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Chapter 2
She picked up a small hessian bag and I followed her to the next cell, aware of Bull gazing at my butt as we went in. The cell was the same size as Cloes’ but with two bunk sets, with one having a guy curled up in it. Bluto and Pluto was sitting at the table, playing cards.
“Hi, there, boys. We’re ready for our walk of shame to the library.”
They looked at us, then more closely at me.
“By my ancestors dicks,” breathed Pluto, “Just a few hours and Delia is going to slay them in the aisles.”
With Pluto in front and Bluto behind, we went back the way I had come in. I was aware, in fact I could almost feel, Bluto’s eyes on my butt as I walked my best copy of Cloe in front of me. There was a bubble of silence as we moved through the prison, until we arrived at the door to the outside. We went across the yard, and Pluto knocked on the door to the games room. It was opened by the trusty I had met this morning. The other two turned around and left us as the trusty barred the door and then turned to face us.
“Well, Cloe, what magic have you done to produce this little beauty. It makes me sad that my nuts got cut off, ten years ago. Come along, I will escort you two lovelies to the library.”
“Thank you, kind Euni, she did scrub up well, and it didn’t take a lot of effort on my part. If I had to take a guess, I would say that she’d done this before, or else is just a natural woman who had been hiding in that male body.”
I just followed them through a couple more doors, from the games room to the gym, and then to one that looked like a small bit of a church, finally to a large room with shelves around the wall, with books on them. When we were alone, I lifted an eyebrow.
“Short for eunuch,” she giggled. “In here, everyone takes on a name that relates to them. Bull got his because he is built like one, and I’m sure you can deduce why Spike got his, or you will when he gets to spend some quality time with you.”
“Why do I take that with a sense of dread? For your information, I’ve never even contemplated this sort of life before. It’s only because it’s been thrust on me, so to speak.”
“I think that having it thrust on you will be the story of the next seven years. It will take us a week or more to give you all the tips for keeping your looks. Remember, as far as you’re concerned, that will be a matter of life, or death.”
She then got into schoolmistress mode.
“This is what the authorities call the Library. It looks good to visitors, but I can tell you that more than half of the guys here can’t read a word, and the remainder keep clear, so we are never bothered by someone wanting to borrow a book. We get new books, supplied in small batches, each week, by a charitable organisation. We put together a small pile of old books to be returned to them. We, of course, run the charity and it does do good works, outside.”
She opened the hessian bag and pulled out some papers.
“These are to go, so we need to find enough old books. If we can’t find enough, we just rough up a few of the better ones. Today, we need fourteen books, so have a look on the shelves to see what you can find.”
I looked and found enough that looked like they had been here a long time, then she put one message in each book. The books were then put into a box marked ‘Out’ and we moved to another box, marked ‘In’, and emptied it on the only table in the room. There were ten books, and she opened each one to take a message out, putting the collection into her bag. I was instructed to put the new arrivals in the shelves, randomly, as they were only for show.
“Now,” she smiled. “We get lunch.”
She went to another door and looked up to a camera.
“Tony, sweetie, you have two for lunch, today.”
The door clicked and we went through, the door clicking again as it closed. She whispered as we moved down a corridor.
“Whatever happens, you’re Dirks’ new wyfie, and not to be messed with. A bit of flirting goes a long way, though.”
Going through another door, this one automatically opening as we approached, I found that we had entered a large room, with tables and chairs, as well as a canteen counter. It had six or seven guards in it, sitting at tables, some with plates in front of them. She put out a hand to stop me as we entered.
“Guys, I would like to introduce Delia, my replacement as Dirks’ wyfie when I leave this wonderful establishment. She will be here for the next seven years, so you’ll have plenty of time to talk to her. Now, what’s on the menu today?”
It was weird, it was surreal, it was totally unbelievable. We sat and were talked to by the guards, as if we were a couple of girls in a bar. I had a good meal and realised that this was one way to stay fit and healthy for the duration. They all knew why I was here, and the topic of the phantom police station was explored with a lot of laughter. It was odd to be the centre of attention with a bunch of guys and was able to add a few snippets of other sales I had made. It wasn’t as if I was going back to that when I left. I didn’t give enough away to be hauled up on more charges, though.
When we had our meal and needed to go, I followed Cloes’ lead in giving all the guys a kiss on the cheek, then we were back in the corridor.
“I don’t know about you, Cloe, but I’m in need of a pee.”
“There’s one in the library, you don’t want to see the one the guards use, that’s a horror. I look after the one we’re going to use.”
Back in the library, she showed me the one-person toilet, allowing me to go first after being instructed to sit, like a lady.
