Not Like Other Girls - Finale

Emily Berrigan is a 23 year old transwoman who hasn't seen her twin in six years. Why? Because her parents threw her out when she told them who she really was. Now, her older sister Stephanie is getting married and wants Emily there - as a bridesmaid. Will sparks fly?

Stephanie is married. Will everyone live happily after? I know it’s been a while since I posted. Don’t you hate when real life gets in the way?

The wedding was winding down and Emily, Stef, Jordan and Liam stood waiting. “I dunno,” Jordan said to Liam, “they said come here, so I came.”

“Your dad told me there was a big surprise,” Em said, “but he wouldn't say what.”

“Why didn't you say something?” Jordan looked annoyed.

“I assumed dad told you, sorry. Anyway, what do you think it is?”

Stef stood smiling. “Do you know something? You know something! I can't believe you know something and didn't tell me, us!”

Before Stef could answer, Uncle Rob and her father came over, her father saying, “So, I bet you're all wondering why we called you here.”

Before anyone could say anything, he continued, “Well, you all know how busy Rob has been since he got over the wall,” which made him laugh.

Rob took over. “And your dad said to himself, ‘he's doing really well, I bet I could mess that up if I really tried…’”

“So, we decided to give it a shot. We figured I was much better at actually doing real work and so I would be the guy managing projects while Rob here will do what he's always been best at, BSing people while other people actually got dirty.”

Liam looked at them, “So Uncle Doug is gonna work for you?”

Rob laughed, “No, no, no. I like my employees happy and I can't afford to have him mess that up. Seriously though, and Stef helped us figure it out, he's going to provide project management services through a joint venture agreement.”

Emily and Jordan looked at Stef. “You knew about this?” Jordan said.

“And didn't tell us?” Em added.

Stef smiled, “Attorney-client privilege. I couldn't.”

“I can't believe you. You knew this and you didn't tell us.”

Uncle Rob laughed, “Here's where you say congratulations, that's amazing, something like that.”

Em smiled, “Ohmigosh, I'm so sorry. This is so amazing. Does this mean you'll be coming out too?” She hugged both of them and heard snickering. Go home, she thought, you made your appearance, go home.

Her father smiled, “Eventually. Right now, I'm going to handle here and Wisconsin. Once I decide it's working, I'll let Rob know and then I'll come out.”

Rob rolled his eyes. “Eventually, I'll bring him out, see how his charm works in California.”

Liam looked at them, “So when are you telling them?”

Doug smiled, “We have a meeting,” the word dripping with scorn, “Monday night. I think Monday night is a perfect night fordropping bombs.”

Jordan grinned, “You know, project management in the real world is not the same as a family business. There are different expectations. Are you sure you're up for it?”

“Shut up, Jor,” Stef laughed, “it's going to be great. They got great legal advice. If they fail, they have no one to blame but themselves.” Everyone laughed. “Please film them when you tell them…or at least record it,” then, “we're all really proud and excited, you know that.”

Her dad kissed her on the head. “Thanks, Steffie. Now all of you go back to whatever. They're looking over here.”

Emily looked at him. “I am really proud of you too.”

She could her father pause for a second, willing himself not to look back. Then, he kissed her on the forehead.

Stephanie was finally able to sit for a few minutes, having spent her day going from table to table, she and Jared being reminded that, ‘the last time I saw you, you were four.’ Uh huh, OK, I don’t remember you but whatever, she’d think, then put on a fake smile, ‘Well, I’m so glad you made it today. Thanks for sharing our special day,’ people I will never see again.

She kicked off her shoes when Uncle Rob and Aunt Jeannie came over. “Mind if we sit?”. Stef smiled and spread her arms.

Jeannie looked at her feet, “I remember that feeling. They look really good but by the end, all you want is them off.”

Stef laughed, “Oh yeah. I’m glad I brought tennis shoes for the afterparty. Anyway, I’m so glad you were here.”

Uncle Rob laughed, “Like we would miss it, like we’d be allowed to miss it,” then, seriously, "Thank you.”

Stef smiled, “For what? I wasn’t going to invite you? Oh, you mean, for the legal work? Anything to get him away from them…”

Rob looked at her. “No, although thanks for that too. You know what.”

It took Stef a second, “No.”

“No?” Aunt Jeannie said.

“Yeah, no. I should be thanking you, so thank you.”

Rob put his hand on her shoulder. “No, Stef. Thank you. She’s who she is because of what you did for her.”

