Maxie’s “Dutch Treat” (Part 2 of 2)

Maxie’s “Dutch Treat” (Part 2 of 2)

Recap of Part 1:

Synopsis: My name was Marc; friends call me Maxine. I was raised in a single parent household with no male role model. Mom and two sisters made sure I was pretty as I grew up. As a result I am attracted to a femine way of life, women's clothing and men. I've never left a date disappointed.

After graduating trade school I found a unique way to financial security while also exploring opportunities to express my innate femininity. To that end I found I had to be an actress of sorts; I was facing an "audition" that would change my life as well as Vivian's and Melanie's lives.

If you've not read Part One a brief synopsis is provided. - Special thanks go out to the REAL Maxine that inspired this story.

Previously at end of Part 1: THE REVEAL – “I stood at Vivian & Melanie’s door for a moment before ringing their doorbell. I adjusted my sweater sportily over my shoulders like a cloak and took a few deep breaths. I knew they had been coaxing me to reveal the inner me; the inner Maxie. I was glad I decided to wear slacks.

I rang the doorbell. The door opened.

Oh, my!

Melanie opened the door and froze in place, mouth open and stared as she tried to take in what she was seeing. I waited a long moment and said, “Good evening Mel. My name is Maxine and I’m your new neighbor; my friends call me Maxie. I hope I’m on time.” Mel’s eyes widened, her face lit up and smiled. “Oh, my God! You’re beautiful! Please step in… Maxine.”

I stepped into the house, briefly displayed my fingernails for Mel’s inspection and waited.

“Mom! Come quick, we have a lady visitor!” Vivian rushed in from the kitchen and stopped in her tracks. “Oh, my God!” she also exclaimed. I began to blush.

Mel said, “Mom, meet Maxine.”

V & M embraced me warmly, held me at arm’s length to confirm what they were seeing and then hugged me again. Viv kissed me on the cheek and smiled in disbelief. Mel took my sweater and commented “You smell as pretty as you look.”

I was made to do a slow turn so they could take in my feminine beauty. Both ladies shook their heads in pleasant disbelief.

“I had no idea that our handy-“man” could also be a pretty woman!” Vivian exclaimed. Mel added, “We obviously had our suspicions but never in our wildest dream did we expect how nicely feminine you could be! I’d love to see you in a dress.”

“Me too, I’d love for you to see me in a dress but I didn’t want to overwhelm you with my cleavage so I went with a less femme outfit” was my reply.

“Less femme?” Mel asked. “I hate to disappoint you Sweetie but you certainly don’t look unfeminine to me!”

“Maybe, once this is all over, I’ll breakout my sexy party dress and we can have a girl’s night out” I replied.

Vivian said, “Let’s adjourn to the living room where we girls can be more comfortable.” I was ushered into their living room for girl talk and questions. Once seated I crossed my legs in a feminine manner and to break the ice I made a pouty face and asked, “What’s a girl got to do to get a drink around here?” We all laughed at my question; I began to relax.

“What’s your pleasure Princess?” I was asked.

“Do you have a Chardonnay or a not too sweet Riesling?” I queried.

What’s your story Morning Glory?

Over the next 30 minutes and two glasses of wine I answered most of their tactful questions. They raved about my clothes, hair, makeup and earrings. I was also complimented on my anklet and neck chain; “My sisters gave me the anklet when they left for college.” I hesitated a moment and continued, “A boyfriend gave me the neck chain.”

Vivian and Melanie exchanged looks of surprise; they now knew exactly who and what I really was; their questions kept coming.

“How did you get so skilled with your hair?”

“Mom always fussed with my hair so I could look like my sisters; I became so familiar with wearing ponytails, barrettes, dresses and makeup that I considered becoming a hairdresser.”

“Who decided to get your ears pierced?”

I sheepishly responded, “I did. When my sisters had their ears pierced I begged mom to have mine pierced too. I was six years old; I wore gold starter studs at first but eventually mom let me wear big girl hoops like my sisters; earrings became a routine part of life.”

“That sounds normal to me,” quipped Mel. “But then again I’m a girl. Are you?”

I ignored her question. All you had to do was look at me and have heard my self-revelations and know the answer.

We emptied our bottle of wine. V & M decided it took the two of them in the kitchen to get more. They went to the kitchen and as they uncorked another bottle of wine I could hear them whispering amongst themselves. Maxie and I enjoyed the moment of quiet; I closed my eyes and slowly exhaled; I felt the nervous tension in my neck subside.

More wine, more questions

Viv and Mel returned with the wine and announced that the dinner was in the oven and almost ready. “You should never rush pot roast” I said.

