.
The bride was him and he was a feminine dream come true.
A mid-twentieth century bride
Even though he'd been wearing soft, beautiful, feminine, wonderful clothing for weeks, now, this was different. He'd grown up as a normal, run of the mill boy. Not athletic. A bit smarter than most. Not artistic. Just a regular, everyday, ignorable boy.
He'd always loved girls.
He loved being with them.
He loved looking at them.
He fantasized about being with them.
But he'd never wanted to be be one.
Yet... here he was. A bride. Yes, it was a costume, but... it wasn't. It was so, so much more than a costume. It was a statement. It said, 'I am a woman.' It said, 'I am a beautiful woman.' It said, 'I am the most beautiful woman in the room.' More than anything else, it said, 'Look at me,' in a way that no other piece of clothing ever could.
Then, in the distance, he could hear something. Someone was saying something, but Gerry couldn't make out who it was or what was being said. All he could do was look at himself, mesmerized.
The sound grew louder and closer, though and he tried to make sense of it, but he just couldn't make his consciousness do anything other than take in the girl who looked back at him, who moved when he moved and breathed when he breathed.
"Gerry!" Taylor's voice broke the spell.
"Can't you hear the doorbell?"
"What? Doorbell?" Then he heard it. The doorbell was ringing and someone was knocking.
"Can you get that, please? I'm not dressed, yet."
"Oh! Yes. Sure. I'm sorry... I was just..."
"Yeah, I know," Taylor laughed. "Go get the doorbell, please."
"Oh, yes. Of course. Sorry."
Gerry hurried to the door and opened it to reveal the same well tanned, handsome young man in worn denim shorts and a well worn button up shirt who'd delivered flowers from Russ to the office a week or so earlier.
"Oh! Hi!" Gerry smiled, recognizing the man's familiar, smiling face.
"Hi," the delivery man replied. "Oh... hey... I remember you! Little Mila's aunt, right? Wow, look at you! Getting married tonight?"
Gerry looked down at his dress and shrugged. "Kinda, I guess."
"Well, you look beautiful," he chuckled, looking at Gerry from top to bottom and back again.
"Oh... well... thank you," Gerry sputtered, genuinely taken aback by the man's attention and honesty.
After a moment's silence, the man cleared his throat and said, "I... I have a delivery for you." He displayed two clear plastic containers. One a moderately sized pentagonal box with a beautiful, hand held bouquet of flowers, and the larger, coffin shaped box, which also contained a hand held bouquet, but one that had a long hanging array of flowers pouring off of the front of it.
"Thank you," Gerry smiled as he reached for the boxes. "Do I need to sign something, or anything."
"" the delivery man handed Gerry the boxes, but did not move. "Look... umm... I don't want to come off as weird, or anything, but.... I mean... I see brides all the time, but... I mean... wow! You just look... wow!"
Gerry's smile broadened as he blushed, just a little. "Aww, well... thank you."
The man shrugged and blushed, himself. "Yeah... sure... well... anyway.... Congratulations and... ok... I gotta go."
Gerry waited until the man was in his van and waved once more. The man's reaction to Gerry's beauty had given Gerry butterflies in his stomach. As much as he loved looking the way he did, that feeling threw him off balance.
"Oh, let me see!" Taylor, still in a slip, hurried to Gerry by the door. "Oh, those are beautiful! Mine is the little one. Don't you love yours?"
Gerry looked at the flowers, then back out the door where the delivery van was pulling away. The flowers were beautiful and thrilling. The way the man looked at him was thrilling. The delicate material that encased his body, the rich taste of the lipstick, the pearls on his earlobes and neck, all of it was thrilling and it all was so, so, so feminine. Why was this all so wonderful to him?
"You don't like them?" Taylor asked.
"Hmm?" He shook himself back to reality. "Don't like what?"
"Your flowers."
"Oh," he smiled at the beautiful arrangement he'd be carrying down some kind of an aisle very soon, "no, no, I love the flowers, Taylor. They're beautiful. Did you pick them out?"
"Yes and no. Amanda from the dress shop called the florist for me and explained what kind of a bouquet would go with the dress and they gave me three choices. This one just screamed 'Gerry' to me. I'm glad you like them."

"Just hold that in place until the spirit gum dries. It should stick all night. It only hurts a little coming off." Erin was fussing with Stevie's new facial hair, using a stippling sponge and darker makeup to create the illusion of a five-o'clock-shadow on Stevie's smooth face.
Stevie looked at herself in the round, table mirror beside her. "Hmm. I like it, but it's a bit '70's, isn't it? I mean, a white suit and a black shirt and I'd look like I was headed to the disco."
Erin laughed as she spread the spirit gum onto the back of another hairpiece. "Let's see if this makes you look a bit more contemporary." She placed the small beard on Stevie's chin and told her to hold it in place for thirty seconds.
When the glue had secured the beard, Stevie checked it in the mirror as well. "Ohh, yes, I like that." She lowered the pitch of her voice. "Very macho. I've always thought it would be cool to have a goatee."
"Technically, you have a Van Dyke. The mustache and beard aren't connected. 'The Dude' in 'The Big Lebowski' had a goatee. Tony Stark in 'The Avengers' had a Van Dyke."
"So the name has nothing to do with the guy from Mary Poppins?"
Erin laughed again. 'I guess not. Now, put your hair into the wig cap and I'll get your hair piece ready.
Once Stevie had her hair safely tucked away in the tight cap, Erin busied herself with placing the short, mannish wig on Stevie's head and pinned it into position with Bobby pins that were invisible once in place.
"There," Erin stood straight and smiled. "I think you look great! Go take a look in the big mirror while I get your costume ready."
Stevie stood and moved her lips and jaw around. The spirit gum made her face feel stiff and had a very unnatural aroma to it. Also, the wig and the Bobby pins that secured it pulled on her head uncomfortably. It all seemed a little silly, until she stepped in front of the mirror.
"Oh, my God," she whispered. "Erin, you're a genius. I look just like a guy!"
