Petticoating Flourishes Ladd’s Exchange Mall Book 2 Part C

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Petticoating Flourishes
Ladd’s Exchange Mall
Book 2 Part C

by Jennifer Sue

Joey ran madly down the sidewalk. Each ragged breath sent searing pain lancing through his wounded body. The freezing late December rain splashed about him with every stride, soaking his bloody and tattered clothing. He was well past the point of feeling the cold or the pain. Only fear and hate drove him onward. Blindly he dashed out into the street directly into the path of a slowly moving car. The boy saw the car but was too far gone to avoid being hit. Even though he was exhausted, somewhere from deep inside, his survival instinct summoned enough strength to jump. As he landed upon the hood of the car, it's tires squealed in protest to the sudden stop. He never felt the impact as his weary body lapsed into unconsciousness.

The two women inside the car had been engaged in an animated discussion about the play they'd just seen. This type of weather seemed to bring out all the crazy drivers so they had taken side streets to avoid the heavy traffic they both detested. Both had recently retired, and Mary had moved in with her widowed sister Irene. The two feisty sisters had decided to begin living the way they wanted to live and to do things the way they wanted to do them. Their conversation was suddenly and violently broken as they saw a disheveled boy dart from the left curb in front of their car. Irene slammed on the brakes, yet due to the wet road the car slid towards the boy as she fruitlessly tried to steer away from the impending collision. The unfolding events seemed to happen in slow motion as they momentarily saw the fatigued boy's eerie bruised ashen face illuminated by the glare of the headlights. They watched in disbelief as he leapt into the air, crashed onto the hood, rolled up the windshield and off the roof on the passenger's side into the street. The car slid sideways on the rain slicked roadway as it skidded to a halt.

Mary had her door open before they had completely halted. She reached the boy's side and began a quick check to see how badly he'd been injured. Her years of experience as a nurse in the emergency ward of a hospital came into play without conscious thought. She was appalled by the battered condition of the shivering boy as she checked him. By the time Irene had joined her, she'd ascertained that although badly bruised and chilled, the worst injuries the fortunate boy had suffered were most likely cracked ribs.

The two looked about to see if anyone was about who could help them, but the cold, wet, dark street was completely deserted. Together, they lifted the soggy limp boy into the back seat of their car. In the dim light of the car's interior, both were shocked by the boy's appearance. His shredded shirt and pants were stained with congealed blood that the rain hadn't been able to wash away. Blood still trickled from his split lip and swollen nose. One eye was almost swollen closed. Those injuries were not a result of being hit by their car. It was obvious he'd been fleeing from a terrible fight. Mary also knew that if the amount of blood visible had all come from the boy, he'd be dead.

"We have to get him to a hospital," she spoke earnestly to her sister. "He must have been in quite a fight before we hit him." Irene nodded her head and closed the door on her sister and the boy before she went around to the driver's seat.

As the car sped into the night towards the nearest hospital, the boy stirred and struggled to sit up. Mary gently restrained him and spoke softly. "Just take it easy. You'll be all right. We're taking you to the hospital where they can take care of you."

Joey's eyes opened wide in terror. "Nooo..." he muttered through his cracked lips as he desperately struggled to sit. "I can't go to a hospital... They'll put me in jail... I killed him... I killed him..."

Mary looked aghast at the boy's revelation. "You couldn't have killed anyone," she spoke reassuringly as she tried to calm him. At least she hoped he hadn't killed anyone. But the amount of blood she saw told her otherwise.

"Look lady, you didn't hurt me. Just let me go," Joey pleaded as his mind started to clear. "I can take care of myself...AAAHHH!" A sharp stabbing pain lanced through his chest as he attempted to roll over on his side to push himself upright. Mary gently helped him onto his back as he gritted his teeth and tried to regain his breath. "I'm not going to any hospital," he hissed through his gritted teeth. Once more he began to try to sit up.

"All right, all right," Mary reassured him. "We won't take you to the hospital." She looked up at Irene to make sure her sister was in agreement before she went on. "We can see that you're obviously terrified of going anyplace where the authorities can get to you, but we can't just let you go out on your own when you're in this kind of shape. We'll take you back to our place for a few days until you can get back on your feet. Then we'll see what's going on. My name is Mary, and this is my sister Irene. What's your name?" She asked gently as she reassured the frightened lad.

Joey settled down and solemnly nodded his head to signify that he would allow them to take him home. "Joey," He whispered as he settled back and tried to relax, Mary glanced up at Irene and was relieved to see her nodding her head. They were both sure they were doing the right thing for this unfortunate lad.

When the garage door closed behind the car, Irene and Mary helped Joey stumble inside the well kept house. In the bathroom they quickly undressed the barely conscious boy and helped him into the tub where they carefully bathed him, washed his long, filthy matted hair, and cleansed his many wounds and bruises. Joey slipped into a deep sleep before they were finished.

Mary securely wrapped his ribs and bandaged his cuts while Irene, who had been married and raised a family, rummaged through the clothes stored in the attic for something that he could wear to bed. Since she had only raised two daughters, the choices were necessarily limited to girls' apparel. She chose a soft pink satin floor length nightgown with delicate lace ruffles about the snug neck, ends of the sleeves, and all about the hem. The nightgown fit perfectly. After dressing the slim boy they helped the exhausted, battered lad into one of the dainty canopy beds in her daughters' bedroom.

Mary, who'd never married but had always cared deeply for her patients, told Irene to get some sleep, that she'd sit with the sleeping boy to make sure he didn't wake up and try to slip away. She sat in the chair by the bed and read, looking up to make sure the peacefully slumbering boy was all right. She smiled wistfully to herself as she noted how fragile he appeared, even girlish. Old memories long suppressed surfaced, a few tears trickled down her cheeks as she sighed wondering how her life might have been different. She finally settled into a comfortable chair and read as she kept her vigil.

Irene silently woke her drowsing sister in the morning. Mary stirred cautiously as she eased the stiffness from her joints. As she accepted the great smelling cup of steaming coffee she thanked her sister. After sipping a bit of the coffee, she looked at the newspaper Irene held open before her.




Mary looked up at her sister and shivered as they exchanged knowing glances. They knew they had the missing boy in their bed. They both glanced over at the slumbering lad and felt their hearts go out to him. "Should we call the police," Mary asked softly.

"No, he's suffered enough," replied Irene firmly, she knew more about the lad than was revealed by the newspaper story. "This boy is not going to suffer any more if we can help him." Her years spent in the schools gave her the insight to know what awaited the boy if he was turned over to the authorities. "We told him we'd give him a few days to get better. Look at him, he's so frail. How long do you think he'd last in juvenile detention. Even if they don't keep him there, no foster home would accept him. He'll be a target for everyone. His life will be nothing but a media circus. Besides, I thought he looked familiar, he attends ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. Nancy Alder, who took over for me when I retired, is his teacher. She told me about Joey, how he came to school unwashed, battered and bruised, but never complained. She had even approached him about contacting children's services about parental abuse but Joey insisted he'd been in fights with kids from his neighborhood."

The two silently watched the boy for a few minutes. Irene's experiences of the last year with several of her sixth grade students were fresh in her mind as she spoke with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "We could keep him here. We'll tell people he's my grandchild."

Mary liked the idea but there were so many considerations. She thought deeply for a few moments then replied. "He lived a mile and half from where we hit him. He must have been really pumped up with adrenalin from his terror to have made it that far in his condition. We're too close to where he lived, he'd be sure to be recognized. We'll have to disguise him somehow."

They watched the slumbering lad for several minutes, finding it hard to believe that the angelic child before them had murdered a man, even if it had been justified. Mary looked at Irene and noticed the gleam in her eyes. Mystified at first as she tried to figure out what her sister was up to, it suddenly dawned on her. They looked at each other and broke into mischievous grins and giggled like schoolgirls. After years of dormancy due to their separation, their "twin" rapport was slowly returning.

"We'll keep him here, all right," Mary laughed as she recalled her dredged up memories of the night before.

"As my grandDAUGHTER!" finished Irene with a giggle. She and Mary turned back to the sleeping boy and continued giggling as they thought back to the day sixty years before when their spinster Aunt Harriet had reluctantly taken the tragically orphaned six year old twins into her home.

It'd been the depths of the depression and Aunt Harriet had more than enough problems keeping her childrens' and womens' apparel store operating. She insisted the young twins help in the shop to earn their keep. It became apparent the first day that having a rowdy boy in the store simply would not work. Aunt Harriet simply had no experience in raising children much less the patience for dealing with an unruly boy. Since Irene and Gary were twins and looked alike, she decided that things would be much simpler if they were both girls. That evening she simply informed the startled children that from that moment on, Gary would be Mary. She accepted no arguments and brooked no resistance. After several rather severe spankings, the unfortunate boy had no choice but to quickly slip into his designated role as shy demure Mary.

