Well, it's that time of year -- time for teachers to demand a report on summer activities, at least, it's traditional in North America to do so. So, here's the deal, a contest that isn't a contest.
Last Day To Get Your Assignment In!
Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to write a short story, first person, about something interesting in a transgender way happening to your main character. Stories should be standalone/solo but may involve series characters, in a non-canon way if desired.
Responses to the challenge will be accepted during the first three weeks of September 2009. I have a way planned to acknowledge excellence, creativity and fun for the last week+ of the month but there are no prizes and everyone who enters lets the readers win!
Remember, first person, standalone, complete, short story about a transgender experience during the summer. (Southern hemisphere writers can substitute the winter if they like.) No prizes, so no pressure, right? There's a category/keyword/tag under contests for entries in this challenge.
Go for it!
The challenge ends September 21, 2009, but of course, you can write more such stories after and tag them with the Back-to-School category, they just won't be eligible for the non-existent prizes in this non-contest. :) And older stories that fit the theme can now be added to the category, if the author wishes. I'll sort out a few of entries for some recognition by the end of September or before but I have to say, this was a VERY good challenge, lots of good stories posted and it helped make September, 2009 the leading month for standalone stories, ever, so far. :) Thanks to all authors, commenters and readers. -- Erin
So, Erin
No multi parters?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Story ideas for the stunted muse.
I saw this and thought I'd try to jumpstart some ideas. So I went on a pic search and came up with a few plot ideas. Follow the link below.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
joy joy
happy happy joy joy; let the bloodletting begin....
when a door is closed, a window opens somewhere
Whatever path is chosen, live to experience at its fullest.
It's funny
Everytime I see one of these it's...Oh God, not... I mean school, come on, that's something I escaped 20 odd years ago.. if barely. And yet, an idea pops up... who knows if it will go anywhere, but maybe. Then the other side is.. oh... well who would care if I did.. or didn't as the case may be. Self worth and ego... it's a constant battle. Not sure if anyone/side ever wins either.
But hey... I think I can... they love me, they love me not... I think I can....
ps... it's Spring here as of today.
Spring - today, Kris?
Isn't. I mean maybe unofficially; here people think of September 1 as the start of autumn, but it really starts on the equinox, which is 22 September. But I always liked to start Spring early too; autumn, not so much.
Now get on that story. Some of us are waiting for more of your stories.
hey could be
But months is easier than them Equi-whosises. Story? Oh, have to see if that grows at all. There'll be sumfin' though sooner or later. By the way Autumn in Sydney is lovely, maybe the nicest season.
Um, Mrs. Teacher Lady?
When you say I got to turn my story in during the first three weeks of September, does that mean by midnight of the 19th, or three full weeks which would be the 22nd? I wanna know how long I can fool around and watch cartoons before I got ta start working on my assignment? (Title: SUE DUNLEY LAST SUMMER)
~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
old stories on same subject?
Question, after a contest is over can an author tag a story that is not eligible for a contest by date of creation but otherwise fits?
For example my story "My Report, How I Spent my Summer" from January of 2008 would fit the theme but it is an old story.
Didn't see tag
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
From Carmen Benvenuto, age 11
My dog ate my homework!
"She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones." Che Dio ti benedica! 'drea
Love, Andrea Lena
oh well
I'm not so good with time limits of late but it'll turn up eventually. It's the thought that counts right? Oh... actions speak louder... bloody aphorisms. Sigh... I'll get there.