Positively Glowing - 4

Positively Glowing: 4

by Clara
Copyright©2020,2024 Clara Schumann


With the encouragement of his wife and sister, Gerry tries on some foundation garments
to see if they make him look thinner. Unfortunately, they have the opposite effect.
Now, his body seems to be adapting to his expectant-mother status in unexpected ways.
Hopefully, the doctor can explain why he is suddenly lactating.

Author's Note: I again apologize for having lost you all with this story and Spit and Image. ~Clara.
This version of Positively Glowing: 4 has been updated with many corrections towards spelling and grammar.~Sephrena.
Image Credit: Image created through the use of ai at https://perchance.org/beautiful-people .~Sephrena.

Chapter 4

"It's called 'Galactorrhea,'" Dr Annette Falcone sat at her desk, a file open and test results strewn about her desk. "It is an abnormal development of milk production. Typically, the condition manifests itself in women who are caring for an infant and start lactating spontaneously, but it has been known to happen in men. It is very rare though."

"I did a little research on my phone while Gerry was in the examination room," Stevie said, "and I found a condition called 'gynecomastia.' It said that male breast growth wasn't uncommon."

"'Gynecomastia' is a common problem for many heavy men, but it's just increased mass on their chests. It isn't the development of actual, functioning, female breasts. Gerry almost certainly suffered from gynecomastia, which is why the bra one of you provided created breasts, but that doesn't account for milk production."

"Is this why his sperm count is so low?" Kate asked as Gerry felt himself sink even lower into his seat. This subject was embarrassing when discussed by anyone, but when his mother mentioned it, it seemed to carry a certain amount of judgement.

"Well, yes and no. I'm sure that his low testosterone levels contributed to both issues, but men with low sperm counts do not typically become wet nurses."

Gerry felt the very last vestiges of manhood slip away from him right then an there and his vision blurred as his eye watered.

"Well, at least you're not pregnant," Taylor teased as she squeezed his hand, but no one else found the remark very funny.

"So..." Kate sat bolt upright in her chair, "...is this a common thing?"

"Common?" Annette asked. "Have you ever heard of a man producing mother's milk, Kate? This is a very unusual health issue, but it is also unusual to have a man come into my office dressed the way your son is dressed. Now, it's Friday, it's supposed to be my day off and I need some straight answers to help me understand what is causing your son to lactate."

The family glanced at each other. Taylor spoke first. "This couldn't be caused just by wearing a bra for a few days, could it."

"No," the doctor said, "but I am not fully satisfied with Gerry's explanation as to why he's wearing one. He swears he's not a transgender person, but the evidence suggests otherwise."

"Then what can cause it?" Stevie asked.

"Well," the doctor thought. "Extreme stress with a desperate need to feed a child. The need to provide milk for a child during a war, or during times of deprivation... things like that have been known to cause men's milk to flow."

"Well," Kate cleared her throat, "I admit, I have put a lot of pressure on Gerry this week, but there was no deprivation and Mila was always going to be fed."

The doctor nodded. "It could have been stimulated through nipple suckling. Gerry, have you been trying to breastfeed the baby?"

Gerry looked shocked at the question. "Of course not! Doctor, no matter what you think of me, I would never do anything to harm my niece."

"Alright." The doctor held up her hands to calm him down. "I just needed to ask."

"Umm..." Stevie was tentative. "Would the suckling have to have been done by a baby?"

"No. Why?" the doctor asked.

"Well," Stevie looked around, very embarrassed, "you see... since the weekend, Gerry and I have been... experimenting... in bed."

"Oh, good God," Kate muttered as she turned her head away from Stevie and shook it.

"Lots of nipple play, I assume?" The doctor took a few notes.

"Yes," Stevie nodded. "Lots of nipple play." Kate tsk-ed while Taylor suppressed a smile. Stevie and Gerry were too embarrassed to do anything but blush.

"So, is that what caused all of this?" Kate spat. "A stupid sex game?"

"It may have been a part of it, yes, but I would say that the primary contributing factors would be the stress he was put under combined with the breast stimulation during sex and his new role as the caregiver for his niece." The doctor jotted notes onto her paperwork. "I think that all of these factors combined to make a perfect storm of female stimulation which all resulted in Gerry's body producing milk."

"So, we're all to blame." Taylor shook her head.

"'Blame' is a harsh word, Taylor," the doctor said. "You contributed, yes, but Gerry's reaction is not a typical response to these factors. I can't say exactly why this happened, but it did and now we need to deal with it."

"So," Kate was ready to stop the whining and move on, "how do we treat this... problem." Her hands flailed toward Gerry.

"It's not a problem, Kate," the doctor insisted, "it is a condition that Gerry will need to live with for the foreseeable future."

"Fine," Kate fussed, "how does he cope with this condition, then?"

"In the normal way that anyone producing milk would deal with it - by expressing it on a regular basis."

"How!?" Kate seemed insulted at the idea. "By breast feeding Mila?"

"Well," the doctor nodded, "that is certainly an option. We pumped Gerry's breasts in the examination room and he is certainly producing plenty of milk to sustain a child, but I think a good quality breast pump would be a good investment as well."

"You must be joking?" Kate said. "I'm not buying MY SON a breast pump! Are you insane?"

"Correct me if I'm wrong, Kate. In the last week, you've bought him dresses and shoes and even a string of pearls, had his hair and nails done and forced him to present himself in public as a pregnant woman." Kate refused to respond. "Now, as a result of that treatment, he needs a breast pump to relive the pressure in his teats and you're drawing a line there?"

"Doctor," Taylor interrupted in order to let her mother cool down, "if Gerry pumps or breast feeds, won't that prolong the amount of time he is lactating?"

"Yes and no, Taylor," the doctor explained. "From everything I've read online in the past few hours, and judging by Gerry's output of milk when we pumped him, he's got ten months to a year of production ahead of him, no matter what. Leaving the milk unexpressed will be painful and may cause even more severe physical problems."

Stevie buried her head in her hands, her elbows on her knees. What had she done to her husband?

"And you say that the quality of Gerry's milk is no different than mine?" Taylor continued.

"No different at all. His milk is just as nourishing as the milk produced by any other young mother."

"Oh, Taylor!" Kate was shocked by where this was headed. "You can't possibly mean that you intend to allow..."

Taylor shrugged. "Why not? If it's the same quality of nourishment of Mila," she glanced down at the sleeping child in the carrier, "then why not? Gerry, you're going to find that nursing is a much more pleasant way to get your milk out than pumping is. I know that pumping will be necessary at times, but would you consider nursing Mila when you can?"

"Oh, this is absurd!" Kate insisted.

"Why, mom? Why is this so absurd. Look at us. I'm in a severely cut business suit, so are you and so is Stevie, while Gerry is wearing a pink dress with a petticoat. Even before all the dresses began last weekend, Gerry was always the most nurturing, supportive and, in many way, feminine influence in Mila's life. Look how he dresses her, how he cares for her, just how he 'is' with her. In many ways, he's more of a woman than any of us. I think his body is just telling him to move one more step in that direction."

That silenced Kate.

"Well, Gerry?" The Doctor prodded.

He'd been very quietly listening to this point. He was uncomfortable in the chair and overwhelmed with embarrassment and fear. There were tear tracks on his cheeks. "I... I just don't know. I need to think about it, I guess."

