I just wanted to apologize for my slowness, and occasional missed updates lately. And yes, today's going to be more of the same. I haven't had any time to write yet, and I'll be leaving in ten minutes. I won't get a chance to do anything until I get back around eleven. I can make no promises!
These last few chapters have been really slow to come together. I should be able to write a chapter in one to two hours, but they've been taking more like four or five! Hopefully I'll get out of this slump soon, it leaves me no time to write anything else, including the Terror Contest entry I want to write.
I admit my new addiction to Gaia Online hasn't helped any, but I've gotten better about that, really! ;)
Don't worry, Saless
Take your time and pull yourself together - we know you can. And besides, don't you think we will be understanding if you decide to put VC on hold? Especially if you have something bigger on your mind - like Terror Contest entry you want to write. ^_~
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Well now, I don't know about
Well now, I don't know about putting it on hold! But yeah, there's no way I'm getting a chapter out tonight. I need sleep too much, especially after I nearly passed out at bowling! (Anemia, gotta love it!)
Thanks Faraway! :)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
GO will consume your soul! ^∇^
I suppose your hordes of ungrateful, impatient fans will just have to wait a little bit. Le Sigh! ^__^
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
The funny thing is, as much
The funny thing is, as much as I enjoy GO's MMO, zOMG, it's the marketplace that really takes up the most of my time. I'm buying and selling stuff all over the place! ;) (Making a nice bit of profit, too!)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
This was NOT what I meant ...
... when I commented that I like the slow pace of the story right now ... :-)
Anyway, take your time and post the next chapter whenever you're ready. Anybody who followed the 94 chapters (plus side stories) so far will be able to wait a few days for the next one. Most of my favourite serials update far less often than VC, and I'm still reading them when they update ...
--- Martin