Vivian said “I have a couple more questions and then we’ll leave you in peace. You must admit that your background combined with you meeting up with us and our special salon is pretty amazing; it’s like divine intervention.”

“Yes, it is an amazing set of circumstances” I agreed. I was still curious about Dutch and his ‘test’.

“So you were just one of the girls as you grew up? Do tell!” Viv casually asked. So I did. Living alone is no fun.
“Yes. I was always ‘just one of the girls’ and I still am.” I squirmed uncomfortably in my chair.
“When you’re in girl mode may we call you Marcia? It seems to fit much better than Marc.”

“No, call me Maxie; it’s short for Maxine; Maxine was to be the third baby girl that my mother never had. I’ve been Maxie for all my life.”


The homemade pot roast with all the trimmings was delicious. It was the best food I had eaten in several months. Fast food and microwaves may be filling but homemade meals are best.

Over dinner V & M filled me in on possibly acquiring a second salon; a spa that catered 80% to the gay, transgender and ‘special needs’ community that Melanie would run. I was again made aware that if they were to be able to acquire the new salon it involved passing a very odd ‘proof of ability’ evaluation mandated by the seller. “Dutch is a bit offbeat” they volunteered. “He wants to leave his clients in good hands.”

V & M explain

“Dutch was a guest at an extravagant transgender wedding we were involved with. We did a fantastic job in making the entire wedding party beautifully feminine; the male bride and six men in the bridal party were absolutely gorgeous when we got done with them. Our effort attracted Dutch’s attention.”

Vivian: “The Duchess approached Mel at the reception and told her that he was impressed with our work. He mentioned that he was retiring and was anxious to sell his “The Woman Within” salon, and all name and franchise rights, to the “right” people. He was aware that our salon, like his salon, discretely served the LGBTQ community without passing judgment. He asked if we would be interested in buying his shop and franchise potential; he wants his clients to continue to be well taken care of.”

“I told Dutch that we had very limited funds and virtually no collateral.”

Vivian: “When Mel returned home she told me about the fantastic opportunity Dutch had mentioned. We agreed that we shouldn’t let this opportunity slip away and vowed to do whatever was necessary to make the deal work.”

“Whatever is necessary?” I asked.

Vivian: “Dutch has made a small fortune with his salon and is retiring to Palm Beach, Florida and enjoy life with his boyfriends. Acquiring his salon would be a very good thing for us and we could sell franchises nationwide; we could become filthy rich!”

And, as if I didn’t know, Mel added, “Everyone knows that Palm Beach is a well-known gay community with a thriving LGBTQ nightlife; it’s a popular vacation destination for gay travelers. Palm Beach is to Florida what Fire Island is to New York.”

Questions become more direct

The meal was over and the evening was winding down. V & M touched up their lipstick. When they were done they politely offered me their lipstick. Without saying a word I reached into my purse, retrieved my own lipstick and expertly colored my lips without a mirror! I smirked, held up my lipstick; it was identical to theirs. “It appears we share the same shade.” I quipped, “Perhaps we also share the same type of man.” We all laughed.

Could a handyman help them attain their goal? I asked how I could help.

To access my potential of being able to help with their Dutch problem V & M had more questions; very pointed and very direct questions. I was a bit buzzed on the wine and I may have been more forthcoming than I should have been.

THE questions

Q - “Do you date? Have you ever been “with” a man?”

A - “It’s been awhile but I’ve had my share of boyfriends if that’s what you mean.”

Q - “Let me rephrase that” said Vivian. “Have you ever been intimate with a man?”

A - “I’m not a tramp but I manage to have a good time when I go out. I’m an enthusiastic ‘bottom’ but can be an in-control ‘top’ when the mood suits me. I’ve never left a date disappointed.” I pointed to Troy’s necklace.

They had a puzzled look. I sensed hesitation so I expanded on my reply.
A - “Recently, by personal choice, Maxine went dormant like a once vibrant volcano.”

Q - “What if that volcano was needed to ‘erupt’ again… for a special need or good cause?”
Thinking I knew where they were going with their interrogation I quipped; “It would depend on the cause and what’s in it for me.”

Q - “You really amaze us Maxie! Is there anything else you’d like to share?”

A - “Yes. I sit down when I pee; I can hang drywall and can fix or build almost anything. Most important for your special need with Dutch is that I can milk a man to orgasms without using my hands.”

V & M smiled broadly and in unison proclaimed “She’ll do quite nicely! I think we have an ace in the hole, no pun intended, with Maxie; we just may have a chance with Dutch.”

“What?” I asked. I was pretty sure it was my hole that they wanted Dutch to stick his “ace” into.