Irene and Mary grew up as close as twin sisters could get. They seemed to know what the other was thinking, and Irene was extremely protective of her "special" sister. They were enrolled in ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL where the nuns knew that shy Mary was really a boy. He also wasn't the only boy enrolled there as a girl. The current principal of the school, Mother Superior Mary Francis O'Kelly, had been one of their unruly male classmates who underwent petticoat discipline. By the time they finished high school, they had become so set in their roles that Irene naturally went into education and took a position at ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI while Mary became a nurse. Mary had been Irene's maid of honor, and the two remained in close contact through the years. Last year Irene had four pretty girls who were born boys transfer into her sixth grade class. She was quite sure that Joey would be just as pretty and happy as they had been.

Joey stirred restlessly and slowly woke up from a troubled dream. His entire body hurt. Waves of pain swept over him with every minute movement. He cautiously pulled the warm covers about his neck and attempted snuggle down as he tried to push the horrible dream from his foggy brain. He felt strange lying in the soft bed. Suddenly he stiffened as his mind cleared. His bed wasn't warm or soft or comfortable.

Cautiously he opened his eyes and peered about the spotless, totally feminine room. He saw that he was lying in one of two white French provincial beds with a pink satin canopy trimmed with copious white lace ruffles, and that he was clutching a matching quilted coverlet about his neck. He saw the delicately styled nightstands, dressers, and skirted vanity table all matched the beds. Softened sunlight illuminated the room as it filtered through the matching pink and white lace drapes.

He realized that his nightmare had been all too real as the events of the previous night came flooding into his mind. He remembered the two kind old ladies who had picked him off the street after he'd ran in front of their car. The last thing he could recall was sitting in a tub of perfumed water as they carefully cleansed his wounds and bathed him. He assumed they had put him in this bed after he'd passed out.

As he tried to sit up, a sharp pain in his ribs made him gasp and quickly lie back. Cautiously he slid the covers down to exam his injuries. He was totally unprepared to discover that he was wearing a soft nightgown. A careful examination revealed that he was clad in a soft pink satin floor length nightgown with delicate lace ruffles about the snug neck, ends of the long sleeves, and all about the hem. He blushed as he realized that the nightie matched the coverlet, canopy, skirt of the vanity table, and the drapes.

As these things were registering on his confused and frightened mind the door softly opened and Mary entered the room bearing a tray with a glass of orange juice and a steaming bowl of oatmeal. She smiled sweetly to reassure him that he had nothing to fear as she placed the tray upon the nightstand and pulled a chair to the side of the bed.

"You had quite a night, dear," she began. "Before you get all upset my sister and I know all about what happened. It made the front page of the paper. Everyone's looking for you."

She paused to let him absorb what she was saying as she helped the reclining lad raise himself into a sitting position by shifting several pillows behind him. She almost felt the pain his movement caused as she watched him wince. "I'm a retired nurse and you have several cracked ribs not to mention all the bruises and cuts you suffered. You'll have to be extremely careful for the next several days whenever you move," she explained to him.

Seeing that he understood her warning she went on in a deadly serious tone of voice as she sat in the chair and held the glass of orange juice to his lips so he drink. "My name is Mary Exmann. My sister is Irene Alterio and she is a retired teacher. She and I have discussed your situation and understand why you don't want to go to the authorities. Your future is not very promising. It'd go extremely rough for you no matter what they decide to do with you. If they find you delinquent, you'll go to the juvenile detention center where your small stature will make you the victim of physical and sexual aggression. If they don't find you delinquent, no foster care home will take in someone who killed a man so you'll wind up in a youth services orphanage where you'll face the same problems as you would at the juvenile detention center. If you strike out on your own, the only way you'll be able to support yourself will be by prostitution, if you don't get picked up and murdered first."

After placing the half emptied glass back on the tray she picked up the bowl of oatmeal and began to feed him a spoonful at a time as she went on. "There is no way you can leave here for at least two weeks. It will take you that long to heal up enough to enable you to get around decently. That eliminates your ability to run away. Irene and I have discussed your situation and we have decided to give you two options. First, we can disguise you so you can stay here and live with us as her grandchild. The other is to turn you over to the juvenile authorities, which is what we should do."

Joey kept quiet and listened to the woman who was feeding him. He hadn't realized how hungry and thirsty he'd been until she'd began to feed him. What she was telling him made a lot of sense, but he felt uncomfortable, wondering what motives she and her sister had for offering to help him. His street smarts warned him that something was wrong, but not what. Why should a stranger, two strangers yet, take an interest in someone like him? He decided to keep quiet and listen. He looked up to see Irene enter the room and stand beside her sister. He was stunned as he recognized her as the stern but kind sixth grade teacher who had retired just last year. If she hadn't retired, he'd have been in her class this year! Did she recognize him from school? If so, she didn't let give him any clues. He looked over the two women carefully, trying to discover a flaw or hidden motive in their kind offer.

Once she'd finished feeding him, Mary watched him as he digested not only his food, but her words. "You'll have to decide now which option you want. If you don't want to stay with us, that's your privilege... for now. If you want to stay, you'll have to do as we tell you to do without any arguments, protests, or resistance. If you decide to stay, we won't let you change your mind later as that would endanger us. So, which will it be, Grandchild or juvenile delinquent?"

Joey looked hard at the women. They appeared to be typical grandmotherly types like one sees on television. From what he knew of Irene, she was a strict but caring woman who was genuinely concerned with every student. Never had he heard any of her students bad mouth her. Thus, even though he'd never had any personal relationships with her, he felt he could trust her. His heart yearned for the love and tenderness such loving people had to give.

Yet his cynical street wariness told him such people didn't exist in real life. Based upon his harsh experiences he feared that they wanted him only to be their slave, or some worse fate. Swallowing hard, he questioned them. "Why are you doing this? What's in it for you to help me? Why would you take a murderer in as your grandson?"

Irene responded. "I do remember seeing you in school and I recall discussing you with several other teachers at staff meetings in ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. Your belligerence caused us quite a few problems. We realized that you weren't being bad for the sake of being bad, but rather as a means of protecting yourself. To be perfectly honest, we're not sure why we're offering to let you live with us. We discussed you quite a bit during the night. Neither of us think that you're a murderer. We don't even want to know if you killed him, because we're sure that if you did, what happened was done in defense of yourself and your mother. We think that speaks for itself about your character. If you can be that caring under the circumstances you were living, how much more will you have to give others if you live in a secure home with people who care about you? Last night when you begged us to let you go, we both knew we had to help. It's in our nature. Watching you sleep, reading about the hell hole you lived in, plus our knowledge of children and people, we feel comfortable making this offer to you. My children are 2000 miles away. I never see them. Mary never had children. We're both lonely and have a lot of love to share. Quite simply, we'd never sleep right if we turned you over to the juvenile authorities knowing what you'd have to live through there. Our souls leave us no choice but to offer you the chance for a new life with us. I hope that answers your questions."

Joey nodded his head slowly. His heart told him that they were sincere in their offer. His brain still told him to be wary. "Why won't you let me change my mind about staying with you if I decide to do so?"

"That's easy," replied Mary. "We simply can't let you go out on your own. If you change your mind about staying, we'll have to turn you over to the authorities. They'd want to know why we waited and we'd get into a lot of trouble."

Joey could see their point. "Why did you dress me in this dumb nightie?" He asked as he looked about the girlish bedroom.

"Again, that's simple to answer," replied Irene. "Your clothes were ruined and we had to throw them out. We had to put you in something and since I only had daughters, the only clothes I had that would fit you were the ones I had stored in the attic. My daughters both wore the nightie you're wearing now. To be honest, you look better in it then they ever did."

That caused Joey to turn scarlet. He had always been slightly built and smaller than his classmates and the kids in his neighborhood. His scraggly unkept shoulder length blond hair added little to his masculine appearance. He'd had to fight often and dirty to gain the grudging respect of his classmates and the neighborhood toughs. They all knew that they merely had to call him a sissy to get him angry. Now here were these two women telling him that he was wearing the same nightie two girls had worn and that he looked prettier than they had! "I want something else to wear," he hissed in obvious frustration.