"Ok, Gerry," Taylor smiled, supportively, as she took his hand in hers, "but you'd be doing both Mila and me a huge favor."

He nodded. "I really need to think about it, Taylor. Ok?"

"Sure, baby." She patted his damp cheek. "I understand."

When she stood, she gripped Stevie's shoulder. "Hey, Steve-O. It's ok. You didn't do anything wrong. It just happened."

"So is that it, then?" Kate fumed. "We're just supposed to leave and buy a breast pump for my son and get on with our lives, then."

"That seems to be the most logical way to proceed, Kate, yes," the doctor closed the file, but held out a business card. "I suggest you call my colleague, though. I think she could be of a great deal of help in this situation."

Stevie stood and took the card. "What is her specialty?"

"She's a lactation specialist."

Kate looked at Gerry and shook her head. "What will people think? A man going to a lactation specialist."

"Sorry, mom," Gerry struggled to get out of the chair.

"You have nothing to be sorry about Gerry," Annette said. "You have no more control over this than any other medical condition."

"Come on, baby," Stevie put her arm around his shoulders. "Let's get home and figure all of this out."


It took some convincing, but Stevie talked Gerry into sleeping without the shareware under his night clothes. He still wore a nightie, though. He tried to wear a tee shirt, but the cotton was rough on his bloated nipples. The nightie was much softer.

"We're ready whenever you are, honey," Stevie called into the bedroom from the kitchen.

Gerry heaved a big sigh, pulled on the emerald green, silk robe his mother had bought him and headed out to face his fate.

And there they were. His wife and his sister and the breast pumping machine set up on the table. The instructions the doctor had sent home with him stated that he should pump before bed and then every three to four hours from then on, for a total of eight to ten times a day - especially if his milk was going to be used for Mila, which already seemed like a decision that had been made.

He sat in the seat that Taylor offered and then she began her instructions. "It's not all that uncomfortable once you get used to it, but it is pretty boring. Make sure you have your iPad or a magazine with you so you're not bored to death."

"Ok," he whispered, embarrassed and scared.

"It's pretty simple," Taylor, the voice of experience went on. "The suction is strong enough to hold the cup onto your breasts, so all you need to do is sit back and let it do it's job for a half an hour or so and it'll be done. I know the doctor said to set your alarm to get up and be milked during the night, but, trust me, after a day or two, you won't need the alarms. The pressure will build up on a pretty regular cycle and you'll know when it's milking time."

"Great," Gerry muttered.

"I'm sorry, babe." Stevie rubbed his shoulders. "If there's anything I can do to help..."

"Could you do this for me?"

Stevie just looked sad.

"Ok, now, just relax," Taylor instructed. "Open your robe and lower the cups on your nightie so that your nipples are exposed."

"Can't I do this on my own?" Gerry was hesitant to show his sister his newest assets.

"Gerry, come on." Taylor was miffed. "I have been doing this for six months and I can help you. I have seen women's breasts before, you know. Besides the fact that I have a pair of my own, I've spent a lot of my life in women's locker rooms. I know what a woman's breasts look like."

"That's the problem, though." Gerry opened his robe. "They aren't a woman's breasts. They're mine." He lowered the straps of the nightie releasing his breasts. He'd never been all that comfortable with his body before, but now he felt more exposed and vulnerable than he'd ever felt before.

Stevie patted his hair as Taylor positioned the cups over his nipples. "Using a double pump will help shorten your milking time and it will also increase your production. It's a little uncomfortable to get used to, but better in the long run."

"Ok," Gerry breathed. "Let's just get it over with."

"Here. Hold them in place and I'll press the start button." She did and the machine began its electronic suckling and milk flowed into the bottles connected to the cups.

"How does that feel?" Taylor asked.

"Very weird," Gerry admitted. He shivered as some primal instinct within him kicked in and he let down his milk.

"Weird, how?" Stevie sat beside him. "Does it hurt?"

"No. I just feel... like a product, I guess. It's like I'm not a man at all. I'm just a means of producing milk."

There wasn't much that the women could say. Taylor had felt similarly and Stevie had grown up assuming that someday she'd have to breast feed a baby. It was a lot to burden a poor, simple man with.

"I guess I'm really not a man any more, now, though, huh?" He looked at Stevie sadly. "I know that this is probably a conversation that we should have in private, but if you want..."

"Now, just stop right there," Stevie was forceful. "We are not even discussing the remotest possibility of going that route."

"Seriously, Stevie," Gerry insisted that she listen, "look at me. I'm not a man at all. I'm a fat little thing in a silk nightgown and robe. I wear makeup and a pearl necklace. I have pink fingernails. My hair has been dyed and styled to be as feminine as possible and now I'm using a breast pump to get my mother's milk out. Christ, Stevie, you make all the money while I keep house and babysit. I'm not a man. I've never been one, but I used to be able to pretend I was."

"That's enough of that talk..." Stevie started to say, but Gerry surprised her by speaking over her.

"Remember earlier in the week when we talked about doing something different this weekend to get our minds off of all the girly stuff? Well, what are you doing tomorrow? You're taking your husband to be fitted for a nursing bra. That's certainly different, but probably won't take our minds off of my girlish problems, now will it."

"No... I guess not." Stevie looked to Taylor who just shrugged. What could they say?

"Look, Stevie, I love you so, so much but you deserve a husband. You don't deserve a girlish little cow like me."

"You're right," Stevie said after a few moments. "I don't deserve you. You're loving and gentle and caring. You make my life sweet and clean and healthy and how did I repay you for that? I screwed up your body. I don't deserve you, Gerry, but you're all that I want. Please... stay with me... forever."

Gerry gave Stevie a sad smile. "I love you."

"I love you, too, baby."

He sniffled back some emotion, then grunted as he looked at the bottles hanging from his engorged breasts. "Argh! I feel so stupid."

"You'll get used to it, Gerry," Taylor assured him, "but I really wish you'd consider trying breastfeeding Mila directly. It'll feel better, I promise. It won't just feel like a biological function. It'll feel soft and tender and... well, maternal is the best way to describe it."

"I just don't know Taylor..."

"Well, then, sleep on it. Maybe, after a night of pumping, you'll feel a little different about it. I better get Mila home and into bed. I love you guys, you know. Steve-O, if you need anything, I'm right next door. Gerry..." she looked at her poor little brother, his green, silk robe barely covering the two pumps attached to his chest and she couldn't think of anything encouraging to say, other than, "...it'll be ok."

He nodded and watched as she picked up Mila's carrier and left.

Stevie took Gerry's hand in hers and smiled at him. "Are we ok?"

He nodded, again.

"As long as you're ok with me, Stevie. I'm just... so sorry and so... ashamed."

Stevie pulled her chair in closer and wrapped an arm around him. "There is nothing to be ashamed of, baby. It's just one of life's curveballs. We'll get through it and be even stronger at the other end. You'll see."

After a moment, Gerry said, "Do you think I'll ever be a man again?"

Stevie sighed, "You're a man now, Gerry. Just a very special one."

"You know what I mean." Gerry shook his head. "Do you think I'll ever... look like, or be able to live like a man again?"

"I don't know, baby." Stevie was trying to be honest. "Would it be so awful if you stayed like this?"

"What? Pregnant forever?"

