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This is part 6 of my first work, a fan continuation of the unfinished Kemeia Ascending. It is entirely inspired by Armond's magical world of Argentia and its Goddess Selene.
Link to the book here Kemeia Ascends - A Fan Continuity
You can read the prior parts by Armond from the links below
Kemeia Ascending Part 1
Kemeia Ascending Part 2
Kemeia Ascending Part 3
More of Armond's work can be found here

In this final chapter, our lovely healer, the former queen, and our favorite assassin prepare for a deeply personal night. As they gather for a meal that promises more than just food, secrets and emotions come to light. Most importantly Kemi's emerging abilities promise to turn this night into an entirely new beginning.

“Beneath the moon’s sultry sighs, nightfall will wrap the world in Elyssia’s tender embrace, where whispered promises and fevered breaths meld. As the faithful surrender to desire’s sweet pull, under the goddess’s tender gaze, love will bloom into redemptive passion.”
-Elyssia’s Sacred Lament, Vol. VII, Passage 39
Ravela’s Priestess’s Chambers at Selene’s hall - Marossa
The deed was done, and the 'mad queen' had vacated her throne. She could fade into the sunset now that safer, more capable hands cradled Wildevale. The painful wounds, those deep gashes of the soul I had so cruelly inflicted upon Cormac's men, were hopefully more manageable now.
They would always be there and stay as nasty traumas to those I had wronged. But I prayed that they would continue to heal and scab over as most injuries do. The wrongs I had done would remain. But, the crushing guilt for my past vileness would keep fading with each day as long as I, no WE, had our dear Kemi by our side.
The moment had finally come to embrace the future, and I was looking forward to what was going to be a delightfully sinful night. More importantly, I hoped that what followed could be our new way of life moving forward. Even my tangles with that fire-maned vixen just ended in a ‘most appropriate’ manner earlier today, and we had gone from fighting like wildcats to purring on the same pillow, from butting heads to... well, more ‘intimate’ collisions.
This was entirely Kemi's fault for widening my world and teaching me to embrace more than one heart.
Kemi's lessons in love aside, I was delightfully thrilled at the thought of Myrrine yielding to me. Never in a million years would I have imagined that I craved to dominate another one's loins. Dominant I am, but never in the realm of moans and whimpers. But here I was, though, victorious in this entirely new domain. How wonderfully satisfying it was to control with desire instead of dread.
Oh, how every part of me relished it, Myrrine’s submission, a most satisfying draught for my only briefly parched nethers, I meant soul. Watching her licking her fingers clean of me felt so delightfully wicked.
There was something downright primal about her wet, eager eyes. They screamed she was ready to drop and give me twenty, or however much I damn well pleased. Mmm… even now, just the thought was bringing me to a simmering boil. Today, I discovered what it meant to be on the demanding end of another’s willing surrender. As much as it surprised me, I could get used to it. The way the moment unfolded with Myrrine was nothing short of exhilarating.
What I felt was different, but it was not unlike the effect Kemi had on me. Her love had slowly made me crave the soft and tender instead of the past's rugged and tangy. With Kemi, I was always careful. Always making sure my touches were gentle, almost reverent. It was in many ways similar to what I shared with Cormac. I was the one submitting and serving, and I tried my best to make her feel that I was the one enveloped by her.
There, as always, visions of my Cormac flashed through my mind. The robust solidity of his body pressed against mine as I willingly chose to be his dear wench in my chambers. Myrrine couldn't fill that big gaping void—literally, no one could; oh goddess, even my thoughts are now deviant. But, her eagerness under my command scratched an itch I'd never known I had.
'Who knew you had a thing for making a sturdy broad your plaything, Ravela?' And while I mourned what I had lost with my dear Cormac. After today's encounter, maybe my heart and, let’s face it, my desires would find it easier to forgo the incessant ache for what I may never have again.
There was no room for regrets tonight, not when there was so much love left to be explored. Myrrine and I had a single soul, her beloved doll and my divine salvation, on our minds and in our hearts. Yet, as we chose to bind ourselves to Kemi, our feelings bled over to each other as well. We were now feeling each other's desires in the mix. This was going to be our night of shared desires. To be laid bare, not just to Kemi but to each other.