Irene and Mary looked at each other and smiled knowingly. They had hit a very sore nerve on this tough kid. Irene looked back at him and spoke firmly. "A bit ago you asked why we'd want to take you in as my grandson. We never offered to take you in as my grandson. We offered to take you in as my grandCHILD." She saw the look of confusion upon his bruised face as she paused for effect.

Joey opened and closed his sore mouth several times as he let the import of her statements sink in. They couldn't be serious. If he was to be their grandchild, but not their grandson, then that meant they intended for him to be their granddaughter! He couldn't believe it. "No way!" He stated defiantly, "You don't really expect me to stay here as your granddaughter!"

"It's the only way we can do it," Irene explained now that she was sure Joey understood their intent. "If we let you stay as a boy, even if we tell people you're my grandson, you'd be recognized as Joey Garth. Your photo was in all the papers and on the television. We'd all get in trouble if anyone discovers who you are."

"Besides," added Irene. "The only clothes I have are the outgrown clothes I have stored in the attic. Every piece is undeniably girlish. We can't afford to go out and buy you a new wardrobe. You'll simply have to wear the girls' clothes and learn to live as a girl."

"That's why we're giving you the option of turning yourself over to the authorities," Mary added. "We will raise you as a girl if you stay here. Even if you do turn yourself in, you'll be taken away wearing that soft pretty nightie."

Joey knew that they were quite aware that they were, in reality, offering him no choice. Carefully he weighed his options. He would never turn himself over to the authorities. That was not even a consideration, wearing the nightie or not. But to live as a girl wasn't really a choice either. As he thought about his choices, he realized that he'd have to go for the lesser of two evils and accept the offer of these two kind but weird old ladies and masquerade as their granddaughter. At his school the rumors were that several boys were living as girls and attending classes. Pretty third grader Jennifer Ladd had been a tough kid by the name of JJ the year before. Even though everyone knew he was really a boy, no one teased or hassled her, the Nuns wouldn't allow it. Anyway, he reluctantly admitted to himself, the nightie did feel kind of nice. He sighed softly and decided that he'd be their "girl", at least until he recovered from his injuries. This way he could take his time to gather some money, make plans and get himself some boys' clothes before hitting the road. Lowering his head and taking a shallow breath he steeled himself for his reply. "I'll be your granddaughter..." He blushed a deep shade of red as he softly mumbled his reluctant acceptance of their offer.

Mary and Irene smiled and both moved to comfort the frightened boy who was now to be a girl. They both knew he was only going along with their demands of girlishness from him until he could escape. As they hugged him they exchanged smirks which would have struck terror through Joey's body if he'd witnessed it. His benefactors were just as determined that he would never make his hoped for escape as he was in getting away.


As the end of the year approached, Lydia looked back on the growth of the mall. Since the start of the school year, many businesses had been added to the well-rounded roster of LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL. Directly under her control she opened NEW DEAL ASSET MANAGEMENT, a bank managed by Miriam Hockman to handle loans and investments catering to women. From among the many construction workers and suppliers who had been working on the expansion of her properties she picked those who were honest and woman friendly. To them she offered space and financing to set up their own business with the provision that they give women priority service. Thus Gloria Bender opened TRANSITIONS GARDEN CENTER florist and garden center. Kenneth Giles set up TRANSITIONS HARDWARE & BUILDING SUPPLY. Ted Noll set up TRANSITIONS RENTALS rental shop. Carmen Hernandez opened TRANSFORMATION FURNISHINGS & CARPET, a furniture, carpet, and drapery store. Her friend Jasmine Blaze opened TRANSFORMATION OFFICE SUPPLY & EQUIPMENT, an office supply and copier store. Diane Hershock set up an interior design shop, NEW LIFESTYLES INTERIORS. Emma Hacker opened TRANSITIONS ELECTRONICS, an electronics store selling and servicing appliances, TVs, stereos, and computers.

Frank Waterman, a plumbing contractor, opened PLUMBING NEW DEPTHS. Barry Shockman, an electrical contractor, opened ELECTRIFYING EXPERIENCES. Nate Hitman, a carpenter, opened BUILDING A NEW TOMORROW. Rick Stone, bricklayer set up DON'T THROW STONES. Keith Hotzman set up HOTZMAN HEATING AND COOLING. Daphne Deeds established GREAT PLANS IN DEED architects. Carol Lipson set up DESIGN FOR A CHANGE ENGINEERING. Sylvia Ward opened up GET IT TOGETHER as a general contractor to coordinate the efforts of the other construction people. The mall was nearing full occupancy. The services offered by the female friendly the businesses of LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL drew more and more women.


On New Year's Eve both of the ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL Cheerleading Squads had a combination New Year's Eve celebration and sleep-over. Once more the giggling, vivacious teenagers and pre-teens had a great time celebrating their new lives and looking forward to their future. By this time, not one of the former boys regretted the changes they had undergone to reach their present state of girlishness. The genetic girls even went so far as to voice their jealousy of the pretty boy/girls.

When the boy/girls questioned why the real girls should be jealous they were told that they had every advantage the real girls enjoyed, plus the bonus of not having a monthly or the need to worry about getting pregnant. The boy/girls all blushed quite prettily upon hearing the reasoning the real girls put forth for their jealousy.

As the magic hour came and past, they settled down into quiet, earnest conversations about their hopes and desires. By now all the former boys were attracted to guys and were curious about how it felt to be loved by a guy. As of yet, none of them were allowed to go on single dates, but the teenagers had met some boys for group dates at the movies. All had attended the monthly dances sponsored by the school and had enjoyed dancing with the boys. The teasing touches and clumsy groping of the adolescent guys fired their lust and curiosity. All flirted incessantly and thoroughly enjoyed their cute girlishness. As happened at their last sleep-over during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, they coyly snuggled into their blankets for some self-satisfaction as their conversations tapered off. Soon all conversations ceased as the rooms filled with eager moans and barely suppressed cries of satisfaction.


During the two weeks after Joey had agreed to abide by the terms of his "benefactor's" arrangements, the two women pampered and simultaneously trained the hapless lad as they led and often shoved the injury-weakened boy into his new girlish life. No time was even allowed for him to think of escaping their plans for him. Every action, every word, every deed, even every moment was geared towards forcing him to live, feel, and think as if he were a girl. Each morning they gently woke him, then helped him sit up and swing his legs over the side of the bed. Warm, soft fuzzy pink slippers were placed upon his small feet before they helped him stand. Then they helped him into a pink quilted satin robe. Carefully supporting his battered body, they escorted him to the warm living room where they sat him before the crackling fireplace and allowed him to watch carefully selected television shows or videos, chosen for their reinforcement of feminine ideals and life. All the while they worked to erase all of his masculine attributes while emphasizing his feminine features. He eagerly ate the tasty wholesome home cooked meals they prepared to build up his malnourished body. Mary quite adeptly slipped female hormone tablets amongst the various vitamins she had him take each morning.

Hours were spent washing, conditioning, and trimming his formerly matted, scraggly, unkept hair until soft silken blond tresses cascaded sweetly about his face. The blunt cut ends gently brushed his shoulders with every minute movement he made. Cute straight bangs had been formed that ended just above his eyebrows, accentuating his big innocent baby blue eyes. Even his eyebrows had been thinned to ultra feminine dimensions by Mary who used an old electrolysis machine she'd purchased years before from a beauty salon that went out of business. She'd used it to denude her entire body of unsightly hair and now proceeded to do the same to the hapless lad despite his weak protests.

Once they had his lovely hair girlishly styled, they insisted he wear cute clip-on hair bows and ribbons to underscore his latent femininity. At the same time they double pierced his ears placing a dainty set dangling golden hoop earrings and a set of sparkling faux-diamond studs in his ears. Both his toenails and his fingernails were kept manicured, girlishly shaped and polished a bright, glossy pink.

The two women constantly monitored his every action, stance, and demeanor. Every movement done in an unladylike manner had to be repeated until he did it in a naturally feminine fashion. Then he was made to practice the perfected girlish move the number of times it had taken to get it right. If one of the repetitions was flawed, he had to begin anew. Thus he quickly learned to do things as they expected such as how to sit demurely with his knees together, to cross his legs at the ankle rather than at the knee, or to tuck one or both legs girlishly under his bottom. Every meal and snack was an education in proper eating habits and manners. He learned to take small bites and chew each thoroughly before swallowing. Burping or belching was, he quickly learned, a forbidden practice.