It was true. The reflection was of a handsome, well kept man with a silk blouse, modest breasts and a pencil skirt. Something about the look of her sent strange tingles down her spine and through her stomach. It seemed dangerous and exciting and strangely empowering. She liked it. A lot.
"Do I sound like a guy?" She asked, lowering her voice substantially, again, "hey, bro... What did you think of the Marlins' game today? Geez, when are they going to get some talent in that bullpen?"
Erin handed Stevie a pair of boxer-briefs. "That's excellent! Have you pretended to be a guy before?"
Stevie shook her head. "No, but, to tell you the truth, sometimes I feel like I'm pretending to be a woman."
Then Stevie thought, 'I wonder if this is how Gerry felt the first time he saw himself in a mirror as a woman.'

"Hi, I'm Debbie, Erin's sister," the twenty-ish year old woman said when Taylor answered the door. "I'm here to babysit Mila tonight."
"Oh, that's great!" Taylor smiled and shook her hand. "Come on in. Gerry! When you're done, bring Mila out to meet the babysitter, please! Gerry's changing her. They'll be right out. Come on into the kitchen and I'll show you where we keep the bottles."
As they walked, Debbie said, "My sister told me how tall and beautiful you are, and I thought she was exaggerating, but I have to say, Ms Wentworth, you are a very stunning woman."
"Oh, well, aren't you sweet!?" Taylor laughed. "It's probably just the dress though." She flounced the peach, silk shirts of the gown.
The dress was very flattering, though. Spaghetti straps that showed off her neck, shoulders and strong arm, an exposed back that reached nearly to her panties, a plunging neckline that showed plenty of cleavage and the firm flesh of her breasts before dropping down into the loose skirt that danced around her as she walked.
"It is a beautiful dress, Ms Wentworth, but..."
"Taylor, please," she smiled as she opened the refrigerator. "Ms Taylor is my mother... and my sister-in law..."
Just then, Gerry entered the kitchen, still in the wedding dress, but with a full length apron on top of that and Mila on his right hip. "Hi," he nodded to Debbie.
"... aaaaannnnnddd...." Taylor smiled, "... my brother, I guess. Gerry, this is Erin's sister, Debbie. She's sitting for Mila, tonight. Debbie, this is my brother, Gerry."
Debbie stared at Gerry, astounded.
"There's plenty of milk in here when she get's hungry," Taylor said, indicating the top shelf of the refrigerator, "Gerry and I both pumped a little extra for her. She'll probably start getting fussy around seven thirty and want to eat around eight. There are Cheerios in the cupboard and there's juice if she wants some, but make sure that you cut the juice with water - fifty-fifty. There's plenty of snacks, if you want some, and there's... Is something wrong?"
Debbie, who had been staring at Gerry, shook herself back to reality. "What?" She shook her head. "I'm sorry, it's just..." she looked at Gerry, again. He was at least a few inches smaller than her and, well, there was no other way to describe him, he was just... gorgeous."
"What's the matter?" Taylor asked with a smirk, knowing full well what had the girl fascinated.
"Oh, um," she stuttered. "I'm sorry... I mean, I'm REALLY sorry, but... I mean... my sister told me about you, Mr Wentworth, but... I just never expected... this. You're just so... you know.... You don't look anything like I expected. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but... you're not really a man, are you?"
Gerry blushed, confused as to whether the remark was a compliment or not.
Taylor laughed and put her arm around her brother's small shoulders. "Yes, Debbie, Gerry is my brother and, until a few weeks ago, he was one hundred percent man. Isn't he beautiful, now?"
"He is!" Debbie enthused. "I wouldn't believe it was possible for a man to look like that if I didn't see it with my own eyes. I take that back. I am seeing it with my own eyes and I still don't believe it. I'm sorry, Mr Wentworth, but... WOW!"
"Thank you," Gerry said, confused.
"So, this is Mila," Debbie smiled at the baby and restored some sense of normalcy to the situation. "Hi, Mila. My name is Debbie. Do you want to stay with me tonight?"
She reached for the baby and Gerry surrendered her, reluctantly. "Are you sure you'll be ok with her?"
"Oh, of course," Debbie smiled. "I've taken care of lots of babies. We'll get along just fine."
"Ok," Gerry said, fretfully, "but you have our numbers if you need us, right? She's a very good girl, but she's never been away from one of us before." He indicated Taylor and himself. "She may be a bit fussy without one of us with her. If she is, call me and I'll come right back home..."
"Now, just stop, Gerry," Taylor laughed as she reached behind her brother to undo the bow in the back of his apron. "You will not be running right back home just because she gets fussy and she's plenty old enough to stay with someone else."
Then Taylor looked at Debbie and smiled patiently, "I'm sorry. Mila is nearly seven months old and my brother hasn't been more than a hundred feet away from her since the day she came home from the hospital. I'm afraid that he's being an overly nervous auntie right now. We should be home before one, ok?"
"Of course," Debbie smiled and bounced the baby on her hip.
"One!?" Gerry whined. "I'll be home well before eleven, Debbie, and if Taylor isn't with me, I'll come over take her so you can go home."
Debbie gasped as Gerry pulled the apron off. "Oh, Mr Wentworth! Your dress is just lovely! I love it!"
"Oh..." Gerry checked the way the dress was hanging. "... thank you."
"Yes, Debbie, thank you, and we will be home when we get home, and I will be taking Auntie Gerry's phone away from him so that you're not getting calls from him every five minutes throughout the night."
There was a knock on the door.
"That'll be our car," Taylor looked to the door, then back to Debbie. "Any questions?"
"Nope," the girl smiled. "Have fun and don't worry, Auntie Gerri. I'll take good care of your little girl."
"Oh..." Gerry grabbed his flowers, then kissed Mila's head. "Please be good for Debbie, Mila. We won't be long. We love you very, very, much and we'll check in on you when we get back. Remember, mommy and Auntie love you very much and...."