I sat at the table and waited until she came out.
“Now what?”
“Now, it’s almost time to socialise. As the lead gang, we get to control this room. The other gangs have to go through us to send and receive messages. If something comes in for them, Dirk gets to look at it first and then we pass it on during yard time. The only ones that come in here are all wyfies of the other leaders. There are usually four of them and they do like to use the toilet here. You’ll get to know them before I go. They’re all good girls and, like Dirks’ wyfies, will all stay a girl on the outside.”
We sat for a little while and then the door opened and Euni ushered the four new girls in, closing the door as he left. It was a riot of orange dresses, long hair, and long legs as I was welcomed by the newcomers with hugs and air kisses. I played it to the hilt, as if I had welcomed girlfriends for years. There was a lot of chat and then we got down to business. Notes were passed to Cloe, with requests from the other gangs, a few more messages went into more books to be added to the ‘Out’ box. All four used the toilet, then knocked on the door to get Euni to guide them back to the enclosure. Once they had gone, we tidied up, made sure the toilet was clean and disinfected, the waited for Euni to come for us.
“Delia, you’ve done well, today. You were just right over lunch, properly girly with the other wyfies, and I’m impressed. This all happens three times a week, other days we have to pass the time in the cell, unless we are doing our laundry. Sunday, if you want, there will be a non-denominational priest in the chapel that we came through. We come to that, as he, of course, is one of us. If there’s something important, he’ll ask us to stay back to take communion, the wafer is not to be swallowed.”
I was finding it hard to accept the fact that the prison inmates really did run the inner workings. I suppose that it was well known by the authorities, and was, no doubt, replicated in every prison in the country. When Euni let us out, our pair of protectors were waiting for us. Now, that was a strange thought. First thing, this morning, they were the angels of death if I hadn’t nodded my head. Now, I was thinking of them as my protectors.
Back in our own cell, Cloe opened the small cupboard. Inside, on a shelf, was more boxes of pills. Below was a box which Cloe pulled out and opened so I could look. It was filled with sachets containing an enema.
“These are mandatory, for you, from now on. You will use one after the evening meal, so that you’re clean inside for Dirk. If you want, you can use another when you get back here. You will certainly want to do that if you’ve spent a night with the other guys.”
Next to this was another box, which I discovered was stocked with tampons and sanitary pads.
“The tampons will be needed once you get reamed a few times, to stop you leaking. You may need to use a pad if you’ve been with Bull and Bluto. They are the biggest dicks on this side of the yard. I’ve been told that some of the enforcers, next door, are bigger but you will have to have done something drastically wrong to discover that in person. It would also be your final experience. We get these sent in once a week, and I sent out a message, today, to double the order for the next three weeks. Bella, Dirks’ second wyfie, organises that, while Amy is the contact with the rest of the gang, outside.”
“Is that where you’ll be going when you get out?”
“Not straight away. Dirk has promised me a visit to a clinic where I can get the final operation to make me a proper woman. Both of the others have done that, and I expect that you’ll be looking forward to it in seven years. You’ll certainly qualify as having lived as a woman by then, are you sure you’ve never done this, before?”
“Cloe, in my professional life I was a chameleon, taking on a lot of different looks. Selling city houses you have to look like a businessman, selling seaside ones needs a more ‘beach bum’ look. I’ve been so many different personalities, I’ve almost lost count. The closest I got to playing a woman was once, when I was a rather foppish guy in a pink suit, and another time when I was mannish tomboy, in leather jeans, big boots and a very sassy attitude. That one never included skirts or make-up. When you plan to trick people, you have to appear as someone they’re happy to deal with.”
After we had eaten the slops that served as the evening meal, we closed the door and stripped, Cloe showing me how to use the enema. A little later, we took turns on the toilet and the washed our bodies. She had an incredible pair of breasts and a tiny penis. She saw me looking.
“Dirk will organise the tits for you if he thinks you’re worth it. It’s a long procedure to make sure that the right surgeon is available. The hospital wing here is very well equipped. Now, we’ll both dress to please, tonight. I think that Dirk may want to talk to me, in private, about you. You don’t have to worry, there’s nothing bad I can say. I’ll try to not be too enthusiastic, or else he’ll want to try you out before you’re ready for him.”
We both put on the sexiest underwear we had and left a lot of buttons loose when we put the orange dress on. We sat and talked, until a new face popped in the doorway.
“Cloe, sweetheart, you’re on.”
“Thanks, Spike. Come in and meet Delia, who arrived as a beaten man this morning and is now a strong, and proud woman. She’ll be here until Dirk gets out. Come and give her a kiss, and I think she may be ready for testing in a few days.”
