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Chapter 4
I was another few days in that ward, moving better and finding my new balance. I ate well and began to feel good about myself. I felt a lot better after a visit by a ward hairdresser. I was now issued with a whole new outfit, plus a bag with two complete spares. The dress wasn’t just one altered from a jump suit. No, it was from the women’s prison and shaped to fit a woman with my attributes.
On Sunday morning, I gave everyone an air kiss, thanked them for their kindness, and was escorted back, across the road, and into the men’s side again. Being church today, I was taken there and left to talk to the preacher until Euni brought Cloe. The reaction, on seeing me, was identical. First, there was the “No, they haven’t sent a woman here, have they?” to the “My God, it’s Delia!” Then the hugs and air kisses. The preacher gave me a note to read, in private, before the other girls arrived. I read it and gave it back to him. Forsooth, I thought, there are dark deeds afoot.
When Cloe arrived, she broke down and cried. I held her and said soothing things until she settled.
“Oh! Delia, what a change. It made me realise that I can become a real woman in a few weeks. Dirk has told me that I’ve an appointment at a clinic in the city. I wish that I had been given the same treatment, my bruises took weeks to totally fade.”
“What has been done to me is mainly experimental. Doctor Mark has developed something using body fat, and I could find myself with rock hard tits, or else they may want to go travelling, giving me huge shoulder blades. I just have to wait and see. I was chosen for this because I’m here and because they had a forged acceptance form, signed off by Bella.”
We were stopped as the other wyfies arrived, with a flurry of long hair and air kisses, and much appraisal of my new look. The service was short and simple, based on the parable of the lost sheep, and the two of us were held back for communion. Once we were able, we took the wafers out and tucked them in our bras. I wondered if it had any link to the note I had read.
When Euni came to take us outside, he nearly fell over when he saw me. Then he started laughing. He was still chuckling when he shut the door behind us a Bluto and Pluto stood in front of us with their chins almost on the ground. I walked up to them.
“Hi, there, boys. If you thought that the old me was fun, just wait until we’re next in the yard. What you see is what I got, so you’d better get used to it.”
I gave each of them a kiss on the cheek and we then went back towards our cells. Instead of silence as we walked by, it was a cacophony of whoops, whistles, and comments, none too ribald as they were afraid that Dirk might be angry, terminating their sentence - prematurely. Cloe and I walked, arm in arm, but, when we arrived near the cells, she let go and walked behind me. Bull was standing there, his mouth hanging open when he caught sight of me.
Dirk even came out of his cell, hearing the sound that followed us along the corridor. He took one long look at me, and I could see the lust in his eyes. As we reached our little homeland, he just said. “Tonight, after the meal.”
We gave Bull the wafers to pass on. In our cell, Cloe took me by the hand and told me that she thought that her final week here would be better than she thought, with me going to take over her place. We sat at the table, and I had to tell her the whole story of my times since I left, on Tuesday morning. The slops tasted something like pork, today. The afternoon went too quickly, for me, preparing for my evening appointment. I stripped off and had a flannel wash, the door being shut for this. I did the enema treatment and sat around until it worked, then was very careful with the lube, making sure it was only where it was supposed to be.
After the evening meal, I wore only the dress, made sure I looked my best, gave Cloe a hug, and opened the door to see Spike standing guard. In his eyes I saw something different to Dirk. He stepped to me and held me close.
“Outside, you’ll be mine, Delia. Never doubt that!”
He then let me go and I went to Dirk’s cell, knocking on the door as I went in. He was sitting on one of his chairs, with a book on the table. Cloe must have brought it to him during the week. It wasn’t a weighty tome, no, it was a large-print children’s story. He saw me looking.
“Yes, Delia, this is one of my secrets. Cloe has been helping me learn to read, and you’ll be taking over. It’s one of the problems of growing up in a township, then doing everything since with verbal threats and orders. You wouldn’t know, coming from a white neighbourhood.”
“You’re a long way out, Dirk. My mother was a prostitute, and I spent my first ten years in a township, before I ran away to be on the street. My learning is something I had to work at, I only had basic schooling before I was a teenager. I read that book in a library, and it helped me move on in life. There are books that we can get in that will help you as you get better at reading.”
“Well, you are a surprise! Now, come and sit here and help me with a few words.”
So, I became his teacher for an hour. He then pushed his chair back.
“That’s enough of that. Now, my sweet Delia, come and sit on my lap.”