“Whatever, fine, sure, but you guys have been really amazing to her, for all of us. You got them back together.”

Rob laughed and looked over at Emmy, deep in conversation with Max, a friend of Stef’s who had taken Em to an acting class at Michigan, the first time she ever said out loud that her pronouns were ‘she’ and ‘her.’ “Nope, that’s you.”

She laughed, “Because I stopped talking to her?”

“No. Because you made her able to stand up to her.”

Stef felt herself get warm. “Fine, we should all be thanking each other and my parents should be thanking us,” she laughed. “Deal?”

“Fine,” Jeannie said. “More importantly, thank you for seating us with normal people,” Stef put them at a table with some of Jared’s parents’ friends and cousins.

“Please,” she laughed, “it was the least I could do for you.” Just then, her cousin Kevin’s girlfriend staggered past Emmy and Max. Stef could see her mouth ‘fags,’ and felt her blood boiling.

Uncle Rob looked at Stef. “Kev better put a ring on that. Prize like her is going to get snapped up if he doesn’t do something soon,” then, “asshole ground zero, you know.”

“How did we end up so normal?”

Jeannie looked at her and Rob. “If you two are normal, god help us.”

Emmy and Max were talking and Emmy looked at him. “So is the Disney Cruise job any good?”

Max, who had graduated from SMTD, Michigan’s theater school, was playing Lumiere on a Disney Cruise out of Orlando.

He sighed, “Well, the money is good and I’ve been all over the Caribbean. And you don’t work really except at night. It’s fine but it’s not exactly what I dreamed of.”

“Still,” Emmy said, “it pays.”

“I guess,” then a smile crossed his face, “now that no one else is here, did your mom seriously ask you about your boobs?” He knew what Emily's birth certificate originally said, Stef and Arden having told him, so that he'd keep a close eye on her when they went to class.

Emily started laughing, “I was like please tell me I’m hallucinating or I died and this is what happens.”

He kept grinning, “So?”

Emily laughed, “Max!” She paused, then laughed, “Hormones, genetics and luck. All mine.”

“And?” Now he was leering.

Now she was laughing harder. “Um, is this the first time you've ever wondered what’s in a pair of panties, Max? Anyway, snip, snip, bye bye.”

He smiled, “Good for you. I told you before, you look amazing.”

“Thanks. So do you.”

“Do you remember that guy on the Diag?” The guy in question was a frat boy, 6’3”, gorgeous and muscular, who probably would’ve killed them for looking at him.

Em smiled, “Oh yeah.”

“And you and that guy at the party? The one who swallowed your face, I heard.”

“You never kissed him,” she laughed. “You’re coming to the afterparty, right?”

“Of course.” Just then, Em’s cousin Trevor walked past and bumped her. ‘Oops, sorry,’ he snickered. “Please tell me they aren’t coming.”

“Stef would have a conniption if they did. Thankfully, they are going back under their rock now. I don’t know why they were here, except they thought they had to be. This is just the fun people. Stef says it’s a really cool place in Old Town, I’m excited.”

Just then, Arden walked over, “So what are you two talking about?”

“Well, we were talking about Emily’s lady parts at first, but then we were talking about you and Alex.”

Em laughed, “You’re right Max. They would make an absolutely adorable couple.”

“Oh, Alex, let me run my fingers through your Jewy hair.”

Arden laughed, “You need to stop hanging around him, Emmy. He’s a bad influence. He corrupted me,” memories of an SMTD party coming back to her, “and now he’s trying to corrupt you for his own immoral purposes.”

Just then, Stef came over. “What’s so funny?”

Before Em or Arden could speak, “Well, it’s not funny but the feral sexual passion between Arden and Alex. Quite frankly, when they were dancing that first dance like this,” and he took Emily and held her at arms length, “I, for one, had to drink some ice water.”

Stef looked at him and laughed, “I love you, Max. Anyway, I need Emmy and Arden to help me get out of this dress and into my afterparty dress. I’d invite you but I'm afraid that this,” and she waved her hands up and down herself, “might drive you to the other side and I'm married, y’know.”

They got into the bridal room and Emily unzipped Stef, who let the dress fall to the floor and then stepped carefully out of it. “Thanks, Ems. So you guys had a good time?”

Arden looked at her. “Yes, Mrs. Gauss, thank you for having me, Mrs. Gauss.”

Stef laughed, “Shut up. I’m serious. No drama?”