From their conversations they knew that he was used to seeing his face through loose matted hair with a cut or bruise somewhere upon it. The two weeks it took him to heal from that last battering would allow those horrid memories and images to fade. Because of this they refused to allow him to see himself in a mirror. They told him that it would be much easier for him to make the transition from a street wise boy into a demure little lady if he didn't see the day to day changes they were making in his appearance. They knew the two weeks of love, pampering and yet unyielding girlish training would indelibly imprint the first sight of his new appearance upon his bewildered receptive mind.

From that first day when he'd reluctantly agreed to be Irene's granddaughter, they referred to him exclusively in the feminine gender. They steadfastly refused to respond to any comment or request that he made where-in he referred to himself as male. He quickly learned to respond to his new name, Pamela Sue James. They knew just how effective and thorough they were as they indoctrinated him into girlhood and how devastating their efforts were to his increasingly fragile manhood.

Each night Joey went to bed tired and frustrated. Finally left alone in his new environment he had a chance to think. Desperately he wanted to rebel against their sweetness and compassion as they unrelentingly smothered his boyishness. Lying in his comfortable bed he'd review the days events and fume as he remembered each gentle rebuke for an unfeminine word, act, response, or some unconscious comportment. Being well aware of their intentions to transform him totally into a girl in thought and actions, he scolded himself for responding so easily to their girlish training. Then when his guilt about betraying his manliness grew too great to bear, he'd rationalize that he was simply going along with their efforts to lull them into a false sense of success. After all, he reasoned, he was just cooperating until he'd healed enough to make his escape and the authorities eased up their search for him. Deep inside, however, the guilt and feelings of boyhood betrayal festered.

Unknown to the lad, at the same time, the female hormones were effecting the way he thought and felt, allowing him to meekly accept their guidance and training.

At the end of his first week, they insisted that he was well enough to put on a dress before he came downstairs. He protested and begged to be allowed to remain in the nightie and robe, but they were adamant and insisted that his ribs had healed well enough to allow him to get up and move about and help them with the lighter chores. That day, and each day after (much to his dismay and chagrin), he found himself wearing a cute pair of white lace trimmed nylon panties under a full petticoat in white nylon edged in lace which would provide medium fullness for his skirt. A dress with a hand smocked bodice, gently flaring knee length skirt, satin ribbon waist belt, short puffy white lace edged sleeves, and white lace Peter Pan collar was then slipped over his head. The women fussed with the dress as they tugged into the proper position before they buttoned it up the back and tied the ribbon belt into a cute bow at the small of his back. White lace topped anklets were slipped over his feet before brown leather T-strap shoes were securely buckled into place. The finishing touch was a dainty white lace edged ribbon tied into a pert bow atop his soft blond hair.

Except for the color, the girlish outfit he wore each day was identical to that of the day before. The first day the ensemble was in baby blue, then came mint green, lavender, peach, yellow, pink, and white. He felt quite vulnerable whenever he carefully descended or ascended the stairs. The soft swirling of the flaring skirt about his exposed knees coupled with the lace edges of the fluffy petticoat tickling his thighs sent unexpected shivers of delight coursing through his emasculated body. The petticoat caused his skirt to flare daintily which added to the shortness of the dress. The resulting exposure and bareness of his legs made him quite aware of how he was dressed. He learned quickly to take smaller steps, how to take a seat while keeping his legs together, how to sit demurely with his knees touching, how to smooth his skirt and petticoat whenever he sat to avoid wrinkles, and how to keep the short hem from riding up his thighs.

To add to the burden of his increasing girlishness they insisted that he wear a white ruffled pinafore to protect his dress while he ate and performed his chores. Every movement created unexpected physical contact with his new clothes that served to emphasize his lack of boyishness. Irene and Mary could barely suppress their giggles as they watched his slow, deliberate movements and brightly flushed face as he was increasingly overwhelmed by the delightful girlish sensations they knew he was experiencing.

As the days passed, Joey found himself unconsciously doing things like a girl. Each night as he reviewed the days events he chastised himself for all the things he had done in a feminine manner without even thinking about it. At no time did he sit without first smoothing his skirts. All thoughts of the upcoming Super Bowl faded from his mind. The girlish books and movies he'd found boring just a short time before now fascinated him and he found himself identifying with the heroines. Increasingly, Joey caught himself thinking of the two women as his grandmother and great aunt. The forlorn pondering lad thought that worst changes were that he no longer winced when they called him Pamela Sue and that he instinctively responded with a smile whenever they complimented him for a particularly girlish action. These were, he sadly noted, all signs of the success of their efforts and disrupted his intentions of resisting their efforts and training.

Since, during those first two weeks, they kept the mirrors covered so he couldn't see himself, poor Joey had no idea how he looked. All he knew was how he felt. The most disconcerting part of his ordeal was knowing the clothes he wore were undeniably feminine, that his hair was styled femininely, and that he had to move and behave in a feminine manner. He felt he must look really ridiculous dressed as he was or they would let him see himself. Quite incorrectly he assumed and hoped that he must still look like a boy despite wearing a dress, that somehow his innate boyishness was overpowering their feminizing efforts. This helped to ease the burden of his submerged boyhood since he felt assured that they would soon give up trying to do the impossible of turning a tough guy like him into a girl.

By the fifteenth day of his stay, Irene and Mary were satisfied that all of Joey's bruises and wounds had healed to the point of invisibility. The meticulous electrolysis had been completed leaving his female hormone laced body utterly hairless, baby soft, and smooth. Since the day was Sunday, they decided to take him to church as his first public outing as a young lady.

Joey was terrified by their pronouncement that he would be accompanying them to church. He was in no way prepared to leave the sanctuary of their home and face the world as a girl. To his humiliation, he discovered that he could only cry, whine, and beg them not to take him outside, his will to physically resist them had been destroyed.

Irene and Mary carefully surveyed and appraised their delightful charge as they dressed him in a new outfit. The battered, sinewy, malnourished boy they had carried into their home off the streets had softened and filled out considerably thanks to the good food and female hormones. Gone were the bony protrusions of his joints and ribs. The soft baby smooth pale flesh of his face was completely hairless. Every trace of side burns and incipient beard had been permanently erased by the electrolysis. The only hair remaining upon his face was that of his delicate slender arched eyebrows. Soft silken blond hair formed cute fluffy bangs across his forehead. A part down the center of his head separated the remaining hair which was carefully gathered together above each ear into twin bouncy ponytails secured by inch wide pink lace ribbon tied into darling bows. His nails were about 1/4 inch longer and oval, coated in shimmering iridescent pink. Just below the sparkling faux-diamond studs, dainty golden earrings dangled from each pierced lobe while a delicate golden chain encircled his velvety soft throat. Brightly colored bangle bracelets clattered at each wrist with his every movement.

A soft light pink angora sweater hugged his slender torso showing off to great advantage the perky twin bulges created by his slightly padded lacy pink nylon training bra which made his tender nipples tingle in a nice way. About three inches above his shapely knees the hem of the darker pink pleated miniskirt swirled sensually about his soft thighs while the lace edging of his dainty pink nylon half slip softly kissed his smooth pale flesh beneath the pink scalloped lace pantyhose which accentuated the soft curves of his long, slender, hairless legs perched atop one inch heeled glossy black patent leather Mary-Jane shoes. The soft silky smooth snugness of the pantyhose sensuously caressed his nylon encased legs and flexed like a second skin with every movement.

This was the first time Joey had worn pantyhose and it was quite an enlightening and sensual experience. He looked down at his shapely pink lace nylon sheathed legs and wondered how a garment so thin could create the yummy feelings he was experiencing. Reluctantly and with a great deal of chagrin he had to admit that his legs looked quite girlishly sexy. Shaking his head to clear the confusion the utterly feminine clothing was creating in his beleaguered masculine mind didn't help.

Desperately he wanted to escape from the two women who watched his every move and corrected his every deed. Emotion fought with emotion. All in all, he was quite mixed up about everything that was happening to him. Part of him hated his girlish training and indoctrination. Another part couldn't help but love all the softness, kindness, love, and gentleness that now surrounded him. Added to this conflict was the simple fact that never had he experienced anything this close to a real family, people who actually cared for one and other. What resulted was a stalemate between his macho male self image and his growing comfort in his new role as a pretty girl. What was really aggravating was that he knew his two trainers were slowly but steadily forcing his mental stalemate to shift away from the macho and towards girlishness.

Mary and Irene smiled at their lovely creation and nodded their heads. All in all he presented an image of alluring innocent femininity. Joey was quite obviously overwhelmed by the myriad sensations the soft feminine items were imparting to his sensitized flesh. They knew the time was right to let Joey meet Pamela Sue. Joey's internal arguing was interrupted by the smiles and hugs of his ersatz grandmother and great aunt.