“As part of Dutch’s evaluation he wants our pretty dormant ‘volcano’ to erupt again; multiple times! In reality HE wants to ‘erupt’ many times and it’s up to you to make sure it happens.” Viv made it sound so stark and clinical.

“So my goal would be to fuck or suck whatever it takes to get Dutch to sign the sales agreement?” I asked.

Melanie told me, “That sums it up pretty well Maxine; considering your past this could be a fun assignment.”

I took another sip of wine; “It’s been a long time since I felt the rhythm of testicles slapping against my butt; after Dutch signs off on OUR new salon and if I don’t wear him out I may stay with Dutch a bit longer.” I had said “our” salon on purpose.

Mel turned to Viv and said, “I think we have the right girl for this assignment and we now have a fighting chance of owning a new salon.”

Time to say good night: a sorority of three

I took a last sip of wine, leaving a lip print on the glass and bid my farewells. I thanked my hostesses for a fine meal and very “interesting” conversation. Vic and Mel smiled and thanked me for trusting them with such personal information. “We’ll get more information when we meet with Dutch in a day or two; we’ll keep you posted.”

The three of us hugged and I made my way home to remove my makeup, take my ’vitamin’ and go to bed.

In retrospect all of our planning, conversations and time together were something I subconsciously needed; I felt that I was just ‘one of the girls’ again; it had been too long of a time since I had felt this way. It felt good.

Vivian and Melanie meet with Dutch for clarification

Dutch - “I like my boyfriends to be Las Vegas showgirl stunning and buxom; I insist their makeup be over the top and heavy handed. Shiny emerald-blue eye shadow, heavy eyeliner and eye brows, over sized eyelashes and exaggerated lipstick.”

V & M looked at each other and asked, “Oh, is that all? “You have very high expectations. Where in the state are we going to find a willing pansy that will fulfill your queer criteria? We can’t just take out an ad or dial ‘Rent a Tranny’ can we? I think my sources for ‘well rounded’ Sissies willing to endure theatrical makeup, constricting undergarments and what you have planned is very limited!”

Dutch - “Yeah, your lucky Sissy must have exceptional oral skills and spend the night with me in my bed as my paid whore doing whatever I ask. I’ll reserve a suite at the Fairmont Hotel for two nights that any girly-boy would love to spend a night in.”

V & M looked at each other and asked, “Oh, is that all?”

Dutch took a sip of his Fire Island Cosmopolitan cocktail before continuing; “Tell your Sissy that he can keep all of clothes, wigs and high heels when I’m done with him.”

“What you’re asking is over-the-top difficult, time consuming and expensive; our steady customers will be kicked to the curb and we’ll lose much needed income while we indulge your debaucherous fantasies. We need startup money if you want your fantasy to happen?”

“I know my evaluation will be expensive to you so I’ll gift you $2000 seed money to offset your losses and get you started buying any needed items. I always planned on going out with a bang when I retired; now I’ll go out with several very memorable ‘bangs’.

“Tell the Sissy that if all goes well and after I put a not-so-little something in his mouth and ass a few times that I’ll put a little something extra in his purse, swat him on his ass and send him waddling out the door with a smile on his face.”

Poor Maxie!

Aware of Dutch’s lecherous intentions they asked if I would be their entrant in Dutch’s bizarre “contest.”

“When people find out that your hair, make-up, nails and wig came from V & M our sales will shoot up” Mel predicted. She wanted me bring a stack of business cards in my purse.

Mel and Viv explain Dutch’s rules

“Maxine, we need to find a ‘someone’ willing to submit to an over-the-top showgirl/hooker makeover that includes shiny emerald-blue eye shadow, heavy eyeliner and bold eye brows, over sized eyelashes and exaggerated lipstick.”

I thought to myself ‘So far I don’t see a problem.’

Vivian: “Our entrant must look and behave like a lascivious woman looking to meet a man and get laid. His poise, image and slutty sensuality must be good enough to get him to award us his salon. Most importantly our contestant must agree to spend the night with him at the Fairmont Hotel and submit to his every whim. In reality the Dutchman is trolling for a Sissy trollup that he could have his way with.”

I thought to myself ‘So far I don’t see a problem.’

Maxie: “If I’m to succeed I need background info about who Dutch is; what makes him tick, what to expect, what he likes, how I should act… I need a ‘tell’, something to give me an advantage.”

“Dutch is a rich gay man looking for a goodtime. When you first meet Dutch it will be obvious that young men are on his mind. His blond streaked hair, perfectly manicured (slightly tinted?) nails, tight fitting slacks, open necked colorful shirt, multiple gold neck chains and ‘swish’ demeanor will leave no doubt about his intentions. The lump in his pants and diamond ear studs are more of a calling card than a fashion statement. Don’t be intimidated.”