Those devilish potions we cooked up? They were just the spice to sprinkle on an already heated feast. I was aching for Kemi to ride the wave just as boldly as we had crafted them. In doing so, she might finally shed the shackles of pain I had clamped onto her gentle soul and step, hand in hand, into a shared dawn.
Tick-tock, supper was knocking, and I had quite the spread to whip up for the three of us. First to tickle the senses would be the Twilight Fowl Strips, delicate pieces of wild bird. Full and soft like the feather pillows in our chambers, they would be served on toasty slices of bread and anointed with a wild berry reduction. For Myrrine and yours truly only, as we were carnivores united.
At this point, most of the kingdom and even the heavens knew that Kemi loved her greenery. And so she would indulge in a Dreamer's Green Salad. A mix of soft baby spinach and plump havenberries from the elven lands. The secret to making it worthy of her worship was the honey-roasted crunchy walnuts.And finally, the coup de grâce would be the very hard-to-procure Anuvarian vinaigrette. A dressing unlike any other.
Our main attraction featured a hearty Beast of the Forest Stew. Thick chunks of braised beef stirred lovingly in a wine-infused broth that was just begging for a thick piece of bread to sop it up. Kemi, on her side, would pay tribute to the garden with a Golden Veg Toss. A merry mix of buttery potatoes, carrots, and roasted beets, a veritable crown jewel of the earth's bounty.
But oh, the sweet grandeur that dessert promised would come from Cormac’s favourite, Whisper Foam Bliss. It was a mousse so delicate it felt like the captured essence of a cloud. This beauty would then be topped generously with wild berry compote and floating on a bed of vanilla bean cream. It was almost forbidden to serve such seduction on a plate. The dessert was going to be dear Kemeia's ruin, and I looked forward to the sweet torture we had planned for her.
While the kitchen whirred with the aromas of cooking, I couldn't help but notice Myrrine working behind me. Fresh out of her post-work soak, she'd slipped into her evening wear. A wispy, transparent number that barely covered her lovely assets. This slip of a thing clung to her like morning dew on grass as she bent over to work on her contribution for the evening. Mmm… A treat for the hungriest of eyes.
I caught myself gawking at the wanton vision that she was. My sly little fox. Legs splayed just enough to flaunt her soft, eager flesh. Giving me a glimpse of her fiery secrets. Such a sinful sight no man or woman could resist.
As she stretched forward, those sweet lips between her legs, the soft, blush-pink flesh of her womanhood peered out. Her pucker puckering, her dewy folds laid bare, inviting, no, begging for me to lay claim.
Then there were her breasts peaking from the side. She was also now blessed with magnificent orbs thanks to Kemi’s unspoken desires. Generous enough to overflow a greedy hand, I now also knew that they were exquisitely supple. Ohh, naturally, they promised endless indulgence.
I could almost feel their weight, imagine their bounce. I could even hear her gasping pleas as I brought them to a flushed, aching life. Oh, the lovely sounds they’d make, slapped red and aching for release. Under my rough touch, they would sing of a lover's abuse spun into ecstasy.
I could hardly contain the heat raging inside.
She'd be a debauched mess laid waste by my touch, flustered and wrecked on the floor. How could I resist having her on her knees before me? How much I wanted her broken down and built back up as the expression of my deepest, darkest cravings?
Was this how Cormac saw me? How his blood must have surged downward, filling him. Did I render him firm with such desire just as it stews me in the juices of want? Surely his body must have ached, as mine does now. If only I could experience her with him.
Together, we would have broken her in the most delightful ways. Oh, the electric surge of imagining his virility skewering her as I would bear witness to the taming of this magnificent huntress. Goddess, I truly was changed now. Revela willing to share? Ha! In the past, my jealousy would have raged like a siege fire, reducing my foes to ash like a conquered village.