Em rolled her eyes, almost bringing up the bathroom and then stopping herself, “No more than I expected, y’know. Stupid comments here and there. It doesn’t matter, I’m hoping that’s the last time I ever see them.”

“You sure?”

Emily smiled, “I’m sure, Steffie. Anyway, where’s your other dress?” She looked around and opened up the garment bag. Inside was a white slip midi dress, and she took it out. “Am I like your lady in waiting or something?”

Stef looked at her. “Yeah, that’s it.”

Arden gave a chuckle. “What do you figure, if you wear white, people will buy you drinks or something?”

“I think it’s cute,” Emmy piped in. “Anyway, this was so much fun and it was so great to see Max and everyone.”

“I’m glad you had a good time. Seriously, there were no problems?”

Em debated what to say then decided Stef was entitled to silence, “No, I told you before. I used to let them get to me because I wanted them to like me. Now?” And she blew a raspberry.

Em began undressing, carefully hanging up her dress, then putting on a blue mini dress she had seen with her mother, and ballet flats. Stef smiled, remembering the first time Emmy wore a dress, how she stumbled in the heels for a few seconds before she took to them like a duck to water. “This looks good, right?”

Arden laughed, “Ohmigod, you really are little Laura, aren’t you?”

“Shut up! I am not.”

Just then, someone knocked on the door. “Mind if we come in?” It was her mother, grandmother and aunt. Her grandmother stopped, and looked between her daughters and Emily. “She is really your daughter, Laura.”

Arden laughed, “Told you.”

“K, stop,” Emmy said.

Laura looked Stef up and down and grinned, “I like this dress.”

Stef looked at Aunt Jackie, then smiled, “So this all stops tomorrow morning, right? I don’t know if I can handle all the compliments you’ve given me today, very confusing,” and then she kissed her mother on the cheek, “thanks, mom.”

“You’re welcome.” Then, Laura laughed, “See mom, that’s what you say.” She turned to her daughters and Arden, “Grandma Linda looked at me at my wedding and said, “I’m not sure I like your hair.’”

Jackie looked at them and winked. “I pulled a muscle holding her back. Anyway, Steffie, you looked absolutely gorgeous and this was perfect, even though,” and she smiled at her sister, “probably because you did it yourself.”

Her grandmother laughed, “That’s enough. We’ll let you finish getting ready.” She kissed both of her granddaughters, “You both looked gorgeous, you too Arden.”
As the wedding wound down, everyone was planning how to get to the afterparty back in Chicago.

“Can I go,” Liam asked.

Aunt Jeannie looked at him. “We’re not going. How do you plan to get back home?”

“I, uh,” and then he just grumbled.

Laura looked at Jeannie. “We can take him back tomorrow.” She and Doug weren’t coming to the afterparty but didn’t want to drive back after such a long day. “We’ll bring him back after breakfast.”

“Cool. Thanks Aunt Laura.”

Rob looked at him. “Where do you plan to stay?”
Jared and Alex were standing nearby. “He can crash with me,” Alex said, “since I think my roomie will be otherwise occupied,” and everyone laughed. “Sorry, Doug,” who just grinned and went ‘la la la.’

“Thanks, Alex.”

Rob looked at him. “You have a flight tomorrow, remember?” He was flying back to LA with Emily in the early afternoon.

“Grrr…fine. Thanks anyway, Alex.”

Rob winked at Jeannie, “Which is why we put your stuff in the car. Come and get it.”

Liam pumped his fist and went off to get his stuff with his father.

Emily, Stef and Arden came out. Jeannie looked at Emily, “I told Liam he could go to the afterparty. I don’t need to tell…”

Emily smiled, “Of course you don’t. I won’t let him get stupid, well, not too stupid.”

Jeannie kissed her. “Thanks, sweetie.”
Jordan and Kira were standing hand in hand, waiting for the valet to pull around the truck and talking to Jared’s cousin. As the valet pulled up with the cousin's car, Jordan heard a ‘humph,’ from behind. They turned to face Aunt Karen and their cousin Kayla. “Hi, Aunt Karen. Did you have a good time?”

“First, your brother shows up in a dress and now,” and she looked down at Jordan and Kira holding hands.

“Mom,” Kayla mumbled, “stop.”

“No, I will not stop. Molly,” she sneered, “and Christopher embarrassed our family enough before and now this.”

Kira saw the vein in the side of Jordan's head pulsing and gripped their hand.