“Rumor has it that he likes his boys to wear pantyhose and call him Daddy.”

Convincing me or bribing me?

After a few cocktails they revealed the details of Dutch’s requests. I told them that the idea was oddly appealing. The ordeal would be like an extremely erotic, Las Vegas showgirl makeover; a makeover that would satisfy a nagging curiosity and provide me with a nice cash bonus. Some girls like me pay a lot of money for this extreme of a makeover. I didn’t mention that the sex I anticipated would be a bonus.

I decided to leverage the situation by being reluctant to quickly reply.

V & M upped their offer to me by telling me that I could keep all ‘evaluation’ clothes, makeup, shoes, and boots that Dutch had mandated. V & M would also pay me $5000 (in addition to Dutch’s $2000) IF they got ownership of Dutch’s salon and $2000 if we failed. “$7,000 is a big incentive to do well and win.”

Mel chimed in with, “We’ll also pay your way through a state-licensed cosmetology program and guaranty that you will get your license.”

All things combined it was an offer I couldn’t refuse; I now had options.

They agreed. I said yes.

Being the woman I am I was able to quickly rattle off all my sizes. Despite my detailed sizing information V &M took my measurements again. “We have a lot to gain and a lot to lose so we’re not taking any chances for a misstep Princess.”

When Vivian said, “We need to visit upscale thrift stores for some of your clothes” I frowned and countered with “I’d prefer new clothes from REAL stores or online stores. I don’t want to be the pretty Princess that goes to her first ball looking frumpy and out of style.”

To lighten the mood Mel replied, “Sorry Princess, you aren’t going to a ball, you are going to BE balled!”

Outwardly I cringed at Mel’s comment but inwardly I felt an exciting anticipation of things to come. The caldron of ‘Volcano Maxine’ was beginning to heat up and bubble.

Shopping list

Based on Dutch’s kinks and ‘suggestions’ we put together a basic list of what special items, undergarments, clothes, boots, and makeup we’d need. I said “Be sure we get a dozen ribbed condoms.”

“Ribbed condoms?” Viv asked.

“The condoms are for Dutch and the ribbing is for me. I have to get some fun out of this experience don’t I? Besides I want to see if I can pull one off of Dutch’s shaft without using my hands.”


V & M looked a bit startled at my openness.

“If you’ve not been on the receiving end of a ribbed ‘love glove’ you don’t know what you’re missing out on.” I smirked and added, “I could help you ladies experience the thrill of a ribbed rubber sometime, just ask.” They gave me two thumbs up.

What Dutch Wants?

The list included: 40 D breasts, long line bra, open bottom girdle, black PVC above the knee skirt, boots, heavy makeup, a ‘girl’ willing to submit to his needs. There were ways to earn ‘extra credit’ and that he would let his date know.

I told them, “I want two additional pairs of black and two additional pairs of red crotch-less Silky pantyhose for me and another set for Dutch.” My request took them by surprise but they agreed.

V & M were adamant about having two high quality wigs. For simplicity’s sake I advocated for just one wig. They reluctantly acquiesced.

The day before

I arrived at the salon with a positive attitude and a clean face. With L & M’s help, and without the heavy handed makeup that Dutch demanded, I began being outfitted in my dating regalia; it was an ordeal getting dressed in such constricting ‘gear’. We laughed our way through the process with the help of a martini or two but were glad when we finished. The results were both startling and exotic; big tittie Maxine in a mini skirt was far from reality. Mel made a point of capturing the process with her cell phone camera.

Without any makeup or wig my image looked bland so I asked them to use their cosmetology skills and do my face and hair in a more traditional feminine manner. To be less time consuming they used a curling iron on my natural hair; they added the sparkly chandelier earrings I would wear tomorrow. When they were done our consensus was “Wow”!

Before doing my acrylics we had another martini; we all felt relaxed. We decided yesterday that getting my acrylic nails done today would give me some experience with longer nails; a long nailed clumsy queen would be a deal breaker; it would also save time and stress tomorrow.

Since my nails would be a 90 minute process I sat in a comfortable overstuffed chair and watched as Mel worked her girly magic.

Mel gave me one inch long ‘rounded’ nails and then got creative with rhinestones and graphics. The 1 ½ hour process was worth it based on the beautiful results; it definitely was a feminine experience; I imagined I could feel my body being re-molded by my heavy duty bra and girdle.

Even if Dutch was not impressed I was; I found them to be erotic! I had a mental image of how Dutch or any boyfriend would respond to seeing these acrylic beauties wrapped around their cock; I longed to see them gripping my cock!

I made a mental note to indulge myself with pretty nails whenever possible or passable; working for V & M would solve that problem. The results were exceptionally ‘over-the-top’ gorgeous. Mel took more photos; some were for her portfolio to show clients.