"Pamela Sue," Irene began tenderly. "It's time you saw just how pretty a girl you've become during the last two weeks." With those words she turned her wide-eyed terrified "granddaughter" towards the still covered full length mirror that hung on the closet door. Mary stood beside the mirror and at Irene's signal, swiftly removed the covering.

Joey's mouth dropped open in shock and he stood mutely staring at what he knew was his reflection. His masculine mind quavered at the sight and refused to believe that what he saw could be real. The unbidden memories of all the past teasing and taunts about his sissy appearance suddenly returned to smash into his rapidly shattering male psyche. A fierce trembling overtook him, his mouth quavered in an unvoiced shriek of abhorrence as he was forced to admit that all his past tormentors had been able to see the truth that he had so steadfastly and violently denied. Tears trickled slowly down his cheeks as his legs slowly caved in. Unable to tear his eyes from the image of the adorable girl he saw, he sank to his knees, then settled back to sit hopelessly upon his feet. In abject horror he watched as the cute girl in the mirror mimicked his every movement and did so with complete femininity. He knew then that the two women who had so carefully nursed and trained him these last two weeks had succeeded in erasing every trace of the boy named Joey and had successfully created an undeniably pretty girl named Pamela Sue.

Unable to take the truth he finally tore his eyes away from his unwanted reflection and buried his face in his hands as heart-rending sobs shook his entire body. With those tears came a flood of unwanted sensations. He could feel the cool, slippery nylon encasing his legs caressing his sensitized flesh. The snug fit of his panties and training bra brought home the totality of his transformation. The lace that seemed to trim everything he wore signaled it's presence to his weary brain by the innocent tickling it created everywhere it touched his skin. He wanted desperately to leap up, rip the horrid/enticing clothes from his emasculated body and flee.

Irene knelt beside him and took him ever so gently into her arms. She smoothed his pretty, soft hair as she lovingly reassured him that everything was going to be all right. Joey turned and buried his face into her warm, tender breast and sobbed uncontrollably for ten minutes.

When he finally ran out of tears he simply stayed still in Irene's comforting embrace. After another few minutes she gently placed her hands upon his shoulders and pushed him back a bit. Taking one hand she tenderly raised his chin until she could look into his red eyes. She saw the fear, terror, and defeat written upon his face. "Pamela Sue," she stated firmly but compassionately. "We have to clean you up and leave or we'll be late for church."

Without offering any resistance, Joey meekly allowed himself to be helped to his feet. The beguiling swirling of his skirt against his thighs reinforced the fact that he was indeed now Pamela Sue. Irene wiped his face with tissues, softly dusted his red face with sweet smelling baby powder, touched up his pink lips and readjusted the ribbons in his ponytails. Satisfied that she'd repaired the damage his tears had wrought, she once more turned him to face the mirror.

"Look at yourself, Pamela Sue," she ordered. "What you see in this mirror is exactly what anyone who sees you will behold. No one will ever suspect that you are a boy, or even that you might have ever been a boy. Rough and tumble Joey Garth will never be seen lurking inside cute Pamela Sue's skirts. You have absolutely nothing to fear."

Joey reluctantly looked at his reflection. He saw only Pamela Sue. A huge sigh of resignation overtook him as he was forced to admit that his "grandmother" was right. No one would ever think that he was anything but a pretty girl. The runaway murderer Joey Garth would be the furthest thought from anyone's mind who might happen to see him. He felt drained and unable to resist the efforts being exerted against him to turn him into a girl. The tough, aggressive, belligerent macho portion of his beleaguered mind threw in the towel and scurried to a deep dark back corner of his fatigued brain to hide until it could make sense of all that had happened to strip him of his manhood.

As a result it was an uncertain and shy Pamela Sue who was helped into her white fake fur waist length coat, handed a small white shoulder bag and escorted to the car where she carefully spread her skirt so that it wouldn't wrinkle. The short ride to church gave her little time to reflect on the implications her public debut would have on her life. As they pulled into the parking lot, she recognized the church. It was only three blocks from where she'd lived as Joey! "I can't go in there," she whispered in fear. "I know a lot of the people who go here. My school teacher and two of my neighbors go here. They'll know who I am."

"Now Pamela Sue," admonished Irene. "We discussed this before we left home. No one will recognize you as having once been Joey. You look like a very pretty girl. The only way anyone could even suspect that you were anything but a cute girl is if you do something to call attention to your boyish past. If you behave as we've taught you during your recovery, there is absolutely no doubt that you'll be completely accepted as a girl."

With that, the two women left the car, tugging the reluctant Pamela Sue behind them. The cold winter air swirled under her skirt and stirred her slip. The lace tickled her nylon clad thighs and left her shivering with a mixture of terror and delight. Her objections and fears of being discovered were quickly overwhelmed by the unexpected sensations of being outside on a cold windy day in a skirt. She found herself fighting the devilish gusts of wind that seemed intent on lifting her skirts and exposing her pretty panties for all to see who may be watching. Her hands finally found the best position to insure that her skirts wouldn't flip up by the time they entered the church.

Once inside things moved faster than Pamela Sue could prepare herself, which worked out for the best since she didn't have time to worry. She immediately found herself quite flustered as she shook hands with Miss Alder, Joey's teacher, who was a greeter that morning and a former colleague of Irene.

Irene came to the flustered Pamela Sue's rescue. "Miss Alder," she began formally which drew the woman's immediate attention away from Pamela Sue. "I'd like you to meet my eleven year old granddaughter Pamela Sue. Due to family problems, she has come to stay with me for a while. Pamela Sue, this is Miss Alder."

Miss Alder smiled sweetly, "Pamela Sue, that's a very pretty name for a very pretty girl." She smiled as Pamela Sue lowered her eyes demurely and blushed. "Will she be in my sixth grade class?"

Irene laughed, "Of course she will. I wouldn't dream of having it any other way," she stated gaily as she helped Pamela Sue remove her coat. "How are things going with your class. I read about that poor boy who they say killed his mother's boyfriend, wasn't he the one you had been telling me about?"

Pamela Sue stiffened and froze as she listened to their conversation. The outraged Joey forced his way out of the mental recess he'd fled into to reassert himself in Pamela Sue's quaking body. He felt angry and betrayed by Irene and Mary. They had obviously known about his situation before he'd even met them and had used their knowledge to trap him in skirts! It took all his will power to keep from bursting out in a vocal protest. The long sleeves of the girlish fake fur coat hid his macho clenched feminine fists and by lowering his head he shielded from view the anger that flashed across his scowling yet feminine visage. Frantically he searched for a way to exact revenge upon the two demons while not betraying the fact that he'd reasserted himself over the demure Pamela Sue.

"Yes, Joey was the poor boy I was telling you about," Nancy said sorrowfully. "I was afraid something like this was going to happen. The tragic thing is that no one has seen him since that night. He seems to have disappeared without a trace. I'm really concerned about him."

"Well," consoled Irene. "If he's half as tough and resourceful as you said he was, I'm sure he's found someplace to go to ground until this whole mess blows over. Why he's probably hiding right beneath our very noses." Irene gently squeezed Pamela Sue's shoulder as she made this last comment. "I'll bring Pamela Sue in to the school first thing tomorrow to be enrolled." She paused for a moment to let the import of her statement sink into Pamela Sue's mind then went on, "Why don't you join us for lunch after church, I'm sure Pamela Sue would love to meet her new teacher, and we can catch up on things." she stated gaily as she guided the enraged trembling faux-girl to a pew.

Mary had watched Pamela Sue closely as Irene spun her web about Nancy Alder. She marveled at her sister's skill in coercing people to do what she wanted, skills honed to perfection by the years spent teaching irascible children. Although Pamela Sue appeared to be quite subdued and amendable, based upon her own experiences in similar circumstances, Mary could see subtle signs that she was quite upset and that Joey was straining to reassert himself. She knew that they'd have to keep a close eye on her to make sure that Joey stayed suppressed.

All through the service Joey tried to sit quietly as he looked for a way to get out of the mess. Unfortunately, like most eleven year olds, it was extremely difficult for him to stay still. Every time he fidgeted, the bangle bracelets clattered, his earrings brushed his neck and the lace of his lingerie tickled his sensitized skin. Every time he swallowed, the delicate chain of his necklace reminded him of it's presence. All these things severely distracted him from his efforts and left him hopelessly frustrated. Before he had even begun to reach a solution, the service was ending and he was being helped into his girlish soft fake fur coat. The only consolation he could find was that his teacher hadn't recognized him.