"Oh, for crying out loud, Gerry, you'll see her in six or seven hours!" Taylor was waiting somewhat impatiently by the door. "Let's go!"
Gerry kissed the baby once more and whispered, "I love you." Then, as he hurried to the door, he called back Debbie, "Remember, we're just a phone call away! Call me if you need ANYTHING!!!"
Taylor gently pushed him out the door. "Go on, now!" Then she turned to Debbie. "Thank you, Debbie. I'm sure that you won't have any issues. We'll be back later."

"Russ! How are you, buddy!?" The slender athletic man with very fancy whiskers smiled and extended his hand.
"Oh... hi," Russ responded, struggling to come up with the man's name. He looked a little familiar, he couldn't come up with a name or figure out from whence they knew each other.
"Looking sharp in that tux," the stranger continued. "Armani?" He spoke in a steady baritone and his eyes were steady and penetrating.
"Versace," Russ said with a shrug. "I'm sorry... I hate to be rude, but... have we met?"
"A few times," the man smiled.
Russ squinted as he thought. "A few times, huh? And you're obviously going to make me sweat as I figure this out, too. Have I ever represented you?"
The stranger smiled. "No, but you did offer to."
Russ shook his head. "Nope, I'm at a loss. I'm sorry... who, exactly, are you?"
The stranger smiled. "I'll give you some hints. We've seen each other very recently. Very recently."
Russ just stared.
"You know members of my family better than you know me."
Still nothing.
"You're dating my sister-in-law."
Russ almost jumped at the realization. "Stevie!? Jesus Christ, Stevie!? Is that really you!? You look great!"
Stevie laughed and patted Russ' shoulder. "Shh. It's just 'Steve' tonight, ok? At least until the unmasking."
"So... what? Are you going to be a guy full time, now?"
"Haha, no, man, I don't think so, but I'm having a good time pretending, tonight. I've been proving that I'm a woman for way too long to give up on it, now."
Russ laughed and raised his eyebrows as he digested what Stevie said. "Well... Steve... thanks for letting me be a part of the wedding party, tonight."
"No problem at all. Besides, I needed a best man and Erin wanted to wear a pretty dress. So, she's my bridesmaid and Taylor is my maid of honor."
"And your mother-in-law."
"Mother of the bride."
"Of course. Isn't there another woman in your office?"
"Yes, Laura. She's got a part to play, too."

"Oh, baby," Kate clapped her hands together in an astonished manner and placed her index fingers to her lips, as tears formed in the corner of her eyes. "Baby, baby, baby... you are just... oh, honey... I cannot believe how beautiful you are." She shook her head and pressed her lips together to keep her emotions in check. "Gerry... when this all began, I never could have expected that you'd look like this. You're just the most beautiful bride I have ever seen, and that dress! Ah...Taylor, you out did yourself. It's absolutely perfect."
Taylor kissed her mother's cheek. "Thanks, mom. Shouldn't we be getting into the party, now." They were still standing by the limousine where Kate, wearing a lavender 'mother of the bride' dress, had met them.
"Yes, of course," Kate nodded, but the nod quickly turned to a head shake as she looked at Gerry again and her amazement returned.
The crowded room was filled with men wearing doctors' coats, and pirate hats, accompanied by women wearing nurses uniforms and cheerleader outfits so short that they couldn't even take big steps without exposing their panties, or butt cheeks.
The DJ was playing the typical 'Classic Hits' playlist, Journey, The Bee Gees, The Beatles, Madonna - generic, pop-rock/disco to keep the dance floor filled. As they entered, the twangy guitar of Wild Cherry's 'Play That Funky Music, White Boy,' began. Kate and Taylor went out of their way to hug and air-kiss work associates, all of whom complimented Gerry on his costume, but none even suspected that he was anything other than a pregnant woman in a pretty bridal dress.
Erin met up with them wearing nearly the same dress as Taylor, but hers was slightly less revealing and was a very pale blue.
"You look amazing, Gerry," Erin whispered.
"Thank you," Gerry whispered back. "I wish we could just do this and get it over with. My stomach is nothing but butterflies."
"Really?" Erin smiled. "If I was looking half as pretty as you, I mean, even if I just got to wear that dress for a night, I'd never want that night to end. You must feel amazing in that, am I right."
Gerry looked at the dress and felt the silky petticoats and knew that he couldn't deny the truth. "I do," he nodded.
"Save the 'I do's' for the alter," Erin laughed. She considered her pretty little companion. "When you were growing up - as a boy, I mean, did you ever fantasize about wearing a dress, or being a bride?"
"Never. Not even once," Gerry shook his head.
"How about at your own wedding? Were you jealous of Stevie when you saw her in her gown?"
"Not at all," Gerry thought back to that day. "All I could think about was how lucky I was that someone as beautiful, smart and strong as Stevie could have fallen in love with me."
Erin smiled and touched his cheek. "You're a very sweet little thing, Gerry. Stevie's very lucky to have you."
"No," Gerry said, looking around, "I'm the lucky one. By the way, is Stevie even here?"
Erin, of course, had been with Stevie all afternoon and as she looked across the room, she spotted her bearded colleague chatting with Russ and a few other guests. "I think everything is nearly ready. We'll probably begin in ten of fifteen minutes. Come on. Let's go get some wine."
"Oh... I can't, Erin." He indicated his breasts. "I'm still nursing."
Erin smiled. "Of course. Let's go get you a Shirley Temple, then, and I'll have some wine. Come on."

Ladies and Gentlemen!" A voice called above the hubbub of the party chatter. "Ladies and Gentlemen," the voice called again and the chatter began to subside as partygoers turned to the stage where the DJ was set up. There, they saw a woman in a well tailored, business-style, skirt suit holding a microphone, her hand raised to get everyone's attention. "Thank you, everyone. I know many of you and, those of you who know me, know that my name is Laura Abraham and that I am an investment counselor at Wentworth investments. What you may not know is that I am also a certified Justice of the Peace and I just need to interrupt the festivities for just a few moments. You see, we have a young couple here, this evening, who want to share their wedding vows with you." A murmur of male chuckles and female 'ahhs' rumbled through the hall. "So, if you could just give us about ten or fifteen minutes, they'd like to share their wedding with you. Steven and Russel, if you'd come stand by me, we can begin."