But alas, Cormac, MY Cormac was no more. It was just my precious Kemi, gentle and pure. She may have Cormac's soul, but she wore it with a delicate grace and innocence now. I was bound to her and I swear to be the one to stoke his passion within her. I was her ever-loving companion and would play out her every unspoken wish.
I would caress her as she would crave with the warm and gentle loving she would expect from me. And then there was Myrrine, oh my! A challenge, a beautiful beast waiting to be unravelled. Cormac or not, we would watch her shudder and break in ecstasy as Kemi, and I would consummate our triumph over her.
Well, as a woman of power and discipline, I should probably resist dirty dreams or such temptation. But then again, what good was power if not to indulge oneself now and again? Besides, a little red-headed appetiser could only help enhance the main course laid out for the night when Kemi would come home.
Ravela’s Priestess's Chambers at Selene’s hall
Home sweet home - no more sneaking around the dorms ‘cause my silent songbird and I were moving up in the world. The whole 'priestess quarters' where Ravela struts about is just a fancy way of saying we've got ourselves a love nest. Trust a queen-turned-priestess to swank about in a cottage fit for a royal brood.
The place had been decked out by Her Majesty as a shiny home-shaped bait for Kemi. But now, with our truce in place, it was destined to be the backdrop for the next chapter of our steamy love saga. No more bickering over who gets Kemi's cuddles each night when we could both squash her between us, right?
Here I was, fresh as a daisy and dressed in this little scrap of nothing that had less fabric than a Kooma's hankie. I had planned to wrap myself in a robe until after. But heck, I couldn't resist dangling my sizzling appetisers and leaving them on display for the witch-turned-white dove. The first treat's free, love.
I had my hands full, setting up those nifty memory crystals and lining them up with our chosen songs. Ravela, the sly fox, came upon a neat trick and figured out we could capture music within them. Connect them to the assassins' whispering shells, and voila! The air's alive with the stored melodies that we had planned to let serenade us all night.
Until now, the place had been rather bare-bones, pretty much a priestess's chambers, only bigger. But today, we spruced it up proper, and turned it into a fancy home for all of us. We had hauled in some new bits and bobs: a dresser for gazing at your own reflection endlessly. An ornate table begging for shared suppers. And best of all, a cloud disguised as a couch that could cradle us through the tales we would whisper into the night.
All hail Ravela and Lunete's lot. In just one day, they had magically whipped up a dainty perch in the open air. Picture this: us putting our feet up while the sun sets, with that temple view for company. And dear Kemi bending the ear of whoever’s up there, goddess and all.
Oh, that new bed, though, was something else. It was a proper fortress for our nightly romps. It's massive, just the right size for sharing, you catch my drift? Plucked from the plumpest birds of paradise or some such nonsense. It was a true luxury—a queen's gift and whatnot. It was right squishy, just how a bed in the throes should feel. Nice and silent, save for the chorus of our pleasured moans and the sinful slap of skin on skin that I expected to be getting a lot of.
Sheets of Elven silk, smoother than a scoundrel's tongue and twice as tempting. Perfect for caressing Kemi's dripping ecstasy. Those silken threads will be the only thing keeping our secrets when her juices flow.
And the pillows, dusted with magic from the goddess' own garden up north, are softer than a lover's sigh. Ideal for Kemi to grip onto for dear life as I spread her wide. Almost as if it was made with the sole purpose of helping me explore the depths of her intoxicating playground. Her tender nipples, those delicious little berries ripe for a good nibbling! Her lush, rosy folds, ever so eager, just waiting for a spank or a plunge. We're about to give those Elven gifts a run for their money, no doubt.
Tonight, that bed was going to witness an epic saga. The unravelling of Kemi's and our inhibitions. We would christen those sheets with our untamed lust, and may the goddess help anyone who came in the way of our planned carriage of carnal mayhem.
This one gift had caught us totally off guard, though. A set of chains whose origin was a mystery. Crafted from the most exquisite red gold and glistening like the finest of sunsets, they had been fashioned to secure the wearer's every limb. The highlight was a leash collar. It connected to everything and promised control over the wearer.