After the service many parishioners greeted Mary and Irene, most inquired about the blushing pretty young girl accompanying them. Joey blushed deeply as he was repeatedly complimented upon his demure girlishness. With each new introduction, the flustered and enraged Joey had to smile sweetly and curtsey like the dainty young miss he appeared to be. The only way he was able to endure the many hugs and cheek pinchings he received was to let Pamela Sue resume control. Each time it was harder for him to reassert himself over his all too girlish alter-ego. When they finally made it outside, the wind was fitfully swirling paper and debris, picking it up and then dropping it. Despite the unpredictable wind, people still stopped to talk.

One of the groups who stopped to talk consisted of Timmy Davis, a former classmate who had been one of his best friends, and his mother and grandmother. Poor Joey had to stand there and make small talk with the unsuspecting macho Timmy who was trying to impress Pamela Sue. Once more Joey couldn't believe that he wasn't recognized. It really made his stomach tumble as he realized his buddy would probably go to sleep that night playing with himself while thinking about what he'd like to do to Pamela Sue. That thought so distracted Joey that as they parted he was totally unprepared for a pesky gust of wind that snatched the back of his skirt and flipped it up to reveal his dainty pink panties. Spinning about to catch his skirt and hide his undies, Joey was mortified to discover a smirk upon the ogling boy's face as he drank in the forbidden sight of Pamela Sue's lacy delights. Joey wished the ground would open and swallow him. Pamela Sue reasserted herself, blushing beet red as she quickly turned away from the lustful lad. She sniffed back tears of frustration and degradation as she scurried in front of Mary to hide herself from the wanton leering of Joey's buddy. Mary provided the buffer Pamela Sue needed as she ushered the terrified child to their car. When they finally made it to the car, Pamela Sue/Joey collapsed upon the rear seat, totally exhausted, both physically and mentally and burst into copious tears.

Irene slipped into the seat beside her trembling granddaughter and slipped her arms about her in a warm comforting hug. "It'll be all right, Pamela Sue. I know it's embarrassing when the wind does that to you, especially in front of a handsome boy. Boys can be so cruel about those things, why it wouldn't surprise me if he told all the guys in his class what he saw and then points you out to them when you show up Monday. You'll just have to carry on as if nothing happened even though you know all the guys will be wanting a glimpse of your pretty undies." The words had the desired effect on the angry and confused lad whom she knew lurked just beneath the surface of the pretty girl as she shuddered in her embrace. Suddenly the shuddering stopped and the tears burst out anew as the shy, frightened girl they were creating once more submerged Joey and buried herself in the protective security of her grandmother's arms. Irene breathed a sigh of relief, confident that Joey had once more slipped back into the recesses of Pamela Sue's mind.

Still nervous about meeting her teacher now that she was a girl, Pamela Sue hoped Joey would stay hidden. Suppressing her terror with a deep sigh, she wondered why boys were so terrified of anything that threatened their masculinity as she opened the front door at 1:30 to greet Nancy Alder with a polite curtsey. The compliment she received for the girlish act caused her to blush as she led her teacher into the dining room. Irene greeted her friend warmly and offered her a seat as Pamela went into the kitchen to help Mary bring the food to the table.

Light conversation went on throughout the meal, mostly about how things were going at ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. Nancy asked Pamela many probing questions which she nervously answered to the best of her ability based on the cover story that had been concocted to explain her presence with Irene. When the meal was done, the women adjourned to the living room to enjoy a cup of coffee while Pamela Sue, grateful to be away from her teacher, cleared the table and washed the dishes. When she was done, she reluctantly joined them. Blushing as the three women smiled sweetly and looked at her when she entered the living room, she began to smooth her skirts to take a seat as a feeling of nervousness came over her.

Before she could seat herself, Irene asked, "Pamela Sue, will you please refill our cups?"

Thankful for something to do and ever so politely, she smiled tensely, curtseyed once more, and returned to the kitchen where she took the pot from the coffee maker and returned to the women. Gracefully she refilled the cups without spilling a drop. Curtseying again before returning to the kitchen she was mystified that she found that she felt good about herself.

"That was very well done, Pamela Sue," Nancy told the blushing girl when she returned. Once more she instinctively curtseyed. "I'm quite sure you'll be a delight in the classroom. I might even have you teach some of the other girls proper serving techniques."

Those words of praise caused Pamela Sue to blush as she daintily smoothed her skirts to sit. Once seated she demurely folded her hands and rested them upon her skirted lap. Inside her mind she could feel Joey twitching as he was appalled by the seeming naturalness of Pamela Sue's girlishness. It was as if he was hiding behind a door bashfully scuffling his feet while listening in on someone else's conversation. That was exactly how Joey felt. All that Pamela Sue did served to squash his boyish rebelliousness. He detested the way she unconsciously glanced into every reflective surface to check her appearance and make minor adjustments to her hair or skirts. Every time he saw her pretty face it drove home the point that he would look like that for the rest of his life. The pierced ears and slender eyebrows would never go away. Even if he were to put on boys' clothes, he knew that he'd still look like a girl. If he'd known that his body was flooded with feminine hormones, he'd have been completely devastated. As things were there was little hope that he'd ever be able to reassert his masculinity.

It was late afternoon when Nancy left. Mary and Irene both complimented the happily blushing Pamela Sue upon her deportment during the visit. Following a light supper, Irene had little trouble talking her tired granddaughter into going to bed early so that she'd be refreshed for her first day of school. Pamela Sue fell asleep almost the instant her head hit the pillow. Joey was not even present.

The next morning Irene gently awoke Pamela Sue and sent her to wash up while she laid out her school uniform. As Pamela Sue brushed her teeth, she glanced in the mirror and saw Joey despondently looking out of her eyes. Both aspects of her split personality knew that she'd look really cute in the feminine school uniform. Based upon her brief experience in dresses, they were also sure it'd be a lot more comfortable than the yucky boys' uniform. Joey had always hated wearing the navy blue dress slacks, light blue dress shirt, navy blue necktie and vest, navy blue socks and black oxford shoes. Joey had always detested the quite uncomfortable uniform. As she looked at her reflection, she felt Joey sigh and turn away to hide from what both of them now realized to be the inevitability of his disappearance. All the hopes of revenge against Irene and Mary that he had fostered were now canceled out by Pamela Sue's love for what they had done.

An hour later, Pamela Sue tightly grasped Irene's hand as they followed Mary up the steps and into ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. All anyone saw that day was a demure and quite lovely girl clad in the school's cute uniform. The snug sleeveless scoop necked hot pink velveteen jumper fit snugly about her promising torso while the gently flaring pleated skirt swung saucily about her smooth thighs two inches above her knees. The soft pale pink nylon blouse had a wide Peter Pan collar of delicate lace that lay atop the shoulder straps of the jumper. The flaring two inch cuffs of the blouse's long sleeves were made of the same fragile lace. The pale pink nylon kneesox and T-strap hot pink patent leather shoes matched the colors of the jumper and blouse. Her bouncy blonde ponytail was secured by intertwined ribbons, one of pale pink and the other of hot pink, formed into a bow to complete the matching outfit and add to her fragile girlishness.

Pamela Sue's portion of her enrollment only took fifteen minutes. Before she had time to panic she took the packet of papers they handed her and she was being led to her classroom by Linda Evers, one of her former classmates and a fluffy headed feminine girl that Joey had delighted in teasing. The girl talked incessantly about the school, clothes, music, tv, and most embarrassingly for Pamela Sue... boys. Pamela was bewildered by Linda's non-stop conversation yet grateful that she didn't have to respond. When they arrived at the classroom, Miss Alder took the forms, dismissed Linda to her seat, and quickly read the forms. The entire class could tell that Miss Alder was startled by what she read. The look of disbelief upon her face was clearly evident as she carefully scrutinized Pamela Sue. Pamela Sue fidgeted nervously under the intensity of Miss Alder's gaze afraid that she had finally seen through her deception while the class wondered what was happening. Finally after several long moments, Miss Alder took Pamela Sue to the side.

"Pamela Sue," she confided sweetly so that the class could not hear what was being said. "I think your disguise is perfect. You had me completely fooled yesterday. Now I understand what Irene meant when she said Joey was hiding right under our noses." She gave the startled boy/girl a reassuring squeeze on the arm before resuming her strict professional image to formally present the blushing new student to her classmates.

