Not What You Expected -2- First Afternoon

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By Joannebarbarella
This is a short chapter to let people know about obedience and maids.

Things need planning you know.


What a morning! First my plane was delayed and then when I came home expecting to surprise my husband I don’t know who got the bigger surprise.

It’s amazing but already I have trouble thinking of him as (him). She makes such a lovely girl and given my sexual predilections I just about wet myself thinking of taking her to bed. When I see her in that neat white lacy top, swishy black skirt, dark nylons and high heels, with her face done so nicely and framed by that blonde wig I just want to throw her on her back and climb on top of her.

“You know I came home for the express reason of ravishing you when I found out the plane was going to be late, don’t you?”

“Do you still want to? Now that you found me like this?”

“Even more so. I’m planning to have wild uninhibited sex with you and I can hardly wait. Why don’t you go upstairs and get ready while I make a couple of phone calls to make sure we don’t get disturbed.”

Tanya did as she was told. She should have, of course, because I had made her promise to obey me in all things. However, I have always found that the best way to get somebody to obey you is to give them instructions that they WANT to obey. If I told you to kill someone you would probably be reluctant, whatever you had promised. If I told you to hug them you would find it much easier. I wanted Tanya to find it easy to do what I told her.

I’m not actually into this dom/sub stuff. Who needs a robot? I want a living, breathing, responsive, loving person on the other end of my affection.

I watched her go upstairs and marveled at how she moved with such feminine grace already, hips swiveling, feet placed one in front of another. I would have sworn she was born a woman. It wasn’t just the clothes and appearance either. Even her voice was different. Her whole attitude had changed. You know that hoary old chestnut about a weight being lifted from someone’s shoulders. Well, you really could see it happen to her. She stood straighter, shoulders back, head held high, proud to be herself.

Even though my husband Tom had always seemed a happy man there was something extra about Tanya. I could feel the sheer exuberance radiating out all over, a joy in having been released from a bad dream. A wave of love surged through me. Everything felt so RIGHT.

I went to phone my mum again, but first I rang the airline and postponed my trip for a month. They had the cheek to tell me there was a $50 booking penalty, but that hardly mattered to me now. When I had dealt with them I got on to my mum and told her that the biggest renovation and redecoration job I had ever come across had just popped up in front of me when I got home this morning and I couldn’t refuse the assignment, so, sorry, I was going to have to put off my trip. She asked me how Tom felt about it and I said he would be deeply involved in the project, and was all for it, but was terribly sorry that my trip had been cut short. After about fifteen minutes talking my mum wound down and we kissy-kissed goodbye.

I rushed upstairs to where I had told my darling to wait for me. So much to do and so little time!

She was lying on the bed stark naked, breast-forms still in place and face and wig intact, earrings dangling. God, she looked gorgeous. I took her hands and pulled her up.

“Now I’m going to get real kinky.” I couldn’t help giggling, as I went to my drawers.

I pulled out two black maximiser bras, two black suspender belts, and sheer black stockings to match and told her to put a set on. While she did that I stripped off and redressed until I was standing in my own stockings, suspender belt, bra and heels. I told her to put her shoes back on and we stood facing each other. Now her cock was sticking straight out. I reckon I could have hung a couple of hangers with clothes on them without bending it, it was so hard, and I was as horny as hell too.

“You told me earlier that when you made love to me you imagined you were a beautiful woman making love to a beautiful woman. Now, beautiful woman, make love to me.”

I pushed her back onto the bed and looked at her cock standing vertical, but not for too long, as I lowered myself on to it. It was my turn to imagine that I was a beautiful woman being made love to by a beautiful woman. It didn’t take too much imagination. She was beneath me with her bra pushing her breasts up and that lovely face looking up at me with parted lips and eyes half-closed. I didn’t have to try. My vaginal muscles went into overdrive and she tried to ram her dick through my spine. We had had great sex before but this beat everything. She released with a huge shudder and I received everything, my plumbing seeming to inhale what she gave me, while my body spasmed through every fibre of my being from my hair to my toes, electric shocks and tingles in the nerve ends, my skin alive.

I collapsed on top of her and then rolled to one side, putting both arms around her and pulling her close as I kissed her.

“Now do you believe I still love you?”

“Oh, yes,” she said, “And I love you too. I’m so grateful you don’t hate me. I don’t know why you don’t, but I’m not going to argue.”

“Now you have to promise to stay with me for the rest of your life, or I really will make you into my maid, and I’ll make you wear one of those frilly little uniforms all the time.”

She giggled.