Even the tiniest chains had their place, attached to magicked piercings meant to present captivity like an art form. The vision of my little Kemi ensnared in these bonds, completely at my mercy. Mmm. Even as I lost myself in the thought, picturing her bound and helpless, the vision changed. I saw myself bound instead, with Ravela's predatory hunger fixed upon me. Oh!
Suddenly, there she was. Standing in front of me like a hot-blooded vampire, with her presence enveloping me in her gaze. Her breath against my exposed neck sent shivers down my spine as I began to melt. With a deliberate grip, she wrapped her claws around my waist and yanked me close. She ensured that I stumbled under the surge of bare arousal that coursed through me.
"My, my... such a needy little kitten, aren’t you," she growled, her words fanning my flames as her tongue traced the sensitive skin of my neck. She lingered at my earlobe, sucking it into the warmth of her mouth, drawing a whimper from deep within as my eyes fluttered in helpless captivity. Honestly, what did I expect? Flaunting my assets like a tart with an agenda. I was practically begging for a good, hard reality check
That moment was my own undoing, aided by this unexpected and craven sense of debasement. My head fell back and draped itself against her, eyes losing focus, and my arms dangling uselessly, like those of a rag doll in the thick of ecstasy. Her arm deftly unfastened the knots at my shoulders, and the pitiful fabric that clung to me slipped away like a whisper in the wind.
There I was, nude, exposed, and entirely vulnerable to her predatory gaze, fingers, and everything else. Her husky whisper, "Stay still, relish the now," had me trembling as her hand slid behind me, taking my arms with it and securing them. She had rendered me utterly captive to her touch.
Her leg slid between mine, insistence implicit in the movement, prying my thighs apart with authority. Cruelly, her limb turned against my thigh. She forced my leg upward until my wet folds were openly exposed to her. Trapped by her thigh, my elevated leg quivered, helplessly dangling aloft. “With your words stolen, you are all the more captivating, don't you agree?” she taunted, each syllable dripping with desire, doing things to me that I was unprepared to admit.
I was rendered almost mute, and only an inarticulate moan could escape my lips. It was my instinctive consent in response to her hand drifting lower. With deliberate intent, she continued her journey towards my inner sanctum. “Mmm, this is what you seek, isn't it?” She murmured with her finger poised torturously at the entrance. She managed to entice a husky plea of "Yes" from the depths of me.
"Not unless you beg for it, love," she taunted. It was a trap, but it set me ablaze. “Please,” I gasped, the plea barely escaping my lips. Her eyes glinted with triumph. "Please what?" she pressed, and the words I never thought I'd utter now poured out. Honey–sweet, thick, and unstopping, I pleaded desperately, "Please take me, Mistress," to which she simply smiled. "Delightful choice," she purred, her satisfaction clear in her voice.
That moment her fingers found their mark, I was spiralling. Her mouth descended on mine so fiercely it felt like she was consuming my every breath. Her touch brought a trembling weakness to my knees. My body screamed a truth I hated to admit —I was as ripe as the juiciest fruit in the orchard, aching to be taken. Cage me, claim me.
The thoughts raced through my mind as the boundaries I had so carefully set started to blur and dissolve. Her every command was woven into the rhythm of my heartbeat. As she willed, I moved, with a harmony I'd never known before. What I carried for Kemi was bound by devotion and a fiercely protective ardour, but my craving for Ravela was a fervent, submissive ache.
I was reduced to a heap of longing in her arms. Her abuse settled into my flesh like a welcome torment. Her control over me was intoxicating. She was dangerous and addicting all at once. With each gasp and yearning whimper, I sought her dominance.
My traitorous bum ground against her with an involuntary rhythm, pleading for more. She had me on edge, aching for release, but with sadistic pleasure, she held me there, right on the cusp. "This is Kemi's gift to enjoy. You will wait till then," she growled before spinning me around and forcing me to my knees.
Ravela had me in the palm of her hand, head down in a perfect pose of defeat. She wasted no time. Her robe was up in a flash as she bared herself with an urgency that reflected my own. "Get to work, you little whore. Make me feel good," she ordered. "Edge me closer, but keep the crest at bay. We wait, we pine, we ache, until Kemi grants us release."