"No. I can help you get rid of your belly, but... now that your man boobs are actual, functioning breasts... I'm not sure if they're going to go away, shy of surgery, that is. Would looking like a woman be so terrible?"

Gerry glanced at the paraphernalia attached to him, sucking the most feminine of substances from his body, then looked back at Stevie, his eyes wet with tears. "I never wanted anything like this Stevie. I mean, I always wanted to be big, and strong, and tough... like you. I mean... I mean, you're beautiful and feminine, too, but... you know what I mean. You're also strong and confident. I've always been the quiet, little dweeb in the corner. Lately, though..."


"This week... I've felt kind of... right. Like I've found my place in the world... as a woman of sorts. I don't want to get, you know... to cut it off or anything, but... people seem to actually accept me when I present myself as a woman."

"And you like that?"

He shrugged. "It's a lot less lonely."

"So..." Stevie approached this next topic gingerly. "Do you want to continue to be you mom's receptionist?"

That made Gerry laugh. "Oh, my God, no!"

Stevie smiled at his laughter. "Then... what?"

He sighed. "Would it be so awful if I... if I stayed here... at home... and raised Mila and, maybe, someday, our own babies?"

Stevie started to speak, but Gerry jumped right back into speaking. "I know, I know, it's not a real job, but I'll take care of the house, too and take care of making dinner and even help Taylor with her house. I know it's not contributing to the house income, but..."

"Gerry, Gerry, Gerry!" Stevie took his hand in hers. "Relax. I think having you at home is a great idea. Let's just finish up your commitment to your mother and we'll go back to having you as the homemaker and me as the breadwinner, ok?"

"Ok. My mother isn't going to like it, though."

"I know, but, to tell you the truth, I think that this whole lactating thing may have scared her a bit. Maybe she'll back off a little."

Gerry snickered. "And maybe the sun will rise in the west tomorrow."

Now Stevie snickered. "I know, she's a force to be reckoned with, but she'll get used to it. Between Taylor and me, we'll get her to see the light... eventually."

Gerry looked down at himself, again. "How do I know when to stop this thing?"

"When you run dry, I guess." Stevie leaned over and looked into the cup where Gerry's distended nipple was being suckled mechanically and she saw a substantial spurt of milk come out of his nipple. "You've got a while to go, yet, I think."

Gerry sighed. "These are going to be long days and nights."

"Do you think that feeding Mila may be helpful?"

"Being a wet nurse, you mean?"

Stevie shrugged. "Being a caretaker - like you always say."

"Maybe. I'll think about it and let you know, tomorrow."


Shelby Ryan was a very prim and proper woman in her late sixties and her entire working life had been dedicated to finding women bras that fit and functioned correctly. She empathized with women who suffered from wearing poorly fitting bras and made it her crusade to save them from their misery. Mothers to be and new mothers were the most challenging and this young thing with the big blue eyes and long brown hair appeared to be both a new and expectant mother. This could be a challenge! Shelby was up to it, though.

"Come right in, ladies." Shelby held open the door to the fitting room in the foundation department of Kennedy's Department Store. "Just relax, dear," she said to Gerry. "I promise, I won't hurt you and you'll be much more comfortable when all is said and done. By the way, you have a lovely little girl there, and you dress her so prettily. Most mothers these days don't take the time to get their daughters all dolled up to go shopping. You've done a lovely job with your little girl. What's her name?"

"Thank you," Gerry smiled, delighted with the compliments. "Her name is Mila, but she's my niece. She's my sister Taylor's daughter. That's Taylor, there."

"Hi," Taylor smiled.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Shelby laughed. "Of course, Taylor! Kate Wentworth's daughter. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. I guess I was complimenting the wrong mommy."

"No." Taylor rubbed Gerry's shoulders. "Gerry is the one who gets her all dolled up. I'm more of 'onesie' kind of mom, but Gerry buys her the sweetest clothes."

"On, how nice!" Shelby smiled. "Now, what can I do for you, Gerri, is it?"

"Well..." Gerry didn't know quite how to begin.

"I assume you need some help with a new bra?"

"Yes, but..." He was stumped. He wasn't even sure what size he was wearing, now.

"You see, Shelby," Stevie explained as Gerry sat with Mila in his arms, "Gerry has gone through several bra sizes recently and yesterday, she began to lactate, so... well, I guess she needs a nursing bra so she can pump."

"Oh, my." Shelby looked at Gerry with disbelief. "You're still carrying so high. When are you due?"

"Still a couple of months to go." Gerry smiled, embarrassed.

"And your milk has come in already!? My goodness. Do you think it's because you take care of this little princess?"

"Maybe." Gerry shrugged.

"Well, aren't you just an anxious little mommy to be!? Let's get your sorted, then. Please stand and take off your top so I can see what we've got to work with."

Taylor took the baby and Gerry stood, then stopped, realizing that he was wearing a wrap-dress. It had a dark blue background with a series of geometric patterns in different colors, flutter sleeves and modest neckline. Taylor had given it to him as a hand-me-down because she said it was 'breastfeeding friendly,' so he could pump easily. He could open the dress to reveal his breasts, but that would also reveal his panties, baby-belt and nylons. He wasn't really sure how well camouflaged his genitals under all of that, but he was nervous and hesitated.

"Oh, don't be shy, dear." Shelby smiled a friendly smile. "We're all girls here, after all."

"It's ok, Gerry," Stevie said supportively. "We've all done this. Shelby's the best there is."

"Well thank you." Shelby smiled. "I'm sorry, but I've forgotten your name. I know that you're Kate's daughter-in-law and that you have a boy's name, but I am honestly drawing a blank on what your name is."

"Stevie," she said, not thrilled with the 'boy's name' remark.

Gerry untied the belt of the dress and let the sleeves slide down to his elbows where he held it in place, hiding as much of his lower body as possible.

"Oh, that's a lovely bra," Shelby complimented and Gerry would have been flattered if not for the fact that this older woman was suddenly touching his breasts! Running her fingers along the silky undersides of the cup and across his sensitive nipples, causing sensations in him that he'd only ever felt when Stevie played with him in bed.

Inadvertently, he backed up just a little to escape her touch. "Don't worry, sweetheart." Shelby stepped closer. "I just need to do this to see how this bra is fitting you. Please, just relax." Shelby ran a finger under the edges of the bra, sending shivers down his spin.

"So, who bought you this bra?"

"Umm, my mom, I think."

"Well, she has very nice and expensive taste, but we need to adapt things for you. Are you already nursing?"

"Just pumping."

"That still requires a good nursing bra. Let me grab a couple. I'll be right back." She went out the door.

Taylor and Stevie were sitting on the padded bench, with Taylor holding Mila. "How are you holding up, baby?" Stevie asked.

"Fine, I guess. She's pretty touchy, though. She really squeezed me."

Taylor chuckled. "I don't think she was flirting with you, honey. She's just doing her job."

"Do women... you know... touch each other like that?"

The women laughed. "No, baby," Stevie said through her laughter. "Women aren't all as perverted as I am. And I only do it with you."

Gerry blushed.

"Because you're so sexy!" Stevie teased and laughed some more.

As they waited, Mila decided that she wanted to be with Gerry and started reaching for him.

"Do you want Uncle Gerry?" Taylor asked in her sing song voice. "Here, let's go see Uncle Gerry."

