Girltime at the Hideaway 5

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Girltime at the Hideaway (Episode 5)
by Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Hmmm, we are ending this episode with a plan, an idea, a little sexual interlude, oh and some music, of course. Something crazy, fun, and feasible, ha... I hope You like it... and thank you for joining me at the end of the bar for some much-needed Girltime...

Episode 5



I was so busy at the Hideaway today, I barely got to see Ross. He was getting a party set up for lunchtime and he was quite busy himself.

I was watching him walk from his office to the kitchen to the tables with the decorations. I had this nagging feeling that I wasn't being such a great girlfriend. I wanted to be the best, I didn't realize it would be this hard.

Since my sabbatical started, and the selling of my business, life had gotten so busy. I was either at the lawyer, the therapist, the doctor, or even the Hideaway, next week I would start my job at the Gallery and be even busier. I feel like I wasn't giving Ross enough attention. Things were going to change tonight.

When I was in high school I had another girl living inside my head. She did the things I was too nervous to do. She was the bad girl, her name was Giselle. She was way sexier and way more adventurous than Sabrina. She was the one who got all dressed up to drive and flirt with men on the streets and parkways. She was the one with the tough Brooklyn accent who made the phone calls asking crazy questions about designs and sizes and colors to the local stores. She was the one who kissed a boy first, actually, she kissed three. I didn't get to be with a man until I met Ross, I was such a lightweight compared to her. I always wondered where was she when I met Lillian, and why she let me get involved with her. She was also the one I assumed the men would love and want more. Personally, she made me a little nervous, I couldn't believe she was a part of me.

I was going to introduce her to Ross. I talked to Misty over the last weekend and made plans, she thought I was completely insane but she and Chan were totally into it. Misty even found me an outfit, I just had to bring my Mary Janes and lingerie to the salon.

After work on Thursday, I headed to the salon. The women put me in pigtails. They had to add them because I wanted them to clip off easily. They also gave me bangs, they attached right to my own hair. I now had a fringe just lightly brushing my long lashes. I looked very cute. My make-up was all pink. Even pink lip gloss, which I never wore. My cheeks were rosy and my eyes looked softer in a slight brownish makeup, younger-looking than my regular long lashes and dark shadow.

I had on a little white bra to push up my breasts and little white frilly panties. Chan pulled me into a white corset giving me a wonderfully thin waist. I then put on white opaque thigh-highs with a garter on top. I slipped on the Catholic schoolgirl uniform. The skirt was short. pleated, blue, and plaid, with a crisp short-sleeved white shirt, with cap sleeves. I slipped on the two-inch Mary Jane's and little feminine eyeglasses. I was completely sexy. I gave the two women air kisses as they laughed and shook their heads.

"You better not go and get yourself pregnant," Chan yelled, as I snuck out the back door. I went back in and stuck my tongue out at them.

I was over-excited, I was hyperventilating in my Jeep looking in the rearview mirror. I was nervous, so I closed my eyes. Slowly I opened them and then smiled my glossy evil pink smile, Giselle was back. I wanted her to give head to my new boyfriend tonight. If she could only keep her eyes on the road and off the men she was passing. She was such a flirt.

I already called Ross and told him I was making him dinner at my house. I had everything planned, the meal, my outfits, and all the special effects.


When I was younger I didn't know what type of 'woman' I wanted to become. Did I want to be wild and sexy or nice and demure? Did I even have a choice? Demure seemed to be more my speed anyway so I brought forth Sabrina, the kinda cool, kinda funny, kinda self-deprecating one. It turned out, that was the genuine me anyway, I didn't have to work at it. Giselle, I slightly hid away, she was sexy, street smart, and ready for anyone.


I used to use dark purple lipstick, lip liner, and gloss when I was being her, that's what got me in the zone. When I was young she used to get me into so much trouble. She got caught shoplifting twice and when she was sixteen she got caught drinking alcohol, amongst other things. Ha, I still blame her for every wild thing I ever attempted as a young 'female.'

I had my head in the house and my ass in the little skirt hanging out of the door. "Lillian!" I called just in case. Her car was parked out front but she must have gone with Chester. She told me she was going out to the Roadhouse again anyway, but of course, I didn't believe her, being Giselle I didn't believe anybody.

I set up my laptop, getting it ready for later. I put my lasagne in the oven and then put on some music. I found a new pop playlist a girl who looked similar to Giselle put online, perfect for my new look. I was waiting at the door when I saw Ross's car pull up. I wanted Ross to visit me and see my artwork and books, we were always at his house. He had been here twice before and once, only outside the front door. I also wanted to show him how well I cooked and cleaned, and how wonderful I would be as a housewife.