I stood from the chair, flashed my new nails at them and we hugged. “Thank you ladies, you did a marvelous job; I’ll be sure to refer all my girlfriends to you.”

To also get used to the feel of the short blonde wig they fitted it to my head and did a quick styling; tomorrow they would spend more time on it. I found it exciting to be a blonde. “When I get home I’d love to try on a few more wigs!” They nodded, “Anything our Maxie wants” they collectively said.

We retreated to the living room for cocktails and a snack. We discussed how tomorrow would evolve. A limo was arriving for at 1 PM in order to get me to the Fairmont Hotel by 2 PM. Check-in was at 4 PM. Dutch had reservations for dinner at 5 PM, cocktails at 4 PM which would give Dutch ample time to show off his Sissy ‘date’.

We decided that if arrived at 8 AM it would give us five hours to prepare; have cocktails, get made-up, have cocktails and get dressed. Having my nails done today would give me more time tomorrow before having to face my fate.

It was agreed that I would phone Vivian, night or day, if Dutch agreed to sell his ‘The Woman Within’ beauty shop. Likewise, day or night, I was to call to be picked up from The Fairmont. “Don’t be afraid to ‘tap out’.

After a very busy and stressful day I returned home to get the rest I would need to accomplish my mission; “fuck or suck whatever it takes to get Dutch to sign the sales agreement.”

Final Exam Day

After a morning muffin and a cup of coffee I gave myself two enemas which is my usual procedure when I know I’m going to be fucked. As I showered I shaved myself baby smooth; I then shaved my legs and face. I put on panties and a satin dressing gown, grabbed my purse and left for the big event.

I showed up 30 minutes early in order to drink coffee and get in the right frame of mind before letting Vivian and Mel have their way with me. I made sure that my pubes were closely shaved and well tucked. I found myself anxious yet excited about the transformation I would have.

Viv and Mel thanked me again and again for agreeing to such a wild scheme in trying to acquire ‘The Woman Within’ salon. I had a vested interest in making it happen.

Panties and nylons – Viv sent me into an adjacent bedroom to put on my panties and pantyhose saying “I don’t need to see your junk this early in the day.” I donned red high waist French cut satin panties with a sexy rear access ‘portal’. L & M would help me later with my very controlling girdle and torso hugging long line bra. After slipping into a pair of black crotch-less panty hose I left the bedroom and briefly modeled my under layer pretties.


Mel handed me a short modesty slip. “You look like you are open and ready for business Maxine; good job.”


Before putting on any of my other clothes I sat in the beauty chair and Mel and Vivian begin the makeup process that would give me an image and persona I had never experienced before.

Face – I have a very light/reddish complexion and knowing how essential my facial makeup would be we used RCMA Crème stick foundation makeup. Sephora blush on my cheek bones went well with my lip color; the blush went all the way to my ear line. Using an eyeliner pencil Vivian created a fashion beauty mark that qualified as being ‘over-the-top’.


Full makeup and chandelier earrings

Eye brows – Mel fulfilled our goal of being ‘over-the-top’ when she penciled and brushed my eyebrows. My brows were dramatically stark.

Eye lids – Mel used 3 shades of eye shadow beginning with a dark emerald-blue shadow next to my lash line; then a softer blue color and finishing with silver up to the eyebrow line. She spent a lot of time with an eyeliner pen. Sensing I was startled at her results Mel said, “Dutch wants an over-the-top ‘working girl’ look; I believe this meets that standard.”

Eye lashes – we first applied a heavy amount of Maybelline eyeliner above and below lash lines. This was followed by oversized Ardell ‘Studio Effect Wispies’ false eyelashes that required Duo eyelash glue.

Lips – I LOVE wearing lipstick! Mel used Merle Norman lip liner to outline my lips and then colored my lips with a generous amount of Burgundy plumping lipstick. I’m sure Dutch would have preferred true ‘cock-pillows’ for our date. Mel used a lip liner that was a shade darker color than my lipstick and made my lips appear fuller.

The wig - It was time for the wig we had agreed upon. I had chosen the blonde wig.

With Vivian’s help I tucked my shoulder length atop my head and pulled a silk mesh wig cap on. The cap would make my wig more secure and make wearing my new ‘hair’ easier. Vivian began fitting the wig to my head.

My wig was a shoulder length layered style with blonde highlights, bangs and a bit of a flip; Mel styled it so my dangling chandelier sequin earrings would standout. After a minimum amount of brushing and styling they said it was time for me to see how things looked.


(This is the Peacock Blue blouse I wore for my date with Dutch.)