She stood to bring the baby to Gerry, but he said, "l can't take her. My dress will be wide open."

"So?" Taylor asked.

"So... I have parts that I don't want her to see."

"Well, let me see if they show."

"No!" Gerry was surprised she'd even suggest this.

"Oh, come on. Mila wants her Uncle Gerry and Uncle Gerry never says 'no' to his Mila."

"'Uncle' Gerry?" Shelby asked from the doorway. She walked slowly to Gerry and looked his body up and down, paying attention to the curve of his belly. "You're not a man, are you?"

Gerry looked around the room for help.

"Listen, Shelby," Stevie said as she stood, "we're not trying to play a game with you or anything, but Gerry, who, yes, is a man and is my husband, does need a nursing bra."

"But...?" Shelby was very confused. "But... how can a man be...? I've sized men before. Men who are transitioning, I mean. I know what they look like - even after surgery. I saw your breasts - they're not implants, they're natural. I felt the damp nursing pads under your bra. You're actually producing milk. You can't be a man."

"He is," Stevie stood and put her arm around his shoulders, "and he's my husband."

Shelby stared, agog.

"And," Taylor handed Mila to Gerry, "he's the best uncle a little girl could ask for." Mila chirped happily as Gerry took her, kissed her soft, chubby cheek and held her close.

"So I see," Shelby nodded. "You can't actually be pregnant though, can you?"

"No." Stevie laughed. "He's just a little chubby and the baby belt does the rest. He is leaking, though, and he does need a few nursing bras."

Still fascinated, she whispered, "You look so real, though," before she clicked back into work mode. This was, indeed, an unusual challenge, just as she'd anticipated - just more unusual than she'd ever faced before.

"Well, based on what you are wearing, which, apparently your mother chose for you - that's story I'd love to hear someday, too - I chose some very pretty, very feminine bras for you. Now, if these are too flowery, or lacy, just tell me. I have plenty of others that are more... well... I was going to say 'manly,' but that would be silly, wouldn't it? Let's just say, less girly."

Stevie picked through the hangers that Shelby had brought in. "Oh, these are lovely, baby," she said. "Oh, I wish I could get away with wearing something this pretty, but I'm just too flat chested. You don't want to draw attention to assets that you don't have, you know?"

Shelby watched Gerry. How he bounced and engaged the baby. How he smiled at her so she'd smile back. How he smoothed the child's dress. Nothing about him seemed at all manly.

"You say that you dressed up this baby?" Shelby asked.

"I did," Gerry answered, although his attention remained on Mila.

"Who brushed the baby's hair and put the bows in?"

Taylor watched Shelby watching Gerry. When Gerry didn't respond, she said, "Gerry did. Gerry always does a beautiful job on her hair - on her clothes, too."

"Amazing," Shelby nodded. Nothing garish or over done. Just perfect, sweet, old fashioned and feminine. "And how long have you been cross dressing yourself?"

"Just this week," Gerry replied quietly.

"Really?" Shelby was amazed. He looked so natural. "And have you had the opportunity to use that wonderful fashion sense you use on your niece to make yourself beautiful?"

He smiled a bit at the odd compliment. "I bought myself a couple of things, but not much."

"Well, here." Shelby handed him several bras. "Try these on and, when I come back, tell me what you like. I have a few dress ideas I'd like to show you." As Shelby headed to the door, she said quietly to a Taylor, "I don't often get to dress up boys, but I've never had one like this before."

"Hi, Mila," Stevie cooed at the baby. "Come see Auntie Stevie so that Uncle Gerry can try on some bras."

Reluctantly, the child let go of Gerry and settled for Stevie - a poor substitute for her favorite person.

"I'll help you, honey." Taylor moved behind Gerry and undid this bra.

"I've noticed," Gerry said as the bra slid down his shoulders, "that you guys and mom have been calling me different names, lately." He slide the first bra on.

"Like what?" Stevie asked while bouncing Mila on her hip.

Taylor confirmed that the bra fit well and looked 'adorable' before moving on to the next one. This process continued as they spoke.

"Like you've been calling me 'baby' a lot," he said to Stevie. Then to Taylor, he said, "And you've been calling me 'honey' and 'sweetie' a lot."

"I've always called you 'baby,'" Stevie said, surprised.

"No. You called be 'babe' sometimes, but now you're calling me 'baby' all the time."

"Guilty," Taylor said. "I used to call you things like 'honey' and 'sweetie' when you were little, but it does seem more natural to say them to you now than they did before. It's like you're my little sister, now. Do you mind?"

"Not really," Gerry admitted. "It's just something I've noticed."

"What does your mom call you?" Gerry asked. Knowing Kate, she was a bit concerned.

"'Sweetheart' and 'darling' and once she just called me 'girl.' Again, I'm not complaining. It's just something I've noticed."

At that moment, Shelby returned with a rolling clothing rack with a minimum of fifteen dresses hanging from it. "Did we like any of those bras?"

"They all fit beautifully, Shelby," Taylor assured her. "I think we'll take these five, though." The ones that she selected were, far and away, the most lacy and decorative of all of them. "I'm afraid that the bras that have prints on them may show through Gerry's work dresses."

"Oh, good heavens!" Shelby gasped. "You work and take care of this little angel?"

Stevie smiled. "He sure does - at least for a couple of more weeks. He's filling in as the receptionist at the investment company where Taylor and I both work. It's his mother's company."

"Wait... what?" Shelby looked around. "Let me understand this. Until a week ago, you were a normal guy wearing slacks and shirts. Now, out of the blue, you're wearing dresses, you've obviously been to a hair and nail stylist and not only is your mother buying you lingerie, you're working as a woman in her company?"

Gerry nodded, while Stevie explained how he came to have tried on the baby-belt and one thing leading to another.

"My goodness," Shelby pretended to fan herself, "what a whirlwind of a week you have had, young lady! Now, let me ask you, after this Halloween event, will you be going back to men's clothing?"

"I don't see how I can," Gerry shrugged, indicating his breasts. "From what the doctor tells me, I should expect to be lactating for ten to sixteen months. So, I don't know how I could pass as a guy until after I stop producing milk."

"I see. Now, tell me... it's not all that bad being woman, is it?"

"No," Gerry said shyly. "I don't like pumping the milk much, but the rest is ok."

"Just ok?" Shelby gave a very sly smile. "Look at you. Your hair is gorgeous, your makeup is fresh and perfect, your legs are smooth and shapely... no one could look that pretty and not be proud of it. So, truthfully... you like being pretty for your wife, don't you."

He blushed a deep red and looked at Stevie, who was smiling at him. "I do," he finally smiled.

"And you like coming home to a pretty wife, don't you?" She said to Stevie.

"I do," she shook her head in wonderment of how things had become. "In fact, I like it an awful lot more than I should."

"And you-" She turned to Taylor. "How do you feel about having a sister?"

Taylor touched Gerry's shoulder. "Gerry knows how much I've always loved him. I would love him in dresses or pants, but I have to admit that he looks a lot better now than he did a week ago and, if we're all being honest, I'm getting a kick out of having a little sister to teach all about being a mommy."

"Good." Shelby was very happy with these answers. "So, let's assume that Auntie Gerri here is going to be a pretty little girl for the foreseeable future and, for the sake of argument, let's say that she's going to need a few more work dresses before Halloween and some pretty dresses to wear at home when her provider comes home from a hard day's work. Can we all agree on that?"