As Stevie and Russ stepped onto the stage, the DJ began playing a recording of JS Bach's 'Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring' and Erin began her walk from the back of the room, near the bar, to the stage. She was carrying a bouquet similar to Taylor's, but, like her dress, the color pallet was tilted towards blue shades.
As Erin reached the stage, Taylor prepared to begin her march, but she stopped for a moment and turned to kiss her brother's soft cheek. "You look perfect, Gerry. I'm so proud of you." Then she turned and walked towards the stage.
"Ready?" Kate asked as she took Gerry's arm in hers and prepared to start towards the stage area.
"Mom." Gerry was feeling very overwhelmed with everything going on around him. "What if we don't win? I mean... I could never afford to pay you back for all of this..."
"Gerry," Kate smiled, "you don't owe me a penny, no matter what. When this all started, I was just hoping to shake you out of your sedentary existence - to make you more ambitious - to make a man out of you. How could I have ever foreseen that you'd become such a perfect daughter? Such a perfect aunt to Mila? Such a perfect sister to Taylor and such a perfect wife to Stevie? And very soon, you will be a perfect, little mommy, too. Gerry... I know I'm hard on you kids and that you think of me as cold, but... I truly do love you all. You are the exact opposite of what I expected my son to be and I could not be prouder of you. Who cares about tonight's outcome? I've had a wonderful time with you and the girls as we prepared for this, but - win, lose or draw - the best part of the last few weeks has been spending time with you as you discovered who you really are."
Gerry blinked back tears, desperate not to mess up his makeup. "Thank you, mom. I love you, too."
"I know, baby. I've always known." She kissed his cheek. "Now, are you ready to marry the man of your dreams?"
"I am." Gerry's smile was wide, sincere and beautiful.
"Good." Then, she couldn't help but tease him with a touch of the old Kate. "Then let's go win that hot tube."
As Kate proudly escorted her son through the crowd, women oohed at the dress and how it made the bride look so very, very perfect. Phones recorded the event in photos and videos.
Throughout the sixty foot walk, Gerry's heart was beating with fear, excitement and joy.
"Oh, God," one woman said to her friend, "that dress! She's so beautiful."
"That looks just like my mother's wedding dress!" Another woman said.
"This all so romantic," yet another said, her hand on her heart.
As they reached the front of the stage, Kate stopped and turned Gerry to face her. She placed a hand on each of his silk covered shoulders and smiled at him. "Are you ready to meet your husband?"
Gerry smiled. "I guess."
Kate looked up to the stage and motioned for Stevie to come take Gerry's hand. Kate smiled at her son, then ran her hand down his arm to where she found his tiny, manicured hand nestled in small, sheer, lacy gloves. She took his right hand in hers, then held it out to the tall, bearded man who waited patiently behind the bride. "I know that I don't need to say this, Gerry, but be a good wife and mother for Stevie. She'll take good care of you."
"I will, mom," he smiled as she kissed his cheek one last time.
When Gerry turned and saw the tall, slender, bearded man taking his hand, he nearly lost his breath. "Stevie!? Is that really you?"
"It's me, baby girl," Stevie chuckled. "Just stick with 'Steve' for today, though. Come on. Let's get hitched."
When they reached the alter, they may as well have been all alone. They gazed at each other is awe and wonder. Could this little, beautiful, full breasted woman really be the man that Stevie had fallen in love with years ago? And could this handsome, mustachioed, athletic man really be the woman that Gerry worshipped and adored every day of his life?
They wanted to stare at each other forever.
They wanted to take each other, right there and then.
They wanted to be each other's.
But they were roused from their reverie by Laura's voice.
"Friends, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Steven and Gerri Ann. In a world where people are forever searching to, not only find their soul mates, but to find themselves, Steven and Gerri Ann have managed to do just that. They found each other and then they found themselves within each other. They wake, each day, aware of each other and the needs of each other. They find their happiness in each other and neither can conceive of a life alone, now that they are together."
"When I look at these young lovers before me, I am reminded of the the song 'Love is a Rose.' I think that is true - love is a rose, but it is a living rose, not one made of silk or nylon. Love is a living thing and it must be nourished and fed every day. The beauty of love is its changing nature and how we can evolve and change and still remain happy in the veil that love creates. Gerri Ann... Steven... never forget that you need to nourish your partner. To be there to help and support each other and, above all, to love each other."
"Steven, do you take this woman to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to be true to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health? Do you promise to love her and honor her all the days of your life?"
"I do." Stevie spoke in a deep, masculine voice that Gerry found strangely exciting.
"And do you, Gerri Ann, take this man to be your wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health? Do you promise to love, honor, and to obey him all the days of your life?"
Gerry noticed the use of the mid-twentieth century vows. That he was giving up more of his manhood by promising to 'obey' Stevie for the rest of his life, but he didn't care. He was Stevie's forever. He would always obey her. He would happily love her and serve her as her wife. Nothing would make him happier. "I do."
"Then, by the power vested in me by the State of Florida, I now pronounce you, Steven, husband, and you you, Gerri Ann, wife. May you find nothing but happiness, all the days of your life. You may kiss the bride."
Stevie bent forward and gently, softly, romantically and commandingly kissed Gerry's soft lips. She tasted the lipstick and smelled the perfume, makeup and hairspray. This little, pretty man was hers. Hers forever. He was, now and forever, her precious, little wife.
And she loved him with all of her heart.
The kiss was so gently, so soft, so loving that Gerry actually swooned. He felt his knees collapsing, but Stevie's strong hands held his back and supported him. She supported him as she always did. As she always would. She would always take care of him.
The applause from the audience interrupted their kiss and they smiled at each other as their lips parted.
