Here is a neat web page done by a trans woman. I hate using that term but must because if I just called her a woman, as I call myself, you would think that she knew nothing.
This highlights the struggle of larger T folk very well. I know that they can not change what is in their heads and they are stuck with a body that they feel considerable pain over. My only, heart felt, suggestion is to do the best you can.
In the above link there are some T girls that you may be familiar with. I was going to have butt surgery at the same time I did SRS but I just ran out of money, and nothing short of being rescued by Donald Trump or a Saudi prince can help it, and even then I may be too late.
Being intersexed myself; to an unknown degree, I kept a very good hip, waist, bust ratio for most of my life until I began to gain weight after 50. I struggled to keep the same dimensions in spite of the weight gain until the Doc told me that a person like me puts weight on inside the abdominal cavity. It is the most dangerous place to gain weight because it crowds the internal organs. So now, it is with the utmost urgency that I struggle to shed the last 25 or 30 pounds. The Doc says I am extreme danger of a heart attack unless I do it and very soon.
Wow, it's all too short for me!
Since I'm a hair over 75.5 inches tall, I guess I'm a bit more than the average, huh? Oh well, I've always considered above average-in height, intellect and ugliness!
Don't sweat it is my advice
Don't sweat it is my advice Wren. I'm just under 74 inches and spend most of my working day in 2 to 3 inch heels making me anywhere from 76 to 77 inches tall. I'm slightly shorter than one of my female cousins and only slightly taller than a female friend. I'm not even the tallest woman in the office building in which I work, nor do I have the least traditionally female bodyshape. In fact, the most naturally beautiful transwoman I've ever seen was slightly taller than me.
Yes, we are a 'bit more than the average' but I prefer to see it as better than average. :-)
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
I stand at 66 inches tops. Chest 34, waist 27, hips 33. Got measured for a tux once and the tailor jokingly told me it would be easier to fit me with a gown.
Sounds like
the build of a fencer or a swimmer...
When I fitted my son's kilt & shirt for his Sr. Prom (was that 5 years ago? Oh my!), I ended up taking 2 4 inch darts in the shirt & vest, and we never got the kilt to hang quite right. It was cut & stitched for a typical man's build, eg. 3 to 5 inches difference in waist to hip. My son started fencing at 12, danced, etc. He had a 36" chest with broad shoulders, a 28" waist, and 39" hips...
His wife says that when they are out & he's wearing a kilt & moderately tight shirt, boys and girls watch him...