Kayla looked at them, “Sorry, Jordan.”

Jordan took a deep breath, “It's fine, Kayla,” then, “I'm sorry I haven't seen you the past couple of years. I hope it's nothing I said.”

Kayla laughed a little, and watched as Trev and P.J. stumbled out. She looked at her mother and raised her eyebrows.

“Are you two amusing yourselves? Because, Jordan, I imagine your father won't be amused Monday morning,” and she grinned.

Jordan took a deep breath, then another. “I don't follow.”

Now the grin turned evil. “I think you do. You and Christopher seem to think you can pretend to be whatever it is you think you are but, quite frankly, our family doesn't appreciate being embarrassed.” P.J. punctuated his aunt’s sentence by puking in a bush. “And that your father allowed it has made your grandfather question whether he should still be representing the company.” Kayla just mumbled, ‘Jesus, ma, you're unbelievable.’

The truck pulled up and Kira, glaring at Karen, said, “Let's just go, Jor.”

Jordan took another deep breath, then smiled. “That's really interesting, Aunt Karen. I mean, I know, for a fact, that his crews finish faster and more under budget than Uncle Kevin's or Uncle Pete's. I also know that last week, he had to go over to Bensenville and prevent Kev's framers from quitting because he's a jerk. And I know he kept that RFP open in Du Page after Uncle Pete started talking politics to the woman from the county,” and they held Kira’s hand, “and her wife. I'm also fairly sure that whatever decision was made was made the minute they saw Em and me, so nothing else that happened today really made a difference. Whatever will be, will be. My dad will land on his feet. If it was Uncle Kevin, I'm not so sure. Anyway, my truck is here, so it was great seeing you. Have a good night!”

They pulled away and Kira leaned over and kissed them, “I am so proud of you, Jor.”

Jordan exhaled and banged the steering wheel, “What a bitch! What a fucking bitch!”

“She is. But your dad is leaving…”

“That's not the point. Who the fuck does she think she is? It's not her company, she didn't do anything, it's the family's…”

“Jor, you know what? I hope your grandfather does say something and I hope, without your dad, the company goes bankrupt.”

Jordan felt their blood pressure go up and took three breaths the way the sports psychologist had taught them. “Don't say that. I don't want that.”

“Why not? After everything they've said and done?”

They resented the question, she didn't understand what it meant. “Because there's guys on the crew and women in the office and stuff who depend on the paycheck. Because whether my grandfather and all of them are assholes, those people work really hard and I don't want them to have to look for work, k?”

Kira looked down, then said, “Can I hope for a really bad accident on their way back? And your aunt really has to go to the bathroom, poop?”

Jordan laughed, “A really loose, wet one.”

“Are you twelve?”

“You started.”

“Anyway, I don't know who sold her that dress but they are not her friends. Her ass looked huge.”

Jordan laughed, “Don't blame the dress, my mom always says about her. It's just fabric. Her ass makes her ass look huge.”

The party was on the top floor of a three story bar in Old Town, the downstairs being open to the public. A DJ played music, and Emily worked up a sweat dancing with one of Jared’s college friends and then Brooke, Stef and Arden.
After an hour, Em wiped her forehead with a napkin and took a sip of her Moscow Mule, grateful for the flats, although her Nikes would have been better. Emily and Brooke went downstairs to get some cool air and to go to the bathroom.

They were leaving the bathroom when they heard, “Brooke?”

Brooke turned around, “Oh my god, Niamh! How are you?” She turned to Emily, “Emily, this is Niamh, she was best friends with my best friend Lily’s younger sister.”

Emily put out her hand, “Hi, I'm Emily Berrigan. I'm Brooke's, as of a few hours ago, sister-in-law. Are we sisters-in-law, or is Stef just your sister-in-law and Jared my brother-in-law? Well, anyway, my sister married her brother,” and the other two women laughed, “and it's great to meet you.”

Niamh smiled and said, ‘it's nice to meet you too,’ then, “What are you guys doing here?”

“The after party is upstairs, you can come up, have a drink. Anyway, what are you doing here?”

“It was my parents’ 30th, we went to dinner, they went home, my brother and I decided to hang out, we don't see each other, blah blah.”

Brooke nodded and said, “Where is he?”

Niamh shrugged, “I think he knows the owner from college or something.” Then, “Oh, there he is. Hey, Dunc, over here,” she waved.