They did.

"Good," Shelby prepared to close the deal, "then let's find our little girl some pretty dresses to make her feel pretty - even after she 'delivers.'"

They smiled at that.

"Let's start with my favorite. Take a look at this," she pulled a dress from the rack. It was a vivid yellow, silk dress, sleeveless, with a front buttoning bodice that would allow for a tasteful amount of cleavage, no collar. A narrow belt separated the bodice from the skirt which had a loose underskirt and a vast and flowing, knee length, silk gauze overskirt.

The simple, feminine beauty of the garment caught in Gerry's throat, but both women let out audible gasps.

"Now," Shelby smiled at the dresses reception, "it is a little pricey, but, Gerry, I guarantee that when you try this on, it will make you feel like the most beautiful princess in the world, and," she looked at Stevie, "you can't tell me that you wouldn't love to come home to find your little homemaker dressed in something this soft and feminine."

Stevie's heart was racing as she touched the soft skirt. She was jealous that Gerry could wear something this soft and feminine when it would just look silly on her, while at the same time, she didn't want to force him to buy something this girly if he wasn't ready, but more than either of these things, Stevie wanted buy this dress for Gerry so that she could take him out, show him off and take him back home to ravish him.

Instead of saying 'we'll take it,' though, she said, "What do you think, baby?"

"It's very beautiful," he said as calmly as he could, but there was a shakiness in his voice.

"Gerry," Taylor, the voice of reason, said, "that would not only look amazing on you, it would be a really easy dress to wear while your pumping or feeding. I really think you should get it."

"How much is it?" Stevie asked.

"One hundred and thirty seven dollars," Shelby said, "but worth every penny."

Stevie nodded, controlling herself. "Do you want it, baby?"

Gerry sighed. "That's a lot of money."

"We have plenty of money, baby. You never need to worry about that. Can I buy it for you?"

He looked at it and pondered the ramifications of trying it on and loving the feel of it.

"Just try it on, Gerry," Taylor encouraged. "If you like it, you can make a decision. If you don't like it, then that's ok, too."

Gerry was silent for a few moments, then said, "Ok." He took the dress and headed into the small changing room.

Shelby smiled. "Oh, my," she whispered to Stevie. "You are the luckiest woman on earth. Imagine having something like that to come home to. I would give anything to have my husband or one of my sons taking this path."

Stevie looked at Shelby, surprised by her statement. "Really?"

"Oh, yes. You got it right. You found someone smaller than you to stay home and take care of you the way that you deserve to be taken care of. You are so, so lucky."

Stevie looked at Taylor who'd heard Shelby. Taylor cocked her head, raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"Thanks," Stevie said.


Stevie headed to the bedroom with the bags of maternity and nursing clothing that she'd purchased for Gerry that day. "I'm going to drop these in the bedroom and take a quick shower. Gerry, after you've pumped, I need you to hang these up."

"Alright," Gerry called back as Stevie closed the bedroom door.

"Oh, my God, this is getting painful," Gerry whined as he sat at the kitchen table and readied things for his eleventh milking since he'd started lactating the previous day. "I don't know if I'm going to be able to do this every couple of hours for the next year or more."

Taylor put Mila in the playpen with some toys for her safety while she helped to carry some of the bags of bras and dresses that they'd brought home from Kennedy's. As she was passing Gerry, she stopped and kissed the crown of his head. "You'll get used to it, sweetheart. Believe me, I know how tough it is to be a woman." She continued on.

"That's just my point," Gerry called after her. "I'm not really a woman. I'm not built for this kind of thing."

Taylor left the bags near the bedroom then came back into the kitchen and sat next to Gerry. She smirked as she looked at him, her left elbow bent on the table, her chin resting in the palm of her left hand. "I beg to differ."

"Taylor, no matter what I may look like right now, I'm really a guy and men and women are made differ... ow!" He howled as Taylor poked his breast with the index finger of her right hand.

"You were saying that men and women are made differently."

He rubbed his sore breast. "Yeah, I was because we are... OW! STOP IT!" She poked him again.

"Regardless of your lower plumbing, you have a woman's plumbing up here and when it comes to your current problems, you are a woman, little sister. You can't deny that." She went to poke his breast again, but he slapped her hand away.

"Taylor," he took a deep breath as he considered what he wanted to say, "I don't think that you realize how difficult this can be sometimes..."

"Lactating?" She laughed. "Gerry, I started lactating a week before Mila was born. I've been nursing and pumping for more than six months. If anyone understands how frustrating and tiring it is, I do."

"Yeah, but Taylor... you are a woman. When you were a girl, you were prepared to become a mom. You learned about taking care of babies and about how your body would someday nourish another human. It's all beautiful and miraculous for a woman."

"Ok... I get that, but you took health class."

"Yeah, and we learned how NOT to get women pregnant by wearing a condom. Not much more."

Taylor gave a small chuckle at that.

"I was a boy, Taylor. I never thought about the functions of a woman's body. Until Mila was born, I never even thought about what it would be like to have a baby in my life."

Taylor glanced at her beautiful child. When she looked back at Gerry, he was gazing at Mila with great warmth and affection.

"I remember being at the hospital." Gerry went on. "Fred was out in the hall on the phone and he waved Stevie and me into your room. The minute I saw her laying against your chest, my whole world changed."

Taylor laid one of her hands on top of one of his.

"She was so beautiful, Taylor. So tiny and helpless and she looked just like you... and you both looked so happy. It made me feel... not jealous, but it made me want what you had. I didn't want to take Mila or anything like that, I just wanted... a real family... with children and babies and everything that goes with it. All the heartache and all the mess and all the smelly diapers and worrying. It was like, just seeing you and Mila together opened up a part of me... the biggest part of me... and I thought that I knew who I was for the first time."

Taylor remained quiet and waited for Gerry to go on.

"When you handed her to me... oh, my God, Taylor... I was so scared... but... she smelled so good and holding her felt so right. Don't get me wrong... I mean... I know you're her mother and I never wanted to be any more than her uncle, but... I knew right then and there that I was meant to be a parent. A caretaker... you know?l

"I do, darling. I do."

"When I found out that I really wasn't a... well, that I couldn't be a father... well, I left for work the next morning, but I just couldn't do it. I couldn't face the world now that I knew I'd never be a dad. I drove to the parking lot at Manatee Bay Beach and... I just sat there. I looked at the water and I cried. I cried for eight hours until it was time to go home. That night, I talked to Stevie about starting my own business because I couldn't face the world knowing that I was... well... knowing what I wasn't."

Taylor's heart was breaking for her brother, but all she knew that the best thing she could do was to just sit and let him talk.

"Then, do you know what happened?"

"What, honey?"

"My sister... my big, strong, beautiful sister, whose life was falling apart because of her asshole boyfriend... she did something that saved my life. She asked me if I'd take care of this perfect little creature that she'd created. She trusted me with the most important thing in the world. She asked me to take care of Mila. Oh, Taylor, I was so scared at first. Scared that I'd hurt her, or do something wrong that could mess her up for the rest of her life... but you told me to just love her and everything would be fine."

"And it has been fine, right, baby? You've been a great uncle."