"Ladies and Gentlemen," Laura called out, "I present Mr and Mrs Steve Wentworth!"
"We're keeping my last name?" Gerry seemed surprised.
"It's my name, too, baby."
As the crowd applauded politely, Stevie bent low and scooped Gerry up into her strong arms in the classic 'carrying the wife across the threshold' manner. This not only caused Gerry to let out a joyous shriek, it caused the assembled partygoers to laugh and increase their applause.
The best man, Russ, took the hand of the maid of honor, Taylor, and they followed the bride and groom down the aisle with Erin, as a bridesmaid, following them. Everyone was smiles and everyone was laughter. What a great treat for everyone at the party!
"Just so you all know," Laura spoke into the microphone, "the bride and groom are going to cut the cake and everyone will get a piece."
That brought even more applause.
"Geez," Russ chuckled as he spoke to Taylor, "you people don't do anything halfway, do you! This must have cost your mother a fortune!"
"It certainly cost a lot more than a hot tub would have," she laughed.
"Then why not just buy the hot tub? Why go through all of this?"
Taylor shrugged. "I don't know, but... something happened when my brother put on my belly belt. He changed and so did my mother. They're both different, now. I mean, obviously, Gerry is physically different, but my mom... she's almost... human. She's found a whole new life as part of our family. It's pretty amazing."
"You do have an amazing family, Taylor." Russ laughed and shook his head.
Taylor looked at him. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," he smiled. "Amazing."
"Yeah," Taylor nodded.
The cake was delicious and there was plenty to go around. Vampires and hookers and anime characters and wizards and superheroes and even the cast of Firefly all ate cake and drank and laughed. The party was a huge success! Everyone was enjoying themselves.
"Before I play the next song," the DJ announced, "I was asked to tell you that the costume judging will take place in about ten minutes. Each company presenting a group costume should send a spokesperson to the stage to give a one minute synopsis of your concept before the ballots are distributed."
Eric Clapton's 'Wonderful Tonight' began to play. Stevie took Gerry's hand and headed towards the dance floor. "Come on," she whispered to Gerry, "I think I may actually be able to dance to this one."
As they left the table, Taylor stood and took Russ' hand. "Come on. Let's get at least one dance in."
But Russ stayed seated and tugged Taylor back to him. "Maybe in a minute, Taylor, but... I need to speak to you for a minute." His lip was wet with perspiration.
Taylor saw the sweat and grew concerned. "Russ... what's wrong?"
When he didn't respond immediately, she grew sad and said, "Oh... Russ..." she sat and slumped. "... I knew this was too good to last. You're breaking up with me, aren't you?"
"What? Taylor, no..."
"Don't feel bad, Russ. You're a great guy and..."
"Taylor, please, just shut up for a moment, will you. Look... I wanted this to be a romantic moment, but... things just took a weird turn. Look... Taylor... oh, Hell," he reached into his jacket and pulled out a tastefully lovely diamond ring and held it out to Taylor. "Taylor Wentworth... will you marry me?"

"You look amazing tonight, Gerry," Stevie whispered as they swayed to the song. "Or should I say, you look wonderful tonight?"
Gerry smiled. "You certainly make a very handsome groom, Steve," he laughed. "Are the whiskers here to stay?"
"No, I don't think so," she snickered. "I was never all that comfortable trying to find my way as a girl, but as a woman, I think I've done pretty well. That's how I want to stay. This is just for fun."
"Steve... would you mind if I stayed... like this?"
"Mind?" She smiled. "I'm afraid I would have to insist, my darling little wife."
Gerry smiled back, warmed by the response.
"You know, baby," Steve drew closer, "Laura really is a justice of the peace and we really just renewed our vows, but this time, you were pronounced to be the wife - AND - unlike when we were married the first time, the wife promised to 'love, honor and OBEY' her husband. I'm afraid you're mine, now, sweetheart. But don't worry, I'll take care of you forever."
Gerry snuggled in closer to Stevie's bound chest. "I wouldn't want it any other way."
"Steve, Gerry, look!" Taylor was suddenly beside them and she was wiggling the fingers on her left hand. "Russ asked me to marry him!"
"Oh, my God!" Gerry squealed as he hugged his sister tightly. "Congratulations, Taylor! I'm so happy for you!"
"Congratulations, Russ," Stevie reached out a hand and shook Russ'.
Taylor looked at her sister in law, a bit surprised by her lack of enthusiasm. "Wait a minute... you knew he was going to propose, didn't you!"
Stevie smiled. "Just a little secret between guys, Tay." She kissed Taylor's cheek. "Congratulations. I know you'll be very happy."
"Alright, ladies and gents," the DJ spoke, "can I please have the representatives from each company up here to summarize your costume ideas. We'll do this alphabetically, so AAA Developers, you can go first."
A man dressed as a pudgy version of Captain Malcom Reynolds from 'Firefly' stepped forward and gave a brief synopsis of why his company chose to dress as the crew from that cult TV series. His explanation got laughs and applause and he was followed by a representative from Bentley Engineering, and so it went until Kate stepped forward to represent the last company, Wentworth Investments.
"Hi, everyone, and happy Halloween. I guess I should explain, right? Well, as you know we are a wedding party, but what you probably don't know is that our blushing, pregnant bride is actually my son, Gerald Wentworth and our handsome groom is actually my daughter-in-law, Stevie Wentworth."
Stevie smiled and pulled the beard from her face, then pulled the wig, then the wig cap from her head. "Hi, everyone!" She laughed.
"Unfortunately, Gerry's costume doesn't come off as easily, but trust me, that's my son. Doesn't he make a beautiful bride!"
Everyone applauded.
"Alright, alright! Let's hear it for all of our companies!" The DJ shouted. "Now, the waitresses are passing out the ballots, so please take a moment and cast your vote for the best group costume and your nominations for best individual costumes."
When the ballots were tallied, McQuire Consultants won for best group costume for their 'Guardians of The Galaxy' group, which was a truly impressive collection of costumes feature all of the major and minor characters from the movie.