Emily froze. She should have realized it. How many Niamhs could there be in Northbrook? He was wearing a blue button down shirt, tight in the shoulders, black khakis and boots.

Then, he saw her and smiled, “Of all the bars in Chicago...”.

She looked down and smiled. “Hey.”.

As Brooke was saying, ‘do you two know…’ Stef came down the stairs, “I was wondering what happ…” Then, she grinned. Fuck, Em thought, aren't you tired? Can't this be the one time you don't notice something?

Niamh grinned. “Hi, I'm Niamh Connell! You must be Stephanie! Congratulations,” then, to Duncan's hissed, ‘don't,’ “Oh, where are my manners? This is my brother, Duncan!”

Stef grinned cheesily, “This couldn't be…”

In an exaggeratedly happy voice, “Yes, it could!”

“Isn't this just such a great surprise? And on my wedding day, no less? Isn't this great, Emmy?” Emmy looked at Duncan, who looked like he wanted to burrow through the wall - after he killed his sister.

Brooke said, “Is there something here I'm missing?”

Before Em could speak, Niamh grinned, “Emily used to date my brother, when he was in LA!”
“Really? That's amazing!”

Emily, in an effort to gain some control, came up with, “Niamh is applying to med school.”

Stef, in a faux-shocked voice, “That is unbelievable! My maid of honor, Arden, is in residency!”

Brooke, now grinning too, “And Jared's best man is doing an oncology fellowship!” Traitor, Emily thought.

Niamh kept grinning, while Duncan contemplated death - hers or his, it didn't matter, “This is a really big ask, especially at your wedding, and of course you can say no, but do you think…”

Stef looked at Emily, “You could talk to Arden and Alex? Of course! I know,” and she grinned at Em, “Arden would love to talk shop.”

“And Alex would be angry if he didn't get to meet you too. Right, Stef?” Brooke added.

Niamh looked at Duncan, who kept muttering, ‘dead, you are dead,’ and said, “We don't want to bore you guys though, so we'll just go upstairs. Come up whenever.” Em had never heard ‘whenever,’ said with a leer.

The three women went upstairs, giggling. Duncan rolled his eyes, “Subtle. Very subtle.”

Em smiled softly, “I don't care about them. How have you been? How's the restaurant?”

“Busy, really busy. It's work, sleep, work sleep.” He took her hand and she felt his calluses rubbing her palm and smiled.

Em took a breath, “Are you seeing anyone?” Please say no.

“Nope,” he smiled, “You?”

“Nope. Not me either.”

“That's good. I mean, unless you want to.”

She moved closer to him and looked up at him, “Not yes, not no.”

He put his hands on her hips. “Is this ok?” She just smiled and put her hands on his shoulders.

“I've missed you,” he said.

“Me too, I mean I've missed you too.” She had almost forgotten how kind his eyes were.

“So, I'm going to kiss you, if that's ok.” She nodded and leaned in, as he opened her mouth with his tongue. Tongues intertwined, they kissed for an eternity.

When they pulled apart, she looked at him. “God, I've missed that,” then kicked herself for being so open.

“Me too,” then, “I saw your commercial.”

She couldn't imagine where, since his network TV consumption consisted of sports. “Where?”

“In the TV over the bar at lunch. You were really good. I totally believed you as a waitress.”

“Ha ha. Anyway, so how's being sous chef?”

“Like I said, busy. But I'm getting involved in all facets of the business.”

“Do you think your finance degree helps?”

“In pulling apart two angry dishwashers?” He laughed.

“Shut UP, I meant on the business side,” then, “anyway, I'm going to kiss you again…if that's ok.” He pulled her in and the world faded away, leaving only them.

They just kept staring at each other, until they heard, ‘ahem.’ Em turned around to face Arden. She glared at her. Take the hint, she hopefully said with her eyes.

She failed. “Hi, I'm Dr. Arden Winnick. I just had to come down here and tell you how great your sister is.”

Duncan looked at her. “Uh huh. That's great, thanks for talking to her.”

Emily kept staring at her, wondering where sisterhood was. Clearly not here, since she was. “Yup, Niamh is great, thank you for coming down to tell him, you don't want to be rude to her and stay too long here.”

Arden leaned on the bannister and smirked, “Aren't you going to introduce us? I know your mom raised you better than that.”

Emily sighed. “Duncan Connell, Arden Winnick, Arden, Duncan. Arden was Stef’s maid of honor and is like another sister.”