"I hope so... but like I said, Taylor. I was a guy... Kinda... until last week. I mean... it all started out as a joke, but now... just look at me, Taylor. What the hell am I, really? You're a mother and a rich, successful woman. I'm nothing but a cow, Taylor. I hook myself up to a milking machine and I pump out this... milk that I make. There's no reason for it. It's just a crude, biological function and now I'm going to have to do it ten or twelve times a day for a year or more. And to what end? To pour it down the sink? I don't know who I am or what I am right now and I'm afraid that, at some point, Stevie is going to look at me and see how ridiculous I've become, wake up and just leave me."

"Gerry... just stop for a moment. I think that you might be a little overwhelmed by hormones right now. I've been there. They can make you very emotional, but there is one thing that you need to remember - Stevie loves you. No, that's not right. Stevie adores you, Gerry. No matter what happens, you will always have Stevie. And me. And Mila. You're not alone, Gerry. We all love you and we all need you. Especially Mila. Gerry, we don't care if you wear sweatpants or an evening gown. We'll always love you. Now, we just got back from a shopping spree during which your wife spent nearly a thousand dollars on women's clothing for you to wear, so I'm pretty sure that she is happy with the new you, so what is causing all of these doubts?"

Gerry looked at his breasts. "These... and the milk."

"Well," Taylor sighed, "there's not much we can do about those for a while, Gerry. I'm sorry. And as for the milk, you said it all feels so 'biological.' Well... breast milk is just that, honey. It's biological, but, your also right when you say it's miraculous. It is. It's a bond between mother and child, Gerry. It is a gift."

"For you, I suppose it is, but for me... it's a waste."

Taylor looked at Mila, the smiled at Gerry. "Then, let's make it miraculous."

Gerry followed her gaze as she turned back towards Mila.

"Taylor... it's just not right..."


"Because I'm not a woman."

"Your breasts say you are."

"I'm not her mother."

"Neither would a wet nurse be. So what!?"

"She's your child!"

"And your niece and she loves you because you take care of her and love her. Now, take care of her the way that nature, obviously, intended you to take care of her. Mother my daughter, Gerry. Give her your milk. I guarantee that you'll feel different about your milk when you've done so."

Taylor picked up the baby and smiled at her little, feminine brother who looked back, concerned and fearful.

"Gerry," Taylor kissed Mila's head, "don't make it a gross, biological function. Make it an act of selfless love. Take Mila and feed her."

"Taylor... what if it messes her up? What if it makes her sick? What if it does something to screw her up psychologically? What if...?"

"What if, what if, what if... Gerry! What if it's the most amazing, miraculous thing you've ever done? Because it will be, Gerry. It will be. Trust me."

She looked at Mila and cooed, "Now, go to Uncle Gerry. He has something special for you." She handed the baby to him.

Gerry held the baby the way he'd always held her when feeding her a bottle. "How do I start?"

"Well, open the top of your dress and then pull open the bra cup."

He did as he was instructed and immediately saw Mila's expression change as she seemed to search for something. "Is she ok?"

"Of course she is, Gerry. She just smells your milk. Now, guide her to your nipple. She'll know what to do from there."

He nodded and lifted Mila, who had no problem finding her target. She latched on to his left nipple and began suckling. Her tiny lips were stronger than he expected and she sucked with a surprising amount of strength.

The feeling wasn't sexual at all. It was a feeling of need. Of wanting. Of pure, natural, actual hunger - and thanks and love. It made him shiver. Gerry watched the child, amazed, but Mila quickly seemed to get fussy. It confused Gerry, but Taylor understood and stood, moving behind her brother.

"It's ok, Gerry," she whispered. "Just relax and let it go. You love Mila and she loves you. Just relax and let it go. Mila needs what you have, so just let your milk down and nourish the baby. Take a deep breath and relax. Nature will do the rest."

He took a deep breath and relaxed and he felt himself let his milk down. He felt the same kind of relief that he'd felt the day before in the office when the men had all left. What he'd thought was just relief at his mother having a successful meeting, must actually have been the feeling of his milk being let down for the first time.

"There you go," Taylor cooed to Gerry the same way she would to Mila, as if he were a child, but he didn't mind. He was focused entirely on Mila. As the baby nursed, Taylor continued cooing encouragement. "That's it. Let her lead you. Just support her and let her feed. She'll let you know when the breast runs dry, then you can shift her."

Gerry's breath began to catch and become more shallow. Taylor knew what was coming. She'd experienced it many times, too. As the warmth and excitement built at his core, Taylor whispered, "Its ok, Gerry. Just embrace the feeling. It'll be ok."

His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he gasped and jerked as little as possible to avoid upsetting Mila. There was sweat on his face as he looked at Taylor who was smiling. "Felt nice, didn't it?"

"What was that?" Gerry huffed for breath.

"It was an orgasm," she giggled.

"Not like any orgasm I ever felt." He shook his head and looked at the child still latched to his nipple.

"The way my lactation coach explained it, the same hormone that reacts to the stimulation of your nipples, also stimulates the vagina, so, just occasionally, you have these lovely orgasms."

Gerry steadied his breathing. "But, I don't have a vagina and believe me, that feeling didn't come from my penis. I've never felt anything like that before."

"Well, lucky you, then. Just enjoy them when they happen. You may well be one of the only men to ever have experienced a mom-gasm. Congratulations." She was patting the soft, chestnut brown hair on her brother's head. "Just look at you, Gerry. I never would have believed it, but you are just a natural mommy. I'm so proud of you."

"Proud of me? Why?"

"I just am, baby." She stifled back a tear or two. "It's just that, well... with Fred gone... I just feel better knowing that, if anything should happen... Mila will always have you."

"Of course she will, Taylor." Gerry kept his voice quiet and calm for Mila's sake. "She'll always have me and Stevie and, of course, mom."

Taylor laughed. "Mom? Imagine mom having to deal with a baby at this point in her life."

Gerry shrugged. "She raised us."

"She raised us till daddy died, Gerry. You don't remember what it was like then. That first year... we hardly saw mom while she learned to work as a broker and investor. Then, I took care of you. Mom provided for us. She didn't really raise us. I think you need to change breasts. Open the cup first so you can move her quickly."

Gerry followed Taylor's instructions and in seconds, Mila was settled on the other nipple.

"That's a girl," Gerry encouraged his niece. "That's my girl. You're doing great."

"So are you, apparently," both Taylor and Gerry looked up and smiled at Stevie, who was in a plaid, Terry cloth robe, with her bobbed hair wet and straggly, but still attractive on her handsome, un-made-up face. "I didn't think you were ready to try this."

"I wasn't."

"I talked him into it," Taylor admitted.

"And?" Stevie sat opposite her husband and watched how deftly he maneuvered his niece and held her gently but securely to his nipple.

Gerry blushed as he smiled at his wife. "It's pretty amazing."

Stevie smiled. "Good. I'm happy for you, baby."


It was a lazy Sunday afternoon. Taylor and Stevie had a basketball game at a nearby gym and Gerry had been spending the day with Mila, getting caught up on the cleaning and laundry and napping whenever possible. Mila was closing in on the end of her noon feeding, nestled against Gerry's chest as he sat on the couch, while he sat with his feet on an ottoman, enjoying the quiet and the love of his little charge.

"Hello," Kate called as she entered the townhouse. "Gerry?"

"In here, mom," he called back quietly, not wanting to disturb Mila.