Overcome by the powerful scent of her arousal and the lingering traces of our previous rendezvous, my hesitation vanished. I could barely pause to think before I, the devoted harlot, buried my face in her sweaty, ripe, and gloriously sullying essence.
This would be my life moving forward, trapped between an angel and a queen. They would stand there, on either side of my world and splinter my being. In their hands, I would be split in two. Let the goddess bear witness to me willingly offering myself to the fall.
Late Evening
Selene’s hall Gardens, Outside Ravela’s priestess chambers
Here I was, reveling in high spirits, quite literally, after clanging tankards with my comrades. 'Ah, the merry warmth of booze and boisterous company!' Weren't Sechnall and Marta the sweetest? A gentleman and the other, a rowdy mum escorting a slightly tipsy healer through Marossa's night. A night as safe as any, but I confess, my legs seemed to have imbibed as much mirth as I did—left, right, left, what's the difference when in my happy place?
We wove our way back to Selene's Hall, with my happy feet refusing to play ball. On a clear-headed day, a walk that would be a mere ten minutes was now twice as long, if not longer, but who was counting? Ohh, wait a minute. I was... my two nutters were waiting at home with their 'surprise.'
I was barely a stone's throw from reaching Ravela's, no, scratch that, our home, when I suddenly found myself swaddled in a hug from behind. "Ah, there's my little Queenie... oops, I mean, Lunete," I signed, my tipsy brain turning my attempted message into mush. But then, a swift turn brought me a face-full of passionate kiss that left me dazed. What in the blazes?
My glazed eyes caught Sechnall's unfazed expression amidst this unexpected smooch-fest that his partner had launched into. As I floundered in her grip, trying in vain to escape, his smirk betrayed his amusement. "Word on the street is your touch has been leaving folks rather... invigorated today. Her highness fancies a taste of your bewitching remedy," he dryly remarked.
Well, that sly fox Elara must've tipped her off. I bet she had her sneaky little network broadcast the news to the queen within a matter of minutes after the 'incident' at the tavern. Oh, and our Highness slipping into plain Jane clothes just for this visit? Couldn't help but think it was time for a bit of comeuppance.
So what did I do? I yanked her right into my arms and sunk into that kiss so chock-full and sparking with energy that her knees wobbled like jelly. ‘Gotcha!’ I chuckled to myself as I gently handed our befuddled queen over to Sechnall. "Enjoy yer evening with the frisky filly. Seems she is primed for a rather stirred-up evening," Marta teasingly quipped to him, definitely not her holy self tonight. Oh, how I loved turning the tables!
I glanced at the man, his face aglow with surprise, and grinned cheekily. With a naughty sparkle in my eye, I tiptoed towards him, and with an impish giggle, I sprang up into his arms. Taken by surprise, he could only grasp my plump backside to steady us both. I wiggled against his grip, my bum snug in his unprepared hands. Oh, how I loved this, teasing him, such strength yet entirely at my mercy as the poor soul desperately tried not to cop a feel.
Before he could react, though, I drew him into a deep kiss while I shot Lunete a sly, sultry look. Poor thing was still bewildered from earlier, and now she was bearing witness to this. Well, they both asked for it, and clearly, I intended to deliver. I chuckled inside, thinking of my 'brass balls' since I quite literally had lost my own. I knew I'd just lit a fire in Sechnall's loins, One that our little queen would be on the receiving end of all night.
Thanks to my little performance, the dear pair had turned a delightful shade of scarlet. Her breaths coming in uneven rushes, and the noticeable bulge straining against his breeches promised hours of lasting turmoil from the little surprise I sprung on them. Little did I expect to wield such delicious vengeance, but I guess it was all part of who I was now. Elyssia's blessings were unfurling within me. In that moment, I finally grasped the depth of the goddess. She was far more than the silence and the moan. She was also the full chorus of whispers and exultations.