He smiled and put out his hand, “Hi, it's great to meet you. Emily always said how great you were.”

“Mmm hmmm.” Arden kept smiling.

“Is there something else?” Besides getting in my way, Emily thought.

She came over and whispered in Emily's ear, “I'll leave you alone and keep Max away.” Max wouldn't block me like that, Emily thought.

As Arden went back upstairs, Duncan looked at her, “So how did it go with your parents?” She could see him tense up and it made her smile.

“We're better now. I actually speak to them kinda regularly and everything.”


“Yeah, my dad actually came around first. Think he knows how fucked up his family is and didn't want that for us. And she's apparently been seeing a shrink and dealing with all this.”

“That's really good.” His eyes widened, “They're not here, are they? Or your aunt and uncle, right?”

She laughed, “Relax, don't worry. My parents are at the hotel, and my aunt and uncle are back in Dekalb. Liam and Jordan are upstairs but they, unlike some people, won't come down here.” She paused, “Why don't we move away from here, just in case?”

They found a corner and Duncan smiled, “Where were we?”

“Hmmm, I think we were discussing movies.” He shook his head. “Music?” He shook his head again. “Not sports, yuck,” she giggled. He put his hands around her waist. “My goodness, do you think I'm the sort of girl who would just kiss some random guy in a bar?”


“Well, I never…Have to start sometime, though.” They kissed again, his hands on her ass. He backed her up onto the wall.

She saw a man come over and tap Duncan on the shoulder, and she felt her face flush. The man smiled, “Hey, Dunc, you can use my office if you want.”

“Thanks. Oh, Emily, this is Brendan, we went to ND together, Brendan, this is Emily, we, umm, know each other from LA.” Brendan rolled his eyes at Emily. “I mean, we were dating before I moved to Santa Barbara.”

Emily stuck out her hand. “Hi, I love this place.”

Brendan laughed, “Thank you. Why don't I show you my office? It's really my favorite place here, I hope, heh heh, you like it too,” which precipitated a punch to his arm from Duncan.

He took them to the office, and closed the door. “I'm so embarrassed,” she said.


“Because he saw us and he took us here and now he knows…”

Duncan kissed her. “You were saying?”

She kissed him back, hard. She could feel his hands through the fabric, as he grabbed her ass. She stuck her hands down the back of his pants, and felt his ass. Then, she moved them to the front, pausing at his zipper.

He smiled, “Are you sure?”

She grinned, “I started, remember?”

“I just thought…”

“Don’t think,” she said, never taking her eyes off his, as she unbuttoned his pants and pulled down his underwear. “Oh, look who came to visit…” She began massaging it with her hand and could feel it pulsating.

She started to drop to her knees, when Duncan stopped her. “Lay back on the desk.”

Her eyes widened, “Are you sure?”

“Do you not want to?”

She laid back on the desk and he pulled her panties down. He kissed her deeply, his hands now under her dress. She felt the calluses against her smooth skin and her body tingled. He kissed her stomach, then moved down, his tongue flicking. If she ever worried how good the surgery was, her fears were allayed.

“Now!” She commanded.

He began pumping and she felt connected to him, each of them moaning. She felt his dick twitch, and then him cum. She looked around and saw a box of tissues, gratefully taking some and handing him the box, each wiping themselves as clean as possible, Emily knowing she’d be peeing shortly.

Duncan kissed her neck and she shivered. “That was amazing. Did you cum?”

She nodded, then laughed, “Did you?” The old jokes returned.

“Nope. I faked it.”

She nodded, a grim look on her face, “That’s really too bad.”

“It is. So, was this the highlight of the day,” he laughed.

“I mean, my first time as a bridesmaid and I’m a slutty one, so yeah,” she said, as she pulled up her panties. She turned around, “How wrinkled am I?”

“Not too bad,” and he began rubbing his hands down her back. “Let me press them out.”

“Stop that!” Don’t stop that, she thought, don’t ever stop that. “If you keep doing that…” He raised his eyebrows. “Yeah, well, I have to get back upstairs. Do you wanna come with me?”

“Do you want me to?”

She paused. On the one hand, she wanted to take his hand and never let go. On the other hand, everyone would know. On the other other hand, who was she kidding? They knew. “Yeah. I mean, if you want to.”

He turned a little red, “I don’t want to be embarrassed, I mean embarrass you.”

“You never embarrass me,” and she paused, “besides, I’m already mortified from before. You may as well get a free drink out of it.”