Flustered by Miss Alder's revelations, Pamela Sue kept her head shyly bowed most of the time, occasionally glancing up to survey her classmates as Miss Alder explained Pamela Sue's supposed situation. As Pamela Sue stood before the class, she nervously clasped her hands upon her purse which she held at her waist as if it could shield her from the threat of discovery. Quite unconsciously she anxiously swayed as she burned up the adrenalin pumping through her soft girlish body. As a result, her skirt flared out slightly and swirled enticingly about her thighs, letting her classmates catch glimpses of the lacy hem of her slip.

Joey's desk was still vacant, and right beside it sat Timmy Davis. When their eyes met she could tell by the smirk upon his leering face and the way he kept licking his lips that he was vividly recalling the illicit glimpse of her lacy undies. The fact that he could see the rich lace of her slip aroused him without her knowing it. Her face turned bright red from the embarrassment of his thoughts. When next she glanced at him, she saw him leaning across the aisle whispering to Justin Bowers and Daniel Deeter, who were beginning to leer at Pamela Sue. The boys were snickering as they whispered. Totally crestfallen, she just knew that Timmy was describing in lurid detail what that hideous gust of wind had revealed. For the first time she felt regret for the many times Joey had spied girls' undies and shared the lurid details with Timmy, Justin, and Daniel. Back then Joey had never understood why the girls became so upset whenever the guys caught sight of their dainties. Now she understood how those poor girls felt! She wished the earth would open and swallow her. Once more her only consolation was that no one recognized her as their former classmate, Joey. Just then she was startled from her jittery contemplations and jumped nervously.

"Timothy, Justin, and Daniel! Please stand up and share with the class what you find so important and amusing that you have to be so rude as to talk while I'm addressing the class," stated Miss Alder with a stony coldness in her voice.

The boys shivered visibly as they leapt to their feet to stand by their desks. Pamela Sue knew just how they felt since Joey had often suffered the same fate and felt sorry for them. The punishment would be harsh and swift. The boys stood mutely with their heads dejectedly bowed.

"I'm waiting," she stated after a few moments of total silence while the boys shuffled their feet nervously. When there was still no response she smiled wickedly. "Very well, come forward."

The boys slowly shuffled to the front of the classroom until they stood before the teacher's desk. Pamela Sue unobtrusively stepped to the side, glad to be out of center stage. Miss Alder told her to take the vacant seat that was beside Timmy's recently vacated seat... Joey's old seat. Gratefully Pamela Sue scurried down the aisle and daintily took her seat, carefully smoothing her skirt before she sat down.

The room was so silent you could have heard a pin drop. After what seemed like an eternity, Miss Alder spoke firmly as she handed each a piece of paper. "Go to the windows, space yourselves as far apart as you can, do not look at each other or speak to anyone. I want you to write down on the paper what you were talking about and your papers had better agree! If they don't, well, I'd rather not waste my breath on you if that is the case. Now go!"

The boys took the paper and silently shuffled to their designated locations. Miss Alder's anger had surprised them and they were trembling with fear, their minds were flooded with doubts. They knew whispering in class was not a serious offense, but whenever someone was caught, they had to tell the class what they were talking about. Refusal to tell was a serious offense. But how could they tell the class they'd been talking about Pamela Sue's panties? They just couldn't do it.

Daniel was a new student, having recently transferred into ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL after the death of his parents due to AIDS. His aunt, Gwen Deeter, had taken him in after their tragic deaths. Gwen was also the president of LADD'S REALTY AND INSURANCE and thus good friends with Lydia Ladd. Daniel was an obnoxious boy who had taken on a tough guy veneer as his way of handling the loss of his parents. It had only been six weeks since his father's death and Aunt Gwen was already almost at her wits end as she tried to be understanding of his needs while insisting he behave like a proper young man instead of an undisciplined hooligan. Daniel became fast friends with Joey, Timmy, and Justin in the his short time in the school. Already he had developed a reputation with the nuns for his behavior and lack of respect. While not to the point of expulsion or Petticoat Discipline, he had been paddled several times and lost recess privileges. Aunt Gwen would not be pleased to find out he had gotten into trouble again, especially about a girl's panties. Already he could imagine himself standing before her, listening to her lecture.

Timmy and Justin were already on probation and their parents had been told that Petticoat Discipline or expulsion would be the next step if they got into trouble again. Quite naturally their parents had read the riot act to them when they came home. They had been told in no uncertain terms that their tuition would not be wasted by an expulsion, instead they would receive the Petticoat Discipline if they were hauled into the office again.

After these dire facts had been recalled, the boys figured it'd be in their best interest to minimize the trouble they were in by cooperating as much as they could. With great effort they harnessed their fears and after regaining control began to write.

Miss Alder had taken attendance and collected the lunch money and was just preparing the first assignment when the boys meekly raised their hands. Summoning them to her desk, she took their papers and quickly scanned them. Looking up she looked upon them with a deadly smile. "While I can't say that I'm surprised by the subject you were so rudely discussing, I'm glad to see that you had the sense to write the truth." The look of relief upon their faces was a sight to behold. "You may take your seats, I'll deal with this later," she told them as she shook the papers before their red faces. The lads hurriedly returned to their seats, relieved that perhaps their good faith efforts would save them from being sent to the office. They made sure that they paid close attention to the lessons and that their every action was correct.

The rest of the morning went rather rapidly with the entire class being cooperative and well behaved. Pamela Sue slipped right into the rhythm and amazed herself with how easily the she understood what was being taught. It was a major revelation. Joey had never really paid attention, being intent on mischief. But now that he was Pamela Sue, studying seemed natural. No wonder girls did better in school, she thought to herself.

By lunch, Timmy, Justin, and Daniel felt they were out of danger of being sent to the office for their whispering about Pamela Sue's pretty undies. Feeling a bit cocky that they had managed to get away with their actions, they began grousing to each other about their humiliating ordeal. Once more in typical male reaction the boys refused to accept or even acknowledge that their own behavior was the true cause of their problems, instead they sought to place the blame somewhere else. They quickly reached the conclusion that the entire flap was really Pamela Sue's fault for allowing the wind to show off her dainty lacy delights. Reminded of the enticing girlish lingerie, they became excited and decided to see if they could catch a glimpse of Pamela Sue's undies.

All three boys found themselves intrigued with Pamela Sue. There was something different about her that they couldn't quite grasp, almost some sort of familiarity. All morning she had been surreptitiously glancing at the three boys, and blushed bright red whenever they caught her. Whenever they looked at her, she'd turn away or lean over her paper as if their gazes would turn her to stone. Pamela Sue's shyness attracted them as much as her cuteness. They were definitely beguiled by the timid miss.

Without discussion they cautiously sidled around the cafeteria until they were near where Pamela Sue sat with Linda and several other girls while they ate their lunch. With hushed voices the boys were soon busily speculating about Pamela Sue's pretty undies and wondering what she was wearing under her uniform as they closely watched her and the other girls, hoping one would make a faux pas and reveal their hidden dainties. So intent were they upon their spying and muffled illicit conversation that they didn't notice Mother Superior Mary Francis or the principal Sister Marsha walk up to stand behind them.

Three startled boys jumped about a foot into the air when they heard the hard stern voice of Mother Superior Mary Francis. "You boys seem very interested in girls' lingerie, especially Pamela Sue's dainties. That's not a very nice or healthy thing for boys to do." The words were spoken firmly and loud enough for everyone in the large room to hear.

The terrified boys leapt to their feet and stood trembling and ashen faced before the dreaded monster that stomped on misbehaving students. Mother Superior Mary Francis had earned the nickname GODZILLA for the sheer joy she seemed to take in squashing errant boys underfoot. In her iron fist were the papers upon which they had confessed their earlier whisperings. The lads knew they were going to be chopped to bits. The entire cafeteria had fallen silent, every eye was upon the cowering miscreants. Pamela Sue felt her stomach doing somersaults as she realized the boys had once more been attempting to see her panties.

The boys felt their stomachs churning as Mother Superior Mary Francis went on. "It does give me a very good idea for an appropriate punishment. Since you are so interested in pretty lingerie, I will see if I can arrange for you to get some of your own. I think it will be for everyone's best interests if you have your curiosity quenched by getting some pretty panties of your own to wear! I've already called your parents and guardian and told them the good news." With that, the two nuns gracefully turned and walked away leaving the stunned boys to their mute fears. Once the nuns were gone the entire student body burst into guffaws and giggles since they easily heard the proposed fate of the distraught boys. The frantic lads fled the scene of their humiliation. Numbly the boys went through the rest of the day, waiting for the executioner's axe to fall.