I got up and went around the table. If he was expecting me to sit across his lap, he was going to be mistaken. I bent over to give him a kiss, and then straddled him, so that we were face to face. We kissed for a while and I felt him harden, beneath me. I raised myself and felt for the buttons on the jump suit, freeing his cock. As I hadn’t put any panties on, I just lowered myself onto him and he growled as he penetrated my well-lubed anus.
We took it slow and easy. With me facing him, my breasts ready to be touched, there was no way he would think that I was anything else but his woman. He unbuttoned the top of my dress, and my breasts spilled out, ready for his lips to enjoy as I leaned back a bit to give him room. I think that he was enjoying himself, I knew that I wasn’t averse to this easy loving. I squeezed his cock with my muscles as we rocked backwards and forwards, until I could feel that he wanted to take over. I rose a little and he started pumping in and out until he finally came with a spurt, so strong I could feel it inside me. After that he buried his head between my breasts and we stayed like that for a while, with me stroking his head.
My head was full of odd thoughts. Here I was, with the cock of the most feared gangster in town inside me, slowly deflating, after teaching him to read for an hour. Tonight, was certainly not what I had expected. I knew that if any word of this got out, I would be dead within the hour. Not only that, Cloe and the other wyfies were in the same spot. It put a little extra on the note that Bella had sent me. “C sez U OK, Will meet you at check-up”. This man I was sitting on had dark clouds swirling around him that he didn’t know about. I still had seven years of this before I could get clear.
We sat like that, and I could feel his sobs and the dampness of his tears in my cleavage. Finally, he got control of himself and leaned back, looking me straight in the eyes.
“I’m sorry, Delia, for acting like a weakling. You are so good at being a woman, you remind me of one of my wives, outside. She was a mother hen, wrapped in a whore’s body. It’s been a long time since I’ve been loved like that. The other girls have been good and allowed me to have my way with them. It’s been a relief, and much of it has been good, but tonight showed me that there is also compassion in the world that I’ve missed. Now, get up and clean us up, you can go and get a good sleep tonight, you’ve earned it.”
I took a wiper from the table and lifted myself off of him. I wiped him first and then went to his latrine area to use some toilet paper on my butt, then sitting on his latrine to let his semen drain. He had certainly been saving it up. With my dress buttoned, I gave him a kiss and left the cell, Spike giving me a mournful smile as I went back into my cell. Cloe was waiting for me.
“He told you his reading secret?”
I nodded. “That means I join a small band of death row prisoners if it got out.”
“Don’t worry about that. If you keep him happy, we’ll think of something. I’m worried that he will have us killed when he’s free again, just to stop the secret from getting out. While he’s here he can cover his tracks. I think that he’s been so good to his ex-wyfies to keep us quiet. I’m looking forward to having a good talk with the other two, once I’m free, without any guards, enforcers or sneaks trying to listen in.”
I looked up from my post-coital enema and grinned.
“I have to have regular check-ups to make sure my enhancements remain as they were intended. Bella has sent a note that she will catch up when I’m out of here at the surgery. They can’t expect a guard to be by my side while I’m being inspected. If you join her, in scrubs and a mask, the guard won't know who you are.”
“That sounds like a plan. I’m just realising that this time, next week, I’ll be leaving this place. It’s been my home for eight years, more than seven as Cloe. I’ve sent a message to Amy to come and get me, and to bring me some suitable clothes. I can see the grins on the guards faces when they tell me to hand in my jump suit and get into my things that are in storage. I wouldn’t fit into them, now.”
“A question. If Dirk finds it hard to read, how does he get the information in and out if he can’t read the messages, or even write new ones?”
“That’s easy. Bull can read the messages; he was the one who devised the code. It’s a straightforward mix of Zulu and Xhosa, with a rotating letter substitution, changing each week. Unimportant notes are just in Afrikaans. What ones do you know, you’re good in here with your Zulu?”
“I can get by with all three, the township where I grew up was mostly Xhosa, but it was mix of the other two when I was living in Jo’burg. I was wondering which one I should use if I want to send you a message, that’s all. Another question; how long will the other guys be in here for?”
“You know that Dirk gets out at about the same time as you. Bull will be out in another five years, Spike is out in three, while the other two are lifers, you don’t want to know what crimes they committed, they say it took days to clean up the blood, it was so deep they had to soak it up with sawdust.”
I was ready for bed, so we opened up the door again, whispered goodnight to Spike and Cloe went to her bunk. I stayed by the door so that Spike could give me a toe-curling goodnight kiss, then closed the door and got into the upper bunk. I laid there for a while before I could get to sleep, wondering whether my life could get any crazier.
