I think all T folk want to know the big WHY of it all. To test my own understanding of what I just read, it seems that in T folk, we experience certain smells the way that women do. I hope I live long enough to see this so firmly resolved that even the religious perverts who have greviously injured so many of us will finally be SHUT UP !
I have no idea what is meant by "nonhomosexual male to female transsexual". It's not an unambiguous description because that pond has had the mud stirred up in it too many times.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
nonhomosexual male to female transsexual
What the hell does sexual preference have to do with it anyway? About as relevant as whether someone likes strawberry or vanilla (I am leaving chocolate out of it, THATS RELEVANT!)
You really have to ask whats at the root of these phobes, what drives these people?
"nonhomosexual male to female transsexual"
This is a way for clinicians to say, "We're not creating women out of gay men."
It addresses the idiocy that any transsexual who isn't heterosexual before transition, and somehow, magically, heterosexual (poof!) ~after~ transition, is "just a homosexual trying to avoid his/her sexuality."
I ran into this in the 70s and 80s and it's a belief system still followed by many psychiatrists.
there's no convincing some folks
Interesting findings, but I fear it's nothing that would convince your diehard ignant bigots.
They'd just call this ability a "lifestyle choice" or some such shit & keep on yammering...
~~~*sigh*, tho' I'd love to be wrong about this... //// Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Death, the big event horizon.
I am not anything but an obsessive old Electrician. Being obsessive kept me alive in spite of the terror I felt doing the job. Now that I am done with that, I have way too much time to think.:) I didn't major in Psych, Anthropology, Literature, or any of those Accademic disciplines. So, maybe I don't have a right to a voice in the mind of some.
For me, my gender is female, and my sexual attraction is toward Males, or maybe slightly BI. I just don't have much sexual drive, and a little rubbing once a month seems to be adequate. I do crave being touched, and to have an emotional connection with a Man to the extent that it almost feels like a disability sometimes. Much to my surprise, I seem to lack the ability to be a BDSM Slut, gasp! I just could not do any of that with anyone who I was not strongly emotionally attracted. Most people here think I am a Nun, so maybe that is my lot. :(
Interestingly, one article I read says that about 25% of MtF girls are Lesbian; much lower than I would have thought from the conversations I have had on BC.
It is with some mirth that I look at myself when I finished the article. My first thought was to get some of the stuff they were smelling so that I could learn the correct response so if I was ever tested, I could get my story straight. LOL
From the context of the article, it seems like they have an EEG machine on the subject and then have them smell the two different substances. Much investigation to do yet. I wonder if my smell responses have changed since I started with E?
Something is smelling funny here...
I wonder where the Swedes dug up that idea...
The read was interesting, it did remind me of some scientific research done on brain sizes and (in another research) secondary effects of HRT.
Mixed with the current article I'm inclined to draw the following conclusions:
- MtF do have a different brain activity pattern (very much like natal females) while on HRT (Control group of Males doesn't)
- a PET scan was used to see their findings, but fail to mention the brain sizes (MtFs tend to have a female sized brain, whereas control subjects didn't)
In relation to this, the androstadienone (4,16-androstadien-3-one) is a molecule present in the sweat of men (see this link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17287500 )
Hence the statement of nonhomosexual MtFs...
So to mess up this research I would like to mention that I think that nearly every person is bi-sexual, however nurture often tries to change that. But Nature just is...
Now the non-scientific bit: reading through several mailing lists and fora, I think it's safe to conclude that MtFs do notice a change in smelling responses when on HRT... I did find the questions about it returning regularly. So... You need to be on the cross-gender hormones to react accordingly... Hence, it's not the cause of TS, but a result. (@Mildred, you're right!)
Gwendolyn, you wanted to test? Find a sweaty male, a sweaty (natal!) female, a PET scanner (I doubt the cat on the scanner will do), and start sniffing away... :-)
Scientists... They're a funny bunch!
We actually have proof...
>> nearly every person is bi-sexual
Pederasty, the homosexual use of young boys as sexual partners, was at one time nearly universal in certain Greek societies, at least in the upper classes, and situational homosexuality is very common in men's prisons, at least.
Among the Spartans in particular, as referenced in the comic book (graphic novel?) and film, 300, about the Battle of Thermopylae, warriors were expected to be homosexual, on the theory that a man would be loath to display cowardice before his lover, and would fight to the death to protect him.
This uncomfortable fact was suppressed in the movie, but history records that the men were "Sworn Companions," most often an older man in a pederastic relationship with a younger one, and a historical reference point to remember when some people, ignorant of history, falsely claim that homosexual marriages have no historical basis.
On the other hand, we know that what we would now call transsexuality and intersex conditions were well-known in antiquity, and the Talmud contains several lengthy discussions which appear to be an examination of the difference between the two states, and how each should be humanely treated in law and custom.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
hormone influence
Interesting, I already found few articles like that, but i wonder ... if any of this is related to the hormonal balance, being on hormones changes the result of these studies. So ... Can we conclude on anything?
The chocolate test
How relevant IS chocolate? and is there a statistically significant correlation between gender and chocolate?
Any takers for a doctoral thesis? Ladies, I'm afraid you will need to suspend any chocolate related diets in the interest of this important scientific research work.
Note: Whilst this comment is meant in jest, there's nothing to say that there's not a nugget (nougat?) of truth in it!
>> Chocolate Test
They have a web site. All sorts of stuff there, but the site is clearly designed to appeal to women.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Interesting . . .
The article is interesting and seems to support other studies involving differential brain development between the sexes/genders. As for convincing bigots? I'm not holding my breath. A bigot is a bigot is a bigot, is a ...
Peace -
Psychologist, Psychiatrists, LCSW's
When I began my journey into the real of counseling and perhaps pursuing a doctorate in psychology One of the basic taught is that there are nine theories relevant to mental behavior. Then they add that once we have completed our studies we will creat our own theory.
The common person does not study the brain they listen to the supposedly educated and mae an inference into what hey think is correct. For years, well before most of us were born there was an assumtion that any male wanting to dress or be a female must be (in archiac terms) queer.
The general public as uniformed as they were took that assumption to be gospel.
Since then educated people have discovered relative differences in genders and in those who are not content with their birth gender assignment. it was easy before blood test beame refined. Look between the legs and make the announcement hat one has a boy or girl child.
Our best way to rid the archiac thinking is educate the masses. We can do it enmasse or one at a time. I'm doing it one at a time, well not really, small groups.
One thing I've learned by reading is that the population statistics mimic each other when sud dividing by social ciltures. Its amazing of the corrolation of transperople to "normal" people. The percentages of gays is the same, as with other sexual desires.
Okay, I find certain smells to get me to react and get my libido in an uproar, but I also get the same results from chocolate. Chocolate does not insult me. it does not ask me to do things I will say no to. It makes me feel good after eating it. It does not fall asleep in front of the television amd ignore me.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.