Kate spoke as she walked towards the open living area. "I thought that I would find you here, since Taylor and Stevie have a game today. Don't you ever go with them to see them... Oh, my God!" Suddenly, she was riled up and her voice was raised. "What the hell are you doing!?"

Mila let out a cry at the sound of the raised voice, but Gerry shh-ed her and guided her back to his nipple. "I'm feeding Mila, mom. Why?"

"Gerry, get her off of there! You shouldn't be doing that. You're not her mother, for God's sake! Taylor will have a fit if she sees you doing this."

"Shh, Shh, Shh..." Gerry calmed the child. Once she was settled, he looked up at his mother. "Mom, Taylor encouraged this. Not only that, she put Mila on my breast and taught me how to nurse her correctly."

"Really?" Kate looked a bit disgusted. "And have either of you considered the psychological impact this may have on Mila?"

"Taylor says that all Mila will be aware of is being loved, so it's better than feeding her from a bottle."

Kate sat on the edge of the nearby love seat, her back ramrod straight and she crossed her legs tightly at the knees. "Well, I bottle fed both of you and and you both turned out just fine." She glanced at her son, his breast protruding from the his lace trimmed nightie, a beautifully dressed little girl latched onto his breast and couldn't help but remark, "Well, fine for the most part."

Gerry ignored the barbed remark and kissed Mila as she finished up. "Did you have enough? Huh? Did you have enough?" He placed a cloth diaper on his shoulder, then put Mila there as well. He burped her till she brought up some wind and just a little bit of his milk. When he was sure that she was all taken care of, he brought her back to his lap, where she nestled, a little sleepy from the feeding.

"Here," Kate said, "give her to Gramma. Come here, my angel."

Gerry stood as he handed her the child. While he stood, he pulled the top of his nightie back into place. "Can I get you some tea, mom?"

"Tea would be lovely, Gerry, but only if you're having some too. I don't want to put you out."

"It's ok." He smiled. "I need to keep hydrated. I'll just have some water for now. It'll just take a few minutes for the tea."

While the water was heating, Kate came into the kitchen with Mila on her hip. "I've been thinking, Gerry, that we just can't have you dressed as a pregnant woman for the party. I mean, if you're going to be at work for the next few weeks, and you're going to need to pump your milk, or, god help us, breast feed Mila, we certainly can't very well tell everyone that you're my son, now can we. So, if we're going to win this contest, we need to come up with something more dramatic than just a man dressed as pregnant woman."

Gerry sighed at the prospect of his mother upping the ante in this Halloween contest, but rather than argue, he placed a tea bag into a tea cup and poured boiling water onto it. As he handed the cup and a teaspoon to his mother, he asked, "What do you have in mind?"

"Oh, nothing yet, but I have some ideas. I'll talk to Stevie and Taylor about them tomorrow."

Gerry nodded, resigned, but needed to ask anyway, "I won't be involved in the choice?"

"Gerry," she seemed amused by the idea, "you've never attended one of our Halloween parties. You have no idea what the competition is like. Let us make the decisions."

He nodded, again.

Kate looked at her son and seemed to reach a decision. "Come back into the living room, Gerry. We need to talk."

He grabbed a saucer for her teacup as well as a bottle of water for himself and followed her back to the couch and loveseat. Mila reached for Gerry once they'd seated, so he took her from his mother as she retook her rigidly upright seated posture. "Gerry," she began. " When I was growing up back in Indiana, I never expected to have to become a business woman. I took my preparations for being a wife and mother very seriously. I learned to cook and sew and be pretty. I dated the boys who seemed to be the best prospects for a successful spouse and I found one. He was tall, and handsome and he was going to college to study business. He was level headed and came from a good family. When your father and I got married, I knew that I was going to have a good, comfortable life, Gerry. That's all I wanted."

"You loved him, too, though mom, right?"

She sighed. "I really can't say for certain, Gerry. I know that sounds cold, but it's true. I mean, we were a part of each other's lives, we enjoyed each other's company and all, but... did I ever tell you why we moved to Florida?"

"No." Gerry set Mila beside him on the couch and handed her a book made of fabric and filled with pictures of animals.

"Your father was doing very well, working for his father's insurance company. We had a lovely home and I was expecting Taylor when..." she took a deep breath, "... when the indiscretions happened."

For just a moment, Gerry saw his mother look vulnerable. "Dad cheated on you?"

She nodded. "He did... and with more than one woman. Gerry... you have no idea how much something like that hurts. He swore that it was nothing, that he still wanted us to stay married, but I was determined to leave him, until..."

When she didn't continue, Gerry prodded. "Until what, mom."

"Gerry... you've always had a safety net. I've always been here to be sure that you had what you needed to have a good life. I know that I'm not as affectionate as some mothers, but I did what I could. I didn't have that safety net. I was alone, pregnant and I had never held a real job. Do you have any idea how many unmarried or divorced mothers are wandering the streets looking for a job - any job?"

She sniffled, just a little. "I wasn't strong enough to do it, Gerry. I couldn't leave him. There are two kinds of people in this country, Gerry. Those who have money and those who don't. My parents had nothing... your father's family did. I was nobody before I married your father. That changed when I married him. Then I had money, Gerry. I didn't have to go without or do without ever again. I didn't ever want to have to apologize for my clothes, or my car, or my house. Once I'd found out what being well off was like, I could never face being poor again."

She looked at her son and granddaughter for a moment. "I know how shallow that sounds, Gerry, but... if you'd been brought up the way I was... well... then you'd understand."

Then it happened. A tear rolled down her perfectly made up face. Just one, but it told Gerry how hard it was for his mother to talk about these things.


"Let me finish, Gerry."

He nodded.

"So, at the suggestion of your paternal grandfather, your father took a job with an company here and we started over. It went well for a while - long enough for us to have had you - but then, just after I learned that your father not only had been having an affair, but that he had set his mistress up in a condo in the same development we lived in... Gerry, I could have strangled him. I really could have."

She lowered her head and held her forehead in her right hand for a moment.

"Gerry... we had such a fight that night. I... I asked a neighbor to keep you two so that I could confront him and... he slapped me, Gerry. Not for the first time, but he slapped me harder than I have ever been slapped. And he called me... such awful things, Gerry. I tried to call the police, but he knocked me down. I thought he was going to kill me. I really did, but then..."

Gerry waited.

"Then his face turned blue and he collapsed. He fell onto the floor beside me and he couldn't speak. He couldn't breath. I tried to help, Gerry, I swear I did, but... by the time the ambulance got there, he was gone."

"Mom... I'm so sorry..."

"Gerry," she led up her hand and raised her head, again. She didn't want any sympathy. She was beyond that. "When I said I could have strangled him, I meant it, but... when I saw him dying... I didn't want that anymore. I just wanted everything to end."

Gerry had no response. He didn't know what to say or do.

"Anyway..." she continued, "... I didn't just lay down and let the world take pity on me, Gerry. I became what I needed to become. I set my sights on becoming a breadwinner for you two. To be a mother and a father, Gerry. A man and a woman all at the same time. Do you understand?"

He nodded. "Mom, you did a great job..."

"I know I did, Gerry, and I'm very proud of it, but I so many times I thought, 'This would be so much easier if I were a just man. Why couldn't I be a man?' Maybe that's why I am the way I am, Gerry. I don't know."