On Monday morning we had our breakfast and made ready for our trip to the library. Thinking about it, I wondered if Dirk knew of our lunches with the guards. Today, I was the one in charge of the hessian bag, which Bull gave me. Then it was back through the block to the outside, with the accompanying comments. You would have thought that they had never seen a woman before.
In the library, we went through the motions of selecting older books for the outgoing messages and emptied the incoming messages from the new books. I gave Cloe the names of some books I thought Dirk could use and she made a list to send out. As she wrote, I was looking at her and saw something different, today.
“What’s wrong, Cloe, you seem down.”
“It’s just that I can’t help thinking about having the sex change surgery. I know that Amy and Bella had theirs done by a guy that Dirk paid, but they’ve both complained, in private notes, that it wasn’t a total job, just cosmetic. Neither can have good sex, and that’s something I would like.”
“While you’ve got that pencil, send Bella a note with these numbers I will give you.”
She wrote down the account number and password number of a bank account I had set up at the Absa Bank in Woodstock. I told her that the account was in the name of Mandel, and she grinned. She coded the message for Bella to collect some cash for her when she gets out.
“That’s for some good clothing for you. There’s enough in there, I think, to buy you a decent wardrobe, as well as pay for a proper operation. This is just one of many accounts I set up when I was working in various cities. I wasn’t a big spender, so it just sort of built up.”
She gave me the hardest hug I had ever received and thanked me. We then went for lunch. This time it was mayhem, the canteen with a lot more guards than before. They all wanted to see me and talk to me, all saying I was even better looking than their wives, girlfriends, and mistresses. I had to laugh, the scuttlebutt in the prison was that Dirk was now so powerful, he had imported a proper woman to look after him. No wonder the comments had been so ribald.
The room went silent, and I looked up from the guard I was talking to, to see a bull of a man, in a good suit. He motioned to me to come with him, and I followed him to the room where I had been checked over. I was wondering if I was now expected to service the authorities but breathed a sigh of relief when he gestured for me to sit down.
“Delmore, my name is Marshall, you may have heard of me. I am in charge of this block. You have been an interesting addition to our little family. I know that you were sent here on the request of Dirk. I don’t know how he saw what a beauty you would turn out to be. I am just going to ask you to make sure that he does not cause any trouble over the next seven years. I’ll be close to retirement age, by then, and I don’t give a damn what happens after that. If you do that, I’ll make sure that your time with us will be as good as I can make it. If we have a riot, and I find out that you could have stopped it, then you’ll be transferred to the women’s prison. I can tell you that after a few days there, you will be wishing you were back here. Those girls can teach Dirk a thing or two about cruelty.”
“I can assure you, sir, that I want to make the seven years go as easily as I can. I expected to be raped and dead within a day or two, and being here, looking like I do, was never something that I had even dreamed about.”
“Right, you just follow the plan, and all will be good. Don’t tell any of the others about this, I’m going to send your friend to another area, today, to see out her last week in comparative comfort. She has been a good companion for Dirk. Someone will be by later today to pick up anything she wants to take with her, we’ll ask her that when we go back into the canteen.”
He then opened the door and I rose, and he followed me as we went back to the canteen, all the doors opening automatically as we approached them. In the canteen he took Cloe aside and spoke to her for a few minutes. When he left, the atmosphere in the canteen lightened, and Cloe came over to me with tears in her eyes.
“Delia, it’s all coming true! He’s sending me to a half-way section where I’ll be wearing normal clothes and being able to have visitors. Can you send out a message to Bella that she can come in and visit during the week? She will be able to bring me something that will be mine to keep. I can’t thank you enough for your generosity. Goodbye for now, darling Delia. All the luck in the world for the next seven years.”
“Before you go, Cloe, I want to thank you for all the help that you have given me since I arrived. I will ask you a favour, though. When you’re outside, can you look around for a good lawyer for me. I think that the sentence I was given was ordered by Dirk. I wonder if a lawyer can get my case looked at with an eye to getting it reduced. If that happened, Dirk can’t do anything if I suddenly get let out, as sudden as you are, now. It will give me something to hope for.”
“Certainly, that’s something that I would love to do. I know that Amy has some contacts in the legal side.”