"Sorry, mom," Taylor whispered.
"Oh, that's fine dear. The bigger companies always win the group costume. They have more people at the party. The hot tube goes to the best individual costume. Let's see who wins that."
The five highest vote getters for individual costume were announced and Gerry and Stevie were both included in the list.
"Ok," the DJ announced, "judging by the number of ballots turned in, there are three hundred and seventy people at tonight's party. I'll start with the number three vote winner. With twenty seven votes, the number three vote winner is Stevie Wentworth of Wentworth Investments."
There was some polite applause as Stevie was handed a bottle of expensive whiskey as a prize. She smiled and waved to the crowd.
"And our number two vote winner with twenty-nine votes is Roselyn Jackson from McQuire Consultants."
There was more applause as a woman dressed as 'Gamora' from Guardians of the Galaxy was handed a bottle of champagne as her prize.
"And our winner," the DJ announced with great flourish, "in a landslide victory, with two hundred and fifty one votes, is 'The Pregnant Bride,' Gerry Wentworth, from Wentworth Investments!"
The room went wild with applause as Gerry felt the excitement of victory course through his body.
"And the prize for tonight's best costume is a full hot-tub-and-spa from Sun Coast Pools. Here is the paperwork for the prize and you can call the company to arrange installation at your convenience. Congratulations Mrs Wentworth!"
The DJ, who obviously knew that Gerry was a man, still referred to him as 'Mrs Wentworth.' That was ok, though. Gerry knew he was going to be hearing a lot of that from now on and that was just fine with him.

"We're out here, in the hot tub!" Taylor called as she heard her husband enter the townhouse through the front door. She could see from the renovated patio which was centrally located between all three of the Wentworth townhouses.
"Hi, ladies," Russ smiled as he caught sight of his wife and her sister in law soaking in the hot water. He loosened his tie and said, "Where are the girls?"
"Out for a girl's day with Auntie Gerri," Taylor smiled. "We've had a lovely Saturday." She took a sip of wine.
"Auntie Gerry seems to find a reason for a 'girl's day' every Saturday, lately." Russ chuckled.
"If Evelyn weren't in school during the week," Taylor said, "Gerri would have 'girl's day' everyday."
Evelyn was Russ' daughter from his first marriage. She was six years old when Taylor entered her life, and she was thrilled to have a new 'mother figure.' Taylor never wanted to take the place of Evelyn's mother, but on the day that Taylor and Russ were married, Evelyn began calling Taylor 'mom,' which could not have made Taylor any happier. Now, three year's later, nine year old Evelyn adored her stepmother almost as much as she did her little step-sister, Mila, her adopted cousin, Marni, and her Auntie Gerri, who, as far as Evelyn was concerned, practically walked on water.
"I thought everyday WAS a 'girl's day' for Gerri and the two little ones." He leaned over and kissed his beautiful wife. "Mommy and Me exercise and swim classes, constant walks around the parks in matching dresses... Heck, Gerri could have a 'Girl's Day' all by herself. I don't think I've ever seen her in anything other than a lovely dress." He smiled at his own joke. "You know, those of us who came along after Gerri 'got pregnant' have a hard time believing he was ever a guy."
"Well, he was, I assure you," Stevie sipped her wine. "And he still is all man where it counts, I promise."
"I'm sure she is," Russ smiled.
"And there's nothing 'pregnant' about my baby sister anymore!" Taylor laughed.
"Nope," Stevie raised her eyebrows. "Between the 'Cool Laser' treatments before we went to the islands for vacation and the exercise regime he's been so loyal to, he's a fit, little thing."
"She is indeed," Russ laughed.
"Hey," Taylor made a lame attempt to splash her husband. "You're not hot for my little brother, are you?"
Russ pulled her wet hand from the warm water and kissed the back of it. "Not at all, my dear. As the old song goes, 'I Only Have Eyes For You.'"
"Good," Taylor smiled. "See that it stays that way."
She took a long sip of wine and let out a satisfied 'Ahh.' "Russell... you are lucky to have been born a man. You'll never know how hard it is to go without wine while you're pregnant or nursing." She held up her glass in a toast. "To wine... and not being pregnant!"
"I'll drink to that!" Russ grabbed the bottle and poured a bit into a nearby glass and took a sip.
"Never say never," Stevie teased.
"Yeah, but two is plenty for me." Taylor laughed. "How about you, though. Have you guys decided about adopting another baby?"
Stevie shrugged. "We haven't made up our minds. Gerry only just stopped lactating. If we bring another baby into the house, he'll be leaking all over again. Not that that's so bad, but... we still need to think it through."
"Well," Russ took another sip, "I am surprised that both of you don't want a baker's dozen each. I mean, with Gerri around, you guys get all the benefits of being moms without having to do a lot of the dirty work."
"And how many dirty diapers have you changed through the years, Russell?" Taylor was enjoying putting Russ on the spot.
"Probably not as many as you, but you have to admit that neither you have changed as many as Gerry has. In fact, I bet that he's changed more diapers than both of you combined."
Stevie and Taylor looked at each other and smiled.
"Truer words have never been spoken," Stevie giggled. She held up her glass. "To Gerry!"
"To Gerry!" Taylor raised her glass.
"To motherhood!" Russ raised his glass and they all took a sip.
"We're home!" Gerry called as he and his daughter and two nieces entered.
"We're out here, baby!" Stevie called.
Before Gerry appeared, a nine year old girl in a flowered dress came running out to the patio. "Daddy!" She yelled as she hugged her father.
"Hi, angel," he smiled as he bent, hugged her and kissed the top of the girl's head. "Did you have a good time with Auntie Gerri?"
"I did, daddy. Auntie bought me this dress. Isn't it pretty?"
Russ shook his head. "Auntie is spoiling you rotten, you know that, right?"
The girl laughed. "Auntie said that you'd say that. She told me to tell you that I'm a princess and princesses need pretty dresses. It's part of the job."