As the dazed couple stumbled away, struggling to keep their hands off each other long enough to reach the privacy of the nearest tree or dark corner, Marta leaned in with a conspiratorial grin. "Oh, ye are delightfully wicked, stirring up such a ruckus. Seems the goddess shared her little secret with you," I attempted my best 'who, me?' expression but the charade crumbled into giddy laughter before I could even play the part right.
It was apparent Marta knew of the new gifts beginning to manifest within me. There was little doubt in my mind that she enjoyed her own direct, if undisclosed, channel to the divine—a secret she had yet to confide. Also her wisdom and foresight seemed to scream that she was graced with divine favour that had been carefully hidden in plain sight.
As she addressed me, her voice bore a solemn inflexion. "Child, now that ye've acknowledged the bewitching power ye hold, take to heart my warning. As the gift Elyssia granted you flourishes, you have the power to both heal and break hearts. Beware the latter lest ye cause unwitting sorrow."
Her voice grew steadier as she spoke, “Yer destined to wield a power so vast, it will compel all the high-borns of Argentia to their knees before ye. Not solely from deep respect, but from every manner of emotion that yer heart could possibly evoke, should that be yer wish.”
She clasped my hands and gazed into my eyes, her own brimming with pride and a shadow of worry. “Only those held dearest to the goddess are graced with splendour to put the finest of Selene’s stars to shame. Beware, as your burgeoning beauty has the might to command vast fleets and wage endless wars, but she entrusted ye with this gift. You, my daughter, you are the best of us."
I gave her a knowing look and signed back, "I'm aware, Mother. The little mischief I orchestrated with those two was all in jest." I couldn't help the giggle escaping as my grin widened. "My newfound gifts are certain to stoke desires, but I reserve my heart and my longings exclusively for those two charming oddballs at home." I continued signing with a hint of mischief in my gaze. “I might as well enjoy the joys of life with my two dearest eccentrics. They hold my heart captive. But more immediately, they intend to hold my loins captive tonight."
With a hug as warm as a summer's day, my dear mother wrapped me in her arms before planting a big, wet kiss on my cheek. Yet, even in the moment of farewell, she couldn't resist one final jibe. "Now, scamper off to your beloved brutes," she quipped with a sly smile, “time to play the merry little tart ye are for the night."
As I made my way to the door, the heat rose in my cheeks. And it was not just from the drinks, but from a realisation that sent ripples of mortification and thrill down my spine. My attire was mere gossamer threads of sorcery. The illusion hid everything. Lunete and Sechnall must have felt EVERYTHING when I brushed against them... Oh my!
And…there, like clockwork, behind the nearest tree, I could hear them. Her impassioned cries and his deep, rhythmic grunting. I couldn't help but steal a glance back and stifle a silent laugh. Those two randy lovebirds couldn’t even make it to a proper nest.
The poor tree, which they were assaulting, would bear witness. And I was certain that its leaves were involuntarily fluttering in applause to the rhythm of their eager, messy, and noisy rutting. 'Eager as bunnies in spring, aren't we?' I thought to myself.
And there it was, the sultry echo of her voice that was desire embodied, ‘My love, the fervent adoration you'll offer Elyssia tonight... I await with bated breath. Offer her... offer me the gift of your unchecked desires. Let your devotion be an offering trembling with want.' "Yes, goddess... I mean, no, mistress... oh, bother!" I mentally fumbled, feeling my face go red as I continued with unsteady steps, the cold evening air making me all the more aware of my body's reaction. Oh, heavens! If even the goddess of carnal delights desired this, who was I to refuse such a ‘sacred’ performance?
Feeling my heartbeat quicken in anticipation of the night's impending debauchery, I pushed the door open. I was nervous, ready, and even eager for this evening of devout ‘worship’. Tonight, in the hands of my loves, at Elyssia's altar, Kemeia ascends.
post script:
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Wrapped up
Though I'm happy to see our main characters get some R&R in, and a bright future awaiting them (gods willing) I prefer their intimacy behind closed doors myself FM ;)
I have been here only sporadically of late, will keep an eye open for your further writings.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."