She looked at Gerry who looked back at her, dumbfounded. "Gerry... the reason I am telling you this is... well... I know I pushed you to dress and act the way you have all week, but... I never could have expected that your body would... well, that this would happen, but... maybe... maybe... just as I was never really meant to be a REAL woman... maybe you... maybe you just were never REALLY meant to be a man. Maybe this IS the real you. The pretty spouse of a successful person. The mommy. The home maker. Maybe we're both just... made wrong."

Gerry felt a tenseness in his throat. "Mom... I'm sorry if I've been such a disappointment to you..."

Kate sat even taller, if that was possible. "Gerry! Have you even listened to a word that I've said?"

"Yes..." he acknowledged. "You said that maybe I wasn't meant to be a man."

"Yes," Gerry, but I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say. Gerry, Taylor's life has been filled with trophies and award ceremonies that come with her talent and beauty. Until Fred left, she'd lived a charmed life. Gerry... you're more like me than you know. You've struggled and searched to find yourself and... well... I think you may well have done that. What I'm trying to say is... I know that I've pushed hard and, well... the dresses and the curtsying and everything, but... Gerry, I think that it may well have all been for a reason."

She took a deep breath.

"Gerry, I don't say this much, not to anyone, but... Gerry, I am so very proud of you and the woman that you've become. I thought that if I pushed you hard enough, you'd become a better man, but I was wrong. You've become much better than a man, Gerry. You have become what I never could be, Gerry. A good woman. I just... I just thought I should tell you."

Gerry moved to kneel in front of his mother. He took her hands in his and kissed them. Then, for the first time that he could ever remember, he laid his head in her lap. "I love mom. I'm so sorry about everything, but... I love you."

Kate ran her fingers through his soft, brown hair, relieved to have finally gotten all of this off of her chest. "I know, Gerry. I know."


Monday morning got off to a bad start. Mila was fussy and Laura, who appeared to be somewhat hungover, was very vocal about her dislike for the sound of a child in the office.

When lunch time rolled around, Mila was hungry as well, so Gerry was obliged to take her to the ladies' lounge and nurse her, while Stevie and Taylor went down the street to a deli with delicious soup, promising to bring him one as well.

When he returned to the reception desk, there was, indeed, a small bag with a cardboard tub of soup within, but before he could even remove it from the bag, the buzzer on his phone sounded. He pushed the 'reply' button and spoke, "Yes, Mrs Wentworth?"

"Gerri, please come into my office immediately. I have an errand for you to run for me."

He looked longingly at the soup, but realized there was no point in thinking about it. He'd have to heat it up in the microwave later. "Right away, Mrs Wentworth."

Kate smiled when he entered her office. "Gerri, it appears that you made quite the impression on young Mr Williams the other day."

"Oh?" Gerry replied innocently. "He said I looked familiar and was trying to figure out where he knew me from."

"And do you know him?"

"Casually. We went to high school together and had mutual friends, but that's all."

"I see. Why didn't you mention this to me?"

"Well, besides the fact that just a few minutes after he left, my breasts started producing milk, which kind of knocked it put of my mind, I didn't think it mattered. I'll never see him again."

"Well," Kate's smile disappeared, "a certainly don't care for the tone of that response, young lady, especially not at work, but I do understand that Friday was an unusual day. Unfortunately, though, you are going to see young Mr Williams again, I'm afraid. I have some documents to be brought over to their offices and he specifically requested that you deliver them."

"Mom! No, please..." Gerry began to plead, but Kate stood and her look stopped him in his tracks. "... I mean..." he got himself under control, "Please, Mrs Wentworth, couldn't someone else take them over for you?"

Kate huffed. "Certainly not, Gerri. Kirkland-Williams is, by far, our biggest and most important client. If they requested that I brought them their paperwork, I would be on my way there, now, but they requested you. So, take Mila's stroller and this envelope and walk it over there. It's a beautiful day and the fresh air and sunshine will do you both a world of good." She handed him the envelope and shooed him towards the door. "Go on, now."

"Yes, ma'm." He turned to go, but Kate stopped him.

"Oh, and Gerri..."

"Yes, ma'm?"

"Remember what I told you about dealing with Kirkland-Williams men - demure, subservient and always curtsy."

"Yes, ma'm," he replied as he gave a small curtsy and returned to his desk to prepare.

It was only a four block walk, and the weather was lovely. The fresh air seemed to be exactly what Mila had wanted and she giggled at everything that they passed on the way. The slight, autumn breeze played with the above-the-knee hem of Gerry's red, sleeveless, silk dress with the scoop neck, blousy skirt and tiny white polka dots. He even stopped twice in order to chat with women who stopped to tell him how pretty Mila looked in her tiny, apple blossom print dress. He didn't think that he'd ever tire of those kinds of conversations.

Kirkland-Williams took up fifteen floors of very big high rise downtown. Gerry took a crowded elevator to the twenty seventh floor, apologizing to the men who scowled at the inconvenience of having a stroller in the elevator with them.

When the elevator doors opened, Gerry entered their offices through the etched glass doors bearing the name of the firm and several of the officers who worked on this floor. He spotted a woman sitting at the reception area desk and immediately felt a kinship with her. She smiled at him as he approached and she said, "May I help you?"

"Yes," Gerry smiled back, "I have an envelope for Mr Robert Williams. May I just leave it with you?"

The woman looked at the envelope, the smiled broadly. "Oh! You must be Gerri Morely, right?"

"Yes," Gerry smiled and, although the fact that this woman knew his name seemed odd to him, he remained focused on making a hasty departure from this office.

"Just a moment," the woman smiled through brilliantly red lips. "Mr Williams wanted me to tell him when you got here."

Gerry sighed as the woman pushed a button on an unseen intercom system.

"Yes, the is Maureen at reception. Please tell Mr Williams that Gerri Morely is here to see him."

"But, I really don't need to..." Gerry tried to correct the woman, but she held up one finger to indicate that she was listening to the person speaking through her earpiece.

"Thank you," Maureen said to the person on the intercom, then she turned to Gerry and said, "Mr Williams will be right out."

As Gerry was about to try to explain that his schedule was too tight to wait, Maureen said, "Your daughter is beautiful."

"Oh," Gerry's expression changed to sheer joy at the compliment, "thank you. She's actually my niece, but I have her during the days."

"Really?" the receptionist said. "She looks just like you." Another compliment that went right to straight to Gerry's heart.

"Oh, thank you, so much," he smiled and looked at his little charge. "She's a pretty hard not to love."

"I can see that," Maureen smiled.

"Well, well, well," Bob Williams chuckled as he arrived in the reception area with something behind his back. "I told you I recognized you." He had that cat-that-ate-the-canary look on his face that Gerry always found smug.

Gerry immediately became cautious. "Oh, Mr Williams," he gave the man a businesslike smile, "I brought those papers you requested. I need to get back, so..."

"Not so fast, Ms Morely," he smiled, "or should I say... Wentworth."

Gerry froze and looked at Bob Williams with fear and suspicion.

"See," Bob went on, "your married name threw me off, but," he pulled a book out from behind his back and slammed it on the reception desk. It was open to a page with pictures of young people, all of whom Gerry had once known in high school. It was his yearbook - Bob's too. Bob pointed to Gerry's picture and grinned even wider. "I gotcha."
To Be Continued...

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