But first, he had to meet Giselle.


I shook my head, I blew out some air. I was ready. I opened the door before he had a chance to knock. I was chewing Juicy Fruit, and wearing my black-rimmed glasses low on my nose as I opened the door. Glancing at him over the glasses and under my fringe, "Hey." He stopped and looked at me. He was gorgeous in his turtleneck and sports coat. He backed up, he checked the address, I think he was making sure he was at the right house.

I was bouncing, I had a hand on my hip, and the other playing with my pigtail. "Come on in, I been waitin' for ya," I said in my perfect Brooklyn accent.

"Hi. Um, is Sabrina home?"

"Soon." I took the bottle of wine from his hands and I turned around and walked into the house. He didn't move. I looked back, "Are ya comin' or what?" As Giselle, I had an edge. I left the door open, I was hoping he was checking out my teenage-looking legs and butt. We headed to my room on the side of the house. He gave me his jacket and I told him to sit. I threw his jacket on the couch.

He squatted down into the recliner while I stood a foot in front of him, still chewing. I wanted him to see my stockings and heels now, and I checked my nails. I started to fix my thigh highs while he watched. Giselle was such a flirt. The smell of fruit punch swirled around me from my gum.

"Is Sabrina here, is she coming home soon?"

"Maybe, she tol' me to keep ya occupied. Wanna beer?"


I handed him a six-pack of warm Budweiser cans, that I hid behind one of the lamps. It landed in his lap. He smiled and pulled one out of the plastic rings. I grabbed it and opened it for him. I had extra long black pointy nails. They were going to be easy to take off later. The warm beer started to foam and overflow onto the floor so I put my pink lips to the opening. He watched as I sucked.

I gave him the beer, "Here dat." I picked up the five other beers and plopped into his lap. I still didn't think he recognized me. I watched him over my little glasses. "So Miss L. says you're alright and I should be nicer to you than I am to anyone else."

"She said that?"

"Mmm, how nice should I be?" I smiled and grabbed his shoulder. "Do you want some gum?"

He seemed a little confused, I liked how he was acting. "Umm, okay." I took it out of my mouth and put it in his, now he would smell like fruit punch too. He smiled, he chewed, I think he was starting to guess it was me.

I put my pigtails in his face and then I went down on my knees and leaned on his thigh, I took the five beers with me. I smiled up at him over my glasses. I was ready to take him into my mouth. He took a big slug of the warm beer, he looked a little nervous. I took the can from him and did the same, watching him, watch me. I handed him the can back, spilling some on his pants.

"Oops." I moved higher up on my knees and started to rub his legs, I slid my hands up under his shirt. I started to rub his nipples. "You're kinda old, ya know." I smiled, "But I kinda like older guys."

"Do you?"


He started to nervously laugh as I was making my way toward his crotch. My long nails were dancing on his thighs tickling his bulge, my long black nails. I could tell he was tense, especially after I took his zipper and brought it halfway down, I unsnapped his pants. I looked up at him, I licked my pink lips.

I heard a truck outside. I froze, I looked into his eyes again. I started to stand up, fixing my skirt. I was trying to spy out of the window. I heard the front door open.

"Shit." Unfortunately, Giselle was gone.

"Sabrina whose car is in the driveway?" Lillian was standing by the door as it swung more open from the wind. I walked into the hall. Ross didn't move.

"It's Ross's car."

She was looking at me, then Chester walked in. They both stared at me in my schoolgirl uniform, their heads shaking. My breasts were so pushed up, I felt them both looking at my pronounced cleavage.

Lillian moved closer, she had a smirk on her face. "Why are you dressed up like a cheerleader?" Chester started to snicker as I heard Ross getting up from the recliner and heading closer to the open door behind me. I saw them both look behind me toward him.

"Oh, hi." He said.

"This is Ross," I smiled, trying to stay composed. They were silent looking at my legs and at Ross, his pants were unbuttoned. I was nervous, I got caught. I got caught playing with a man. I was afraid I was going to ramble and get sent to my room alone, to think about what I had done. I had to break the silence, it was killing me. "Um, we were wondering if you wanted to go to a fashion week party with us tomorrow?"

Lillian was still quiet, this was the longest she had ever gone without talking. "Go where?"

"Tomorrow, the forum..."

She shook her head, "I can't take you seriously, looking like fucking Britney Spears," Chester chuckled some more. "Just text me the details, and we'll go, we're not doin' anything." She then started laughing, she grabbed something off the couch in the living room and gave me one more look as she swept by. I hadn't moved, I wouldn't dare. She shook her head, "You are so fucking ridiculous, the two of you. When are you gonna grow up?" She slammed the door, I didn't move until I heard the truck pull away. I think I peed a little in my panties.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and shook my head, I had my hands on my face. Ross came up behind me and kissed my neck, he was still chewing gum. He rubbed my shoulders, "Giselle? I thought Sabrina told you to be nice to me."