Just before school day ended, the intercom buzzed. After Miss Alder answered, she turned with a Cheshire cat like grin upon her face. Addressing the three very subdued boys sitting beside Pamela Sue she spoke clearly so that everyone could hear. "Timothy, Justin, and Daniel; gather your books and report to the office. Sister Marsha would like discuss your punishment." Once more the class had fallen completely silent as the gaunt, pale boys meekly gathered their things and slowly walked off to the office as if they were heading for a hangman's noose. They almost wished they were heading for that option rather than what they dreaded to face. They didn't even notice Irene Alterio waiting patiently outside the room as they silently walked by.

When the school day ended Pamela Sue was surprised to discover her grandmother waiting patiently outside the classroom. After giving Pamela Sue a warm embrace, she led the red-faced girlish boy back into the classroom to discuss the day's events with Miss Alder. Pamela Sue hung back as the two women chatted.

"Irene Alterio," Nancy Alder stated with a grin. "You really have your nerve! Tricking me yesterday with Pamela Sue. When Mother Superior Mary Francis told me who this precious little girl really was you could have knocked me over with a feather. I never would have guessed she and Joey were even related!"

"I do apologize for fooling you," stated Irene with a smile. "But I had to do it. Pamela Sue had to know just how much she has changed since she's been with Mary and I. It wasn't an easy task transforming a tough, streetwise guy like Joey into sweet demure Pamela Sue. We had to be on top of her every minute she was awake, insisting she do everything like a proper lady. However, we think the results were well worth the effort."

Pamela Sue had been standing with her head lowered and hands modestly folded in front of her as she listened to their conversation. Part of her was angry that Irene and Mary had plotted and worked so hard to erase all traces of boyish Joey while creating demure Pamela Sue. Another part was pleased that her appearance and behavior as a pre-teen girl was totally convincing thanks to the efforts of the two women. Once more she was caught in a dilemma as to how to react. A small sigh of defeat escaped her pretty lips as she realized the only reaction she could express was to blush and accept her obvious girlishness.

After a brief pause during which Irene and Nancy looked with delight upon Pamela Sue's girlish responses to their conversation, Irene resumed their conversation. "I stopped in with Mother Superior Mary Francis before I came here. She told me all about the problems Pamela had with those three boys who left class. It's a pity the one won't have to be pantied. I wonder how long the other two will hold out before they succumb to their Petticoating."

"Well," replied Nancy. "If they're typical of most rowdy boys, they won't last too long. I'll really be surprised if they make it the week without showing up dressed as girls. Tough guys like they are would sooner appear as a girl than a sissy. Isn't that right Pamela Sue?"

Once more Pamela Sue turned beet red. Her teacher's words were right on target. The only response she was capable of making was a reluctant nodding of her pretty head which caused both women to laugh.

"I'm sure Pamela Sue will be most sympathetic to the sissy boys when they show up for class tomorrow," stated Irene with confidence.

"Yes, I think she will," agreed Nancy with a chuckle. "You see, Joey was the ring leader of those very boys. The four of them were the worst behavior problems in the class. Personally I think it's quite amusing that the three guys got into trouble for trying to look up Pamela Sue's skirts. If they knew that Pamela was their former leader, they'd totally freak out." Turning serious she placed a consoling hand on Pamela Sue's shoulder. "As it is, I'm sure Pamela will have a tough time tomorrow knowing that Timmy and Justin are wearing panties because of her."

"Yes, I'm sure it will be hard on her," agreed Irene as she slipped a comforting arm around Pamela Sue. "Now it's time we headed home. Mary is teaching Pamela Sue how to cook."

With that said, the women said their good-byes. Pamela Sue was very quiet the rest of the night as she attempted to deal with the guilt she felt for betraying her boyhood and her friends.

When Timmy, Justin, and Daniel arrived in Sister Marsha's office they found their parents and guardian seated and waiting along with Mother Superior Mary Francis. Silently they entered the room without raising their eyes from the floor and stood meekly before the Inquisition.

"Boys," Sister Marsha began softly. "Your parents have agreed with our suggestion that we curb your insolence by giving you first hand knowledge of what seems to have attracted your interest." She paused to let the boys' fears have time to eat at them. "Daniel, since you are still relatively new here, you will accompany Timmy and Justin today but will not have to join them. Hopefully watching what they go through will be enough to convince you to behave. If it doesn't, you could well join them! Timmy and Justin, you will be taken to THE CLOTHING EXPERIENCE in LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL where you will both be fitted with lace trimmed pink panties and training bras. All of your current underwear will be thrown out, and for the rest of the school year, you will wear your new lingerie, at home as well as here. You will also be fitted with cute baby-doll nighties to replace your pajamas. In addition, all your socks will be replaced by lace topped pastel anklets, all your shoes with Mary-Jane strap shoes, and all your boys' sneakers with pink girls' sneakers. You will also wear the regulation girls' shoes and your pretty anklets to school."

The boys looked up in disbelieving horror as she passed their sentence. Timmy and Justin knew they would never live down the epitaph of SISSY that would be placed upon them. Tears of anger and frustration began to trickle down their faces when they saw the stone-faced expression of their fathers and the looks of anticipation from their mothers. Daniel shivered, realizing just how close he was to receiving the same punishment and quite thankful that he'd been spared.

Seeing that she had the boys' egos on the run, she went on. "For the time your punishment continues, you will go once a week to TRANSFORMATION STYLING where Susan Bangs will style your hair as she sees fit. Since you'll be wearing girls' lingerie, we feel it will be in everyone's best interest if you stop taking gym class since your undies will create too much of a stir in the locker room. We know that you are both quite active in sports and outdoor activities. Unfortunately, you will have to stop those endeavors too. To replace gym and your other activities, we have enrolled you for a daily one hour class at METAMORPHOSIS SCHOOL OF DANCE where you will take ballet, tap, and jazz dancing lessons. You will not have to worry to about being teased by the other boys. They will be told that anyone who teases you about your punishment will join you."

Timmy and Justin wanted to die. They had never in their wildest fears thought their punishment would be so thorough or last till the end of the school year. Since their fathers were present and not objecting, both realized there was no way for them to avoid what awaited. Daniel couldn't believe the parents were going to allow their sons to be sissified, but the reproving look upon his aunt's face told him he wasn't much better off than they were.

Sister Marsha was well aware of the boys' emotions. "If you do not cooperate with us, your teachers, parents, or instructors; we will be forced to institute harsher punishment."

As expected the boys looked up in wide-eyed terror. Timmy and Justin wondered what could be harsher than what they already faced. They decided they'd rather not find out. Daniel knew that the next step for him would be follow the lead of his two buddies. He too had no intentions of finding out what awaited him.

Smiling sweetly Mother Superior Mary Francis spoke to the confused, shattered boys. "I'm sure that you are aware that several boys have attended ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL while living completely as girls. We currently have several boys attending dressed and living as girls right now. I'd have no qualms whatsoever of having you two join their ranks. As a matter of fact, you might even discover that you like wearing girls' dainties so much that you'll voluntarily join the Petticoated boys."

Timmy, Justin, and Daniel glanced meaningfully at each other as they listened to her words. They had heard about boys attending as girls and like most of the guys had gone out of their way to see the boy/girls. The only one they knew for sure was the spoiled rich kid, JJ Ladd, who's mother owned LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL. He had finished second grade a boy and started third as girlish Jennifer Jane Ladd. It was difficult for them and most other boys to believe that the cute perky third grade girl had ever been a boy... especially one with JJ's reputation. There were several other girls rumored to really be boys. Only a year ahead of them, Tonia had enrolled in mid-February, Kylie near the end of March, and Carla at the start of April. All three appeared to be very shy, pretty girls... it was hard to imagine that any had ever been a boy.

None of the boys wanted to join the ranks of the boy/girls. At least they knew that the Nun's assurances that they would not be teased at school was true. They had no doubts that any boy who teased them would join them.

"You may leave now, they're awaiting you at the mall," Sister Marsha stated as she ushered the boys and their parents and guardian out of her office. Once they were safely alone, she chuckled and turned to Mother Superior Mary Francis. "Well, what do you think?"

The stern visage of the gray haired Nun broke into a grin. "Justin and Timmy will be in skirts very shortly. I doubt they'll make it until the end of the week. Once Tina Bemis gets them into the girls' gym uniform with the jumper cover-up, their mothers will see how pretty and well behaved their "daughters" are compared to their sons. Then it will be a full flung effort to feminize the boys which their fathers are too weak to stop. Daniel will take a bit longer. I think Gwen will eventually have to put him in skirts, I'd guess before this year ends."

Both Nuns chuckled, knowing that they had three more budding feminine converts, just as they had been when they were students at ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL.

To Be Continued...

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