They walked upstairs, hand in hand, dreading what was to come. She was greeted by Max, who whispered in her ear, ‘nice.’ “Max, this is Duncan, we, uh, know each other from California.”

“I’ve heard,” he laughed, sticking out his hand.

“Max Basner.”

Duncan smiled, “Duncan Connell. Wait, you’re the guy who took Emily to an acting class, right?”

Emily looked at him. “I can’t believe you remember that.”

“Em said it was a big deal, how nice you were to her.”

Max looked almost humbled. “It wasn’t that a big deal. I love Emmy.” Then, regaining his bearings, “And what are your intentions with our Emily?”

Duncan fumbled for an answer and then Liam and Jordan came over, laughing. Jordan looked at Max, “OK, Max. You’ve had your fun.” They stuck out their hand, “Hi, I’m Jordan.”

“Duncan. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Jordan looked at Em and then smiled, “Me too. You went to that snotty little rich kid school, right?” Liam laughed, thinking of his father.

“And you went to that cow college in the middle of nowhere? Anyway, it’s great to meet you.”

“Same.” Em marveled at how well they immediately got along.

Duncan looked at Liam, “And you’re Liam, right?”
Em laughed a little as Liam tried to make himself seem bigger. “Hey.”

“Hey. How are you liking UCLA?”

“I mean, it’s always 70 there, and it’s not 70 here.”

“True that.” Em stood back as Liam, Jordan and Duncan began discussing college football, smiling at the parts of her life merging. She wandered over to Stephanie, who was talking to one of her friends.

Stef rubbed Em’s shoulder and smiled, “So?”

Em just smiled. The friend held out her fist and Em bumped it.

“I didn't mean to leave the party for so long.”

Stef and her friend laughed, “Emmy, it's fine. It's more than fine,” then, with a sly smile, she turned to her friend, “He is so Emmy’s type.”

The friend looked at her, “You like them big, huh?”

Before Em could speak, Stef offered, “Yup, big, dark haired and light eyes. Always has, except…”

“Why is everyone in this family so fixated on that?” She turned to the friend, “Stef is talking about my alleged crush on one of our neighbors when I was a kid.”

Stef laughed, “You know the expression, ‘don't try so hard.’” She pointed at Em, “Exhibit A.” Then, she watched as Jared walked over to Duncan and them, how they were all smiling and talking. She looked at her baby sister grinning, and smiled and nodded.
The party wound down a couple of hours later and Stef and Jared got an Uber back to the hotel.
“I can’t believe we’re married,” Stef laughed.

Jared smiled and took her hand. “We are, and I’m so happy we are,” and he leaned over and kissed her deeply.

“Me too,” she smiled. “It really was an amazing day, y’know.”


“I mean I was never one of those girls,” and he raised an eyebrow. “No, I mean I wanted to marry you but I was never one of those girls who dreamed about her wedding day or anything.”

He smiled, “And..”

“And,” and she kissed him, “it was perfect, amazing, everything went perfectly, no drama.”

Jared had heard about the bathroom and P.J. puking in the bushes (‘One of Stef’s cousins chucked,’ Alex said, laughing) and decided not to say anything. Em seemed fine and Stef didn’t need that today. “Yup. Not my aunt, not…anyone. Just you and me.”

You and me, Stef thought. You and me…and she smiled, and rested against Jared.

Emily woke up the next morning, head pounding from the long day, the alcohol and the lack of food, but still smiling from ear to ear.

She showered and put on her blue sweater, over a white t-shirt, jeans and her Nikes, ready to travel. She started to brush her hair and then decided, ‘screw it’ and pulled it into a ponytail.
She began packing her suitcase on Arden’s bed, Arden having taken the earliest flight possible (‘I was gone for three days and that’s gonna cost me’). She finished packing and went downstairs to get a quick breakfast with her parents and Liam.

“Good morning, sweetie,” her mother said, as she kissed her cheek. “When did everything wind down last night?”

“1:30 or so?”

She laughed, then, “Anything interesting happen?”

Em got nervous that someone told her. Then, she remembered that Stef was on a plane to Hawaii, and Arden got up too early, and Jordan and Keek would never. “No, just a lot of fun.”

“That's good. Are you ok from, y’know, the bathroom and everything?”

“I'll tell you what I told everyone. I'm fine. They behaved exactly as I expected and as far as I’m concerned, that’s the last time I’m gonna see them. So I don’t even wanna talk about them. Sorry.”