We hugged again and I was let out to go back to the library. After adding the new message to Bella, in plain Afrikaans, I went through the motions with the other wyfies, cleaned the toilet, put a book into the hessian bag, and waited for Eunie to take me back to the yard. I was now on my own, a shemale in a prison with the block manager looking down to see that I do the right thing. I was now balanced on two knife edges. It was going to be an interesting life!
Back at our corner, I gave Bull the notes and took the bag, with my book, into the cell. I then went back out and knocked on Dirks cell door. When he looked up, I quietly informed him that Cloe had been taken to a holding area prior to her release. He thanked me and said that she had been good to him, over the years.
Tuesday was a free one, and I spent some time reading the book I had brought back with me. It was a self-help one about finding opportunities to set up businesses. It had sat there, on the shelf, calling my name. I didn’t have Cloe to talk to, now, so was going to have to find my own enjoyment. No-one had come to collect any of her things, yesterday. I could understand that. If she had a new world to look forward to, she wouldn’t want her old prison issue undies, and there was nothing else she had that was personal. I spent a little time going through her drawer, and checking the cupboard, to make sure I knew where everything was. With Cloe ordering extra over the last two weeks, I had more than enough enema packs to last for months. The only thing I found was a small book under her mattress. It was one of those women’s tear-jerkers. That was something I transferred to the bag to go back on the shelf. With her things, I now had a good supply of undies, jump suit dresses, and my own women’s issue dresses. I had the shaver, and quietly giggled at the thought of asking Spike to check my back for stray hairs.
After midday slops, it got to yard time. I made sure that I looked my best when Dirk knocked on the door for me to join him. If the rumour mill had it that I was a woman smuggled in, I intended to own that concept. With me on his arm, we went out into the yard. There seemed a lot of guys who wanted to talk to him, today. The twins and I swapped smiles. I was starting to like them, and we had short talks in the Library, nothing too deep with the other two wyfies from the 28’s in the room. One of them whispered to me.
“Go to the grill before slops, we can stand there for a while, our husband won’t bother us. He wants us to be friends, so that he can pass private news to Dirk. Other than here, they cannot be seen talking, that could raise the tensions in the prison.”
I could understand that. With the three gangs, each having sub-gangs and factions along racial lines, anything that looked like deep conversation would set off waves of hate, fear, and jealousy through the place.
After yard time, I spent some time reading, and then quietly walked to the point where the corridors met. They were there, on their side, leaning against the wall next to the corner. I was told to stay out of sight, and they talked to each other in normal voices, while I spoke to one in whispers, while the other spoke out loud. The two, Sandy and Suzie, were switched on, having been wyfies to their gang leader for a few years. They would take it in turns to service him, which kept him happy. Sandy had a small scar on her arm, which allowed me to know which one I was talking to.
We spoke for about twenty minutes. I learned that it had been quiet for some months, but there was tension among the 28’s. I had noticed that, today, in the yard, and now found out that there were a number of wyfies who were demanding to be shown more respect. Suzie warned me not to be shocked at future yard times, as the alpha males were not going to bow to that sort of talk.
That evening, Dirk just wanted to talk while we went through the book. I told him that I had put in an order for more interesting books which would help him. After about two hours, he gave me a tender kiss and bade me goodnight. I wondered if he was at the point where something like a normal relationship was what he really wanted.
Spike was standing next to my door when I went back to the cell.
“Did he?”
“Not tonight, Spike.”
“Good, then tonight you’re mine.”
He closed the door and came into the cell with me, shucking his jump suit as he came up to me. I had dropped the dress and was ready when he lifted me onto the edge of the table and kissed me, while his cock found the well-lubed entrance to my anus. I had my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he pounded into me with as much force as he could muster. He came with a huge shudder, and, for the very first time, I came at the same time. Once again, we had been keeping it quiet by kissing the whole time.
We stayed like that, entwined, for a few minutes before he whispered into my ear.
“I love you, Delia, I want you to go all the way when you get out and be my wife.”
“What about Dirk?”
“Don’t you worry about him; I’ll think of something. He doesn’t know it, but his authority isn’t as good, on the outside, as it was before he came here. There are a few who can’t wait for his release day.”
Marianne Gregory © 2023
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Mixed Feelings
This is an enthralling story, but the complete amorality of the participants disturbs me somewhat.
We know that Delia is focused 100% on survival and making herself as comfortable as possible along the way, while understandably trying every means she can to shorten the period of her incarceration. I guess we can't blame her for that.
Then we have Spike plotting against Dirk virtually before Delia's transformation is complete and insinuations that Dirk's reign is coming to an end.
I can't wait for the final chapter.