When I got out of the salon chair we took a few minutes and a glass of wine to relax before beginning to get dressed in the manner that Dutch had specified. V & M took photos.
Foundation garments

My 40 D long line bra was Spandex framed with comfortable 1 inch camisole straps and three inch 360 degree waist panels to prevent riding up. My big tittie breast bra had 8 hooks in the rear that were beyond my ability; I needed help in getting it hooked up. I knew I could never escape its snug confines by myself; feeling ‘trapped’ was naughtily erotic. Would Dutch release me from my feminine bondage? How could we have sex? Must I sleep with them on? Such thoughts were troubling. My bra and girdle were black.

Girdle: My extra firm open-bottom girdle with 15 inch side boning was a blend of nylon and Lycra with a power mesh tummy band. A hidden right side zipper made putting it on easier. While the floral lace accents on the front made me feel sexy the stiff boning on the front, rear and sides that would prevent ride up, made me feel trapped in the firm grasp of an erotic fetish! To avoid ruining my acrylic nails Vivian helped me with my girdle. Would Dutch be so kind in the morning?

For me overly constricting foundation garments were like self-inflicted bondage; there was no way that I would be able to release myself from their tight grip; I would be helplessly trapped and at the mercy of others; I found the situation to be unexpectantly arousing; I yearned to have a moment in which to seek relief.

Blouse – My blouse was a Peacock Blue satin with long sleeves and a button up collar and sleeves.

Skirt - a shiny black PVC above the knee mini skirt; skirts were fairly short because they said I had great legs - a contrasting silver Concho belt was good accent.

Boots – Finding stylish size 11 knee high leather riding boots with a 4 inch heel was a problem. By sheer good fortune we found a pair of knee high Bernini pointed toed dress boots in my size on-line. Their 3 inch heels would make my night much easier than 4 inch spikes.
After I was fully dressed Vivian and Melanie escorted me to the shop’s full length mirror; I marveled at my refection. I hoped that Dutch would deem me beautiful and worthy of being fucked. I wished he was beside me staring into the mirror because the process and my image had put me in the mood to be with a man. I struggled mentally to minimize the spontaneous erection that screamed for release.

More photos and a video were taken. Vivian said that photos of the three of us would make excellent Christmas cards and/or marketing brochures.


I was embarking on an important mission whose success was critical to the future of Vivian, Melanie and myself; I was determined to bring my “A” game. If being an actress, slut or fellatrice would contribute to the mission’s success it was ok with me.

My luggage consisted of a medium sized suitcase, a small suitcase and an empty wig case. My makeup bag, ribbed condoms, mouth wash, makeup remover and lube were in the bag. The limo driver put everything in the trunk.

Vivian, Melanie and I entered Dutch’s limo at 1 PM. We helped ourselves to the open bar in the back area and made dirty martinis. “Driver, be so kind as to not arrive until we’ve finished our second beverage please” I asked.


We three ladies made nervous conversation about inconsequential things in an effort to remain calm. We had just finished cocktail number two when the driver pulled under the Fairmont portico and parked. We could see Dutch waiting at the front entrance. Our driver walked around the limo and opened our door; “Ladies you have arrived” he announced. It was 2 PM.

Before stepping out of the limo we finished our cocktail, held hands, closed our eyes and thought good thoughts for a moment; we prayed for things to go well and for me to be safe. As we were exiting the limo Mel said, “Maxine, I put a half dozen Valium in your purse just in case you need one.” I smiled and said, “You’re so sweet… thank you.”

I grabbed my purse, our driver extended his hand and assisted the three of us out of the limo; he retrieved my luggage from the trunk and loaded it on a shiny brass hotel luggage cart. Knowing that two of us would be returning home our driver closed the door and waited unobtrusively nearby.

The limo driver had called ahead and Dutch greeted us at the limo drop off area. We wanted him to be aware that I had friends that were looking out for me. We girls faced each other, spoke briefly and kissed good bye as Dutch watched. Viv and Mel would not get back into the limo until I was whisked inside the hotel. Just before entering the hotel I turned and waved to my friends and business partners.

While my luggage was being brought to hotel check-in Dutch took the opportunity to inspect the ‘goods’ he had ordered. “Very nice” was his comment. “Same for you” I said; Dutch was not an unattractive man.

Dutch hugged me and gave me a prolonged kiss to establish that he was the ‘top’ in our relationship. His hands evaluated my butt and the firmness of my bra and girdle as he held me tightly; I dared not resist his amorous intentions. I was curious as to how this situation would play out. I cupped his crotch, felt his firmness and kissed him back with equal passion. Dutch seemed surprised at my touching.