“Don't apologize. You have nothing to apologize for, I'm just glad you're ok. By the way, I'll say it again, you looked gorgeous.”

Emily smiled and tried not to shrug. “Thanks.”
“And you were right about my dress.” Emily had suggested a floor length A-line chiffon dress with beading at the neckline, “even Jared's witch of an aunt complimented me, and she sounded almost sincere,” she laughed.

“You really looked beautiful.”

“Thank you, and thank you again for letting us back in.”

“K, stop, I mean it. We're here now, let's just stay here or go forward. It was bad enough you all made fun of me about Jamie,” she laughed.

“I'd apologize but nah. You two were so adorable. I only wish you could've been in the wedding instead of Jordan, I know they do.”

Emily laughed, “Oh yeah,” then, “do you remember that awful dress you made them wear to the rehearsal? Did you do that on purpose because they wouldn't go shopping?”

Her mother smiled, “Not totally on purpose but could you ever see them in a cute party dress? You, yes, I'm sure you would've looked beautiful, especially in that dress you picked for Megan. ‘She says that I have great taste in clothes, that's good, right?’ What were you thinking?”

Emily smiled, remembering the mini dress, black, ladder back, with little sequins. “I don't know. Anyway…”

Just then, her dad came in and kissed her on the cheek without flinching. “Hey, Emmy, good morning. Did you have fun yesterday?”

“It was amazing. It was so much fun being in the wedding and everything…sorry if that's weird.”

He looked at her, “Why would that be weird?” Her mother excused herself to check on the table.

“I just thought…I know I said I wasn't going backwards but…”

“But, nothing. You're my, our daughter, you always were. Why wouldn't you like being a bridesmaid?”

“I just…”

He held up his hand. “One last time. I'm your father and you're my daughter. That's it. One day, when you get married, if you'll let me, I'll walk you down the aisle too,” then, laughing, “but will you please let your mother see stuff more than once? Your sister drives her nuts, which means she drives me nuts. Ok?”

She smiled, “I will…but not if she gets too annoying.”

He smiled a sly smile, “Define ‘too.’ Shhh, she's coming.”

Her mother came back and looked at them.


“What what, honey?”

She looked at Emmy. “You're an actress? Whatever you're hiding is all over your face.”

“Nothing. Dad’s just marrying me off. I'd like a boyfriend first, if that's ok.” Her father made a growling noise then smiled.

Emily and Liam went through TSA and then to the gate.

She looked at him, in his blue UCLA sweatshirt and jeans, his size 13 red and white Jordan 1s making his feet look even bigger. They got coffee at Starbucks and then found a place to sit.

“Did you have a good time, Lee?”

He grinned. “ Yeah. Not as good as yours, though.”

“Shut up,” she laughed, “I’m gonna have to listen to Stef and Jordy, I thought you were on my side.”

He smiled, “I am but like you wouldn’t do the same to me?”

“That’s totally different,” she kept laughing.
Liam just smiled, “I like him. He’s cool.”

“He liked you too.”

“You two back together?”

She smiled and shrugged, “He’s still in Santa Barbara but we’ll see, y’know. You didn’t say anything to your mom, did you?”

He looked offended. “I wouldn’t do that, besides you will, I’m sure.”

Emily felt her face flush, “Shut up.”

“Everything's good with your mom and dad and them?”

Emily shrugged, thinking about the weekend. “Yeah, pretty much.”

“No one was too bad to you yesterday, were they?”

Em held up her hand, “You know what? They're the same them they always were. The difference is we don't have to deal with them, if we don't want to.”

He smiled and put his arm around her. “Think we're done with holidays now?”

“Pretty sure I'm not getting invited. Oh well…”

“Think I can get out of it?”

“Pretty sure your mom's done with them, which means your dad doesn't get a choice, not that I think he wants one, y’know.”

He laughed, “I'm sure.” He looked around. “My dad says I'm supposed to check your brakes.”

She groaned, “I told him like twice that I got them fixed.”

“I know, I told him too and he told me to check anyway.”

“If you drive, then I'm gonna have to spend like ten minutes fixing my mirrors and stuff after. Just tell him you checked them.”

He smiled, “Just let me do it and then he'll leave both of us alone.”

She laughed, “Fine.”

She took out her phone, then stopped and looked around the airport. For the first time, she was going home knowing that she could come back.

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