“I really would like that, wearing the uniform I mean. I’ve always rather fancied being a French maid. I just love fishnets and those heels are to die for. But you know what French maids are supposed to do. They’re anybody’s. Do you want me to be waving my pussy at everyone in sight? We actually swore a vow that we would forsake all others until death do us part. I don’t want to break that vow. Do you?”

“Of course not. You’re mine and I don’t actually care if you’re a disobedient little minx. Now shut up and let me suck your cock. This is so good. I get a permanent wet on just thinking we’re going to be doing this for the rest of our lives. Mmmmmm. Mmmmmm. Mmmmmm.”

A bit later we lay holding each other and nuzzling and kissing.

“We have to start thinking about the practical kind of things,” I said. “The one thing I’m going to insist on is that you never wear male clothes again. You’re a girl now. You always were a girl and we’re not going to compromise on that, are we?”

“I don’t want to, but what are we going to do about your mum and mine, and our friends? How will I cope with that?”

“What I’m thinking is that we can keep you under wraps for a while. You’re pretty good in some departments but you need a bit of coaching before you can be let out on your own. How about you being my friend Tanya, who has just come back from overseas and is staying with me? We can keep our mothers at bay for a while, but we’ll have to come clean eventually. I just want us to be ready when we do. By the way, are you OK with Tanya? I rather think it suits you.”

“I really like it, but can I be Tanya Catherine. I always wanted to be like you and now I can be. What are we going to say about Tom?”

She’s so sweet. I’m so going to enjoy helping her to fulfill herself and she’s already lost Tom. He’s history. I felt a twinge for the boy I loved but I’ve got something better now.

”We’ll say he’s gone on a course in Melbourne since we’re between assignments, and of course you can be Tanya Catherine. I’m flattered. God, all the things we have to do. We really are going to be busy. We have to change your documents, get your hair done properly, get your ears pierced, get you a new wardrobe, voice training, deportment, nails, oh, lots and lots of things, and we have to talk about how far you want to go. But first I’m going to fix your eyebrows.”

“What do you mean? How far do I want to go.”

I threw her one of my dressing gowns, a nice satin pink one, and slipped into an ivory housecoat before pulling her over to the make-up table. I rummaged around until I found the tweezers and the wax and tilted her head back. I started to pluck while I talked to her.

“You have choices now. One thing you have no choice about is that you are a girl, like it or not. I like it and there’s absolutely no doubt that you like it. Physically you can stay as you are with a few tweaks, which I hope you will do anyway, like having electrolysis to get rid of your beard and plumping up your lips. That will make you look really nice. The downside is that as you get older you will inevitably become more male. Or you could go sort of halfway, take hormones, have breast implants but keep your cock. Or you can go the whole hog and become as much of a woman as you can be and turn in your tool for a vagina. It’s up to you. I know which I would prefer you to do but I’m not going to say until you tell me your druthers.“

“Ow! That hurt,” as I plucked out a long hair. “I think I’d like to go all the way. It’s time my body was in tune with me. After all, I can start with hormones and stop If I change my mind, can’t I?”

I stopped plucking for a minute and gave her a real kiss.

“That’s fine with me, my love, as long as you’re sure.”

“I’m sure. You wouldn’t believe how much I’ve read about the procedures, dreaming that one day I could become a girl right through. One thing though; if I don’t have a cock will you still love me?”

I laughed. “Then we’ll be real lesbians, won’t we? Of course I’ll still love you, silly. We’re both in on this journey.”

I finished plucking and applied the wax strips. She yelped when I pulled them off. I looked at my handiwork and it was good. I swiveled the chair round so she could see in the mirror, her eyes widened, making her brows arch even more. It was a delightful effect.

“Wow! It really makes a difference, doesn’t it.” She gave me a delighted child-like smile, which melted my heart.

“How about seconds, then?” I nodded towards the bed.

It was her turn to laugh. “Let me make us a sandwich first. I need fuel.”

We went down to the kitchen, arms around each other, soulmates.

She began to get out the makings, when the entry-door from the laundry opened.

“Tom! Tommy! Are you home, dear?” It was his mother.

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Nice start! I'm glad you're

Nice start! I'm glad you're not going the dom/sub route, I like this better!


"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America

"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America

Yes, Thank You

Thank you for clarifying that this will not be femdom. This has the potential to be a lot of fun.

Still concerned

She says she isn't into the dom/sub stuff. Then she starts issuing orders he has to obey without question or she really will make him be the maid. As the saying goes, "Power corrupts". That just passed my comfort level.

Damaged people are dangerous
They know they can survive

The Power Of Love

I must admit to some initial trepidation over the D/S business, but I think this chapter clarifies things greatly.