He looked me in the eye and said, “Your nails are nice”. I smiled, pressed my pudenda against his leg and lightly traced the length of his crotch bump with my acrylic nails. Perhaps getting Dutch to turnover his salon to us may not be as difficult as we three girls had thought. ‘Whatever it takes’ I thought.

He smiled lasciviously and quipped “We’re in for an exciting night, Peaches”. I nudged him sharply with my elbow and sternly said, “My name is Maxine!”

With his arm around my waist and one hand cupping my ass Dutch steered me to the front desk. The Fairmont had an impressive aura of opulence. I knew the suite would be equally pleasing as would the king size bed.

Check in

At check-in a very well dressed Assistant Manager directed one of his staff to bring my trousseau and Dutch’s bag to our suite; from a distance the Assistant Manager looked vaguely familiar to me. His voice brought back distant memories of years past. I smiled at the recollection and asked, “Are you going to summer camp this year?”

Taken aback by my odd question the man turned to face me; a lapel name tag confirmed he was my “Troy” from summer camp. It took a moment for Troy to see through my makeup and recognize me. “Maxie, I still have dreams of you!” he exclaimed. His smile told me that it was true.

Before Troy could come from behind the check-in counter for a hug and a kiss I discretely pointed at Dutch and gave Troy the ‘hush and be calm’ gesture. I mouthed a silent ‘I’m with a date’ admonition, winked and blew him a subtle kiss. Troy nodded his acknowledgement, flashed me a smile and winked back. He also licked his lips.

While looking directly at me Troy asked in a professional manner, “Is there anything else we can do for the lady during your stay with us?”

“If we need room service later will it be you that brings champagne to our room?” I asked.
Troy handed me his business card; “Here’s my direct phone number Maxie. Just call.” I nodded my head, took his card, and placed it my purse.

As Dutch and I made our way to the trendy hotel cocktail lounge I wondered if Dutch would find having a third person in our suite ‘over-the-top’ erotic enough to secure his signature on the salon transfer document.

Over cocktails and a bar menu sampler platter of snacks I conveyed to Dutch the special skills that Troy had. Halfway through our second cocktail Dutch decided to cancel our restaurant reservations and have room service bring dinner to our suite. “I’ll make the arrangements now” he said.

Prior to leaving for the front desk Dutch (so he could arrange dinner, champagne and maybe Troy) leaned over and gave me a prolonged kiss on the lips; he made a point of using his tongue. Meanwhile, under the table, his hand sensuously stroked my inner thigh and panties; if he was feeling for my boy-bits he struck out. I gripped his probing hand between my legs and kissed him back making sure to use a bit of tongue.

When I was finished kissing him I released his hand and as coquettishly as possible purred “Hurry back, Daddy.” When Dutch finally excused himself and left to make our arrangements I could clearly see that his boy-bulge was definitely more pronounced. I was well pleased at my effect on him. ‘Act One’ was over.

On purpose I was reapplying my lipstick when Dutch returned. I greeted him with, “I’m trying to stay pretty for you, darling.” He sat down and we sipped our Cosmopolitan cocktails. Dutch said we would order our meal downstairs at the restaurant and then go up to our suite to get “better acquainted” while we waited for room service. “After the wait staff clears our suite I’m having a couple bottles of cold Champagne brought up. Troy says you’ll recognize the vintage”.

Jump forward

After kissing like newlyweds in the elevator we got to our room around 4 PM. When our food arrived around 5 PM Dutch had to put his pants on before answering the door; I had to freshen up my makeup and lipstick.

We were finished with our steak and lobster dinner by 6 PM; my girdle and long-line bra kept me from overeating. Less than 30 minutes finishing our meal all dinnerware had been picked up and our suite was back to normal; the night was still young. Not long afterwards there was a knock on our door. A muffled voice on the other side of the door announced that our Champagne had arrived.

I looked at Dutch, flashed a pouty kissy face smile and shrugged, “Before you open the door you need to ask yourself how much of an ‘over-the-top’ evening do you want Daddy?” Dutch smiled at the nick name I had called him. This was a ‘tell’ that I would use again. I would play the submissive ‘young twink’ role to his ‘I’m the top’ dominant Alfa male façade.

“While I am explain things to room service go put on the negligee and peignoir set I bought for you. It’s hanging in the closet. I think you’ll approve. Take your time; touch up your makeup while Troy and I have a talk.”

As I headed to our bedroom Dutch added, “Leave the pantyhose on.” His words were not a request. As I was doing what Dutch said I tried to recall Troy’s special desires.

I was thrilled with the sexy black boudoir ensemble that Daddy had bought for me; there was also a delicious pair of matching mules with a five inch heel. I gleefully put them on and minced to the vanity mirror for makeup touchup. The way I had to walk in them made me feel like a newly minted simpering Sissy. Perhaps once I get used to them I’ll walk as easily as an experienced pole dancer.


