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There’s less than a week, now, until school starts at my new high school. I do hope I don’t have to write up a “What I did on my summer vacation” essay. That would be totally embarrassing, and not a good intro to a new school.
It’s not like the summer was uneventful – far from it. But I’d rather all the details weren’t known, and don’t want to have to discuss my reactions, at least any more than I have to with the shrinks I’m having to see. I suppose I should write it down, for my eyes only, as it might be useful to look back in a few years. I guess it starts with the accident I had at the beginning of summer.
I’d give you the details of the accident, but I honestly don’t remember them. They say the brain is good at forgetting bad things, and it must have really hurt. Heck, things still hurt two months later, though nothing like they did when the pain meds first wore off at the hospital. Near as they can tell, it involved a train, a railroad bridge and a chain link fence. The trains don’t go by there that often, and lots of kids use that bridge as a short-cut. I just had the luck, which most people see as bad luck, to be there are the wrong time.
Waking up in the hospital was odd. It was painful, and I was in and out of conciousness for a while, while my parents tried to comfort me and tell me that things would get better, though they didn’t seem too sure, sometimes. Seems the accident had torn away my male bits, and it was all they could do to keep me from bleeding to death as they worked to fix things. My male bits couldn’t be saved, and the doctors were recommending that they fix me up as a girl. Well, they mostly had, since they’d had to do a lot of surgery there to keep me alive, and went for the closest to “normal” they could do with what they had.
What was really odd about this, was that it so closely matched a fantasy I’d been having for years. Sometimes there was an accident. Other times it was a mysterious illness. They details of the accidents and the illnesses often changed slightly, but the end result was that the only way to save my life would be to cut away my guy bits and make me a girl. I could wail away at the injustice of it all, but in the end, I was always a girl, and it wasn’t my fault! It was a bit of a shock to actually wake up in the middle of one of those fantasies. I did the pinch to check for dreaming bit, but I was on so much pain drug at the time that I it was a few days before I was sure it was real.
In my dreams, though, I never had to deal with the shrinks. They’ve been the biggest pain! Well, okay, the physical pain was probably bigger, but that was getting better all the time. I always assumed I could wail and gnash my teeth about how I didn’t want to be a girl and how cruel life was for having forced me into this. That way, I wouldn’t have to admit that I had always wanted to be, and it would all be nicely out of my hands. In the real situation, though, I almost protested too much. One of the shrinks started talking about giving me male hormones and having me stay a guy to the rest of the world, even if I didn’t have the bits. I think I almost gave myself away, then. I made a show of facing reality, and made noises about wanting to live as normally as possible, and recognizing that that now meant as a girl. They seemed to buy it, and we’re back on track to my living as a girl. They’ve even started me on girl hormones. I think it would go smoother if I didn’t have to sit down with them so often though.
Physically, I’m feeling better. I got to leave the hospital after a few weeks, and things have been healing since. I still don’t have a great amount of energy, and things still hurt a bit, but nothing like it did at first. It was messy to pee when they first took out the tubes, but that seems better, now too. I have to sit, of course, and wipe up after, so I suppose it’s still messier than it used to be, but probably no worse than for most girls.
Mom and Dad seem to be coping. They give me odd looks, now and then, and I get some amount of sympathy, combined with forced cheerfulness, and a considering look. I wonder if they suspect how little I mind this, sometimes. They made arrangements for me to go to a different high school than I’d planned. It’s still close by, but there won’t be many of the kids I know from junior high there. I hadn’t really started puberty before the accident, so I don’t look that out of place dressed as a girl. And speaking of that, I have to go with mom now to shop for school uniforms. I’ll have to remember to roll my eyes at the skirts. It’s expected, you see.
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Great writing; love the "I'll have to remember to roll my eyes." Even if this is an entry for the end of summer thing, I absolutely want to read more of this story!
"She was born for all the wrong reasons but she grew up for all the right ones." Bacci e tanto affeto, Dio ti Benedicta! 'drea
Love, Andrea Lena
Thanks! This was written as
Thanks! This was written as a standalone piece, and I'm not sure where it goes from here, as I don't really plan on continuing it.
Per favore?
Seriously, I had someone ask me about a similar situation. I understand and reluctantly accept, but only if you promise to write more stories, okay? You're not only talented, but clever and entertaining...sorry, still trying to change your mind, yes? No, just wanting to enjoy more from someone whom I respect and admire...sorry, still trying to influence you....Mi Dio, this could go on forever. Will keep my eyes open for stories, yes?