Spike was stick-thin, but it was the tent at groin level that must have given him his name. He came in and held me close, so that I felt his rod against my stomach. He then gave me a kiss. I don’t know what I had expected, all this happening so quickly, but it was the gentleness of the kiss that surprised me. If I’d been a girl, it might have made my heartbeat faster.
“Nice.” Was all he said as he went back to his guard post. I just stood there with a feeling of total awareness that this was to be my life for seven years, the plaything of the boss, but the pin-up girl of the under-managers. There must have been a look on my face that gave me away.
“You’ve just realised that you may enjoy it, haven’t you? I’ll see you when I get back.”
With that she walked out of the cell with a sway that would have made me feel randy if I hadn’t been standing there in sexy underwear and a dress. This morning I had arrived, not expecting to live out the day. Tonight, I was in a totally new world of intrigue and sex. Of bulging muscles and rampant dicks. I sat at the table and thought seriously about how I was going to get through the coming years. I made a resolution that I would do everything I could to walk out of this place with my head held high.
Cloe came back after about two hours, and immediately stripped and did a cloth wash, followed by an enema. I was on the top bunk, quietly watching, until she saw that I was awake. As the cell door was wide open, she came close and whispered.
“He was particularly loving, tonight. He asked about you and I told him that the next time he needs servicing you should be ready. That means that you need to be inducted, tonight, if possible.”
She went to the cupboard and pulled out a jar of lube and instructed me to get out of bed, making sure by butt was greased. She then went to the door and whispered to Spike. He came into the cell and up to me, standing there in a cotton nightie with the feeling that I was going to become a woman, right now. He put his hands on my shoulders and then gave me one of those gentle kisses. I couldn’t help but put my hands behind his head and respond. It was lucky that the metal table was bolted to the floor because he lifted me onto the edge and, still kissing me, shucked his coveralls, his dick suddenly making itself known against my butt.
Caught up in the moment, I wrapped my legs around his waist as he penetrated me. The initial pain became a sort of pleasure as he thrust into me, both of us quiet as he pumped faster and faster, until he came, inside me. It was only the fact that we didn’t stop kissing that kept me from crying out. We stayed, entwined, for several minutes as we both came down from the high. He pulled out, his dick slowly deflating, and he pulled his coverall back up.
“When we get out, I want you to be my woman. Whatever Dirk promises, agree to it all but when the time comes, you’re mine to love.”
He then kissed me again as I stood up, and walked out of the cell, letting Cloe back in.
“Are you all right, Spike is a good guy, for a gangster. He may be long, but not too big.”
“Can we just go to bed, Cloe? I really can’t process how I feel at the moment.”
We hugged and she got into the lower bunk, while I climbed, slowly, back into the top one. I didn’t sluice as I wanted to completely savour the feeling that I had another man’s seed in me. I thought of his kiss, in wonderment of how it made me feel. I’d been kissed by guys before, once while I was I the pink suit. The mark had been so happy to get his dream home, he had hugged and kissed me. That was very awkward and exceedingly sloppy. The other times were when I was playing the tomboy. One mark was so certain that some of his ‘special loving’ would bring me back to the fold, he had forced himself on me. Those kisses had been hard and unfeeling.
Today, however, the kisses that Spike had placed, so gently, on my lips, had been almost loving. I couldn’t figure out if I was just being a good actor, or if I really was thinking like a woman. It was all unresolved as I lay there, hearing cries of pain from distant cells, happy that my fears hadn’t come to pass.
Eventually, sleep overtook me, and I woke with a need to pee. I climbed down, as quietly as I could, and sat on the latrine. It was then that I realised that this was only my second day of a seven-year stretch, and that any qualms I may have brought with me, about privacy, were now well and truly out of the window. Nothing I did was without scrutiny unless I was alone in the cell. I sat there, quietly sobbing as the cum dripped from my anus.
“It’s all right, Delia,” came a quiet voice from the lower bunk. “We’ve all been there. It doesn’t get any better, I know, but for us it can’t get much worse. Spike’s a good guy, under that gangster, and I can tell that he has been smitten by you, as Delia. You shouldn’t have any trouble with Dirk, he’s a bit thicker but not as long, and he insists on lube. The other three aren’t bad, although Bull is thicker, by the time you get to find out for yourself, you should be able to take him, with ease.”
“Thanks for that, I just had the thought that there’s another seven years of this.”