"Oh, dear God, it's worse than I thought!" Russ laughed as he lifted the child and hugged her tightly. Her darker skin and huge, brown eyes were a testament to her late mother's Hispanic heritage, and the child knew just exactly how to use those beautiful eye to manipulate her father.
"Hi, everyone," Gerry said as he stepped out of the screened in room and onto the patio. As usually, his hair and makeup were perfect, and he sported a very Floridian, flowered dress - an adult version of the dress worn by Evelyn. Not so coincidentally, the nearly four year old, Mila, and the just over three year old, Marni, both of whom he carried, one on each hip, wore dressed of the same style and material.
"Oh, wow," Taylor laughed as she and Stevie rose and exited the hot tub. "I forgot that it was National-Mother-Daughter-Auntie-Niece-Day! Of course, such a holiday calls for new dresses all around!"
"Oh, you're just jealous," the now slender and even more beautiful Gerry smiled.
Taylor took the blonde child from Gerry, "Come to momma, Mila." She kissed the child.
"And you come to momma, too, Marni," Stevie smiled and kissed her daughter. "You all look lovely, girls."
"Mommy, do you like my dress?" Mila asked her mother, her voice tiny and happy.
"Yes, I do," Taylor smiles. "It's a very pretty dress."
"Mine too?" Marni asked Stevie. Marnie was even more verbal than her cousin who was seven months her senior.
"Yes," Stevie kissed the little girl's forehead. "Mommy Gerry always picks out such lovely clothes."
Russ put his arm around Evelyn's shoulders and said, "They all look beautiful, Gerri, but you're spoiling them. They don't need new dresses every weekend."
Gerry smiled and sat in a chaise lounge, smoothing his dress beneath him. "Oh, don't be a spoil sport, Russ. I want my girls to be dressed perfectly when we go out. Besides, I love dresses and I want them to love them as well. Do you like your new dress, Evie?"
Evelyn looked at her father and smiled broadly before answering. "I love my new dress, Auntie Gerry. Thank you for buying it for me."
"Alright, alright," Russ kissed his daughter on the top of her head, again. "As long as all my girls are happy." He hugged his daughter a bit tighter. "And that includes Auntie Gerri."
He stepped away from his daughter, bent and kissed Gerry on the cheek.
"Thank you, Russ. I just love dressing the girls... and Evie..." he glanced at the child, "...she's growing into such a beautiful young woman. You should be so proud of her."
"I am," Russ nodded.
"Daddy?" Evelyn asked coyly, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Would it be alright if I slept here tonight with my aunties and Marni?"
"Oh... I don't know, baby. Auntie Gerri has had you all day. She needs a break sometimes, too."
"Don't be silly, Russ," Gerry pulled Evelyn close. "You know how much I love to have Evie here. I promised her that, if you let her stay, I'd teach her how to use my sewing machine. Why don't you leave Mila for the night, too. Mila and Marni love you be together. Besides, if you leave them with us, you two can have a nice romantic night."
Russ glanced at Taylor who smiled sexily. "Sound nice to me."
"And you don't mind, Stevie?" Russ asked.
"Like you said, Russ... As long as all my girls are happy." Stevie kissed Marnie, again.
"Well..." Russ acted as if he was still thinking for his daughter's benefit. "... I GUESS it'll be ok. You do know, though, that when you sleep in your own bed, you're only thirty feet away from your Auntie Gerry. It's not like she's miles away."
Evelyn climbed into the chaise lounges beside Gerry. "I know. Thank you, daddy. Auntie Gerri is teaching me a lot."
"That's great, honey."
"Besides sewing, baby, what is Auntie Gerry teaching you?" Taylor smiled at her stepdaughter, encouraging her.
"Auntie is teaching me to be a lady," the child said with pride.
That made both Stevie and Taylor chuckle.
"What?" Stevie said through her chuckles.
"Auntie Gerri is teaching me to be a lady, aren't you, auntie?"
"That's right, Evie." Gerry rubbed the child's shoulder. "Explain to mommy and Auntie Stevie what a lady needs to know."
"Well..." she thought for a moment, "... a lady needs to know how to take care of herself and others."
"Ok," Stevie smiled. "And how does a lady do that?"
Evie thought about that for a moment, too. "Well... first a lady has to be very smart. She needs to have a career that will let her live a happy life and she needs to know how to make time for her family, too."
"Wow..." Taylor looked at Stevie. "I'm impressed."
"Then," Evie continued, "a lady needs to know what she likes. How to look pretty when she has to, how to dress for work and how to find a look that she's comfortable with. To do that she needs to know how to take care of her skin, do her hair and nails and... ex... ex... ex..."
"Externalize," Gerry whispered.
"Externalize," she gave her aunt a smile of thanks, "her inner beauty so the world sees her as she truly is."
The other three adults stared at Evie and Gerry, shocked that the child had been guided with such insightful rhetoric.
"Gerry..." Stevie shook her head and laughed, "I'm kind of shocked."
"I thought you might be," Gerry smiled proudly. "What's our motto, Evie?"
Evie sat up a little straighter and smiled proudly. "Anyone can be born a woman, but it takes hard work to be a lady."
There was a moment of stunned silence before Stevie and Taylor burst into laughter.
"That's quite a motto, Gerry!" Taylor laughed. "Who taught you that?"
Gerry whispered into Evie's ear. "Tell them who taught me to be a lady."
"Oh," Evie smiled and recited, "Grandma Kate taught Auntie Gerri to be pretty, but Auntie Stevie and mommy taught Auntie Gerri how to be a lady."
"Aww," both Stevie and Taylor giggle. "Gerry..."
"What's all the noise about?" Kate stepped out of her townhouse and into the patio area.
"Hi, Grandma!" Evie hustled to Kate to get a hug. "You look very pretty. I like your skirt."
Kate smiled, "Well, aren't you the sweetest thing!? And I love your dress. It looks just like Gerry and the girls! So, pretty."