The only "power" in this situation is the power of the love in their relationship. Previously mentioned, early in the first chapter, neither of these two have any financial needs. I think that takes a lot of abandonment issues off the table as a factor in "coercion." Also, it's quite clear that there are no revenge motives in this story. Each partner seems to be the other's wet dream of an ideal mate.

If they want to play at D/S games, within their loving relationship, there's nothing sadistic or coercive about it. This might turn out to be one of those very rare stories in TG-fiction-land that treat "power exchange" in a realistic and positive manner.

Now, the real issue is why does Tom-Mom have a key, and why doesn't she ask permission before coming over? Definite disrespect for privacy issue there, especially with a young couple married only a year!

Ah, well. This makes it all her own fault! Hello, Tanya-Mom! *giggle*

Um, where'd we leave those smelling salts? What do you mean we don't have any?

IMHO..still mixed messages.

IMHO..still mixed messages. In this chapter there is traditional sex even tho there is a crossing shadow tis still man-woman sex. Is the wife here Bi ? will she -have needs- in the future ? Showing off the hidden husband-maid .. a trend toward humiliation?

and mom ? will she be furious or join in making her -new little girl- ?

Nothing all that clear here...

Looking forward to the scenes from your mind's eye...

Yikes, withheld, that's a twitchy comfort level

Personally I love well-done stories about BDSM S/D et al; it's in the real world where domination sticks in my craw. And my craw is run ragged from everyday life. Guess you must feel that too, at least as much as I.
I very much like the gentle touch in this story though, people only playing at playing at power games. It's hard to write a warm loving story without it getting icky, and this is a nice approach - at least for some of us.


I hope you are going to continue this one?

Hi Joanne, I was just getting interested, hope to see some more!

Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)


Secrets out sooner then later


Tom/Tanya's secret is out sooner then he and Catherine wanted. How will Mom react? Perhaps she knew about the cross-dressing and never said anything about it.

Thanks for moderating the obedience/maid part of the story. It seems Tanya is willing to go along with some fun and games and that Catherine will only take it so far. She seems to be truly in love and will not do anything so harsh as to loose her love.

Only question is what will happen to the business? A trip can only cover things up for a short time. Tom can not completely disappear since he has family that he apparently does not want to loose.

As for Mom having a key, I do not think it unusual? Perhaps Mom wanted to surprise Tom, knowing Catherine was out of town and take him to lunch or something similar. A call would have been nice, but this is not something totally out of the ordinary.




Great Expectations

terrynaut's picture

Hey. This is moving along well. I love the little zing at the end. Oh oh!

Tanya and Catherine seem so good together. They're a wonderful pair.

One thing I have to wonder about though is why Catherine didn't find out sooner. I'd have thought Tom would've found out about his wife's sexual preference long ago and then they would've arrived at this point so much earlier in their lives. In other words, you're a big meanie! *giggle*

So it looks like there'll be a next time, and we can all say, one mother down, one to go.

Thanks and please keep up the good work.

- Terry

Very nicely done

Glad the D/S was turned down a bit - or was that your original intention? Like the cliffhanger with Mum. Though even my Mum didn't have a key to our place. Of course, maybe the door was unlocked. Still, if she hadn't been able to get in, we'd have no cliffhanger!


You're on a roll. This

You're on a roll. This Tanya/Catherine tale has the makings of a great tour de force. I eagerly look forward to more chapters.

I Have To Confess

joannebarbarella's picture

I never really intended to make this a sub/dom type story. I was just using it as a teaser in the first episode. If I had turned everybody off I would probably not have continued the story.

I was trying to convey that Cathy has a sense of humour. It worked for some but not for others.

In fact I don't think I could write a story with a scenario like that. This is an entry in the Summer Romance competition and will be based on the power of love. I just try not to get too sloppy :-)

I thank everybody who took the trouble to read and comment. It's nice,

my favorite line

laika's picture

We went down to the kitchen, arms around each other, soulmates...

While there was a lot of sexy and loving stuff in this chapter the simplicity and matter-of-factness of this line got to me. Such a sweet dream.

Now what happens? The mom comes in and does them both in a raunchy incestuous BDSM 3-way?

Okay yuck, sick & not funny. Tho' it sure would raise some eyebrows 'round here...
~~~hugs 4HB! Laika

"You can either fly Over the Rainbow or Under the Radar but you can do both..."

I was kinda hoping.....

.... that Tom wasn't wanting to go for full gender ressignment..... i'd prefer him to stop as tanya with the added extras that two lesbians can use to heir hearts' content!! However, it's a beautiful scenario! I'm anxious to read more! G xx