I smiled to myself then I turned around to look at him. I lowered my glasses and kissed him, a wet one, a kiss an eighteen-year-old girl would give him. Lotsa tongue. I put my arms around his neck, his hands went down to my ass, they went under my skirt, feeling my frilly panties. I led him back to the chair.

"I'm sorry 'bout that, Mister. Miss L. tol' me we were gonna be alone. Talkin' to more adults is extra." I got back on my knees, I brought down his zipper all the way, I pulled down his pants. I reached and felt his cock inside his briefs.

"Nice shorts, did your mother buy them for ya?"

"Um, ah no."

I rubbed and played while he had his confused smile back, he was enjoying himself. I then pulled down his briefs, it wasn't easy. I threw them over to where his coat lay watching us. I then kneeled between his legs, while he kept them close together. I forgot all about the visit from Lillian.

Ross was so hard as I kissed the side of his cock. I pushed it against my lips, I smelled his male musk. He then let out a moan as I took him into my mouth, he slid through my lips. I felt myself get wet inside my white panties. Ross then started to play with my pigtails, as I moved up and down on his dick. I sucked a little harder, I moved around a little more. Giselle could never sit still. He started moving and pushing himself down my throat, I let him buck a little hard as I gripped him tight in my lips.

I let him slip out, he looked at me. I had to fix my glasses. "The boys at school usually cum by now." I smiled then started licking him, from the bottom to the top, I tickled his thighs, then kissed them. I pushed my chin and cheeks against his cock, he started moaning. I started licking again, I was licking his balls and then thighs again, 'Giselle' was having a wonderful time.

"Ahh, god that feels so good, S.., um, Giselle I am loving this. You are incredible."

It made me smile that he was talking to me like the high school girl I could become. I started to lick and suck some more. I now loved having a hard cock in my mouth, I loved playing with a man, why did I wait so long. Just feeling his legs against me was turning me on, my breasts pushing down on the chair between his thighs, my face buried in his crotch.

I completely went down on him, his cock buried deep down my throat. I kept him inside me and sucked, I swirled my tongue on the head. I looked up, I wanted him to watch me as his cock made its way slowly out of my mouth with a plop. "I hope my boyfriend doesn't find out about this, he's quite jealous."

Ross's smile got even bigger, he was enjoying himself. "You have a boyfriend?"

"Ha, I got a couple." I went back to his manhood and started to pump. My long black nails looked incredible around his hard manhood. "If ya see them tell 'im you are a friend of the family. They'll leave ya alone. Unless you don't want them to." I started playing with him much faster as he watched. My both hands pumping him.

He started to yell. "Oh, fuck, oh my god..." He started to cum, I caught it all in my mouth. I let him take over and pump his cock, depositing his sperm directly onto my tongue. I was quite happy receiving his sperm directly into my mouth. I licked him clean again. I swallowed every bit he shot out. I then sucked his cock some more, relishing the smoothness and hardness even after he had cum. I played with myself as I kissed his cock, his thighs, and then his belly. I felt my long nails on my crotch and I pushed and played with myself until I came. I took a deep breath and gave a little giggle, Giselle was having way too much fun. She didn't rate things so we would never really know how much fun she had.

I crawled over to the couch. Finally, I found his briefs. I stood in front of him and watched him put them on, pull them up, and fix his now-softening manhood. I then fixed my disheveled skirt, stockings, and I kissed his nose.

"You were okay, ya know."

I then went and sneakily pressed a button on my laptop, then I picked up the remote, and skipped to the next song in the playlist.

"This is my favorite song." Pointing to the ceiling, pointing to where I thought the music was coming from. I scrunched up my face.

'Hmmm, is it?"

"Ha," I giggled, "It is. Well, how was that Mister, did you like it?"

"I did, you must be one popular schoolgirl."

I smiled, then kissed his cheek. "You have no idea." I sat back into his lap, he was still quite hard. We kissed, and somehow I got my Juicy Fruit back, and it was my turn to chew. I opened another beer and we drank it together. I moved my body against him as I played with his hair.

We heard the sound of the garage door. We froze. We heard a car, it shut off, we heard a door. "Is that Lillian again?" He asked.

"I hope not, she's such a bitch, lately."