"Thank you, grandma. Auntie Gerri bought all of us new dresses so we'd all look like we are family."
That little remark shot right to everyone's heart. Evie, who'd lost her mother so young, felt loved and part of a family because Gerry made it all so clear to her.
"Oh, how very sweet, Gerry. What a wonderful gesture." She kissed his cheek.
"Thank you, mom. How are you."
"I'm fine, honey. Now, what was all the laughter about out here?"
Evelyn jumped right in. "We were talking about how you taught Auntie Gerry to be pretty."
That made Kate laugh. "Oh, did I now." She looked at her son and smiled at what a beautiful, generous, happy and contented homemaker he'd become. All of their lives were better since that strange day a few years ago when Gerry pulled that baby belt on. Certainly, that moment had changed Gerry drastically, but, in retrospect, it had changed them all in ways none of them could have expected. They used to be polite to each other and worked together, but now... now... they were truly a happy family and they showered love onto each other without restraint.
Marni became antsy and reached down from Stevie, wanting to go to Gerry, so he reached up as Stevie handed the baby down. "I want auntie," Mila complained, seeing her step-sister and cousin getting Gerry's attention, so Taylor put her down and she ran to Gerry as well. Then Evelyn insinuates herself back onto the chaise lounge next to Gerry and they all snuggled to him.
Kate looked at all of them. It was amazing how all three of the little girls became more and more like Gerry every day. Not just the clothes, but the smiles, the way they raised their eyes to look up, the gentleness, the sweetness. All of it seemed to flow from Gerry to the girls. It was miraculous. The love he exuded for these young ladies, and 'ladies' is definitely what Gerry was guiding them to be, was as natural as breathing to him.
"You know, Evie," Kate's eye sparkled with a few tears of love, "I don't think I really taught Auntie Gerry how to be pretty. Gerry was always pretty. We just didn't see it until he showed us how pretty he could be. I just helped with that. But, I'll tell you something that's a fact - Your Auntie Gerry taught me how to be a good mother."
This confused Evie a little. "But you are a mother. You're auntie's mother... and mom's mother and she's older than Auntie Gerry... So, you were a mom before he was even born."
"That's right, darling, I was a mom, but I wasn't a GOOD mom until Auntie Gerry taught me how to be one and I thank God every day that I paid attention to what Auntie Gerry taught me."
She shook her head as she looked at the children surrounding her boy, his chestnut brown hair perfectly framing his plump, perfectly made-up face, his ample breasts filling out the lovely dress... he was a picture of feminine joy. "You are a wonder Gerry. You truly are."
Gerry smiled and, with a bit of difficulty, freed an arm to take his mother's hand in his. "Thank you, mom."
She smiled at him.
"Ok," Stevie interrupted the moment, "let's lock down a few things. Number one - Russ, call the country club and see if we can have a table for dinner, tonight. Number two - Can I order a pizza for this lot for tonight?"
"That's ok," Stevie waved her off. "We'll take care of the pizza."
"Pizza?" Kate scoffed. "I'll call for some good food to be delivered. My treat."
"No, no, no," Gerry hugged the girls closer. "These princesses need to eat something nutritious. Russ and Taylor, you go have good night. Stevie and Mom, you relax and have another glass of wine. My girls and I will take care of dinner."
Gerry stood, Marni still against his breasts. Once upright, he turned and spoke to Evie. "Come on, Evie. Take Mila's hand. We'll have the little ones help with the vegetables while you and I get the main course ready."
Before he left the patio, Gerry stopped to give both Taylor and Russ pecks on their cheeks and told them to enjoy their evening.
As they headed into the screen room, Evie asked, "Do ladies need to know how to cook, too, auntie?"
"Everyone needs to know how to cook, honey, but... yes... ladies need to know how to take care of their families and that involves knowing how to cook."
The door closed and Taylor and Russ left to dress for their evening, leaving Stevie and Kate to sip their wine.
"I should probably get out of this this swimsuit before dinner," Stevie said. "Gerry will give me the lecture about ladies dressing appropriately for the dinner table. I don't want to be held up as a bad example for the girls." She laughed as she headed for the door.
"Stevie..." Kate asked, but didn't continue.
Stevie stopped and waited until Kate was ready to continue.
Finally, Kate found her words. "Are you happy? I mean... happy about the way things have worked out?"
Stevie leaned against the wall, her strong, slender, well muscled body looking amazing in the Lycra garment. "Honestly, Kate, I could not be happier."
Kate liked the answer, but persisted. "What if Gerry had been like this when you met him. Do you think that you would have ended up with him if he was?"
Stevie shrugged. "Probably not. I'm not a lesbian, so I don't think I would have been attracted to someone as... well, a girl like Gerry."
"Then... I don't want to be too personal, but... I do wonder about these things. So, how can you be happy with him, now? I mean... I see that you are, and I'm very happy that you are, but... you are, essentially, living a lesbian life, aren't you?"
"Maybe... maybe not. I don't analyze it, Kate. All I know is that I fell in love with a wonderful guy who was so unsatisfied with his job that it made him miserable, and that made me sad for him. Then, through some miracle, he found his true calling - first by being Mila's aunt, then being Marni's mom and then helping a little girl who'd lost her mom to find happiness, again. His body actually changed, Kate. It made him able to nourish a child. Talk about a true calling!"
Kate nodded.
Stevie turned and looked through the house where Gerry had the babies busy helping with preparing vegetables while he stood behind Evie, his arms reaching around her to show her how to properly bread a chicken breast. All of them wearing clean, white, pinafore-style aprons - it looked like a photo from an old women's magazine. It was a beautiful sight.
"See, Kate... Gerry found himself as a woman and I found myself in Gerry. I know it sounds crazy, but we complete each other in almost every way. Come take a look at this."
Kate joined her at the door and looked in at the perfect domesticity within.
"He is beautiful, Stevie."
"I know," Stevie smiled. "Who wouldn't be smitten by a woman like that?"
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