"She was born for all the wrong reasons but she grew up for all the right ones." Bacci e tanto affeto, Dio ti Benedicta! 'drea
Love, Andrea Lena
Dear Miranda
I think it would make a great poem!
Take another look at the structure!
In my dreams, though,
I never had to deal with the shrinks.
They’ve been the biggest pain!
Well, okay, the physical pain was probably bigger,
But that was getting better all the time.
Always assumed I could wail and gnash my teeth.
About how I didn’t want to be a girl.
How cruel life was for having forced me into this.
That way, I wouldn’t have to admit that I had always wanted to be,
It would all be nicely out of my hands.
In the real situation, though, I almost protested too much.
One of the shrinks started talking about giving me male hormones
Having me stay a guy to the rest of the world,
Even if I didn’t have the bits.
I think I almost gave myself away, then.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Rita, I'm afraid I'm one of
Rita, I'm afraid I'm one of those literary Luddites that thinks poetry has to have a rhyme structure. I'm aware of the concept of free verse, but I view it with suspicion. :)
Lucky kid !
Well it is not exactly a new idea as it has been used several times before, but you have to agree that for someone who wanted to change and had fantasised about this happening, it was a lucky accident.
In RL there would be some more balanced weighing up of for and against of course. Never forget the Law of Unintended Consequences!
I thought it was decent i
I thought it was decent i think it could use more detail tho.
>>>>>I'm a new soul.I came to this strange world.Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take.<<<<<
>>>>>I'm a new soul.I came to this strange world.Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take.<<<<<
Thanks! It could have been
Thanks! It could have been more detailed, but that would have required a change of format. I wanted to write it as a fourteen year old might write in one session, reflecting on the summer. If I'd opted for a journal format, over many days, or a third person narrative, it would have had to have more detail. But it wouldn't have gone from concept to posting in an hour, either.
What, you mean I'm not the
What, you mean I'm not the only person to ever have those fantasies?! Oh, dear.
And yeah, RL would be more complicated. I think it's fair that some of the back and forth would have been done by older and supposedly wiser heads, while our protagonist was recovering. Yes, they'd involve her, too, and she alludes to some sessions with the shrinks without going into much detail. But she gets to gloss over the parts she doesn't want to dwell on, too.
The Essay Is The Thing
Full marks, Miranda, for a well-composed and literate essay. You will go far if you keep on writing like this. I'm giving you an "A" for your lively treatment of an old theme. As a piece of personal advice please remember to sit with your knees together,
J. Barbarella (Ms.)
Thanks. Though I did try to
Thanks. Though I did try to throw out the essay writing advice I got in high school and do this in a more disorganized fashion. Guess old habits are hard to break.
Just a few quick
words to say well done with your short story Maybe it has been done before, But then tnat is true of most stories and lets not fortget that every author has a different take on any given situation in any story, And i have to say Miranda, That i did enjoy reading your nice well written story
Thanks! And yeah, if the
Thanks! And yeah, if the premise having been done before was enough to doom a story, then we wouldn't need more than one Regency Romance, now would we, and yet my bookshelves say otherwise.
Drea, This Is A Lot Like A Janet Stickney Story
Where a young man has an accident that destroys his manhood, the doctor helps him, now her to cope with the change. Me, I'd like to se this new girl coping with her new image
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I'm not Drea, but I don't
I'm not Drea, but I don't think I recall many stories on this theme, actually. I did click on the Janet Stickney link in the authors list to see if I could find the story you mentioned, but it seems none of her stories are currently online, here.
Our protagonist isn't really having a hard time coping with her new image, yet, as it's largely a dream come true for her. I imagine she has some bumps ahead of her, but they're outside the scope of this story, so not my problem.
Very well writen little ditty.
Technically, I'm aware of the fact that many people have some fantasies that echo my own. But when I come across something like this... well... let's just say that it seems as though you've found a way to look into my most private thoughts. Spooky, to say the least.
Thanks, but there's no need
Thanks, but there's no need for tinfoil hats! Really, I'm not peeping into your brain. :) I certainly cycled through many variations on this fantasy when I was younger, and many other TS folks I've talked to have, as well.
"facing reality"
Nice show of reluctance, to avoid the embarrassment of admitting one really wanted to be female all along.
Nice as an essay a student might be asked to write in one of her first writing assignments.
-- Daphne Xu