I stood up, we heard someone outside the door, I had speakers all over the house. "Ross! Giselle, are you here?" We heard Sabrina, well Sabrina's voice playing through my speakers. I had set up a whole program, a whole macro of sounds and it was working perfectly. Ross was stiff as a board.

"Um," He looked at me a little confused.

"We're in here Miss L.!" I called.

"Okay, I'm gonna get changed. Giselle, do you want to stay for dinner?"

I turned to look at Ross. "No thank you, I already ate. Plus your boyfriend is done wit' me."

"Okay." And we heard her shuffle off.

I then bent down and kissed him on the lips. We made out together as we heard 'Sabrina' moving through the house. "I betta go." I pulled him up off the recliner and he gave me a hug and another kiss, I molded into his body.

I went to the door and gave him a nice girly wave. He smiled and waved back. I closed the inside door, opened and closed the front door, and ran into the bathroom to change.


Seven minutes later I opened the door to my side room, the pop music was still playing. I walked in putting my hands on my hips. I had on a denim dress, white and blue, and very distressed. It was sleeveless, the front went right up to my neck, the hem right below my panties showing off my nude pantyhose. The dress was so tight and with the corset still on my body looked quite feminine. I had on five-inch platform nude pumps. I had a thick gold chain around my neck which Chan gave me, it matched my big thick gold hoops. I put on a little bit of darker mascara and painted my lips a dark red. I took off the plastic black nails, revealing the slightly shorter red ones underneath. My hair was easy, I took off the clips to the pigtails and the fall of my bangs and then just brushed my hair, parting it on the side. Last I put on my perfume and brushed my teeth, no more Juicy Fruit.

"Hi baby, did you miss me?"

Ross was smiling, I was glad he had a confused look on his face. He grabbed me around the waist when I got closer, he kissed my belly. He stood up and we kissed. I kissed him slowly, our tongues mixed, I put my arms around his neck and rubbed my body against him. I was a 'woman' now not a teenage girl. I had my lips on his cheeks, my hands in his hair.

We pulled apart, he had a weird smile on his face. "You... are crazy."

"Me, why? You didn't like Giselle? Was she mean to you? I told her to be nice, where is my phone?" And I made believe I was looking for it.

"No, no, she was great, no, please come back here." He grabbed me again, pulling me to him, and we kissed some more. I was thinking how much I liked this, how much of a flirt I was becoming and Ross seemed to be fine with it. I didn't want to tell him, knowing he was a phone call away I was always horny, always just a little on edge and I had never been like that before.

I then changed the music, something to put us in the mood again.

'I don't know what it is that makes me love you so
I only know I never want to let you go'

"You will like this music so much better," I told him. I walked back over and fixed his hair, wiped the pink lipstick off of his cheek, and shook my head. I noticed the Budweiser cans next to the chair. "You let her drink." I pointed, "She's only eighteen. You are a very bad influence." I stifled a smile and grabbed the bottle of wine. "Come on let's sit in the kitchen, I'm a little disappointed in you, I hope you didn't tease her. She is probably not used to being so close to an older handsome man."

I heard him stifle a laugh as I dragged him by his hand.

He sat down at the kitchen table, he couldn't get the sly grin off of his face. I rubbed his shoulders, feeling how hard and strong he was. I loved having a man to play with, to hang with me, to talk to. When I was home I spent most of my time here in the kitchen. It was one place Lillian and Chester avoided. They usually ate out or called for deliveries. Other times they made me cook for them, no matter how late it was, and then they sat in the living room in front of the TV watching reality shows. They would bark orders, they always treated me like 'the help,' but I still felt comfortable here. I was surrounded by all my pots and dishes and wine glasses.

"You must be hungry." I kissed his cheek and sat down. We had cheese and fruit, a bottle of red wine, and dinner. I gave him a tour of the house. I showed him my artwork, my paintings, my pictures. I brought him back into the side room, in front of my new Dillon painting. It made me feel so warm, so comfortable. I put my hands on his shoulder as he drew his arm around me. I leaned into his body, he could never imagine how happy he made me. We kissed, we had coffee, we shared the cookies I made. Sneakily I pressed my laptop.

We heard a knock at the front door, we heard the door open. I looked at Ross, he braced himself for another visit from Lillian.

"Hey Miss L. I forgot my books." We heard 'Giselle.'

"Okay." I smiled at Ross and sat in his lap.

"I found it." We heard her call, her little New York voice.

It was my turn. I called Giselle. "Lock up when you go. Thanks again for keeping Ross busy!" The door closed. I made the music louder, we were alone.

'Cause you started something, oh, can't you see?'
'That ever since we met you've had a hold on me
It happens to be true, I only want to be with you'


The End (For Now... More to come...)


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