“Get rid of those thoughts, now, my girl. That way leads to scratches on the wall and slow madness. There’s plenty that you will have to do, and a lot to think about. The slow days can be classed as holidays. Now, you’d better do another enema, so that you clean yourself out. We don’t want you catching something, although all of our guys stay clear of other inmates and we wyfies do get regular checks for STDs.”
I administered the enema and waited for a while before sitting back on the latrine. Feeling a bit better, I climbed back onto the top bunk to wait for the morning light. I must have dozed because I woke to a prod on my arm.
“Come on, sleepyhead, we’ve just got time to make ourselves presentable before the slops cart comes around, bringing whatever they have decided to call breakfast.”
So, I got down from my bed, pulling the blanket tight, and started my first, full, day here. We checked each other out for stray hairs and washed. Putting on another set of underwear and the orange dress, I started getting thoughts.
“Yesterday, you said something about laundry. How does that work? These dresses aren’t going to be much good after a few more days.”
“Once a week you will be taken back to admin, and then to the laundry room. There are washers and tumble driers there. It’s an all-day thing, all the wyfies take it in turns to wash and dry the clothes. You will be doing this row and another section. The guy’s boxers are the worst, especially the bloody or shitty ones, but you do get to look after your own stuff properly. You get to take your things in a bag, so that you can make sure that they’re not lost. All the guy’s things have a number tag on them, so you just wash and dry them in bulk and leave them in big sacks for the guards to hand out. Oh! You do have another bag with our guy’s stuff, so that they’re looked after. It’s just the sort of a thing that a wyfie does for her menfolk.”
We were sitting at the table when I heard a lot of chatter outside. I looked out and saw some inmates pushing carts. I had vaguely experienced this the evening before, when they had brought the evening meal around, but I wanted to learn all I could, now. There was three carts. One was being filled with the bowls we had last night, the second had fresh bowls, while the third had a big vat of what they laughingly called food.
“There’s a hot shelf under the vat,” said Cloe. “That’s where they keep Dirks’ food. Don’t even look at it, or you’ll be trying to think about ways to get it off him, and that’s a sure way to a body bag.”
We handed in our bowls, got new ones and then our ladle of slop. It looked like gruel and tasted like bacon, just like the one yesterday morning, and, funnily enough, the one last night. We had our own wooden spoons that we washed and kept in the cell. Of course, with no knives or forks allowed, slop was really the only way they could feed us. I found out, as the days rolled on, that the taste did alter. Sometimes it tasted like chicken for days on end and other times you couldn’t pick whether it was lamb, beef, or a mixture of both.
Today, after we had eaten and rinsed our bowls, Cloe continued putting me through my paces in being a woman. I walked, having to stay on my toes, until my ankles hurt. We talked with me trying to sound female. Our topics included other things I needed to know, like what Dirk liked when it was my time to look after him, to how to treat any other leaders, when I met them. This, I discovered, would be my lot during yard times, should Dirk have dealings. She made it clear that, when we were in the yard, I was to stay as close to Dirk as I could, for my own safety. We had missed yard hour, yesterday, by being in the library.
We were deep into a nail-sanding session when the lunch carts came around. After that, we made ourselves presentable for the yard. This would be the first time Dirk would have seen me presenting as his wyfie, and it was to be my first chance to show him that I wouldn’t let him down. We knew it was time when Bluto and Pluto looked in to tell us to get ready.
We stood in the doorway until Dirk came out of his cell. He looked at us both, then smiled. With Pluto in front and Bluto behind, we made our way to an open door to the yard, Cloe on one arm and me on the other. Out in the open air it was an interesting sight. The neighbouring gang leader was there, with two of the girls I had met in the library. There was no talk, unless spoken to, but Dirk introduced me to this hulk of a man, as his new wyfie. Beyond that, there were close conversations that I wasn’t able to hear, even as close as I was. I smiled at the other two girls, and they smiled back. Yesterday I had been told that they were once twin brothers and now looked like sisters.
We stayed as a close-knit group, Pluto and Bluto keeping watch, while Cloe and I played the part of Dirks’ arm-candy. I noticed that this may have been called an exercise yard, nobody did anything that looked even close to exercise. Towards the end of the hour, across the other side of the yard, a bunch of big guys beat another big guy to a pulp. As we went back to our cells, he was left there to be taken away by the guards.
Marianne Gregory © 2023
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I was reading this and it
I was reading this and it just disappeared on me!
Is there a problem in the system?
And Now For Something Different!
Definitely a departure from what I have come to think of as your usual stuff.
Delia is in a survive or die situation. I guess you have knowledge of South African prisons, not in person I hope! The description of gang-run institutions probably applies in many places so does not surprise. I can only wish Delia good luck and hope she makes it to the end of the story!