I heard the popping of the champagne cork which was my cue for me to return to Daddy’s presence. When I went to the sitting area of the suite I made a point to play the role of a coquettish ingénue. I was in heat and my ‘cauldron’ was bubbling nicely. Even though I knew that Troy and Dutch would have their way with me I felt I was in control. ‘Act Two’ was over.

Jump forward

Shortly after 3 AM Saturday morning I took a break from very steamy activities. I went to the living room of our suite and called Vivian.

V - Why are you calling so early? Are you okay? Do you want us to pick you up right now?

Me - Good news, the ‘Maxie volcano’ erupted, lava flowed freely and my ‘rear access’ panties were a big hit with everyone; I’m now your Facilities Maintenance Manager for two salons!

V - How did you get him to sign?

Me - First I had to repeatedly take and pleasure his 8 inch penis in every way imaginable and let him watch Troy thrust into me with a ribbed condom. Dutch would only sign the contract if I agreed to comply with one caveat. He’s a sexual beast for god sakes!

V - And what my darling have “we” agreed to?

Me - Daddy says I must spend two weeks with him as Maxine, in normal makeup and clothing, once a year.

V - He actually asked for that!? Viv exclaimed.

Me - No Viv, that was my idea. Dutch is a very generous pussy cat; unlike some dates Daddy was gentle with me. He wants me to meet a few of his Florida friends.

Wait until you see the black satin negligee, peignoir and mule set he bought me! Daddy made me keep my pantyhose on! (I must have sounded like a ditzy teenage girl.)

Me - I’m sore in places that have never been sore before, my jaw aches, my lips are chapped and I’m seeping! Men can be so demanding when they’re in the rutting season.

V - Oh?

Me - It’s a long ‘over-the-top’ story; I’ll explain everything when I get back. My ‘rear access’ panties and crotch-less pantyhose were a big hit! I was able to get Dutch and Troy into pantyhose; they loved the feel of their nylons rubbing and slipping against each other; it made their man-on-man humping sessions more erotic.

We drank Champagne, showered, soaped, sucked and fucked to our hearts content. I had to remove one acrylic nail to help seal the deal.

V - Let me guess… right hand, middle finger?

Me - Exactly! It was the only safe way I could safely rub their prostate glands. My prostate got beautifully massaged in a way that didn’t involve fingers and I enjoyed another anal orgasm from Troy; my crotch less panty hose and rear access panties were a big hit; we were all glad I was wearing them.

V - Who is this Troy person that you mentioned?

Me -Troy had a lot to do with getting Dutch to agree. We wanted ‘over-the-top’ and Troy was definitely ‘it’; you might say that Dutch got a ‘twofer’. Seeing Troy giving head to Daddy was so damn erotic I thought I would burst! I’ll share the details with you and Mel when I get home.

V - Anything else we should know about Missy?

Me - Dutch and Troy removed my fake breasts and girdle to give them access to my boy-bits and tits; both were nursing my breasts at the same time! It’s a good thing that Troy brought Viagra because they both want to be on the receiving end of a ribbed condom while wearing crotch-less pantyhose.

V - Will you be able to give them what they want?

Me - It’s been awhile but I’m sure it will all come back to me. Besides my body parts and I are anxious for a new type of action; being the ‘top’ after so many years will be fun!

V - What time are you coming home on Sunday?

Me - I’ll let you know Monday morning. In the meantime Troy’s arranged for new bed sheets and a room service champagne brunch for later today and then Dutch is taking us to a swanky dinner tonight. After that I need my beauty sleep, right?

V - Are you sure Dutch didn’t say you all were going to a “skanky” dinner?

We laughed at her humor. I hung up and lay back on the bed, two wrapped condoms in my hand, and took time to reflect on how very odd life can be.

Troy and Daddy’s voices calling for me from the bedroom brought me back to the present. I was going to give them both a good “ribbing”; Troy was going to be my bitch again! Sharon from my young girl days was right, I was doing fine! ‘Act Three’ would be starting soon… or would the next few hours be considered an ‘Encore’?

END (of a beginning)

Special thanks go out to the REAL Maxine that inspired this story. “Stay pretty Princess, your Sorority Sister in life, Donna T.”

To read my other 35 CD/TV/TG stories do a 'Search by Author'. Several are PG, sentimental, promote acceptance and feature the door-to-door Avon Sales Ladies from years ago. Take a walk at Paradise Cove or enjoy a Womanless Beauty Pageant. Be sure to leave a “hello” in the comments/review area. Thanks; stay pretty! Donna.


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